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Such answers will be removed","Include personal information such as your organization, a customer you're asking on behalf of, or vendor":"Include personal information such as your organization, a customer you're asking on behalf of, or vendor","Include confidential information such as your AWS account ID or workload-specific configurations":"Include confidential information such as your AWS account ID or workload-specific configurations","Ask your question as concisely as possible":"Ask your question as concisely as possible","Provide helpful details that could aid in others providing a good answer":"Provide helpful details that could aid in others providing a good answer","Include prior research or steps you may have taken to attempt to resolve the issue":"Include prior research or steps you may have taken to attempt to resolve the issue","Post questions that include inaccurate information":"Post questions that include inaccurate information","Select tags that are not relevant to the question":"Select tags that are not relevant to the question","Post questions that are not related to AWS":"Post questions that are not related to AWS","Images could not be submitted for review due to an error ${responseErrorMessage}. Please edit your answer, upload the images again and retry.":"Images could not be submitted for review due to an error ${responseErrorMessage}. Please edit your answer, upload the images again and retry.","A good answer clearly answers the question and provides constructive feedback and encourages professional growth in the question asker.":"A good answer clearly answers the question and provides constructive feedback and encourages professional growth in the question asker.","Are you sure you want to delete the article? All information related to it will be deleted as well.":"Are you sure you want to delete the article? 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If you have any question, please contact ":"Your login to {{app}} did not go through. This could happen due to either your AWS account access or {{app}} Community manager has blocked you for violating Community Guidelines. If you have any question, please contact ","Next step - Please verify your email address. Without email verification, you may not be able to post content on {{app}} or perform any operations. Please check your inbox for further instructions.":"Next step - Please verify your email address. Without email verification, you may not be able to post content on {{app}} or perform any operations. Please check your inbox for further instructions.","Your question has been published and is awaiting for answers from community.":"Your question has been published and is awaiting for answers from community.","Images could not be submitted for review due to an error ${responseErrorMessage}. 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For more information please refer to the Community Guidelines section of the {{app}} website","Your text includes wording ( {{words}} ) that is not allowed on {{app}}, please edit it before proceeding.":"Your text includes wording ( {{words}} ) that is not allowed on {{app}}, please edit it before proceeding.","{{app}} supports content in only English language. It seems you are trying to post non-English content, which is not allowed on {{app}}. In future, we may offer support for content in other languages.":"{{app}} supports content in only English language. It seems you are trying to post non-English content, which is not allowed on {{app}}. 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You can read and follow it, but adding new content is disabled.","images-content-prohibited":"The following images contain content that is prohibited on {{ SITE_NAME }} as outlined on the \u003c4 href={{ href }}\u003e{{ guidelines }}\u003c/4\u003e page. If you believe that these images do not violate our community guidelines then you may submit them for review by selecting the continue button below. Please note that these images will not be visible until approved by a member of the {{ SITE_NAME }} Moderation Team","Screen name":"Screen name","Email for notifications":"Email for notifications","If you opted in to receive email notifications, then you'll receive notifications for unanswered questions that relate to the skills you identified. You receive a notification when the question is unanswered for up to 3 days, or because of your previous activity on re:Post. Questions with answers continue to route to community members until an answer is verified.":"If you opted in to receive email notifications, then you'll receive notifications for unanswered questions that relate to the skills you identified. You receive a notification when the question is unanswered for up to 3 days, or because of your previous activity on re:Post. Questions with answers continue to route to community members until an answer is verified.","Images could not be submitted for review due to an error ${responseErrorMessage}. Please edit your article, upload the images again and retry.":"Images could not be submitted for review due to an error ${responseErrorMessage}. Please edit your article, upload the images again and retry.","Here are some of the most frequent questions and answers that we receive from AWS customers with official solutions from AWS Employees":"Here are some of the most frequent questions and answers that we receive from AWS customers with official solutions from AWS Employees","Browse through technical guidance about {{topicName}} to learn more or showcase your expertise.":"Browse through technical guidance about {{topicName}} to learn more or showcase your expertise.","All Questions":"All Questions","All Articles":"All Articles","Unanswered Questions":"Unanswered Questions","Knowledge Centre":"Knowledge Centre","Reuse best practices":"Reuse best practices","RSS feed":"RSS feed","Subscribe to the site's RSS feed to get updates on all new questions and articles":"Subscribe to the site's RSS feed to get updates on all new questions and articles","Your answer was accepted by the question asker":"Your answer was accepted by the question asker","Getting your answer accepted earns you +10 points":"Getting your answer accepted earns you +10 points","Expert input needed":"Expert input needed","Questions that community members haven't answered up to 3 days after the original post are routed to users based on the notification setting that's indicated here. Questions with answers continue to route to community members until an answer is verified.":"Questions that community members haven't answered up to 3 days after the original post are routed to users based on the notification setting that's indicated here. Questions with answers continue to route to community members until an answer is verified.","A reminder to review answers and accept the best answer to your question":"A reminder to review answers and accept the best answer to your question","An answer was