It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn't find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.


  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  10. <script>
  11. // make sure it's not run on locally saved files, this was blowing up Sentry alerts before
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  13. Sentry.init({
  14. dsn: "",
  15. environment: 'production',
  16. integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.BrowserTracing()],
  17. // magic number is an attempt to spread our Sentry quota out over the month.
  18. tracesSampleRate: 0.01,
  19. allowUrls: [
  20. /https?:\/\/(.+\.)?
  21. ],
  22. ignoreErrors: [
  23. 'Non-Error promise rejection captured', // Prevents a known issue with Sentry v6.x.x - Should be removed if Sentry version is updated
  24. 'ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded', // Prevents a known issue(
  25. 'ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications', // Prevents a known issue(
  26. ]
  27. });
  28. }
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  30. <script type="text/javascript">
  31. NODE_ENV = "production";
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  66. "Global": {
  67. "OK": "OK",
  68. "CANCEL": "CANCEL"
  69. },
  70. "bg.edit": {
  71. "MULTIPLE_EMAIL_ERROR": "You can only enter a single email."
  72. },
  73. "BatchGeoAccessView": {
  74. "DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "Sign in to continue.",
  75. "DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT": "Sign in",
  76. "IOS_APP_MESSAGE": "For iOS app users, please go back to settings<br/>using the gear icon and sign in to continue."
  77. },
  78. "BatchGeoAdminMapTable": {
  79. "UNTITLED_ROW": "untitled",
  80. "BULK_ACTIONS": "Bulk Actions"
  81. },
  82. "BatchGeoAdminUsers": {
  83. "DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this user?",
  84. "UPDATE_ERROR_MESSAGE": "There was a problem updating the user, please refresh page and retry."
  85. },
  86. "BatchGeoContactOwner": {
  87. "FORM_TITLE": "Message the Map Owner",
  88. "FORM_BODY": "Your message will be sent via email",
  89. "FORM_MESSAGE_LABEL": "Message",
  90. "FORM_EMAIL_LABEL": "Your Email Address",
  91. "FORM_SUBMIT_BUTTON": "Send",
  92. "ERROR_SHORT_MESSAGE": "Message can't be that short",
  93. "ERROR_EMAIL_VALIDATION_PROBLEM": "There was a problem validating your email.\rTry again.",
  94. "ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID": "That email address looks invalid.\rCheck your email and try again.",
  95. "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Message Sent!",
  96. "CLOSE_BUTTON": "Close"
  97. },
  98. "BatchGeoCookieNotice": {
  99. "MESSAGE": "We use cookies to improve user experience, and analyze website traffic. For these reasons, we may share your site usage data with our analytics partners. By continuing to the site, you consent to store on your device all the technologies described in our <a href='/features/security/'>Privacy Policy</a>. Please read our <a href='/features/terms/'>Terms and Conditions</a> and <a href='/features/security/'>Privacy Policy</a> for full details."
  100. },
  101. "BatchGeoEmailCheck": {
  102. "INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Please enter a valid email address",
  103. "TROUBLE_SENDING_ERROR": "We had trouble sending an email to {{email}} on your last map creation. Make sure your mail is not blocking or try a different email address."
  104. },
  105. "BatchGeoForm": {
  106. "RECAPTCHA_UNCHECKED_ERROR": "To continue please make sure to check the reCAPTCHA checkbox"
  107. },
  108. "BatchGeoFormErrors": {
  109. "MODAL_ERROR_TITLE": "There were a few issues with the form. Please correct the following and then re-submit:"
  110. },
  111. "BatchGeoKeyboardShortcuts": {
  112. "MODAL_TITLE": "Global Shortcuts",
  113. "SHOW_MODAL_SHORTCUT": "Show shortcuts",
  114. "CLOSE_MARKER_SHORTCUT": "Close marker info",
  115. "MAP_TOOL_SHORTCUT_TITLE": "Map Tool Shortcuts",
  116. "MAP_RESET_SHORTCUT": "Map Reset",
  117. "USER_GEOLOCATION_SHORTCUT": "User Geolocation",
  118. "HAND_TOOL_SHORTCUT": "Hand Tool",
  119. "CYCLE_DRAWING_SHORTCUTS": "Cycle Drawing Tools",
  120. "DISTANCE_RULER_SHORTCUT": "Distance Ruler",
  121. "MAP_SHORTCUTS_TITLE": "Map Shortcuts",
  122. "RESET_MAP_SHORTCUT": "Reset map",
  123. "HEAT_VIEW_SHORTCUT": "Heat view",
  124. "CLUSTER_VIEW_SHORTCUT": "Cluster view",
  125. "ZOOM_IN_OUT_SHORTCUT": "Zoom in/out",
  126. "ROADMAP_TERRAIN_SHORTCUT": "Roadmap/Terrain",
  127. "SATELLITE_HYBRID_SHORTCUT": "Satellite/Hybrid",
  128. "PAN_MAP_SHORTCUT": "Pan Map",
  129. "DATA_TABLE_SHORTCUTS_TITLE": "Data Table Shortcuts",
  130. "SELECT_ROWS_SHORTCUT": "Select Rows",
  131. "ADD_TO_SELECTION_SHORTCUT": "Add to selection"
  132. },
  133. "BatchGeoAdminAddons": {
  134. "DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this Addon?"
  135. },
  136. "BatchGeoMapMaking": {
  137. "SECRET_URL": "Your secret URL is:",
  138. "VIEW_SAVED_MAP": "View Saved Map",
  139. "EMAIL_LINK": "Check your email for a link to your map!",
  140. "CREATE_MAP": "Create a New Map",
  141. "UPGRADE": "Tired of waiting for emails? Sign-up today!",
  142. "PRICE_URL": ""
  143. },
  144. "BatchGeoSignUp": {
  145. "ERROR_TRY_AGAIN": "Something went wrong. Please try again.",
  146. "ERROR_BANK_REJECTED": "There was a problem creating a new subscription. Payment method authentication failed. Please try again, contact your bank, or try a different payment method.",
  147. "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD": "There was a problem processing your credit card, please check the number and try again.",
  148. "ERROR_RECAPTCHA": "Sorry there was a problem with the reCAPTCHA response.",
  149. "ERROR_SUB_EXISTS": "Subscriber already exists.",
  150. "ERROR_CREATING_SUB": "There was a problem creating a new subscription, please press OK to reload the page.",
  151. "ERROR_VERIFYING_PREPAID": "Prepaid verify code failed, please contact",
  152. "SUCCESS_SIGN_UP": "Thank you for subscribing! You can now use BatchGeo to make maps!"
  153. },
  154. "BatchGeoAdminSubscription": {
  155. "ERROR_CANTUPDATE_CC": "We could not update the credit card. Please try again.",
  156. "ERROR_INVALID_CC": "- A valid credit card number is required.",
  157. "ERROR_INVALID_FORM": "There were a few issues with the form:\n\n {{messages}} \nPlease correct these problems and then re-submit."
  158. },
  159. "BatchGeoStoreLocator": {
  160. "SEARCH_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Search Locations"
  161. },
  162. "BatchGeoStoreLocatorNoResultsView": {
  163. "TITLE": "No results {{resultValue}}",
  164. "MESSAGE": "Make sure your search is spelled correctly.<br>Try adding a city, state, or zip code.",
  165. "RESET_BUTTON": "View All Locations"
  166. },
  167. "BatchGeoCalculateRoute": {
  168. "ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS": "Cannot map the following addresses:",
  169. "ERROR_CANNOT_CALCULATE_ROUTE": "Cannot calculate your route, please check that your marker data is accurate."
  170. },
  171. "BatchGeoSubscriptionLimits": {
  172. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_FREE": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the free tier. Click below for special pricing:",
  173. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_CAN_UPGRADE": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Click below to upgrade:",
  174. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_CAN_UPGRADE_NOT_PRIMARY": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Contact your subscription administrator and have them upgrade your plan to increase capacity.",
  175. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_ADD_CAPACITY": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Click below to add capacity:",
  176. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_ADD_CAPACITY_NOT_PRIMARY": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Have your subscription administrator Add On usage in the subscription menu.",
  177. "CONFIRM_TEXT": "Continue"
  178. },
  179. "BatchGeoMapContextMenu": {
  180. "EDIT_MAP": "Edit Map",
  181. "DATA_VIEW": "Data View",
  182. "HEAT_VIEW": "Heat View",
  183. "ADVANCED_MODE": "Advanced Mode",
  184. "CLUSTER_VIEW": "Cluster View",
  185. "CLUSTER_MARKER_COUNT": "Cluster Mode: Marker Count",
  186. "CLUSTER_SUM": "Cluster Mode: Sum",
  187. "CLUSTER_AVG": "Cluster Mode: Avg",
  188. "EXPORT_GOOGLE_EARTH": "Export to Google Earth",
  189. "EXPORT_PDF_IMAGE": "Export PDF / Image",
  190. "PRINT": "Print",
  191. "RESET_MAP": "Reset Map"
  192. },
  193. "BatchGeoTableContextMenu": {
  194. "COPY": "Copy",
  195. "SELECT_ALL": "Select all",
  196. "RESET_TABLE": "Reset Table",
  197. "ZOOM_TO_MARKER": "Zoom to marker",
  198. "OPTIMAL_ROUTE": "Optimal Route"
  199. },
  200. "BatchGeoUserLocation": {
  201. "GEOLOCATION_ENABLED": "Geolocation enabled",
  202. "GEOLOCATION_DISABLED": "Geolocation disabled",
  203. "FOLLOWING_LOCATION": "Following your location",
  204. "ZOOM_TO_NEAREST_MARKER": "Zoom to nearest marker"
  205. },
  206. "BatchGeoSaveMapMode": {
  207. "DATA_VIEW_TITLE": "Data View",
  208. "DATA_VIEW_DESC": "Displays data below your map with filtering tools",
  209. "STORE_LOCATOR_TITLE": "Store Locator",
  210. "STORE_LOCATOR_DESC": "Displays locations in a list next to your map for easy scanning"
  211. },
  212. "BatchGeoGeoCoder": {
  213. "STOP_GEOCODER": "Stop Geocoding"
  214. }
  215. }
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  217. @Warning
  218. Use of user set title can negatively impact SEO.
  219. - Title will be same for international sites.
  220. - Title can be too short.
  221. - Title can be too long.
  222. -->
  223. <title>Movers in Boston MA-Marathon Moving Co.</title>
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  232. <script>
  233. // make sure it's not run on locally saved files, this was blowing up Sentry alerts before
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  235. Sentry.init({
  236. dsn: "",
  237. environment: 'production',
  238. integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.BrowserTracing()],
  239. // magic number is an attempt to spread our Sentry quota out over the month.
  240. tracesSampleRate: 0.01,
  241. allowUrls: [
  242. /https?:\/\/(.+\.)?
  243. ],
  244. ignoreErrors: [
  245. 'Non-Error promise rejection captured', // Prevents a known issue with Sentry v6.x.x - Should be removed if Sentry version is updated
  246. 'ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded', // Prevents a known issue(
  247. 'ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications', // Prevents a known issue(
  248. ]
  249. });
  250. }
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  252. <div id="resource-error-modal" class="resource-error-modal">
  253. <div class="resource-error-modal-content">
  254. <p id="error-modal-message">Error loading resource. Please reload page.<p>
  255. <button type="button" class="button blue" onClick="window.location.href=window.location.href">Reload Page</button>
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  257. </div>
  258. <script type="text/javascript">
  259. NODE_ENV = "production";
  260. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  261. if(window.BatchGeo.isInIframe() && BatchGeoStore.getState().App.mapMode === 'store_locator'){
  262. document.querySelector('#topBar').classList.add('in-iframe');
  263. }
  264. });
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  273. <meta name="description" content="Explore your interactive map with BatchGeo. Visualize data, analyze patterns, and make informed decisions effortlessly." />
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  280. "Global": {
  281. "OK": "OK",
  282. "CANCEL": "CANCEL"
  283. },
  284. "bg.edit": {
  285. "MULTIPLE_EMAIL_ERROR": "You can only enter a single email."
  286. },
  287. "BatchGeoAccessView": {
  288. "DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "Sign in to continue.",
  289. "DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT": "Sign in",
  290. "IOS_APP_MESSAGE": "For iOS app users, please go back to settings<br/>using the gear icon and sign in to continue."
  291. },
  292. "BatchGeoAdminMapTable": {
  293. "UNTITLED_ROW": "untitled",
  294. "BULK_ACTIONS": "Bulk Actions"
  295. },
  296. "BatchGeoAdminUsers": {
  297. "DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this user?",
  298. "UPDATE_ERROR_MESSAGE": "There was a problem updating the user, please refresh page and retry."
  299. },
  300. "BatchGeoContactOwner": {
  301. "FORM_TITLE": "Message the Map Owner",
  302. "FORM_BODY": "Your message will be sent via email",
  303. "FORM_MESSAGE_LABEL": "Message",
  304. "FORM_EMAIL_LABEL": "Your Email Address",
  305. "FORM_SUBMIT_BUTTON": "Send",
  306. "ERROR_SHORT_MESSAGE": "Message can't be that short",
  307. "ERROR_EMAIL_VALIDATION_PROBLEM": "There was a problem validating your email.\rTry again.",
  308. "ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID": "That email address looks invalid.\rCheck your email and try again.",
  309. "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Message Sent!",
  310. "CLOSE_BUTTON": "Close"
  311. },
  312. "BatchGeoCookieNotice": {
  313. "MESSAGE": "We use cookies to improve user experience, and analyze website traffic. For these reasons, we may share your site usage data with our analytics partners. By continuing to the site, you consent to store on your device all the technologies described in our <a href='/features/security/'>Privacy Policy</a>. Please read our <a href='/features/terms/'>Terms and Conditions</a> and <a href='/features/security/'>Privacy Policy</a> for full details."
  314. },
  315. "BatchGeoEmailCheck": {
  316. "INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Please enter a valid email address",
  317. "TROUBLE_SENDING_ERROR": "We had trouble sending an email to {{email}} on your last map creation. Make sure your mail is not blocking or try a different email address."
  318. },
  319. "BatchGeoForm": {
  320. "RECAPTCHA_UNCHECKED_ERROR": "To continue please make sure to check the reCAPTCHA checkbox"
  321. },
  322. "BatchGeoFormErrors": {
  323. "MODAL_ERROR_TITLE": "There were a few issues with the form. Please correct the following and then re-submit:"
  324. },
  325. "BatchGeoKeyboardShortcuts": {
  326. "MODAL_TITLE": "Global Shortcuts",
  327. "SHOW_MODAL_SHORTCUT": "Show shortcuts",
  328. "CLOSE_MARKER_SHORTCUT": "Close marker info",
  329. "MAP_TOOL_SHORTCUT_TITLE": "Map Tool Shortcuts",
  330. "MAP_RESET_SHORTCUT": "Map Reset",
  331. "USER_GEOLOCATION_SHORTCUT": "User Geolocation",
  332. "HAND_TOOL_SHORTCUT": "Hand Tool",
  333. "CYCLE_DRAWING_SHORTCUTS": "Cycle Drawing Tools",
  334. "DISTANCE_RULER_SHORTCUT": "Distance Ruler",
  335. "MAP_SHORTCUTS_TITLE": "Map Shortcuts",
  336. "RESET_MAP_SHORTCUT": "Reset map",
  337. "HEAT_VIEW_SHORTCUT": "Heat view",
  338. "CLUSTER_VIEW_SHORTCUT": "Cluster view",
  339. "ZOOM_IN_OUT_SHORTCUT": "Zoom in/out",
  340. "ROADMAP_TERRAIN_SHORTCUT": "Roadmap/Terrain",
  341. "SATELLITE_HYBRID_SHORTCUT": "Satellite/Hybrid",
  342. "PAN_MAP_SHORTCUT": "Pan Map",
  343. "DATA_TABLE_SHORTCUTS_TITLE": "Data Table Shortcuts",
  344. "SELECT_ROWS_SHORTCUT": "Select Rows",
  345. "ADD_TO_SELECTION_SHORTCUT": "Add to selection"
  346. },
  347. "BatchGeoAdminAddons": {
  348. "DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this Addon?"
  349. },
  350. "BatchGeoMapMaking": {
  351. "SECRET_URL": "Your secret URL is:",
  352. "VIEW_SAVED_MAP": "View Saved Map",
  353. "EMAIL_LINK": "Check your email for a link to your map!",
  354. "CREATE_MAP": "Create a New Map",
  355. "UPGRADE": "Tired of waiting for emails? Sign-up today!",
  356. "PRICE_URL": ""
  357. },
  358. "BatchGeoSignUp": {
  359. "ERROR_TRY_AGAIN": "Something went wrong. Please try again.",
  360. "ERROR_BANK_REJECTED": "There was a problem creating a new subscription. Payment method authentication failed. Please try again, contact your bank, or try a different payment method.",
  361. "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD": "There was a problem processing your credit card, please check the number and try again.",
  362. "ERROR_RECAPTCHA": "Sorry there was a problem with the reCAPTCHA response.",
  363. "ERROR_SUB_EXISTS": "Subscriber already exists.",
  364. "ERROR_CREATING_SUB": "There was a problem creating a new subscription, please press OK to reload the page.",
  365. "ERROR_VERIFYING_PREPAID": "Prepaid verify code failed, please contact",
  366. "SUCCESS_SIGN_UP": "Thank you for subscribing! You can now use BatchGeo to make maps!"
  367. },
  368. "BatchGeoAdminSubscription": {
  369. "ERROR_CANTUPDATE_CC": "We could not update the credit card. Please try again.",
  370. "ERROR_INVALID_CC": "- A valid credit card number is required.",
  371. "ERROR_INVALID_FORM": "There were a few issues with the form:\n\n {{messages}} \nPlease correct these problems and then re-submit."
  372. },
  373. "BatchGeoStoreLocator": {
  374. "SEARCH_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Search Locations"
  375. },
  376. "BatchGeoStoreLocatorNoResultsView": {
  377. "TITLE": "No results {{resultValue}}",
  378. "MESSAGE": "Make sure your search is spelled correctly.<br>Try adding a city, state, or zip code.",
  379. "RESET_BUTTON": "View All Locations"
  380. },
  381. "BatchGeoCalculateRoute": {
  382. "ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS": "Cannot map the following addresses:",
  383. "ERROR_CANNOT_CALCULATE_ROUTE": "Cannot calculate your route, please check that your marker data is accurate."
  384. },
  385. "BatchGeoSubscriptionLimits": {
  386. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_FREE": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the free tier. Click below for special pricing:",
  387. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_CAN_UPGRADE": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Click below to upgrade:",
  388. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_CAN_UPGRADE_NOT_PRIMARY": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Contact your subscription administrator and have them upgrade your plan to increase capacity.",
  389. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_ADD_CAPACITY": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Click below to add capacity:",
  390. "EXCEEDED_GEOCODE_ADD_CAPACITY_NOT_PRIMARY": "You have exceeded the usage limits of the {{level}} tier. Have your subscription administrator Add On usage in the subscription menu.",
  391. "CONFIRM_TEXT": "Continue"
  392. },
  393. "BatchGeoMapContextMenu": {
  394. "EDIT_MAP": "Edit Map",
  395. "DATA_VIEW": "Data View",
  396. "HEAT_VIEW": "Heat View",
  397. "ADVANCED_MODE": "Advanced Mode",
  398. "CLUSTER_VIEW": "Cluster View",
  399. "CLUSTER_MARKER_COUNT": "Cluster Mode: Marker Count",
  400. "CLUSTER_SUM": "Cluster Mode: Sum",
  401. "CLUSTER_AVG": "Cluster Mode: Avg",
  402. "EXPORT_GOOGLE_EARTH": "Export to Google Earth",
  403. "EXPORT_PDF_IMAGE": "Export PDF / Image",
  404. "PRINT": "Print",
  405. "RESET_MAP": "Reset Map"
  406. },
  407. "BatchGeoTableContextMenu": {
  408. "COPY": "Copy",
  409. "SELECT_ALL": "Select all",
  410. "RESET_TABLE": "Reset Table",
  411. "ZOOM_TO_MARKER": "Zoom to marker",
  412. "OPTIMAL_ROUTE": "Optimal Route"
  413. },
  414. "BatchGeoUserLocation": {
  415. "GEOLOCATION_ENABLED": "Geolocation enabled",
  416. "GEOLOCATION_DISABLED": "Geolocation disabled",
  417. "FOLLOWING_LOCATION": "Following your location",
  418. "ZOOM_TO_NEAREST_MARKER": "Zoom to nearest marker"
  419. },
  420. "BatchGeoSaveMapMode": {
  421. "DATA_VIEW_TITLE": "Data View",
  422. "DATA_VIEW_DESC": "Displays data below your map with filtering tools",
  423. "STORE_LOCATOR_TITLE": "Store Locator",
  424. "STORE_LOCATOR_DESC": "Displays locations in a list next to your map for easy scanning"
  425. },
  426. "BatchGeoGeoCoder": {
  427. "STOP_GEOCODER": "Stop Geocoding"
  428. }
  429. }
  430. };</script><script>window.debug = false</script><script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">
  431. var printMode = false;
  432. var metrics = 0;
  433. var language = 'en';
  435. function afterMapsLoaded() {
  436. $.getScript('/js/dist/index.js')
  437. .done(function() {
  438. BatchGeo.timer("document ready()");
  439. window.batchGeoMap = new BatchGeoMap();
  440. window.batchGeoMap.bgInit();
  441. })
  442. .fail(function() {
  443. $("#resource-error-modal").show();
  444. })
  445. }
  446. </script>
  447. <script>
  448. var action = {
  450. baseUrl: '',
  451. currentUser: {
  452. email: null,
  453. isMapOwner: false },
  454. mapId: 14344801,
  455. mapAlias: "9796643cccc778a1f20a0ca727deb89a",
  456. mapSecret: null,
  457. pro: 0,
  458. proMap: true,
  459. version: 1714074199,
  460. heatmap: 0,
  461. cluster: 0,
  462. isDev: 0,
  463. isLite: 0,
  464. markerCount: 12,
  465. mapMode: "data_view",
  466. advanced: false,
  467. mapRenderMethod: 0,
  468. shouldRenderTable: (function () {
  469.    try {
  470.        if (localStorage.DataTableVisibilityPersist) {
  471.            return JSON.parse(localStorage.DataTableVisibilityPersist)["14344801"]
  472.        }
  473.    } catch (e) {
  474.        return undefined;
  475.    }
  476. })()=== undefined ?false : (function () {
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  480.        }
  481.    } catch (e) {
  482.        return undefined;
  483.    }
  484. })() };
  486. // Only issue noticed so far before adding persistence version is old values of `shouldRenderTable`
  487. // Here we check and convert to a boolean.
  488. var persistenceVersion = (function () {
  489.    try {
  490.        if (localStorage.BatchGeoPersistence) {
  491.            return JSON.parse(localStorage.BatchGeoPersistence)["version"]
  492.        }
  493.    } catch (e) {
  494.        return undefined;
  495.    }
  496. })();
  497. if (!persistenceVersion && typeof action.shouldRenderTable !== 'boolean') {
  498. action.shouldRenderTable = !!parseInt(action.shouldRenderTable);
  499. }
  501. // Never render the table if in an iframe
  502. if (BatchGeo.iframeDetect()) {
  503. action.shouldRenderTable = false;
  504. }
  506. // Never render the table if in store_locator mode
  507. if ('data_view' === 'store_locator') {
  508. action.shouldRenderTable = false;
  509. }
  511. BatchGeoStore.dispatch({
  512. type: 'MAP_PAGE',
  513. isMap: true
  514. });
  516. BatchGeoStore.dispatch(action);
  517. </script>
  518. <script type="text/javascript">
  519. var colorPallet = ['red','blue','green','yellow','purple','paleblue','orange','brown','darkgreen','pink'];
  520. var hexArray = ['fd7569','6996fd','95ea7b','fdeb5a','c699fd','bae1fd','fb8b07','c79a79','00bd00','faa9fc'];
  521. </script>
  522. <script type="text/javascript">BatchGeo.timer("load map data")</script>
  523. <script>
  524. function afterPerLoaded() {
  525. if(window.per.dist_cb_status){
  526. const alreadyExists = window.per.columnNames.indexOf('Distance') > -1;
  527. if(!alreadyExists){
  528. const addIndex = window.per.columnNames.length;
  529. window.per.columnNames.push('Distance');
  530. window.per.mapRS.forEach(function(item, currIndex) {
  531. window.per.dataRS[currIndex][addIndex] = item.distance;
  532. });
  533. if(window.per.group_col < 0){
  534. window.per.group_col = addIndex;
  535. }
  536. }
  537. }
  539. if (window.per.hideaddr_cb){
  540. BatchGeoStore.dispatch({
  541. type: 'FEATURE_DISABLE',
  542. feature: 'shouldRenderTable'
  543. });
  544. }
  545. if (window.per.disable_exports) {
  546. $('.kml-download-link').remove();
  547. }
  548. }
  549. </script>
  550. <script>
  551. $.getScript('//', function() {
  552. afterPerLoaded();
  553. })
  554. </script>
  555. </head>
  556. <body class="default-view map-page locator">
  557. <script type="text/javascript">BatchGeo.timer("load google maps api")</script>
  559. <script async src=",places,drawing&client=gme-batchgeo&channel=batchgeo&region=in" type="text/javascript"></script>
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  572. <a href="/features/"  title="Find out about all the features that make BatchGeo so easy and useful.">Features</a>
  573. </li>
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  579. <a href="/mobile/"  title="Mobile via your browser, or our native app for iPhone&reg; and iPad&reg;.">Mobile</a>
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  583. <a href=""  title="Having some problems or have questions about the service?">Support</a>
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  600. <div class="content clearfix">
  601. <div id="topBar">
  602. <h1 class="mapReset" id="map-title">Movers in Boston MA-Marathon Moving Co.</h1>
  603. <div id="topButtons" class="pro-signin">
  604. <form id="searchForm" method="get" target="_parent">
  605. <input type="hidden" name="i" value="9796643cccc778a1f20a0ca727deb89a" />
  606. <div class="right-inner-addon">
  607. <label class="toolbar-icon-search" for="addressBox"></label>
  608. <input id="addressBox"  type="text" name="q" size="20" placeholder="Search" value="" />
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  614. <button id="menu-trigger" class="toolbar-icon-menu" aria-label="Toggle Sidebar"></button>
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  617. <div id="mapWrap">
  618. <div id="mapDiv"></div>
  619. <div id="legWrap"><div id="legDiv"></div><div id="descriptionWrap"><div id="description">Relocating is daunting, but a professional mover can ease the process. Marathon Moving Co. is one of the best Boston movers that help clients to relocate in a hassle-free way. We have the experience, technology, equipment, and, most notably, the skilled personnel committed to making the relocation stress-free for our clients. As a full-service moving company, we offer a wide range of services to our clients. The list includes the followings:
  620. 1. Local Residential Moving
  621. 2. Local Commercial Moving
  622. 3. Industrial Moving
  623. 4. Interstate Moving
  624. 5. International Moving
  625. 6. Packing Services
  627. Marathon Moving Co. is renowned across Boston for its unparalleled excellence and good reputation. 90% of our customers are either referral or returning clients. If you choose us to move, then your satisfaction would be guaranteed. So, if you were looking for the best movers in Boston MA, then look nowhere but us.
  628. We are not just another<a href="">moving company Boston MA </a> claiming our superior excellence in Massachusetts. We have received the Best of Boston Award from Boston Magazine.
  629. Marathon Moving Co. is also the winner of the 15th straight Super Service award from Angie’s List and maintaining A+ Rating at the BBB. Our team consists of 60 highly trained moving professionals who make every effort to make the relocation easy for our clients. With exceptional service quality and affordable pricing, we have exceeded our customers’ expectations every time and emerged as the best Boston MA moving company. Along with moving services, we also provide storage options like:
  630. ● Residential Storage
  631. ● Commercial Storage
  632. Enjoy a Tension-Free Moving Experience with Marathon Moving Co.
  633. Located at 146 Will Dr, Canton, MA 02021, United States, Marathon Moving Co. is your one-stop solution for moving in Massachusetts. Call us at +17813003200 or visit our website to know more about our services. Contact us today for a stress-free move!!
  636. </div></div> </div><!-- /legwrap -->
  637. <div id="settingsDialog">
  638. <h2>Map settings</h2>
  639. <form>
  640.    <label class="option-toggle" for="clustering_cb">
  641.        <input id="clustering_cb" type="checkbox" />
  642.        Enable clustering for high density markers
  643.    </label>
  645.    <label class="option-toggle" for="labeltype_sel">
  646.        Label each marker&nbsp;
  647.        <select id="labeltype_sel">
  648.            <option>none</option>
  649.            <option>letters</option>
  650.            <option>numbers</option>
  651.        </select>
  652.    </label>
  654.    <div class="option-toggle">
  655.        <label for="dist_cb">
  656.            <input id="dist_cb" type="checkbox" />
  657.            Calculate (straight line) distance from first address in&nbsp;
  658.        </label>
  659.        <select id="dist_sel">
  660.            <option>miles</option>
  661.            <option>kilometers</option>
  662.        </select>
  663.    </div>
  665.    <label class="option-toggle" for="hideaddr_cb">
  666.        <input id="hideaddr_cb" type="checkbox" />
  667.        Hide map addresses / Limit zoom in
  668.    </label>
  670. <label class="option-toggle" for="disable_exports">
  671. <input id="disable_exports" type="checkbox" />
  672. Disable KML export
  673. </label>
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  676.        <input id="linkopwin_cb" type="checkbox" />
  677.        Links open a new Window
  678.    </label>
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  681.        <input type="submit" name="cancel" id="settingsCancelButton" value="Cancel">
  682.        <input type="submit" name="submit" id="settingsSubmitButton" value="Save changes">
  683.    </p>
  684. </form>
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  694. <label for="format_pdf">PDF</label>
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  698. <label for="format_png">PNG Image</label>
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  729. var directionsPanel, directions, directionsService;
  731. if ($("#description").length && $("#description").html().length) $("#description").html(linkifyHtml($("#description").html()));
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda