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  6.  <title>Barefoot Asia - 赤足FAQ</title>
  7.  <updated>2024-03-27T21:08:51+08:00</updated>
  8.  <author>
  9.    <name>Barefoot Asia</name>
  10.  </author>
  11.  <entry>
  12.    <id></id>
  13.    <published>2024-03-27T21:08:51+08:00</published>
  14.    <updated>2024-03-27T21:13:31+08:00</updated>
  15.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  16.    <title>拇趾外翻可自救!想知如何矯正?教你5個方法 治標又治本!</title>
  17.    <author>
  18.      <name>Kristie Ma</name>
  19.    </author>
  20.    <summary type="html">
  21.      <![CDATA[<span data-mce-fragment="1">正受拇趾外翻影響及困擾?甚至苦惱是否應做手術?其實你可以自救!拇趾外翻是一種腳趾異常的現象,是指足部大拇趾向外偏離、呈現異常的起角、指甲歪向二趾。</span><p><a class="read-more" href="">More</a></p>]]>
  22.    </summary>
  23.    <content type="html">
  24.      <![CDATA[<p>正受拇趾外翻影響及困擾?甚至苦惱是否應做手術?其實你可以自救!拇趾外翻是一種腳趾異常的現象,是指足部大拇趾向外偏離、呈現異常的起角、指甲歪向二趾。</p>
  25. <p> </p>
  26. <p>常見成因可分為內在及外在因素,包括以下幾種:</p>
  27. <strong>遺傳:</strong>如果家族中有人是拇趾外翻,你會有更大機會出現類似的足部問題。<br data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>足部健康問題:</strong>足部肌肉及韌帶較弱,或患有扁平足、類風濕性關節炎、足部骨骼結構異常等問題的人,會更容易出現拇趾外翻情況。<br data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>走路姿勢:</strong>長期以錯誤的姿勢走路,例如走路時足弓塌陷、足部重心過度偏外或偏內等,都會導致腳掌受力不均,繼而形成拇趾外翻。<br data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>鞋子影響:</strong>經常穿著不合適的鞋子,特別是窄頭鞋或高跟鞋,會限制了足部的自然活動,並會將拇趾骨壓向二趾方向,導致變形。此外,穿這些鞋子走路時,腳趾其實並沒有完全踏地及用力,從而造成肌肉弱化,加劇拇趾外翻問題。<br><br><img src="" alt="" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-src=""><br><br>很多人都以為只有做手術、物理治療才能改善拇趾外翻,但其實你只要從日常生活著手、遵從以下五個治標又治本的方法,情況絕對可以改善。 <br>  <br><strong>1. 告別窄頭鞋及高跟鞋</strong><br>別再讓窄頭鞋或高跟鞋壓逼你的大拇趾!選擇寬頭鞋,給腳趾更多活動空間吧。 <br><img alt="" src=""> <br>不合適的鞋履除了會限制腳趾的自如活動、壓逼腳趾致骨骼變形外,更影響足部的肌肉發展。相反,寬頭鞋比較符合人類與生俱來的腳形,容許腳趾更靈活、更自然地活動,你走每一步時,腳趾都能有效地向外伸展及抓地,並且走得更舒適。 <br><strong>2. 使用腳趾分離器</strong> <br><img src="" alt="" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-src=""> <br>在家赤足穿戴腳趾分離器,喚醒每一組足部肌肉及筋腱。每天三十分鐘,恢復腳趾原有的力量、改善形態。<br> <br>腳趾分離器將腳趾自然分開、增加趾間的空間,讓每隻腳趾都能活動自活,從而糾正拇趾外翻、交叠的情況,並改善因拇趾外翻引起的疼痛。此外,使用腳趾分離器能伸展及放鬆腳部肌肉,並有助調整雙腳在走路及抓地時的姿勢及著力點,幫助腳趾及肌肉平均用力,緩和拇趾外翻的情況。 <br>  <br><strong>3. 按摩足部</strong><br><br> <strong><img src="" alt="" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-src=""></strong> <br>如果控制腳拇指活動的肌肉過於繃緊,容易造成拇趾外翻。適當地按摩有關肌肉及筋膜,有助舒緩外翻情況。 <br>閒時多按摩控制大拇趾向內、向外動作的足部肌肉,包括內收拇肌,以及外展拇肌。 <br>前者位於大拇趾與第二趾之間的腳面位置,如該肌肉過度繃緊及收縮,就會拉扯腳趾至變形。 <br>後者位於腳部內側足弓位置,用於打開大拇趾,兩組肌肉的力量必須平衡,才能維持大拇趾的正常形態。建議可以用手指按壓肌肉,每次30秒至1分鐘、重複3次,每天按5至10次。 <br>此外,可使用按摩球、網球等小工具按摩腳底。單腳站立,將懸空腳踩在球上,輕微施力讓球在腳底滾動,每邊做2至3分鐘。此方法有助放鬆足底筋膜,改善大拇趾肌肉的緊繃,及舒緩因拇趾外翻引致的疼痛不適。 <br><strong>4. 多做足部運動</strong><br><br>多做以下三個足部運動,有助訓練足部及腳趾肌肉,改善腳掌受力不均的情況,繼而逐步舒緩拇趾外翻。 <br>第一,踮腳尖練習。伸直腰背,踮起腳尖,將身體重心維持在正中間,維持3秒後放鬆反覆做10次為一組。每天練習3組,有助足弓重新掌握正確施力的感覺。 <br><img alt="" src=""> <br><strong>5. 多赤腳走路/選用赤足鞋</strong><br> <br>想改善拇趾外翻,必先訓練足部肌肉。赤腳走路,或穿著有赤足體驗的鞋履走路,可加強步行時的觸地感,長遠提升足部肌肉的力量。 <br><img alt="" src=""> <br>拇趾外翻除了受先天因素影響所引起,更大部份原因是基於長期穿著不合適的鞋履,導致腳趾過度受壓、肌肉缺乏力量,繼而令拇趾錯誤地向外生長。因此,適當地運用足部肌肉至關重要。在安全情況下,例如家中、沙灘、草地等盡量以赤腳走路,或選用鞋底柔軟而輕薄的赤足鞋,能讓腳掌及腳趾更自如地活動,同時刺激腳底的神經元,增強足部肌肉的運動知覺。腳趾重獲力量後,拇趾外翻亦會慢慢改善。<br> <br>建立良好的走路習慣、選擇合適的鞋履、多練習及按摩足部,輕微的拇趾外翻,其實可以自救。但若問題嚴重,或引致炎症等情況,建議要尋求醫生或物理治療師的專業意見,及早處理以減輕症狀。]]>
  28.    </content>
  29.  </entry>
  30.  <entry>
  31.    <id></id>
  32.    <published>2023-12-21T10:25:08+08:00</published>
  33.    <updated>2023-12-22T13:24:10+08:00</updated>
  34.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  35.    <title>返工長期站立 應如何選擇鞋子?三款歐製「久站鞋」推薦!休閒赤足鞋、百搭白鞋、短皮靴</title>
  36.    <author>
  37.      <name>Kristie Ma</name>
  38.    </author>
  39.    <summary type="html">
  40.      <![CDATA[<p><meta charset="utf-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">長期站立,穿厚底鞋就是最佳的選擇? <br>我有扁平足,長期站立必須要墊起足弓嗎? <br></span>為何我現時的鞋子穿起來看似舒適,但越穿得久腳越疼痛? <br><br>要解答這些問題,我們必須了解一雙好的鞋子,是如何從根本幫助我們提升足部健康! </p><p><a class="read-more" href="">More</a></p>]]>
  41.    </summary>
  42.    <content type="html">
  43.      <![CDATA[<p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">相信不少人因為工作需要而必須長時間站立,例如Sales、護士、教師等等,導致雙腳容易疲勞,甚或出現痛症。因此,挑選一雙合適而又能保護雙腳的「久站鞋」變得非常重要。</span></p>
  44. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  45. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">一直以來,坊間很多人會誤以為厚底鞋是最佳的選擇,可以給予足部最大保護,但事實並非如此。其實長期穿著厚底鞋,可能會造成不同的姿勢問題,甚至引起痛症。</span></p>
  46. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  47. <h3 data-mce-fragment="1"><b data-mce-fragment="1">怎樣的鞋子適合長期站立人士?</b></h3>
  48. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  49. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">過厚的鞋底為雙腳帶來過多的緩衝力,變相剝奪了足部感知地面的能力,久而久之令肌肉的力量變得更弱,難以對地面情況做出適當的反應,影響步行姿勢及站姿。長期使用錯誤的姿勢,很容易引起身體各種痛症。此外,市面上的鞋履,鞋頭一般較窄,而窄頭鞋亦非一個理想選擇,甚至有如現代版的紮腳。窄的鞋頭會使腳趾無法充分發揮抓地力,令腳底受力不平均,因而形成種種足部問題,例如拇指外翻、水泡等等。那麼,怎樣的鞋子才適合須長期站立的人士?</span></p>
  50. <img src="" alt="Compare narrow toe box with wide toe box shoes" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-src=""><br data-mce-fragment="1">
  51. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">鞋頭要有充裕的空間予腳趾伸展及活動;鞋底要有足夠承托之餘,腳掌亦能感受地面,才算是一雙理想的「久站鞋」。而赤足鞋,正正是一個不錯的選擇。</span></p>
  52. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  53. <h3><b data-mce-fragment="1">赤足鞋如何支撐你長期站立、步行?</b></h3>
  54. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">穿著赤足鞋走路,可以讓足部的不同肌肉平均用力,改善腳底長期受力不均的情況,長遠而言更能增強雙腳的力量及穩定性,以應付長期站立所需的肌力。赤足鞋的寬鞋頭、柔軟鞋底設計,有助提高肌肉的運動知覺,從而改善身體的平衡力;而輕薄鞋底能使步行變得輕盈自如,降低走路及站立時對足部關節的衝擊,減少受傷及疼痛的機會。</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"></span>
  55. <h3><b data-mce-fragment="1">如何開始穿著赤足鞋?</b></h3>
  56. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  57. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">心動不如行動!想開始改穿赤足鞋的你,第一步當然是到赤足鞋專賣店試穿。畢竟每個人的腳型都是獨一無二的,所以你在試穿時,應尋求職員的專業建議,以確保能正確選擇適合自己腳型的尺寸及款式。</span></p>
  58. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  59. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">選擇好合適的赤足鞋後,建議先每星期穿著2-3次,亦避免太長時間的步行。一個月後逐漸增加穿著的次數及時間,最後才每天穿著,好讓肌肉慢慢適應。應留意的是,初期穿著時可能會感到疲勞,這是完全正常的!因為你的足部肌肉正在進行「健身」,以達至長遠的成效。只要在家多按摩雙腳、做一些足部運動,疲勞感便可緩解。</span></p>
  60. <p> </p>
  61. <p> </p>
  62. <p> </p>
  63. <h3 data-mce-fragment="1"><b data-mce-fragment="1">三款「久站赤足鞋」推薦!</b></h3>
  64. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  65. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">赤足鞋是因應人類與生俱來的腳型而設計,讓你在穿著時更能體驗赤足感。雖然有別於市面上因應潮流而設的窄頭鞋,但鞋款其實都好多選擇。以下推薦三款適合長期站立人士穿著的赤足鞋,在保護你雙腳的同時,不乏時尚感。</span></p>
  66. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  67. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><b data-mce-fragment="1">新手入門首選 Barebarics - Zing</b></p>
  68. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  69. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">如果你是初入門,這雙休閒款式的赤足鞋 Barebarics - Zing 絕對適合當你的第一個夥伴,讓你在穿著時既能保留赤足體驗,亦能保護你的雙腳。</span></p>
  70. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  71. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">這雙鞋的鞋底厚度,比起市面上普通鞋款輕薄,卻比一般赤足鞋厚一些,適合作為一個過渡階段,讓初嘗試的新手慢慢適應。配合赤足鞋必備的寬鞋頭設計,讓腳趾有充裕的空間活動、足部肌肉更平均使力,減低因長期站立而引致的疲勞及疼痛感。鞋子內籠採用了以Dermodry Coolmax®技術製成的物料而成,具有持續排濕及吸汗的功能。即使長期穿著,雙腳皮膚仍能保持乾爽,非常適合需要久站的人士。</span></p>
  72. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  73. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">全手工製作的 Barebarics - Zing 設計簡約,帶點休閒及運動風,不但能提供舒適感,亦時尚美觀,配合任何場合穿著。</span></p>
  74. <p data-mce-fragment="1"> </p>
  75. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1"><img src="" alt="Be Lenka Zing Barefoot sneakeer with Jeans"><img alt="Barefoot Sneaker Be Lenka Zing all black with jeans casual" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-fragment="1"></span></p>
  76. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  77. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><b data-mce-fragment="1">休閒百搭白鞋款 Be Lenka - Royale</b></p>
  78. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  79. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">運動風不適合你,但又想要類似的簡約款式?那麼最經典的白鞋款 Be Lenka - Royale 就適合你了。它是一款男女通用的赤足鞋,以白色為主調,鞋尾以單色作點綴,配合極簡設計,非常百搭。無論是搭配西裝、休閒牛仔褲T恤,都能襯托出完美造型,適合任何行業的久站人士穿著。</span></p>
  80. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  81. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">鞋身以頂級皮革材料製作而成,僅4mm厚的輕軟鞋底,配合寬闊的鞋頭,為你提供極致的舒適度,減低長期站立引起的不適。鞋面、鞋身、鞋底的材質均柔軟靈活,讓腳趾能夠自然移動和彎曲,提供仿如赤足行走的感覺,讓你走動得更自如。</span></p>
  82. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  83. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">不論是外觀上,抑或是功能上的設計,Be Lenka - Royale 都採用極簡主義,讓你的雙腳回歸最自然、最舒服的感受。</span></p>
  84. <p> </p>
  85. <p><img src="" alt="All white sneaker with black decorative color on the heel"><img alt="All white barefoot sneaker with beige decorative color on the heel" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-fragment="1"></p>
  86. <p> </p>
  87. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><b data-mce-fragment="1">Smart Causal必備短皮靴 Be Lenka - Synergy</b></p>
  88. <p> </p>
  89. <p> </p>
  90. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">工作需要時常出入正式場合,想找一雙能夠襯托 Smart Causal 穿搭的赤足鞋?短皮靴 Be Lenka - Synergy 會是你的不二之選。</span></p>
  91. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  92. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">它除了為你提供全天候、無拘束的舒適感,適合你長期穿著外,亦保留了時尚及典雅的外觀,可以搭配從牛仔褲到西裝褲,甚至裇衫西裝等等各種服裝。而且有黑色或卡其色選擇,秋冬感滿滿,襯衫一流!</span></p>
  93. <br data-mce-fragment="1">
  94. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">這雙短皮靴採用了優質的磨砂皮革,令鞋身保持柔軟,不用擔心長期穿著會出現「刮腳」的情況,而且更加耐用。配搭寬鞋頭、薄鞋底設計,使腳趾能夠自由擺動,保證全天使用後仍能維持舒適感。</span></p>
  95. <p> </p>
  96. <p><img src="" alt="Barefoot short boot in cinnamon color"><img alt="All black barefoot leather short boot" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-fragment="1"></p>
  97. <p> </p>
  98. <p data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">要支撐著你長時間站立及步行的需要,選擇一雙合適的鞋子非常重要。赤足鞋既能為你提供足夠的支持及保護,亦能提升足部的力量及穩定性、身體的平衡感。雖然正確選鞋很重要,但若你的身體已出現嚴重的痛症,建議應盡早尋求專業人士、物理治療師的意見及協助,以進行適當的治療。</span></p>]]>
  99.    </content>
  100.  </entry>
  101.  <entry>
  102.    <id></id>
  103.    <published>2023-11-30T13:12:44+08:00</published>
  104.    <updated>2024-01-24T18:38:34+08:00</updated>
  105.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  106.    <title>拇趾外翻選鞋攻略 多款赤足鞋推薦!5個小方法不做手術也能減輕痛症?</title>
  107.    <author>
  108.      <name>TsangHenry</name>
  109.    </author>
  110.    <summary type="html">
  111.      <![CDATA[<meta charset="UTF-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">在日常生活中,有什麼方法可以減輕拇趾外翻造成的痛症?</span><p><a class="read-more" href="">More</a></p>]]>
  112.    </summary>
  113.    <content type="html">
  114.      <![CDATA[<p>拇趾外翻是一個常見的足部健康問題,特別容易發生在女性中,是指足部大拇趾向外偏移、呈現異常的起角、指甲歪向二趾,造成足部結構的改變。拇趾外翻的形成可簡單分為先天及後天因素,前者包括家族遺傳、腳部健康異常等,而後者可能是長期穿著不合適的鞋履、窄頭鞋或高跟鞋、缺乏足部運動等。<br><br></p>
  115. <h2><b>減低拇趾外翻痛症的方法</b></h2>
  116. 拇趾外翻人士可能有不同程度的痛楚,甚至會影響生活。到底在日常生活中,有什麼方法可以減輕痛症?如果真的要做手術,術後又應該如何保養?<span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><br><br></span>
  117. <h3>按摩足部</h3>
  118. <img data-mce-fragment="1" alt="massage feet" src="" data-mce-src="">
  119. <p>閒時多按摩足部的內收拇肌、外展拇肌,前者位於大拇趾與第二趾之間的腳面位置;後者位於腳部內側足弓位置。規律的足部按摩,放鬆控制腳拇指活動的肌肉及筋膜,有助舒緩外翻情況及痛楚。亦可使用按摩球、網球等小工具按摩腳底,放鬆足底筋膜,改善大拇趾肌肉的緊繃及疼痛不適。<span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><br></span></p>
  120. <h2></h2>
  121. <div style="text-align: start;" data-mce-style="text-align: start;"><img style="float: none;" alt="massage feet with tennis ball" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  122. <h3>做足部運動</h3>
  123. <p>多做足部運動亦有助改善拇趾外翻的情況,例如踮腳尖練習、用腳趾抓毛巾等等。這些運動能夠訓練足部及腳趾肌肉,加強腳趾的靈活性,從而改善因腳掌受力不均而引致的拇趾外翻。</p>
  124. <div style="text-align: start;" data-mce-style="text-align: start;"><img style="float: none;" alt="exercising feet by grabbing towel" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  125. <p><br><b> </b></p>
  126. <h3><b><b>選擇合適的鞋履<br></b></b></h3>
  127. <div style="text-align: start;" data-mce-style="text-align: start;"><img src="" alt="narrow toe box causing bunions versus wide toe box give your toes more room to spread" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;" data-mce-src=""></div>
  128. <p>合適的鞋履對拇趾外翻人士而言,其實是最重要。日常應盡量避免穿尖頭鞋或高跟鞋,避免對腳趾造成過度壓逼,加劇痛楚。應選擇鞋頭較寬闊的鞋子,給予腳趾更多的活動空間。</p>
  129. <p>如果種種自救方法都無法改善拇趾外翻的嚴重痛症,手術可能是最後的選擇。特別要留意的是,拇趾外翻很容易復發,所以術後必須做好保養措施、改變生活習慣,才能避免拇趾外翻再次出現!</p>
  130. <h2><b><br>拇趾外翻手術後的保養<br></b></h2>
  131. <h2><b> </b></h2>
  132. <h3>培養做足部運動的習慣:</h3>
  133. <p>手術後應保持固定足部運動,這有助於恢復足部及腳趾的靈活性及力量,避免因腳趾肌肉力量不足而造成的拇趾外翻。<br><b><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><br></span></b></p>
  134. <b> </b>
  135. <h3>學習正確的步姿:</h3>
  136. 建立正確的步行姿勢、走路時保持身體重心平衡,有助腳掌平均受力,可減輕大拇趾的壓力,預防復發。<br><b><br> </b>
  137. <h3>改變穿鞋的習慣:</h3>
  138. 這是避免拇趾外翻再次發生的重要一環。鞋子必須能提供足夠支撐;鞋頭應有足夠空間讓腳趾活動,以保持其靈活性;鞋底亦應較薄,為足部提供更大的觸地感,從而刺激足底的神經元,而赤足鞋正正是一個理想的選擇。<br>
  139. <p> </p>
  140. <h2><b>赤足鞋如何改善拇趾外翻?</b></h2>
  141. 赤足鞋根據人類與生俱來的腳型而設,能夠為雙腳帶來最自然的保護,是拇趾外翻人士想改善現況,或是手術後保養的最佳選擇。
  142. <h3></h3>
  143. <h3>寬鞋頭設計<b> <br> </b>
  144. </h3>
  145. <p>赤足鞋的寬鞋頭設計,給予腳趾在走路及運動時有充足的空間向外伸展,讓腳底創造更多有效支撐點,活動時更穩健。此外,寬鞋頭除了有助減少鞋頭對拇趾造成的物理壓迫、防止進一步變形外,也能讓足部維持在最自然的形態下,提供更舒適的穿著感。</p>
  146. <p> </p>
  147. <h3>鞋底輕薄柔軟<b> <br> </b>
  148. </h3>
  149. 赤足鞋亦具備薄鞋底的優勢。赤足鞋的鞋底一般較輕薄、柔軟,有助加強雙腳的觸地感,激發足部的感官神經,提升肌肉運動知覺、敏捷度和平衡力。鞋底亦能讓足部有更強的抓地力,進而訓練足部及腳趾的肌肉,令腳掌更能平均受力,矯正拇趾外翻。
  150. <div style="text-align: start;" data-mce-style="text-align: start;"><img style="float: none;" alt="wide toe box shoes" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  151. <p> </p>
  152. <h2>三款赤足鞋 拇趾外翻人士必選</h2>
  153. 既然知道了一雙合適的鞋履,對拇趾外翻的人來說是至關重要,在選鞋時必須謹慎。而以下三款赤足鞋,絕對會是拇趾外翻人士不能錯過的選擇,既能提升足部健康,亦不失時尚美觀感。<br> <br>
  154. <h3><b>打工仔首選 Be Lenka Sophie</b></h3>
  155. <div style="text-align: start;" data-mce-style="text-align: start;"><img style="float: none;" alt="Be Lenka Sophie" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  156. <p>葡萄牙製造的 <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #00aaff;"><a href="" title="Be Lenka - Sophie - Ballet Flats" style="color: #00aaff; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href="" target="_blank">Be Lenka Sophie</a></span></span> 是一雙仿傚芭蕾平底鞋的赤足鞋,輕盈舒適的同時,不失高貴優雅,非常適合成為女士們的「返工鞋」。</p>
  157. <p>這雙鞋以頂級皮革製成,鞋身柔軟舒適,不需要擔心出現「刮腳」的問題。選用一貫赤足鞋的寬鞋頭設計,確保你的腳趾自由自在,提供全天候的舒適體驗,特別適合需要經常走動及站立工作的女士。鞋底只有4mm、薄而靈活,能夠完美模擬赤足行走的感覺,讓你在工作中亦能維持腳部健康。</p>
  158. <p>與市面上的平底鞋一樣,鞋框都是用上彈性材質而成,容易穿戴的同時,也能確保在走路時不會輕易脫落。更配備了可拆卸的鞋墊,方便日常保養及更換,每天穿著上班也沒問題!</p>
  159. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #00aaff;"><a href="" title="Be Lenka - Sophie - Ballet Flats" style="color: #00aaff; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href="" target="_blank">Be Lenka Sophie</a></span></span> 除了為你提供舒適感、腳部健康,更不失時尚及格調。優雅的外觀、斯文大方的配色,不論是 Smart Causal 穿搭,還是輕鬆休閒風,都一樣適合。</p>
  160. <br>
  161. <h3><b>秋冬穿搭必備 Be Lenka - Icon<br><img data-mce-fragment="1" alt="Be Lenka - Icon" src="" data-mce-src=""><br></b></h3>
  162. 秋冬感滿滿的 <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #00aaff;"><a href="" title="Be Lenka - Icon" style="color: #00aaff; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href="" target="_blank">Be Lenka - Icon</a></span></span>,無論是斯文穿搭,還是毛衣牛仔褲,都非常得體。更特別的是,這是一雙男女通用的赤足鞋,完全適合當情侶鞋!它揉合了時尚美觀與足部健康,絕對是今季必備的鞋款。<br> <br> 同樣使用頂級皮革材質製成,確保鞋履的舒適度及耐用性。鞋底亦保持輕薄,而且非常柔軟及靈活,讓足部無拘束地自由活動。結合赤足鞋必備條件:寬鞋頭,確保你整天穿著後仍能維持舒適。<br> <br> 此外,市面上一般追求斯文時尚的皮革鞋款,很多都會帶有鞋跟。而 <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #00aaff;"><a href="" title="Be Lenka - Icon" style="color: #00aaff; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href="" target="_blank">Be Lenka - Icon</a></span></span> 則反其道而行,在保留了皮革鞋的優雅設計的同時,特別將鞋底設計為「腳尖到腳跟的高度均沒有差異」。這樣的設計有助於在步行時保持正確的身體姿勢和自然步姿,同時強化足部肌肉,使步行更穩固,更不用擔心拇趾外翻惡化。<br> <br> 斯文典雅的設計,而且有多款顏色選擇,適合於正式場合或休閒穿搭,同時關注你的足部健康。這季,不妨將 <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #00aaff;"><a href="" title="Be Lenka - Icon" style="color: #00aaff; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href="">Be Lenka - Icon </a></span></span>納入你的鞋櫃吧。<br><br>
  163. <h3><b>四季百搭白鞋款 Be Lenka - Royale</b></h3>
  164. <div style="text-align: start;" data-mce-style="text-align: start;"><img style="float: none;" alt="Be Lenka - Royale" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  165. 如果斯文風格不適合你,那麼最經典的白鞋款又如何?<span style="color: #00aaff;"><a data-mce-fragment="1" href="" title="Be Lenka - Royale" style="color: #00aaff; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href="" target="_blank">Be Lenka - Royale</a></span> 同樣是一款男女通用的赤足鞋。以白色為主調,鞋尾以單色作點綴,配合極簡約的設計,非常百搭。無論是搭配西裝、休閒牛仔褲T恤,都能襯托出完美造型。<br> <br> 鞋身以頂級皮革材料製作而成,同樣是僅4mm厚的鞋底、寬闊的鞋頭,為你提供極致的舒適度。鞋面、鞋身、鞋底的材質都一樣柔軟及靈活,讓腳趾能夠自然移動和彎曲,提供仿如赤足行走的感覺,更可用作簡單走動的城市運動鞋。<br> <br> 不論是外觀上,抑或是功能上的設計,<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #00aaff;"><a data-mce-fragment="1" title="Be Lenka - Royale" href="" style="color: #00aaff; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank" data-mce-href="">Be Lenka - Royale</a></span></span> 都採用極簡主義,讓你的雙腳回歸最自然、最純粹的感受。<br> <br> 透過日常生活中的小改變,已經可以改善拇趾外翻。今天起,就讓赤足鞋保護你的雙腳吧。]]>
  166.    </content>
  167.  </entry>
  168.  <entry>
  169.    <id></id>
  170.    <published>2023-08-14T18:58:12+08:00</published>
  171.    <updated>2024-01-24T18:49:01+08:00</updated>
  172.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  173.    <title>【Best Barefoot Shoes in Hong Kong】A Comprehensive Guide for Choosing the Best Barefoot Shoes</title>
  174.    <author>
  175.      <name>Owlish SEO</name>
  176.    </author>
  177.    <content type="html">
  178.      <![CDATA[<p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">Barefoot shoes have taken the sports and health world by storm in recent years, captivating the attention of runners, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes alike. These shoes offer a range of benefits, including </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">enhanced</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">flexibility, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">increased</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">body awareness, and improved performance. Health and lifestyle experts are also jumping on the barefoot bandwagon, recognizing their ability to promote proper foot muscle exercise, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">improve</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1">walking posture, reduce injury risks, and alleviate foot and lower limb issues. So, let's dive into the world of barefoot shoes and uncover the secrets to their growing popularity!</span></p>
  179. <p><img src="" alt="best barefoot shoes-Barefoot shoes Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></p>
  180. <p> </p>
  181. <h2><b>What are barefoot shoes?</b></h2>
  182. <p><b><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Barefoot shoes have several distinctive features that set them apart from traditional shoes. These features are designed to mimic the experience of walking or running barefoot while still providing some degree of protection and support for the feet.</span></b></p>
  183. <p> </p>
  184. <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><strong><a style="color: #41a02d;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-href="">Find the best running shoes in Barefoot Asia right now</a> </strong></span></h2>
  185. <h2><strong><b>Some of the key features of </b><b>the best </b><b>barefoot shoes</b><b> include:</b></strong></h2>
  186. <p><strong><b><img src="" alt="Barefoot-sneakers-Barefoot shoes Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></b></strong></p>
  187. <h3><strong><b><br>1. Thin and flexible soles:</b></strong></h3>
  188. <p><strong><b><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">A good b</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">arefoot shoes typically have very thin  (usually between 4mm-8mm)  and flexible soles, which allow the wearer to feel the ground beneath their feet and provide a greater degree of natural movement and sensory feedback when walking or running.</span></b></strong></p>
  189. <p><strong><b><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><img src="" alt="Barefoot-Barefoot shoes-Barefoot shoes Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></span></b></strong></p>
  190. <h3><strong><br>2. Wide toe boxes:</strong></h3>
  191. <p><strong><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Most barefoot shoes have </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">a </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">wide</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">r</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> toe box</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">es</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> than traditional shoes, which allows the toes to splay out naturally and provides more room for the </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">feet </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">foot</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> to move and flex.</span></strong></p>
  192. <p><strong><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><img src="" alt="Sandals-Barefoot shoes-Barefoot shoes Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></span></strong></p>
  193. <h3><strong><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>3. Minimalist design:</b></span></strong></h3>
  194. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Barefoot shoes are often designed in a minimalist aesthetic style, with fewer materials and less padding than traditional shoes. This allows for a more natural foot strike and encourages the development of stronger foot and leg muscles.</span></p>
  195. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><img src="" alt="Barebarics-Barefoot shoes-Barefoot shoes Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></span></p>
  196. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>4. Zero-drop sole:</b></span></h3>
  197. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Some barefoot shoes have a zero-drop sole, which means that there is no difference in height between the heel and the forefoot. This encourages a more natural gait and helps to reduce the risk of injury.</span></p>
  198. <p> </p>
  199. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>How to choose the right fit for barefoot shoes?</b></span></h2>
  200. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Choosing a right pair of barefoot shoes helps you to see all the goods in it. Here are some factors to consider when selecting barefoot shoes:<br><br></span></p>
  201. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>1. Purpose:</b></span></h3>
  202. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Determine the purpose of the shoes. Is it for running, hiking, or daily walking? Different models of barefoot shoes are designed for various activities, so choose a pair that suits your needs.</span></p>
  203. <p><img src="" alt="Barebarics-Be Lenka-Barefoot shoes Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></p>
  204. <h4><b data-mce-fragment="1"><br>Hiking shoes:</b></h4>
  205. <p><b data-mce-fragment="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">A pair of good h</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">iking shoes should have a flexible sole with a strong grip, as well as </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">a</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">mild water resistance. <span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;">Shop <span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;" target="_blank">hiking barefoot shoes</a></span> right now!</span></span></b></p>
  206. <h4><strong><br>Running shoes:</strong></h4>
  207. <p><strong><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Best running shoes</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> are made of </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> materials and </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">with</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">a thin sole of around 4 mm to enhance your landing posture while you run. <span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;">Explore the best <span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;" target="_blank">running shoes</a></span> right now!</span></span></strong></p>
  208. <h4>
  209. <strong><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>Gym and CrossFit</b></span></strong><strong>:</strong>
  210. </h4>
  211. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Bodybuilders should go for shoes with a curved pattern on the sole to enhance grip for lateral movement. <span style="color: #000000;">Explore more outstanding <span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;" target="_blank">training barefoot shoes</a></span>!</span></span></p>
  212. <h4><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>Water sports:</b></span></h4>
  213. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Shoes with lightweight and mold-resistant materials, as well as a flexible sole, are good fit for aquaphilic person. <span style="color: #41a02d;"><span style="color: #000000;">Experience better water activities with high-qualit <span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;" target="_blank">water sports barefoot shoes</a></span>.</span></span></span></p>
  214. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><img src="" alt="best running shoes-Vivobarefoot-Barefoot shoes Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></span></p>
  215. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>2. Fit:</b></span></h3>
  216. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">A right fit shoe is crucial for comfort experience and exercise performance. The best barefoot shoes should fit snugly but not be too tight or too loose. Make sure to try them on with socks, as this can affect the fit. It is advised to Ideally try your barefoot shoes in the afternoon as your feet  are in the actual size after the natural expand and swell. </span></p>
  217. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>3. Sole thickness:</b></span></h3>
  218. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">The sole thickness of barefoot shoes ranges from 4mm-8mm. Thinner soles provide better ground feel and flexibility, while thicker soles offer more durable protection. Choose a sole thickness that meets your needs.</span></p>
  219. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>4. Toe box:</b></span></h3>
  220. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">A wide toe box is essential for natural foot movement. Make sure the shoes have enough room for your toes to splay out and move freely.</span></p>
  221. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>5. Flexibility:</b></span></h3>
  222. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Good b</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">arefoot shoes should be flexible enough to allow natural foot movement. Check the flexibility of the sole and upper before purchasing.</span></p>
  223. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>6. Zero-drop design:</b></span></h3>
  224. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A zero-drop design means that the heel and forefoot are at the same level which encourages a more natural gait. Consider choosing shoes with this feature.</span></p>
  225. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;"><b><br>7. Brand reputation:</b></span></h3>
  226. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Look for a reputable brand with a good track record of producing quality barefoot shoes.</span></p>
  227. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Last but not least … </span></p>
  228. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you're considering barefoot shoes, make sure to evaluate your needs and consult with a professional if necessary. Choose a pair that fits comfortably, has a flexible sole, and a wide toe box to allow for natural foot movement. Let your feet lead the way to a healthier and more active lifestyle with a pair of good barefoot shoes!</span></p>
  229. <p> </p>
  230. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By reading this article, you've expanded your understanding of barefoot shoes and gained valuable insights into selecting the perfect pair. If you're eager to delve deeper into barefoot shoes, just check out the <span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;" target="_blank">Barefoot Asia website</a></span>. What’s more, stay up-to-date with the latest information by subscribing to our <span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;" target="_blank">Facebook</a></span>. Your journey to comfortable footwear choices continues with us!</span></p>]]>
  231.    </content>
  232.  </entry>
  233.  <entry>
  234.    <id></id>
  235.    <published>2023-08-02T13:02:11+08:00</published>
  236.    <updated>2024-01-24T18:43:45+08:00</updated>
  237.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  238.    <title>【Weightlifting Shoes &amp; Running Shoes recommendations】Tips for buying sports shoes, a series of high-quality trail running shoe recommendations, and frequently asked questions about sports shoes.</title>
  239.    <author>
  240.      <name>Owlish SEO</name>
  241.    </author>
  242.    <content type="html">
  243.      <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Since the outbreak of the pandemic, more and more people in Hong Kong have been paying attention to their health and actively participating in various sports activities! Each sport takes place in a particular setting and is different in nature, so it's important for us to choose the appropriate sports shoes accordingly. For weightlifting, it is recommended to wear weightlifting shoes, while long-distance running is best suited for running shoes. If you are a beginner, you can also refer to our recommendations for beginner running shoes to make your choice! Regardless of your level, remember to choose the right pair of running shoes. Wearing inappropriate sports shoes can potentially lead to injuries!</span></p>
  244. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Running Shoes-Jogging Shoes-Running Shoes Recommendation" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;" data-mce-src=""></div>
  245. <p> </p>
  246. <h2><b>1) Detailed descriptions of suitable sports shoes for each activity:</b></h2>
  247. <p>There are several sports commonly practiced by Hong Kong people, such as jogging, fitness training, basketball, etc. In the the following:</p>
  248. <p> </p>
  249. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">1.<a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href=""> </a><a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-href="">Trail Running</a></span></span></h3>
  250. <div style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Trail Shoes-Running shoes Recommendations-Trail Shoes Recommendation" style="float: none;"></div>
  251. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">When it comes to trail running, it is recommended to choose trail shoes with strong traction and overall support. Through special shoe construction, these shoes allow us to maintain balance and stability while running on uneven surfaces. A good pair of trail shoes typically have the following features:</span></p>
  252. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br>1. Strong Traction: Trail running shoes typically have strong traction, with outsoles featuring prominent treads or studs that provide sufficient grip and slip resistance on unstable and rugged surfaces.</span></p>
  253. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. Flexible Sole: Trail runners need to adapt to different terrains continuously. Therefore, a flexible and lightweight sole is needed to enhance foot sensitivity and allows for quick responses to varying slopes and uneven surfaces, protecting the feet through their natural mechanisms.</span></p>
  254. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. Protective Design: Trail running shoes often have reinforced protective features near the toe area, some even have a rock plate, to prevent runners from injuring their toes when accidentally kicking rocks or other obstacles.</span></p>
  255. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">4. Wide Toe Box: Trail runners often encounter rugged terrains, which is why they need a wide toe box that allows their toes to spread out and have more room to grip the ground. This provides greater support to the feet by offering a larger surface area.<br></span></p>
  256. <p> </p>
  257. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. <a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-href="">Jogging/Jogging Shoes</a></span></span></h3>
  258. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img style="float: none;" alt="Jogging Shoes-Running Shoes Recommendations-Jogging Shoes Recommendation for Beginners" src="" data-mce-src="" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  259. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Jogging shoes are specially designed shoes that provide sufficient comfort, breathability, and flexibility for joggers. The main function is to spread the load evenly, allowing runners to fully utilize their arch muscles and enjoy each run safely. Here are the main features of jogging running shoes :</span></p>
  260. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">1. Thin Sole: A thinner sole is beneficial for runners with shorter strides as it encourages a mid-forefoot strike. This helps strengthen the runner's natural shock-absorbing mechanism, enhances the arch muscles, and reduces the risk of injury.</span></p>
  261. <p>2. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">High Flexibility: A pair of good running shoes should have a flexible sole that allows the feet to move easily, while still providing grip and leaping ability during foot strikes, maximizing the efficiency of each step.</span></p>
  262. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. High Breathability: Jogging shoes are typically made with breathable materials that ventilate the foot with every stride, keeping them cool and comfortable.</span></p>
  263. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">4. Lightweight: Many jogging shoes are designed to be lightweight, reducing the burden on the feet and enhancing comfort and overall wearing experience.</span></p>
  264. <p> </p>
  265. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. <a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="">Indoor Training/Weightlifting</a></span></span></h3>
  266. <div style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Weightlifting Shoes-Training Shoes-Weightlifting Shoes Recommendation" style="float: none;"></div>
  267. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Indoor sports venues(such as gyms and indoor basketball courts) have different footwear requirements compared to outdoor venues. They often focus on lateral movements, quick changes in direction, and support for various indoor training activities. Excellent training shoes/weightlifting shoes typically have the following features:</span></p>
  268. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">1. Non-Slip: During training, there are often numerous jumping and turning movements. Therefore, the outsole pattern of indoor sports shoes is different from other shoes. The training tread may have a raised heel which is particularly beneficial for providing traction during lateral movements.</span></p>
  269. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. Lightweight: Indoor training shoes are typically designed to be very lightweight. This enhances comfort and overall wearing experience, allowing you to feel more relaxed and agile during your training sessions.</span></p>
  270. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">3.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Strong Breathability: Most indoor training shoes are designed with breathable uppers, allowing moisture to escape and keeping your feet cool and dry, reducing sweat and discomfort.</span></p>
  271. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">4.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">High Flexibility: Indoor training shoes typically have excellent flexibility, which enhances foot mobility and allows toe splay and move freely, making you feel more relaxed and agile during your training sessions.</span></p>
  272. <p> </p>
  273. <h2>
  274. <b>2)<span> </span></b><b>How to choose the right running shoes/training shoes as a beginner? Here are some tips:</b>
  275. </h2>
  276. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As beginners often lack experience and technique, selecting appropriate sports shoes for protection is especially crucial. As a novice, you can follow these attributes when choosing sports shoes:<br><br>1.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Try-On: When selecting shoes, it's important not to rely solely on shoe size. Different brands have different shoe models, and shoe sizes may not fully indicate the width of the shoe. Therefore, it's best to try on the shoes and choose based on your own foot shape (e.g. Asians generally have wider feet).</span></p>
  277. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. Shoe Functionality: Select the appropriate running shoes or training shoes based on your activity and its intensity. Choose shoes that have the necessary features and functionalities.</span></p>
  278. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. Flexibility: When selecting shoes, pay attention to the flexibility and thickness of the outsole. Choosing shoes with overly thick outsoles or insufficient flexibility can reduce the sensitivity of the foot and increase the risk of injury.</span></p>
  279. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">4. Toe Box Width: Regardless of the sport, having good traction for your feet is crucial for maintaining balance and agility. This is why it is important to choose sports shoes with a wide toe box, allowing your toes to have ample space to grip to the ground and enhance stability during physical activities.<br></span></p>
  280. <p> </p>
  281. <span style="font-weight: 400;"></span>
  282. <h2>
  283. <b>3)<span> </span></b><b>Barefoot Sports Shoes Recommendations:</b>
  284. </h2>
  285. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Barefoot sports shoes are typically with a wide toe box and thin sole, are designed to enhance the sensitivity of the foot and adapt to various movements such as running and jumping. These shoes have a wide range of applications and offer numerous benefits. The main advantage is that they can improve the foot's intrinsic muscle strength through training, leading to long-term enhancements in athletic performance and injury prevention.</span></p>
  286. <p> </p>
  287. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><b>1. </b><a style="color: #41a02d;" href=";_sid=35f5034d9&amp;_ss=r"><b>Vivobarefoot - Primus Lite Knit</b><b> </b></a></span></h3>
  288. <div style="text-align: left;">
  289. <img src="" alt="Running Shoes-Running Shoes Recommendations-Running Shoes for Beginners" style="float: none;"><br><br>
  290. </div>
  291. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Primus Lite Knit is a lightweight running shoe designed with a knit upper, making it suitable for jogging and any light sports activities. Like the usual barefoot shoes, it has a wide toe box and thin sole design, allowing better utilization of the foot's natural strength. The knit upper greatly enhances breathability and flexibility while providing a snug fit around the ankle which makes your training more comfortable. </span></p>
  292. <p> </p>
  293. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><b>2. </b><a style="color: #41a02d;" href=";_sid=570f3ffda&amp;_ss=r"><b>Be Lenka Trailwalker 2.0</b></a><b> </b></span></h3>
  294. <div style="text-align: left;">
  295. <img src="" alt="Barefoot Hiking Shoes-Be Lenka-Hiking Shoes Recommendations" style="float: none;"><br><br>
  296. </div>
  297. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Trailwalker is a pair of foldable hiking shoes suitable for light packing or short-distance hikes. Its 4mm ultra-thin sole enhances traction, allowing hikers to fully feel the ground and enjoy the hiking experience in a more immersive way. Trailwalker's leather material provides some water resistance, making it suitable in damp environments. The 2.0 upgrade version features a lightweight insole, providing an adaptation period for those new to barefoot shoes. Once familiar with the barefoot sensation, it is recommended to remove the insole.。</span></p>
  298. <p> </p>
  299. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><b>3. </b><a style="color: #41a02d;" href=";_sid=b9b982fc3&amp;_ss=r"><b>Vivobarefoot - Primus Trail II FG</b> </a></span></h3>
  300. <div style="text-align: left;">
  301. <img src="" alt="Running Shoes Recommendation-Running Shoes Recommendation-Jogging Shoes Recommendation for Beginner" style="float: none;"><br><br>
  302. </div>
  303. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Primus Trail II FG takes the flexibility and breathability of trail running shoes to the next level! It has a wide toe box design of barefoot shoes, allowing for natural toe splay. The lightweight and thin sole provides flexibility and allows for multi-directional movement, enhancing agility during running. The shoe greatly improves foot grip, allowing runners to quickly adapt to different terrains and increase their agility. By relying on their own foot strength, runners can protect their feet and enhance their performance.</span></p>
  304. <p> </p>
  305. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><b>4. </b><a style="color: #41a02d;" href=";_sid=bf2b7dd7b&amp;_ss=r"><b>Vivobarefoot - Ultra III Bloom</b><b> </b></a></span></h3>
  306. <div style="text-align: left;">
  307. <img src="" alt="Hiking Shoes-Vivobarefoot-Best Hiking Shoes" style="float: none;"><br><br>
  308. </div>
  309. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Ultra III is specifically designed for mountain streams and is perfect for outdoor and water activities enthusiasts like you! It features the BLOOM Foam patented material, which is lightweight, quick-drying, and has antimicrobial properties, making it easy to maintain. Whether you encounter heavy rain or water environments, the Ultra III maintains its grip, allowing you to explore both land and water freely!</span></p>
  310. <p> </p>
  311. <h2>
  312. <b>4)<span> </span></b><b>FAQ about barefoot sports shoes:</b>
  313. </h2>
  314. <h3><b>1. Should I choose sports shoes with thick soles for shock absorption? </b></h3>
  315. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sports shoe soles should not be excessively thick and heavy as it can diminish the ability of the plantar nerve to feel the ground, thereby reducing sensitivity and increasing the risk of ankle sprains or other discomfort. When choosing sports shoes, it is recommended to opt for thinner, lighter, and more flexible soles. This helps to enhance the kinesthetic force feedback on feet, stimulate muscle gripping ability, and ultimately improve the foot's shock absorption capability.</span></p>
  316. <p> </p>
  317. <h3><b>2. How should a person with flat feet choose sports shoes?</b></h3>
  318. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A person with lower arches is advised to choose shoes with a wide toe box and thinner soles. This helps to enhance foot kinesthetic feedback and makes it easier to activate various foot muscles during walking or running, gradually restoring the arch. However, if you have severe flat feet, it is advised to consult a physiotherapist and choose sports shoes based on your individual condition. It is best to gradually adapt to the wearing of barefoot shoes.</span></p>
  319. <p> </p>
  320. <h3><b>3. How to care for your barefoot sports shoes?</b></h3>
  321. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">1. Hong Kong's weather is often humid, so it is recommended to apply a layer of waterproof coating to the upper and insole of sports shoes for easier cleaning.<br><br>2. Separating indoor and outdoor sports shoes is recommended to prevent accelerated wear and tear on training shoes when used for both purposes.<br><br>3. It is advised to avoid direct sunlight when drying hand-made fiber shoes as it can damage the fiber structure and accelerate the deterioration of the shoes.</span></p>
  322. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br><br></span></p>
  323. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By reading this article, you've learned more about barefoot shoes and gained valuable insights in selecting a perfect pair. If you're interested in knowing more about barefoot shoes, check out the </span><span style="color: #41a02d;"><a style="color: #41a02d;" href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Barefoot Asia website</span></a></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. What’s more, stay tuned with the latest information by subscribing to our </span><span style="color: #41a02d;"><a style="color: #41a02d;" href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Facebook</span></a></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span></p>
  324. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span></p>]]>
  325.    </content>
  326.  </entry>
  327.  <entry>
  328.    <id></id>
  329.    <published>2023-07-03T13:23:35+08:00</published>
  330.    <updated>2024-01-24T18:48:05+08:00</updated>
  331.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  332.    <title>【Beginner&apos;s Guide to Hiking】Learn how to choose the right barefoot hiking shoes, 6 things to consider when buying hiking shoes, and popular hiking shoe recommendations.</title>
  333.    <author>
  334.      <name>Owlish SEO</name>
  335.    </author>
  336.    <content type="html">
  337.      <![CDATA[<p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Hong Kong has some beautiful nature and great scenery . On autumn weekends, many people choose to go hiking. To immensely enjoy the beauty of nature, it's important to choose your hiking gear carefully. A suitable pair of barefoot hiking shoes can help ensure your safety and foot health, allowing you to complete your hiking journey comfortably. Today, let's discuss how to choose the right hiking shoes for yourself.</span></p>
  338. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Barefoot-Barefoot Shoes-Barefoot Hong Kong" style="float: none;" width="330" height="346" data-mce-style="float: none;" data-mce-src=""></div>
  339. <p> </p>
  340. <h2><b>1)  When purchasing barefoot hiking shoes, you need to consider the following factors:</b></h2>
  341. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">There are various hiking shoe recommendations available in the market. If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start, you can consider purchasing hiking shoes based on the following methods:</span></p>
  342. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">1. Foot Size: Having a properly fitted pair of hiking shoes is crucial for your overall hiking experience. Before measuring your foot size, wear the socks you intend to use during your hiking journey. Additionally, it's recommended to try on shoes in the afternoon or evening when your feet are most swollen, as this will closely resemble your foot size during hiking.。</span></p>
  343. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">2. Shoe Shape: When trying on hiking shoes, pay attention to the space for your toes to ensure they aren't being squeezed. It's advised to go for barefoot hiking shoes with a wide toe box, which allows your toes to spread out. This provides more support to your feet and helps maintain balance while walking on steep terrains.</span></p>
  344. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. Traction: Hiking shoes should have good traction, such as waffle sole or pronounced patterns on the outsole. These features create friction with the ground, providing slip resistance and ensuring stability while hiking。</span></p>
  345. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">4. Materials: The typical hiking shoes found in the market are made from leather, synthetic fibers, and mesh fabric. Leather shoes are generally more durable but may require a longer break-in time. Synthetic material shoes are lightweight but may be less durable. Mesh fabric shoes are breathable and most lightweight, but they offer less durability and protection.</span></p>
  346. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">5. Sole Flexibility: Some hiking shoes on the market may have thick and rigid soles, which can affect the contact between the plantar nerves and the ground, making it difficult for your feet to grip properly. It is recommended to choose barefoot hiking shoes with softer soles, as this effectively enhances balance and agility, making you less prone to injuries while hiking.</span></p>
  347. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">6. Choose according to the trail: Different types of hiking trails will require different types of hiking shoes. However, if your route involves rugged terrain, you may need hiking shoes with better support.</span></p>
  348. <p> </p>
  349. <h2><b>2) How to choose hiking shoes based on the trail?</b></h2>
  350. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="hiking shoe-Be Lenka-barefoot shoe" style="float: none;" width="344" height="194" data-mce-style="float: none;" data-mce-src=""></div>
  351. <div style="text-align: left;"></div>
  352. <div style="text-align: left;"></div>
  353. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Choosing the right hiking shoes for different trails is an essential part of ensuring comfort, safety, and performance. Here are the recommended hiking shoe choices based on different types of trails:</span></p>
  354. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">1. Short Hikes on Even Terrain: For easy trails with even surfaces, lightweight barefoot hiking shoes or trail running shoes are suitable. You should pay attention to the traction of the sole and the breathability of the shoe upper.</span></p>
  355. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">2. Long-distance hiking: When you need to hike continuously for two or more days, possibly carrying a heavier backpack and walking on rugged terrain, it may be necessary to have higher support and more durable hiking shoes. It is recommended to choose shoes with higher ankle support and good waterproofing features to keep your feet dry.</span></p>
  356. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">3. Hiking on rocky terrain: If you need to hike on rocky terrain, in addition to considering the traction of the outsole, it is highly recommended to choose hiking shoes with toe protection features. This will help prevent toes injury in case of accidentally kicking rocks.</span></p>
  357. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">4.Hiking in wet environments: If you are hiking during the rainy season, it is important to choose waterproof hiking shoes or mid-cut boots to keep your feet dry. Alternatively, you can also consider applying a layer of waterproof spray on your shoes to create a waterproof barrier.</span></p>
  358. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">5. Hiking in cold weather: For hiking in cold weather, it is recommended to choose boots with thick insulation and a waterproof layer to keep your feet dry and warm.</span></p>
  359. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">6. Trail running: If you are going trail running, it is advised to choose lightweight trail running shoes that provide sufficient traction on the outsole. Look for shoes that offer good breathability to keep your feet comfortable and flexible during your run.</span></p>
  360. <p> </p>
  361. <h2><b>3) The main differences between barefoot hiking shoes and traditional hiking shoes are:</b></h2>
  362. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Many hiking shoes on the market are designed with a strong emphasis on protection, featuring rigid toe caps and thick soles. These designs were initially intended to protect our feet from kicking hard objects and provide comfort throughout the hike. However, when the sole becomes excessively thick, it can reduce flexibility and sensitivity in the foot. When our feet can't grip the ground properly, our agility and balance may weaken, making us more prone to injuries.</span></p>
  363. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Barefoot hiking shoes adhere closely to the natural shape of the human foot. With thinner soles compared to regular hiking shoes, they allow our feet to better feel the ground, adapt to different terrain conditions, and respond to various conditions. By utilizing the intrinsic strength of foot muscles, it helps reduce the risk of injuries. Additionally, the design of barefoot hiking shoes allows for greater flexibility, with a wider toe box that allows toes to splay and grip the ground. This enables the foot arch muscles to be trained and strengthened while hiking, promoting foot's natural abilities.</span></p>
  364. <p> </p>
  365. <h2><b>4) How to maintain barefoot hiking shoes?</b></h2>
  366. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" width="344" height="344" alt="hiking shoes-Vivobarefoot-barefoot shoes" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;" data-mce-src=""></div>
  367. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"></div>
  368. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"></div>
  369. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;">1. Care for new shoes<br>When wearing new shoes for the first time, it is advised to use a protective spray to maintain the leather and enhance the water resistance of the shoes. Before spraying, remove the shoelaces and make sure to cover all the hidden corners and concealed areas of the shoes, especially around the tongue.</div>
  370. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. Shoe care after use<br>After every hiking trip, it is important to loosen the shoelaces, remove the insoles, and ensure that the shoes are thoroughly dried. Even during long hikes, it is essential not to neglect shoe care. Take breaks during the hike or in the evenings to clean and maintain your shoes. If your hiking shoes are particularly dirty, it is recommended to use a soft-bristle brush and warm water to wash off the mud and dirt from the shoe surface. It is advised to use a specialized hiking shoe cleaner for this purpose.<br></span></p>
  371. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. Leather Care<br>If the lining of your hiking shoes is made of genuine leather, it is necessary to regularly apply moisturizing conditioner or hand lotion to gently wipe and maintain it. The salt content in sweat can corrode the genuine leather lining, causing it to become dry, brittle, and stiff.<br></span></p>
  372. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">4. Shoe care during Humid Weather<br>Even for everyday wear, if you are in a humid environment, such as summer in Hong Kong, it is important to promptly and thoroughly air dry your shoes. Natural leather absorbs a significant amount of moisture, and if the accumulated moisture inside the shoes is not completely dried, it can lead to unpleasant odors and diminish the effectiveness of protective care products.<br></span></p>
  373. <p> </p>
  374. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;"><b>Explore the best<span> </span></b><a href=""><span style="color: #41a02d;"><b style="color: #41a02d;">barefoot hiking shoes</b></span></a><b><span> </span>at Barefoot Asia Now!</b></span></h2>
  375. <h2><b>5) The Best barefoot hiking shoe brands in Barefoot Asia</b></h2>
  376. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">1. </span><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Vivobarefoot - Primus Trail II FG</span></a></span></h3>
  377. <div style="text-align: left;">
  378. <img style="float: none;" alt="Hiking Shoe-Vivobarefoot-Barefoot Recommendation" src=""><br><br>
  379. </div>
  380. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Vivobarefoot's Primus Trail II FG is a highly breathable trail running shoe with a speed lacing. It has a wide toe box design, similar to barefoot running shoes, and has a lightweight and flexible sole that allows for a wide range of motion, enhancing flexibility during trail running. It significantly improves foot grip and enables quick adaptation to different terrains.   </span></p>
  381. <p> </p>
  382. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #41a02d;"></span></h3>
  383. <div style="text-align: left;"></div>
  384. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. </span><a href=";_sid=f84368b11&amp;_ss=r" style="color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Be Lenka - Trailwalker 2.0</span></a></span></h3>
  385. <div style="text-align: left;">
  386. <img style="float: none;" alt="Barefoot Hiking Shoe-Be Lenka-Barefoot Recommendation" src=""><br><br>
  387. </div>
  388. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Be Lenka Trailwalker 2.0 is considered the most stylish option among barefoot hiking shoes! It comes in various colors, allowing you to easily match it with your preferred outdoorsy outfits. It is suitable for basic hiking and lightweight climbing. The leather upper is water-resistant, and the lightweight, flexible sole allows you to fully experience the sensation of the ground beneath your feet, greatly enhancing the enjoyment of hiking. The new Trailwalker 2.0 series has upgraded its inner design and added a removable insole, catering different barefoot enthusiasts needs.</span></p>
  389. <p> </p>
  390. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. </span><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Shamma Sandals - Trailstar Maximus</span></a></span></h3>
  391. <div style="text-align: left;">
  392. <img style="float: none;" alt="Hiking Sandals-Shamma-Barefoot Recommendation" src=""><br><br>
  393. </div>
  394. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For light hiking in the summer and to fully enjoy the natural environment around you, Shamma Sandals Trailstar Maximus barefoot hiking sandals are recommended. These sandals are made in the USA and designed to provide a comprehensive barefoot experience. The sole features specially designed treads that enhance traction and prevent slipping. The shoelace design allows easy wearing and removal, ensuring the fun of wearing barefoot at any time.</span></p>
  395. <p> </p>
  396. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">4. </span><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Earth Runners - Alpha Lifestyle</span></a></span></h3>
  397. <div style="text-align: left;">
  398. <img style="float: none;" alt="Hiking Sandals-Earth Runners-Barefoot Recommendation" src=""><br><br>
  399. </div>
  400. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you don't hike often but are still looking for a pair of barefoot sandals that can be used for both daily wear and outdoor activities, Earth Runners' Alpha Lifestyle sandals are recommended. They feature Earth Runners' distinctive grounded conductive lifestyle laces and are popular among minimalism enthusiasts due to their minimalist design. The simple lacing design ensures a secure fit for your feet, allowing you to freely explore nature while providing some protection.</span></p>
  401. <p> </p>
  402. <div style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="hiking shoes-Be Lenka-barefoot shoes" style="float: none;" width="400" height="264"></div>
  403. <p> </p>
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  408. <div style="text-align: left;"></div>
  409. <h2><b>6) FAQ about hiking barefoot shoes: </b></h2>
  410. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">1.Should I buy a proper size or go half a size up for hiking shoes?</span></h3>
  411. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Many people have a misconception that hiking shoes must be purchased in a size bigger than their regular shoes. However, shoe sizes can vary among different brands, manufacturers, and shoe models, so relying solely on shoe size is not accurate. It is recommended to try on hiking shoes before purchasing, preferably wearing thick hiking socks or the socks you typically wear for hiking. Additionally, it's best to try on shoes in the afternoon or evening when your feet are more likely to be slightly swollen, as this will better replicate the conditions of your feet during hiking and help you find the right size more accurately.</span></p>
  412. <p> </p>
  413. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. Do hiking shoes need to be waterproof?</span></h3>
  414. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In general, waterproofing and breathability are two conflicting features in hiking shoes. If you don't have a habit of hiking in the rain and usually hike with a round trip in the day, you may not necessarily need waterproof hiking shoes. It is recommended to choose shoes with high breathability, soft and flexible soles, as this improves balance and agility during hiking and prevents injuries. However, if you are planning a multi-day backpacking trip with varying elevations and terrains, it is advisable to choose waterproof hiking shoes. In case of encountering muddy or rainy conditions, you can continue your journey with dry foot the next day.</span></p>
  415. <p> </p>
  416. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. How to choose between high-cut and low-cut hiking shoes?</span></h3>
  417. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">High-cut waterproof hiking shoes are suitable for routes that involve water crossings. They offer sufficient waterproofing capabilities and provide adequate ankle protection, reducing the risk of injuries. On the other hand, low-cut waterproof hiking shoes are more suitable for relatively easy terrains. High-cut waterproof hiking shoes tend to be bulkier, while low-cut waterproof hiking shoes are lighter and more agile.</span></p>
  418. <p> </p>
  419. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By reading this article, you've learned more about barefoot shoes and gained valuable insights in selecting a perfect pair. If you're interested in knowing more about barefoot shoes, check out the </span><span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Barefoot Asia website</span></a></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. What’s more, stay tuned with the latest information by subscribing to our </span><span style="color: #41a02d;"><a href="" style="color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Facebook</span></a></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span></p>]]>
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  423.    <id></id>
  424.    <published>2023-06-15T12:26:49+08:00</published>
  425.    <updated>2024-01-24T18:42:09+08:00</updated>
  426.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  427.    <title>【What is Flat Feet?】Understanding the causes of flat feet, learning the methods for correcting and treating flat feet, and discovering recommended flat feet shoes for individuals.</title>
  428.    <author>
  429.      <name>Owlish SEO</name>
  430.    </author>
  431.    <content type="html">
  432.      <![CDATA[<h2><b>1) What are flat feet?</b></h2>
  433. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Flat feet refers to the condition where one or both feet have little to no arch. This condition can be congenital or develop during the growth process. In the long run, flat feet can result in insufficient support while walking or standing, causing the foot to lose its normal cushioning and shock-absorbing functions. Over time, this can lead to foot pain, muscle fatigue, leg pain, knee pain, and lower back pain.</span></p>
  434. <p>Hence, most individuals with flat feet seek various methods for correction or treatment. For instance, specialized shoes, insoles, and flat feet running shoes designed for flat feet patients. Additionally, there are centers specialized in treating flat feet, improving their condition.</p>
  435. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Flat Feet-Flatfoot Correction-Flat Foot" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  436. <p> </p>
  437. <h2><b>2) The causes of flat feet:</b></h2>
  438. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">The causes of flat feet can be attributed to various factors, including:</span></p>
  439. <p>1. Congenital: Some individuals are born with flat feet, including cases caused by genetic inheritance or fetal development issues.</p>
  440. <p>2. Acquired: Flat feet can also develop during the growth process due to factors such as wearing ill-fitting shoes, being overweight, or aging. Additionally, injuries or other foot-related issues can also lead to the formation of flat feet.</p>
  441. <p>3. Neurological Disorders: Certain neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis may also lead to the development of flat feet.</p>
  442. <p>4. Bone Disorders: Certain bone conditions such as osteoporosis may also lead to the development of flat feet.</p>
  443. <p> </p>
  444. <h2><b>3) Some methods to determine if you have flat feet:</b></h2>
  445. <p>1. Wet Footprint Test: Wet the bottom of your foot and then step onto a clean piece of paper. Examine the footprint. If the imprint shows a distinct curve along the arch in the middle, your arch height is considered normal. On the other hand, if the imprint shows a complete footprint <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">totally filled in without much of an inward curve in the center</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">, you likely have flat feet.</span></p>
  446. <p>2. Tip-Toe Test: Sit on a chair with both feet flat on the ground, then raise your heels to stand on your tiptoes. If the arch of your foot becomes more pronounced, your arch height may be normal. If there is no change in the arch and it remains flat, you may have flat feet.</p>
  447. <p>3. Check Your Shoes: If the inner side of your shoe sole is more worn than the other side, it may indicate that you likely have flat feet.</p>
  448. <p> </p>
  449. <h2>
  450. <b>4)<span> </span></b><b>Methods for flat feet correction and treatment</b> </h2>
  451. <h3><b>1. Choosing appropriate footwear:</b></h3>
  452. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Flat feet patients can choose according to different needs to improve their flat feet condition:</span></p>
  453. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Wide Toe Box: A wider toe box provides more space for toe movement, allowing better utilization of the foot's support points, improving walking posture, and training foot muscles, ultimately helping to restore the arch of the foot.</span></p>
  454. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;">
  455. <img src="" alt="Flat Feet-Flatfoot Correction-Flat Foot" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;"><br><br>
  456. </div>
  457. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Thin Sole: A thin sole enhances feedback to the plantar nerves. Many people mistakenly believe that using thick orthotic insoles can improve flat feet. In reality, thick insoles only provide passive support, lifting your arch, which can weaken the intrinsic strength of the foot's arch muscles. This does not offer substantial help in correcting flat feet.</span></p>
  458. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;">
  459. <img src="" alt="Flat Feet-Flatfoot Correction-Flat Foot Correction" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;"><br><br>
  460. </div>
  461. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Use Materials with High softness: Whether it's the sole or the upper, both need to be soft enough to enhance foot movement range, activate the arch muscles, and develop the arch curvature through walking.</span></p>
  462. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Sport Shoe-Flat Foot Correction-Flatfoot Shoe" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  463. <p> </p>
  464. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>2. Physical Therapy:</b></span></h3>
  465. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Physiotherapists can improve the strength and flexibility of foot muscles and joints through methods such as exercises and massages, ultimately enhancing gait and arch support. Before receiving any treatment, please consult a doctor for professional advice.</span></p>
  466. <p> </p>
  467. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>3. Foot Exercises:</b></span></h3>
  468. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Engaging in foot exercises can strengthen foot muscles and enhance arch support.</span></p>
  469. <p> </p>
  470. <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>4. Surgery:</b></span></h3>
  471. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">If flat feet condition is severe, surgery may be necessary. Surgery of adjusting the bones, joints, and soft tissues of the foot to improve arch height and support. Before receiving any treatment, please consult a doctor for professional advice.</span></p>
  472. <p> </p>
  473. <h2>
  474. <b>5)<span> </span></b><b>Barefoot/Flat Feet Shoes Suitable for Flat Feet Individuals</b>
  475. </h2>
  476. <h3><span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><b data-mce-fragment="1">1.  </b><a data-mce-fragment="1" style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;"><b data-mce-fragment="1">Barebarics Zing</b></a></span></h3>
  477. <br>
  478. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Casual Shoes-Barebarics-Barefoot Shoes Hong Kong" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  479. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">For those new to barefoot/flatfoot shoes, it is recommended considering the Barebarics Zing Barefoot Casual Shoes. These shoes featured a wide toe box design, allowing toe splaying comfortably. The moderate thickness of the sole, combined with a Zero-drop design that balances the entire foot's height, enables you to gradually regain arch strength through walking and improve flatfoot conditions.</span></p>
  480. <p> </p>
  481. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><b>2.  </b><a style="color: #41a02d;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><b>Be Lenka - Sophie - Ballet Flats</b></a></span></h3>
  482. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Be Lenka-Barefoot Shoes Hong Kong-Barefoot brand" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  483. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">For women with flat feet, the biggest challenge lies in finding a pair of comfortable work shoes that can also help improve the flat feet condition. Be Lenka Sophie draws inspiration from dance shoes, featuring a lightweight and flexible sole and a pliant shoe body. Through daily walking, it helps to restore arch strength. Simultaneously, its elegant and sophisticated design makes it suitable for important occasions.</span></p>
  484. <p> </p>
  485. <h3><span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;">3. <a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;">Be Lenka - Champ</a></span></strong></span></h3>
  486. <div style="text-align: left;" data-mce-style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Casual shoes-be Lenka-barefoot brand" style="float: none;" data-mce-style="float: none;"></div>
  487. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">The latest update bestselling model, Be Lenka - Champ, maintains its minimalist design. The 4mm soft and lightweight sole enhances the plantar nerves feedback, helping to regain traction and arch muscle strength, effectively improving flatfoot conditions. The shoe tongue is specially thickened and softened, while the toecap is designed with breathable holes, ensuring comfort wearing. It has become a favorite among minimalist enthusiasts.</span></p>
  488. <p> </p>
  489. <h2>
  490. <b>6)<span> </span></b><b>Am I suitable to wear barefoot/flat feet shoes?</b>
  491. </h2>
  492. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Before purchasing barefoot / flat feet shoes, you can first test at home using the following two methods. If the flat feet condition reaches level 3, it is not suitable to wear them.</span></p>
  493. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Test 1: Walk barefoot for 5 minutes and assess whether there is any pain in the feet.</span></p>
  494. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><img src="" alt="flat feet-flatfoot test-flat foot correction"></span></p>
  495. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Test 2: Step on diatomaceous earth with wet feet and observe the footprints. The three imprints on the left represent flatfoot conditions at levels 0-2, while the rightmost imprint indicates flatfoot at level 3.</span></p>
  496. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><img src="" alt="flat feet-flat feet test-flat foot"></span></p>
  497. <p> </p>
  498. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">By reading this article, you've learned more about barefoot shoes and gained valuable insights in selecting a perfect pair. If you're interested in knowing more about barefoot shoes, check out the <span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><a style="color: #41a02d;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;">Barefoot Asia website</a></span>. What’s more, stay tuned with the latest information by subscribing to our <span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><a style="color: #41a02d;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;">Facebook</a></span>. </span></p>
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  524.    <published>2023-06-08T15:24:04+08:00</published>
  525.    <updated>2024-01-24T18:44:33+08:00</updated>
  526.    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  527.    <title>【A Beginner&apos;s Guide】Take a quick tour to understand barefoot shoes, discover the benefits, buying tips, and explore a series of popular barefoot shoe recommendations</title>
  528.    <author>
  529.      <name>Owlish SEO</name>
  530.    </author>
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  532.      <![CDATA[<h2><b>1) What are barefoot shoes?</b></h2>
  533. <p><b><img src="" alt="Barefoot-Barefoot Shoes-Barefoot Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></b></p>
  534. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Barefoot shoes are footwear that mimic walking barefoot. They typically have thin and flexible soles, as well as a wide toe box, allowing the feet to move freely.<br></span></p>
  535. <p>Throughout history, humans primarily walked barefoot, relying on the sensory feedback from the ground and utilizing the foot muscles to adapt to different surfaces and protect their feet. Unfortunately, modern footwear provides excessive protection, depriving us of the innate ability to walk barefoot.</p>
  536. <p>Recognising the weakening of our innate ability, athletes and barefoot enthusiasts from around the world have explored the possibilities of footwear, experimenting with wide toe boxes, thinner soles, and various materials and designs. As a result, barefoot shoes were created, featuring unconventional designs that mimic natural barefoot walking.</p>
  537. <p>Compared to typical modern shoes, barefoot shoes with their thin soles and wide toe boxes help restore our most natural and comfortable walking posture. They allow our feet to utilize their initial strength, strengthen the arches, and reduce discomfort.</p>
  538. <p> </p>
  539. <h2><b>2) Benefits of barefoot shoes</b></h2>
  540. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Overall, barefoot shoes have two main benefits:</span></p>
  541. <p>(1) Wide Toe Box Design: The wide toe box design allows the toes to have sufficient space to spread out, enabling the feet to create more effective points of support. This results in more stable and comfortable walking.</p>
  542. <p>(2)Thin Sole Advantage: Barefoot shoes have thin and flexible soles that enhance the sensation of walking on the ground. This improves muscle proprioception, agility, and balance.</p>
  543. <p><img data-mce-fragment="1" src="" alt="Casual Shoes-Barefoot Shoes-Barefoot Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></p>
  544. <p><img alt="Sport Shoes-Barefoot-Barefoot Brand" src="" data-mce-src=""><br><br></p>
  545. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">The benefits of barefoot shoes for different individuals:</span>
  546. <ul>
  547. <li><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Children: Barefoot shoes with a wide toe box give children's toes more space to develop.</span></li>
  548. </ul>
  549. <ul>
  550. <li><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Athletes: Wearing barefoot shoes while running allows the big toe to naturally extend, strengthens the arches of the feet, improves foot offloading, and the thin sole stimulates the plantar nerves more easily. This activates eccentric contraction of the anterior tibialis muscle, protecting the knees and reducing overall risk of injuries.</span></li>
  551. </ul>
  552. <ul>
  553. <li><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Individuals with Mild Flat Feet or Low Arch: Barefoot shoes can provide sufficient space for the feet, allowing the toes to straighten and align with the arch, effectively engaging the arch muscles and training them while walking.</span></li>
  554. </ul>
  555. <ul>
  556. <li>
  557. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Individuals who frequently stand or walk during work: Barefoot shoes usually have wider shoe bodies, increasing surface and enhancing toe and </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">plantar region </span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">muscle engagement. With proper walking posture, this can gradually strengthen foot muscles, minimize excessive force from foot to other parts of the body, and reduce foot and ankle pain.</span>
  558. </li>
  559. </ul>
  560. <p> </p>
  561. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>3) How to choose the right barefoot shoes?</b></span></h2>
  562. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">It is important to consider several factors when making a barefoot shoes purchase decision </span></p>
  563. <ol>
  564. <li>
  565. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Foot Size: The sizing system for barefoot shoes can vary, so to obtain the most accurate size, you should first measure the length of your foot using a measuring tape. It is recommended to measure your foot size in the afternoon since your feet tend to be at their largest at that time. Then, refer to the size chart provided by the manufacturer to select the appropriate shoe size.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><br><br></span>
  566. </li>
  567. <li>
  568. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Foot Shape: Barefoot shoes are designed to mimic the natural shape of the foot, so when selecting shoes, it is important to consider your foot shape. If you have wider feet, you should choose shoes with a wider toe box to provide ample space for your toes. Additionally, pay attention to whether the shape of the toe box and the arrangement of your toes align.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><br><br></span>
  569. </li>
  570. <li><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Elasticity of Shoes: Barefoot shoes should be elastic and be soft enough to allow natural movement of the feet. When purchasing shoes, it's important to pay attention to if the sole of the shoes is soft and pliable.</span></li>
  571. </ol>
  572. <ol start="4">
  573. <li>
  574. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Sole Thickness: Thin sole is a characteristic of barefoot shoes, designed to provide a more natural sensation. Choose shoes with a sole thickness of 3-8mm, offer adequate foot protection while maintaining flexibility.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><br><br></span>
  575. </li>
  576. <li>
  577. <span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> Type of activity: Various barefoot shoe designs are tailored for different activities, such as running, hiking, or casual wear. Choose shoes that are suitable for the specific activity you will be engaging in. For instance, hiking shoes may have a more slip-resistant sole, while running shoes may feature more breathable materials.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><br><br></span>
  578. </li>
  579. <li><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"> An Optimal Fit: It is crucial to try on barefoot shoes! Everyone's foot adaptability varies, so when buying barefoot shoes, it's important to walk in them to test their fit and comfort. Remember to wear the type of socks you usually wear and ensure there is enough space for your toes to move and the shoes fit snugly without being too tight.</span></li>
  580. </ol>
  581. <p> </p>
  582. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>Explore the best </b><a href="" target="_blank" data-mce-href=""><span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><b style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;">European and American barefoot shoes</b></span></a><b> at Barefoot Asia Now!</b></span></h2>
  583. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>4) 5 Best Barefoot Shoes brand recommendations</b></span></h2>
  584. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>1.  <a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href="">Barebarics - Zing</a></b></span></span></h3>
  585. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><img src="" alt="Casual Shoes-Barebarics-Barefoot Hong Kong" data-mce-src=""></b></span></span></p>
  586. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Suitable for: Beginners to barefoot shoes<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Sole Thickness: 8mm (include a removable 4mm insole)</span></p>
  587. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">For those who are new to barefoot shoes, we recommend choosing the Barebarics Zing Barefoot Casual Shoes. These shoes have a wide toe box, allowing the toe to splay out comfortably. The sole thickness is moderate, facilitating a gradual adaptation to the ground feeling of barefoot shoes. The zero-drop design balances the height of the entire foot, helping you regain your natural stride.</span></p>
  588. <p> </p>
  589. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>2. </b><a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href=""><b>Be Lenka - Trailwalker</b></a></span></span></h3>
  590. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><img src="" alt="Sneakers-Be Lenka-Hiking Shoes" data-mce-src=""></b></span></span></p>
  591. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Suitable for: Individuals with exceptionally wide feet<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Sole Thickness: 4mm<br><br>The Be Lenka Trailerwalker barefoot shoes against the traditional design of overly thick and rigid footwear. They feature a soft fabric and a lightweight thin sole, providing ample space. Additionally, they come with a slip-resistant sole suitable for hiking or light climbing. These shoes are lightweight, flexible, pliant, and can even be hung on a backpack, making them convenient for those who transite between urban and rural. </span> </p>
  592. <p> </p>
  593. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>3. </b><a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href=""><b>Be Lenka - Bellissima 2.0 - Ballet Flats</b></a></span></span></h3>
  594. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><img src="" alt="Ballet Flats-Barefoot Hong Kong-Barefoot Brand" data-mce-src=""></b></span></span></p>
  595. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Suitable for: Formal attire, individuals with hallux valgus (bunions)<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Sole Thickness: 4mm<br></span></p>
  596. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">The design of Be Lenka Bellissima barefoot shoes is inspired by dance shoes, featuring a lightweight and flexible sole and a bendable upper that allows you to enjoy the freedom of a dancer during your everyday commute. Additionally, the sides of the shoes are specially made with elastic edges to reduce discomfort from heel rubbing.</span> </p>
  597. <p> </p>
  598. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>4. </b><a style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-href=""><b>Be Lenka - Champ 3.0</b></a></span></span></h3>
  599. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><img src="" alt="Casual shoes-Be Lenka-Barefoot Brand" data-mce-src=""></b></span></span></p>
  600. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Suitable for: Everyday wear, light exercise<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Sole Thickness: 4mm</span></p>
  601. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">The latest update bestselling Champ barefoot shoes maintain their minimalist design, allowing you to effortlessly match various styles such as sports and casual wear. The shoe tongue has been specially thickened and softened, and the toecap features breathable perforations, enhancing comfort while wearing. It has become a favorite among minimalist enthusiasts.</span> </p>
  602. <p> </p>
  603. <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b>5. </b><a href=""><b style="color: #41a02d; text-decoration: underline;"><b><b><b>Be Lenka - Synergy</b></b></b></b></a></span></span></h3>
  604. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><b><b><b><img src="" alt="Leather Casual Shoes-Be Lenka-Barefoot Brand"></b></b></b></b></span></span></p>
  605. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Suitable for: All seasons, humid weather conditions<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Sole Thickness: Approximately 6mm (include the insole)</span></p>
  606. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">The Be Lenka Synergy barefoot shoes are a revolutionary design of lightweight leather boots, breaking the traditional heavy sole design of boots. Combining the toecap design of barefoot shoes with a lightweight and flexible sole, provide a comfortably spacious fit unlike the typical bulky feel of boots. The upper is meticulously handcrafted with premium nubuck leather, enhancing the fine texture and allowing leather boot enthusiasts to strike a balance between style and comfort, enjoying relaxed strides for both work and outings.</span></p>
  607. <p> </p>
  608. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">By reading this article, you've learned more about barefoot shoes and gained valuable insights in selecting a perfect pair. If you're interested in knowing more about barefoot shoes, check out the <span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><a style="color: #41a02d;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;">Barefoot Asia website</a></span>. What’s more, stay tuned with the latest information by subscribing to our <span style="color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;"><a style="color: #41a02d;" href="" data-mce-style="color: #41a02d;">Facebook</a></span>. </span></p>
  609. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline; color: #41a02d;"><span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;"><b><b><b><b> </b></b></b></b></span></span></p>
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