posted to your question":"An answer was posted to your question","A comment was posted to your article":"A comment was posted to your article","Your post is flagged, blocked or closed":"Your post is flagged, blocked or closed","Your post is flagged or blocked":"Your post is flagged or blocked","Default frequency for new followed content":"Default frequency for new followed content","This setting will apply to all new questions, tags, topics, and users you follow. You can also modify the frequency of individual notifications below.":"This setting will apply to all new questions, tags, topics, and users you follow. You can also modify the frequency of individual notifications below.","Your question or answer is upvoted":"Your question or answer is upvoted","Your question, answer, or article is upvoted":"Your question, answer, or article is upvoted","Amazon employee login":"Amazon employee login","Interface and notification Language":"Interface and notification Language","Content Language":"Content Language","Select as many that apply":"Select as many that apply","AWS Knowledge Center Articles":"AWS Knowledge Center Articles","All KC Articles":"All KC Articles","Profile link copied. Thanks for building new connections!":"Profile link copied. Thanks for building new connections!","Content":"Content","Unanswered ${entity} tagged with":"Unanswered ${entity} tagged with","${entity} tagged with":"${entity} tagged with","Content contains confidential information":"Content contains confidential information","Duplicate content (questions, articles, answers, or comments)":"Duplicate content (questions, articles, answers, or comments)","Content doesn't belong on re:Post":"Content doesn't belong on re:Post","Inappropriate or offensive":"Inappropriate or offensive","Suggest this thread be closed":"Suggest this thread be closed","{{username}} flagged content as {{flagType}} with the following message: {{message}}.":"{{username}} flagged content as {{flagType}} with the following message: {{message}}.","Please select interface and notifications language!":"Please select interface and notifications language!","Please select content language!":"Please select content language!","Interface and notifications language":"Interface and notifications language","Select the tag(s) that best relate to your question":"Select the tag(s) that best relate to your question","Language Preferences":"Language Preferences","flag-with-message":"\u003c0 href={{ href }}\u003e{{ username }}\u003c/0\u003e flagged content as {{ flagType }} with the following message: {{ message }}.","flag-without-message":"\u003c0 href={{ href }}\u003e{{ username }}\u003c/0\u003e flagged content as {{ flagType }}.","restricted-content-language-selected":"The ask question feature is not yet enabled for the language of \u003c1\u003e{{ restrictedContentLanguageSelectedcsv }}\u003c/1\u003e. You will be able to view all re:Post content posted in this language, but the ask question feature will be disabled until added in the future update.","Language preferences":"Language preferences","All Knowledge Center Articles":"All Knowledge Center Articles","Knowledge Center":"Knowledge Center","Browse Knowledge Center content or filter your results using the tools displayed.":"Browse Knowledge Center content or filter your results using the tools displayed.","Here are some of the most frequent questions and requests that we receive from AWS customers.":"Here are some of the most frequent questions and requests that we receive from AWS customers.","Browse all AWS Knowledge content":"Browse all AWS Knowledge content","Featured":"Featured","Newly created":"Newly created","Popular":"Popular","KNOWLEDGE CENTER":"KNOWLEDGE CENTER","Sign in through {{type}}":"Sign in through {{type}}","AWS Customers":"AWS Customers","AWS Employees":"AWS Employees","Language preferences updated":"Language preferences updated","Questions tagged with":"Questions tagged with","Unanswered Questions tagged with":"Unanswered Questions tagged with","Knowledge Center content tagged with":"Knowledge Center content tagged with","Articles tagged with":"Articles tagged with","Resources":"Resources","Amazon Web Services Home":"Amazon Web Services Home","AWS Management Console":"AWS Management Console","AWS Support Center":"AWS Support Center","Save changes":"Save changes","see language options":"see language options","Content language":"Content language","Content languages":"Content languages","Leaderboard":"Leaderboard","Top contributors":"Top contributors","Show all":"Show all","Show AWS employees":"Show AWS employees","Show other community members":"Show other community members","Rank":"Rank","Name":"Name","Total points":"Total points","Accepted answers":"Accepted answers","Level":"Level","re:Post community points":"re:Post community points","How does the points system work?":"How does the points system work?","{{SITE_NAME}} users are awarded with points for demonstrating their AWS knowledge":"{{SITE_NAME}} users are awarded with points for demonstrating their AWS knowledge","Activity and points award":"Activity and points award","+10 points":"+10 points","Your answer to a question is reviewed and endorsed by an expert":"Your answer to a question is reviewed and endorsed by an expert","Your answer to a question is accepted by the question asker":"Your answer to a question is accepted by the question asker","+5 points":"+5 points","As an expert, you helped review an answer for accuracy and freshness":"As an expert, you helped review an answer for accuracy and freshness","Your question or answer is upvoted by community members":"Your question or answer is upvoted by community members","Follow popular topics":"Follow popular topics","Hide translation":"Hide translation","Translate":"Translate","Translate to English":"Translate to English","Coming soon... I’m disappointed!":"Coming soon... I’m disappointed!","re:Post users are awarded with points for demonstrating their AWS knowledge":"re:Post users are awarded with points for demonstrating their AWS knowledge","+1 points":"+1 points","Language preferences update":"Language preferences update","No Answers":"No Answers","{{answers}} Answer":"{{answers}} Answer","{{answers}} Answers":"{{answers}} Answers","No comments":"No comments","knowledge center articles":"knowledge center articles","Language":"Language","Advanced":"Advanced","Expert":"Expert","Foundational":"Foundational","Intermediate":"Intermediate","1 - Beginner":"1 - Beginner","2 - Rising Star":"2 - Rising Star","3 - Star":"3 - Star","4 - Champion":"4 - Champion","5 - Sage":"5 - Sage","6 - Fellow":"6 - Fellow","The language you have used to answer this question is different than the language it was originally asked":"The language you have used to answer this question is different than the language it was originally asked","Your default language is not currently supported by re:Post. You can still publish articles using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}":"Your default language is not currently supported by re:Post. You can still publish articles using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}","The language you have used is not currently supported by re:Post. Please try again using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}":"The language you have used is not currently supported by re:Post. Please try again using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}","Your default language is not currently supported by re:Post. You can still ask questions using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}":"Your default language is not currently supported by re:Post. You can still ask questions using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}","language settings":"language settings","The language you have used to comment is different from the language of this post":"The language you have used to comment is different from the language of this post","Content unavailable in for your preferred language":"Content unavailable in for your preferred language","Content unavailable in your preferred language":"Content unavailable in your preferred language","The following Knowledge Center content is unavailable in your preferred language. Please check back for updates on translated content.":"The following Knowledge Center content is unavailable in your preferred language. Please check back for updates on translated content.","This content is not available in the selected language":"This content is not available in the selected language","We are constantly working on making content available in the selected language. Thank you for your patience.":"We are constantly working on making content available in the selected language. Thank you for your patience.","This is your preferred language and will serve as the default language for all content and interface. You may select only one language from the below list.":"This is your preferred language and will serve as the default language for all content and interface. You may select only one language from the below list.","Select from the below list to see additional language options for content on re:Post. Select as many that apply.":"Select from the below list to see additional language options for content on re:Post. Select as many that apply.","leaderboard-alert":"To view your current position please finish setting up your re:Post profile \u003c2 href={{ registrationPathHref }}\u003e{{ hereText }}\u003c/2\u003e.","learn more":"learn more","We are working on making content available in the selected language. Thank you for your patience.":"We are working on making content available in the selected language. Thank you for your patience.","Knowledge Center articles":"Knowledge Center articles","Show my position":"Show my position","re:Post users are awarded with points for demonstrating their AWS knowledge.":"re:Post users are awarded with points for demonstrating their AWS knowledge.","Moderator Notes":"Moderator Notes","Add Note":"Add Note","Add moderator note":"Add moderator note","Amazon Employees":"Amazon Employees","Don't have a re:Post profile?":"Don't have a re:Post profile?","Flagged Reasons":"Flagged Reasons","Review and Validate Flag":"Review and Validate Flag","Image uploaded":"Image uploaded","Would you like to set this image as your profile picture?":"Would you like to set this image as your profile picture?","Accepting an answer earns you +1 point":"Accepting an answer earns you +1 point","Linked logins":"Linked logins","Community tiers":"Community tiers","EXPERT_APPROVED":"EXPERT_APPROVED","ACCEPTED_ANSWER":"ACCEPTED_ANSWER","ANSWER_ACCEPTED":"ANSWER_ACCEPTED","COMMUNITY_CURATOR":"COMMUNITY_CURATOR","CONTEST_WINNER":"CONTEST_WINNER","EXPERT_REVIEWER":"EXPERT_REVIEWER","1ST_QUESTION_POSTED":"1ST_QUESTION_POSTED","FOUNDING_MEMBER":"FOUNDING_MEMBER","RESEARCH_PARTICIPANT":"RESEARCH_PARTICIPANT","RSS icon":"RSS icon","No result":"No result","User account migrated from AWS Forums (deprecated)":"User account migrated from AWS Forums (deprecated)","Recent questions":"Recent questions","Recent articles":"Recent articles","Recent Knowledge Center articles":"Recent Knowledge Center articles","Recent users":"Recent users","Recent topics":"Recent topics","Popular questions":"Popular questions","Popular articles":"Popular articles","Popular Knowledge Center articles":"Popular Knowledge Center articles","Popular users":"Popular users","Popular topics":"Popular topics",".":".","Show {{count}} more {{descriptionText}}":"Show {{count}} more {{descriptionText}}","Update skills":"Update skills","Remove certification":"Remove certification","Translate answer":"Translate answer","Flag answer":"Flag answer","Block answer":"Block answer","Flag article":"Flag article","Block article":"Block article","Translate comment":"Translate comment","Flag comment":"Flag comment","Block comment":"Block comment","Fetch reviews":"Fetch reviews","Upvote":"Upvote","Downvote":"Downvote","Add note":"Add note","Edit note":"Edit note","Open question":"Open question","Translate question":"Translate question","Flag question":"Flag question","Block question":"Block question","Close question":"Close question","Translate reply":"Translate reply","Send Email Verification":"Send Email Verification","Fetch top users":"Fetch top users","AWS OFFICIAL":"AWS OFFICIAL","empty-search-result":"Your search returned 0 results for your selected content languages of {{ contentLanguagesCsv }}. Visit the \u003c4 href={{ href: languagePreferencesHref }}\u003e{{ languagePreferencesString }}\u003c/4\u003e section to change your preferred content language.","empty-search-result-with-filter":"Your search '{{ filter }}' returned 0 results for your selected content languages of {{ contentLanguagesCsv }}. Visit the \u003c6 href={{ href: languagePreferencesHref }}\u003e{{ languagePreferencesString }}\u003c/6\u003e section to change your preferred content language.","Which activity can I engage in to earn points?":"Which activity can I engage in to earn points?","Some common ways to earn points are:":"Some common ways to earn points are:","+20 points":"+20 points","Your article is published":"Your article is published","leaderboard-point-system":"For the full points award system, visit the \u003c2 href={{ href: faqPathHref }}\u003e{{ faqPageText }}\u003c/2\u003e to learn more.","Why can't I find myself on the leaderboard?":"Why can't I find myself on the leaderboard?","leaderboard-terms":"All members must have a completed \u003c2 href={{ href: profilePathHref }}\u003e{{ profileText }}\u003c/2\u003e \u003c4\u003eand\u003c/4\u003e have accepted the re:Post \u003c8 href={{ href: termsPathHref }}\u003e{{ termsText }}\u003c/8\u003e to be displayed on the leaderboard.","leaderboard-terms-space":"All members must have a completed \u003c2 href={{ href: profilePathHref }}\u003etheir profile\u003c/2\u003e.","Questions about the Community Leaderboard?":"Questions about the Community Leaderboard?","leaderboard-feedback-page":"Submit your feedback \u003c2 href={{ href: feedbackPathHref }}\u003e{{ feedbackText }}\u003c/2\u003e","Amazon Employee":"Amazon Employee","Filter Knowledge Center content":"Filter Knowledge Center content","Knowledge Center content":"Knowledge Center content","Recent Knowledge Center content":"Recent Knowledge Center content","Popular Knowledge Center content":"Popular Knowledge Center content","All Knowledge Center content":"All Knowledge Center content","Sign in here":"Sign in here","practices-title-do":"Do:","practices-title-donot":"Don't:","aws-management-console":"AWS Management Console","aws-management-console-description":"Recommended for AWS Support customers","aws-builder-id-description":"{{name}} is a new personal profile for builders","employees-midway":"Amazon Employees sign in here with Midway","profile-required":"A profile is required for re:Post use beyond browsing. Select the log in option that works best for you.","settings":"settings","Signed in with {{loginType}}":"Signed in with {{loginType}}","You will not be able to unlink the login you are currently signed into":"You will not be able to unlink the login you are currently signed into","Are you sure you want to unlink this login?":"Are you sure you want to unlink this login?","This action will revoke all open sessions using this login.":"This action will revoke all open sessions using this login.","Unlink this login":"Unlink this login","AWS Profile":"AWS Profile","Error: Please provide a screen name!":"Error: Please provide a screen name!","Error: Please provide email!":"Error: Please provide email!","Error: You must agree to our Terms of Use":"Error: You must agree to our Terms of Use","Continue to sign up":"Continue to sign up","Turn off all content activity":"Turn off all content activity","Comment on answer from {{displayName}}":"Comment on answer from {{displayName}}","Flag answer from {{displayName}}":"Flag answer from {{displayName}}","Follow {{title}}":"Follow {{title}}","Comment on {{title}}":"Comment on {{title}}","Flag question {{title}}":"Flag question {{title}}","Select your skills from the field below":"Select your skills from the field below","Remove {{skillName}}":"Remove {{skillName}}","Sort answers":"Sort answers","Browse all Knowledge Center content":"Browse all Knowledge Center content","updated":"updated","agreed-to-terms":"By completing your profile, you agree to the \u003c2 href={{ href: termsHref }}\u003e{{ terms }}\u003c/2\u003e and \u003c5 href={{ href: guidelinesHref }}\u003e{{ guidelines }}\u003c/5\u003e","agreed-to-terms-employee":"By completing your profile, you agree to the \u003c2 href={{ href: termsHref }}\u003e{{ terms }}\u003c/2\u003e and the \u003c5 href={{ href: guidelinesHref }}\u003e{{ guidelines }}\u003c/5\u003e; and completed the \u003c8 href={{ href: bestPracticesHref }}\u003e{{ bestPractices }}\u003c/8\u003e","AWS Knowledge Center migration to re:Post":"AWS Knowledge Center migration to re:Post","kc-home-announcement":"AWS re:Post includes AWS Official Knowledge Center articles and videos covering the most frequent questions and requests that we receive from AWS customers.","Community Members in {{topic}}":"Community Members in {{topic}}","Get expert technical guidance from community-driven knowledge":"Get expert technical guidance from community-driven knowledge","{{viewTitle}} questions in {{topicName}}":"{{viewTitle}} questions in {{topicName}}","Articles about {{tagName}}":"Articles about {{tagName}}","Knowledge Center content about {{tagName}}":"Knowledge Center content about {{tagName}}","Search Knowledge Center":"Search Knowledge Center","Visit {{AWS_BUILDER_ID}} profile":"Visit {{AWS_BUILDER_ID}} profile","Invalid login.":"Invalid login.","Link login failed. Link login only works for new logins that are not associated with a profile.":"Link login failed. Link login only works for new logins that are not associated with a profile.","Session is invalid.":"Session is invalid.","No such profile.":"No such profile.","Error logging in.":"Error logging in.","Knowledge Center content in {{topicName}}":"Knowledge Center content in {{topicName}}","Browse Knowledge Center content related to":"Browse Knowledge Center content related to","Related videos":"Related videos","Get additional user info":"Get additional user info","Email not set":"Email not set","Show email":"Show email","You have been signed out of {{siteName}}":"You have been signed out of {{siteName}}","If you were previously signed into the AWS Console, you'll have to log out of the AWS Console separately.":"If you were previously signed into the AWS Console, you'll have to log out of the AWS Console separately.","We found relevant content":"We found relevant content","We’ve found content that might help solve your problem. Please take a look.":"We’ve found content that might help solve your problem. Please take a look.","No content found. Start writing your question.":"No content found. Start writing your question.","Optimize content – balance elements of text and image without overdoing either element":"Optimize content – balance elements of text and image without overdoing either element","Proofread and edit – use spell check":"Proofread and edit – use spell check","Include appropriate headings and subheadings":"Include appropriate headings and subheadings","Create a smooth transition between paragraphs":"Create a smooth transition between paragraphs","Vary sentence structure – avoid run-on sentences":"Vary sentence structure – avoid run-on sentences","Cite your sources":"Cite your sources","Keep the content fresh and up-to-date":"Keep the content fresh and up-to-date","Include identifying information such as your organization, a customer you’re asking on behalf of, or a vendor":"Include identifying information such as your organization, a customer you’re asking on behalf of, or a vendor","Include sufficient detail to identify a customer, organization, or individual who is not the author":"Include sufficient detail to identify a customer, organization, or individual who is not the author","Use abusive language":"Use abusive language","Post content that’s not related to AWS":"Post content that’s not related to AWS","Post content with inaccurate information":"Post content with inaccurate information","Plagiarize or post content from others (refer to re:Post Community Guidelines)":"Plagiarize or post content from others (refer to re:Post Community Guidelines)","Go to AWS Console":"Go to AWS Console","Go to {{siteName}}":"Go to {{siteName}}","Step Completed":"Step Completed","Question description":"Question description","Article body":"Article body","You can update your email notification preferences in Settings at any time.":"You can update your email notification preferences in Settings at any time.","Account id not set":"Account id not set","Show account details":"Show account details","Error: This name is reserved for content published by the AWS Knowledge Center team.":"Error: This name is reserved for content published by the AWS Knowledge Center team.","registration-question-routing-label":"Yes, I'd like AWS re:Post to notify me by email to provide a response to community questions related to my expertise and skills, as identified in the profile settings. You may unsubscribe from AWS re:Post emails or modify your AWS re:Post email settings at any time in the profile settings. AWS handles your information as described in the AWS Privacy Notice.","Preview":"Preview","Knowledge Center \u0026 Articles":"Knowledge Center \u0026 Articles","Search knowledge-center, questions, articles, topics, users and more…":"Search knowledge-center, questions, articles, topics, users and more…","AWS Certified":"AWS Certified","Search questions, knowledge-center, articles, topics, users and more…":"Search questions, knowledge-center, articles, topics, users and more…","Accept Answer":"Accept Answer","Are these answers helpful? Upvote the correct answer to help the community benefit from your knowledge.":"Are these answers helpful? Upvote the correct answer to help the community benefit from your knowledge.","Are these answers helpful? Accept the correct answer to help the community benefit from your knowledge. You can earn +1 reputation point.":"Are these answers helpful? Accept the correct answer to help the community benefit from your knowledge. You can earn +1 reputation point.","Promotions":"Promotions","Your primary email is where you will receive notifications. You can update your email notification preferences in Settings at any time.":"Your primary email is where you will receive notifications. You can update your email notification preferences in Settings at any time.","Primary email":"Primary email","verify":"verify","remove":"remove","New Email":"New Email","make primary":"make primary","Add new email":"Add new email","Add Email":"Add Email","Are you sure you want to delete this email?":"Are you sure you want to delete this email?","Set Primary Email":"Set Primary Email","Remove Email":"Remove Email","AWS Console":"AWS Console","AWS Builder ID":"AWS Builder ID","Create a new {{SITE_NAME}} profile?":"Create a new {{SITE_NAME}} profile?","profile-not-found-enrollment-prompt-v2":"We did not locate a profile associated with your {{loginTypeDisplay}}. Would you like to create a new {{SITE_NAME}} profile using the following \u003c5\u003e{{loginIdentifierDescription}}\u003c5/\u003e?","No, browse as a guest":"No, browse as a guest","Yes, create profile":"Yes, create profile","Welcome to {{app}}":"Welcome to {{app}}","Select up to 5 tags to describe what your article is about":"Select up to 5 tags to describe what your article is about","Send us feedback":"Send us feedback","Report a bug":"Report a bug","Request a feature":"Request a feature","Developed by {{team}}":"Developed by {{team}}","User email added":"User email added","User email removed":"User email removed","User email updated":"User email updated","unset-alert":"Updated setting, \u003cbr /\u003eplease review","update-email-notifications-alert":"The {{SITE_NAME}} notification settings have recently been updated. Please take a moment to review your \u003c4 href={{ notifications }}\u003enotification settings\u003c/4\u003e","profile-creation-confirmation-link-instructions":"If you already have an existing {{SITE_NAME}} profile and would like to link this login to that profile, you can do so in the \u003c3\u003e{{loginsTranslation}}\u003c/3\u003e section of the \u003c5\u003e{{settingsTranslation}}\u003c/5\u003e menu.","We did not locate a profile associated with your {{loginType}} ID. Would you like to create a new re:Post profile using the following {{loginIdentifierDescription}}?":"We did not locate a profile associated with your {{loginType}} ID. Would you like to create a new re:Post profile using the following {{loginIdentifierDescription}}?","AWS Console ID":"AWS Console ID","email address":"email address","Create your profile":"Create your profile","Request a tag":"Request a tag","Search questions, articles, topics, users, and more…":"Search questions, articles, topics, users, and more…","You must sign in to vote":"You must sign in to vote","Exceeded total email allowed limit of 3.":"Exceeded total email allowed limit of 3.","Review your email and ensure that its verified.":"Review your email and ensure that its verified.","Failed to set primary email for user.":"Failed to set primary email for user.","Email should be verified to be set as primary email.":"Email should be verified to be set as primary email.","Access Knowledge Center":"Access Knowledge Center","Troubleshoot technical and account issues":"Troubleshoot technical and account issues","Get the technical guidance to support AWS customers with their cloud journeys":"Get the technical guidance to support AWS customers with their cloud journeys","IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On)":"IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On)","Link copied to clipboard!":"Link copied to clipboard!","Shared answer":"Shared answer","Shared comment":"Shared comment","To display your AWS certification on your {{app}} profile and earn reputation points, enter your AWS certification Credly Badge ID or URL. Your verified email address in {{app}} must match the email address attached to the Credly certificate that you’re importing.":"To display your AWS certification on your {{app}} profile and earn reputation points, enter your AWS certification Credly Badge ID or URL. Your verified email address in {{app}} must match the email address attached to the Credly certificate that you’re importing.","multiple-emails-verify-your-email":"To receive email notifications and start contributing to {{SITE_NAME}}, click on the link in the verification email sent to \u003c3\u003e{{ email }}\u003c/3\u003e. To verify using a different email address, click add new email and then verify below.","E-mail":"E-mail","{{SITE_NAME}} profile":"{{SITE_NAME}} profile","{{SITE_NAME}} Community Leaderboard Tips":"{{SITE_NAME}} Community Leaderboard Tips","Email already exists":"Email already exists","least votes":"least votes","feedback-guide-header":"This page is intended to gather feedback specifically about your experience with re:Post.","feedback-guide-list-header":"For feedback unrelated to re:Post, see below links:","feedback-guide-list-retail":"\u003c0 href={href}\u003eContact AWS\u003c/0\u003e for general and subscriber support services, including your \u003c2 href={href}\\u003c/2\u003e account.","feedback-guide-list-support-center":"For issues with signing in to your AWS account, try these \u003c1 href={href}\u003etroubleshooting steps\u003c/1\u003e. Or, fill out this \u003c3 hre{href}\u003eform\u003c/3\u003e.","feedback-guide-list-digital-services":"\u003c0 href={href}\u003eDigital Services and Device Support\u003c/0\u003e for digital subscriptions and Amazon devices.","feedback-guide-list-feedback":"\u003c0 href={href}\u003eSend feedback\u003c/0\u003e about an AWS service, AWS Documentation, or AWS Knowledge Center article.","(not yet available in {{app}})":"(not yet available in {{app}})","Community tiers - Beginner and Rising star complete":"Community tiers - Beginner and Rising star complete","AWS Expert Taylor":"AWS Expert Taylor","ACCEPTED ANSWER":"ACCEPTED ANSWER","COMMUNITY CURATOR":"COMMUNITY CURATOR","ANSWER ACCEPTED":"ANSWER ACCEPTED","FOUNDING MEMBER":"FOUNDING MEMBER","1ST QUESTION POSTED":"1ST QUESTION POSTED","EXPERT APPROVED":"EXPERT APPROVED","EXPERT REVIEWER":"EXPERT REVIEWER","option {{label}} focused. {{groupLabel}} grouping. {{index}} of {{length}}.":"option {{label}} focused. {{groupLabel}} grouping. {{index}} of {{length}}.","PROMOTION WINNER":"PROMOTION WINNER","{{count}} results":"{{count}} results","Search content":"Search content","Filter content":"Filter content","Show all content":"Show all content","Show Questions":"Show Questions","Show Knowledge Center":"Show Knowledge Center","Show Articles":"Show Articles","Questions without answers":"Questions without answers","Answered":"Answered","Filter by tag":"Filter by tag","Select content type":"Select content type","SUPPORT REQUESTOR":"SUPPORT REQUESTOR","Support requestor":"Support requestor","Filter Questions by":"Filter Questions by","No Answer":"No Answer","Questions with answers that have been verified.":"Questions with answers that have been verified.","Questions with answers that have not been verified.":"Questions with answers that have not been verified.","questions-not-verified-description":"Questions with answers that have not been verified. \u003c1 href={href}\u003eLearn more\u003c/1\u003e about verified answers.","Questions without any answers.":"Questions without any answers.","Comments and Answers":"Comments and Answers","Suppport Case":"Suppport Case","Space":"Space","AWS Support Response":"AWS Support Response","View Options":"View Options","No Support responses":"No Support responses","{{count}} Support response":"{{count}} Support response","{{count}} Support responses":"{{count}} Support responses","All Content":"All Content","An answer is verified when an expert provides or reviews the answer, a question author accepts it, or other users upvote it.":"An answer is verified when an expert provides or reviews the answer, a question author accepts it, or other users upvote it.","Question":"Question","Post your comment":"Post your comment","Update your comment":"Update your comment","Confirm Link":"Confirm Link","Page will redirect in a moment":"Page will redirect in a moment","Are you sure you want to link {{provider}} login {{loginId}} to your profile?":"Are you sure you want to link {{provider}} login {{loginId}} to your profile?","No, cancel":"No, cancel","Yes, link login":"Yes, link login","There was a problem with the request, please try again.":"There was a problem with the request, please try again.","AWS Guide is for internal use only":"AWS Guide is for internal use only","An answer is verified when a question author accepts the answer, or an expert reviews it.":"An answer is verified when a question author accepts the answer, or an expert reviews it.","re:Post Private results":"re:Post Private results","AWS re:Post results":"AWS re:Post results","Warning: You are about to convert this discussion to an AWS Support ticket. Please remove any confidential or personal information.":"Warning: You are about to convert this discussion to an AWS Support ticket. Please remove any confidential or personal information.","Support Case":"Support Case","This thread is closed":"This thread is closed","This support case has been resolved and can no longer be commented on":"This support case has been resolved and can no longer be commented on","support-case-created":"\u003c0\u003eSupport Case {{caseId}}\u003c/0\u003e was created for this question on {{date}} by {{displayName}}","Create Support Case":"Create Support Case","Create Support Case for this Question":"Create Support Case for this Question","A Support case has been opened and an AWS support representative will respond shortly":"A Support case has been opened and an AWS support representative will respond shortly","Support responses will appear inline here":"Support responses will appear inline here","Support Enginner":"Support Enginner","Send response to support":"Send response to support","Responses written here will be shared with the support case engineer assigned to this support case":"Responses written here will be shared with the support case engineer assigned to this support case","AWS SUPPORT RESPONSE":"AWS SUPPORT RESPONSE","Post content":"Post content","Select your content language(s) on re:Post. Select as many that apply.":"Select your content language(s) on re:Post. Select as many that apply.","Public re:Post Content":"Public re:Post Content","Link to Content":"Link to Content","This will override an existing draft question. Do you still wish to continue?":"This will override an existing draft question. Do you still wish to continue?","An answer is verified when a question author accepts the answer, an expert provides or reviews the answer, or a community member upvotes it.":"An answer is verified when a question author accepts the answer, an expert provides or reviews the answer, or a community member upvotes it.","Selection Drafts":"Selection Drafts","Followed Selections":"Followed Selections","SELECTION":"SELECTION","Create selection":"Create selection","Create a selection":"Create a selection","Recent selections":"Recent selections","Flagged selections":"Flagged selections","Flagged selections reviewed":"Flagged selections reviewed","All Selections":"All Selections","Selections in {{topicName}}":"Selections in {{topicName}}","Browse Selections related to {{topicName}}":"Browse Selections related to {{topicName}}","Selections about {{tagName}}":"Selections about {{tagName}}","Browse through {{tagName}} Selections.":"Browse through {{tagName}} Selections.","Comment on this selection":"Comment on this selection","Search Selections":"Search Selections","Error: Title image must be set":"Error: Title image must be set","Error: Short description must be at least {{count}} characters":"Error: Short description must be at least {{count}} characters","validate selection text":"validate selection text","Selection title":"Selection title","Provide a title for your selection":"Provide a title for your selection","Short description":"Short description","Provide a short description for your selection":"Provide a short description for your selection","Selection description":"Selection description","Provide a description for your selection":"Provide a description for your selection","Select up to 5 tags to describe what your selection is about":"Select up to 5 tags to describe what your selection is about","Title image":"Title image","Based on your inputs, this selection will be shown in the following topics":"Based on your inputs, this selection will be shown in the following topics","Update draft":"Update draft","Delete draft":"Delete draft","Edit draft":"Edit draft","All unpublished selection content is automatically saved to your browser":"All unpublished selection content is automatically saved to your browser","Are you sure you want to delete this draft?":"Are you sure you want to delete this draft?","You cannot change the language of an existing selection":"You cannot change the language of an existing selection","{{action}} a draft":"{{action}} a draft","Create your selection below. Fields marked with * are required.":"Create your selection below. Fields marked with * are required.","Please edit your selection":"Please edit your selection","The selection has been deleted":"The selection has been deleted","Check in":"Check in","Review flagged selection":"Review flagged selection","Block this selection for ... ?":"Block this selection for ... ?","Flag this selection for ... ?":"Flag this selection for ... ?","Block selection":"Block selection","Flag selection":"Flag selection","Delete selection":"Delete selection","Are you sure you want to delete the selection? All information related to it will be deleted as well.":"Are you sure you want to delete the selection? All information related to it will be deleted as well.","To follow a selection, please verify your email address.":"To follow a selection, please verify your email address.","To follow a selection, you must complete your profile in the My Dashboard section.":"To follow a selection, you must complete your profile in the My Dashboard section.","Add link":"Add link","Add body":"Add body","Title":"Title","Provide a title":"Provide a title","Provide a title for your section":"Provide a title for your section","Provide a description for your section":"Provide a description for your section","Remove this section":"Remove this section","Move this down":"Move this down","Move this up":"Move this up","Section":"Section","Section Body Preview":"Section Body Preview","Start writing your section body":"Start writing your section body","Body Content":"Body Content","Add sections and assets from the list below.":"Add sections and assets from the list below.","Add another section":"Add another section","Provide a link":"Provide a link","Provide a title for your link":"Provide a title for your link","Provide a description for your link":"Provide a description for your link","Add image":"Add image","Selections":"Selections","Add a title image for your Selection. This will be the cover of the Selection and visible on the Selections tab":"Add a title image for your Selection. This will be the cover of the Selection and visible on the Selections tab","Provide a title for every new section":"Provide a title for every new section","When adding a link, do include the title, description and an optional image":"When adding a link, do include the title, description and an optional image","Group content assets by relevance. A new section indicates a new topic. Use sections to elaborate on the selected use case and categorize the assets accordingly":"Group content assets by relevance. A new section indicates a new topic. Use sections to elaborate on the selected use case and categorize the assets accordingly","Aggregate a variety of different assets to create a Selection. Selections can consist of re:Post Knowledge Center articles, or assets outside of re:Post (e.g. videos, labs, AWS Blogs, AWS Prescriptive Guidance)":"Aggregate a variety of different assets to create a Selection. Selections can consist of re:Post Knowledge Center articles, or assets outside of re:Post (e.g. videos, labs, AWS Blogs, AWS Prescriptive Guidance)","Include assets without any explanation on how they relate to the Selection":"Include assets without any explanation on how they relate to the Selection","Include assets that don’t relate to each other in a Selection":"Include assets that don’t relate to each other in a Selection","Access curated knowledge":"Access curated knowledge","Learn and build faster with curated selections":"Learn and build faster with curated selections","Browse through selections for content sets that are tailored to your technical use case.":"Browse through selections for content sets that are tailored to your technical use case.","This space is not ready":"This space is not ready","Preferences for this Space have not been set, contact your administrator for more details":"Preferences for this Space have not been set, contact your administrator for more details","Your default language is not currently supported. You can still create selections using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}":"Your default language is not currently supported. You can still create selections using one of the following languages: {{supportedLanguages}}","sign-into-space-to-continue":"Sign in to this {{SPACE_SITE_NAME}} with \u003cstrong\u003eIAM Identity Center to continue\u003c/strong\u003e. This information is provided by your administrator.","Single sign-on with IAM Identity Center":"Single sign-on with IAM Identity Center","Learn more":"Learn more","{{action}} a community article":"{{action}} a community article","Knowledge Center \u0026 Community Articles":"Knowledge Center \u0026 Community Articles","Community Articles":"Community Articles","community article":"community article","Guidelines for writing community articles":"Guidelines for writing community articles","A comment was posted to your community article":"A comment was posted to your community article","Your question, answer, or community article is upvoted":"Your question, answer, or community article is upvoted","Filter community articles":"Filter community articles","community articles":"community articles","Recent community articles":"Recent community articles","Popular community articles":"Popular community articles","All community articles":"All community articles","Community articles in {{topicName}}":"Community articles in {{topicName}}","Unlocks ask and answer questions":"Unlocks ask and answer questions","Unlocks Articles":"Unlocks Articles","Unlocks Selections":"Unlocks Selections","Ask and answer questions unlocked":"Ask and answer questions unlocked","Articles unlocked":"Articles unlocked","Selections unlocked":"Selections unlocked","Access expert technical guidance and AWS Knowledge Center":"Access expert technical guidance and AWS Knowledge Center","{{siteName}} is an AWS-managed community featuring expert curated answers, articles, selections, and AWS Knowledge Center.":"{{siteName}} is an AWS-managed community featuring expert curated answers, articles, selections, and AWS Knowledge Center.","{{siteName}} provides access to curated knowledge and a vibrant community that helps you become even more successful on AWS":"{{siteName}} provides access to curated knowledge and a vibrant community that helps you become even more successful on AWS","Answers and Comments":"Answers and Comments","Access denied. Please reach out to account team.":"Access denied. Please reach out to account team.","All Community Articles":"All Community Articles","Step {{count}}":"Step {{count}}","Step {{count}} - optional":"Step {{count}} - optional","Getting started":"Getting started","Customize appearance":"Customize appearance","Add custom tags and blocked keywords":"Add custom tags and blocked keywords","Add selections":"Add selections","Welcome to your AWS re:Post Private space":"Welcome to your AWS re:Post Private space","To bring your space online you will need to complete the following configuration process.":"To bring your space online you will need to complete the following configuration process.","Configure your space":"Configure your space","Brand your space":"Brand your space","re:Post Private provides you with customization options to fully brand and customize your space. These settings can be changed at any time.":"re:Post Private provides you with customization options to fully brand and customize your space. These settings can be changed at any time.","Launch and invite your users":"Launch and invite your users","Once your space is configured visit your space’s details page in Console to access tools for onboarding users.":"Once your space is configured visit your space’s details page in Console to access tools for onboarding users.","Finish setting up your space":"Finish setting up your space","Select relevant use cases":"Select relevant use cases","Tags you select will help to provide relevant content for your organization’s Space. Select all that apply, at least one must be selected.":"Tags you select will help to provide relevant content for your organization’s Space. Select all that apply, at least one must be selected.","Select at least one tag to continue.":"Select at least one tag to continue.","Launch this Space":"Launch this Space","Back":"Back","Save and continue":"Save and continue","Blocked keywords":"Blocked keywords","Add tags and block terminology for this Space. By default AWS restricts terminology and phrases that are sensitive or vulgar in nature.":"Add tags and block terminology for this Space. By default AWS restricts terminology and phrases that are sensitive or vulgar in nature.","Error: Please provide title!":"Error: Please provide title!","Set homepage title":"Set homepage title","Create tag":"Create tag","Delete tag":"Delete tag","Error: Please provide logo!":"Error: Please provide logo!","Logo":"Logo","logo preview":"logo preview","Change logo":"Change logo","Add blocked terminology":"Add blocked terminology","Remove blocked terminology":"Remove blocked terminology","Keyword":"Keyword","Search keywords":"Search keywords","Color scheme":"Color scheme","Primary color":"Primary color","Button color":"Button color","Edit a question":"Edit a question","Search use cases":"Search use cases","AWS re:Post Content":"AWS re:Post Content","By selecting to view AWS re:Post content your search query will be shared with the AWS re:Post service.":"By selecting to view AWS re:Post content your search query will be shared with the AWS re:Post service.","This is a copy of a question from the AWS re:Post website":"This is a copy of a question from the AWS re:Post website","Permalink":"Permalink","This is a copy of an article from the AWS re:Post website":"This is a copy of an article from the AWS re:Post website","This is a copy of a Knowledge Center article from the AWS re:Post website":"This is a copy of a Knowledge Center article from the AWS re:Post website","Start discussion":"Start discussion","Start discussion in your private re:Post":"Start discussion in your private re:Post","Welcome to {{app}}, your private version of AWS re:Post":"Welcome to {{app}}, your private version of AWS re:Post","This private re:Post is not ready":"This private re:Post is not ready","Preferences for your private re:Post have not been set, contact your administrator for more details.":"Preferences for your private re:Post have not been set, contact your administrator for more details.","Access denied. Please reach out to your AWS account team.":"Access denied. Please reach out to your AWS account team.","Select topics of interest":"Select topics of interest","Welcome to your private re:Post":"Welcome to your private re:Post","To bring your private re:Post online, you will need to complete the following configuration process.":"To bring your private re:Post online, you will need to complete the following configuration process.","Configure your private re:Post":"Configure your private re:Post","Brand your private re:Post":"Brand your private re:Post","Fully brand and customize the user interface, add custom tags to classify your organizational knowledge, add keywords to be blocked from using in your content, and select AWS topics of interest for your organizational developers. These setting can be changed at any time.":"Fully brand and customize the user interface, add custom tags to classify your organizational knowledge, add keywords to be blocked from using in your content, and select AWS topics of interest for your organizational developers. These setting can be changed at any time.","Once your re:Post is configured visit your private re:Post details page in the AWS Console to access tools for onboarding users.":"Once your re:Post is configured visit your private re:Post details page in the AWS Console to access tools for onboarding users.","Start setting up":"Start setting up","Select topics of interest for developers in your organization to offer curated content. Select all that apply, at least one must be selected.":"Select topics of interest for developers in your organization to offer curated content. Select all that apply, at least one must be selected.","Launch private re:Post":"Launch private re:Post","Add your custom Tags to tag your content and Blocked keywords to prevent users from posting these words in your content. By default AWS restricts terminology and phrases that are sensitive or vulgar in nature.":"Add your custom Tags to tag your content and Blocked keywords to prevent users from posting these words in your content. By default AWS restricts terminology and phrases that are sensitive or vulgar in nature.","sign-into-private-to-continue":"Sign in to your private re:Post with \u003cstrong\u003eIAM Identity Center to continue\u003c/strong\u003e. This information is provided by your administrator.","Can review answers":"Can review answers","Branding":"Branding","Content classification":"Content classification","Topics of interest":"Topics of interest","Launch this private re:Post":"Launch this private re:Post","Blocked terminology":"Blocked terminology","Add custom tags and blocked terminology":"Add custom tags and blocked terminology","Your organization's content":"Your organization's content","AWS re:Post content":"AWS re:Post content","Topics you select will help to provide relevant content for your organization’s private re:Post. Select all that apply, at least one must be selected.":"Topics you select will help to provide relevant content for your organization’s private re:Post. Select all that apply, at least one must be selected.","Add tags and block terminology for this private re:Post. 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