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  399. Live Casino - Play With Live Dealers
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  402. Welcome to our live casino. 7LIVE.ASIA offers a broad range of high-quality Live Casino Products, Such as OPUS GAMING, GAMEPLAY, PLAYTECH, PRAGMATIC PLAY, EVOLUTION GAMING &amp; etc. Play your favourite Casino table games from the comfort of your home with live dealers. Be right in the middle of the action - watch over an online video how the dealer spins the roulette wheel, deals the cards or rolls the dice. All games, including Roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat, are happening for real, nothing is simulated by software, all the results are 100% authentic. Take a seat and feel the thrill of our live casino!
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  407. Mobile Casino - Your Favourite Games On The Go
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  410. In our mobile casino you can now play your favourite games on the go, on your smartphone or tablet. Our mobile casino has been developed for the latest technology, there are no compromises in terms of graphics, sounds or fun - all games are 1:1 transported from computer to mobile phone device. So you&#039;ll enjoy our games on either your iPhone, iPad or your Android smartphone as much as you did on your computer. Currently we offer mobile HTML5 versions and 10 different exciting video slots! Wherever you are, you are only click away from the thrill of our casino games!
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  415. Sportbook - Sports Betting And Live Betting
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  418. 7LIVEASIA Sports Betting brings
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  421. Bet on best Sportsbook products in 7LIVE.ASIA - OPUS SPORTS, 3SING, WBET &amp; etc. We bring you to the best in fixed odds and live sportsbook betting, with hundreds of sports events to choose from and a massive range of multiple bet options for live events. Bet on all matches of the major European Leagues: English Premier League, Italian Serie A, Spanish La Liga or German Bundesliga.
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  429. At GAMES you can enjoy more than 100 games - you can play them all instantly in your browser &amp; mobile, without needing to download any software. Play in our amazing slot machines products - PRAGMATIC PLAY, PLAYTECH, ISOBET, MICROGAMING, QTECH &amp; etc. If you feel like going after Big jackpots, then why don&#039;t you try your luck in our Jackpots Slots.
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  440. <h1>7LiveAsia: Trusted Live Casino in Malaysia and The World
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  443. Playing a live casino is one of the most fun things that you could play. This is because at a live casino you might get a reward by getting a jackpot or big surprise in the live casino site. One of the most renowned sites is 7LiveAsia.
  444.   This article will explain about live casinos in 7LiveAsia as the most trusted and fun gambling site that you could play in your entire life. Let us take a look thereview!
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  446. <h2>
  447. What Kind of Live Casino Games Exist in 7LiveAsia?
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  449. <p>
  450. There are so many games that exist in 7liveAsia. They are high quality and reliable as a live casino site. This list will mention what kind of live casino that exist in 7liveAsia: Gameplay, Playtech, Pragmatic Play, Opus Gaming, Etc</p>
  451. <h3>
  452. Pros of 7liveAsia
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  454. <p>
  455. If you want to satisfy yourself by playing online casinos, 7LiveAsia has many pros and benefits there. One of the most powerful reasons is because 7LiveAsia offers live betting that will make us meet the dealer directly.
  456. </p>
  457. <p>
  458. Besides, live casino in 7LiveAsia makes us watch online videos that display the dealer spinning live roulette directly, so you can feel the live casino just like in a real or offline casino.
  459. </p>
  460. <p>
  461. The other benefit of live casino in 7LiveAsia is that this site doesn’t contain software as the fundamental way of this site. So, you could play it with fun.
  462. </p>
  463. <p>
  464. All of online casinos that you could play in 7LiveAsia are many things, there are games such as Roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat that you could play in this site. Live casino in 7LiveAsia &nbsp;is a live casino &nbsp;that you can play anytime and anywhere.
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  468. <strong>What Other Game Else That We Could Play in 7LiveAsia?</strong> &nbsp;
  469. <p>
  470. There are many live casino that you could play beside online casinos, they are cellular live casino, Sportsbook and Instant Play. Let us review one by one!
  471. </p>
  472. <strong>Cellular live casino</strong>
  473. <p>
  474. Cellular live casino is one of the most popular live casinos in 7LiveAsia. The benefit of this casino is that the casino was designed to make 1: 1 with a computer device, so you could play in real time only with your Android, iOs, and any other cellular. This is why 7LiveAsia &nbsp;is one of the most favourite games in Malaysia and in the world.
  475. </p>
  476. <strong>Sportsbook</strong>
  477. <p>
  478. As an alternative to casino games, Sportsbook is one of the games that you could play in 7LiveAsia . The pros of this site is that you could play live betting so you can guess exactly when the football match ended.
  479. Sportsbook in 7LiveAsia &nbsp;has many &nbsp;football matches, such as Premier League, Serie A (Italian), Spanish La Liga, and German Bundesliga.
  480. </p>
  481. <strong>Instant Play</strong>
  482. <p>
  483. You can be very bored if you only play live casino. Don’t worry! 7LiveAsia has an alternative game that you can play called Instant Play. there are so many instant play that you could use such as: Pragmatic Play, Playtech, Isofbet, Qtech</p>
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  750.        $('.modal-notes').html(`<p>Not yet a member? Click <a href="/id/registration" class="link">here</a> to register now</p><p>If you encounter any issues while logging in, please contact our <a href="#"  onclick="LC_API.open_chat_window();return false" class="link">Customer Service</a> for further assistance.</p>`)
  751. $("#login-form").validate({
  752. rules: {
  753. account_code: {
  754. required: true,
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  757. required: true,
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  768. accountcode: {
  769. required: true,
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  771. email: {
  772. required: true,
  773. email: true,
  774. },
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  796.     $("#modal-login").modal('show')
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  826.    {{#each matches}}
  827.        <tr>
  828.            <td>{{home_team}}</td>
  829.            <td>{{match_date_short_formatted}}</td>
  830.            <td>{{away_team}}</td>
  831.        </tr>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda