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  5. <title>Horace 'Kicker' Vallas - FINALLY Retired LOL</title>
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  9. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
  10. <meta name="description" content="Just a splash page to let folks know that I've retired and that hav.Software is, effectively, closed for business - however, past clients and customers are welcome to contact me. If you're interested in buying either the or domain names, please submit an offer in writing."/>
  11. <meta name="keywords" content="hav.Software, Horace 'Kicker' Vallas , Neural Networks, havChat, havFMnet, havBPnet,havFMnetJ, havBPnetJ, havIndex, classical guitar"/>
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  27. <!--<img src="./kicker-prof1.jpg" style="float:right;width: 30%;height: auto;margin: 10px;padding: 0px;border: #003366 medium solid;-moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-webkit-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-khtml-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;" clear="right" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" />-->
  28. <img src="./kicker-prof1.jpg" style="float:right;width: 30%;height: auto;margin: 10px;padding: 0px;border: #003366 medium solid;-moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-webkit-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-khtml-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" onClick="newImagePopupWithBlur1('./cover.jpg', '600px', '611px', 'Ok - Caught Me LOL');" onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  29. <h1>Kicker's Retired :-)</h1>
  30. Hi - thanks for dropping by ... and yup, I've retired.
  31. <br/><br/>
  32. For friends, I'm still <a href="">Faced</a> and <a href="">Tubed</a> and, of course, <a href="">email</a> still works <strong>;-)</strong>
  33. <br/><br/>
  34. <!--I mean, the last <nws>html "[expr [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y}] - 1984]"</nws> years of Internet related stuff have been interesting - and, I guess, a sort of fun way to close a <nws>html "[expr [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y}] - 1977]"</nws> year software career HA HA! <br/><br/>-->
  35. I mean, the last 28 years of Internet related stuff have been interesting - and a sort of fun way to close a 45+ year software career HA HA!
  36. <br/><br/>
  37. Oh heck, it's all been fun ... wellll - mostly fun heh heh ... I think the MOST fun I had online over the years was the <strong><i>TennisPensacola site</i></strong> ... a LOT of fun .. sadly, I took it down when I shut down my server - so here's a <a href="" target="_blank">Wayback</a>.. It was a fun 10 years or so ... <strong><i>But HEY!</i></strong> ... the second most fun site I've done is still up and going strong: <a href="" target="_blank">BackBeNimble</a> ... HA HA! Took it over @ '95 or '96 in it's first (or maybe second) incarnation - then rebuilt it - and rebuilt it again ... now on its 3rd or maybe 4th incarnation and STILL going strong HA!
  38. <br/><br/>
  39. AAAaanyway, except for occasional tweaks or various odds and ends on BBN, I'm done! But HEY! If you're fighting any sort of bodily discomfort, be sure to take a look at <a href="" target="_blank" >BackBeNimble</a> - the personal <a href="" target="_blank">Dual Channel TENS unit</a> helped get me through several nasty bouts of sciatica <i>heh heh</i> - and BTW, touch base with Brad over at BBN if you have any questions - he can be terrifically helpful.
  40. <br/><br/>
  41. <img src="./kicker-prof.jpg" style="float:left;width: 30%;height: auto;margin: 20px;padding: 0px;border: #003366 medium solid;-moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-webkit-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-khtml-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;" vspace="40" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" />
  42. <br/>
  43. <blockquote>
  44. <h1>Offers for the name</h1>
  45. <br/>
  46. <strong></strong> <i>I get a <strong>LOT</strong> of offers to buy the name - most, apparently, from name brokers or site developers - and most around the $30K range.
  48. <img src="./AA82nd-125x160.jpg" style="float:right;width: 30%;height: auto;margin: 10px;padding: 0px;border: #003366 medium solid;-moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-webkit-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-khtml-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;" vspae="20" alt="82nd Airborne Div." />
  50. <br/><br/>
  52. So, if you're looking to buy the name, just know that <strong></strong> has been my online persona for the last 26 <!--<nws>html "[expr [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y}] - 1996]"</nws>--> years or so - well, since @ 1996 anyway - and, while I'd be willing to sell, it <strong>will</strong> take a rather astronomical offer to convince me to do so ... just sayin' ...
  53. </i></blockquote>
  54. <a href="./KickerContact.vcf"><img src="./kickers-vcard.png" style="float: right;margin: 5px;padding: 0px;border: #003366 medium solid;-moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-webkit-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-khtml-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;" height="150" width="150" border"0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="Kicker's VCard QR code" /></a>
  56. <!--<a href="./KickerContact.vcf"><img src="./kickers-vcard.png" style="float: right;margin: 5px;padding: 0px;border: #003366 medium solid;-moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-webkit-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;-khtml-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;" height="150" width="150" border"0" hspace="5" vspace="1" alt="Kicker's VCard QR code" /></a><br/><br/>-->
  57. <br/>
  58. <blockquote>
  59. <strong><i>Anyway - Thanks - it's been fun! ... I hope this side of the bridge will be as well ...<br/>... I'm thinkin' it will be HA!</i></strong>
  60. </blockquote>
  62. <br clear="right"/>
  63. <img src="./t1.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" onClick="newImagePopupWithBlur1('./ft1.jpg', '800px', '672px',
  64. 'FL Sectional Championships 2013');" onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  65. <img src="./t2.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./ft2.jpg", "800px", "600px", "2013 FL State Champions");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  66. <img src="./t3.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./ft3.jpg", "800px", "587px",
  67. "2013 Pensacola Pink Ribbon - Ready To Engage");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  69. <br clear="left"/>
  70. <img src="./b4.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fb4.jpg", "590px", "800px",
  71. "First 300 With New Track Paradox");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  72. <img src="./b5.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fb5.jpg", "800px", "615px",
  73. "My Best Scratch Series");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  74. <img src="./b2.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fb2.jpg", "549px", "800px",
  75. "Team PAP - K, Trav, John, Sam");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  77. <br clear="left"/>
  78. <img src="./b3a.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace 'Kicker' Vallas"  onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fb3a.jpg", "661px", "631px",
  79. "Denabear and K Reviewing The Music");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  80. <img src="./db1.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace and Denabear Oct 6, 1984"  onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./db1.jpg", "662px", "582px", "Oct 6, 1984 - The BEST Day Of My Life!!");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  81. <img src="./db2.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Horace and Denabear"
  82. onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fdb2.jpg", "548px", "800px", "Even Up A Tree, Denabear Could See Deep Into My Soul");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  84. <br clear="left"/>
  86. <img src="./k1.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Shalako's Sidekick for Kicker - aka Kick-kick" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fk1.jpg", "400px", "328px", "Young Kick-kick");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  87. <img src="./k1a.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Shalako's Sidekick for Kicker - aka Kick-kick" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fk1a.jpg", "800px", "600px", "Even BIG Dogs Need A Nap Now And Then");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  88. <img src="./k2.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Shalako's Sidekick for Kicker - aka Kick-kick" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fk2.jpg", "800px", "691px", "Kick-kick, My Best Bud!");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  90. <br clear="left"/><br/>
  91. <center>HA HA! Found a Wayback of <a href="" target="_blank">Kick-kick's old page</a>!!</center>
  92. <br/><br/>
  94. <img src="./b13.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Bear dudley Vallas" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fb13.jpg", "275px", "282px", "Bear Dudley Vallas");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  95. <img src="./b14.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Bear dudley Vallas" onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fb14.jpg", "275px", "223px", "Bear Dudley Vallas");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  96. <img src="./b9.jpg" class="picDiv" alt="Bear Dudley Vallas - He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince." onClick='newImagePopupWithBlur1("./fb9.jpg", "400px", "296px", "Bear Dudley Vallas");' onmouseover="'pointer'" onmouseout="'default'"/>
  98. <br clear="left"/><br/>
  99. <center>HA! ALSO found a Wayback of <a href="" target="_blank">Bear's old page</a></center>
  100. <br/><br/>
  101. </span>
  103. </div>
  105. <center>
  106. <div style="padding:75% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src=";autopause=0&amp;player_id=0&amp;app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="I dream of you - with dolphins"></iframe></div><script src=""></script>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda