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  146.    <h1><span>403</span><br />
  147.        Forbidden</h1>
  148.    <h2>????????????Ȥ????ڡ?????ɽ???Ǥ??ޤ???Ǥ?????</h2>
  149.    <p class="explain">???Υ???ϡ?ɽ??????ڡ????ؤΥ??????????Ĥ??ʤ??ä????Ȥ??̣???ޤ???</p>
  150.    <h3>?ʲ??Τ褦?ʸ??????ͤ????ޤ???</h3>
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  153.            <ul>
  154.                <li>?????????????Ĥ???Ƥ??ʤ??ʥѡ??ߥå???????ˤ?äƶػߤ???Ƥ???ˡ?</li>
  155.                <li>?ǥե???ȥɥ?????ȡ?index.html, index.htm ???ˤ?¸?ߤ??ʤ???</li>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda