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  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><?xml-stylesheet href="" type="text/css"?><feed xmlns='' xmlns:openSearch='' xmlns:blogger='' xmlns:georss='' xmlns:gd="" xmlns:thr=''><id>,1999:blog-2089448281134030654</id><updated>2024-03-13T19:32:16.136-07:00</updated><title type='text'>Edu Base </title><subtitle type='html'></subtitle><link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=''/><link rel='hub' href=''/><author><name>Bam12</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='32' height='24' src='//'/></author><generator version='7.00' uri=''>Blogger</generator><openSearch:totalResults>1</openSearch:totalResults><openSearch:startIndex>1</openSearch:startIndex><openSearch:itemsPerPage>25</openSearch:itemsPerPage><entry><id>,</id><published>2021-08-02T17:43:00.003-07:00</published><updated>2021-08-02T17:43:32.722-07:00</updated><title type='text'>LASU 2020/2021 Online Clearance Closes August </title><content type='html'>&lt;p&gt;Candidates who have been offered admission in the 2020/2021 Academic
  2. Session, but who are yet to do their Online Admission Clearance, are
  3. hereby notified that the Clearance Exercise will close on Monday, 9th
  4. August, 2021.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; Candidates who are yet to do their Online Clearance are therefore required to immediately visit the University Website &lt;a data-ft=&quot;{&amp;quot;tn&amp;quot;:&amp;quot;-U&amp;quot;}&quot; data-lynx-mode=&quot;async&quot; href=&quot;;amp;h=AT2L3vpDpB6c2nLWMXTDvi5PHc3MnAXzuiyicitFHaLVCsCMGj9l-a3Paqa67jQxG-hnXIDNOlEjKHXh3thIqK0pyykDad5KfeZ4HATJ2TnmyfsFDccTl-SepBR_MNR4TQijpXXeAP_77ybHNiTzM0O3Ie2BbYNIs_cWWbXge8q4L7wPrgASMM1gwOPteCWZquZKnmmWjOXfp62GJ4QfZMRPO9LJC3f-cB21qchELG6iaqPEZKz6iIvBHeZhmTplC-pBCIGyEHbpp7aZ-w-4QxyXxqe5JfBbwEannquC8n7ao3jZ4AWicT9N2k7uSAZrkAA2IEbnUPxb9lHkou0Imr_DnmRCX1rcKkkoYHWROD3yGC56mnZUpkYaaBJsWbaAmboqNpY8ulKnGVs19OnccZLtA9ztSKNhOeDRSbCUv4__F-dOXb2Is3zP1FOVn73YuJQoaK8P2d_iB6yfkw6-gUn8Sj4qJYbhTRmpxkfI4HmPj53OzRUfzlE3KUIUA4j38dBEWBooOaHVIPHww87MOCXT9ldxz99Fjj9-_MW30trkWV116_wq_dpHIU_er1ZASo_1EQW2qZ9kNc63ztbJGOpQlbVnokQ&quot; rel=&quot;noopener nofollow&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;, click on &quot;Students Services&quot; and &quot;Click on LACACA&quot; to commence their Clearance.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;
  5. The LACACA, a product of the DICT, is a real-time Application where all
  6. issues and complaints encountered by Candidates are resolved without
  7. delay. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; The DICT is working round the clock to provide the required support to make the process seamless for all concerned.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; Rejected Candidates are to note the reason for rejection as provided on their page and follow the guidelines contained therein.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;
  8. Meanwhile, following the substantial success recorded so far in the
  9. ongoing Online Admission Clearance for newly admitted candidates of the
  10. University,  the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Chairman,  Central
  11. Admission Committee,  Prof. Wahab Elias,  the Admissions Office, under
  12. the leadership Mr Adesola Azeez Rasaq and the DICT, under the leadership
  13. of Dr. Toyin Enikuomehin, have thanked all  stakeholders in the
  14. screening process, including the Provost, Deans,  Heads of Departments,
  15. Faculty Officers and Heads of relevant Non-Academic Departments for
  16. ensuring that the novel initiative by the DICT is successful,  evidenced
  17. by the fact that close to 4000 Candidates have been cleared since 19th
  18. July, 2021 when the process began.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; The Central Admissions team
  19. notes that the Online Clearance App ( LACACA), put in place to ease the
  20. Clearance process by minimizing emerging errors in candidates&#39; details
  21. and to mitigate chances of Covid-19 spread in the University as a result
  22. of large gathering of Candidates,  would have not yielded positive
  23. outcomes without the support and commitment of all stakeholders
  24. especially the Provost, Deans, Faculty officers and, the ICT
  25. Verification and Support Personnels.&lt;/p&gt;</content><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='LASU 2020/2021 Online Clearance Closes August '/><author><name>Bam12</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='32' height='24' src='//'/></author></entry></feed>

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