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  31. <h2 class="h1_small">Database schema is not up to date!</h2>
  32. <p class="lead">The b2evolution files are present on your server, but it seems the database is not yet set up as expected.</p>
  33. <p class="lead">For more information, please visit our <a href="" class="text-nowrap">Getting Stated / Installation Guide</a>.</p>
  34. </div>
  36. <p>This is b2evolution version 7.2.5-stable.</p>
  37. <p>You cannot use the application before you finish configuration and installation.</p>
  38. <p><div class="alert alert-danger"><p>Database schema is not up to date!</p><p>You have schema version &laquo;8820&raquo;, but we would need &laquo;16170&raquo;.</p></div></p>
  39. <p>Please use the installer to finish your configuration/installation now.</p>
  40. <p>On most installations, the installer should be <a href="install/index.php">here</a> (but I can&#39;t be sure since I have no config info available! :P)</p>
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