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  3. <title><![CDATA[BC Humanists Podcast]]></title>
  4. <description><![CDATA[We are building a community based on reason and compassion in BC through education, outreach, support, and advocacy. This podcast contains recordings of speakers at our weekly Sunday Meetings in Vancouver. Some speakers may use profanity or discuss explicit content.]]></description>
  5. <link></link>
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  12. <lastBuildDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2024 11:45:35 GMT</lastBuildDate>
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  15. <copyright><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></copyright>
  16. <language><![CDATA[en-ca]]></language>
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  18. <itunes:author>BC Humanist Association</itunes:author>
  19. <itunes:summary>We are building a community based on reason and compassion in BC through education, outreach, support, and advocacy. This podcast contains recordings of speakers at our weekly Sunday Meetings in Vancouver. Some speakers may use profanity or discuss explicit content.</itunes:summary>
  20. <itunes:type>episodic</itunes:type>
  21. <itunes:owner>
  22. <itunes:name>BC Humanist Association</itunes:name>
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  24. </itunes:owner>
  25. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  26. <itunes:category text="Society &amp; Culture"/>
  27. <itunes:image href=""/>
  28. <item>
  29. <title><![CDATA[Research update with Teale Phelps Bondaroff]]></title>
  30. <description><![CDATA[<p>BCHA Research Coordinator Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff provides an update on some of our upcoming research and how you can get involved.</p>
  31. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Volunteer</a></p>
  32. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Donate</a></p>
  33. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Join</a>
  34. </p>
  35. ]]></description>
  36. <link></link>
  37. <guid isPermaLink="false">a208bdd6-765f-4c48-a653-54a23dea062e</guid>
  38. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  39. <pubDate>Tue, 30 Jul 2024 21:05:57 GMT</pubDate>
  40. <enclosure url="" length="8453641" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  41. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;BCHA Research Coordinator Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff provides an update on some of our upcoming research and how you can get involved.&lt;/p&gt;
  42. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferer&quot;&gt;Volunteer&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  43. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferer&quot;&gt;Donate&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  44. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferer&quot;&gt;Join&lt;/a&gt;
  45. &lt;/p&gt;
  46. </itunes:summary>
  47. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  48. <itunes:duration>00:08:48</itunes:duration>
  49. <itunes:image href=""/>
  50. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  51. </item>
  52. <item>
  53. <title><![CDATA[Paul Henderson: Fired for upsetting the religious right]]></title>
  54. <description><![CDATA[<p>
  55. In June 2023, Chilliwack Progress Editor Paul Henderson was fired for tweets criticizing those offering little more than &quot;thoughts and prayers&quot; in response to the near-drowning of a local child. In this presentation for the BC Humanist Association, Paul speaks about his firing and his time covering the religious right in the Fraser Valley.</p>
  56. <p><br></p>
  57. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Read more about Paul&#39;s story</a></p>
  58. ]]></description>
  59. <link></link>
  60. <guid isPermaLink="false">59bc3634-55d7-41ac-82d8-334aed2a8950</guid>
  61. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  62. <pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2024 19:58:44 GMT</pubDate>
  63. <enclosure url="" length="37821125" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  64. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;
  65. In June 2023, Chilliwack Progress Editor Paul Henderson was fired for tweets criticizing those offering little more than &amp;quot;thoughts and prayers&amp;quot; in response to the near-drowning of a local child. In this presentation for the BC Humanist Association, Paul speaks about his firing and his time covering the religious right in the Fraser Valley.&lt;/p&gt;
  66. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  67. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferer&quot;&gt;Read more about Paul&amp;#39;s story&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  68. </itunes:summary>
  69. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  70. <itunes:duration>00:39:23</itunes:duration>
  71. <itunes:image href=""/>
  72. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  73. </item>
  74. <item>
  75. <title><![CDATA[Perry Bulwer - Misguided: My Jesus Freak Life In a Doomsday Cult]]></title>
  76. <description><![CDATA[<p>CONTENT NOTE: Parts of this discussion touch on child abuse and suicide.
  77. </p>
  78. <p>Perry Bulwer is the author of <a href="">Misguided: My Jesus Freak Life in a Doomsday Cult</a><em>.</em></p>
  79. <p>Misguided is a unique first-hand account of a life spent in the Children of God, a/k/a The Family, a millenarian doomsday sex cult under the sway of a charismatic leader, David Berg.</p>
  80. <p>In 1972, Perry Bulwer, a naive 16-year-old growing up in Port Alberni, BC dropped out of high school to run away with the Children of God, one of a number of millennial Christian cults that sprang up in the 1960s and 1970s. Soon, Perry was preaching the cult&#39;s doomsday message on the streets of some of the largest cities in the world.</p>
  81. <p>Bulwer takes the reader on an extraordinary trip through the world of biblical literalism, fundamentalist endtime fantasies, paranormal spirituality, evangelical extremism, ritual abuse, and liberally interpreted Biblical teachings that were used to justify licentious sexual doctrines, evangelical prostitution, and child sexual abuse.</p>
  82. <p>Along the way, we learn about the inner workings of the CoG, a/k/a The Family, and the machinations of David Berg, a self-declared endtime prophet who claimed to be personally mentioned in the Bible, and that God spoke through him. Berg predicted the imminent destruction of America, the appearance of the Antichrist in 1985, and the Second Coming of Jesus in 1993. Berg died in 1994, before various law enforcement agencies around the world caught up with him.</p>
  83. <p>Perry Bulwer escaped The Family in 1991, managing to escape the cult&#39;s tight control while living in Asia. Returning to Canada, he tried to pick up his life where he had left it off two decades earlier. Through education Bulwer lost his religion, turning from religious extremist to secular humanist lawyer, fighting for the rights of sex workers and drug users living on the streets of Vancouver. Haunted by his own past, Bulwer became an advocate for thousands of second-generation survivors of the cult&#39;s child abuse and psychological trauma scattered around the world.</p>
  84. <p><strong>About Perry Bulwer</strong></p>
  85. <p>Born in Port Alberni, BC, in 1955, Perry Bulwer joined the Children of God after dropping out of high school at age 16, and spent the next two decades living in CoG communes in Canada, the United States, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Macau, Hong Kong, and, undercover, in Beijing. In 1991, aged 36, he was able to escape the cult --- with no money or possessions, and little in the way of education or skills. He spent the next decade catching up on his studies, and in 2002, graduated from the University of British Columbia with a law degree.</p>
  86. <p>After a 2004 diagnosis of PTSD and fibromyalgia, Bulwer retired from the practice of law (though he remains registered with the Law Society of BC). Back home in Port Alberni, Perry Bulwer advocates for second-generation cult survivors, continuing to shed light on the Children of God, a/k/a The Family.</p>
  87. ]]></description>
  88. <link></link>
  89. <guid isPermaLink="false">27e7d34e-af06-4ce9-918f-eaafa41f076c</guid>
  90. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  91. <pubDate>Mon, 13 May 2024 19:30:05 GMT</pubDate>
  92. <enclosure url="" length="33713566" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
  93. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;CONTENT NOTE: Parts of this discussion touch on child abuse and suicide.
  94. &lt;/p&gt;
  95. &lt;p&gt;Perry Bulwer is the author of &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Misguided: My Jesus Freak Life in a Doomsday Cult&lt;/a&gt;&lt;em&gt;.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  96. &lt;p&gt;Misguided is a unique first-hand account of a life spent in the Children of God, a/k/a The Family, a millenarian doomsday sex cult under the sway of a charismatic leader, David Berg.&lt;/p&gt;
  97. &lt;p&gt;In 1972, Perry Bulwer, a naive 16-year-old growing up in Port Alberni, BC dropped out of high school to run away with the Children of God, one of a number of millennial Christian cults that sprang up in the 1960s and 1970s. Soon, Perry was preaching the cult&amp;#39;s doomsday message on the streets of some of the largest cities in the world.&lt;/p&gt;
  98. &lt;p&gt;Bulwer takes the reader on an extraordinary trip through the world of biblical literalism, fundamentalist endtime fantasies, paranormal spirituality, evangelical extremism, ritual abuse, and liberally interpreted Biblical teachings that were used to justify licentious sexual doctrines, evangelical prostitution, and child sexual abuse.&lt;/p&gt;
  99. &lt;p&gt;Along the way, we learn about the inner workings of the CoG, a/k/a The Family, and the machinations of David Berg, a self-declared endtime prophet who claimed to be personally mentioned in the Bible, and that God spoke through him. Berg predicted the imminent destruction of America, the appearance of the Antichrist in 1985, and the Second Coming of Jesus in 1993. Berg died in 1994, before various law enforcement agencies around the world caught up with him.&lt;/p&gt;
  100. &lt;p&gt;Perry Bulwer escaped The Family in 1991, managing to escape the cult&amp;#39;s tight control while living in Asia. Returning to Canada, he tried to pick up his life where he had left it off two decades earlier. Through education Bulwer lost his religion, turning from religious extremist to secular humanist lawyer, fighting for the rights of sex workers and drug users living on the streets of Vancouver. Haunted by his own past, Bulwer became an advocate for thousands of second-generation survivors of the cult&amp;#39;s child abuse and psychological trauma scattered around the world.&lt;/p&gt;
  101. &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;About Perry Bulwer&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  102. &lt;p&gt;Born in Port Alberni, BC, in 1955, Perry Bulwer joined the Children of God after dropping out of high school at age 16, and spent the next two decades living in CoG communes in Canada, the United States, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Macau, Hong Kong, and, undercover, in Beijing. In 1991, aged 36, he was able to escape the cult --- with no money or possessions, and little in the way of education or skills. He spent the next decade catching up on his studies, and in 2002, graduated from the University of British Columbia with a law degree.&lt;/p&gt;
  103. &lt;p&gt;After a 2004 diagnosis of PTSD and fibromyalgia, Bulwer retired from the practice of law (though he remains registered with the Law Society of BC). Back home in Port Alberni, Perry Bulwer advocates for second-generation cult survivors, continuing to shed light on the Children of God, a/k/a The Family.&lt;/p&gt;
  104. </itunes:summary>
  105. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  106. <itunes:duration>00:34:44</itunes:duration>
  107. <itunes:image href=""/>
  108. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  109. </item>
  110. <item>
  111. <title><![CDATA[Putting a cost on religion in Canada]]></title>
  112. <description><![CDATA[<p>Bettianne Hedges of Humanist Canada hosts Leslie Rosenblood from Centre for Inquiry Canada alongside Teale Phelps Bondaroff and Ian Bushfield of the BC Humanist Association, who will discuss the many ways Canada still tangibly privileges religion and its institutions over similar non-theistic organizations. Just a few policy choices cost Canadians billions - yes, with a &quot;b&quot; - each and every year.</p>
  113. <p>You can learn more by reading:</p>
  114. <ul>
  115. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cost of Religion in Canada</a> from CFIC</li>
  116. <li><a href="">A Public Good</a> from BCHA</li>
  117.  <li><a href="">Follow the Money</a> from BCHA</li>
  118.  <li><a href="">An Extra Burden</a> from BCHA</li>
  119. </ul>
  120. <p>Recorded March 19, 2024</p>
  121. ]]></description>
  122. <link></link>
  123. <guid isPermaLink="false">485b30da-66fc-4f59-90f9-77176fd9396b</guid>
  124. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  125. <pubDate>Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:43:11 GMT</pubDate>
  126. <enclosure url="" length="72717536" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
  127. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;Bettianne Hedges of Humanist Canada hosts Leslie Rosenblood from Centre for Inquiry Canada alongside Teale Phelps Bondaroff and Ian Bushfield of the BC Humanist Association, who will discuss the many ways Canada still tangibly privileges religion and its institutions over similar non-theistic organizations. Just a few policy choices cost Canadians billions - yes, with a &amp;quot;b&amp;quot; - each and every year.&lt;/p&gt;
  128. &lt;p&gt;You can learn more by reading:&lt;/p&gt;
  129. &lt;ul&gt;
  130. &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;Cost of Religion in Canada&lt;/a&gt; from CFIC&lt;/li&gt;
  131. &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;A Public Good&lt;/a&gt; from BCHA&lt;/li&gt;
  132.  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Follow the Money&lt;/a&gt; from BCHA&lt;/li&gt;
  133.  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;An Extra Burden&lt;/a&gt; from BCHA&lt;/li&gt;
  134. &lt;/ul&gt;
  135. &lt;p&gt;Recorded March 19, 2024&lt;/p&gt;
  136. </itunes:summary>
  137. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  138. <itunes:duration>01:14:56</itunes:duration>
  139. <itunes:image href=""/>
  140. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  141. </item>
  142. <item>
  143. <title><![CDATA[Creating secular rituals and ceremonies]]></title>
  144. <description><![CDATA[<p>
  145. </p>
  146. <p>Join Megan Sheldon of Be Ceremonial as we explore the foundations of ceremony, including how we can create our own rituals to acknowledge times of change in life, death, and everything in between. You will learn how to craft a ritual, design a ceremony, and mark the seemingly invisible moments that often go unnoticed in our society. There will be an opportunity for questions, as well as a chance to browse the Be Ceremonial platform that inspires you with hundreds of secular rituals across the life cycle.</p>
  147. <p><br></p>
  148. <p><strong>About Megan Sheldon, Co-Founder &amp; CEO, Be Ceremonial</strong></p>
  149. <p>Megan Sheldon (she/her) is the co-founder of <a href="">Be Ceremonial</a>, the world&#39;s first guided ritual app + online community. Be Ceremonial inspires you to create your own ceremonies across the life cycle, drawing on hundreds of universal rituals. Megan is a cultural mythologist, secular celebrant, and end of life doula who is striving to change the cultural narratives around death, dying and grief.</p>
  150. <p><br></p>
  151. <p>Download <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</a></p>
  152. ]]></description>
  153. <link></link>
  154. <guid isPermaLink="false">aa979c01-f750-424a-8876-61c00dd3eecb</guid>
  155. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  156. <pubDate>Tue, 28 Nov 2023 21:45:17 GMT</pubDate>
  157. <enclosure url="" length="45083396" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
  158. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;
  159. &lt;/p&gt;
  160. &lt;p&gt;Join Megan Sheldon of Be Ceremonial as we explore the foundations of ceremony, including how we can create our own rituals to acknowledge times of change in life, death, and everything in between. You will learn how to craft a ritual, design a ceremony, and mark the seemingly invisible moments that often go unnoticed in our society. There will be an opportunity for questions, as well as a chance to browse the Be Ceremonial platform that inspires you with hundreds of secular rituals across the life cycle.&lt;/p&gt;
  161. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  162. &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;About Megan Sheldon, Co-Founder &amp;amp; CEO, Be Ceremonial&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  163. &lt;p&gt;Megan Sheldon (she/her) is the co-founder of &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Be Ceremonial&lt;/a&gt;, the world&amp;#39;s first guided ritual app + online community. Be Ceremonial inspires you to create your own ceremonies across the life cycle, drawing on hundreds of universal rituals. Megan is a cultural mythologist, secular celebrant, and end of life doula who is striving to change the cultural narratives around death, dying and grief.&lt;/p&gt;
  164. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  165. &lt;p&gt;Download &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferer&quot;&gt;End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  166. </itunes:summary>
  167. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  168. <itunes:duration>00:46:27</itunes:duration>
  169. <itunes:image href=""/>
  170. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  171. </item>
  172. <item>
  173. <title><![CDATA[Tackling the Climate Emergency with Emiko Newman]]></title>
  174. <description><![CDATA[<p>
  175. Despite decades of calls to action, our emissions are not on a path to stave off a horrific future for our children and future generations.
  177. The BC Climate Emergency Campaign is a group of civil society organizations, anxious about the climate emergency, who are collaborating to increase the ambition of climate policy and action in BC. We are not a formal coalition, but have chosen to work together on a joint campaign.
  179. Signatories, which include the BC Humanist Association, share a belief that BC’s climate plan, CleanBC, needs a profound jolt, one that would transform CleanBC into a genuine emergency plan and force the provincial government to take real action on climate change.
  181. In this webinar, BC Climate Emergency Campaign Coordinator Emiko Newman will prioritize an action-oriented, hope-filled approach that&#39;s heavy on solutions to the crisis.
  183. Presenter: Emiko Newman, BC Climate Emergency Campaign coordinator
  185. Emiko is passionate about exploring the intersections of social justice and climate justice. In 2022, she completed a master’s degree in Social Justice Education and Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto, focusing on the power of eco-pedagogies for fostering a praxis of hope within environmental education.
  187. Her past work experience includes coordinating anti-racism workshops, working as a research assistant on environmental and sustainability education, and teaching piano. She joined the BC Climate Emergency campaign with the desire to work alongside others to push the government away from incremental action towards the emergency-level action demanded by the climate crisis. Emiko is also an avid field hockey player, pianist, taiko player, and (sometimes) completer of reading challenges.</p>
  188. ]]></description>
  189. <link></link>
  190. <guid isPermaLink="false">5edd908f-8c6e-4641-b048-9fbee883187d</guid>
  191. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  192. <pubDate>Wed, 11 Oct 2023 23:09:07 GMT</pubDate>
  193. <enclosure url="" length="36322420" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
  194. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;
  195. Despite decades of calls to action, our emissions are not on a path to stave off a horrific future for our children and future generations.
  197. The BC Climate Emergency Campaign is a group of civil society organizations, anxious about the climate emergency, who are collaborating to increase the ambition of climate policy and action in BC. We are not a formal coalition, but have chosen to work together on a joint campaign.
  199. Signatories, which include the BC Humanist Association, share a belief that BC’s climate plan, CleanBC, needs a profound jolt, one that would transform CleanBC into a genuine emergency plan and force the provincial government to take real action on climate change.
  201. In this webinar, BC Climate Emergency Campaign Coordinator Emiko Newman will prioritize an action-oriented, hope-filled approach that&amp;#39;s heavy on solutions to the crisis.
  203. Presenter: Emiko Newman, BC Climate Emergency Campaign coordinator
  205. Emiko is passionate about exploring the intersections of social justice and climate justice. In 2022, she completed a master’s degree in Social Justice Education and Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto, focusing on the power of eco-pedagogies for fostering a praxis of hope within environmental education.
  207. Her past work experience includes coordinating anti-racism workshops, working as a research assistant on environmental and sustainability education, and teaching piano. She joined the BC Climate Emergency campaign with the desire to work alongside others to push the government away from incremental action towards the emergency-level action demanded by the climate crisis. Emiko is also an avid field hockey player, pianist, taiko player, and (sometimes) completer of reading challenges.&lt;/p&gt;
  208. </itunes:summary>
  209. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  210. <itunes:duration>00:37:25</itunes:duration>
  211. <itunes:image href=""/>
  212. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  213. </item>
  214. <item>
  215. <title><![CDATA[It's still unconstitutional: Municipal councils opening with prayers]]></title>
  216. <description><![CDATA[<p>Despite a 2015 Supreme Court of Canada ruling that prayers at municipal council meetings are unconstitutional, multiple communities across British Columbia still opened their 2022 inaugural council meetings with a prayer.</p>
  217. <p>This is a recording of a discussion about prayers with BCHA Research Coordinator Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff where he explores our latest work updating the status of prayers at BC municipalities. We&#39;ve made incredible progress in ensuring compliance since 2018 but there are still a number of stragglers that we will continue to challenge.</p>
  218. <p>Learn more about our work at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"></a></p>
  219. ]]></description>
  220. <link></link>
  221. <guid isPermaLink="false">ac531514-cbf4-45fc-b672-d333ceb201ce</guid>
  222. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  223. <pubDate>Tue, 26 Sep 2023 19:08:08 GMT</pubDate>
  224. <enclosure url="" length="43702093" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  225. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;Despite a 2015 Supreme Court of Canada ruling that prayers at municipal council meetings are unconstitutional, multiple communities across British Columbia still opened their 2022 inaugural council meetings with a prayer.&lt;/p&gt;
  226. &lt;p&gt;This is a recording of a discussion about prayers with BCHA Research Coordinator Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff where he explores our latest work updating the status of prayers at BC municipalities. We&amp;#39;ve made incredible progress in ensuring compliance since 2018 but there are still a number of stragglers that we will continue to challenge.&lt;/p&gt;
  227. &lt;p&gt;Learn more about our work at &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferer&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  228. </itunes:summary>
  229. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  230. <itunes:duration>00:45:31</itunes:duration>
  231. <itunes:image href=""/>
  232. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  233. </item>
  234. <item>
  235. <title><![CDATA[Ending Institutional Religious Obstructions]]></title>
  236. <description><![CDATA[<p>The Government of British Columbia&#39;s Master Agreement with religious healthcare facilities allows some hospitals to &#39;opt-out&#39; of providing patients with procedures that they&#39;re legally entitled too.</p>
  237. <p>This means your right to MAID or an abortion is subject to the whims of Catholic Bishops and not the rule of law.</p>
  238. <p>Find out about the history of religious hospitals in the province and how this agreement came about. We&#39;ll also give you the tools to help end these religious opt-outs.</p>
  239. <p><strong>Special Guest:</strong> Dying With Dignity Canada&#39;s CEO Helen Long.</p>
  240. <p><strong>References</strong></p>
  241. <p><a href="">Vandenberg and Boschma (2020)</a></p>
  242. <p><a href="">Fritz (2015) The origins of public funded medical care in BC and the BCMA’s contributions</a> </p>
  243. <p><a href="">Schratz (2018) Important history behind out health care</a></p>
  244. <p><a href="">CBC From the archives: Kim Campbell clashes with BC premier over abortion</a></p>
  245. <p><a href="">Abortion History (2007)</a></p>
  246. <p><a href="">Denominational Health principal members</a></p>
  247. <p><a href="">Humanists call for end to Master Agreement</a></p>
  248. <p><a href="">Email your MLA (BCHA)</a> </p>
  249. <p><a href="">Email your MLA (DWDC)</a> </p>
  250. <p><a href="">Share your story (DWDC)</a></p>
  251. ]]></description>
  252. <link></link>
  253. <guid isPermaLink="false">43f1e7a2-6cd7-44ad-8f6c-48ddd2a57e8a</guid>
  254. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  255. <pubDate>Wed, 30 Aug 2023 18:10:08 GMT</pubDate>
  256. <enclosure url="" length="19728919" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  257. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;The Government of British Columbia&amp;#39;s Master Agreement with religious healthcare facilities allows some hospitals to &amp;#39;opt-out&amp;#39; of providing patients with procedures that they&amp;#39;re legally entitled too.&lt;/p&gt;
  258. &lt;p&gt;This means your right to MAID or an abortion is subject to the whims of Catholic Bishops and not the rule of law.&lt;/p&gt;
  259. &lt;p&gt;Find out about the history of religious hospitals in the province and how this agreement came about. We&amp;#39;ll also give you the tools to help end these religious opt-outs.&lt;/p&gt;
  260. &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Special Guest:&lt;/strong&gt; Dying With Dignity Canada&amp;#39;s CEO Helen Long.&lt;/p&gt;
  261. &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;References&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  262. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Vandenberg and Boschma (2020)&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  263. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Fritz (2015) The origins of public funded medical care in BC and the BCMA’s contributions&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt;
  264. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Schratz (2018) Important history behind out health care&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  265. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;CBC From the archives: Kim Campbell clashes with BC premier over abortion&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  266. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Abortion History (2007)&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  267. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Denominational Health principal members&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  268. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Humanists call for end to Master Agreement&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  269. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Email your MLA (BCHA)&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt;
  270. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Email your MLA (DWDC)&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt;
  271. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Share your story (DWDC)&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  272. </itunes:summary>
  273. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  274. <itunes:duration>00:20:33</itunes:duration>
  275. <itunes:image href=""/>
  276. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  277. </item>
  278. <item>
  279. <title><![CDATA[The Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law]]></title>
  280. <description><![CDATA[<p>The Canadian constitution does not have a formal establishment clause separating church and state as the USA does, so can Canada be considered a secular country? In this presentation, BC Humanist Association Executive Director Ian Bushfield will argue that Canada’s unique legal and political history, coupled with a forward-looking <em>Charter of Rights and Freedoms </em>and judiciary, has resulted in more robust protections for the nonreligious and state neutrality than presently exist in America. Bushfield will walk through several of the major legal cases in Canadian religious law, from <em>Big M Drug Mart</em> to <em>Saguenay</em> and <em>Trinity Western University</em>. Along the way, he’ll highlight how secular activists and humanist organizations have increasingly made their voices heard through the justice system and identify several issues on the horizon.</p>
  281. <p>
  282. This talk by BCHA Executive Director Ian Bushfield was recorded at the Kelowna, Atheists, Skeptics &amp; Humanists Association (KASHA) Forum on July 31, 2023.
  284. Please note that the final minute of the talk was re-recorded.</p>
  285. ]]></description>
  286. <link></link>
  287. <guid isPermaLink="false">b7c4b6c2-2baf-4a8d-b3a9-42dc9b6ccc0f</guid>
  288. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  289. <pubDate>Tue, 08 Aug 2023 22:19:49 GMT</pubDate>
  290. <enclosure url="" length="45863921" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  291. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;The Canadian constitution does not have a formal establishment clause separating church and state as the USA does, so can Canada be considered a secular country? In this presentation, BC Humanist Association Executive Director Ian Bushfield will argue that Canada’s unique legal and political history, coupled with a forward-looking &lt;em&gt;Charter of Rights and Freedoms &lt;/em&gt;and judiciary, has resulted in more robust protections for the nonreligious and state neutrality than presently exist in America. Bushfield will walk through several of the major legal cases in Canadian religious law, from &lt;em&gt;Big M Drug Mart&lt;/em&gt; to &lt;em&gt;Saguenay&lt;/em&gt; and &lt;em&gt;Trinity Western University&lt;/em&gt;. Along the way, he’ll highlight how secular activists and humanist organizations have increasingly made their voices heard through the justice system and identify several issues on the horizon.&lt;/p&gt;
  292. &lt;p&gt;
  293. This talk by BCHA Executive Director Ian Bushfield was recorded at the Kelowna, Atheists, Skeptics &amp;amp; Humanists Association (KASHA) Forum on July 31, 2023.
  295. Please note that the final minute of the talk was re-recorded.&lt;/p&gt;
  296. </itunes:summary>
  297. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  298. <itunes:duration>00:47:46</itunes:duration>
  299. <itunes:image href=""/>
  300. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  301. </item>
  302. <item>
  303. <title><![CDATA[Open for Unconstitutional Business: Prayers at municipal council meetings in Ontario]]></title>
  304. <description><![CDATA[<p>The BCHA team discusses its newly released report: Open for Unconstitutional Business.</p>
  305. <p><a href="">Read the full report</a></p>
  306. <p><a href="">Donate to our year end fundraiser</a></p>
  307. ]]></description>
  308. <link></link>
  309. <guid isPermaLink="false">df6ff301-803b-4203-894a-c831b00d924c</guid>
  310. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  311. <pubDate>Thu, 15 Dec 2022 23:26:54 GMT</pubDate>
  312. <enclosure url="" length="78893556" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  313. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;The BCHA team discusses its newly released report: Open for Unconstitutional Business.&lt;/p&gt;
  314. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Read the full report&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  315. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Donate to our year end fundraiser&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  316. </itunes:summary>
  317. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  318. <itunes:duration>01:22:10</itunes:duration>
  319. <itunes:image href=""/>
  320. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  321. </item>
  322. <item>
  323. <title><![CDATA[Black in British Columbia; Resilience and Erasure]]></title>
  324. <description><![CDATA[<p>In honour of Black History Month 2022 (February), we hosted “Black in British Columbia: Resilience and Erasure” presented by Kathleen Johnson (founder of the Facebook group “Critical Black Thought Society” and Alberta Representative for Humanist Canada)</p>
  325. <p>This talk was recorded February 22, 2022 via Zoom</p>
  326. <p>Kathleen shared a look at how Black settlers came to British Columbia, what life was like, how they contributed, and how that history has been all but erased from the culture of British Columbia.</p>
  327. <p>About Kathleen: "I am a diversity and inclusion specialist and coach marginalized professionals, entrepreneurs, and artists. I write and speak on various platforms about diversity issues. I founded a group on Facebook called Critical Black Thought Society with almost 400 members, and am the Alberta Representative for Humanist Canada. This past October I represented the Humanist position at the World Religions Conference on Racism. I was born and raised in Calgary, and am a 1st generation Canadian with parents from Grenada, West Indies, who immigrated to Canada in the early 1970's. I have 5 human children and 1 fur baby."</p>
  328. <p>To learn more about Kathleen: &nbsp;<br>
  329. <a href="">Visit her website</a><br>
  330. <a href="">Check out her Instagram</a></p>
  331. ]]></description>
  332. <link></link>
  333. <guid isPermaLink="false">75bdada1-423d-4918-afec-2aaeb0318984</guid>
  334. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  335. <pubDate>Wed, 06 Apr 2022 18:43:53 GMT</pubDate>
  336. <enclosure url="" length="13897141" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  337. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;In honour of Black History Month 2022 (February), we hosted “Black in British Columbia: Resilience and Erasure” presented by Kathleen Johnson (founder of the Facebook group “Critical Black Thought Society” and Alberta Representative for Humanist Canada)&lt;/p&gt;
  338. &lt;p&gt;This talk was recorded February 22, 2022 via Zoom&lt;/p&gt;
  339. &lt;p&gt;Kathleen shared a look at how Black settlers came to British Columbia, what life was like, how they contributed, and how that history has been all but erased from the culture of British Columbia.&lt;/p&gt;
  340. &lt;p&gt;About Kathleen: &quot;I am a diversity and inclusion specialist and coach marginalized professionals, entrepreneurs, and artists. I write and speak on various platforms about diversity issues. I founded a group on Facebook called Critical Black Thought Society with almost 400 members, and am the Alberta Representative for Humanist Canada. This past October I represented the Humanist position at the World Religions Conference on Racism. I was born and raised in Calgary, and am a 1st generation Canadian with parents from Grenada, West Indies, who immigrated to Canada in the early 1970&apos;s. I have 5 human children and 1 fur baby.&quot;&lt;/p&gt;
  341. &lt;p&gt;To learn more about Kathleen: &amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  342. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Visit her website&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  343. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Check out her Instagram&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  344. </itunes:summary>
  345. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  346. <itunes:duration>00:14:28</itunes:duration>
  347. <itunes:image href=""/>
  348. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  349. </item>
  350. <item>
  351. <title><![CDATA[The Private School Giveaway]]></title>
  352. <description><![CDATA[<p>The Government of British Columbia gives hundreds of millions of dollars to private schools in the province.</p>
  353. <p>Our new research shows that the overwhelming majority of these schools are for the religious or economic elites.</p>
  354. <p>In this talk, BCHA Executive Director Ian Bushfield and Policy Research Adriana Thom will detail where this money goes, what these schools are teaching and who gets shut out.</p>
  355. <p>Learn more:&nbsp;</p>
  356. <p><br>
  357. <a href=""></a><br>
  358. <a href=""></a><br>
  359. <a href=""></a><br>
  360. <a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p>
  361. <p>Take action<br>
  362. <a href=""></a></p>
  363. ]]></description>
  364. <link></link>
  365. <guid isPermaLink="false">e0805eb7-fb0e-428c-bae9-5a94c6308b4f</guid>
  366. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  367. <pubDate>Wed, 03 Nov 2021 23:56:16 GMT</pubDate>
  368. <enclosure url="" length="34577427" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
  369. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;The Government of British Columbia gives hundreds of millions of dollars to private schools in the province.&lt;/p&gt;
  370. &lt;p&gt;Our new research shows that the overwhelming majority of these schools are for the religious or economic elites.&lt;/p&gt;
  371. &lt;p&gt;In this talk, BCHA Executive Director Ian Bushfield and Policy Research Adriana Thom will detail where this money goes, what these schools are teaching and who gets shut out.&lt;/p&gt;
  372. &lt;p&gt;Learn more:&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  373. &lt;p&gt;;br&gt;
  374. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  375. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  376. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  377. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  378. &lt;p&gt;Take action&lt;br&gt;
  379. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  380. </itunes:summary>
  381. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  382. <itunes:duration>00:35:37</itunes:duration>
  383. <itunes:image href=""/>
  384. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  385. </item>
  386. <item>
  387. <title><![CDATA[Researching an Absence of Religion]]></title>
  388. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is a recording of a live event held in collaboration with Nonreligion in a Complex Future in March 2021.</p>
  389. ]]></description>
  390. <link></link>
  391. <guid isPermaLink="false">403571a5-6b99-4789-813a-d9229da4a731</guid>
  392. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  393. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Mar 2021 23:37:17 GMT</pubDate>
  394. <enclosure url="" length="55316700" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  395. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is a recording of a live event held in collaboration with Nonreligion in a Complex Future in March 2021.&lt;/p&gt;
  396. </itunes:summary>
  397. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  398. <itunes:duration>01:21:41</itunes:duration>
  399. <itunes:image href=""/>
  400. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  401. </item>
  402. <item>
  403. <title><![CDATA[A Public Good]]></title>
  404. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is a recording of a live event held in March 2021, in which our research team breaks down the BCHA's latest report on tax exemptions.</p>
  405. ]]></description>
  406. <link></link>
  407. <guid isPermaLink="false">4e19a44d-b8db-4fc1-936d-3ce00b0883b8</guid>
  408. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  409. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Mar 2021 23:19:58 GMT</pubDate>
  410. <enclosure url="" length="39524664" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  411. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is a recording of a live event held in March 2021, in which our research team breaks down the BCHA&apos;s latest report on tax exemptions.&lt;/p&gt;
  412. </itunes:summary>
  413. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  414. <itunes:duration>00:52:36</itunes:duration>
  415. <itunes:image href=""/>
  416. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  417. </item>
  418. <item>
  419. <title><![CDATA[Trinity Western and the Court of Public Opinion]]></title>
  420. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is the recording of an event originally held on Zoom in February 2021.</p>
  421. ]]></description>
  422. <link></link>
  423. <guid isPermaLink="false">3eb75f77-101c-46aa-9831-671da45e607d</guid>
  424. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  425. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Mar 2021 18:47:35 GMT</pubDate>
  426. <enclosure url="" length="59425824" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  427. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is the recording of an event originally held on Zoom in February 2021.&lt;/p&gt;
  428. </itunes:summary>
  429. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  430. <itunes:duration>01:22:16</itunes:duration>
  431. <itunes:image href=""/>
  432. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  433. </item>
  434. <item>
  435. <title><![CDATA[Panel: Humanism in End of Life]]></title>
  436. <description><![CDATA[<p>This panel was originally held live on Zoom on November 5, 2020.</p>
  437. ]]></description>
  438. <link></link>
  439. <guid isPermaLink="false">852a832b-21ae-4fc5-899f-3da6b3b6652a</guid>
  440. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  441. <pubDate>Fri, 13 Nov 2020 00:49:10 GMT</pubDate>
  442. <enclosure url="" length="64348941" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  443. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This panel was originally held live on Zoom on November 5, 2020.&lt;/p&gt;
  444. </itunes:summary>
  445. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  446. <itunes:duration>01:23:53</itunes:duration>
  447. <itunes:image href=""/>
  448. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  449. </item>
  450. <item>
  451. <title><![CDATA[Memorials & Grief Audiobook | Conclusion]]></title>
  452. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is the final section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.</p>
  453. ]]></description>
  454. <link></link>
  455. <guid isPermaLink="false">b81f6b2e-7ccb-4b06-9c6a-58918243e9cf</guid>
  456. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  457. <pubDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 19:11:49 GMT</pubDate>
  458. <enclosure url="" length="820493" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  459. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is the final section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.&lt;/p&gt;
  460. </itunes:summary>
  461. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  462. <itunes:duration>00:00:43</itunes:duration>
  463. <itunes:image href=""/>
  464. <itunes:season>2</itunes:season>
  465. <itunes:episode>5</itunes:episode>
  466. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  467. </item>
  468. <item>
  469. <title><![CDATA[Memorials & Grief Audiobook | The Arts]]></title>
  470. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is the first section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.</p>
  471. ]]></description>
  472. <link></link>
  473. <guid isPermaLink="false">caceb946-5d54-4d02-95c2-9d409d127ce6</guid>
  474. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  475. <pubDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 19:08:39 GMT</pubDate>
  476. <enclosure url="" length="1220849" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  477. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is the first section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.&lt;/p&gt;
  478. </itunes:summary>
  479. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  480. <itunes:duration>00:01:15</itunes:duration>
  481. <itunes:image href=""/>
  482. <itunes:season>2</itunes:season>
  483. <itunes:episode>4</itunes:episode>
  484. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  485. </item>
  486. <item>
  487. <title><![CDATA[Memorials & Grief Audiobook | Grief & Bereavement ]]></title>
  488. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is the third section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.</p>
  489. <p><br></p>
  490. <p><br></p>
  491. <p><br></p>
  492. <p><br></p>
  493. <p><br></p>
  494. <p><br></p>
  495. <p><br></p>
  496. <p><br></p>
  497. ]]></description>
  498. <link></link>
  499. <guid isPermaLink="false">c4abb2ed-fca7-4a36-92ca-7c6f81fc4338</guid>
  500. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  501. <pubDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 19:07:18 GMT</pubDate>
  502. <enclosure url="" length="2776458" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  503. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is the third section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.&lt;/p&gt;
  504. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  505. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  506. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  507. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  508. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  509. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  510. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  511. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  512. </itunes:summary>
  513. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  514. <itunes:duration>00:03:17</itunes:duration>
  515. <itunes:image href=""/>
  516. <itunes:season>2</itunes:season>
  517. <itunes:episode>3</itunes:episode>
  518. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  519. </item>
  520. <item>
  521. <title><![CDATA[Memorials & Grief Audiobook | Death Rituals]]></title>
  522. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is the second section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.</p>
  523. ]]></description>
  524. <link></link>
  525. <guid isPermaLink="false">df149fd9-2364-46ad-ac22-31348e24163e</guid>
  526. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  527. <pubDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 19:04:36 GMT</pubDate>
  528. <enclosure url="" length="2664663" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  529. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is the second section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.&lt;/p&gt;
  530. </itunes:summary>
  531. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  532. <itunes:duration>00:03:07</itunes:duration>
  533. <itunes:image href=""/>
  534. <itunes:season>2</itunes:season>
  535. <itunes:episode>2</itunes:episode>
  536. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  537. </item>
  538. <item>
  539. <title><![CDATA[Memorials & Grief Audiobook | Introduction]]></title>
  540. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is the first section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.</p>
  541. <p><br></p>
  542. ]]></description>
  543. <link></link>
  544. <guid isPermaLink="false">10939673-57e5-4e5e-81ee-b0b02a963ae9</guid>
  545. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  546. <pubDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 19:03:03 GMT</pubDate>
  547. <enclosure url="" length="1995160" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  548. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is the first section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) and living with the death of a loved one, or simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For more information about end of life, including healthcare, advance care planning, legacy projects and emotional support, please see our first guide End of Life: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC. This is available for free on our website.&lt;/p&gt;
  549. &lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  550. </itunes:summary>
  551. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  552. <itunes:duration>00:02:13</itunes:duration>
  553. <itunes:image href=""/>
  554. <itunes:season>2</itunes:season>
  555. <itunes:episode>1</itunes:episode>
  556. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  557. </item>
  558. <item>
  559. <title><![CDATA[A Humanist View on Toxic Masculinity]]></title>
  560. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is a recording of an event originally held live on Zoom.</p>
  561. ]]></description>
  562. <link></link>
  563. <guid isPermaLink="false">9f7f49ae-6964-4578-969f-29c97b22768b</guid>
  564. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  565. <pubDate>Tue, 27 Oct 2020 23:18:57 GMT</pubDate>
  566. <enclosure url="" length="54556596" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  567. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is a recording of an event originally held live on Zoom.&lt;/p&gt;
  568. </itunes:summary>
  569. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  570. <itunes:duration>01:20:11</itunes:duration>
  571. <itunes:image href=""/>
  572. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  573. </item>
  574. <item>
  575. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Conclusion]]></title>
  576. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is final section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  577. ]]></description>
  578. <link></link>
  579. <guid isPermaLink="false">c4cbe74a-a889-4ee9-9a20-a1b9193f3702</guid>
  580. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  581. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:33:45 GMT</pubDate>
  582. <enclosure url="" length="959427" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  583. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is final section of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  584. </itunes:summary>
  585. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  586. <itunes:duration>00:00:55</itunes:duration>
  587. <itunes:image href=""/>
  588. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  589. <itunes:episode>9</itunes:episode>
  590. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  591. </item>
  592. <item>
  593. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Death and Dying in COVID-19]]></title>
  594. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part eight of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  595. ]]></description>
  596. <link></link>
  597. <guid isPermaLink="false">59f31642-343e-4d7c-823f-1bd5811ff55d</guid>
  598. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  599. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:32:08 GMT</pubDate>
  600. <enclosure url="" length="2037308" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  601. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part eight of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  602. </itunes:summary>
  603. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  604. <itunes:duration>00:02:18</itunes:duration>
  605. <itunes:image href=""/>
  606. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  607. <itunes:episode>8</itunes:episode>
  608. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  609. </item>
  610. <item>
  611. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Legacy Projects]]></title>
  612. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part seven of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  613. ]]></description>
  614. <link></link>
  615. <guid isPermaLink="false">705aa2f7-e78f-4246-9cb5-73d68fbcfe9d</guid>
  616. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  617. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:30:48 GMT</pubDate>
  618. <enclosure url="" length="2828788" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  619. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part seven of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  620. </itunes:summary>
  621. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  622. <itunes:duration>00:03:19</itunes:duration>
  623. <itunes:image href=""/>
  624. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  625. <itunes:episode>7</itunes:episode>
  626. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  627. </item>
  628. <item>
  629. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Creating a Space of Comfort and Love]]></title>
  630. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part six of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  631. ]]></description>
  632. <link></link>
  633. <guid isPermaLink="false">a983bb20-f61d-422e-a023-95901503cc46</guid>
  634. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  635. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:29:31 GMT</pubDate>
  636. <enclosure url="" length="1469341" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  637. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part six of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  638. </itunes:summary>
  639. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  640. <itunes:duration>00:01:32</itunes:duration>
  641. <itunes:image href=""/>
  642. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  643. <itunes:episode>6</itunes:episode>
  644. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  645. </item>
  646. <item>
  647. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Emotional Support]]></title>
  648. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part five of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  649. ]]></description>
  650. <link></link>
  651. <guid isPermaLink="false">fed7d613-c64e-4322-82c3-febb3e5cffbc</guid>
  652. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  653. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:28:26 GMT</pubDate>
  654. <enclosure url="" length="3728869" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  655. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part five of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  656. </itunes:summary>
  657. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  658. <itunes:duration>00:04:24</itunes:duration>
  659. <itunes:image href=""/>
  660. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  661. <itunes:episode>5</itunes:episode>
  662. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  663. </item>
  664. <item>
  665. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Healthcare Issues and Medical Assistance in Dying]]></title>
  666. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part four of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  667. ]]></description>
  668. <link></link>
  669. <guid isPermaLink="false">d0d70fa5-13b7-4690-9c07-020857651676</guid>
  670. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  671. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:27:05 GMT</pubDate>
  672. <enclosure url="" length="6313781" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  673. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part four of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  674. </itunes:summary>
  675. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  676. <itunes:duration>00:09:04</itunes:duration>
  677. <itunes:image href=""/>
  678. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  679. <itunes:episode>4</itunes:episode>
  680. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  681. </item>
  682. <item>
  683. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Advanced Care Planning]]></title>
  684. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part three of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  685. ]]></description>
  686. <link></link>
  687. <guid isPermaLink="false">c8426fb0-ec1d-44a5-901e-23e9651ea6d7</guid>
  688. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  689. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:24:31 GMT</pubDate>
  690. <enclosure url="" length="6005254" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  691. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part three of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  692. </itunes:summary>
  693. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  694. <itunes:duration>00:07:20</itunes:duration>
  695. <itunes:image href=""/>
  696. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  697. <itunes:episode>3</itunes:episode>
  698. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  699. </item>
  700. <item>
  701. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Humanist Perspectives of Death]]></title>
  702. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part two of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  703. ]]></description>
  704. <link></link>
  705. <guid isPermaLink="false">a16ea2fe-af9d-4133-bef7-9e5d48d23b52</guid>
  706. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  707. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:22:24 GMT</pubDate>
  708. <enclosure url="" length="1178268" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  709. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part two of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  710. </itunes:summary>
  711. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  712. <itunes:duration>00:01:11</itunes:duration>
  713. <itunes:image href=""/>
  714. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  715. <itunes:episode>2</itunes:episode>
  716. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  717. </item>
  718. <item>
  719. <title><![CDATA[End-of-Life Audiobook | Introduction ]]></title>
  720. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is part one of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, <em>Memorials &amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC</em>. This is available for free on our website</p>
  721. ]]></description>
  722. <link></link>
  723. <guid isPermaLink="false">57d1e448-94bf-4f3d-8add-9ef6c84bbe30</guid>
  724. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  725. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:18:14 GMT</pubDate>
  726. <enclosure url="" length="2099554" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  727. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This is part one of our guide for anyone non-religious (humanist, atheist, agnostic) preparing for their own, or witnessing a loved one at the end of their life. This guide is also for those who are simply interested in learning more about the humanist perspective of life &amp;amp; death. For information and support about experiencing a loss, please read our second guide, &lt;em&gt;Memorials &amp;amp; Grief: A Guide for Humanists and Non-Religious People in BC&lt;/em&gt;. This is available for free on our website;/p&gt;
  728. </itunes:summary>
  729. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  730. <itunes:duration>00:02:22</itunes:duration>
  731. <itunes:image href=""/>
  732. <itunes:season>1</itunes:season>
  733. <itunes:episode>1</itunes:episode>
  734. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  735. </item>
  736. <item>
  737. <title><![CDATA[Kimberly Girling: Evidence in Action: How Governments Find and Use Evidence in Policy-Making]]></title>
  738. <description><![CDATA[<p>This event was originally held live on Zoom on August 13, 2020.</p>
  739. ]]></description>
  740. <link></link>
  741. <guid isPermaLink="false">91caff32-2a57-4569-9cab-d25ef1798211</guid>
  742. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  743. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:21:40 GMT</pubDate>
  744. <enclosure url="" length="48394440" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  745. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;This event was originally held live on Zoom on August 13, 2020.&lt;/p&gt;
  746. </itunes:summary>
  747. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  748. <itunes:duration>01:11:03</itunes:duration>
  749. <itunes:image href=""/>
  750. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  751. </item>
  752. <item>
  753. <title><![CDATA[Corey Clay: Dehumanization and the Black Male Form]]></title>
  754. <description><![CDATA[<p>In the wake of George Floyd's murder, mass protests and calls to action across the globe have cast a light on critical issues of systemic racial discrimination and dehumanization. In a continuation of our lecture series taking a humanist look at systemic racism and criminal justice, our presenter Corey Clay focuses in this talk on how racial dehumanization intersects with wider issues around criminal justice and Black antisemitism. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
  755. <p>Back by popular demand, Clay has 14 years of experience studying and teaching classes about the criminal justice system in the USA. His work focuses on police violence, probation recidivism and the criminalization of cannabis. He identifies as a Humanist and is currently in the process of moving to Vancouver, BC. &nbsp;</p>
  756. <p>This event was originally held live on Zoom on July 30, 2020. For more information on our future events, please visit or follow us on social media.</p>
  757. ]]></description>
  758. <link></link>
  759. <guid isPermaLink="false">ad69562a-11b3-4f7c-8cf9-11f79b13631b</guid>
  760. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  761. <pubDate>Tue, 04 Aug 2020 21:26:46 GMT</pubDate>
  762. <enclosure url="" length="119239295" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
  763. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;In the wake of George Floyd&apos;s murder, mass protests and calls to action across the globe have cast a light on critical issues of systemic racial discrimination and dehumanization. In a continuation of our lecture series taking a humanist look at systemic racism and criminal justice, our presenter Corey Clay focuses in this talk on how racial dehumanization intersects with wider issues around criminal justice and Black antisemitism. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  764. &lt;p&gt;Back by popular demand, Clay has 14 years of experience studying and teaching classes about the criminal justice system in the USA. His work focuses on police violence, probation recidivism and the criminalization of cannabis. He identifies as a Humanist and is currently in the process of moving to Vancouver, BC. &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  765. &lt;p&gt;This event was originally held live on Zoom on July 30, 2020. For more information on our future events, please visit or follow us on social media.&lt;/p&gt;
  766. </itunes:summary>
  767. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  768. <itunes:duration>01:06:23</itunes:duration>
  769. <itunes:image href=""/>
  770. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  771. </item>
  772. <item>
  773. <title><![CDATA[From the Research Desk - Public funds for public education]]></title>
  774. <description><![CDATA[<p>From the Research Desk is a regular check in with our executive director, Ian Bushfield on some of the current projects that our campaigns teams are working on.</p>
  775. <p>This talk, recorded on June 5, 2020, is on some of our work on private schools in British Columbia. We've previously documented the background of their funding model, shown that everyone appointed to oversee independent schools has come from an Evangelical Christian school, broken down the funding for these schools showing it disproportionately goes to Christian and Catholic schools, exposed private schools that teach creationism in science class and found examples of private schools that exclude LGBTQ2S+ families.&nbsp;</p>
  776. <p>The talk ends by previewing our latest report, Pass or Fail? that questions whether private school students perform better than their public school peers at UBC. Read it now: <a href=""></a></p>
  777. <p>Watch this talk on YouTube: <a href=""></a></p>
  778. <p>Ian Bushfield is executive director of the BC Humanist Association. He has a background in physics and nonprofit management.</p>
  779. ]]></description>
  780. <link></link>
  781. <guid isPermaLink="false">c8a2a9b2-02e6-4e02-9715-c9223dd56527</guid>
  782. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  783. <pubDate>Mon, 15 Jun 2020 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  784. <enclosure url="" length="43385633" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  785. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;From the Research Desk is a regular check in with our executive director, Ian Bushfield on some of the current projects that our campaigns teams are working on.&lt;/p&gt;
  786. &lt;p&gt;This talk, recorded on June 5, 2020, is on some of our work on private schools in British Columbia. We&apos;ve previously documented the background of their funding model, shown that everyone appointed to oversee independent schools has come from an Evangelical Christian school, broken down the funding for these schools showing it disproportionately goes to Christian and Catholic schools, exposed private schools that teach creationism in science class and found examples of private schools that exclude LGBTQ2S+ families.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  787. &lt;p&gt;The talk ends by previewing our latest report, Pass or Fail? that questions whether private school students perform better than their public school peers at UBC. Read it now: &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  788. &lt;p&gt;Watch this talk on YouTube: &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  789. &lt;p&gt;Ian Bushfield is executive director of the BC Humanist Association. He has a background in physics and nonprofit management.&lt;/p&gt;
  790. </itunes:summary>
  791. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  792. <itunes:duration>00:45:11</itunes:duration>
  793. <itunes:image href=""/>
  794. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  795. </item>
  796. <item>
  797. <title><![CDATA[From the Research Desk - Charity Law]]></title>
  798. <description><![CDATA[<p>From the Research Desk is a regular check in with our research team, Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff and Ian Bushfield, on some of the current projects that our campaigns teams are working on. &nbsp;This talk was broadcast on May 15, 2020.</p>
  799. <p>In this talk, Ian &amp; Teale talk about our work on charity law.</p>
  800. <p><a href=";t=2s">Watch the video of this talk</a></p>
  801. <p><a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join</a> or <a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Donate</a> to the BC Humanist Association</p>
  802. <p>Creative Commons intro music credit: Teamwork by Scott Holmes</p>
  803. ]]></description>
  804. <link></link>
  805. <guid isPermaLink="false">1efb5253-def2-47e5-998b-39ea32d8b092</guid>
  806. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  807. <pubDate>Wed, 10 Jun 2020 17:23:28 GMT</pubDate>
  808. <enclosure url="" length="56368267" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  809. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;From the Research Desk is a regular check in with our research team, Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff and Ian Bushfield, on some of the current projects that our campaigns teams are working on. &amp;nbsp;This talk was broadcast on May 15, 2020.&lt;/p&gt;
  810. &lt;p&gt;In this talk, Ian &amp;amp; Teale talk about our work on charity law.&lt;/p&gt;
  811. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;amp;t=2s&quot;&gt;Watch the video of this talk&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  812. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;ugc noopener noreferrer&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Join&lt;/a&gt; or &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;ugc noopener noreferrer&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Donate&lt;/a&gt; to the BC Humanist Association&lt;/p&gt;
  813. &lt;p&gt;Creative Commons intro music credit: Teamwork by Scott Holmes&lt;/p&gt;
  814. </itunes:summary>
  815. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  816. <itunes:duration>00:58:42</itunes:duration>
  817. <itunes:image href=""/>
  818. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  819. </item>
  820. <item>
  821. <title><![CDATA[From the Research Desk: Legislative Prayers]]></title>
  822. <description><![CDATA[<p>Introducing a new virtual program from the BC Humanist Association. From the Research Desk is a weekly check in with our research coordinator, Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff, on some of the current projects that our campaigns teams are working on. &nbsp;Our first broadcast was on Friday, April 3, 2020.</p>
  823. <p>In this talk, Teale talks about our findings on the use of prayers in provincial and municipal governance.</p>
  824. <p><a href="">Watch the video of this talk</a></p>
  825. <p><a href="">Read <em>House of Prayers</em></a></p>
  826. <p><a href="">Sign up to help with our Secularism in Local Governance study</a></p>
  827. <p><a href="">Join</a> or <a href="">Donate</a> to the BC Humanist Association</p>
  828. <p>Creative Commons intro music credit: Teamwork by Scott Holmes</p>
  829. ]]></description>
  830. <link></link>
  831. <guid isPermaLink="false">850574e5-52a0-4f4d-b230-6812070e282c</guid>
  832. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  833. <pubDate>Thu, 30 Apr 2020 16:52:01 GMT</pubDate>
  834. <enclosure url="" length="57392350" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  835. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;Introducing a new virtual program from the BC Humanist Association. From the Research Desk is a weekly check in with our research coordinator, Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff, on some of the current projects that our campaigns teams are working on. &amp;nbsp;Our first broadcast was on Friday, April 3, 2020.&lt;/p&gt;
  836. &lt;p&gt;In this talk, Teale talks about our findings on the use of prayers in provincial and municipal governance.&lt;/p&gt;
  837. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Watch the video of this talk&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  838. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Read &lt;em&gt;House of Prayers&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  839. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Sign up to help with our Secularism in Local Governance study&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  840. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Join&lt;/a&gt; or &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Donate&lt;/a&gt; to the BC Humanist Association&lt;/p&gt;
  841. &lt;p&gt;Creative Commons intro music credit: Teamwork by Scott Holmes&lt;/p&gt;
  842. </itunes:summary>
  843. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  844. <itunes:duration>00:59:46</itunes:duration>
  845. <itunes:image href=""/>
  846. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  847. </item>
  848. <item>
  849. <title><![CDATA[Inspecting the House of Prayers - Teale Phelps Bondaroff]]></title>
  850. <description><![CDATA[<p>At the end of November, MLAs voted unanimously to begin every day's sitting of the BC Legislature with "prayers and reflections" rather than "prayers." The change followed the publication in September of the BC Humanist Association's landmark&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">House of Prayers&nbsp;Report</a>.</p>
  851. <p>The Report examined the transcripts of 873 prayers said in the legislature between October 2003 and February 2019. It also included a thorough consideration of the various arguments against the practice and provided a series of recommendations for reform.</p>
  852. <p>Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff&nbsp;was the lead author on the report and visited Vancouver from his home in Saanich to speak about the report, changes since the report and some of BCHA's ongoing work on these issues.</p>
  853. <p><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Dr Phelps Bondaroff,</a>&nbsp;is an experienced researcher with a PhD in politics and international studies from the University of Cambridge and BAs in political science and international relations from the University of Calgary. He is currently serving as the Research Coordinator for the BCHA, and also conducts research on behalf of his strategy and research consultancy the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Idea Tree Consulting</a>, and in his capacity as Director of Research for&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">OceansAsia</a>. Dr. Phelps Bondaroff is also the Chair of the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">AccessBC Campaign for free prescription contraception</a>, coaches high school debate, and studies the strategic use of international law by non-state actors.</p>
  854. ]]></description>
  855. <link></link>
  856. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  857. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  858. <pubDate>Thu, 12 Mar 2020 20:24:40 GMT</pubDate>
  859. <enclosure url="" length="39020415" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  860. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;At the end of November, MLAs voted unanimously to begin every day&apos;s sitting of the BC Legislature with &quot;prayers and reflections&quot; rather than &quot;prayers.&quot; The change followed the publication in September of the BC Humanist Association&apos;s landmark&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;House of Prayers&amp;nbsp;Report&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
  861. &lt;p&gt;The Report examined the transcripts of 873 prayers said in the legislature between October 2003 and February 2019. It also included a thorough consideration of the various arguments against the practice and provided a series of recommendations for reform.&lt;/p&gt;
  862. &lt;p&gt;Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff&amp;nbsp;was the lead author on the report and visited Vancouver from his home in Saanich to speak about the report, changes since the report and some of BCHA&apos;s ongoing work on these issues.&lt;/p&gt;
  863. &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Dr Phelps Bondaroff,&lt;/a&gt;&amp;nbsp;is an experienced researcher with a PhD in politics and international studies from the University of Cambridge and BAs in political science and international relations from the University of Calgary. He is currently serving as the Research Coordinator for the BCHA, and also conducts research on behalf of his strategy and research consultancy the&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Idea Tree Consulting&lt;/a&gt;, and in his capacity as Director of Research for&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;OceansAsia&lt;/a&gt;. Dr. Phelps Bondaroff is also the Chair of the&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;AccessBC Campaign for free prescription contraception&lt;/a&gt;, coaches high school debate, and studies the strategic use of international law by non-state actors.&lt;/p&gt;
  864. </itunes:summary>
  865. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  866. <itunes:duration>00:54:11</itunes:duration>
  867. <itunes:image href=""/>
  868. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  869. </item>
  870. <item>
  871. <title><![CDATA[Furquan Gehlan - World Beyond War]]></title>
  872. <description><![CDATA[<p>Furquan Gehlan is currently Co-Chair of the Vancouver chapter of Canadian Peace Initiative and is also on the board of the Global Alliance for Ministries and infrastructures for peace.&nbsp;From 2013 to 2019 he was&nbsp;the National Co-chair of Canadian Peace Initiative.&nbsp;He is currently&nbsp;chapter coordinator for <a href="">World BEYOND War’s Metro Vancouver chapter</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;is&nbsp;focused on developing a culture of peace in Canada and around the world. His passion is to make the world a better place by focusing on resolving problems at the root cause level and in a sustainable way. His goal is to have society progress so that war is no longer considered an acceptable activity for&nbsp;humans.</p>
  873. <p>World BEYOND War Metro Vancouver's events highlight a range of topics related to war and peace, and the steps needed to move us towards a world beyond war. Learn more at <a href=""></a></p>
  874. <p>The BC Humanist Association and Vancouver Peace Poppies are a cosponsors of Let Peace Be Their Memorial, an annual event to remember civilian victims of conflict. Learn more at <a href=""></a></p>
  875. <p>Learn more about the BC Humanist Association, become a member and support our work at <a href=""></a></p>
  876. ]]></description>
  877. <link></link>
  878. <guid isPermaLink="false">ae588022-6066-f328-6b4e-3f451588c904</guid>
  879. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  880. <pubDate>Mon, 16 Dec 2019 20:26:52 GMT</pubDate>
  881. <enclosure url="" length="32073069" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  882. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;Furquan Gehlan is currently Co-Chair of the Vancouver chapter of Canadian Peace Initiative and is also on the board of the Global Alliance for Ministries and infrastructures for peace.&amp;nbsp;From 2013 to 2019 he was&amp;nbsp;the National Co-chair of Canadian Peace Initiative.&amp;nbsp;He is currently&amp;nbsp;chapter coordinator for &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;World BEYOND War’s Metro Vancouver chapter&lt;/a&gt;&amp;nbsp;and&amp;nbsp;is&amp;nbsp;focused on developing a culture of peace in Canada and around the world. His passion is to make the world a better place by focusing on resolving problems at the root cause level and in a sustainable way. His goal is to have society progress so that war is no longer considered an acceptable activity for&amp;nbsp;humans.&lt;/p&gt;
  883. &lt;p&gt;World BEYOND War Metro Vancouver&apos;s events highlight a range of topics related to war and peace, and the steps needed to move us towards a world beyond war. Learn more at &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  884. &lt;p&gt;The BC Humanist Association and Vancouver Peace Poppies are a cosponsors of Let Peace Be Their Memorial, an annual event to remember civilian victims of conflict. Learn more at &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  885. &lt;p&gt;Learn more about the BC Humanist Association, become a member and support our work at &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  886. </itunes:summary>
  887. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  888. <itunes:duration>00:44:32</itunes:duration>
  889. <itunes:image href=""/>
  890. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  891. </item>
  892. <item>
  893. <title><![CDATA[David Barsamian]]></title>
  894. <description><![CDATA[<p>Via wikipedia: David Barsamian (born 1945) is an Armenian-American radio broadcaster, writer, and the founder and director of Alternative Radio, a Boulder, Colorado-based syndicated weekly public affairs program heard on some 250 radio stations worldwide.</p>
  895. <p>David spoke at the Vancouver Humanists Sunday meeting on October 20, 2019.</p>
  896. <p>Photo by Shahen books - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,</p>
  897. ]]></description>
  898. <link></link>
  899. <guid isPermaLink="false">e02d3eae-7e73-c7a1-4c91-add6cba494f0</guid>
  900. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  901. <pubDate>Wed, 04 Dec 2019 22:03:17 GMT</pubDate>
  902. <enclosure url="" length="41427573" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  903. <itunes:summary>&lt;p&gt;Via wikipedia: David Barsamian (born 1945) is an Armenian-American radio broadcaster, writer, and the founder and director of Alternative Radio, a Boulder, Colorado-based syndicated weekly public affairs program heard on some 250 radio stations worldwide.&lt;/p&gt;
  904. &lt;p&gt;David spoke at the Vancouver Humanists Sunday meeting on October 20, 2019.&lt;/p&gt;
  905. &lt;p&gt;Photo by Shahen books - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,;/p&gt;
  906. </itunes:summary>
  907. <itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>
  908. <itunes:duration>00:57:32</itunes:duration>
  909. <itunes:image href=""/>
  910. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  911. </item>
  912. <item>
  913. <title><![CDATA[Bree Gardner - AccessBC]]></title>
  914. <description><![CDATA[AccessBC are a group of young people from around British Columbia who are concerned with removing barriers to accessing prescription contraception.  Visit
  916. Bree is a multi-disciplinary activist originally hailing from Dartmouth, NS. Trans-spectrum, chronically ill, queer, disabled, and experiencing poverty, Bree’s primary focus is on Safer Spaces, Harm Reduction, and Access to Healthcare. They are an abortion doula certified through Full Spectrum Doula Collective Canada, and a practicing herbalist. Bree has worked with music festivals across the country to provide safer spaces and harm reduction policies, spoken at numerous conferences, regularly teaches workshops, and formerly hosted a podcast addressing the ongoing concerns of grassroots organizing - particularly as it pertains to queer and trans-spectrum folks.
  917. ]]></description>
  918. <link></link>
  919. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/673462661</guid>
  920. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  921. <pubDate>Fri, 30 Aug 2019 22:14:18 GMT</pubDate>
  922. <enclosure url="" length="39554944" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  923. <itunes:summary>AccessBC are a group of young people from around British Columbia who are concerned with removing barriers to accessing prescription contraception.  Visit
  925. Bree is a multi-disciplinary activist originally hailing from Dartmouth, NS. Trans-spectrum, chronically ill, queer, disabled, and experiencing poverty, Bree’s primary focus is on Safer Spaces, Harm Reduction, and Access to Healthcare. They are an abortion doula certified through Full Spectrum Doula Collective Canada, and a practicing herbalist. Bree has worked with music festivals across the country to provide safer spaces and harm reduction policies, spoken at numerous conferences, regularly teaches workshops, and formerly hosted a podcast addressing the ongoing concerns of grassroots organizing - particularly as it pertains to queer and trans-spectrum folks.
  926. </itunes:summary>
  927. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  928. <itunes:duration>00:41:12</itunes:duration>
  929. <itunes:image href=""/>
  930. </item>
  931. <item>
  932. <title><![CDATA[Donald Baker: How South Korea became a democracy]]></title>
  934. (Via Wikipedia) In May 1980, peaceful demonstrations took place in Gwangju against Chun Doo-hwan, leader of the South Korean military coup d'état of December 12, 1979. The demonstrations were suppressed by military forces, including elite units of the Special Operations Command. The situation escalated after a violent crackdown, resulting in the Gwangju Uprising, where civilians raided armouries and armed themselves. By the time the uprising was suppressed 9 days later, many hundreds of civilians and several police forces / soldiers were dead. After civilian rule was reinstated in 1987, a national cemetery was established, honouring the victims of the incident.
  936. Professor Donald Baker witnessed the crackdown firsthand in 1980 and went on to study Korean history at the University of Washington. Since 1987 he has been teaching Korean history and civilization at the University of British Columbia. He will speak about his experiences and the influence of those events on contemporary South Korean politics.
  937. ]]></description>
  938. <link></link>
  939. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/602951601</guid>
  940. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  941. <pubDate>Mon, 08 Apr 2019 19:37:34 GMT</pubDate>
  942. <enclosure url="" length="35885707" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  944. (Via Wikipedia) In May 1980, peaceful demonstrations took place in Gwangju against Chun Doo-hwan, leader of the South Korean military coup d&apos;état of December 12, 1979. The demonstrations were suppressed by military forces, including elite units of the Special Operations Command. The situation escalated after a violent crackdown, resulting in the Gwangju Uprising, where civilians raided armouries and armed themselves. By the time the uprising was suppressed 9 days later, many hundreds of civilians and several police forces / soldiers were dead. After civilian rule was reinstated in 1987, a national cemetery was established, honouring the victims of the incident.
  946. Professor Donald Baker witnessed the crackdown firsthand in 1980 and went on to study Korean history at the University of Washington. Since 1987 he has been teaching Korean history and civilization at the University of British Columbia. He will speak about his experiences and the influence of those events on contemporary South Korean politics.
  947. </itunes:summary>
  948. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  949. <itunes:duration>00:37:22</itunes:duration>
  950. <itunes:image href=""/>
  951. </item>
  952. <item>
  953. <title><![CDATA[Charlotte Ross - Nurses' addictions programs]]></title>
  954. <description><![CDATA[Apologies for the poor audio quality in this recording.
  956. Charlotte Ross is a nurse who recently completed her PhD Thesis in SFU's Department of Health Sciences. Her research looked at substance use practices among nurses across Western Canada.
  958. Her work highlights the prevalence of AA or 12-Step based practices, despite participants disagreements with the moral and religious basis. She has interrogated some of the forces that have led to the dominance of 12-Step treatments and what alternatives exist.
  960. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  961. ]]></description>
  962. <link></link>
  963. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/590236764</guid>
  964. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  965. <pubDate>Thu, 14 Mar 2019 23:23:41 GMT</pubDate>
  966. <enclosure url="" length="40354491" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  967. <itunes:summary>Apologies for the poor audio quality in this recording.
  969. Charlotte Ross is a nurse who recently completed her PhD Thesis in SFU&apos;s Department of Health Sciences. Her research looked at substance use practices among nurses across Western Canada.
  971. Her work highlights the prevalence of AA or 12-Step based practices, despite participants disagreements with the moral and religious basis. She has interrogated some of the forces that have led to the dominance of 12-Step treatments and what alternatives exist.
  973. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  974. </itunes:summary>
  975. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  976. <itunes:duration>00:42:02</itunes:duration>
  977. <itunes:image href=""/>
  978. </item>
  979. <item>
  980. <title><![CDATA[Boris Reitman - Atheism Q&A and the history of Judaism]]></title>
  981. <description><![CDATA[Boris Reitman runs the local Atheism Q&A meetup and has a background in philosophy. In this talk he will talk about his group and give one of his presentations on the origins of Judaism.
  983. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  984. ]]></description>
  985. <link></link>
  986. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/586618368</guid>
  987. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  988. <pubDate>Fri, 08 Mar 2019 14:00:28 GMT</pubDate>
  989. <enclosure url="" length="39092296" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  990. <itunes:summary>Boris Reitman runs the local Atheism Q&amp;A meetup and has a background in philosophy. In this talk he will talk about his group and give one of his presentations on the origins of Judaism.
  992. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  993. </itunes:summary>
  994. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  995. <itunes:duration>00:40:43</itunes:duration>
  996. <itunes:image href=""/>
  997. </item>
  998. <item>
  999. <title><![CDATA[Lisa Shapiro: Becoming a thinking woman: Women and education in the 17th century]]></title>
  1000. <description><![CDATA[Lisa Shapiro is a professor of philosophy at Simon Fraser University.
  1002. She heads New Narratives in the History of Philosophy, which aims to develop new narratives of our philosophical past that centrally include women thinkers, and thereby to reconfigure, enrich and reinvigorate the philosophical canon, focusing on the early modern period (roughly 1560-1810).
  1004. In this talk she touches on the New Narratives project and a few women philosophers in the 17th Century who raised the prospect that men and women are equal and started schools for girls.
  1006. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1007. ]]></description>
  1008. <link></link>
  1009. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/586119204</guid>
  1010. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1011. <pubDate>Thu, 07 Mar 2019 01:10:10 GMT</pubDate>
  1012. <enclosure url="" length="47314833" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1013. <itunes:summary>Lisa Shapiro is a professor of philosophy at Simon Fraser University.
  1015. She heads New Narratives in the History of Philosophy, which aims to develop new narratives of our philosophical past that centrally include women thinkers, and thereby to reconfigure, enrich and reinvigorate the philosophical canon, focusing on the early modern period (roughly 1560-1810).
  1017. In this talk she touches on the New Narratives project and a few women philosophers in the 17th Century who raised the prospect that men and women are equal and started schools for girls.
  1019. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1020. </itunes:summary>
  1021. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1022. <itunes:duration>00:49:17</itunes:duration>
  1023. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1024. </item>
  1025. <item>
  1026. <title><![CDATA[Arne Mooers - Are some animals more equal than others?]]></title>
  1027. <description><![CDATA[Are some animals more equal than others? SFU Professor Arne Mooers expands on his recent piece in The Conversation to look at the philosophy and ethics underlying efforts at conservation.
  1028. ]]></description>
  1029. <link></link>
  1030. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/573920871</guid>
  1031. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1032. <pubDate>Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:05:14 GMT</pubDate>
  1033. <enclosure url="" length="42435551" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1034. <itunes:summary>Are some animals more equal than others? SFU Professor Arne Mooers expands on his recent piece in The Conversation to look at the philosophy and ethics underlying efforts at conservation.
  1035. </itunes:summary>
  1036. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1037. <itunes:duration>00:44:12</itunes:duration>
  1038. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1039. </item>
  1040. <item>
  1041. <title><![CDATA[Bethany Lindsay - Reporting on pseudoscience]]></title>
  1042. <description><![CDATA[Bethany Lindsay is a CBC news reporter and former biologist. In 2018, she published investigations into bogus medical claims being made online, the lack of oversight of alternative medicines and BC chiropractors who promoted anti-vaccine messaging.
  1044. She previously worked for the Vancouver Sun, North Shore News and CTV. She is the author of British Columbia Burning: The worst wildfire season in BC history.
  1045. ]]></description>
  1046. <link></link>
  1047. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/570252096</guid>
  1048. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1049. <pubDate>Wed, 06 Feb 2019 09:00:05 GMT</pubDate>
  1050. <enclosure url="" length="32562928" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1051. <itunes:summary>Bethany Lindsay is a CBC news reporter and former biologist. In 2018, she published investigations into bogus medical claims being made online, the lack of oversight of alternative medicines and BC chiropractors who promoted anti-vaccine messaging.
  1053. She previously worked for the Vancouver Sun, North Shore News and CTV. She is the author of British Columbia Burning: The worst wildfire season in BC history.
  1054. </itunes:summary>
  1055. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1056. <itunes:duration>00:33:55</itunes:duration>
  1057. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1058. </item>
  1059. <item>
  1060. <title><![CDATA[Laura Track - Human rights in British Columbia]]></title>
  1061. <description><![CDATA[Laura is a human rights lawyer and the Director of Education in Community Legal Assistance Society's Human Rights Clinic. She advocates on behalf of people who have experienced discrimination and assists complainants to navigate BC’s human rights process. Laura also has a strong interest in making legal knowledge accessible. She delivers workshops and presentations to a wide variety of audiences to help people understand their human rights and comply with their legal obligations.
  1062. ]]></description>
  1063. <link></link>
  1064. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/570050937</guid>
  1065. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1066. <pubDate>Mon, 04 Feb 2019 18:37:53 GMT</pubDate>
  1067. <enclosure url="" length="40463612" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1068. <itunes:summary>Laura is a human rights lawyer and the Director of Education in Community Legal Assistance Society&apos;s Human Rights Clinic. She advocates on behalf of people who have experienced discrimination and assists complainants to navigate BC’s human rights process. Laura also has a strong interest in making legal knowledge accessible. She delivers workshops and presentations to a wide variety of audiences to help people understand their human rights and comply with their legal obligations.
  1069. </itunes:summary>
  1070. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1071. <itunes:duration>00:42:08</itunes:duration>
  1072. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1073. </item>
  1074. <item>
  1075. <title><![CDATA[Nathanael Lauster - Death & Life of the Single Family House]]></title>
  1076. <description><![CDATA[Nathanael Lauster is an Associate Professor of Sociology at UBC and author of the award-winning book, The Death and Life of the Single Family House: Lessons from Vancouver on Building a Livable City (Temple University Press). His book and work investigate the regulatory power attached to the house and its impact on the shape and inhabitability of North American cities.
  1078. He examines the transformation of Vancouver as a key city and talk to residents about their experiences with housing. Since the 1960s, Vancouver has curbed sprawl and opened up more alternatives to the single family house than any other metropolis on the continent. During the same time it's become heralded as one of the world’s "most livable cities,” providing lessons for how other transformations might proceed. Interviews with residents provide insight into the cultural importance of the house and detail the urban problems it seems to solve, but also underscore its catastrophic impact. Too many houses create barriers to making the city a better and more sustainable home for all. Fortunately the evidence suggests the real viability of change. The book builds on historical (archival & census) and interview data, collected and analyzed with help from my recent SSHRC grant.
  1079. ]]></description>
  1080. <link></link>
  1081. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/570023355</guid>
  1082. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1083. <pubDate>Mon, 04 Feb 2019 17:43:14 GMT</pubDate>
  1084. <enclosure url="" length="42946721" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1085. <itunes:summary>Nathanael Lauster is an Associate Professor of Sociology at UBC and author of the award-winning book, The Death and Life of the Single Family House: Lessons from Vancouver on Building a Livable City (Temple University Press). His book and work investigate the regulatory power attached to the house and its impact on the shape and inhabitability of North American cities.
  1087. He examines the transformation of Vancouver as a key city and talk to residents about their experiences with housing. Since the 1960s, Vancouver has curbed sprawl and opened up more alternatives to the single family house than any other metropolis on the continent. During the same time it&apos;s become heralded as one of the world’s &quot;most livable cities,” providing lessons for how other transformations might proceed. Interviews with residents provide insight into the cultural importance of the house and detail the urban problems it seems to solve, but also underscore its catastrophic impact. Too many houses create barriers to making the city a better and more sustainable home for all. Fortunately the evidence suggests the real viability of change. The book builds on historical (archival &amp; census) and interview data, collected and analyzed with help from my recent SSHRC grant.
  1088. </itunes:summary>
  1089. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1090. <itunes:duration>00:44:44</itunes:duration>
  1091. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1092. </item>
  1093. <item>
  1094. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - Secular BC]]></title>
  1095. <description><![CDATA[2018 saw the end of Canada's blasphemy law, the rejection of TWU's law school and an easing of restrictions on charities' free speech. Building off this momentum, Humanists and secularists in British Columbia have the opportunity to make significant gains in 2019. Ian Bushfield, executive director of the BC Humanist Association, will outline some of the BCHA's priorities in our Secular BC campaign.
  1096. ]]></description>
  1097. <link></link>
  1098. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/555598152</guid>
  1099. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1100. <pubDate>Mon, 07 Jan 2019 23:45:03 GMT</pubDate>
  1101. <enclosure url="" length="39137408" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1102. <itunes:summary>2018 saw the end of Canada&apos;s blasphemy law, the rejection of TWU&apos;s law school and an easing of restrictions on charities&apos; free speech. Building off this momentum, Humanists and secularists in British Columbia have the opportunity to make significant gains in 2019. Ian Bushfield, executive director of the BC Humanist Association, will outline some of the BCHA&apos;s priorities in our Secular BC campaign.
  1103. </itunes:summary>
  1104. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1105. <itunes:duration>00:40:46</itunes:duration>
  1106. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1107. </item>
  1108. <item>
  1109. <title><![CDATA[Ian Waddell - Pass the torch]]></title>
  1110. <description><![CDATA[Ian Waddell is a Canadian politician, author and filmmaker who served in the House of Commons from 1979 to 1993 and in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia from 1996 to 2001. Currently, Waddell is a documentary film producer and a consultant in environmental and aboriginal affairs. In December 2013 he was appointed the honorary title of Queen’s Counsel for his merit and exceptional contribution to law. His film The Drop: Why Young People Don’t Votewon the Best Producer Award in the Beverly Hills Film Festival. He lives in Vancouver.
  1112. He spoke to us about his new memoir, Take the Torch. He begins with reference to a recent CPAC interview:
  1114. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1115. ]]></description>
  1116. <link></link>
  1117. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/546495552</guid>
  1118. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1119. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Dec 2018 00:34:59 GMT</pubDate>
  1120. <enclosure url="" length="29365524" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1121. <itunes:summary>Ian Waddell is a Canadian politician, author and filmmaker who served in the House of Commons from 1979 to 1993 and in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia from 1996 to 2001. Currently, Waddell is a documentary film producer and a consultant in environmental and aboriginal affairs. In December 2013 he was appointed the honorary title of Queen’s Counsel for his merit and exceptional contribution to law. His film The Drop: Why Young People Don’t Votewon the Best Producer Award in the Beverly Hills Film Festival. He lives in Vancouver.
  1123. He spoke to us about his new memoir, Take the Torch. He begins with reference to a recent CPAC interview:
  1125. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1126. </itunes:summary>
  1127. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1128. <itunes:duration>00:30:35</itunes:duration>
  1129. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1130. </item>
  1131. <item>
  1132. <title><![CDATA[Sex Ed is Our Right]]></title>
  1133. <description><![CDATA[Two educators behind the "Sex Ed Is Our Right" campaign talk about the importance of sexual health, sexual orientation and gender identity education in BC schools. Ghada is from YouthCo HIV & Hep C Society and Darren is from the Community-Based Research Centre for Gay Men's Health.
  1135. To learn more about the campaign visit
  1136. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1137. ]]></description>
  1138. <link></link>
  1139. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/542910462</guid>
  1140. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1141. <pubDate>Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:01:49 GMT</pubDate>
  1142. <enclosure url="" length="27918122" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1143. <itunes:summary>Two educators behind the &quot;Sex Ed Is Our Right&quot; campaign talk about the importance of sexual health, sexual orientation and gender identity education in BC schools. Ghada is from YouthCo HIV &amp; Hep C Society and Darren is from the Community-Based Research Centre for Gay Men&apos;s Health.
  1145. To learn more about the campaign visit
  1146. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1147. </itunes:summary>
  1148. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1149. <itunes:duration>00:29:04</itunes:duration>
  1150. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1151. </item>
  1152. <item>
  1153. <title><![CDATA[Victoria Shroff - Animals and the law]]></title>
  1154. <description><![CDATA[V. Victoria Shroff is one of the first and longest serving animal law practitioners in Canada. She has been practising animal law civil litigation for nearly 20 years in Vancouver at Shroff and Associates and has been recognized for her work in animal law. She is adjunct professor of animal law at UBC’s Allard Hall Law School and is frequently interviewed by media. Ms Shroff also founded an animal law and social literacy program called Paws of Empathy. Contact her at, @shroffanimallaw, LinkedIn or
  1156. Her presentation will run through her practice in the field, animal law 101 and she will have talking points about animal welfare and animal rights.  She will include specific examples relevant to Canadian law concerning animal liability, cruelty, pet custody etc. She will also highlight some important international animal law trends. Finally, she'll touch on some social philosophy concepts that intersect with animal law.
  1158. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1159. ]]></description>
  1160. <link></link>
  1161. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/539212986</guid>
  1162. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1163. <pubDate>Mon, 03 Dec 2018 17:10:17 GMT</pubDate>
  1164. <enclosure url="" length="44814558" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1165. <itunes:summary>V. Victoria Shroff is one of the first and longest serving animal law practitioners in Canada. She has been practising animal law civil litigation for nearly 20 years in Vancouver at Shroff and Associates and has been recognized for her work in animal law. She is adjunct professor of animal law at UBC’s Allard Hall Law School and is frequently interviewed by media. Ms Shroff also founded an animal law and social literacy program called Paws of Empathy. Contact her at, @shroffanimallaw, LinkedIn or
  1167. Her presentation will run through her practice in the field, animal law 101 and she will have talking points about animal welfare and animal rights.  She will include specific examples relevant to Canadian law concerning animal liability, cruelty, pet custody etc. She will also highlight some important international animal law trends. Finally, she&apos;ll touch on some social philosophy concepts that intersect with animal law.
  1169. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1170. </itunes:summary>
  1171. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1172. <itunes:duration>00:46:40</itunes:duration>
  1173. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1174. </item>
  1175. <item>
  1176. <title><![CDATA[Valorie Crooks - Medical Tourism Equity Ethics Safety]]></title>
  1177. <description><![CDATA[Valorie Crooks is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University and a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar. She is a health geographer and specialize in health services research. She is particularly interested in the spatial and place-based dimensions of health care delivery and receipt. She primary engages in non-hypothesis-testing qualitative research. She has been studying medical tourism since 2009 and has led and continues to lead several studies funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research on this topic. She has a particular interest in understanding how patients experience obtaining privately-funded medical care abroad through this global health services industry.
  1179. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1180. ]]></description>
  1181. <link></link>
  1182. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/535772874</guid>
  1183. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1184. <pubDate>Mon, 26 Nov 2018 17:20:56 GMT</pubDate>
  1185. <enclosure url="" length="46703594" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1186. <itunes:summary>Valorie Crooks is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University and a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar. She is a health geographer and specialize in health services research. She is particularly interested in the spatial and place-based dimensions of health care delivery and receipt. She primary engages in non-hypothesis-testing qualitative research. She has been studying medical tourism since 2009 and has led and continues to lead several studies funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research on this topic. She has a particular interest in understanding how patients experience obtaining privately-funded medical care abroad through this global health services industry.
  1188. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1189. </itunes:summary>
  1190. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1191. <itunes:duration>00:48:38</itunes:duration>
  1192. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1193. </item>
  1194. <item>
  1195. <title><![CDATA[Sharon Gregson - $10aDay]]></title>
  1196. <description><![CDATA[BC families face a crisis in accessing quality, affordable child care. Fees are too high — the second highest family expense after housing. Wait lists are too long — less that 20% of children under the age of 12 in BC have access to a regulated child care space. And too often families are forced into unregulated care, with no safety standards.
  1198. The $10aDay Child Care Plan is the solution to BC’s child care crisis. Since its release, the $10aDay Child Care Plan has been enthusiastically endorsed and supported by a growing number of individuals and organizations.
  1200. Sharon Gregson is an advocate for the $10aDay Child Care Campaign.
  1202. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1203. ]]></description>
  1204. <link></link>
  1205. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/532652349</guid>
  1206. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1207. <pubDate>Tue, 20 Nov 2018 00:44:30 GMT</pubDate>
  1208. <enclosure url="" length="28246934" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1209. <itunes:summary>BC families face a crisis in accessing quality, affordable child care. Fees are too high — the second highest family expense after housing. Wait lists are too long — less that 20% of children under the age of 12 in BC have access to a regulated child care space. And too often families are forced into unregulated care, with no safety standards.
  1211. The $10aDay Child Care Plan is the solution to BC’s child care crisis. Since its release, the $10aDay Child Care Plan has been enthusiastically endorsed and supported by a growing number of individuals and organizations.
  1213. Sharon Gregson is an advocate for the $10aDay Child Care Campaign.
  1215. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1216. </itunes:summary>
  1217. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1218. <itunes:duration>00:29:25</itunes:duration>
  1219. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1220. </item>
  1221. <item>
  1222. <title><![CDATA[Let Peace Be Their Memorial 2018]]></title>
  1223. <description><![CDATA[Since 2016 the BC Humanist Association and Vancouver Peace Poppies have co-hosted ‘Let Peace be Their Memorial’, an annual wreath-laying ceremony. Held in Vancouver, BC on the afternoon of November 11, it commemorates civilian victims of war. About 200 people attended this year.
  1225. This year our keynote speaker was Tima Kurdi of the Kurdi Foundation .  A Syrian-born resident of Coquitlam, she has been speaking around the world of the plight of Syrian and other refugees.  Her book “The Boy on the Beach” is a heartwarming and heartrending story about impossible choices forced on a happy ordinary family.
  1226. ]]></description>
  1227. <link></link>
  1228. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/530369529</guid>
  1229. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1230. <pubDate>Thu, 15 Nov 2018 17:19:43 GMT</pubDate>
  1231. <enclosure url="" length="25499270" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1232. <itunes:summary>Since 2016 the BC Humanist Association and Vancouver Peace Poppies have co-hosted ‘Let Peace be Their Memorial’, an annual wreath-laying ceremony. Held in Vancouver, BC on the afternoon of November 11, it commemorates civilian victims of war. About 200 people attended this year.
  1234. This year our keynote speaker was Tima Kurdi of the Kurdi Foundation .  A Syrian-born resident of Coquitlam, she has been speaking around the world of the plight of Syrian and other refugees.  Her book “The Boy on the Beach” is a heartwarming and heartrending story about impossible choices forced on a happy ordinary family.
  1235. </itunes:summary>
  1236. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1237. <itunes:duration>00:26:33</itunes:duration>
  1238. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1239. </item>
  1240. <item>
  1241. <title><![CDATA[Donald Gutstein - The Big Stall]]></title>
  1242. <description><![CDATA[The Big Stall traces the origins of the government's climate change plan back to the energy sector itself — in particular Big Oil. It shows how, in the last fifteen years, Big Oil has infiltrated provincial and federal governments, academia, media and the non-profit sector to sway government and public opinion on the realities of climate change and what needs to be done about it.
  1244. DONALD GUTSTEIN is a former professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University and co-director of NewsWatch Canada, a media-monitoring project at the school. He is the author of Harperism: How Stephen Harper and his think tank colleagues have transformed Canada as well as four other books on the links between large corporations, politics and the media. He lives in Vancouver.
  1246. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1247. ]]></description>
  1248. <link></link>
  1249. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/529447911</guid>
  1250. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1251. <pubDate>Tue, 13 Nov 2018 21:03:24 GMT</pubDate>
  1252. <enclosure url="" length="35918709" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1253. <itunes:summary>The Big Stall traces the origins of the government&apos;s climate change plan back to the energy sector itself — in particular Big Oil. It shows how, in the last fifteen years, Big Oil has infiltrated provincial and federal governments, academia, media and the non-profit sector to sway government and public opinion on the realities of climate change and what needs to be done about it.
  1255. DONALD GUTSTEIN is a former professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University and co-director of NewsWatch Canada, a media-monitoring project at the school. He is the author of Harperism: How Stephen Harper and his think tank colleagues have transformed Canada as well as four other books on the links between large corporations, politics and the media. He lives in Vancouver.
  1257. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1258. </itunes:summary>
  1259. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1260. <itunes:duration>00:37:24</itunes:duration>
  1261. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1262. </item>
  1263. <item>
  1264. <title><![CDATA[Dr Lynne Marks - Infidels and the damn churches]]></title>
  1265. <description><![CDATA[Dr Lynne Marks is a professor of history at the University of Victoria. She studies Canadian history, women’s and gender history and the social history of religion/irreligion and atheism.
  1267. Her 2017 book, ​Infidels and the Damn Churches: Irreligion and Religion in Settler British Columbia, looks at why British Columbians in the past have been less religious than those in the rest of Canada. This pattern remains true today, but she explores it for the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, asking questions about how this particularly secular pattern links to issues of gender and class, as well as race and racism, in this early period.
  1268. ]]></description>
  1269. <link></link>
  1270. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/525320469</guid>
  1271. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1272. <pubDate>Mon, 05 Nov 2018 21:46:46 GMT</pubDate>
  1273. <enclosure url="" length="39886831" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1274. <itunes:summary>Dr Lynne Marks is a professor of history at the University of Victoria. She studies Canadian history, women’s and gender history and the social history of religion/irreligion and atheism.
  1276. Her 2017 book, ​Infidels and the Damn Churches: Irreligion and Religion in Settler British Columbia, looks at why British Columbians in the past have been less religious than those in the rest of Canada. This pattern remains true today, but she explores it for the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, asking questions about how this particularly secular pattern links to issues of gender and class, as well as race and racism, in this early period.
  1277. </itunes:summary>
  1278. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1279. <itunes:duration>00:41:32</itunes:duration>
  1280. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1281. </item>
  1282. <item>
  1283. <title><![CDATA[Craig Keating - What Jordan Peterson gets wrong about postmodernism]]></title>
  1284. <description><![CDATA[Craig Keating completed his PhD in 20th century European history at McMaster University in 1996. He joined the Department of History at Langara College in January 1992, and has also taught at UBC and Simon Fraser University.
  1286. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1287. ]]></description>
  1288. <link></link>
  1289. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/518345394</guid>
  1290. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1291. <pubDate>Mon, 22 Oct 2018 21:15:48 GMT</pubDate>
  1292. <enclosure url="" length="48097658" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1293. <itunes:summary>Craig Keating completed his PhD in 20th century European history at McMaster University in 1996. He joined the Department of History at Langara College in January 1992, and has also taught at UBC and Simon Fraser University.
  1295. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1296. </itunes:summary>
  1297. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1298. <itunes:duration>00:50:06</itunes:duration>
  1299. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1300. </item>
  1301. <item>
  1302. <title><![CDATA[Stephen Tweedale - Meta-Ethics and Progressive Politics]]></title>
  1303. <description><![CDATA["The strongest reasons that count for or against any policy are always moral reasons," wrote philosophy student Stephen Tweedale at the beginning of a six-part blog series on developing an ethical framework for contemporary progressive politics. In this talk, Stephen will summarize his arguments, covering the ideas of John Rawls, TM Scanlon, Elizabeth Anderson and Martha Nussbaum.
  1305. Stephen Tweedale is a philosophy student at Simon Fraser University and blogs about politics and philosophy at Popcorn Machine.
  1306. ]]></description>
  1307. <link></link>
  1308. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/514849305</guid>
  1309. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1310. <pubDate>Mon, 15 Oct 2018 21:42:53 GMT</pubDate>
  1311. <enclosure url="" length="30642416" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1312. <itunes:summary>&quot;The strongest reasons that count for or against any policy are always moral reasons,&quot; wrote philosophy student Stephen Tweedale at the beginning of a six-part blog series on developing an ethical framework for contemporary progressive politics. In this talk, Stephen will summarize his arguments, covering the ideas of John Rawls, TM Scanlon, Elizabeth Anderson and Martha Nussbaum.
  1314. Stephen Tweedale is a philosophy student at Simon Fraser University and blogs about politics and philosophy at Popcorn Machine.
  1315. </itunes:summary>
  1316. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1317. <itunes:duration>00:31:55</itunes:duration>
  1318. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1319. </item>
  1320. <item>
  1321. <title><![CDATA[Kyla Lee - Cannabis impaired driving laws]]></title>
  1324. Kyla Lee is a partner at Acumen Law Corporation in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her practice focuses on impaired driving and roadside drug and alcohol testing. She is deeply concerned by new measures to be put in place by the government to address drug impaired driving and has been an outspoken public advocate against putting regulation before science and research.
  1326. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1327. ]]></description>
  1328. <link></link>
  1329. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/507963870</guid>
  1330. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1331. <pubDate>Mon, 01 Oct 2018 18:24:24 GMT</pubDate>
  1332. <enclosure url="" length="44911111" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1335. Kyla Lee is a partner at Acumen Law Corporation in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her practice focuses on impaired driving and roadside drug and alcohol testing. She is deeply concerned by new measures to be put in place by the government to address drug impaired driving and has been an outspoken public advocate against putting regulation before science and research.
  1337. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1338. </itunes:summary>
  1339. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1340. <itunes:duration>00:46:46</itunes:duration>
  1341. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1342. </item>
  1343. <item>
  1344. <title><![CDATA[Rebecca Hamilton - Force of Nature: Our Moment of Power]]></title>
  1345. <description><![CDATA["Our Moment of Power" highlights emerging transition projects throughout the Lower Mainland that are already revolutionizing how we live, move, work and grow.  Moment of Power encourages participants from all age groups and audience types to collaborate on fresh ideas and smart strategies for their own municipalities' post-carbon future. Learn more about Force of Nature Alliance at
  1347. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1348. ]]></description>
  1349. <link></link>
  1350. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/505662120</guid>
  1351. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1352. <pubDate>Wed, 26 Sep 2018 21:26:39 GMT</pubDate>
  1353. <enclosure url="" length="24513045" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1354. <itunes:summary>&quot;Our Moment of Power&quot; highlights emerging transition projects throughout the Lower Mainland that are already revolutionizing how we live, move, work and grow.  Moment of Power encourages participants from all age groups and audience types to collaborate on fresh ideas and smart strategies for their own municipalities&apos; post-carbon future. Learn more about Force of Nature Alliance at
  1356. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1357. </itunes:summary>
  1358. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1359. <itunes:duration>00:25:32</itunes:duration>
  1360. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1361. </item>
  1362. <item>
  1363. <title><![CDATA[Max Cameron - Political Institutions and Practical Wisdom]]></title>
  1364. <description><![CDATA[Should we send politicians back to school?
  1366. If you want to be a doctor, nurse, teacher, lawyer, firefighter, soldier, or entrepreneur, we have schools for that. So, why don’t we have schools for politicians? Would you go to a doctor who had never been to medical school? Or fly on a plane with a pilot who has never gone to flight school? Of course not – so why is politics different?  In this engaging talk, Prof Max Cameron explains how he helped create the world’s first school for politicians, and then explores the age-old question of whether politicians can be trained to be wise practitioners.
  1368. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1369. ]]></description>
  1370. <link></link>
  1371. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/501375747</guid>
  1372. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1373. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Sep 2018 23:15:22 GMT</pubDate>
  1374. <enclosure url="" length="35712681" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1375. <itunes:summary>Should we send politicians back to school?
  1377. If you want to be a doctor, nurse, teacher, lawyer, firefighter, soldier, or entrepreneur, we have schools for that. So, why don’t we have schools for politicians? Would you go to a doctor who had never been to medical school? Or fly on a plane with a pilot who has never gone to flight school? Of course not – so why is politics different?  In this engaging talk, Prof Max Cameron explains how he helped create the world’s first school for politicians, and then explores the age-old question of whether politicians can be trained to be wise practitioners.
  1379. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1380. </itunes:summary>
  1381. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1382. <itunes:duration>00:37:12</itunes:duration>
  1383. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1384. </item>
  1385. <item>
  1386. <title><![CDATA[Alyssa Low and Dr Alan Low - Influenza, phamaceuticals and your health: healthy aging]]></title>
  1387. <description><![CDATA[Alyssa Low is a pharmacy student and discusses the influenza vaccine.
  1389. Dr Alan Low is a registered pharmacist and Clinical Associate Professor with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBC, Primary Care Pharmacist at BioPro Biologics Pharmacy and Manager, Reimbursement and Medical Affairs with Servier Canada.
  1391. Dr Low talks about questions to ask your pharmacist, alternative medicines and overmedication.
  1393. Unfortunately, the last few minutes of this lecture didn't recorded.
  1395. Access the slides:
  1397. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1398. ]]></description>
  1399. <link></link>
  1400. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/500033622</guid>
  1401. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1402. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Sep 2018 22:22:24 GMT</pubDate>
  1403. <enclosure url="" length="53095214" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1404. <itunes:summary>Alyssa Low is a pharmacy student and discusses the influenza vaccine.
  1406. Dr Alan Low is a registered pharmacist and Clinical Associate Professor with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBC, Primary Care Pharmacist at BioPro Biologics Pharmacy and Manager, Reimbursement and Medical Affairs with Servier Canada.
  1408. Dr Low talks about questions to ask your pharmacist, alternative medicines and overmedication.
  1410. Unfortunately, the last few minutes of this lecture didn&apos;t recorded.
  1412. Access the slides:
  1414. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1415. </itunes:summary>
  1416. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1417. <itunes:duration>00:55:18</itunes:duration>
  1418. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1419. </item>
  1420. <item>
  1421. <title><![CDATA[Ranil Prasad - BC's electoral reform referendum]]></title>
  1422. <description><![CDATA[This fall, British Columbians are being asked whether to keep the first past the post method of electing MLAs or switching to one of three forms of proportional representation. Ranil Prasad, Outreach Coordinator with Fair Vote Canada, will help us understand the reasons for the referendum, how it works and what the different options on the ballot are.
  1423. ]]></description>
  1424. <link></link>
  1425. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/491420964</guid>
  1426. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1427. <pubDate>Mon, 27 Aug 2018 17:44:08 GMT</pubDate>
  1428. <enclosure url="" length="31643838" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1429. <itunes:summary>This fall, British Columbians are being asked whether to keep the first past the post method of electing MLAs or switching to one of three forms of proportional representation. Ranil Prasad, Outreach Coordinator with Fair Vote Canada, will help us understand the reasons for the referendum, how it works and what the different options on the ballot are.
  1430. </itunes:summary>
  1431. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1432. <itunes:duration>00:32:57</itunes:duration>
  1433. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1434. </item>
  1435. <item>
  1436. <title><![CDATA[Joyce Arthur - The power of fake news and anti-choice lies]]></title>
  1437. <description><![CDATA[The power of fake news and anti-choice lies – how can pro-choice groups compete?
  1439. Anti-choice groups in Canada get millions in government funding. This presentation will tell the story of how the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada exposed one major source of funding. Over 60 anti-choice groups were receiving federal “Canada Summer Jobs” grants to hire students. When it was revealed that one anti-choice group was using the funds to hire youth to display graphic images of aborted fetuses on city streets, the federal government responded by immediately cutting off funding for all anti-choice groups and changing the program’s eligibility criteria to exclude them in the future.
  1441. But churches and religious groups created a huge backlash when they mistakenly thought the new criteria also made them ineligible. A media circus erupted, with most commentators repeating misinformation about the new criteria and drowning out fact-based corrections.
  1443. Our successful effort to stop government funding of anti-choice groups was hijacked by churches, religious groups, and conservative politicians, who used a web of lies to mount a self-righteous martyr campaign and attack the pro-choice federal government. In the era of “fake news” and rampant right-wing propaganda, how can progressives get the facts out and their voices heard?
  1444. ]]></description>
  1445. <link></link>
  1446. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/488199633</guid>
  1447. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1448. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Aug 2018 18:37:29 GMT</pubDate>
  1449. <enclosure url="" length="32553329" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1450. <itunes:summary>The power of fake news and anti-choice lies – how can pro-choice groups compete?
  1452. Anti-choice groups in Canada get millions in government funding. This presentation will tell the story of how the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada exposed one major source of funding. Over 60 anti-choice groups were receiving federal “Canada Summer Jobs” grants to hire students. When it was revealed that one anti-choice group was using the funds to hire youth to display graphic images of aborted fetuses on city streets, the federal government responded by immediately cutting off funding for all anti-choice groups and changing the program’s eligibility criteria to exclude them in the future.
  1454. But churches and religious groups created a huge backlash when they mistakenly thought the new criteria also made them ineligible. A media circus erupted, with most commentators repeating misinformation about the new criteria and drowning out fact-based corrections.
  1456. Our successful effort to stop government funding of anti-choice groups was hijacked by churches, religious groups, and conservative politicians, who used a web of lies to mount a self-righteous martyr campaign and attack the pro-choice federal government. In the era of “fake news” and rampant right-wing propaganda, how can progressives get the facts out and their voices heard?
  1457. </itunes:summary>
  1458. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1459. <itunes:duration>00:33:54</itunes:duration>
  1460. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1461. </item>
  1462. <item>
  1463. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - Secularism and Canadian Law]]></title>
  1464. <description><![CDATA[The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that law societies in British Columbia and Ontario could reject a proposed law school at Trinity Western University. The Supreme Court of Canada also ruled that courts cannot review the excommunication of a church member.
  1466. Ian Bushfield, Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association will explore what these latest rulings mean for the state of secularism in Canada and where the next battlelines are likely to be.
  1467. ]]></description>
  1468. <link></link>
  1469. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/478818612</guid>
  1470. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1471. <pubDate>Mon, 30 Jul 2018 18:42:09 GMT</pubDate>
  1472. <enclosure url="" length="56226548" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1473. <itunes:summary>The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that law societies in British Columbia and Ontario could reject a proposed law school at Trinity Western University. The Supreme Court of Canada also ruled that courts cannot review the excommunication of a church member.
  1475. Ian Bushfield, Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association will explore what these latest rulings mean for the state of secularism in Canada and where the next battlelines are likely to be.
  1476. </itunes:summary>
  1477. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1478. <itunes:duration>00:58:34</itunes:duration>
  1479. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1480. </item>
  1481. <item>
  1482. <title><![CDATA[Jordan Wadden - Testimony and its Place in Healthcare]]></title>
  1483. <description><![CDATA[When someone makes a claim about their health, can that testimony alone count as evidence to believe their statement? Whether we should take someone’s statements as evidence for anything is an important debate in philosophy, especially since testimony is a fundamental part of how humans interact. Some believe testimony can give a hearer knowledge, while others believe it is too unreliable to depend on. The importance of this debate emerges once we realise that, outside of philosophy, our individual stance on what counts as evidence will influence our judgments in politics, science, social interactions, and more.
  1485. This talk will discuss two issues that result from philosophical discussions on testimony and its application to real-world healthcare. The first is what role testimony might have in healthcare, generally speaking. The second is what can happen to vulnerable populations if we dismiss the evidential power of testimony.
  1487. Jordan Joseph Wadden is a PhD student in the Department of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia. His areas of research interest are in bioethics and the philosophy of medicine, specifically regarding issues of access to healthcare.
  1489. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1490. ]]></description>
  1491. <link></link>
  1492. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/475657755</guid>
  1493. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1494. <pubDate>Mon, 23 Jul 2018 17:17:29 GMT</pubDate>
  1495. <enclosure url="" length="48737436" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1496. <itunes:summary>When someone makes a claim about their health, can that testimony alone count as evidence to believe their statement? Whether we should take someone’s statements as evidence for anything is an important debate in philosophy, especially since testimony is a fundamental part of how humans interact. Some believe testimony can give a hearer knowledge, while others believe it is too unreliable to depend on. The importance of this debate emerges once we realise that, outside of philosophy, our individual stance on what counts as evidence will influence our judgments in politics, science, social interactions, and more.
  1498. This talk will discuss two issues that result from philosophical discussions on testimony and its application to real-world healthcare. The first is what role testimony might have in healthcare, generally speaking. The second is what can happen to vulnerable populations if we dismiss the evidential power of testimony.
  1500. Jordan Joseph Wadden is a PhD student in the Department of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia. His areas of research interest are in bioethics and the philosophy of medicine, specifically regarding issues of access to healthcare.
  1502. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  1503. </itunes:summary>
  1504. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1505. <itunes:duration>00:50:46</itunes:duration>
  1506. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1507. </item>
  1508. <item>
  1509. <title><![CDATA[Dr Katie Marshall: "But biology says...": The Humanist's Guide to the Galaxy of Sex Determination]]></title>
  1510. <description><![CDATA[What do biologists mean when they say "male" or "female"? Well... it's complicated. We'll be taking a romp through the complexities of sex determination through a wide range of species, including our own, to see that it's not as straightforward as "XX" and "XY".
  1512. Katie Marshall is an Assistant Professor of Biology in the Department of Zoology at UBC.
  1514. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at support our work at
  1515. ]]></description>
  1516. <link></link>
  1517. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/472530714</guid>
  1518. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1519. <pubDate>Mon, 16 Jul 2018 20:27:08 GMT</pubDate>
  1520. <enclosure url="" length="54229148" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1521. <itunes:summary>What do biologists mean when they say &quot;male&quot; or &quot;female&quot;? Well... it&apos;s complicated. We&apos;ll be taking a romp through the complexities of sex determination through a wide range of species, including our own, to see that it&apos;s not as straightforward as &quot;XX&quot; and &quot;XY&quot;.
  1523. Katie Marshall is an Assistant Professor of Biology in the Department of Zoology at UBC.
  1525. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at support our work at
  1526. </itunes:summary>
  1527. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1528. <itunes:duration>00:56:29</itunes:duration>
  1529. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1530. </item>
  1531. <item>
  1532. <title><![CDATA[Lawyers Wes McMillan and Michael Spratt discuss TWU decision]]></title>
  1533. <description><![CDATA[In this interview, recorded on Monday, June 18, 2018, Ian Bushfield executive director of the BC Humanist Association speaks with Wes McMillan who served as pro-bono counsel for the BCHA at the Supreme Court of Canada and with Michael Spratt, cohost of the Canadian legal podcast The Docket.
  1535. They discuss the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent ruling that upholds the decision by law societies in Ontario and BC to reject a proposed law school at Trinity Western University.
  1537. TWU is an evangelical school here in BC that requires all students to sign a community covenant that forbids sex outside a heterosexual marriage. The law societies rejected the proposed school as a means of ensuring equal access to the bar for LGBTQ people.
  1539. The decision is historic for its recognition of the importance of fighting homophobia and for the limits of what can be claimed under religious freedom.
  1541. Ultimately the majority found that the harm to the LGBTQ community outweighed the impact on the religious freedom claimed by TWU and its supporters. Specifically the majority wrote, “Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.”
  1543. To read more about our work on this case and our other efforts to defend secularism and human rights, visit
  1545. Read more about the decision at
  1546. ]]></description>
  1547. <link></link>
  1548. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/461590386</guid>
  1549. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1550. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Jun 2018 20:54:26 GMT</pubDate>
  1551. <enclosure url="" length="41031633" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1552. <itunes:summary>In this interview, recorded on Monday, June 18, 2018, Ian Bushfield executive director of the BC Humanist Association speaks with Wes McMillan who served as pro-bono counsel for the BCHA at the Supreme Court of Canada and with Michael Spratt, cohost of the Canadian legal podcast The Docket.
  1554. They discuss the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent ruling that upholds the decision by law societies in Ontario and BC to reject a proposed law school at Trinity Western University.
  1556. TWU is an evangelical school here in BC that requires all students to sign a community covenant that forbids sex outside a heterosexual marriage. The law societies rejected the proposed school as a means of ensuring equal access to the bar for LGBTQ people.
  1558. The decision is historic for its recognition of the importance of fighting homophobia and for the limits of what can be claimed under religious freedom.
  1560. Ultimately the majority found that the harm to the LGBTQ community outweighed the impact on the religious freedom claimed by TWU and its supporters. Specifically the majority wrote, “Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.”
  1562. To read more about our work on this case and our other efforts to defend secularism and human rights, visit
  1564. Read more about the decision at
  1565. </itunes:summary>
  1566. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1567. <itunes:duration>00:42:44</itunes:duration>
  1568. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1569. </item>
  1570. <item>
  1571. <title><![CDATA[Bernie Garrett - Alternative Medicine Regulation in BC]]></title>
  1574. In contemporary healthcare consumers are constantly assailed with health advertising and claims from various healthcare providers. Additionally, the alternative healthcare sector and has grown significantly over the past two decades prompting research into the possible motivators and factors associated with its uptake. With a number of high profile cases in the media recently, there is now growing concern that the regulation of alternative healthcare providers in BC is problematic. This session will explore some of the issues that exist with our current regulatory framework, and the risks to public health this poses.
  1576. Dr Bernie Garrett is an Associate Professor at the UBC School of Nursing. Dr Garrett’s current work is focused in two main camps. 1) Nursing science, philosophy, and the use of deceptive and non-evidence based practices in contemporary healthcare (including alternative medicine). 2) The use of virtual and augmented reality in clinical applications. Prior to this he worked in the field of information technology particularly in the use of educational technology, simulation, e-portfolios, virtual and augmented reality at UBC. His work is underpinned by a passion for the philosophy of science and evidence-based practice.
  1577. ]]></description>
  1578. <link></link>
  1579. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/460086870</guid>
  1580. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1581. <pubDate>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 19:09:44 GMT</pubDate>
  1582. <enclosure url="" length="49764854" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1585. In contemporary healthcare consumers are constantly assailed with health advertising and claims from various healthcare providers. Additionally, the alternative healthcare sector and has grown significantly over the past two decades prompting research into the possible motivators and factors associated with its uptake. With a number of high profile cases in the media recently, there is now growing concern that the regulation of alternative healthcare providers in BC is problematic. This session will explore some of the issues that exist with our current regulatory framework, and the risks to public health this poses.
  1587. Dr Bernie Garrett is an Associate Professor at the UBC School of Nursing. Dr Garrett’s current work is focused in two main camps. 1) Nursing science, philosophy, and the use of deceptive and non-evidence based practices in contemporary healthcare (including alternative medicine). 2) The use of virtual and augmented reality in clinical applications. Prior to this he worked in the field of information technology particularly in the use of educational technology, simulation, e-portfolios, virtual and augmented reality at UBC. His work is underpinned by a passion for the philosophy of science and evidence-based practice.
  1588. </itunes:summary>
  1589. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1590. <itunes:duration>00:51:50</itunes:duration>
  1591. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1592. </item>
  1593. <item>
  1594. <title><![CDATA[Penny Gurstein - Community Planning for the Marginalized]]></title>
  1595. <description><![CDATA[Dr Penny Gurstein is Professor and Director of the School of Community and Regional Planning and the Centre for Human Settlements at UBC. She specializes in the socio-cultural aspects of community planning with particular emphasis on those who are the most marginalized in planning processes. Her research focuses on developing strategies and interventions that encourage diversity, equity and urban sustainability in the planning and design of communities.
  1597. Her current research is investigating strategies for affordable homeownership and rental housing both internationally and in Canada. She is founding Director of the Housing Research Collaborative a community of housing researchers, providers and policy makers focused on understanding systemic impediments in the housing system and the development of models to address housing unaffordability.  Previously, she was the Principal Investigator of the Future of Public Housing Project focusing on publicly-assisted housing, and co-Principal Investigator of Housing Justice, a Peter Wall Solutions Initiative project, focusing on housing access and affordability.  Recent books include: Learning Civil Societies: Shifting Contexts for Democratic Planning and Governance (with L. Angeles, 2007, U. of Toronto Press); and Wired to the World, Chained to the Home: Telework in Daily Life (2001, UBC Press). She has also worked on capacity building projects in developing countries focusing on gender and youth development issues most notably in Brazil and has considerable experience working with community groups in the greater Vancouver region.
  1599. Past research projects focused on youth engagement and "the hard to house." Other projects include two major studies funded by SSHRC. One, funded by SSHRC INE (Initiative on the New Economy) investigated the impact of e-work on companies and communities, in Canada and internationally. The other, funded by SSHRC MCRI (Major Collaborative Research Initiative) looked at the impact of government reduction of social services on single parent families on income assistance (  She is Co-Chair of the Pacific Housing Research Network and a registered member of the Canadian Institute of Planners.  She is the 2016 recipient of the YWCA Women of Distinction Award for Education, Training and Development and in 2018 was awarded the Faculty of Applied Science Dean's Medal of Distinction.  Dr. Gurstein has been appointed to the Board of Commissioners of BC Housing Management Commission from 2018 to 2021.
  1600. ]]></description>
  1601. <link></link>
  1602. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/460086414</guid>
  1603. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1604. <pubDate>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 19:08:41 GMT</pubDate>
  1605. <enclosure url="" length="37724288" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1606. <itunes:summary>Dr Penny Gurstein is Professor and Director of the School of Community and Regional Planning and the Centre for Human Settlements at UBC. She specializes in the socio-cultural aspects of community planning with particular emphasis on those who are the most marginalized in planning processes. Her research focuses on developing strategies and interventions that encourage diversity, equity and urban sustainability in the planning and design of communities.
  1608. Her current research is investigating strategies for affordable homeownership and rental housing both internationally and in Canada. She is founding Director of the Housing Research Collaborative a community of housing researchers, providers and policy makers focused on understanding systemic impediments in the housing system and the development of models to address housing unaffordability.  Previously, she was the Principal Investigator of the Future of Public Housing Project focusing on publicly-assisted housing, and co-Principal Investigator of Housing Justice, a Peter Wall Solutions Initiative project, focusing on housing access and affordability.  Recent books include: Learning Civil Societies: Shifting Contexts for Democratic Planning and Governance (with L. Angeles, 2007, U. of Toronto Press); and Wired to the World, Chained to the Home: Telework in Daily Life (2001, UBC Press). She has also worked on capacity building projects in developing countries focusing on gender and youth development issues most notably in Brazil and has considerable experience working with community groups in the greater Vancouver region.
  1610. Past research projects focused on youth engagement and &quot;the hard to house.&quot; Other projects include two major studies funded by SSHRC. One, funded by SSHRC INE (Initiative on the New Economy) investigated the impact of e-work on companies and communities, in Canada and internationally. The other, funded by SSHRC MCRI (Major Collaborative Research Initiative) looked at the impact of government reduction of social services on single parent families on income assistance (  She is Co-Chair of the Pacific Housing Research Network and a registered member of the Canadian Institute of Planners.  She is the 2016 recipient of the YWCA Women of Distinction Award for Education, Training and Development and in 2018 was awarded the Faculty of Applied Science Dean&apos;s Medal of Distinction.  Dr. Gurstein has been appointed to the Board of Commissioners of BC Housing Management Commission from 2018 to 2021.
  1611. </itunes:summary>
  1612. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1613. <itunes:duration>00:39:17</itunes:duration>
  1614. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1615. </item>
  1616. <item>
  1617. <title><![CDATA[Tom Sandborn - Hell's History]]></title>
  1618. <description><![CDATA[Hell's History is an in-depth publication on the USW's fight to prevent workplace deaths and injuries from the 1992 Westray mine disaster through 2016. Written by former Tyee journalist Tom Sandborn, Hell's History revisits a number of tragic workplace deaths, outlining the failures of employers to keep workers safe and the ongoing need for stronger enforcement of the Westray Law.
  1620. Download a copy or learn more about the campaign at
  1621. ]]></description>
  1622. <link></link>
  1623. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/453674913</guid>
  1624. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1625. <pubDate>Mon, 04 Jun 2018 17:48:43 GMT</pubDate>
  1626. <enclosure url="" length="40192758" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1627. <itunes:summary>Hell&apos;s History is an in-depth publication on the USW&apos;s fight to prevent workplace deaths and injuries from the 1992 Westray mine disaster through 2016. Written by former Tyee journalist Tom Sandborn, Hell&apos;s History revisits a number of tragic workplace deaths, outlining the failures of employers to keep workers safe and the ongoing need for stronger enforcement of the Westray Law.
  1629. Download a copy or learn more about the campaign at
  1630. </itunes:summary>
  1631. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1632. <itunes:duration>00:41:52</itunes:duration>
  1633. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1634. </item>
  1635. <item>
  1636. <title><![CDATA[Molly Babel - Speech perception and production]]></title>
  1637. <description><![CDATA[Molly Babel is the director of UBC's Speech in Context Lab. Broadly, she is interested in speech perception and production, and there is a strong theme of cross-linguistic and cross-dialectal inquiry in her work. More specifically, her research program focuses on the role of experience and exposure to phonetic and phonological knowledge, how social knowledge may be manifested phonetically, and the mental representation of phonetic and phonological knowledge. A significant portion of her work explores how interacting language systems influence one another on a phonetic level. She has investigated this within bilingual speakers (English and Northern Paiute), across dialects (Australian and New Zealand Englishes), and within dialects (American English). She also has a strong interest in language documentation and description; with colleagues at University of California, Berkeley, she conducted fieldwork on Northern Paiute (Numic; Uto-Aztecan).
  1639. Note: Apologies for the audio quality in the first ~4 minutes. It improves after that. We are also aiming to upload a video recording of this talk to our YouTube channel
  1640. ]]></description>
  1641. <link></link>
  1642. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/450450078</guid>
  1643. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1644. <pubDate>Mon, 28 May 2018 21:40:34 GMT</pubDate>
  1645. <enclosure url="" length="46545557" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1646. <itunes:summary>Molly Babel is the director of UBC&apos;s Speech in Context Lab. Broadly, she is interested in speech perception and production, and there is a strong theme of cross-linguistic and cross-dialectal inquiry in her work. More specifically, her research program focuses on the role of experience and exposure to phonetic and phonological knowledge, how social knowledge may be manifested phonetically, and the mental representation of phonetic and phonological knowledge. A significant portion of her work explores how interacting language systems influence one another on a phonetic level. She has investigated this within bilingual speakers (English and Northern Paiute), across dialects (Australian and New Zealand Englishes), and within dialects (American English). She also has a strong interest in language documentation and description; with colleagues at University of California, Berkeley, she conducted fieldwork on Northern Paiute (Numic; Uto-Aztecan).
  1648. Note: Apologies for the audio quality in the first ~4 minutes. It improves after that. We are also aiming to upload a video recording of this talk to our YouTube channel
  1649. </itunes:summary>
  1650. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1651. <itunes:duration>00:48:29</itunes:duration>
  1652. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1653. </item>
  1654. <item>
  1655. <title><![CDATA[LA Dixon - Critiquing Steven Pinker's Brand of Optimism]]></title>
  1656. <description><![CDATA[L.A. Dixon, a writer, academic and high school history and science teacher specializing in critical thinking, discusses whether Steven Pinker's new book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress, contributes to or detracts from the Secular Humanist cause.
  1658. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1659. ]]></description>
  1660. <link></link>
  1661. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/444620214</guid>
  1662. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1663. <pubDate>Tue, 15 May 2018 23:59:29 GMT</pubDate>
  1664. <enclosure url="" length="44640702" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1665. <itunes:summary>L.A. Dixon, a writer, academic and high school history and science teacher specializing in critical thinking, discusses whether Steven Pinker&apos;s new book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress, contributes to or detracts from the Secular Humanist cause.
  1667. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1668. </itunes:summary>
  1669. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1670. <itunes:duration>00:46:30</itunes:duration>
  1671. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1672. </item>
  1673. <item>
  1674. <title><![CDATA[Borderlines - Immigration law with Steven Muerrens and Peter Edelmann]]></title>
  1675. <description><![CDATA[How does Canada's immigration system work? How does Canada accept refugees? What are some of the current concerns?
  1677. Immigration lawyers Steven Muerrens and Peter Edelmann are part of the team behind the podcast Borderlines that discusses these questions and they joined us to discuss them.
  1679. Find out more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1680. ]]></description>
  1681. <link></link>
  1682. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/437990841</guid>
  1683. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1684. <pubDate>Tue, 01 May 2018 21:23:20 GMT</pubDate>
  1685. <enclosure url="" length="72498953" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1686. <itunes:summary>How does Canada&apos;s immigration system work? How does Canada accept refugees? What are some of the current concerns?
  1688. Immigration lawyers Steven Muerrens and Peter Edelmann are part of the team behind the podcast Borderlines that discusses these questions and they joined us to discuss them.
  1690. Find out more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1691. </itunes:summary>
  1692. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1693. <itunes:duration>01:15:31</itunes:duration>
  1694. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1695. </item>
  1696. <item>
  1697. <title><![CDATA[Proportional Representation Debate - David Moscrop vs Bill Tieleman]]></title>
  1698. <description><![CDATA[In the fall BC will vote whether to adopt a system of proportional representation or maintain its current first-past-the-post electoral system. This week we'll have representatives from a group arguing for the current system and a group arguing for change.
  1700. Arguing for "Yes PR BC" is David Moscrop. David is a political theorist and postdoctoral fellow in the Scholarly Communications Lab at Simon Fraser University. He studies democratic deliberation, citizenship, and how we communicate with one another and make political decisions. He writes for Maclean's Magazine and a few other outlets, and provides regular political commentary for television, radio, and print. He's currently working on a book about why we make bad political decisions and how we can make better ones (Fall, 2019).
  1702. Arguing for "No PR BC" is Bill Tieleman. Bill is a political panelist regularly on CBC Radio and TV in BC and with other media. Bill has been Communications Director in the B.C. Premier's Office and at the BC Federation of Labour. Bill owns West Star Communications, a consulting firm providing strategy and communication services for labour, business, non-profits and government.
  1704. Find out more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1705. ]]></description>
  1706. <link></link>
  1707. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/434570451</guid>
  1708. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1709. <pubDate>Tue, 24 Apr 2018 18:55:43 GMT</pubDate>
  1710. <enclosure url="" length="69519319" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1711. <itunes:summary>In the fall BC will vote whether to adopt a system of proportional representation or maintain its current first-past-the-post electoral system. This week we&apos;ll have representatives from a group arguing for the current system and a group arguing for change.
  1713. Arguing for &quot;Yes PR BC&quot; is David Moscrop. David is a political theorist and postdoctoral fellow in the Scholarly Communications Lab at Simon Fraser University. He studies democratic deliberation, citizenship, and how we communicate with one another and make political decisions. He writes for Maclean&apos;s Magazine and a few other outlets, and provides regular political commentary for television, radio, and print. He&apos;s currently working on a book about why we make bad political decisions and how we can make better ones (Fall, 2019).
  1715. Arguing for &quot;No PR BC&quot; is Bill Tieleman. Bill is a political panelist regularly on CBC Radio and TV in BC and with other media. Bill has been Communications Director in the B.C. Premier&apos;s Office and at the BC Federation of Labour. Bill owns West Star Communications, a consulting firm providing strategy and communication services for labour, business, non-profits and government.
  1717. Find out more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1718. </itunes:summary>
  1719. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1720. <itunes:duration>01:12:24</itunes:duration>
  1721. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1722. </item>
  1723. <item>
  1724. <title><![CDATA[Kate Bird - City on Edge]]></title>
  1725. <description><![CDATA[City on Edge: A Rebellious Century of Vancouver Protests, Riots, and Strikes features photographs from the collection of The Vancouver Sun and The Province which capture moments in history when Vancouverites showed up, stepped up, and made some noise—or exploded in anger— about a wide range of issues.
  1727. Kate Bird is the author of City on Edge: A Rebellious Century of Vancouver Protests, Riots, and Strikes and Vancouver in the Seventies: Photos From a Decade That Changed the City, which was nominated for the 2016 British Columbia Historical Writing Award. Both books were published by Greystone Books.
  1729. Kate is a professional librarian with a Masters of Library & Information Science from the University of Western Ontario, a B.A. in Art History from the University of British Columbia, and a diploma in photography from Emily Carr College of Art. She worked as a news research librarian at The Vancouver Sun and The Province for twenty-five years, where she did research for reporters and helped manage a large photograph collection and digital image archive.
  1731. Find her book at
  1733. Unfortunately we don't have the rights to share images from Kate's book or talk online.
  1735. Find out more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1736. ]]></description>
  1737. <link></link>
  1738. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/431232981</guid>
  1739. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1740. <pubDate>Tue, 17 Apr 2018 22:31:26 GMT</pubDate>
  1741. <enclosure url="" length="33341955" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1742. <itunes:summary>City on Edge: A Rebellious Century of Vancouver Protests, Riots, and Strikes features photographs from the collection of The Vancouver Sun and The Province which capture moments in history when Vancouverites showed up, stepped up, and made some noise—or exploded in anger— about a wide range of issues.
  1744. Kate Bird is the author of City on Edge: A Rebellious Century of Vancouver Protests, Riots, and Strikes and Vancouver in the Seventies: Photos From a Decade That Changed the City, which was nominated for the 2016 British Columbia Historical Writing Award. Both books were published by Greystone Books.
  1746. Kate is a professional librarian with a Masters of Library &amp; Information Science from the University of Western Ontario, a B.A. in Art History from the University of British Columbia, and a diploma in photography from Emily Carr College of Art. She worked as a news research librarian at The Vancouver Sun and The Province for twenty-five years, where she did research for reporters and helped manage a large photograph collection and digital image archive.
  1748. Find her book at
  1750. Unfortunately we don&apos;t have the rights to share images from Kate&apos;s book or talk online.
  1752. Find out more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1753. </itunes:summary>
  1754. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1755. <itunes:duration>00:34:43</itunes:duration>
  1756. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1757. </item>
  1758. <item>
  1759. <title><![CDATA[Trevor Melanson - Clean Energy Canada]]></title>
  1760. <description><![CDATA[Trevor Melanson manages communications at Clean Energy Canada.
  1762. Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy think tank within the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. They work to accelerate our nation’s transition to clean and renewable energy systems by telling the story of the gshift to clean and low-carbon energy sources. They conduct original research, host dialogues and aim to inspire and inform policy leadership.
  1764. View the slides at
  1766. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1767. ]]></description>
  1768. <link></link>
  1769. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/428385042</guid>
  1770. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1771. <pubDate>Wed, 11 Apr 2018 22:45:30 GMT</pubDate>
  1772. <enclosure url="" length="67658923" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1773. <itunes:summary>Trevor Melanson manages communications at Clean Energy Canada.
  1775. Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy think tank within the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. They work to accelerate our nation’s transition to clean and renewable energy systems by telling the story of the gshift to clean and low-carbon energy sources. They conduct original research, host dialogues and aim to inspire and inform policy leadership.
  1777. View the slides at
  1779. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1780. </itunes:summary>
  1781. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1782. <itunes:duration>01:10:28</itunes:duration>
  1783. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1784. </item>
  1785. <item>
  1786. <title><![CDATA[Dr Diane Finegood - Health & Wellness in the Age of Complexity]]></title>
  1787. <description><![CDATA[The world is becoming increasingly complex and complexity often leads to despair, retreat and believing a problem is beyond hope. But there are ways to tackle complex problems that are different from approaches that work for simple or complicated problems. We will discuss some of the characteristics that give rise to complex or “wicked” problems and how systems thinking can shift the way we approach them.
  1788. "Dr Diane Finegood is currently seconded to SFU’s Centre for Dialogue where she is developing an innovative new Semester in Dialogue on health and wellness.  She returned to SFU in July 2017 after a 5-year leave of absence to serve as the President and CEO of the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research.  Diane has also served in other leadership roles including: inaugural Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (2000-2008), Executive Director of The CAPTURE Project (2009-2012) and Principal Investigator on the b-Cell Apoptosis Network (1999-2004).
  1790. "Diane’s scholarship has spanned the four pillars of health research ranging from basic biomedical science and clinical research on both type 1 and type 2 diabetes to health services research and population and public health research relevant to obesity and chronic disease prevention.  Her current research interests include public-private partnerships and systems thinking to address complex problems." [via SFU]
  1792. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1793. ]]></description>
  1794. <link></link>
  1795. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/427289952</guid>
  1796. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1797. <pubDate>Mon, 09 Apr 2018 19:58:17 GMT</pubDate>
  1798. <enclosure url="" length="72327968" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1799. <itunes:summary>The world is becoming increasingly complex and complexity often leads to despair, retreat and believing a problem is beyond hope. But there are ways to tackle complex problems that are different from approaches that work for simple or complicated problems. We will discuss some of the characteristics that give rise to complex or “wicked” problems and how systems thinking can shift the way we approach them.
  1800. &quot;Dr Diane Finegood is currently seconded to SFU’s Centre for Dialogue where she is developing an innovative new Semester in Dialogue on health and wellness.  She returned to SFU in July 2017 after a 5-year leave of absence to serve as the President and CEO of the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research.  Diane has also served in other leadership roles including: inaugural Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (2000-2008), Executive Director of The CAPTURE Project (2009-2012) and Principal Investigator on the b-Cell Apoptosis Network (1999-2004).
  1802. &quot;Diane’s scholarship has spanned the four pillars of health research ranging from basic biomedical science and clinical research on both type 1 and type 2 diabetes to health services research and population and public health research relevant to obesity and chronic disease prevention.  Her current research interests include public-private partnerships and systems thinking to address complex problems.&quot; [via SFU]
  1804. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1805. </itunes:summary>
  1806. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1807. <itunes:duration>01:15:20</itunes:duration>
  1808. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1809. </item>
  1810. <item>
  1811. <title><![CDATA[M Assadullah - Restorative Justice]]></title>
  1812. <description><![CDATA[M. Asadullah is a PhD candidate (ABD) and former sessional instructor at Simon Fraser University's School of Criminology, BC, Canada. Previously, he was a sessional faculty of Peace & Conflict Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley and a guest lecturer at the University of Dhaka’s Victimology and Restorative Justice, Bangladesh.
  1814. Asad researches Restorative Justice, Nonviolent Communication, Conflict Resolution, Peacemaking Criminology, and Youth Justice. He enjoys supporting community-based justice organizations, and offering Intro to NVC in prison and faith-based settings.
  1816. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1817. ]]></description>
  1818. <link></link>
  1819. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/427263762</guid>
  1820. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1821. <pubDate>Mon, 09 Apr 2018 19:06:33 GMT</pubDate>
  1822. <enclosure url="" length="63144959" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1823. <itunes:summary>M. Asadullah is a PhD candidate (ABD) and former sessional instructor at Simon Fraser University&apos;s School of Criminology, BC, Canada. Previously, he was a sessional faculty of Peace &amp; Conflict Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley and a guest lecturer at the University of Dhaka’s Victimology and Restorative Justice, Bangladesh.
  1825. Asad researches Restorative Justice, Nonviolent Communication, Conflict Resolution, Peacemaking Criminology, and Youth Justice. He enjoys supporting community-based justice organizations, and offering Intro to NVC in prison and faith-based settings.
  1827. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1828. </itunes:summary>
  1829. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1830. <itunes:duration>01:05:46</itunes:duration>
  1831. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1832. </item>
  1833. <item>
  1834. <title><![CDATA[Human Rights Dialogue Q&A]]></title>
  1835. <description><![CDATA[Audience questions & answers from Is Christianity or Secular Humanism a better foundation for human rights?: A conversation Between a Christian and a Secular Humanist
  1837. This event was hosted on February 28, 2018 by Apologetics Canada in partnership with Westside Church in Vancouver, BC.
  1839. Women's rights, LGBTQ rights - there is no shortage of causes vying for our attention. Underlying all such causes is the concept of human rights. Which worldview provides a better foundation for it - Christianity or Secular Humanism?
  1841. Ian Bushfield is Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association
  1843. Dr Andy Bannister is Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity
  1845. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1846. ]]></description>
  1847. <link></link>
  1848. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/413126970</guid>
  1849. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1850. <pubDate>Tue, 13 Mar 2018 17:26:09 GMT</pubDate>
  1851. <enclosure url="" length="41496768" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1852. <itunes:summary>Audience questions &amp; answers from Is Christianity or Secular Humanism a better foundation for human rights?: A conversation Between a Christian and a Secular Humanist
  1854. This event was hosted on February 28, 2018 by Apologetics Canada in partnership with Westside Church in Vancouver, BC.
  1856. Women&apos;s rights, LGBTQ rights - there is no shortage of causes vying for our attention. Underlying all such causes is the concept of human rights. Which worldview provides a better foundation for it - Christianity or Secular Humanism?
  1858. Ian Bushfield is Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association
  1860. Dr Andy Bannister is Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity
  1862. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1863. </itunes:summary>
  1864. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1865. <itunes:duration>00:43:13</itunes:duration>
  1866. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1867. </item>
  1868. <item>
  1869. <title><![CDATA[Dr Claire Cupples - Germ Warfare]]></title>
  1870. <description><![CDATA[Germ warfare: The evolutionary struggle between microbes and mammals
  1872. Dr Claire Cupples is Dean of Science at Simon Fraser University and a Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry.
  1874. Dr Cupples received her BSc at the University of Victoria, her MSc at the University of Calgary and her PhD at York University. She pursued post-doctoral studies at UCLA. She has held academic and administrative positions previously at Concordia University, in Montreal, and at the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on the causes, consequences and prevention of mutations in microbes and in humans. Dr. Cupples has taught university courses in microbial molecular biology for 20 years and currently serves as President of the Canadian Council of Deans of Science and sits on the boards of TRIUMF, BCNet, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre and the Science Fair Foundation of BC.
  1876. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1877. ]]></description>
  1878. <link></link>
  1879. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/412571094</guid>
  1880. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1881. <pubDate>Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:52:06 GMT</pubDate>
  1882. <enclosure url="" length="44562181" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1883. <itunes:summary>Germ warfare: The evolutionary struggle between microbes and mammals
  1885. Dr Claire Cupples is Dean of Science at Simon Fraser University and a Professor of Molecular Biology &amp; Biochemistry.
  1887. Dr Cupples received her BSc at the University of Victoria, her MSc at the University of Calgary and her PhD at York University. She pursued post-doctoral studies at UCLA. She has held academic and administrative positions previously at Concordia University, in Montreal, and at the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on the causes, consequences and prevention of mutations in microbes and in humans. Dr. Cupples has taught university courses in microbial molecular biology for 20 years and currently serves as President of the Canadian Council of Deans of Science and sits on the boards of TRIUMF, BCNet, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre and the Science Fair Foundation of BC.
  1889. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1890. </itunes:summary>
  1891. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1892. <itunes:duration>00:46:25</itunes:duration>
  1893. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1894. </item>
  1895. <item>
  1896. <title><![CDATA[Human Rights Dialogue between Ian Bushfield and Dr Andy Bannister]]></title>
  1897. <description><![CDATA[Is Christianity or Secular Humanism a better foundation for human rights?: A conversation Between a Christian and a Secular Humanist
  1899. This event was hosted on February 28, 2018 by Apologetics Canada in partnership with Westside Church in Vancouver, BC.
  1901. Women's rights, LGBTQ rights - there is no shortage of causes vying for our attention. Underlying all such causes is the concept of human rights. Which worldview provides a better foundation for it - Christianity or Secular Humanism?
  1903. Ian Bushfield is Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association
  1905. Dr Andy Bannister is Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity
  1907. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1908. ]]></description>
  1909. <link></link>
  1910. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/410292303</guid>
  1911. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1912. <pubDate>Thu, 08 Mar 2018 00:20:23 GMT</pubDate>
  1913. <enclosure url="" length="61784129" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1914. <itunes:summary>Is Christianity or Secular Humanism a better foundation for human rights?: A conversation Between a Christian and a Secular Humanist
  1916. This event was hosted on February 28, 2018 by Apologetics Canada in partnership with Westside Church in Vancouver, BC.
  1918. Women&apos;s rights, LGBTQ rights - there is no shortage of causes vying for our attention. Underlying all such causes is the concept of human rights. Which worldview provides a better foundation for it - Christianity or Secular Humanism?
  1920. Ian Bushfield is Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association
  1922. Dr Andy Bannister is Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity
  1924. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  1925. </itunes:summary>
  1926. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1927. <itunes:duration>01:04:21</itunes:duration>
  1928. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1929. </item>
  1930. <item>
  1931. <title><![CDATA[Jaymie Matthews - What the astronomy books don't tell you]]></title>
  1932. <description><![CDATA[Dr Jaymie Matthews is a Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of British Columbia. He's recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, an Officer of the Order of Canada and other teaching awards.
  1934. What the textbooks don't tell you explores the human stories behind some of the great astronomical discoveries.
  1936. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association and support our work at
  1937. ]]></description>
  1938. <link></link>
  1939. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/409084308</guid>
  1940. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1941. <pubDate>Mon, 05 Mar 2018 18:22:58 GMT</pubDate>
  1942. <enclosure url="" length="67453982" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1943. <itunes:summary>Dr Jaymie Matthews is a Professor of Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics at the University of British Columbia. He&apos;s recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, an Officer of the Order of Canada and other teaching awards.
  1945. What the textbooks don&apos;t tell you explores the human stories behind some of the great astronomical discoveries.
  1947. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association and support our work at
  1948. </itunes:summary>
  1949. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1950. <itunes:duration>01:10:15</itunes:duration>
  1951. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1952. </item>
  1953. <item>
  1954. <title><![CDATA[Recovery International]]></title>
  1955. <description><![CDATA[Recovery Canada is a registered non profit organization offering peer led training in cognitive behavioural techiques to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Their leaders and assistant leaders are unpaid volunteers. The parent organization is Recovery International based in Chicago, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary. There are over 600 weekly peer led self help mental health training meetings held around the world.
  1957. Gordon Chung is the Burnaby Recovery Group Leader. Sigal and Ezra are members of Recovery.
  1959. "At Recovery International Meetings, you learn and use practical cognitive behavioural tools to deal with anxiety, depression, stress and anger in a safe supportive group setting. Recovery is also particularly suited to dealing with relationship problems. Relationship and marital counselling typically requires the attendance of both partners. Recovery is one of the few methods to heal relationships without the participation of the spouse or significant other. The group format provides hope as the experienced members demonstrate their improvement to the new members. The meeting also provides social contact for those isolated by fear, anxiety and depression. Meetings are peer led, anonymous, open to everyone, and we only request a voluntary $5.00 contribution to cover administrative costs. We do understand that some may not be employed, in those cases a contribution of any amount would be very appreciated.
  1961. "The Recovery International Method is a system of cognitive behavioural self help techniques for controlling behaviour and changing attitudes. People who practice the living skills detailed in the Recovery International Method learn to change their thoughts and behaviours; changes in attitudes and beliefs follow.
  1963. "Neuropsychiatrist Abraham Low, MD, developed these self help techniques, which are explained in his books such as Mental Health Through Will Training, The Wisdom of Dr. Low, the RI Discovery Workbook and Peace vs Power in the Family."
  1964. ]]></description>
  1965. <link></link>
  1966. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/402160665</guid>
  1967. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1968. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Feb 2018 21:48:28 GMT</pubDate>
  1969. <enclosure url="" length="27547869" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1970. <itunes:summary>Recovery Canada is a registered non profit organization offering peer led training in cognitive behavioural techiques to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Their leaders and assistant leaders are unpaid volunteers. The parent organization is Recovery International based in Chicago, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary. There are over 600 weekly peer led self help mental health training meetings held around the world.
  1972. Gordon Chung is the Burnaby Recovery Group Leader. Sigal and Ezra are members of Recovery.
  1974. &quot;At Recovery International Meetings, you learn and use practical cognitive behavioural tools to deal with anxiety, depression, stress and anger in a safe supportive group setting. Recovery is also particularly suited to dealing with relationship problems. Relationship and marital counselling typically requires the attendance of both partners. Recovery is one of the few methods to heal relationships without the participation of the spouse or significant other. The group format provides hope as the experienced members demonstrate their improvement to the new members. The meeting also provides social contact for those isolated by fear, anxiety and depression. Meetings are peer led, anonymous, open to everyone, and we only request a voluntary $5.00 contribution to cover administrative costs. We do understand that some may not be employed, in those cases a contribution of any amount would be very appreciated.
  1976. &quot;The Recovery International Method is a system of cognitive behavioural self help techniques for controlling behaviour and changing attitudes. People who practice the living skills detailed in the Recovery International Method learn to change their thoughts and behaviours; changes in attitudes and beliefs follow.
  1978. &quot;Neuropsychiatrist Abraham Low, MD, developed these self help techniques, which are explained in his books such as Mental Health Through Will Training, The Wisdom of Dr. Low, the RI Discovery Workbook and Peace vs Power in the Family.&quot;
  1979. </itunes:summary>
  1980. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  1981. <itunes:duration>00:28:41</itunes:duration>
  1982. <itunes:image href=""/>
  1983. </item>
  1984. <item>
  1985. <title><![CDATA[Sonja Luehrmann - Looking For Positive Atheism In The Soviet Union]]></title>
  1986. <description><![CDATA[Atheism was mandated by the Soviet Union but, as Humanists know well, promotion of "there is no God" can only go so far. The state therefore turned to more positive propaganda messages to promote atheism. What are these messages and how did these messages challenge traditional family relationships and ideas about gender promoted by religion and the Church?
  1988. Dr Sonja Luehrmann is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. Drawing on ethnographic and archival methods, her research engages questions of human transformability: how people live their lives through shifting socioeconomic and political conditions, and how various religious and secular institutions appeal to the human capacity to change habits and convictions, while attempting to steer it in particular directions. Geographically, she is particularly interested in multi-ethnic and multi-religious areas such as Russia’s Volga region, where ideological transformations get bound up with changing perceptions of self and other. She has published two books on Soviet atheism and its effects on post-Soviet religion and historical memory: Secularism Soviet Style: Teaching Atheism and Religion in a Volga Republic (Indiana, 2011) and Religion in Secular Archives: Soviet Atheism and Historical Knowledge (Oxford, 2015).
  1990. Dr Luehrmann is currently working on a book about anti-abortion activism in the post-Soviet Russian Orthodox Church, where activists attempt to transform popular attitudes toward past and present reproductive decisions. Together with colleagues based in the United States, Russia, Germany, and Hungary, she recently completed a collaborative project investigating the relationship between sensory perception and ethical values in Orthodox Christian prayer. [Via SFU]
  1992. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  1993. ]]></description>
  1994. <link></link>
  1995. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/387110459</guid>
  1996. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  1997. <pubDate>Sun, 21 Jan 2018 22:26:56 GMT</pubDate>
  1998. <enclosure url="" length="30005208" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1999. <itunes:summary>Atheism was mandated by the Soviet Union but, as Humanists know well, promotion of &quot;there is no God&quot; can only go so far. The state therefore turned to more positive propaganda messages to promote atheism. What are these messages and how did these messages challenge traditional family relationships and ideas about gender promoted by religion and the Church?
  2001. Dr Sonja Luehrmann is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. Drawing on ethnographic and archival methods, her research engages questions of human transformability: how people live their lives through shifting socioeconomic and political conditions, and how various religious and secular institutions appeal to the human capacity to change habits and convictions, while attempting to steer it in particular directions. Geographically, she is particularly interested in multi-ethnic and multi-religious areas such as Russia’s Volga region, where ideological transformations get bound up with changing perceptions of self and other. She has published two books on Soviet atheism and its effects on post-Soviet religion and historical memory: Secularism Soviet Style: Teaching Atheism and Religion in a Volga Republic (Indiana, 2011) and Religion in Secular Archives: Soviet Atheism and Historical Knowledge (Oxford, 2015).
  2003. Dr Luehrmann is currently working on a book about anti-abortion activism in the post-Soviet Russian Orthodox Church, where activists attempt to transform popular attitudes toward past and present reproductive decisions. Together with colleagues based in the United States, Russia, Germany, and Hungary, she recently completed a collaborative project investigating the relationship between sensory perception and ethical values in Orthodox Christian prayer. [Via SFU]
  2005. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2006. </itunes:summary>
  2007. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2008. <itunes:duration>00:31:15</itunes:duration>
  2009. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2010. </item>
  2011. <item>
  2012. <title><![CDATA[Barry Webster - Memorial Society of BC]]></title>
  2013. <description><![CDATA[Barrie Webster is president of the Victoria Secular Humanist Association and the Memorial Society of BC. Barrie will speak about both organizations.
  2015. The Memorial Society of British Columbia (MSBC) is a non-profit organization formed in 1956 to help its members to plan funerals that are simple, dignified and affordable. As a member of MSBC, you can plan your farewell with the confidence that you have the largest consumer group in B.C. protecting your interests — and the interests of your loved ones when it’s time to make funeral arrangements. Membership gives you peace of mind and the assurance that your final wishes will be fulfilled. And membership helps reduce stress for your family at their time of need. Simply put, you have someone on your side.
  2017. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2018. ]]></description>
  2019. <link></link>
  2020. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/383647889</guid>
  2021. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2022. <pubDate>Sun, 14 Jan 2018 22:42:53 GMT</pubDate>
  2023. <enclosure url="" length="22405038" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2024. <itunes:summary>Barrie Webster is president of the Victoria Secular Humanist Association and the Memorial Society of BC. Barrie will speak about both organizations.
  2026. The Memorial Society of British Columbia (MSBC) is a non-profit organization formed in 1956 to help its members to plan funerals that are simple, dignified and affordable. As a member of MSBC, you can plan your farewell with the confidence that you have the largest consumer group in B.C. protecting your interests — and the interests of your loved ones when it’s time to make funeral arrangements. Membership gives you peace of mind and the assurance that your final wishes will be fulfilled. And membership helps reduce stress for your family at their time of need. Simply put, you have someone on your side.
  2028. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2029. </itunes:summary>
  2030. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2031. <itunes:duration>00:23:20</itunes:duration>
  2032. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2033. </item>
  2034. <item>
  2035. <title><![CDATA[Barry Webster - Victoria Secular Humanist Association]]></title>
  2036. <description><![CDATA[Barrie Webster is president of the Victoria Secular Humanist Association and the Memorial Society of BC. Barrie will speak about both organizations.
  2038. The VSHA is one of Canada's oldest Humanist groups in Canada (since 1953). They offer a community for the non-religious in the Victoria area, and a forum for discussing and advancing a secular worldview based on our common humanity. They have a variety of regular activities which are free and open to the public. On Sunday mornings throughout the year, they have a social breakfast at the Cedar Hill Golf Course. Presentations with speakers are offered on Sundays every few weeks from September to May. And on the first and third Wednesday evening each month, they have a Humanist Cafe with open discussion of topics of interest.
  2040. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2041. ]]></description>
  2042. <link></link>
  2043. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/383647832</guid>
  2044. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2045. <pubDate>Sun, 14 Jan 2018 22:42:44 GMT</pubDate>
  2046. <enclosure url="" length="12665334" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2047. <itunes:summary>Barrie Webster is president of the Victoria Secular Humanist Association and the Memorial Society of BC. Barrie will speak about both organizations.
  2049. The VSHA is one of Canada&apos;s oldest Humanist groups in Canada (since 1953). They offer a community for the non-religious in the Victoria area, and a forum for discussing and advancing a secular worldview based on our common humanity. They have a variety of regular activities which are free and open to the public. On Sunday mornings throughout the year, they have a social breakfast at the Cedar Hill Golf Course. Presentations with speakers are offered on Sundays every few weeks from September to May. And on the first and third Wednesday evening each month, they have a Humanist Cafe with open discussion of topics of interest.
  2051. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2052. </itunes:summary>
  2053. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2054. <itunes:duration>00:13:11</itunes:duration>
  2055. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2056. </item>
  2057. <item>
  2058. <title><![CDATA[Anne George - Injury Inequality]]></title>
  2059. <description><![CDATA[Anne George is Associate Professor Emerita Pediatrics at the University of British Columbia. Her research focuses on public and population health, and on examining social determinants of health, including:
  2061. The health and well-being of populations, including immigrant and refugees, and aboriginal peoples alcohol and alcohol-related risks, including alcohol exposure during pregnancy improved health research practice, particularly with respect to ethical considerations together with fellow UBC Professor Mariana Brussoni, she has studied injury rates in BC's indigenous communities, and written about that research in The Conversation.
  2063. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2064. ]]></description>
  2065. <link></link>
  2066. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/380213540</guid>
  2067. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2068. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jan 2018 21:28:24 GMT</pubDate>
  2069. <enclosure url="" length="26885142" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2070. <itunes:summary>Anne George is Associate Professor Emerita Pediatrics at the University of British Columbia. Her research focuses on public and population health, and on examining social determinants of health, including:
  2072. The health and well-being of populations, including immigrant and refugees, and aboriginal peoples alcohol and alcohol-related risks, including alcohol exposure during pregnancy improved health research practice, particularly with respect to ethical considerations together with fellow UBC Professor Mariana Brussoni, she has studied injury rates in BC&apos;s indigenous communities, and written about that research in The Conversation.
  2074. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2075. </itunes:summary>
  2076. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2077. <itunes:duration>00:28:00</itunes:duration>
  2078. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2079. </item>
  2080. <item>
  2081. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - Humanism & the paranormal]]></title>
  2082. <description><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield, executive director of the BC Humanist Association, explores Humanist views on the paranormal at the Sunday, October 29, 2017 Vancouver meeting.
  2084. Learn more about the BCHA and support our work at
  2085. ]]></description>
  2086. <link></link>
  2087. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/371326649</guid>
  2088. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2089. <pubDate>Mon, 18 Dec 2017 19:50:58 GMT</pubDate>
  2090. <enclosure url="" length="73688854" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2091. <itunes:summary>Ian Bushfield, executive director of the BC Humanist Association, explores Humanist views on the paranormal at the Sunday, October 29, 2017 Vancouver meeting.
  2093. Learn more about the BCHA and support our work at
  2094. </itunes:summary>
  2095. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2096. <itunes:duration>01:16:45</itunes:duration>
  2097. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2098. </item>
  2099. <item>
  2100. <title><![CDATA[Paulo Muir - Zero Waste Canada]]></title>
  2101. <description><![CDATA[Zero Waste Canada (ZWC) is a non-profit grassroots organization, dedicated to helping end the age of wasting through better design & education! Zero Waste Canada works with individuals, businesses and communities across Canada to support continuous reuse of resources and promotes the elimination of landfills and waste-to-energy plants. They also advocate at all levels of government for responsible resource management and policies, legislation and initiatives that eliminate waste.
  2103. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2104. ]]></description>
  2105. <link></link>
  2106. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/367699946</guid>
  2107. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2108. <pubDate>Sun, 10 Dec 2017 21:20:44 GMT</pubDate>
  2109. <enclosure url="" length="20436450" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2110. <itunes:summary>Zero Waste Canada (ZWC) is a non-profit grassroots organization, dedicated to helping end the age of wasting through better design &amp; education! Zero Waste Canada works with individuals, businesses and communities across Canada to support continuous reuse of resources and promotes the elimination of landfills and waste-to-energy plants. They also advocate at all levels of government for responsible resource management and policies, legislation and initiatives that eliminate waste.
  2112. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2113. </itunes:summary>
  2114. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2115. <itunes:duration>00:21:17</itunes:duration>
  2116. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2117. </item>
  2118. <item>
  2119. <title><![CDATA[Dr. Eddie Win - Burma & the Rohingya crisis]]></title>
  2120. <description><![CDATA[Dr Kanbawaza (Ba or Eddie) Win is a Burmese Canadian and political scientist. During his years in Burma he witnessed students shot at point-blank range during protests against the junta in 1962. He took part in the 8888 Movement and is an active supporter of democracy and federalism in Myanmar.
  2122. Dr Win will cover the modern history of Burma leading to the current crisis facing the Rohingya people.
  2124. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2125. ]]></description>
  2126. <link></link>
  2127. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/364489019</guid>
  2128. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2129. <pubDate>Sun, 03 Dec 2017 20:31:10 GMT</pubDate>
  2130. <enclosure url="" length="48453091" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2131. <itunes:summary>Dr Kanbawaza (Ba or Eddie) Win is a Burmese Canadian and political scientist. During his years in Burma he witnessed students shot at point-blank range during protests against the junta in 1962. He took part in the 8888 Movement and is an active supporter of democracy and federalism in Myanmar.
  2133. Dr Win will cover the modern history of Burma leading to the current crisis facing the Rohingya people.
  2135. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2136. </itunes:summary>
  2137. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2138. <itunes:duration>00:50:28</itunes:duration>
  2139. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2140. </item>
  2141. <item>
  2142. <title><![CDATA[Sonia Milbradt - The New BC Curriculum]]></title>
  2143. <description><![CDATA[The Government of BC has recently introduced a revised curriculum ( for all students that moves an emphasis from content to competencies. What does this mean for teachers and science education?
  2145. Sonia Milbradt is a high school science teacher in Burnaby. She has a MSc in Physics from Simon Fraser University and a BEd from UBC. From 2013-2015 she taught in England.
  2147. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2148. ]]></description>
  2149. <link></link>
  2150. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/363295382</guid>
  2151. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2152. <pubDate>Fri, 01 Dec 2017 01:55:42 GMT</pubDate>
  2153. <enclosure url="" length="56485013" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2154. <itunes:summary>The Government of BC has recently introduced a revised curriculum ( for all students that moves an emphasis from content to competencies. What does this mean for teachers and science education?
  2156. Sonia Milbradt is a high school science teacher in Burnaby. She has a MSc in Physics from Simon Fraser University and a BEd from UBC. From 2013-2015 she taught in England.
  2158. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2159. </itunes:summary>
  2160. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2161. <itunes:duration>00:58:50</itunes:duration>
  2162. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2163. </item>
  2164. <item>
  2165. <title><![CDATA[Muju Naeem - From Islam To Atheism]]></title>
  2166. <description><![CDATA[Muju Naeem - From Islam To Atheism by BC Humanist Association
  2167. ]]></description>
  2168. <link></link>
  2169. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/358215950</guid>
  2170. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2171. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Nov 2017 01:27:14 GMT</pubDate>
  2172. <enclosure url="" length="61892987" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2173. <itunes:summary>Muju Naeem - From Islam To Atheism by BC Humanist Association
  2174. </itunes:summary>
  2175. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2176. <itunes:duration>01:04:28</itunes:duration>
  2177. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2178. </item>
  2179. <item>
  2180. <title><![CDATA[Let Peace Be Their Memorial 2017]]></title>
  2181. <description><![CDATA[On Remembrance Day About 180 people joined us (despite the rain) in Vancouver at Seaforth Peace Park Saturday Nov 11 at 2:30 pm for Let Peace be Their Memorial - Mourning Less-Recognized Victims of War
  2182. a wreath laying ceremony commemorating civilian victims of war and conflict.
  2184. This free, public, city sanctioned event was again co-hosted by Vancouver Peace Poppies and the BC Humanist Association at the south plaza of Seaforth Peace Park (Burrard @ 1st Ave) from 2:30 to 3:45pm on Remembrance Day.
  2188. ]]></description>
  2189. <link></link>
  2190. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/356290307</guid>
  2191. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2192. <pubDate>Wed, 15 Nov 2017 20:15:51 GMT</pubDate>
  2193. <enclosure url="" length="98825098" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2194. <itunes:summary>On Remembrance Day About 180 people joined us (despite the rain) in Vancouver at Seaforth Peace Park Saturday Nov 11 at 2:30 pm for Let Peace be Their Memorial - Mourning Less-Recognized Victims of War
  2195. a wreath laying ceremony commemorating civilian victims of war and conflict.
  2197. This free, public, city sanctioned event was again co-hosted by Vancouver Peace Poppies and the BC Humanist Association at the south plaza of Seaforth Peace Park (Burrard @ 1st Ave) from 2:30 to 3:45pm on Remembrance Day.
  2201. </itunes:summary>
  2202. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2203. <itunes:duration>01:08:37</itunes:duration>
  2204. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2205. </item>
  2206. <item>
  2207. <title><![CDATA[Jerry Steinberg - No Kidding]]></title>
  2208. <description><![CDATA[No Kidding! was founded by Jerry Steinberg in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1984. After searching for a social club for childfree couples and singles and finding that none existed, he decided to take the initiative and start a group on his own. Today, No Kidding! has over 40 active chapters. Jerry has recently retired from No Kidding! to become the Founding Non-Father Emeritus, but he is glad the organization is continuing.
  2210. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2211. ]]></description>
  2212. <link></link>
  2213. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/354801428</guid>
  2214. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2215. <pubDate>Sun, 12 Nov 2017 20:54:55 GMT</pubDate>
  2216. <enclosure url="" length="24037168" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2217. <itunes:summary>No Kidding! was founded by Jerry Steinberg in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1984. After searching for a social club for childfree couples and singles and finding that none existed, he decided to take the initiative and start a group on his own. Today, No Kidding! has over 40 active chapters. Jerry has recently retired from No Kidding! to become the Founding Non-Father Emeritus, but he is glad the organization is continuing.
  2219. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2220. </itunes:summary>
  2221. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2222. <itunes:duration>00:25:02</itunes:duration>
  2223. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2224. </item>
  2225. <item>
  2226. <title><![CDATA[Greg Oliver, Canadian Secular Alliance, presents to justice committee on repealing blasphemy laws]]></title>
  2227. <description><![CDATA[On Monday, October 30, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights met to continue its discussions over the bill to amend the criminal code.
  2229. The BC Humanist Association last week submitted our brief to the committee setting out why we support the government's decision to repeal sections 296 and 176 which prohibit blasphemous libel and disrupting a religious service respectively.
  2231. In this recording from the committee, Greg Oliver, President of the Canadian Secular Alliance, testifies before the committee with arguments largely similar to our own.
  2233. In the questions from MPs he's also joined by Janet Epp Buckingham, Professor, Laurentian Leadership Centre, Trinity Western University
  2234. and Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, Bishop Lionel Gendron, President and lawyer Bruce F. Simpson, Specialized Partner in Criminal Law, Barnes Sammon LLP all from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  2236. To read our submission and to find out how you can support our efforts to repeal Canada's blasphemy law, visit:
  2237. ]]></description>
  2238. <link></link>
  2239. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/349844302</guid>
  2240. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2241. <pubDate>Wed, 01 Nov 2017 21:18:13 GMT</pubDate>
  2242. <enclosure url="" length="27302171" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2243. <itunes:summary>On Monday, October 30, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights met to continue its discussions over the bill to amend the criminal code.
  2245. The BC Humanist Association last week submitted our brief to the committee setting out why we support the government&apos;s decision to repeal sections 296 and 176 which prohibit blasphemous libel and disrupting a religious service respectively.
  2247. In this recording from the committee, Greg Oliver, President of the Canadian Secular Alliance, testifies before the committee with arguments largely similar to our own.
  2249. In the questions from MPs he&apos;s also joined by Janet Epp Buckingham, Professor, Laurentian Leadership Centre, Trinity Western University
  2250. and Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, Bishop Lionel Gendron, President and lawyer Bruce F. Simpson, Specialized Partner in Criminal Law, Barnes Sammon LLP all from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  2252. To read our submission and to find out how you can support our efforts to repeal Canada&apos;s blasphemy law, visit:
  2253. </itunes:summary>
  2254. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2255. <itunes:duration>00:35:13</itunes:duration>
  2256. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2257. </item>
  2258. <item>
  2259. <title><![CDATA[South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy]]></title>
  2260. <description><![CDATA[A panel of activists speaks about the South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy and social justice.
  2262. The mission of SANSAD is to develop a secular democratic South Asian diaspora in Canada. Their goal is to create a secular democratic force within the South Asian diaspora through education and engagement in the struggle for peace, social justice, human rights, democratic rights, and a sustainable world. Their concerns embrace their homelands, adopted land, and other lands where people share our interests.
  2264. The presenters (in order) are:
  2266. Jovian Radheshwar is a rap artist, poet and recording artist.
  2267. Born in Bombay and raised in New York, Jovian taught Black Studies and Political Science in Santa Barbara, California. He currently lives in Vancouver where he teaches Political Science at Douglas College. Jovian finds in rap a powerful medium for making a statement both personally and politically.
  2268. As MC Bitter Buffalo on the album “No Hooks” (2012), Jovian collaborated with Bobby Musgrave (Pensive Blue Polar Bear) and Ed Keenan (DJ California Condor) in exploring the endangered nature of existence in a technologized modern world. As part of the Endangered Species collective, he performed shows in Santa Barbara, Isla Vista, Goleta, and Los Angeles, California.
  2270. Sejal Lal was born to South Asian parents, and grew up in Surrey in a confusing diasporic whirlwind of classical Indian dance classes, classical Western violin lessons, and grew up listening to 90's R&B. She also has a degree in Environmental Geography, where she began learning about natural resource management and the true history of colonization on these unceded Coast Salish Territories. Sejal's learning about her place here on these territories, as a settler, and a young womxn of colour, is where she gets her drive to talk about identities, race, gender, justice and goodness - and music is her outlet. Sejal is a member of the hip-hop/R&B collective Laydy Jams, an all-womxn-of-colour group featuring a mix of 3-part harmonies, electric violin, with a bit of 90's throwback. We work to promote minority empowerment, the arts, and social justice amongst youth.
  2272. Sameena Siddiqi is a PhD student in Art History at UBC. She was born in India and studied at Shanti Niketan, the premier institution focusing on fine arts in India.
  2274. Samia Khan is a recent graduate from UBC. She was born of Pakistani parents in Surrey, where she has grown up.
  2276. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2277. ]]></description>
  2278. <link></link>
  2279. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/348268199</guid>
  2280. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2281. <pubDate>Mon, 23 Oct 2017 22:03:48 GMT</pubDate>
  2282. <enclosure url="" length="44677247" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2283. <itunes:summary>A panel of activists speaks about the South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy and social justice.
  2285. The mission of SANSAD is to develop a secular democratic South Asian diaspora in Canada. Their goal is to create a secular democratic force within the South Asian diaspora through education and engagement in the struggle for peace, social justice, human rights, democratic rights, and a sustainable world. Their concerns embrace their homelands, adopted land, and other lands where people share our interests.
  2287. The presenters (in order) are:
  2289. Jovian Radheshwar is a rap artist, poet and recording artist.
  2290. Born in Bombay and raised in New York, Jovian taught Black Studies and Political Science in Santa Barbara, California. He currently lives in Vancouver where he teaches Political Science at Douglas College. Jovian finds in rap a powerful medium for making a statement both personally and politically.
  2291. As MC Bitter Buffalo on the album “No Hooks” (2012), Jovian collaborated with Bobby Musgrave (Pensive Blue Polar Bear) and Ed Keenan (DJ California Condor) in exploring the endangered nature of existence in a technologized modern world. As part of the Endangered Species collective, he performed shows in Santa Barbara, Isla Vista, Goleta, and Los Angeles, California.
  2293. Sejal Lal was born to South Asian parents, and grew up in Surrey in a confusing diasporic whirlwind of classical Indian dance classes, classical Western violin lessons, and grew up listening to 90&apos;s R&amp;B. She also has a degree in Environmental Geography, where she began learning about natural resource management and the true history of colonization on these unceded Coast Salish Territories. Sejal&apos;s learning about her place here on these territories, as a settler, and a young womxn of colour, is where she gets her drive to talk about identities, race, gender, justice and goodness - and music is her outlet. Sejal is a member of the hip-hop/R&amp;B collective Laydy Jams, an all-womxn-of-colour group featuring a mix of 3-part harmonies, electric violin, with a bit of 90&apos;s throwback. We work to promote minority empowerment, the arts, and social justice amongst youth.
  2295. Sameena Siddiqi is a PhD student in Art History at UBC. She was born in India and studied at Shanti Niketan, the premier institution focusing on fine arts in India.
  2297. Samia Khan is a recent graduate from UBC. She was born of Pakistani parents in Surrey, where she has grown up.
  2299. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2300. </itunes:summary>
  2301. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2302. <itunes:duration>00:46:32</itunes:duration>
  2303. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2304. </item>
  2305. <item>
  2306. <title><![CDATA[Maggie Rayner - In Polygamy's Shadow]]></title>
  2307. <description><![CDATA[Maggie Rayner is one of the women, who, with Jancis Andrews, began lobbying the BC government in 2004 to take action on the abuses in Bountiful. After CBC’s, The Fifth Estate documentary, Leaving Bountiful, aired, she spent time with Debbie Palmer and was saddened to learn specific details of the abuses taking place in the community.
  2309. Her ancestors were polygamists and her parents, mainstream Mormons (devout members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,commonly known as Mormon, or LDS), were waiting to resume the practice in their Mormon heaven. She was raised on the West Coast and when she was eleven, FLDS polygamists from Bountiful visited her mainstream LDS congregation. She watched an aging polygamist court her 16-year-old sister. She considers herself fortunate to have escaped being married off to a polygamist.
  2311. At eighteen she chose between church and family, and the freedom to learn how to think for herself and make her own decisions.
  2313. Her recent memoir, In Polygamy’s Shadow: From a Mormon Childhood to a Life of Choice is available through the Vancouver Public Library, a number of other libraries, and on-line distributors and retailers. She received an endorsement from Craig Jones, the litigator on the 2009 Polygamy Reference Case, who wrote, A Cruel Arithmetic: Inside the Case Against Polygamy.
  2315. She was the keynote speaker for the University Women’s Club of Vancouver at Hycroft last December, and has presented at a number of libraries. The question she's often asked when she present is,”How did you get so normal?” She laughs when she answer, “I’m not.”
  2317. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2318. ]]></description>
  2319. <link></link>
  2320. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/347050592</guid>
  2321. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2322. <pubDate>Sun, 15 Oct 2017 21:07:10 GMT</pubDate>
  2323. <enclosure url="" length="39349104" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2324. <itunes:summary>Maggie Rayner is one of the women, who, with Jancis Andrews, began lobbying the BC government in 2004 to take action on the abuses in Bountiful. After CBC’s, The Fifth Estate documentary, Leaving Bountiful, aired, she spent time with Debbie Palmer and was saddened to learn specific details of the abuses taking place in the community.
  2326. Her ancestors were polygamists and her parents, mainstream Mormons (devout members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,commonly known as Mormon, or LDS), were waiting to resume the practice in their Mormon heaven. She was raised on the West Coast and when she was eleven, FLDS polygamists from Bountiful visited her mainstream LDS congregation. She watched an aging polygamist court her 16-year-old sister. She considers herself fortunate to have escaped being married off to a polygamist.
  2328. At eighteen she chose between church and family, and the freedom to learn how to think for herself and make her own decisions.
  2330. Her recent memoir, In Polygamy’s Shadow: From a Mormon Childhood to a Life of Choice is available through the Vancouver Public Library, a number of other libraries, and on-line distributors and retailers. She received an endorsement from Craig Jones, the litigator on the 2009 Polygamy Reference Case, who wrote, A Cruel Arithmetic: Inside the Case Against Polygamy.
  2332. She was the keynote speaker for the University Women’s Club of Vancouver at Hycroft last December, and has presented at a number of libraries. The question she&apos;s often asked when she present is,”How did you get so normal?” She laughs when she answer, “I’m not.”
  2334. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2335. </itunes:summary>
  2336. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2337. <itunes:duration>00:40:59</itunes:duration>
  2338. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2339. </item>
  2340. <item>
  2341. <title><![CDATA[Joyce Arthur - Conscientious Objections (to Abortion)]]></title>
  2342. <description><![CDATA[A global consensus has taken hold in the healthcare field that doctors who object to abortion and other reproductive healthcare for personal or religious reasons should be allowed to refuse to provide care. But measures to regulate the exercise of “conscientious objection” (CO) so that women can still have access to abortion have fallen far short. The result has been rampant abuse of the “right” to CO in many countries. In countries such as Italy, Poland, and Spain, a majority of Obstetricians/Gynecologists refuse to provide abortions or even refer women to another doctor. In this presentation, Joyce Arthur will explain why CO is unethical and harmful and should be eliminated from healthcare, and describe how she and others have been fighting to turn around the consensus in favour of CO – and making some progress!
  2344. Joyce Arthur is the founder and Executive Director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC), which protects the legal right to abortion on request and works to improve access to quality abortion services. She's a writer and activist.
  2346. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2347. ]]></description>
  2348. <link></link>
  2349. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/345965659</guid>
  2350. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2351. <pubDate>Sun, 08 Oct 2017 21:49:27 GMT</pubDate>
  2352. <enclosure url="" length="52768937" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2353. <itunes:summary>A global consensus has taken hold in the healthcare field that doctors who object to abortion and other reproductive healthcare for personal or religious reasons should be allowed to refuse to provide care. But measures to regulate the exercise of “conscientious objection” (CO) so that women can still have access to abortion have fallen far short. The result has been rampant abuse of the “right” to CO in many countries. In countries such as Italy, Poland, and Spain, a majority of Obstetricians/Gynecologists refuse to provide abortions or even refer women to another doctor. In this presentation, Joyce Arthur will explain why CO is unethical and harmful and should be eliminated from healthcare, and describe how she and others have been fighting to turn around the consensus in favour of CO – and making some progress!
  2355. Joyce Arthur is the founder and Executive Director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC), which protects the legal right to abortion on request and works to improve access to quality abortion services. She&apos;s a writer and activist.
  2357. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2358. </itunes:summary>
  2359. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2360. <itunes:duration>00:54:57</itunes:duration>
  2361. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2362. </item>
  2363. <item>
  2364. <title><![CDATA[Eiynah - Critiquing Islam in the time of the rising right]]></title>
  2365. <description><![CDATA[Eiynah is a Pakistani-Canadian illustrator/blogger who writes and draws about sexuality in South Asia (mostly Pakistan), religion, politics, feminism, godlessness. Her podcast is Polite Conversations. Follow her on twitter @nicemangos or Facebook and support her work on Patreon. Eiynah spoke to us remotely.
  2369. ]]></description>
  2370. <link></link>
  2371. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/345405018</guid>
  2372. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2373. <pubDate>Wed, 04 Oct 2017 23:40:15 GMT</pubDate>
  2374. <enclosure url="" length="29835095" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2375. <itunes:summary>Eiynah is a Pakistani-Canadian illustrator/blogger who writes and draws about sexuality in South Asia (mostly Pakistan), religion, politics, feminism, godlessness. Her podcast is Polite Conversations. Follow her on twitter @nicemangos or Facebook and support her work on Patreon. Eiynah spoke to us remotely.
  2379. </itunes:summary>
  2380. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2381. <itunes:duration>00:26:39</itunes:duration>
  2382. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2383. </item>
  2384. <item>
  2385. <title><![CDATA[Eric Merkley - Political Bias]]></title>
  2386. <description><![CDATA[What on earth is going on with American politics? Fake news? Eric Merkley demystifies our instincts to develop bias, how they are targeted by politics, and how to overcome them to make our political discourse more productive, civil and factual.
  2388. Eric Merkley is a Ph.D. candidate at UBC’s Department of Political Science and a Joseph-Armand Bombardier Scholar. His research focuses on how citizens make judgments on public policy in the context of limited information and motivation. His recent ongoing projects explore why American voters polarized on climate change, and more broadly on the conditions under which public preferences may diverge from expert opinion, such as on free trade, and genetically modified foods. Eric has provided expert commentary on U.S. elections, polling and public opinion, and campaign strategy for outlets such as the CBC, Breakfast Television, Roundhouse Radio, and News 1130. He has also recently worked as a Research Associate at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, specializing in agriculture policy. Eric holds a Master of Arts degree in Political Science and Social Statistics from McGill University.
  2390. View Eric's slides:
  2392. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2393. ]]></description>
  2394. <link></link>
  2395. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/343853612</guid>
  2396. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2397. <pubDate>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 20:13:17 GMT</pubDate>
  2398. <enclosure url="" length="37660966" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2399. <itunes:summary>What on earth is going on with American politics? Fake news? Eric Merkley demystifies our instincts to develop bias, how they are targeted by politics, and how to overcome them to make our political discourse more productive, civil and factual.
  2401. Eric Merkley is a Ph.D. candidate at UBC’s Department of Political Science and a Joseph-Armand Bombardier Scholar. His research focuses on how citizens make judgments on public policy in the context of limited information and motivation. His recent ongoing projects explore why American voters polarized on climate change, and more broadly on the conditions under which public preferences may diverge from expert opinion, such as on free trade, and genetically modified foods. Eric has provided expert commentary on U.S. elections, polling and public opinion, and campaign strategy for outlets such as the CBC, Breakfast Television, Roundhouse Radio, and News 1130. He has also recently worked as a Research Associate at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, specializing in agriculture policy. Eric holds a Master of Arts degree in Political Science and Social Statistics from McGill University.
  2403. View Eric&apos;s slides:
  2405. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2406. </itunes:summary>
  2407. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2408. <itunes:duration>00:39:13</itunes:duration>
  2409. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2410. </item>
  2411. <item>
  2412. <title><![CDATA[Derrick O'Keefe - Vancouver Tenant's Union]]></title>
  2413. <description><![CDATA[The Vancouver Tenants Union seeks to build a base of tenants throughout the city to establish political power to create change.
  2415. Over 50% of Vancouver households are rentals, yet tenants continue to be disempowered and disconnected. In an effort to address this, the Vancouver Tenants Union is committed to educating renters on their rights and standing up to landlords and developers who persistently compromise our security and livelihood.
  2417. We are fighting for the rights of tenants and the preservation of affordable housing. Everyone, regardless of class, lifestyle, ability, age, gender, race, sexuality, or citizenship deserves a safe, secure, and affordable home.
  2419. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2420. ]]></description>
  2421. <link></link>
  2422. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/342779630</guid>
  2423. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2424. <pubDate>Sun, 17 Sep 2017 18:26:25 GMT</pubDate>
  2425. <enclosure url="" length="39557247" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2426. <itunes:summary>The Vancouver Tenants Union seeks to build a base of tenants throughout the city to establish political power to create change.
  2428. Over 50% of Vancouver households are rentals, yet tenants continue to be disempowered and disconnected. In an effort to address this, the Vancouver Tenants Union is committed to educating renters on their rights and standing up to landlords and developers who persistently compromise our security and livelihood.
  2430. We are fighting for the rights of tenants and the preservation of affordable housing. Everyone, regardless of class, lifestyle, ability, age, gender, race, sexuality, or citizenship deserves a safe, secure, and affordable home.
  2432. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup). Keep up to date with our current topics at
  2433. </itunes:summary>
  2434. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2435. <itunes:duration>00:41:12</itunes:duration>
  2436. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2437. </item>
  2438. <item>
  2439. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - On Trinity Western University]]></title>
  2440. <description><![CDATA[Ian talks about the status of the legal battle for Trinity Western University to exercise a charter that evangelizes and implicitly discriminates against non-Christians. It questions the nature of religious organization and what rights they have. He discusses the role and efforts of the BCHA in standing for secularism and human rights.
  2442. Make a donation to support our campaign:
  2444. Read our response:
  2445. ]]></description>
  2446. <link></link>
  2447. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/341777530</guid>
  2448. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2449. <pubDate>Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:03 GMT</pubDate>
  2450. <enclosure url="" length="35749221" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2451. <itunes:summary>Ian talks about the status of the legal battle for Trinity Western University to exercise a charter that evangelizes and implicitly discriminates against non-Christians. It questions the nature of religious organization and what rights they have. He discusses the role and efforts of the BCHA in standing for secularism and human rights.
  2453. Make a donation to support our campaign:
  2455. Read our response:
  2456. </itunes:summary>
  2457. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2458. <itunes:duration>00:37:14</itunes:duration>
  2459. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2460. </item>
  2461. <item>
  2462. <title><![CDATA[Stacey Hrushowy - Salmon Diseases]]></title>
  2463. <description><![CDATA[Stacey Hrushowy is a Masters student in biology at Simon Fraser University. She studies  the role of microparasites like bacteria and viruses in wild populations of salmon and trout, and just completed her third field season on the beautiful Central Coast of BC in the unceded territory of the Oweekeno First Nation. Before this, Stacey studied archaeology and biology at UVic and has spent time working with seabirds in Alaska, steelhead in California, and school children at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. Over the past ten years she has worn a diversity of hats ranging from science educator to cider maker and spanning a lot in between.
  2465. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2466. ]]></description>
  2467. <link></link>
  2468. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/340765456</guid>
  2469. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2470. <pubDate>Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:57:11 GMT</pubDate>
  2471. <enclosure url="" length="51173169" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2472. <itunes:summary>Stacey Hrushowy is a Masters student in biology at Simon Fraser University. She studies  the role of microparasites like bacteria and viruses in wild populations of salmon and trout, and just completed her third field season on the beautiful Central Coast of BC in the unceded territory of the Oweekeno First Nation. Before this, Stacey studied archaeology and biology at UVic and has spent time working with seabirds in Alaska, steelhead in California, and school children at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. Over the past ten years she has worn a diversity of hats ranging from science educator to cider maker and spanning a lot in between.
  2474. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2475. </itunes:summary>
  2476. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2477. <itunes:duration>00:53:18</itunes:duration>
  2478. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2479. </item>
  2480. <item>
  2481. <title><![CDATA[Chris Levenson - Poetry Readings]]></title>
  2482. <description><![CDATA[Christopher Levenson taught English and Creative writing at Carleton University, Ottawa, and now lives in Vancouver. He has publish 12 books of poetry. Arriving at Night won the Archibald Lampman Award in 1978. He was co-founder and first editor of Arc magazine and series editor of Carleton University Press’s Harbinger imprint for first books of poetry. His 12th book A tattered coat upon a stick has just been published.
  2484. Recorded at our August 27, 2017 Sunday meeting in Vancouver, BC.
  2485. ]]></description>
  2486. <link></link>
  2487. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/339748435</guid>
  2488. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2489. <pubDate>Sun, 27 Aug 2017 20:06:59 GMT</pubDate>
  2490. <enclosure url="" length="31333064" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2491. <itunes:summary>Christopher Levenson taught English and Creative writing at Carleton University, Ottawa, and now lives in Vancouver. He has publish 12 books of poetry. Arriving at Night won the Archibald Lampman Award in 1978. He was co-founder and first editor of Arc magazine and series editor of Carleton University Press’s Harbinger imprint for first books of poetry. His 12th book A tattered coat upon a stick has just been published.
  2493. Recorded at our August 27, 2017 Sunday meeting in Vancouver, BC.
  2494. </itunes:summary>
  2495. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2496. <itunes:duration>00:32:38</itunes:duration>
  2497. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2498. </item>
  2499. <item>
  2500. <title><![CDATA[Lee Moller - The God Con]]></title>
  2501. <description><![CDATA[The crucifix is in! You can fool most of the people most of the time. In The God Con, Lee Moller, a life-long atheist and skeptic, looks at organized religion through the lens of the con. Organized religion has been selling an invisible product, that it never has to deliver, for thousands of years. It has given us bigotry, rampant paedophilia, terrorism, and bloodshed beyond imagining. And its acolytes have, in turn, given organized religion power over their bank accounts, their reproduction, and their very "souls."
  2503. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2504. ]]></description>
  2505. <link></link>
  2506. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/338719874</guid>
  2507. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2508. <pubDate>Sun, 20 Aug 2017 18:43:18 GMT</pubDate>
  2509. <enclosure url="" length="52197169" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2510. <itunes:summary>The crucifix is in! You can fool most of the people most of the time. In The God Con, Lee Moller, a life-long atheist and skeptic, looks at organized religion through the lens of the con. Organized religion has been selling an invisible product, that it never has to deliver, for thousands of years. It has given us bigotry, rampant paedophilia, terrorism, and bloodshed beyond imagining. And its acolytes have, in turn, given organized religion power over their bank accounts, their reproduction, and their very &quot;souls.&quot;
  2512. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2513. </itunes:summary>
  2514. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2515. <itunes:duration>00:54:22</itunes:duration>
  2516. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2517. </item>
  2518. <item>
  2519. <title><![CDATA[Daphne Bramham - Bountiful polygamy tials and religious freedom]]></title>
  2520. <description><![CDATA[Daphne Bramham has been a columnist at the Vancouver Sun since 2000 and has won numerous awards for her writing, including a National Newspaper Award. She was named Commentator of the Year by the Jack Webster Foundation in 2005 and was honoured by the non-profit group Beyond Borders for a series of columns on the polygamous community of Bountiful, BC. She is author of the 2009 book The Secret Lives of Saints: Child Brides and Lost Boys in Canada's Polygamous Mormon Sect and has been providing extensive coverage of the trial in the Vancouver Sun.
  2522. Recorded at the Sunday, August 13, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2523. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2525. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2526. ]]></description>
  2527. <link></link>
  2528. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/337841798</guid>
  2529. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2530. <pubDate>Mon, 14 Aug 2017 16:14:47 GMT</pubDate>
  2531. <enclosure url="" length="39970825" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2532. <itunes:summary>Daphne Bramham has been a columnist at the Vancouver Sun since 2000 and has won numerous awards for her writing, including a National Newspaper Award. She was named Commentator of the Year by the Jack Webster Foundation in 2005 and was honoured by the non-profit group Beyond Borders for a series of columns on the polygamous community of Bountiful, BC. She is author of the 2009 book The Secret Lives of Saints: Child Brides and Lost Boys in Canada&apos;s Polygamous Mormon Sect and has been providing extensive coverage of the trial in the Vancouver Sun.
  2534. Recorded at the Sunday, August 13, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2535. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2537. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2538. </itunes:summary>
  2539. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2540. <itunes:duration>00:41:38</itunes:duration>
  2541. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2542. </item>
  2543. <item>
  2544. <title><![CDATA[Kat Anderson - Ocean Acidification]]></title>
  2545. <description><![CDATA[Kat's main interest is in how changes in the physical environment alter biological interactions. My current research focuses specifically on how the addition carbon dioxide (ocean acidification) changes competition and herbivory in seaweed communities. Understanding the outcomes of anthropogenic climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing biologists today; while we expect that climate change will have large impacts on community structure and ecosystem function, we have only a minimal understanding of what those impacts will be. @KatMAnderson
  2547. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2548. ]]></description>
  2549. <link></link>
  2550. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/335545878</guid>
  2551. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2552. <pubDate>Sun, 30 Jul 2017 20:03:59 GMT</pubDate>
  2553. <enclosure url="" length="33557025" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2554. <itunes:summary>Kat&apos;s main interest is in how changes in the physical environment alter biological interactions. My current research focuses specifically on how the addition carbon dioxide (ocean acidification) changes competition and herbivory in seaweed communities. Understanding the outcomes of anthropogenic climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing biologists today; while we expect that climate change will have large impacts on community structure and ecosystem function, we have only a minimal understanding of what those impacts will be. @KatMAnderson
  2556. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2557. </itunes:summary>
  2558. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2559. <itunes:duration>00:34:57</itunes:duration>
  2560. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2561. </item>
  2562. <item>
  2563. <title><![CDATA[Helio Da Costa - Freemasonry & Humanism]]></title>
  2564. <description><![CDATA[Last June Freemasonry celebrated worldwide its 300th anniversary as an organisation, although Freemasonic Lodges have existed, as historically proven, since at least the 1600’s. There are over 5 million members in the world today who made an oath never to reveal its secrets. What are its tenets and what does it stand for? Is there any relationship between Freemasonry and Humanism? For an answer to these and other questions, Helio Da Costa, a Freemason for 32 years, a Humanist and a descendant from Freemasons on both sides of his family will reveal some aspects of this institution. Helio is one of our board members.
  2566. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2567. ]]></description>
  2568. <link></link>
  2569. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/334495852</guid>
  2570. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2571. <pubDate>Sun, 23 Jul 2017 22:43:40 GMT</pubDate>
  2572. <enclosure url="" length="49973208" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2573. <itunes:summary>Last June Freemasonry celebrated worldwide its 300th anniversary as an organisation, although Freemasonic Lodges have existed, as historically proven, since at least the 1600’s. There are over 5 million members in the world today who made an oath never to reveal its secrets. What are its tenets and what does it stand for? Is there any relationship between Freemasonry and Humanism? For an answer to these and other questions, Helio Da Costa, a Freemason for 32 years, a Humanist and a descendant from Freemasons on both sides of his family will reveal some aspects of this institution. Helio is one of our board members.
  2575. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2576. </itunes:summary>
  2577. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2578. <itunes:duration>00:52:03</itunes:duration>
  2579. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2580. </item>
  2581. <item>
  2582. <title><![CDATA[Shalaleh Rismani - Open Roboethics Institute]]></title>
  2583. <description><![CDATA[As applications of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) extend to areas outside of industrial environments, it is increasingly important for designers and policy makers to address the question of “What should an autonomous system do?”
  2585. For example, what should a robot do when it is on an urgent mission to deliver a package to someone upstairs, but the elevator is already occupied by someone else? Designing the robot to always yield (or never yield) might be a matter of a design decision for roboticists. But it also has normative implications with regards to systematically shaping priority relationships in human-robot interaction.
  2587. The speaker advocates that designers shouldn't be the only ones left with the task of figuring out answers to these questions, especially when there's lack of guidelines on what the right answers are and how to implement them. The future adopters need to have increased awareness of how to use these technologies in a way that connects to their social and ethical ideals. Drawing from examples in roboethics and AI ethics, this talk will present approaches to integrating ethics in the design of autonomous systems and how we could go about improving how we use them at work and home.
  2589. Speaker Bio:
  2591. Shalaleh Rismani is the executive member of Open Roboethics Institute which spun out of the Open Roboethics initiative (ORi), an international roboethics think tank hosted at University of British Columbia. Since its inception in 2012, ORi has been exploring roboethics questions in the domain of self-driving vehicles, care robots, and lethal autonomous weapons systems by taking on stakeholder-inclusive approaches to the questions. Currently, ORi is partnering with researchers and institutes globally to move forward the research and the challenges that come with the use of machine learning and robotic systems in various systems.
  2593. Shalaleh completed a Masters of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering at UBC and specializes in understanding the role of technology in society by investigating networks of human activity. She has been involved in wide range of design projects including design of a surgical instrument for low-resource environments to the development of a user interface for shared control of a power wheelchair. She has a vested interest in engineering education and the performing arts. Her diverse experiences allow her to effectively think through multi-faceted ethical and social challenges that come with the incorporation of artificial intelligence and robotic systems within the workplace and at home.
  2595. Learn more about ORi at
  2597. Recorded at the Sunday, July 16, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2598. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2600. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2601. ]]></description>
  2602. <link></link>
  2603. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/333582470</guid>
  2604. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2605. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:26:47 GMT</pubDate>
  2606. <enclosure url="" length="32024176" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2607. <itunes:summary>As applications of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) extend to areas outside of industrial environments, it is increasingly important for designers and policy makers to address the question of “What should an autonomous system do?”
  2609. For example, what should a robot do when it is on an urgent mission to deliver a package to someone upstairs, but the elevator is already occupied by someone else? Designing the robot to always yield (or never yield) might be a matter of a design decision for roboticists. But it also has normative implications with regards to systematically shaping priority relationships in human-robot interaction.
  2611. The speaker advocates that designers shouldn&apos;t be the only ones left with the task of figuring out answers to these questions, especially when there&apos;s lack of guidelines on what the right answers are and how to implement them. The future adopters need to have increased awareness of how to use these technologies in a way that connects to their social and ethical ideals. Drawing from examples in roboethics and AI ethics, this talk will present approaches to integrating ethics in the design of autonomous systems and how we could go about improving how we use them at work and home.
  2613. Speaker Bio:
  2615. Shalaleh Rismani is the executive member of Open Roboethics Institute which spun out of the Open Roboethics initiative (ORi), an international roboethics think tank hosted at University of British Columbia. Since its inception in 2012, ORi has been exploring roboethics questions in the domain of self-driving vehicles, care robots, and lethal autonomous weapons systems by taking on stakeholder-inclusive approaches to the questions. Currently, ORi is partnering with researchers and institutes globally to move forward the research and the challenges that come with the use of machine learning and robotic systems in various systems.
  2617. Shalaleh completed a Masters of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering at UBC and specializes in understanding the role of technology in society by investigating networks of human activity. She has been involved in wide range of design projects including design of a surgical instrument for low-resource environments to the development of a user interface for shared control of a power wheelchair. She has a vested interest in engineering education and the performing arts. Her diverse experiences allow her to effectively think through multi-faceted ethical and social challenges that come with the incorporation of artificial intelligence and robotic systems within the workplace and at home.
  2619. Learn more about ORi at
  2621. Recorded at the Sunday, July 16, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2622. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2624. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2625. </itunes:summary>
  2626. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2627. <itunes:duration>00:33:21</itunes:duration>
  2628. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2629. </item>
  2630. <item>
  2631. <title><![CDATA[Ann Livingston - Overdose Prevention]]></title>
  2632. <description><![CDATA[Donate to the Overdose Prevention Society:
  2634. In September, 2016, three women were so concerned about the growing fentanyl overdose crisis that they set up a tent & table in an alley behind the DTES Market they managed. In potential violation of the law, they set up a drug injection/ consumption site in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside to combat the many overdose deaths.
  2636. About Ann: Ann Livingston is a creative, energetic and focused community organizer, who has made significant contributions to improving access to health care for people who use illegal drugs at the local, regional and national levels. After co founding the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) with poet/ activist Bud Osborn in 1998, she was employed as VANDU,s executive program director for 10 years. She encouraged people who use drugs, who are criminalized and labeled mentally ill, to form citizen associations and insist that they design and implement harm reduction programs. Consequently, VANDU had, and continues to have, a major influence on the public dialogue around heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and crack use and the people who are users of these illegal substances. After many years of advocacy, public education, marching in the streets and civil disobedience, Vancouver finally has a government sanctioned injection site and is hosting a second heroin prescription trial. In her current role as a volunteer with the BC Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors, Ann is meeting with marginalized, homeless people who use illegal drugs in Surrey and Abbotsford where bylaws have been implemented banning harm reduction services for drug users.
  2638. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2640. View the slides:
  2641. ]]></description>
  2642. <link></link>
  2643. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/332436884</guid>
  2644. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2645. <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jul 2017 01:05:17 GMT</pubDate>
  2646. <enclosure url="" length="52885130" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2647. <itunes:summary>Donate to the Overdose Prevention Society:
  2649. In September, 2016, three women were so concerned about the growing fentanyl overdose crisis that they set up a tent &amp; table in an alley behind the DTES Market they managed. In potential violation of the law, they set up a drug injection/ consumption site in Vancouver&apos;s Downtown Eastside to combat the many overdose deaths.
  2651. About Ann: Ann Livingston is a creative, energetic and focused community organizer, who has made significant contributions to improving access to health care for people who use illegal drugs at the local, regional and national levels. After co founding the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) with poet/ activist Bud Osborn in 1998, she was employed as VANDU,s executive program director for 10 years. She encouraged people who use drugs, who are criminalized and labeled mentally ill, to form citizen associations and insist that they design and implement harm reduction programs. Consequently, VANDU had, and continues to have, a major influence on the public dialogue around heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and crack use and the people who are users of these illegal substances. After many years of advocacy, public education, marching in the streets and civil disobedience, Vancouver finally has a government sanctioned injection site and is hosting a second heroin prescription trial. In her current role as a volunteer with the BC Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors, Ann is meeting with marginalized, homeless people who use illegal drugs in Surrey and Abbotsford where bylaws have been implemented banning harm reduction services for drug users.
  2653. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2655. View the slides:
  2656. </itunes:summary>
  2657. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2658. <itunes:duration>00:55:05</itunes:duration>
  2659. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2660. </item>
  2661. <item>
  2662. <title><![CDATA[Naser Najjar - Humanitarianism and the Red Cross]]></title>
  2663. <description><![CDATA[Nasser Najjar was formerly the spokesperson and head of communications for the International Committee of Red Cross mainly in Gaza, Palestine and went to other short mission in different places in the Middle East. He was also a researcher for Human Rights Watch and had documented violations committed against civilians in Gaza and refugees along the Turkish-Syrian border. In addition, Nasser had worked for a UN agency as a production manager. He wrote for some paper such as USAToday, Al Monitor, Gulfnews and worked as a producer for New York times.
  2665. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2666. ]]></description>
  2667. <link></link>
  2668. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/332436723</guid>
  2669. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2670. <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jul 2017 01:04:09 GMT</pubDate>
  2671. <enclosure url="" length="37477064" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2672. <itunes:summary>Nasser Najjar was formerly the spokesperson and head of communications for the International Committee of Red Cross mainly in Gaza, Palestine and went to other short mission in different places in the Middle East. He was also a researcher for Human Rights Watch and had documented violations committed against civilians in Gaza and refugees along the Turkish-Syrian border. In addition, Nasser had worked for a UN agency as a production manager. He wrote for some paper such as USAToday, Al Monitor, Gulfnews and worked as a producer for New York times.
  2674. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2675. </itunes:summary>
  2676. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2677. <itunes:duration>00:39:02</itunes:duration>
  2678. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2679. </item>
  2680. <item>
  2681. <title><![CDATA[Dr Ellen Wiebe - One year of medical assistance in dying]]></title>
  2682. <description><![CDATA[Dr. Ellen Wiebe is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia. After 30 years of full-service family practice, she now restricts her practice to women’s health and assisted death. She is the Medical Director of Willow Women’s Clinic in Vancouver and provides medical and surgical abortions and contraception. She developed Hemlock Aid to provide consultations for doctors and patients about aid in dying and provides assisted death.
  2684. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2685. ]]></description>
  2686. <link></link>
  2687. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/332436672</guid>
  2688. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2689. <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jul 2017 01:03:37 GMT</pubDate>
  2690. <enclosure url="" length="38725090" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2691. <itunes:summary>Dr. Ellen Wiebe is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia. After 30 years of full-service family practice, she now restricts her practice to women’s health and assisted death. She is the Medical Director of Willow Women’s Clinic in Vancouver and provides medical and surgical abortions and contraception. She developed Hemlock Aid to provide consultations for doctors and patients about aid in dying and provides assisted death.
  2693. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2694. </itunes:summary>
  2695. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2696. <itunes:duration>00:40:20</itunes:duration>
  2697. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2698. </item>
  2699. <item>
  2700. <title><![CDATA[David Shiffman - Why Sharks Matter]]></title>
  2701. <description><![CDATA[Why sharks matter: the ecological and economic importance of sharks, threats they face, and how you can help.
  2703. Dr. David Shiffman is a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Simon Fraser University, where his research focuses on the sustainability of Canadian shark fisheries. He is also an award winning science communicator who has written about sharks for the Washington Post, Scientific American, and other outlets. Follow him on twitter @WhySharksMatter
  2705. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2707. For more details on how to find the centre:
  2708. ]]></description>
  2709. <link></link>
  2710. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/328728294</guid>
  2711. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2712. <pubDate>Sun, 18 Jun 2017 20:38:16 GMT</pubDate>
  2713. <enclosure url="" length="31493142" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2714. <itunes:summary>Why sharks matter: the ecological and economic importance of sharks, threats they face, and how you can help.
  2716. Dr. David Shiffman is a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Simon Fraser University, where his research focuses on the sustainability of Canadian shark fisheries. He is also an award winning science communicator who has written about sharks for the Washington Post, Scientific American, and other outlets. Follow him on twitter @WhySharksMatter
  2718. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2720. For more details on how to find the centre:
  2721. </itunes:summary>
  2722. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2723. <itunes:duration>00:32:48</itunes:duration>
  2724. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2725. </item>
  2726. <item>
  2727. <title><![CDATA[Carrie Jenkins - What Love Is]]></title>
  2728. <description><![CDATA[Carrie Jenkins is a philosopher and author of the new book: What Love Is
  2730. "Aside from being the title of many a popular love song, this is one of life's perennial questions. In What Love Is, philosopher Carrie Jenkins offers a bold new theory on the nature of romantic love that reconciles its humanistic and scientific components. Love can be a social construct (the idea of a perfect fairy tale romance) and a physical manifestation (those anxiety- inducing heart palpitations); we must recognize its complexities and decide for ourselves how to love. Motivated by her own polyamorous relationships, she examines the ways in which our parameters of love have recently changed-to be more accepting of homosexual, interracial, and non-monogamous relationships-and how they will continue to evolve in the future. Full of anecdotal, cultural, and scientific reflections on love, What Love Is is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand what it means to say "I love you." Whether young or old, gay or straight, male or female, polyamorous or monogamous, this book will help each of us decide for ourselves how we choose to love."
  2732. Carrie SI Jenkins is Professor of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and a nationally elected Canada Research Chair. Jenkins received her BA, MPhil and PhD degrees from Trinity College, Cambridge, where she read philosophy in the analytic tradition shaped by Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and GE Moore. She previously held academic posts at the University of St Andrews, the Australian National University, and the University of Michigan. She tweets @carriejenkins.
  2734. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2735. ]]></description>
  2736. <link></link>
  2737. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/327601167</guid>
  2738. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2739. <pubDate>Sun, 11 Jun 2017 21:33:17 GMT</pubDate>
  2740. <enclosure url="" length="55365300" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2741. <itunes:summary>Carrie Jenkins is a philosopher and author of the new book: What Love Is
  2743. &quot;Aside from being the title of many a popular love song, this is one of life&apos;s perennial questions. In What Love Is, philosopher Carrie Jenkins offers a bold new theory on the nature of romantic love that reconciles its humanistic and scientific components. Love can be a social construct (the idea of a perfect fairy tale romance) and a physical manifestation (those anxiety- inducing heart palpitations); we must recognize its complexities and decide for ourselves how to love. Motivated by her own polyamorous relationships, she examines the ways in which our parameters of love have recently changed-to be more accepting of homosexual, interracial, and non-monogamous relationships-and how they will continue to evolve in the future. Full of anecdotal, cultural, and scientific reflections on love, What Love Is is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand what it means to say &quot;I love you.&quot; Whether young or old, gay or straight, male or female, polyamorous or monogamous, this book will help each of us decide for ourselves how we choose to love.&quot;
  2745. Carrie SI Jenkins is Professor of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and a nationally elected Canada Research Chair. Jenkins received her BA, MPhil and PhD degrees from Trinity College, Cambridge, where she read philosophy in the analytic tradition shaped by Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and GE Moore. She previously held academic posts at the University of St Andrews, the Australian National University, and the University of Michigan. She tweets @carriejenkins.
  2747. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2748. </itunes:summary>
  2749. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2750. <itunes:duration>00:57:40</itunes:duration>
  2751. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2752. </item>
  2753. <item>
  2754. <title><![CDATA[David Moscrop - Can we make good political decisions?]]></title>
  2755. <description><![CDATA[One of the stories we tell ourselves is that human beings are dispassionate, rational, calculating machines. We collect data, we weigh evidence, we discuss, we debate, we judge, we decide. Not quite. Evidence suggests that when it comes to decision making, we're often biased, emotional, and irrational -- and there are few better examples of this than how we do politics. I'll discuss emotional, irrational decision making in the context of the recent rise of of nationalist and xenophobic populism in North America and Europe.
  2757. David Moscrop is a PhD candidate in political science at UBC researching political theory/decision making. He has also written and commented for Macleans and BC1.
  2759. To learn more, you can read David's dissertation online:
  2761. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2762. ]]></description>
  2763. <link></link>
  2764. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/326037781</guid>
  2765. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2766. <pubDate>Sun, 04 Jun 2017 20:15:56 GMT</pubDate>
  2767. <enclosure url="" length="50341012" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2768. <itunes:summary>One of the stories we tell ourselves is that human beings are dispassionate, rational, calculating machines. We collect data, we weigh evidence, we discuss, we debate, we judge, we decide. Not quite. Evidence suggests that when it comes to decision making, we&apos;re often biased, emotional, and irrational -- and there are few better examples of this than how we do politics. I&apos;ll discuss emotional, irrational decision making in the context of the recent rise of of nationalist and xenophobic populism in North America and Europe.
  2770. David Moscrop is a PhD candidate in political science at UBC researching political theory/decision making. He has also written and commented for Macleans and BC1.
  2772. To learn more, you can read David&apos;s dissertation online:
  2774. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2775. </itunes:summary>
  2776. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2777. <itunes:duration>00:52:26</itunes:duration>
  2778. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2779. </item>
  2780. <item>
  2781. <title><![CDATA[Gurpreet Singh - Secularism and Hindu Politics]]></title>
  2782. <description><![CDATA[Gurpreet Singh is an atheist and voice in Metro Vancouver's Punjabi community. He's the founder of Radical Desi, a Georgia Straight contributor and he hosts a show on Spice Radio. He has sought to bring a liberal and anti-extremist voice to discussions that were often marked by Sikh fundamentalism.
  2784. Read more about Gurpreet in his autobiographical column in the Georgia Straight.
  2786. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2787. ]]></description>
  2788. <link></link>
  2789. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/325137893</guid>
  2790. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2791. <pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2017 04:03:54 GMT</pubDate>
  2792. <enclosure url="" length="64233140" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2793. <itunes:summary>Gurpreet Singh is an atheist and voice in Metro Vancouver&apos;s Punjabi community. He&apos;s the founder of Radical Desi, a Georgia Straight contributor and he hosts a show on Spice Radio. He has sought to bring a liberal and anti-extremist voice to discussions that were often marked by Sikh fundamentalism.
  2795. Read more about Gurpreet in his autobiographical column in the Georgia Straight.
  2797. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2798. </itunes:summary>
  2799. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2800. <itunes:duration>01:06:54</itunes:duration>
  2801. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2802. </item>
  2803. <item>
  2804. <title><![CDATA[Dr John Nightingale - Vancouver Aquarium and Cetaceans]]></title>
  2805. <description><![CDATA[Dr John Nightingale is President and CEO of the Vancouver Aquarium.
  2807. Dr Nightingale spoke to us about the Aquarium's educational and research programs, why it continues to have whales and dolphins in captivity, and what this change could mean for the future.
  2809. The Vancouver Parks Board is set to consider a bylaw to ban cetaceans in captivity at the Aquarium at its next meeting on May 15. To learn more and find out how you can make your voice hear, visit
  2811. Recorded at the Sunday, April 30, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2812. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2814. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2815. ]]></description>
  2816. <link></link>
  2817. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/320280161</guid>
  2818. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2819. <pubDate>Mon, 01 May 2017 03:44:31 GMT</pubDate>
  2820. <enclosure url="" length="49011303" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2821. <itunes:summary>Dr John Nightingale is President and CEO of the Vancouver Aquarium.
  2823. Dr Nightingale spoke to us about the Aquarium&apos;s educational and research programs, why it continues to have whales and dolphins in captivity, and what this change could mean for the future.
  2825. The Vancouver Parks Board is set to consider a bylaw to ban cetaceans in captivity at the Aquarium at its next meeting on May 15. To learn more and find out how you can make your voice hear, visit
  2827. Recorded at the Sunday, April 30, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2828. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2830. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2831. </itunes:summary>
  2832. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2833. <itunes:duration>00:51:03</itunes:duration>
  2834. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2835. </item>
  2836. <item>
  2837. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield speaks at March for Science Vancouver]]></title>
  2838. <description><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield, Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association, speaks at the March for Science in Vancouver on April 22, 2017.
  2840. Listen to all of the talks from March for Science Vancouver on YouTube
  2841. ]]></description>
  2842. <link></link>
  2843. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/319286333</guid>
  2844. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2845. <pubDate>Mon, 24 Apr 2017 20:23:16 GMT</pubDate>
  2846. <enclosure url="" length="9225194" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2847. <itunes:summary>Ian Bushfield, Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association, speaks at the March for Science in Vancouver on April 22, 2017.
  2849. Listen to all of the talks from March for Science Vancouver on YouTube;list=PL2WM8vqZFxd1WWhUvzYIfsNT8K9SQvpgb
  2850. </itunes:summary>
  2851. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2852. <itunes:duration>00:09:36</itunes:duration>
  2853. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2854. </item>
  2855. <item>
  2856. <title><![CDATA[Sarah Topps - Science and Public Health]]></title>
  2857. <description><![CDATA[The March for Science is a celebration of science. It's not only about scientists and politicians; it is about the very real role that science plays in each of our lives and the need to respect and encourage research that gives us insight into the world. Nevertheless, the march has generated a great deal of conversation around whether or not scientists should involve themselves in politics. In the face of an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery, we might ask instead: can we afford not to speak out in its defence?
  2859. This week's speaker is Sarah Topps. Sarah holds an honours bachelor degree in International Development with minors in Economics and French from McGill University, and a Master in Public Health (MPH) with a focus in Global Health from Simon Fraser University. She completed a 4-month MPH practicum with CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology). Sarah’s final project focused on developing a free online training for community health workers hosted by, a Grand Challenges recipient.
  2860. ]]></description>
  2861. <link></link>
  2862. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/318177011</guid>
  2863. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2864. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2017 00:56:50 GMT</pubDate>
  2865. <enclosure url="" length="39493299" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2866. <itunes:summary>The March for Science is a celebration of science. It&apos;s not only about scientists and politicians; it is about the very real role that science plays in each of our lives and the need to respect and encourage research that gives us insight into the world. Nevertheless, the march has generated a great deal of conversation around whether or not scientists should involve themselves in politics. In the face of an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery, we might ask instead: can we afford not to speak out in its defence?
  2868. This week&apos;s speaker is Sarah Topps. Sarah holds an honours bachelor degree in International Development with minors in Economics and French from McGill University, and a Master in Public Health (MPH) with a focus in Global Health from Simon Fraser University. She completed a 4-month MPH practicum with CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology). Sarah’s final project focused on developing a free online training for community health workers hosted by, a Grand Challenges recipient.
  2869. </itunes:summary>
  2870. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2871. <itunes:duration>00:41:08</itunes:duration>
  2872. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2873. </item>
  2874. <item>
  2875. <title><![CDATA[Yasmine Mohammad - Confessions of an Ex-Muslim]]></title>
  2876. <description><![CDATA[Yasmine Mohammed is co-host of the new Secular Jihadists podcast and is an ex-Muslim living in Canada.
  2878. This talk was given on April 9th, 2017.
  2880. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2881. ]]></description>
  2882. <link></link>
  2883. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/317215726</guid>
  2884. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2885. <pubDate>Tue, 11 Apr 2017 17:24:00 GMT</pubDate>
  2886. <enclosure url="" length="53461078" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2887. <itunes:summary>Yasmine Mohammed is co-host of the new Secular Jihadists podcast and is an ex-Muslim living in Canada.
  2889. This talk was given on April 9th, 2017.
  2891. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2892. </itunes:summary>
  2893. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2894. <itunes:duration>00:55:41</itunes:duration>
  2895. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2896. </item>
  2897. <item>
  2898. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - Humanist Marriage]]></title>
  2899. <description><![CDATA[The BC Humanist Association was denied the right to perform marriages in 2013 and last month published a report detailing the current legislative framework in BC that privileges the religious over the non-religious. It also documents numerous jurisdictions where Humanists are permitted to perform marriages and what steps Humanists in BC can take to gain equal legal status.
  2901. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2902. ]]></description>
  2903. <link></link>
  2904. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/315971094</guid>
  2905. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2906. <pubDate>Mon, 03 Apr 2017 23:26:42 GMT</pubDate>
  2907. <enclosure url="" length="62437170" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2908. <itunes:summary>The BC Humanist Association was denied the right to perform marriages in 2013 and last month published a report detailing the current legislative framework in BC that privileges the religious over the non-religious. It also documents numerous jurisdictions where Humanists are permitted to perform marriages and what steps Humanists in BC can take to gain equal legal status.
  2910. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and many of our members are not on Meetup. We have a regular attendance of about 30 people at our Sunday meetings (rather than the small number who RSVP on Meetup).
  2911. </itunes:summary>
  2912. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2913. <itunes:duration>01:05:02</itunes:duration>
  2914. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2915. </item>
  2916. <item>
  2917. <title><![CDATA[Nicolas Fillion - Conspiracy Theories]]></title>
  2918. <description><![CDATA[Nicolas Fillion is a philosopher and mathematician who has been since 2013 a professor of philosophy at Simon Fraser University. His main contributions have so far been to philosophy of science and applied mathematics, but his research and teaching also include the history of science, formal logic, decision and game theory, critical thinking, and epistemology broadly construed. As part of an effort to promote and spread critical thinking skills, he has recently been developing a teaching curriculum on the epistemology of conspiracy theories.
  2920. Note: Sorry for the file alarm test that at interrupts at 41:26 and continues for much of the rest.
  2922. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2923. ]]></description>
  2924. <link></link>
  2925. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/314598626</guid>
  2926. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2927. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Mar 2017 21:31:06 GMT</pubDate>
  2928. <enclosure url="" length="52133222" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2929. <itunes:summary>Nicolas Fillion is a philosopher and mathematician who has been since 2013 a professor of philosophy at Simon Fraser University. His main contributions have so far been to philosophy of science and applied mathematics, but his research and teaching also include the history of science, formal logic, decision and game theory, critical thinking, and epistemology broadly construed. As part of an effort to promote and spread critical thinking skills, he has recently been developing a teaching curriculum on the epistemology of conspiracy theories.
  2931. Note: Sorry for the file alarm test that at interrupts at 41:26 and continues for much of the rest.
  2933. The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.
  2934. </itunes:summary>
  2935. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2936. <itunes:duration>00:54:18</itunes:duration>
  2937. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2938. </item>
  2939. <item>
  2940. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - The Urgency Of Humanism]]></title>
  2941. <description><![CDATA[Modern Humanism first emerged around 100 years ago, has been in Canada for about 60 years and the BC Humanist Association has existed for over 30 years. While the philosophy has evolved over the years, the importance of this progressive worldview, with its emphasis on reason and social justice, has never lost its importance and in an age of rising populist and nationalistic extremism is increasingly urgent.
  2943. In this talk, BC Humanist Association Executive Director will give a brief history of modern Humanism, a review of the campaigns being taken on by some of the major Humanist organizations around the world and a look at the challenges we're facing in British Columbia.
  2945. Recorded at the Sunday, March 12, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2946. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2948. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2949. ]]></description>
  2950. <link></link>
  2951. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/312068351</guid>
  2952. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2953. <pubDate>Sun, 12 Mar 2017 23:48:38 GMT</pubDate>
  2954. <enclosure url="" length="103173981" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2955. <itunes:summary>Modern Humanism first emerged around 100 years ago, has been in Canada for about 60 years and the BC Humanist Association has existed for over 30 years. While the philosophy has evolved over the years, the importance of this progressive worldview, with its emphasis on reason and social justice, has never lost its importance and in an age of rising populist and nationalistic extremism is increasingly urgent.
  2957. In this talk, BC Humanist Association Executive Director will give a brief history of modern Humanism, a review of the campaigns being taken on by some of the major Humanist organizations around the world and a look at the challenges we&apos;re facing in British Columbia.
  2959. Recorded at the Sunday, March 12, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2960. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2962. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2963. </itunes:summary>
  2964. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2965. <itunes:duration>00:53:44</itunes:duration>
  2966. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2967. </item>
  2968. <item>
  2969. <title><![CDATA[Nick Taylor - Basic Income]]></title>
  2970. <description><![CDATA[Nick Taylor, an advocate of basic income, joins us to talk about how the conversation around basic income has developed substantially in just under a year with a negative income tax trial planned in Ontario, discussion of federal funding for a trial in PEI, and the newest cash grant trial started in December 2016 in Finland for 2,000 recipients.  Plus developments in municipal basic income in San Francisco, and a private trial across the Bay in Oakland.  Nick will outline how the different funding sources for these experiments reflect competing promoters and drive the resulting approaches to the concept of providing unconditional cash grants to individuals.
  2972. Recorded at the Sunday, February 26, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2973. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2975. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2976. ]]></description>
  2977. <link></link>
  2978. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/311914476</guid>
  2979. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  2980. <pubDate>Sat, 11 Mar 2017 22:44:16 GMT</pubDate>
  2981. <enclosure url="" length="78897239" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  2982. <itunes:summary>Nick Taylor, an advocate of basic income, joins us to talk about how the conversation around basic income has developed substantially in just under a year with a negative income tax trial planned in Ontario, discussion of federal funding for a trial in PEI, and the newest cash grant trial started in December 2016 in Finland for 2,000 recipients.  Plus developments in municipal basic income in San Francisco, and a private trial across the Bay in Oakland.  Nick will outline how the different funding sources for these experiments reflect competing promoters and drive the resulting approaches to the concept of providing unconditional cash grants to individuals.
  2984. Recorded at the Sunday, February 26, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  2985. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  2987. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  2988. </itunes:summary>
  2989. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  2990. <itunes:duration>00:41:05</itunes:duration>
  2991. <itunes:image href=""/>
  2992. </item>
  2993. <item>
  2994. <title><![CDATA[David Silverman - Fighting God]]></title>
  2995. <description><![CDATA[David "Dave" Silverman (born August 13, 1966) is the current president of the American Atheists, a non-profit organization that supports the rights of atheists and the removal of expressions of religion in public when possibly interpretable as governmental endorsement, in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. His annual anti-Christmas billboard which calls Christmas "a myth" has often sparked controversy. (from Wikipedia)
  2997. David talks about his new book Fighting God.
  2999. Recorded at the Sunday, February 19, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3000. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3002. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3003. ]]></description>
  3004. <link></link>
  3005. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/311912871</guid>
  3006. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3007. <pubDate>Sat, 11 Mar 2017 22:31:16 GMT</pubDate>
  3008. <enclosure url="" length="132110968" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3009. <itunes:summary>David &quot;Dave&quot; Silverman (born August 13, 1966) is the current president of the American Atheists, a non-profit organization that supports the rights of atheists and the removal of expressions of religion in public when possibly interpretable as governmental endorsement, in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. His annual anti-Christmas billboard which calls Christmas &quot;a myth&quot; has often sparked controversy. (from Wikipedia)
  3011. David talks about his new book Fighting God.
  3013. Recorded at the Sunday, February 19, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3014. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3016. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3017. </itunes:summary>
  3018. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3019. <itunes:duration>01:08:48</itunes:duration>
  3020. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3021. </item>
  3022. <item>
  3023. <title><![CDATA[Elisabeth Ormandy - Animals In Science Policy Institute]]></title>
  3024. <description><![CDATA[Dr Elisabeth Ormandy shares her personal story of how she went from neuroscientist to animal welfare and ethics expert over the course of a decade, and why she is committed to advancing science without the use of animals. This talk covers both scientific and ethical reasons why replacing animals in research, testing, and teaching is an important endeavour.
  3026. Elisabeth is co-founder and Executive Director for the Animals in Science Policy Institute – a registered non-profit based in Vancouver, BC, whose mission is to build an ethical culture of science that respects animal life by promoting the reduction and replacement of animals in research, testing, and teaching. She lives in Vancouver, BC, and teaches at the University of British Columbia.
  3028. Recorded at the Sunday, February 12, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3029. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3031. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3032. ]]></description>
  3033. <link></link>
  3034. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/308805482</guid>
  3035. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3036. <pubDate>Tue, 21 Feb 2017 10:23:52 GMT</pubDate>
  3037. <enclosure url="" length="29965512" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3038. <itunes:summary>Dr Elisabeth Ormandy shares her personal story of how she went from neuroscientist to animal welfare and ethics expert over the course of a decade, and why she is committed to advancing science without the use of animals. This talk covers both scientific and ethical reasons why replacing animals in research, testing, and teaching is an important endeavour.
  3040. Elisabeth is co-founder and Executive Director for the Animals in Science Policy Institute – a registered non-profit based in Vancouver, BC, whose mission is to build an ethical culture of science that respects animal life by promoting the reduction and replacement of animals in research, testing, and teaching. She lives in Vancouver, BC, and teaches at the University of British Columbia.
  3042. Recorded at the Sunday, February 12, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3043. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3045. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3046. </itunes:summary>
  3047. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3048. <itunes:duration>00:45:02</itunes:duration>
  3049. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3050. </item>
  3051. <item>
  3052. <title><![CDATA[Patti Bacchus - Public Education in BC]]></title>
  3053. <description><![CDATA[Patti Bacchus is the Vancouver Observer's Contributing Education Editor. She's a public education advocate and former Vancouver School Board chair (2008-2014) & trustee (2008-2016). She also serves as a Director for the Broadbent Institute.
  3055. Recorded at the Sunday, February 5, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3056. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3058. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3059. ]]></description>
  3060. <link></link>
  3061. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/308708458</guid>
  3062. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3063. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Feb 2017 20:05:32 GMT</pubDate>
  3064. <enclosure url="" length="27977229" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3065. <itunes:summary>Patti Bacchus is the Vancouver Observer&apos;s Contributing Education Editor. She&apos;s a public education advocate and former Vancouver School Board chair (2008-2014) &amp; trustee (2008-2016). She also serves as a Director for the Broadbent Institute.
  3067. Recorded at the Sunday, February 5, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3068. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3070. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3071. </itunes:summary>
  3072. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3073. <itunes:duration>00:29:08</itunes:duration>
  3074. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3075. </item>
  3076. <item>
  3077. <title><![CDATA[Mattias Martens - Populism]]></title>
  3078. <description><![CDATA[Mattias Martens, writer, programmer, philosopher, presents an idea of ‘limbic terrorism’ as a model for how populists can shut down discourse online and off by reverting to personal attacks aimed at the social standing of the people involved and how intellectuals can fight back without being reduced to the use of similar tactics.
  3080. Follow Mattias:
  3084. Recorded at the Sunday, January 22, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3085. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3087. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3088. ]]></description>
  3089. <link></link>
  3090. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/307136382</guid>
  3091. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3092. <pubDate>Fri, 10 Feb 2017 23:17:22 GMT</pubDate>
  3093. <enclosure url="" length="20178147" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3094. <itunes:summary>Mattias Martens, writer, programmer, philosopher, presents an idea of ‘limbic terrorism’ as a model for how populists can shut down discourse online and off by reverting to personal attacks aimed at the social standing of the people involved and how intellectuals can fight back without being reduced to the use of similar tactics.
  3096. Follow Mattias:
  3100. Recorded at the Sunday, January 22, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3101. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3103. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3104. </itunes:summary>
  3105. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3106. <itunes:duration>00:21:01</itunes:duration>
  3107. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3108. </item>
  3109. <item>
  3110. <title><![CDATA[Joann Robertson - Political Correctness]]></title>
  3111. <description><![CDATA[Joann Robertson speaks about Political Correctness: How we got here. Where do we go?
  3113. Recorded at the Sunday, January 15, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3114. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3116. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3117. ]]></description>
  3118. <link></link>
  3119. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/305355937</guid>
  3120. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3121. <pubDate>Tue, 31 Jan 2017 03:28:34 GMT</pubDate>
  3122. <enclosure url="" length="36736663" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3123. <itunes:summary>Joann Robertson speaks about Political Correctness: How we got here. Where do we go?
  3125. Recorded at the Sunday, January 15, 2017 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3126. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3128. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3129. </itunes:summary>
  3130. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3131. <itunes:duration>00:38:16</itunes:duration>
  3132. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3133. </item>
  3134. <item>
  3135. <title><![CDATA[Joyce Arthur - Trumpocalypse]]></title>
  3136. <description><![CDATA[Joyce Arthur is  a founding member of FIRST, a national feminist sex worker advocacy organization based in Vancouver that lobbies for the decriminalization of prostitution in Canada. Joyce works as a technical writer and pro-choice activist, and is the founder and Executive Director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, a national pro-choice group in Canada.  
  3138. Joyce will be speaking on the threat to reproductive rights, including abortion, contraception, and other reproductive healthcare presented by the election of US President Trump and the even worse on these issues (if that is possible) Vice President Pence whose legislative record in Indiana is a grim foreshadowing of the threatened reversal of decades of progress on women's rights.  She will also address the threat of the global wave of right-wing populism to women in Canada and the rest of the world.
  3140. Recorded at the Sunday, December 18, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3141. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3143. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3144. ]]></description>
  3145. <link></link>
  3146. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/303232795</guid>
  3147. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3148. <pubDate>Wed, 18 Jan 2017 00:51:47 GMT</pubDate>
  3149. <enclosure url="" length="50368421" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3150. <itunes:summary>Joyce Arthur is  a founding member of FIRST, a national feminist sex worker advocacy organization based in Vancouver that lobbies for the decriminalization of prostitution in Canada. Joyce works as a technical writer and pro-choice activist, and is the founder and Executive Director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, a national pro-choice group in Canada.  
  3152. Joyce will be speaking on the threat to reproductive rights, including abortion, contraception, and other reproductive healthcare presented by the election of US President Trump and the even worse on these issues (if that is possible) Vice President Pence whose legislative record in Indiana is a grim foreshadowing of the threatened reversal of decades of progress on women&apos;s rights.  She will also address the threat of the global wave of right-wing populism to women in Canada and the rest of the world.
  3154. Recorded at the Sunday, December 18, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3155. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3157. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3158. </itunes:summary>
  3159. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3160. <itunes:duration>00:52:27</itunes:duration>
  3161. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3162. </item>
  3163. <item>
  3164. <title><![CDATA[Dale Beyerstein and Lee Miller - Skepticism Then & Now]]></title>
  3165. <description><![CDATA[Over the past thirty years there have been three local groups which share aims and often members: The BC Humanists, the local branch of the Centre for Inquiry and the BC Skeptics. All three have worked to promote a scientific, as opposed to a religious worldview. I shall maintain that there have been three principal ways of doing this: 1) through public education, primarily using the media and meetings, 2) through research into paranormal and religious claims, and 3) by social networking to provide members a chance to interact with others who share their worldview. These three ways are compatible with each other, but over the years one or the other has been emphasized more than the others. In the early days, 1) and 2) had more prominence, today it is 3). In this talk Dale Beyerstein and Lee Miller aim to start a discussion about the merits of each by providing a history of the groups over the thirty years.
  3167. Recorded at the Sunday, November 13, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3168. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3170. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3171. ]]></description>
  3172. <link></link>
  3173. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/293228338</guid>
  3174. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3175. <pubDate>Wed, 16 Nov 2016 00:49:33 GMT</pubDate>
  3176. <enclosure url="" length="23568128" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3177. <itunes:summary>Over the past thirty years there have been three local groups which share aims and often members: The BC Humanists, the local branch of the Centre for Inquiry and the BC Skeptics. All three have worked to promote a scientific, as opposed to a religious worldview. I shall maintain that there have been three principal ways of doing this: 1) through public education, primarily using the media and meetings, 2) through research into paranormal and religious claims, and 3) by social networking to provide members a chance to interact with others who share their worldview. These three ways are compatible with each other, but over the years one or the other has been emphasized more than the others. In the early days, 1) and 2) had more prominence, today it is 3). In this talk Dale Beyerstein and Lee Miller aim to start a discussion about the merits of each by providing a history of the groups over the thirty years.
  3179. Recorded at the Sunday, November 13, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3180. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3182. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3183. </itunes:summary>
  3184. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3185. <itunes:duration>01:04:04</itunes:duration>
  3186. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3187. </item>
  3188. <item>
  3189. <title><![CDATA[Robert Teszka - The Psychology of Magic]]></title>
  3190. <description><![CDATA[Rob Teszka is a research consultant and performer who helps creative agencies and market researchers apply the psychology of attention and awareness. He is also a magician who regularly performs at the Magic Circle in London, and has contributed to peer-reviewed academic research on the psychology of magic, focusing on using the techniques of conjurors to study how people perceive, make decisions, and and interact with each other. He combines the insights of psychology with the secrets of magic to create a very unique approach to understanding human behaviour.
  3192. Magicians have the uncanny ability to manipulate how people perceive the world, and this could be the key to understanding how the mind works. The techniques of misdirection provide a useful framework for studying attention and its link to eye movements, while magical methods themselves are a valuable tool in designing research. Magic and illusions were central to the birth of experimental psychology at the turn of the last century, but fell out of fashion until their recent rediscovery with the help of modern research techniques. Magicians have spent hundreds of years developing misdirection to keep audiences from being aware of events happening right in front of them. In this talk, Rob discusses how these effects are studied experimentally, and what the findings of magic research mean for the psychology of attention and awareness.
  3194. Recorded at the Sunday, November 6, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3195. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3197. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3198. ]]></description>
  3199. <link></link>
  3200. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/292670924</guid>
  3201. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3202. <pubDate>Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:52:52 GMT</pubDate>
  3203. <enclosure url="" length="19974356" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3204. <itunes:summary>Rob Teszka is a research consultant and performer who helps creative agencies and market researchers apply the psychology of attention and awareness. He is also a magician who regularly performs at the Magic Circle in London, and has contributed to peer-reviewed academic research on the psychology of magic, focusing on using the techniques of conjurors to study how people perceive, make decisions, and and interact with each other. He combines the insights of psychology with the secrets of magic to create a very unique approach to understanding human behaviour.
  3206. Magicians have the uncanny ability to manipulate how people perceive the world, and this could be the key to understanding how the mind works. The techniques of misdirection provide a useful framework for studying attention and its link to eye movements, while magical methods themselves are a valuable tool in designing research. Magic and illusions were central to the birth of experimental psychology at the turn of the last century, but fell out of fashion until their recent rediscovery with the help of modern research techniques. Magicians have spent hundreds of years developing misdirection to keep audiences from being aware of events happening right in front of them. In this talk, Rob discusses how these effects are studied experimentally, and what the findings of magic research mean for the psychology of attention and awareness.
  3208. Recorded at the Sunday, November 6, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3209. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3211. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3212. </itunes:summary>
  3213. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3214. <itunes:duration>00:57:26</itunes:duration>
  3215. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3216. </item>
  3217. <item>
  3218. <title><![CDATA[Teresa Gagné- White Poppies and War's Civilian Victims]]></title>
  3219. <description><![CDATA[Teresa Gagné of Vancouver Peace Poppies talks about the history and significance of the white poppy, and the importance of broadening our Remembrance Day focus to include the devastating effects of war on the civilians who now make up 85% of its victims, as well as its disastrous environment impact.
  3221. Recorded at the Sunday, October 30, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3222. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3224. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3225. ]]></description>
  3226. <link></link>
  3227. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/291058650</guid>
  3228. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3229. <pubDate>Wed, 02 Nov 2016 01:57:15 GMT</pubDate>
  3230. <enclosure url="" length="39339990" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3231. <itunes:summary>Teresa Gagné of Vancouver Peace Poppies talks about the history and significance of the white poppy, and the importance of broadening our Remembrance Day focus to include the devastating effects of war on the civilians who now make up 85% of its victims, as well as its disastrous environment impact.
  3233. Recorded at the Sunday, October 30, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3234. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3236. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3237. </itunes:summary>
  3238. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3239. <itunes:duration>00:40:58</itunes:duration>
  3240. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3241. </item>
  3242. <item>
  3243. <title><![CDATA[Steve Thompson - Bitcoins and blockchains]]></title>
  3244. <description><![CDATA[Steve Thompson is from the UK and had moved to Vancouver in August 2015 to study for a Master’s degree in library, information and archival studies. His professional background was in academic publishing where he worked as an editor on both journals and books. His main interest is in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. He has recently participated in a UBC-based research group on the viability of the blockchain platform for records management with a chapter on the preservation of digital signatures on the blockchain.
  3246. Recorded at the Sunday, October 11, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3247. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3249. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3250. ]]></description>
  3251. <link></link>
  3252. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/287197557</guid>
  3253. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3254. <pubDate>Tue, 11 Oct 2016 18:54:01 GMT</pubDate>
  3255. <enclosure url="" length="36340368" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3256. <itunes:summary>Steve Thompson is from the UK and had moved to Vancouver in August 2015 to study for a Master’s degree in library, information and archival studies. His professional background was in academic publishing where he worked as an editor on both journals and books. His main interest is in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. He has recently participated in a UBC-based research group on the viability of the blockchain platform for records management with a chapter on the preservation of digital signatures on the blockchain.
  3258. Recorded at the Sunday, October 11, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3259. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3261. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3262. </itunes:summary>
  3263. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3264. <itunes:duration>00:37:51</itunes:duration>
  3265. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3266. </item>
  3267. <item>
  3268. <title><![CDATA[Ujjal Dosanjh - Church and state separation]]></title>
  3269. <description><![CDATA["Ujjal Dosanjh is a lawyer, social activist and parliamentarian who has devoted his life to public service. He became Attorney General of British Columbia in 1995 and served as the province's thirty-third premier before entering federal politics. He was a Liberal Party of Canada Member of Parliament from 2004 to 2011, including a period as minister of health. Throughout his life, Dosanjh has remained a vocal human rights advocate and an outspoken critic of violence and extremism. In 2015, he was honoured with the inaugural Wallenberg-Sugihara Civil Courage Award." Bio taken from his memoir, Journey After Midnight
  3271. Dosanjh speaks briefly on his view and experiences around ‎the separation of church and state. He then fields questions on secularism, immigration, human rights, education and more.
  3273. Recorded at the Sunday, October 2, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3274. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3276. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3277. ]]></description>
  3278. <link></link>
  3279. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/285904543</guid>
  3280. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3281. <pubDate>Mon, 03 Oct 2016 21:15:03 GMT</pubDate>
  3282. <enclosure url="" length="76769396" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3283. <itunes:summary>&quot;Ujjal Dosanjh is a lawyer, social activist and parliamentarian who has devoted his life to public service. He became Attorney General of British Columbia in 1995 and served as the province&apos;s thirty-third premier before entering federal politics. He was a Liberal Party of Canada Member of Parliament from 2004 to 2011, including a period as minister of health. Throughout his life, Dosanjh has remained a vocal human rights advocate and an outspoken critic of violence and extremism. In 2015, he was honoured with the inaugural Wallenberg-Sugihara Civil Courage Award.&quot; Bio taken from his memoir, Journey After Midnight
  3285. Dosanjh speaks briefly on his view and experiences around ‎the separation of church and state. He then fields questions on secularism, immigration, human rights, education and more.
  3287. Recorded at the Sunday, October 2, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3288. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3290. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3291. </itunes:summary>
  3292. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3293. <itunes:duration>01:19:58</itunes:duration>
  3294. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3295. </item>
  3296. <item>
  3297. <title><![CDATA[Gary Bauslaugh - Canada's Assisted Dying Movement]]></title>
  3298. <description><![CDATA[Gary Bauslaugh is the author of three books related to assisted death in Canada; his most recent (The Right to Die, April 2016) tells the stories of the courageous Canadians whose often heroic actions helped create a climate of acceptance of the idea that assisted death should be legalized in Canada.
  3300. The Supreme Court of Canada’s historic ruling in February, 2015, declared the law prohibiting assisted death unconstitutional, and provided guidelines for new legislation which would be in tune with our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  3302. Then it went to the politicians to pass actual legislation, an exercise that many of who have been advocates for progressive reform on assisted dying looked forward to with great hope and anticipation.
  3304. The results, however, were tragically inadequate. Bauslaugh spoke out against the proposed legislation and on May 6 was called to Ottawa to speak on the matter to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. His views were reflected in the Senate’s initial rejection of the legislation.
  3306. Still, the highly flawed law was passed in June - a betrayal of the efforts of many Canadians, over many years, to protect the right of grievously ill and suffering Canadians to have a dignified and peaceful death.
  3308. In his talk Bauslaugh discusses how and why this happened and looks at where we go from here.
  3310. Gary Bauslaugh is a Victoria writer who has served as President of the Humanist Association of Canada and on the board of CFI Canada. He was Editor of Humanist Perspectives for five years. Recent books include The Right to Die - the courageous Canadians who gave us the right to a dignified death; Robert Latimer, a story of justice and mercy; and The Secret Power of Juries. (James Lorimer and Co., Toronto).
  3312. Recorded at the Sunday, September 11, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3313. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3315. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3316. ]]></description>
  3317. <link></link>
  3318. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/284767790</guid>
  3319. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3320. <pubDate>Mon, 26 Sep 2016 18:36:09 GMT</pubDate>
  3321. <enclosure url="" length="39736664" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3322. <itunes:summary>Gary Bauslaugh is the author of three books related to assisted death in Canada; his most recent (The Right to Die, April 2016) tells the stories of the courageous Canadians whose often heroic actions helped create a climate of acceptance of the idea that assisted death should be legalized in Canada.
  3324. The Supreme Court of Canada’s historic ruling in February, 2015, declared the law prohibiting assisted death unconstitutional, and provided guidelines for new legislation which would be in tune with our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  3326. Then it went to the politicians to pass actual legislation, an exercise that many of who have been advocates for progressive reform on assisted dying looked forward to with great hope and anticipation.
  3328. The results, however, were tragically inadequate. Bauslaugh spoke out against the proposed legislation and on May 6 was called to Ottawa to speak on the matter to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. His views were reflected in the Senate’s initial rejection of the legislation.
  3330. Still, the highly flawed law was passed in June - a betrayal of the efforts of many Canadians, over many years, to protect the right of grievously ill and suffering Canadians to have a dignified and peaceful death.
  3332. In his talk Bauslaugh discusses how and why this happened and looks at where we go from here.
  3334. Gary Bauslaugh is a Victoria writer who has served as President of the Humanist Association of Canada and on the board of CFI Canada. He was Editor of Humanist Perspectives for five years. Recent books include The Right to Die - the courageous Canadians who gave us the right to a dignified death; Robert Latimer, a story of justice and mercy; and The Secret Power of Juries. (James Lorimer and Co., Toronto).
  3336. Recorded at the Sunday, September 11, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3337. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3339. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3340. </itunes:summary>
  3341. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3342. <itunes:duration>00:41:23</itunes:duration>
  3343. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3344. </item>
  3345. <item>
  3346. <title><![CDATA[Karen Garst - From Goddess to God]]></title>
  3347. <description><![CDATA[Dr Karen Garst speaks to the UBC Freethinkers about the archaeological evidence for worship of the female goddess in the Paleolithic era through its continued existence when male deities became incorporated into the pantheon of gods.
  3349. Karen Garst has a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from the UW - Madison, a Masters in French Literature from the same, and a BA in French from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. She has served as a field representative for the Oregon Federation of Teachers (AFT), executive director of the Oregon Community College Association, and executive director of the Oregon State Bar. She is married and lives in Salem, Oregon.
  3351. In 2014, the U. S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Burwell v Hobby Lobby. She was incensed. “Since when did a ‘corporation’ get to use its religious beliefs to dictate what health care a woman could receive?,” she stated. She decided to write a book on atheism and the harm religion has done to women. A friend introduced her to Dr Peter Boghossian at PSU (A Manual for Creating Atheists) and the rest is history. The book is an anthology of personal essays from women of all ages who have left religion. It has been published by Pitchstone Publishing. She has a website, a Facebook page, a YouTube Channel, and a Twitter account (@karen_garst).
  3353. View the slides at
  3355. Recorded at the Friday, September 9, 2016 meeting of the UBC Freethinkers in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3356. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe & leave a review on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3358. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3360. Links:
  3364. ]]></description>
  3365. <link></link>
  3366. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/283664863</guid>
  3367. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3368. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Sep 2016 19:41:55 GMT</pubDate>
  3369. <enclosure url="" length="46850248" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3370. <itunes:summary>Dr Karen Garst speaks to the UBC Freethinkers about the archaeological evidence for worship of the female goddess in the Paleolithic era through its continued existence when male deities became incorporated into the pantheon of gods.
  3372. Karen Garst has a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from the UW - Madison, a Masters in French Literature from the same, and a BA in French from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. She has served as a field representative for the Oregon Federation of Teachers (AFT), executive director of the Oregon Community College Association, and executive director of the Oregon State Bar. She is married and lives in Salem, Oregon.
  3374. In 2014, the U. S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Burwell v Hobby Lobby. She was incensed. “Since when did a ‘corporation’ get to use its religious beliefs to dictate what health care a woman could receive?,” she stated. She decided to write a book on atheism and the harm religion has done to women. A friend introduced her to Dr Peter Boghossian at PSU (A Manual for Creating Atheists) and the rest is history. The book is an anthology of personal essays from women of all ages who have left religion. It has been published by Pitchstone Publishing. She has a website, a Facebook page, a YouTube Channel, and a Twitter account (@karen_garst).
  3376. View the slides at
  3378. Recorded at the Friday, September 9, 2016 meeting of the UBC Freethinkers in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3379. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe &amp; leave a review on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3381. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3383. Links:
  3387. </itunes:summary>
  3388. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3389. <itunes:duration>00:48:48</itunes:duration>
  3390. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3391. </item>
  3392. <item>
  3393. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - Is anyone in BC still religious?]]></title>
  3394. <description><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield, Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association presents a detailed analysis of the June 2016 Insights West poll commissioned by the BCHA to explore attitudes in BC about religion and its interaction with laws and social policies.
  3396. Slides:
  3397. Full data:
  3398. Presentation on BCHA 2013 poll:
  3400. Recorded at the Sunday, August 21, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3401. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3403. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3404. ]]></description>
  3405. <link></link>
  3406. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/282577006</guid>
  3407. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3408. <pubDate>Mon, 12 Sep 2016 16:48:33 GMT</pubDate>
  3409. <enclosure url="" length="39053497" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3410. <itunes:summary>Ian Bushfield, Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association presents a detailed analysis of the June 2016 Insights West poll commissioned by the BCHA to explore attitudes in BC about religion and its interaction with laws and social policies.
  3412. Slides:
  3413. Full data:
  3414. Presentation on BCHA 2013 poll:
  3416. Recorded at the Sunday, August 21, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3417. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3419. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3420. </itunes:summary>
  3421. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3422. <itunes:duration>00:40:40</itunes:duration>
  3423. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3424. </item>
  3425. <item>
  3426. <title><![CDATA[Joyce Arthur - Crisis Pregnancy Centres in Canada]]></title>
  3427. <description><![CDATA[Joyce Arthur, a freelance writer and women's rights advocate, talks about the recent study her pro-choice group completed on anti-choice “Crisis Pregnancy Centres” (CPCs). The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada recruited volunteers to review every CPC website in Canada to look for misinformation on abortion or signs they were being deceptive and not upfront with potential clients.
  3429. The study identified 180 CPCs across Canada. Of those, 166 had websites. The findings revealed that a large majority of CPCs do one or both of the following on their websites:
  3431. 1) spread misleading or inaccurate information about abortion, contraception, sexually-transmitted infections, sexual activity, or adoption;  
  3433. 2) present themselves deceptively, such as by not disclosing that they won’t refer for abortion, or hiding their religious stance from prospective clients.
  3435. This means that CPCs are posing a public health risk and interfering with the reproductive rights of women. What can be done? Joyce will go over some recommendations from the study, but will also welcomes idea and discussion from the audience.
  3437. Read the study online:
  3439. Recorded at the Sunday, July 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3440. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3442. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3443. ]]></description>
  3444. <link></link>
  3445. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/281680702</guid>
  3446. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3447. <pubDate>Tue, 06 Sep 2016 18:01:11 GMT</pubDate>
  3448. <enclosure url="" length="44242710" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3449. <itunes:summary>Joyce Arthur, a freelance writer and women&apos;s rights advocate, talks about the recent study her pro-choice group completed on anti-choice “Crisis Pregnancy Centres” (CPCs). The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada recruited volunteers to review every CPC website in Canada to look for misinformation on abortion or signs they were being deceptive and not upfront with potential clients.
  3451. The study identified 180 CPCs across Canada. Of those, 166 had websites. The findings revealed that a large majority of CPCs do one or both of the following on their websites:
  3453. 1) spread misleading or inaccurate information about abortion, contraception, sexually-transmitted infections, sexual activity, or adoption;  
  3455. 2) present themselves deceptively, such as by not disclosing that they won’t refer for abortion, or hiding their religious stance from prospective clients.
  3457. This means that CPCs are posing a public health risk and interfering with the reproductive rights of women. What can be done? Joyce will go over some recommendations from the study, but will also welcomes idea and discussion from the audience.
  3459. Read the study online:
  3461. Recorded at the Sunday, July 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3462. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.
  3464. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3465. </itunes:summary>
  3466. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3467. <itunes:duration>00:46:05</itunes:duration>
  3468. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3469. </item>
  3470. <item>
  3471. <title><![CDATA[Armin Navabi - Western Ex-Muslims]]></title>
  3472. <description><![CDATA[Armin Navabi, of Atheist Republic, an ex-Muslim from Iran will speak about how Ex-Muslims in the West are frequently attacked from bigots on the right, and apologists on the left. This marginalizes many ex-Muslims, leaving them feeling betrayed and unwelcome, muting the most effective force against Islamic extremism.
  3474. Recorded at the Sunday, June 26, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3475. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3477. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3478. ]]></description>
  3479. <link></link>
  3480. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/280495013</guid>
  3481. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3482. <pubDate>Mon, 29 Aug 2016 22:05:38 GMT</pubDate>
  3483. <enclosure url="" length="28139262" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3484. <itunes:summary>Armin Navabi, of Atheist Republic, an ex-Muslim from Iran will speak about how Ex-Muslims in the West are frequently attacked from bigots on the right, and apologists on the left. This marginalizes many ex-Muslims, leaving them feeling betrayed and unwelcome, muting the most effective force against Islamic extremism.
  3486. Recorded at the Sunday, June 26, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3487. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3489. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3490. </itunes:summary>
  3491. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3492. <itunes:duration>00:29:18</itunes:duration>
  3493. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3494. </item>
  3495. <item>
  3496. <title><![CDATA[Pamela Zevit - Evidence for Democracy]]></title>
  3497. <description><![CDATA[Pamela Zevit, of Evidence for Democracy updates us about the state of science policy in Canada today.  What has changed, what still needs to change to return Canada to its former position as an example of public policy informed by science.
  3499. Recorded at the Sunday, June 19, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3500. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3502. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3503. ]]></description>
  3504. <link></link>
  3505. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/279453525</guid>
  3506. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3507. <pubDate>Tue, 23 Aug 2016 00:24:27 GMT</pubDate>
  3508. <enclosure url="" length="54409098" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3509. <itunes:summary>Pamela Zevit, of Evidence for Democracy updates us about the state of science policy in Canada today.  What has changed, what still needs to change to return Canada to its former position as an example of public policy informed by science.
  3511. Recorded at the Sunday, June 19, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3512. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3514. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3515. </itunes:summary>
  3516. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3517. <itunes:duration>00:56:40</itunes:duration>
  3518. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3519. </item>
  3520. <item>
  3521. <title><![CDATA[Stephanie Smith and Byron Wood - Religion and Alcoholics Anonymous]]></title>
  3522. <description><![CDATA[In this episode, we hear from Stephanie Smith who tried to form an agnostic version of Alcoholics Anonymous and Byron Wood who's brought a human rights complaint forward after being forced to attend a theistic 12-step program.
  3524. For an update on Byron's case see:
  3526. Recorded at the Sunday, June 12, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3527. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3529. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3530. ]]></description>
  3531. <link></link>
  3532. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/276994608</guid>
  3533. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3534. <pubDate>Fri, 05 Aug 2016 21:50:57 GMT</pubDate>
  3535. <enclosure url="" length="56113493" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3536. <itunes:summary>In this episode, we hear from Stephanie Smith who tried to form an agnostic version of Alcoholics Anonymous and Byron Wood who&apos;s brought a human rights complaint forward after being forced to attend a theistic 12-step program.
  3538. For an update on Byron&apos;s case see:
  3540. Recorded at the Sunday, June 12, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3541. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3543. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3544. </itunes:summary>
  3545. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3546. <itunes:duration>00:58:27</itunes:duration>
  3547. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3548. </item>
  3549. <item>
  3550. <title><![CDATA[Les Brown - Fair Vote Canada]]></title>
  3551. <description><![CDATA[Les Brown is on the board of the Vancouver Chapter of Fair Vote Canada, a group working to promote changing the Canadian electoral system to ensure that the numbers of MPs in Parliament from each political party more closely match the fraction of the popular vote each party receives.
  3553. Les Brown has been working on electoral reform for the last 20 years or so. He's a firm believer in the adage that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Les talks about how and why the Canadian electoral system is "broke" and what we need to do to "fix" it.
  3555. Recorded at the Sunday, May 29, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3556. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3558. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3559. ]]></description>
  3560. <link></link>
  3561. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/275358888</guid>
  3562. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3563. <pubDate>Tue, 26 Jul 2016 00:06:00 GMT</pubDate>
  3564. <enclosure url="" length="22412289" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3565. <itunes:summary>Les Brown is on the board of the Vancouver Chapter of Fair Vote Canada, a group working to promote changing the Canadian electoral system to ensure that the numbers of MPs in Parliament from each political party more closely match the fraction of the popular vote each party receives.
  3567. Les Brown has been working on electoral reform for the last 20 years or so. He&apos;s a firm believer in the adage that &quot;if it ain&apos;t broke, don&apos;t fix it&quot;. Les talks about how and why the Canadian electoral system is &quot;broke&quot; and what we need to do to &quot;fix&quot; it.
  3569. Recorded at the Sunday, May 29, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3570. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3572. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3573. </itunes:summary>
  3574. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3575. <itunes:duration>00:23:20</itunes:duration>
  3576. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3577. </item>
  3578. <item>
  3579. <title><![CDATA[Pat O'Brien and Jonathan Chan - Meeting of the Minds]]></title>
  3580. <description><![CDATA[Pat, an atheist, and Jonathan, a Christian, do a tag-team presentation on their joint program "Meeting of the Minds" where issues of the day are explored from two radically different worldviews, but often coming to similar conclusions.
  3582. Recorded at the Sunday, May 15, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3583. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3584. ]]></description>
  3585. <link></link>
  3586. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/274302005</guid>
  3587. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3588. <pubDate>Mon, 18 Jul 2016 23:20:09 GMT</pubDate>
  3589. <enclosure url="" length="13447433" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3590. <itunes:summary>Pat, an atheist, and Jonathan, a Christian, do a tag-team presentation on their joint program &quot;Meeting of the Minds&quot; where issues of the day are explored from two radically different worldviews, but often coming to similar conclusions.
  3592. Recorded at the Sunday, May 15, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3593. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3594. </itunes:summary>
  3595. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3596. <itunes:duration>00:14:00</itunes:duration>
  3597. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3598. </item>
  3599. <item>
  3600. <title><![CDATA[Humanist LORE - Episode 3 - Glenn Hardie and the history of the BCHA]]></title>
  3601. <description><![CDATA[C Dax and Drake interview Glenn Hardie. Glenn was one of the founders of the BC Humanist Association and author of several books on Humanism including Reason With Compassion: The Humanist Way.
  3603. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  3604. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. And make sure to subscribe to our podcast.
  3605. ]]></description>
  3606. <link></link>
  3607. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/272897458</guid>
  3608. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3609. <pubDate>Sat, 09 Jul 2016 16:49:16 GMT</pubDate>
  3610. <enclosure url="" length="17449564" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3611. <itunes:summary>C Dax and Drake interview Glenn Hardie. Glenn was one of the founders of the BC Humanist Association and author of several books on Humanism including Reason With Compassion: The Humanist Way.
  3613. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  3614. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. And make sure to subscribe to our podcast.
  3615. </itunes:summary>
  3616. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3617. <itunes:duration>00:18:10</itunes:duration>
  3618. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3619. </item>
  3620. <item>
  3621. <title><![CDATA[Autumn Reinhardt-Simpson - Female Personhood]]></title>
  3622. <description><![CDATA[Female personhood is one of the most urgent issues of our time and is deeply entwined with questions of religion. Female personhood scholar Autumn Reinhardt-Simpson will explain what female personhood is and why it should matter deeply to Humanists around the world.
  3624. Recorded at the Sunday, May 8, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3625. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3627. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3628. ]]></description>
  3629. <link></link>
  3630. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/270071832</guid>
  3631. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3632. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Jun 2016 20:46:03 GMT</pubDate>
  3633. <enclosure url="" length="39939985" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3634. <itunes:summary>Female personhood is one of the most urgent issues of our time and is deeply entwined with questions of religion. Female personhood scholar Autumn Reinhardt-Simpson will explain what female personhood is and why it should matter deeply to Humanists around the world.
  3636. Recorded at the Sunday, May 8, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3637. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3639. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3640. </itunes:summary>
  3641. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3642. <itunes:duration>00:41:36</itunes:duration>
  3643. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3644. </item>
  3645. <item>
  3646. <title><![CDATA[Dr Sue Hughson - Dying With Dignity Canada]]></title>
  3647. <description><![CDATA[Dr Sue Hughson, Dying With Dignity Canada Board Member and Vancouver Chapter Coordinator and BC Humanist Association Past President, talks about the status of the fight for the right to die with dignity in Canada. This talk, recorded on Sunday, June 5, 2016, was one day before the Supreme Court of Canada's Carter v Canada decision came into effect, striking down the criminal prohibition on assisted dying and allowing physicians to help a suffering patient hasten their death. Sue also talks about issues with Bill C-14 as passed by the House of Commons.
  3649. Learn more at
  3651. Recorded at the Sunday, June 5, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3652. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3654. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3655. ]]></description>
  3656. <link></link>
  3657. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/268246138</guid>
  3658. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3659. <pubDate>Thu, 09 Jun 2016 04:26:29 GMT</pubDate>
  3660. <enclosure url="" length="27509903" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3661. <itunes:summary>Dr Sue Hughson, Dying With Dignity Canada Board Member and Vancouver Chapter Coordinator and BC Humanist Association Past President, talks about the status of the fight for the right to die with dignity in Canada. This talk, recorded on Sunday, June 5, 2016, was one day before the Supreme Court of Canada&apos;s Carter v Canada decision came into effect, striking down the criminal prohibition on assisted dying and allowing physicians to help a suffering patient hasten their death. Sue also talks about issues with Bill C-14 as passed by the House of Commons.
  3663. Learn more at
  3665. Recorded at the Sunday, June 5, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3666. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3668. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3669. </itunes:summary>
  3670. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3671. <itunes:duration>00:28:39</itunes:duration>
  3672. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3673. </item>
  3674. <item>
  3675. <title><![CDATA[Trinity Western University vs Law Society of BC - BC Humanists at the BC Court of Appeal]]></title>
  3676. <description><![CDATA[From June 1-3, 2016, the BC Court of Appeal heard arguments in Trinity Western University vs the Law Society of BC. The BC Humanist Association was an intervener in the case and BCHA Executive Director Ian Bushfield attended the hearings. This is his report on the case.
  3678. This is not intended as a thorough or objective legal analysis.
  3680. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3682. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3683. ]]></description>
  3684. <link></link>
  3685. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/267425304</guid>
  3686. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3687. <pubDate>Sat, 04 Jun 2016 00:35:20 GMT</pubDate>
  3688. <enclosure url="" length="14338668" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3689. <itunes:summary>From June 1-3, 2016, the BC Court of Appeal heard arguments in Trinity Western University vs the Law Society of BC. The BC Humanist Association was an intervener in the case and BCHA Executive Director Ian Bushfield attended the hearings. This is his report on the case.
  3691. This is not intended as a thorough or objective legal analysis.
  3693. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3695. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3696. </itunes:summary>
  3697. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3698. <itunes:duration>00:14:56</itunes:duration>
  3699. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3700. </item>
  3701. <item>
  3702. <title><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield - The government is still censoring us]]></title>
  3703. <description><![CDATA[In Canada registered charities are limited in the political activity they can undertake and are prohibited from any partisan activity. Under the previous federal government, Canada Revenue Agency was instructed to conduct a series of audits into the political activity of charities. The organizations scrutinized were seen to be critics of the previous Conservative government and while no evidence of wrongdoing was found, the audits put a chill on the entire sector and some organizations, like Dying With Dignity Canada lost their charitable status.
  3705. Since the Liberal Party came to power in October, there has been a halt on further audits but those in process are continuing. The Liberals promised during the election and in their recent budget to consult on clarifying rules – but much of Canada’s charity law dates back to 19th century English case law. These rules privilege religion and limit the scope of debate for an entire sector that is by definition dedicated to the betterment of our whole society.
  3707. This talk outlines some of these challenges for the work of groups like the BCHA and look at what alternatives exist.
  3709. Besides working as the Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association, Ian Bushfield works for another small charity and has worked for a science advocacy charity in the UK. He has taken courses in non-profit management and law.
  3711. Resources
  3712. Stephe Harper's CRA: Selective audits, "political" activity and right-leaning charities -
  3713. Tax audits of environmental groups: The pressing need for law reform -
  3714. Protect Canadian Charities -
  3715. Voices-Voix Coalition -
  3717. Recorded at the Sunday, April 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3718. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3720. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3721. ]]></description>
  3722. <link></link>
  3723. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/266243176</guid>
  3724. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3725. <pubDate>Fri, 27 May 2016 20:30:53 GMT</pubDate>
  3726. <enclosure url="" length="28006343" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3727. <itunes:summary>In Canada registered charities are limited in the political activity they can undertake and are prohibited from any partisan activity. Under the previous federal government, Canada Revenue Agency was instructed to conduct a series of audits into the political activity of charities. The organizations scrutinized were seen to be critics of the previous Conservative government and while no evidence of wrongdoing was found, the audits put a chill on the entire sector and some organizations, like Dying With Dignity Canada lost their charitable status.
  3729. Since the Liberal Party came to power in October, there has been a halt on further audits but those in process are continuing. The Liberals promised during the election and in their recent budget to consult on clarifying rules – but much of Canada’s charity law dates back to 19th century English case law. These rules privilege religion and limit the scope of debate for an entire sector that is by definition dedicated to the betterment of our whole society.
  3731. This talk outlines some of these challenges for the work of groups like the BCHA and look at what alternatives exist.
  3733. Besides working as the Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association, Ian Bushfield works for another small charity and has worked for a science advocacy charity in the UK. He has taken courses in non-profit management and law.
  3735. Resources
  3736. Stephe Harper&apos;s CRA: Selective audits, &quot;political&quot; activity and right-leaning charities -
  3737. Tax audits of environmental groups: The pressing need for law reform -
  3738. Protect Canadian Charities -
  3739. Voices-Voix Coalition -
  3741. Recorded at the Sunday, April 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3742. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3744. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3745. </itunes:summary>
  3746. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3747. <itunes:duration>00:29:10</itunes:duration>
  3748. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3749. </item>
  3750. <item>
  3751. <title><![CDATA[Paul Ingraham - Muscle Knots On Skeptical Trial]]></title>
  3752. <description><![CDATA[Paul Ingraham, a science writer at, and Assistant Editor, speaks to us on the subject of Muscle Knots On Skeptical Trial  - How suspicious should we be about "trigger points" as a cause of common muscle pain?  Not just a fascinating case study of applying skepticism to a unsolved medical mystery, this talk also has plenty of practical "owner's manual" information about the biology of a nearly universal kind of pain.
  3754. For more information on trigger points:
  3757. Recorded at the Sunday, April 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3758. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3760. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3761. ]]></description>
  3762. <link></link>
  3763. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/262358076</guid>
  3764. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3765. <pubDate>Tue, 03 May 2016 21:36:32 GMT</pubDate>
  3766. <enclosure url="" length="47473592" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3767. <itunes:summary>Paul Ingraham, a science writer at, and Assistant Editor, speaks to us on the subject of Muscle Knots On Skeptical Trial  - How suspicious should we be about &quot;trigger points&quot; as a cause of common muscle pain?  Not just a fascinating case study of applying skepticism to a unsolved medical mystery, this talk also has plenty of practical &quot;owner&apos;s manual&quot; information about the biology of a nearly universal kind of pain.
  3769. For more information on trigger points:
  3772. Recorded at the Sunday, April 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3773. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook &amp; Instagram. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3775. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3776. </itunes:summary>
  3777. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3778. <itunes:duration>00:49:27</itunes:duration>
  3779. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3780. </item>
  3781. <item>
  3782. <title><![CDATA[Big news about the BCHA and TWU vs LSBC BC Court of Appeal Case]]></title>
  3783. <description><![CDATA[Ian Bushfield, executive director announces that the BC Humanist Association has been granted leave to intervene at the BC Court of Appeal in the case over Trinity Western University's proposed law school. Find out more about the BCHA and support our work at
  3785. And be sure to subscribe to the BC Humanists podcast on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher or your favourite service.
  3786. ]]></description>
  3787. <link></link>
  3788. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/260832208</guid>
  3789. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3790. <pubDate>Mon, 25 Apr 2016 17:51:55 GMT</pubDate>
  3791. <enclosure url="" length="780013" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3792. <itunes:summary>Ian Bushfield, executive director announces that the BC Humanist Association has been granted leave to intervene at the BC Court of Appeal in the case over Trinity Western University&apos;s proposed law school. Find out more about the BCHA and support our work at
  3794. And be sure to subscribe to the BC Humanists podcast on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher or your favourite service.
  3795. </itunes:summary>
  3796. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3797. <itunes:duration>00:00:48</itunes:duration>
  3798. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3799. </item>
  3800. <item>
  3801. <title><![CDATA[Dr Jim Linville - Not all creation museums are created equal]]></title>
  3802. <description><![CDATA[Dr James Linville is an associate professor of religious studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta.
  3803. "Each After Its Own Kind”: How Creation Museums are not all created equal
  3805. There are about 3 dozen Creation Museum in North America with a handful of others scattered around the globe. Many predate the large Answers in Genesis facility in northern Kentucky and a number more are in the planning or construction stage. While Christian young earth creationists are united on certain key doctrinal and social perspectives, the museums themselves vary widely in terms of size, funding, focus, intended audience, and the degree to which they attempt to refute secular science. Dr Linville offers an overview of the diverse museum landscape and takes you on an illustrated tour of some of the museums in Alberta, Kentucky, Texas and California. Dr Linville highlights the need to look beyond the well-funded organizations and the influential and charismatic figures in “Big Creation” to truly understand what is happening with the creation museum phenomenon.
  3807. Recorded at the Sunday, April 3, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3808. Follow us on Twitter & Facebook. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3810. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3811. ]]></description>
  3812. <link></link>
  3813. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/258043252</guid>
  3814. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3815. <pubDate>Fri, 08 Apr 2016 22:00:01 GMT</pubDate>
  3816. <enclosure url="" length="58150793" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3817. <itunes:summary>Dr James Linville is an associate professor of religious studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta.
  3818. &quot;Each After Its Own Kind”: How Creation Museums are not all created equal
  3820. There are about 3 dozen Creation Museum in North America with a handful of others scattered around the globe. Many predate the large Answers in Genesis facility in northern Kentucky and a number more are in the planning or construction stage. While Christian young earth creationists are united on certain key doctrinal and social perspectives, the museums themselves vary widely in terms of size, funding, focus, intended audience, and the degree to which they attempt to refute secular science. Dr Linville offers an overview of the diverse museum landscape and takes you on an illustrated tour of some of the museums in Alberta, Kentucky, Texas and California. Dr Linville highlights the need to look beyond the well-funded organizations and the influential and charismatic figures in “Big Creation” to truly understand what is happening with the creation museum phenomenon.
  3822. Recorded at the Sunday, April 3, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3823. Follow us on Twitter &amp; Facebook. Subscribe on Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes.
  3825. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3826. </itunes:summary>
  3827. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3828. <itunes:duration>01:00:34</itunes:duration>
  3829. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3830. </item>
  3831. <item>
  3832. <title><![CDATA[Benjamin Purzycki - Religion And The Evolution Of Social Life]]></title>
  3833. <description><![CDATA[Benjamin Purzycki of the Centre for Human Evolution, Cognition, and Culture at the University of British Columbia first discusses contemporary approaches to understanding religion cross-culturally. Then, he draws from this discussion and attend to the role beliefs about gods’ minds play in our relationships with the natural world and with each other.
  3835. Purzycki's recent study published in Nature on the role that belief in punitive gods played in the expansion of human societies received wide coverage.
  3837. Recorded at the Sunday, March 13, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3839. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3840. ]]></description>
  3841. <link></link>
  3842. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/256999005</guid>
  3843. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3844. <pubDate>Sun, 03 Apr 2016 01:37:31 GMT</pubDate>
  3845. <enclosure url="" length="60078839" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3846. <itunes:summary>Benjamin Purzycki of the Centre for Human Evolution, Cognition, and Culture at the University of British Columbia first discusses contemporary approaches to understanding religion cross-culturally. Then, he draws from this discussion and attend to the role beliefs about gods’ minds play in our relationships with the natural world and with each other.
  3848. Purzycki&apos;s recent study published in Nature on the role that belief in punitive gods played in the expansion of human societies received wide coverage.
  3850. Recorded at the Sunday, March 13, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3852. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3853. </itunes:summary>
  3854. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3855. <itunes:duration>01:02:34</itunes:duration>
  3856. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3857. </item>
  3858. <item>
  3859. <title><![CDATA[Dr Samir Gandesha - Nihilism And Terror]]></title>
  3860. <description><![CDATA[Samir Gandesha is an Associate Professor in the Department of the Humanities and the Director of the Institute for the Humanities at Simon Fraser University. He specializes in modern European thought and culture, with a particular emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.
  3862. A key element of humanism must be a critical assessment of religion. Today such a critical assessment is more important than ever given the rise of Christian fundamentalism in the US, Hindutva or Hindu fundamentalism on the Indian subcontinent as well as politicized forms of Islam. In this talk, Dr Gandesha sketches out some of the key criticisms of religion in the work of Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx and Frederich Nietzsche, before going on to show how their ideas might help us understand the combustible connection between religion and politics in our contemporary world.
  3864. Recorded at the Sunday, March 13, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3866. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3867. ]]></description>
  3868. <link></link>
  3869. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/254653751</guid>
  3870. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3871. <pubDate>Wed, 23 Mar 2016 17:03:28 GMT</pubDate>
  3872. <enclosure url="" length="44915253" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3873. <itunes:summary>Samir Gandesha is an Associate Professor in the Department of the Humanities and the Director of the Institute for the Humanities at Simon Fraser University. He specializes in modern European thought and culture, with a particular emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.
  3875. A key element of humanism must be a critical assessment of religion. Today such a critical assessment is more important than ever given the rise of Christian fundamentalism in the US, Hindutva or Hindu fundamentalism on the Indian subcontinent as well as politicized forms of Islam. In this talk, Dr Gandesha sketches out some of the key criticisms of religion in the work of Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx and Frederich Nietzsche, before going on to show how their ideas might help us understand the combustible connection between religion and politics in our contemporary world.
  3877. Recorded at the Sunday, March 13, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3879. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3880. </itunes:summary>
  3881. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3882. <itunes:duration>00:46:47</itunes:duration>
  3883. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3884. </item>
  3885. <item>
  3886. <title><![CDATA[Gail Miller - Critical thinking in developing countries]]></title>
  3887. <description><![CDATA[Gail Miller speaks about the first pilot project in the planned global campaign to promote critical thinking among the children of the world.  The pilot project is two secular schools and a library in Guatemala.
  3889. Recorded at the Sunday, March 6, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3891. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3892. ]]></description>
  3893. <link></link>
  3894. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/253868117</guid>
  3895. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3896. <pubDate>Mon, 21 Mar 2016 17:31:13 GMT</pubDate>
  3897. <enclosure url="" length="30383651" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3898. <itunes:summary>Gail Miller speaks about the first pilot project in the planned global campaign to promote critical thinking among the children of the world.  The pilot project is two secular schools and a library in Guatemala.
  3900. Recorded at the Sunday, March 6, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3902. Intro music: We are all connected instrumental - Symphony of Science
  3903. </itunes:summary>
  3904. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3905. <itunes:duration>00:31:38</itunes:duration>
  3906. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3907. </item>
  3908. <item>
  3909. <title><![CDATA[David Hutchinson - Cannabis]]></title>
  3910. <description><![CDATA[David Hutchinson, will be presenting an overview of the history, medical impacts and opinions of cannabis in 2016.  What are the facts  surrounding this widely available product and the changing perspectives of politicians, law enforcement, the medical community and the general public?
  3912. Recorded at the Sunday, February 21, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3913. ]]></description>
  3914. <link></link>
  3915. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/252029664</guid>
  3916. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3917. <pubDate>Tue, 15 Mar 2016 18:36:43 GMT</pubDate>
  3918. <enclosure url="" length="44745955" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3919. <itunes:summary>David Hutchinson, will be presenting an overview of the history, medical impacts and opinions of cannabis in 2016.  What are the facts  surrounding this widely available product and the changing perspectives of politicians, law enforcement, the medical community and the general public?
  3921. Recorded at the Sunday, February 21, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3922. </itunes:summary>
  3923. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3924. <itunes:duration>00:46:36</itunes:duration>
  3925. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3926. </item>
  3927. <item>
  3928. <title><![CDATA[Dr Ahmed Hussein - A safer, cheaper nuclear reactor design]]></title>
  3929. <description><![CDATA[Dr Ahmed Hussein is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Northern British Columbia and a research scientist at TRIUMF and Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US. Dr Hussein will be speaking about a a new and safer design for a nuclear power plants called dual fluid nuclear fission reactor. Among its other benefits, these reactors can make use of waste from traditional nuclear reactors as fuel while also extracting considerably more energy from existing nuclear fuel.
  3931. Recorded at the Sunday, February 14, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3932. ]]></description>
  3933. <link></link>
  3934. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/251566042</guid>
  3935. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3936. <pubDate>Sat, 12 Mar 2016 22:14:22 GMT</pubDate>
  3937. <enclosure url="" length="64731364" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3938. <itunes:summary>Dr Ahmed Hussein is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Northern British Columbia and a research scientist at TRIUMF and Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US. Dr Hussein will be speaking about a a new and safer design for a nuclear power plants called dual fluid nuclear fission reactor. Among its other benefits, these reactors can make use of waste from traditional nuclear reactors as fuel while also extracting considerably more energy from existing nuclear fuel.
  3940. Recorded at the Sunday, February 14, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  3941. </itunes:summary>
  3942. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3943. <itunes:duration>01:07:25</itunes:duration>
  3944. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3945. </item>
  3946. <item>
  3947. <title><![CDATA[Khushi Ram - From Servitude to Freedom]]></title>
  3948. <description><![CDATA[This interview of Khushi Ram was originally recorded on May 29, 2011 by Mclean Edwards.
  3950. "From Servitude to Freedom (Autobiographical and Philosophical Reflections)" is an account by Khushi Ram of his life from a child servant in caste system India, to his emancipation and trials in stages of education, work in government, and eventual immigration to Vancouver, Canada, a place he now calls home and paradise. The second half of the book is an account of his philosophy and how his life, and especially his exposure to ideas in Canada, informed his outlook.
  3952. ---------------------------------------
  3954. Written originally for his family and friends, the book has had interest for the general public as an account by an average, yet interesting, man of escaping conditions of slavery in modern times, and thoughts on how the caste system continues to survive and cause some misery and ideas on how to avoid it and live a good life.
  3956. Read more about Khushi:
  3958. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  3959. ]]></description>
  3960. <link></link>
  3961. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/249564789</guid>
  3962. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3963. <pubDate>Mon, 29 Feb 2016 23:57:46 GMT</pubDate>
  3964. <enclosure url="" length="60980365" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3965. <itunes:summary>This interview of Khushi Ram was originally recorded on May 29, 2011 by Mclean Edwards.
  3967. &quot;From Servitude to Freedom (Autobiographical and Philosophical Reflections)&quot; is an account by Khushi Ram of his life from a child servant in caste system India, to his emancipation and trials in stages of education, work in government, and eventual immigration to Vancouver, Canada, a place he now calls home and paradise. The second half of the book is an account of his philosophy and how his life, and especially his exposure to ideas in Canada, informed his outlook.
  3969. ---------------------------------------
  3971. Written originally for his family and friends, the book has had interest for the general public as an account by an average, yet interesting, man of escaping conditions of slavery in modern times, and thoughts on how the caste system continues to survive and cause some misery and ideas on how to avoid it and live a good life.
  3973. Read more about Khushi:
  3975. Learn more about the BC Humanist Association at
  3976. </itunes:summary>
  3977. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3978. <itunes:duration>01:03:31</itunes:duration>
  3979. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3980. </item>
  3981. <item>
  3982. <title><![CDATA[Svend Robinson - Church and State in the 90s]]></title>
  3983. <description><![CDATA[This is a recording of a lecture by former MP Svend Robinson to the BC Humanist Association in 1998 or 99. In the lecture, Svend touches on the challenges of fighting for secularism and progressive values against an increasing religious right. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  3984. ]]></description>
  3985. <link></link>
  3986. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/246277079</guid>
  3987. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  3988. <pubDate>Tue, 09 Feb 2016 23:00:18 GMT</pubDate>
  3989. <enclosure url="" length="41445794" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3990. <itunes:summary>This is a recording of a lecture by former MP Svend Robinson to the BC Humanist Association in 1998 or 99. In the lecture, Svend touches on the challenges of fighting for secularism and progressive values against an increasing religious right. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  3991. </itunes:summary>
  3992. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  3993. <itunes:duration>00:43:10</itunes:duration>
  3994. <itunes:image href=""/>
  3995. </item>
  3996. <item>
  3997. <title><![CDATA[Humanist LORE - Episode 2 - Evidence vs Faith with Peter Boghossian]]></title>
  3998. <description><![CDATA[Listen to an interview with author and educator Peter Boghossian. This podcast was originally produced in 2013. To find out more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  3999. ]]></description>
  4000. <link></link>
  4001. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/245099427</guid>
  4002. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4003. <pubDate>Tue, 02 Feb 2016 18:41:08 GMT</pubDate>
  4004. <enclosure url="" length="27036338" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4005. <itunes:summary>Listen to an interview with author and educator Peter Boghossian. This podcast was originally produced in 2013. To find out more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  4006. </itunes:summary>
  4007. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4008. <itunes:duration>00:28:04</itunes:duration>
  4009. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4010. </item>
  4011. <item>
  4012. <title><![CDATA[Cherise Louie - On Donating Blood]]></title>
  4013. <description><![CDATA[Cherise Louie is the Territory Manager for Canadian Blood Services. She talks about the simplicity of blood donation and stem cell registration.
  4015. Recorded at the Sunday, January 31, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  4016. ]]></description>
  4017. <link></link>
  4018. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/247977557</guid>
  4019. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4020. <pubDate>Sun, 31 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  4021. <enclosure url="" length="43086993" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4022. <itunes:summary>Cherise Louie is the Territory Manager for Canadian Blood Services. She talks about the simplicity of blood donation and stem cell registration.
  4024. Recorded at the Sunday, January 31, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  4025. </itunes:summary>
  4026. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4027. <itunes:duration>00:44:52</itunes:duration>
  4028. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4029. </item>
  4030. <item>
  4031. <title><![CDATA[Nader Abdullah - Syria: the Land of Diversity]]></title>
  4032. <description><![CDATA[Nader Abdullah of the Syrian Canadian Council talks about Syria's culture, society and history. He touches on the expected difficulties newcomers to Canada encounter and suggests solutions from his group's perspective as a community and from experience with some newcomers.
  4034. View the slides:
  4036. Recorded at the Sunday, January 24, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  4037. ]]></description>
  4038. <link></link>
  4039. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/244636470</guid>
  4040. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4041. <pubDate>Fri, 22 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  4042. <enclosure url="" length="32487548" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4043. <itunes:summary>Nader Abdullah of the Syrian Canadian Council talks about Syria&apos;s culture, society and history. He touches on the expected difficulties newcomers to Canada encounter and suggests solutions from his group&apos;s perspective as a community and from experience with some newcomers.
  4045. View the slides:
  4047. Recorded at the Sunday, January 24, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  4048. </itunes:summary>
  4049. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4050. <itunes:duration>00:33:50</itunes:duration>
  4051. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4052. </item>
  4053. <item>
  4054. <title><![CDATA[John Ince - Happiness and How to Maximize It]]></title>
  4055. <description><![CDATA[John Ince, who intrigued and edified us with his excellent talk on The Political Implications of Sex on Dec 6, 2015, returns for a talk on Happiness and how to maximize it.
  4057. Science has identified the ingredients of happiness.
  4059. But most of us don't know them. We can help you learn them and grow happier!
  4061. JOYSHIFT is a new concept in personal development, and yet is based in the ancient wisdom of our genes! It is a happiness practice that applies the latest discoveries of psychology to bring into our lives the key essentials of happiness: what we call the “primal nutrients”.
  4063. Have you heard of the paleo diet or the primal form of exercise called Crossfit? Both are hugely popular today. Joyshift is the first personal development system to apply this primal perspective to our emotional life.
  4065. Primal nutrients of happiness include: lots of physical movement, spending quality time in small bonded groups, and rich contact with nature. There are several more.
  4067. But most of us lack many of the good things our genes really enjoy. So we fail to maximize our happiness!
  4069. This talk will describe the primal nutrients and how you can live a life filled with them.
  4071. Recorded at the Sunday, January 17, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  4072. ]]></description>
  4073. <link></link>
  4074. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/243753266</guid>
  4075. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4076. <pubDate>Sat, 16 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  4077. <enclosure url="" length="37999594" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4078. <itunes:summary>John Ince, who intrigued and edified us with his excellent talk on The Political Implications of Sex on Dec 6, 2015, returns for a talk on Happiness and how to maximize it.
  4080. Science has identified the ingredients of happiness.
  4082. But most of us don&apos;t know them. We can help you learn them and grow happier!
  4084. JOYSHIFT is a new concept in personal development, and yet is based in the ancient wisdom of our genes! It is a happiness practice that applies the latest discoveries of psychology to bring into our lives the key essentials of happiness: what we call the “primal nutrients”.
  4086. Have you heard of the paleo diet or the primal form of exercise called Crossfit? Both are hugely popular today. Joyshift is the first personal development system to apply this primal perspective to our emotional life.
  4088. Primal nutrients of happiness include: lots of physical movement, spending quality time in small bonded groups, and rich contact with nature. There are several more.
  4090. But most of us lack many of the good things our genes really enjoy. So we fail to maximize our happiness!
  4092. This talk will describe the primal nutrients and how you can live a life filled with them.
  4094. Recorded at the Sunday, January 17, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more at
  4095. </itunes:summary>
  4096. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4097. <itunes:duration>00:39:34</itunes:duration>
  4098. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4099. </item>
  4100. <item>
  4101. <title><![CDATA[David Simpson - How to be a Christian Atheist]]></title>
  4102. <description><![CDATA[David Simpson is a young man with a YouTube channel. David tells how he lost his faith while managing to keep a sense of spirituality (and morality) that is entirely Humanistic but still deeply Christian. He discusses worship, prayer, meditation, morality, scripture, the gospel and an Atheist Trinity.
  4104. Find David on YouTube:
  4106. Recorded at the Sunday, January 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more about us at
  4107. ]]></description>
  4108. <link></link>
  4109. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/241478986</guid>
  4110. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4111. <pubDate>Sun, 10 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  4112. <enclosure url="" length="48473363" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4113. <itunes:summary>David Simpson is a young man with a YouTube channel. David tells how he lost his faith while managing to keep a sense of spirituality (and morality) that is entirely Humanistic but still deeply Christian. He discusses worship, prayer, meditation, morality, scripture, the gospel and an Atheist Trinity.
  4115. Find David on YouTube:
  4117. Recorded at the Sunday, January 10, 2016 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more about us at
  4118. </itunes:summary>
  4119. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4120. <itunes:duration>00:50:29</itunes:duration>
  4121. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4122. </item>
  4123. <item>
  4124. <title><![CDATA[Tee Barnett Charity Science]]></title>
  4125. <description><![CDATA[Effective altruism may be the fastest growing charitable movement you've never heard of. With 1.2 million views and counting for Peter Singer's TED Talk on the subject, and Givewell, the flagship charity evaluator of the movement, now moving more money than Charity Navigator, it's worth getting to know the basic tenets of Effective Altruism before making your next donation. Tee Barnett, the Programs and Educational Officer at Charity Science, will explore the potent blend of applying "the greatest good for the greatest number" to evidence-based and rational decisions about charity. With such growth in only a few short years, key tensions have arisen that the Effective Altruism movement will have to address: how can we measure the greatest good for the greatest number? Can the movement be sustained? Is this the most compassionate way to understand charity? Should we be thinking more globally? Largely populated by humanist, skeptical, secular, rational, and atheistic types, a second look is required of this newly reframed outlook on helping those in need.
  4127. Recorded at the Sunday, December 20, 2015 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more about us at
  4128. ]]></description>
  4129. <link></link>
  4130. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/238560338</guid>
  4131. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4132. <pubDate>Sat, 19 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  4133. <enclosure url="" length="25025418" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4134. <itunes:summary>Effective altruism may be the fastest growing charitable movement you&apos;ve never heard of. With 1.2 million views and counting for Peter Singer&apos;s TED Talk on the subject, and Givewell, the flagship charity evaluator of the movement, now moving more money than Charity Navigator, it&apos;s worth getting to know the basic tenets of Effective Altruism before making your next donation. Tee Barnett, the Programs and Educational Officer at Charity Science, will explore the potent blend of applying &quot;the greatest good for the greatest number&quot; to evidence-based and rational decisions about charity. With such growth in only a few short years, key tensions have arisen that the Effective Altruism movement will have to address: how can we measure the greatest good for the greatest number? Can the movement be sustained? Is this the most compassionate way to understand charity? Should we be thinking more globally? Largely populated by humanist, skeptical, secular, rational, and atheistic types, a second look is required of this newly reframed outlook on helping those in need.
  4136. Recorded at the Sunday, December 20, 2015 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver. Learn more about us at
  4137. </itunes:summary>
  4138. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4139. <itunes:duration>00:26:04</itunes:duration>
  4140. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4141. </item>
  4142. <item>
  4143. <title><![CDATA[John Ince - The Political Significance Of Sexuality]]></title>
  4144. <description><![CDATA[This speech contains some some discussion of sexual activities.
  4146. Sex and politics seem like they operate in completely different spheres of life. But both are intimately connected through a complex psycho-social system that has received little attention. Lawyer and activist John Ince sketches out its key components. You will learn how the power structure of your key relationships: family, religious, work, and community, affect how you feel about sex and how your attitudes to eroticism affect your political orientation. Welcome to the fascinating politics of lust.
  4148. Recorded at the Sunday, December 6, 2015 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver.
  4149. ]]></description>
  4150. <link></link>
  4151. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/236498360</guid>
  4152. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4153. <pubDate>Sat, 05 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  4154. <enclosure url="" length="46232307" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4155. <itunes:summary>This speech contains some some discussion of sexual activities.
  4157. Sex and politics seem like they operate in completely different spheres of life. But both are intimately connected through a complex psycho-social system that has received little attention. Lawyer and activist John Ince sketches out its key components. You will learn how the power structure of your key relationships: family, religious, work, and community, affect how you feel about sex and how your attitudes to eroticism affect your political orientation. Welcome to the fascinating politics of lust.
  4159. Recorded at the Sunday, December 6, 2015 meeting of the BC Humanist Association in Vancouver.
  4160. </itunes:summary>
  4161. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4162. <itunes:duration>00:48:09</itunes:duration>
  4163. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4164. </item>
  4165. <item>
  4166. <title><![CDATA[Humanist LORE - Episode 1 -  What is Humanism?]]></title>
  4167. <description><![CDATA[Listen to the first episode of our podcast Humanist LORE about What is Humanism?
  4169. This episode was first recorded in 2013. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  4170. ]]></description>
  4171. <link></link>
  4172. <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/244432025</guid>
  4173. <dc:creator><![CDATA[BC Humanist Association]]></dc:creator>
  4174. <pubDate>Thu, 28 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  4175. <enclosure url="" length="11291907" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4176. <itunes:summary>Listen to the first episode of our podcast Humanist LORE about What is Humanism?
  4178. This episode was first recorded in 2013. To learn more about the BC Humanist Association visit
  4179. </itunes:summary>
  4180. <itunes:explicit>Yes</itunes:explicit>
  4181. <itunes:duration>00:11:22</itunes:duration>
  4182. <itunes:image href=""/>
  4183. </item>
  4184. </channel>
  4185. </rss>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda