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  30. <title>What Is a 360 Virtual Tour</title>
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  32. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  33. <pubDate>Sun, 19 Nov 2023 16:26:13 +0000</pubDate>
  34. <category><![CDATA[blogs]]></category>
  35. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  37. <description><![CDATA[<p>What Is a 360 Virtual Tour? Consider taking a virtual tour of a restaurant you&#8217;d want to visit for dinner from the comfort of your home. Or perhaps a resort where you&#8217;d want to stay on your next holiday. Wouldn&#8217;t it be amazing to check out the decor, ambience, and other amenities without leaving your [&#8230;]</p>
  38. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What Is a 360 Virtual Tour</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
  39. ]]></description>
  40. <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <div data-elementor-type="wp-post" data-elementor-id="943" class="elementor elementor-943" data-elementor-post-type="post">
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  45. <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">What Is a 360 Virtual Tour?</h2> </div>
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  49. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-09eb258 e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent" data-id="09eb258" data-element_type="container">
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  51. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-fcb6313 elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="fcb6313" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default">
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  53. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c90097c elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="c90097c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"><div class="elementor-widget-container"><div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c90097c elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="c90097c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"><div class="elementor-widget-container"><p>Consider taking a virtual tour of a restaurant you&#8217;d want to visit for dinner from the comfort of your home.</p><p>Or perhaps a resort where you&#8217;d want to stay on your next holiday. Wouldn&#8217;t it be amazing to check out the decor, ambience, and other amenities without leaving your couch? You can now do so by taking a virtual tour.</p><p>Businesses can also monitor their factories or branch activities using virtual tour software to set up 360 video monitoring. Travellers can also learn about a tourist attraction by viewing visually attractive images of a faraway place and planning their dates accordingly.</p></div><p><strong>What exactly is a virtual tour?</strong><br />A virtual tour is a simulation of an existing area, often constructed using a series of films or still photographs. This simulation could contain sound effects, narration, music, and text overlays.</p><p>Virtual tours can be 2D or 3D in nature. A digital device can be used to view a 2D tour video. Recently, immersive technology breakthroughs, such as mixed reality, have enabled 3D teleportation in a virtual environment where individuals can see their destinations and enjoy the beauty through actual sensory inputs.</p><p><strong>Industries that use virtual tours</strong><br />Some industries are more likely than others to provide a 3D or virtual tour. Here are some industries where virtual tours are prevalent.</p><p>Virtual tours have taken over the real estate market. Creating a virtual tour of a house, flat, or other property allows potential homeowners or tenants to explore the place in more detail before visiting in person.</p><p>Checking out facts before visiting allows purchasers to narrow down the houses they wish to see, providing potential owners and real estate brokers a better chance of discovering the perfect home. Buyers want as much information as possible about the homes they&#8217;re looking at online, so having a high-quality virtual tour can help them stand out.</p><p>Engineering encompasses a wide range of enterprises. Whether home builders, construction, or architecture, undertakings in these industries are typically fast-paced and leave little room for error.</p><p>Engineers struggle to keep track of all the changes on site. Still, virtual tours can capture site and building modifications in detail using real-time scans, allowing projects to be completed faster and more efficiently.</p><p>Retail business managers can use 3D virtual tours to show visitors and customers the layout of the store as well as the types of products they may find when they come. These tours might help people identify the sector or business they&#8217;re looking for in a mall or a major department store.</p><p>A virtual tour can assist visitors in finding the store they need when they visit a large shopping centre, which is especially useful if there is a vast parking lot.</p><p>Virtual tours have several applications in vacation rental, hotel booking, and hospitality. When consumers are trying to visualise their holiday destination, for example, virtual tours can help them choose to plan a trip.</p><p>Additionally, presenting an immersive image of the property, facilities, and location to Internet viewers can improve booking income.</p><p>Bed and breakfasts, hotels, cruise ships, and resorts may all show prospective guests what their place has to offer, making it easier to plan a trip. Knowing whether a hotel room includes a washer and dryer can, for example, make preparing for a vacation easier.</p><p>Before booking their next reservation, restaurant operators can show potential customers what to expect. A virtual tour is helpful for potential consumers since it allows them to view the environment, layout, and general mood to know what kind of dining experience they&#8217;ll have.</p><p>Additionally, restaurant owners can incorporate Google Street View on Google Maps into their virtual tours. This makes it easy for prospective guests to plan their route to the restaurant and hunt for parking ahead of time.</p><p>Consider witnessing a 3D tour of an automobile before purchasing it. This type of tour is becoming more popular in the automotive business. Some car dealerships are uploading virtual tours of the outside and inside of all their vehicles and the dealership&#8217;s amenities, such as service centres and waiting spaces.</p><p>A virtual tour of different automobiles can mean the difference between a novice driver visiting one car lot and another down the street.</p><p>When a family is considering putting an ageing member in a retirement home, a virtual tour can show them what the rooms and other facility areas look like before they visit.</p><p>In this scenario, the family wants the best for their loved one. Therefore, a tour can be utilised to determine whether it includes a pool, a gym, a hair salon, and other amenities.</p><p>The same applies to doctor&#8217;s or dentist&#8217;s offices, such as taking a virtual tour of a paediatrician&#8217;s office beforehand. Is there a kid-friendly waiting area? Are the patient rooms sanitary? A virtual tour can provide answers to these types of questions.</p><p>Consider how many high school students intend to attend college this year. While some students plan to attend schools near their homes, others aspire to join schools in distant regions of the country.</p><p>Colleges and universities should explore creating an immersive experience centred on campus tours so that students who do not reside in the area can still tour their institution to see whether it suits them.</p><p>This is true for private high schools, preparatory schools, elementary schools, and advanced learning institutions.</p><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>The Advantages of a Virtual Tour</strong></h3><p>A virtual tour on a company website delivers numerous benefits regardless of the size or industry of your organisation.</p><p>Interact with clients more meaningfully: A virtual tour allows visitors to explore your business from any location. They can access the entire area and focus on the offerings and what interests them at their own pace, whether on their computer, tablet, or smartphone.</p><p>Increase engagement: Customers are more likely to visit in person if they enjoy what they see on a virtual tour or notice something piques their curiosity.</p><p>Save time, effort, and money: Instead of losing customers after hours, businesses can benefit from virtual foot traffic by keeping open in a virtual tour. This implies that companies are not required to stay open late and cater to clients who may wish to walk around and browse without making a purchase.</p><p>Captivate customers: While plain text and static images are acceptable, providing a tour keeps visitors on your website for longer lengths of time.</p><p>Improve your online presence: A well-executed virtual tour can promote your online brand while drawing customers to your website over the competition.</p><h3 style="text-align: center;">How to Make Use of a Virtual Tour</h3><p>It&#8217;s time to put your company&#8217;s work and effort into creating a visually stunning and engaging virtual tour to good use. Here are some examples of using a virtual tour to benefit your business.</p><p>Embed it on your website: When visitors visit your website, whether for real estate or to schedule their next trip, make the virtual tour easily accessible.</p><p>Share with customers: If your company receives inquiries about your facility that the virtual tour can answer, offer to send the time to customers to answer some of their questions.</p><p>Post on social media: If the virtual tour is new and you want it to be noticed, share it on your company&#8217;s social media channels. Consider the platform your consumers prefer and make it easy for them to find it by using relevant hashtags and crucial information.</p></div></div></div> </div>
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  58. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What Is a 360 Virtual Tour</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
  59. ]]></content:encoded>
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  61. <item>
  62. <title>Should You Have a Professional Website Designed</title>
  63. <link></link>
  64. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  65. <pubDate>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 17:32:29 +0000</pubDate>
  66. <category><![CDATA[blogs]]></category>
  67. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  69. <description><![CDATA[<p>Should You Have a Professional Website Designed? Did you recognize that it takes about 100 milliseconds (0.10 seconds) for people to make an opinion about your professional website design? If that statistic surprises you, this one will, too: consistent with BIA/Kelsey&#8217;s study, 97% of consumers research a product online before buying it. Furthermore, surveys have shown that most [&#8230;]</p>
  70. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Should You Have a Professional Website Designed</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
  71. ]]></description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <div data-elementor-type="wp-post" data-elementor-id="880" class="elementor elementor-880" data-elementor-post-type="post">
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  76. <div class="elementor-widget-container">
  77. <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Should You Have a Professional Website Designed?</h2> </div>
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  81. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-09eb258 e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent" data-id="09eb258" data-element_type="container">
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  83. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-fcb6313 elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="fcb6313" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default">
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  85. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c90097c elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="c90097c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"><div class="elementor-widget-container"><p>Did <span class="rcolor4" data-name="you know|you recognize">you recognize </span>that it takes about 100 milliseconds (0.10 seconds) for people <span class="rcolor5" data-name="to form|to make|to create">to make </span>an opinion about your professional website design?<br /><br />If that statistic surprises you, this one will, too: <span class="rcolor6" data-name="according to|consistent with|in keeping with|in line with|in step with|per">consistent with </span>BIA/Kelsey&#8217;s study, 97% of consumers research a product online before buying it.<br /><br />Furthermore, surveys have shown <span class="rcolor1" data-name="that most|that the majority|that almost all">that most </span>consumers prefer shopping at local businesses with online stores or websites.<br /><br />So yes, <span class="rcolor2" data-name="no matter|regardless of|despite|notwithstanding|in spite of">regardless of your business size</span>, <span class="rcolor3" data-name="you need|you would like|you wish">you would like </span><span class="rcolor4" data-name="a website|an internet site|a web site">an internet site</span>.<br /><br />And not just any <span class="rcolor5" data-name="kind of|quite|reasonably">exceptional </span>website; your business needs <span class="rcolor6" data-name="a professional|knowledgeable|an expert">knowledgeable </span>website design. Because a boring internet page takes too long to load and doesn&#8217;t show <span class="rcolor2" data-name="the info|the data|the information">the data </span>potential customers are <span class="rcolor3" data-name="looking for|trying to find|searching for">trying to find, it</span> will waste all <span class="rcolor4" data-name="the money|the cash|the money">the cash </span>invested into ads.<br /><br />Many businesses already realize <span class="rcolor5" data-name="the benefits|the advantages|the advantages">the advantages </span>of <span class="rcolor6" data-name="a professional|knowledgeable|an expert">knowledgeable </span>website design but still think it&#8217;s OK to do<span class="rcolor1" data-name="they do|they are doing"> </span><span class="rcolor2" data-name="the website|the web site">the website </span>design process themselves. <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the small|the tiny|the little">The tiny </span>business owner handled every other aspect of their business, <span class="rcolor4" data-name="and they|and that they">and they </span>believe <span class="rcolor5" data-name="they can|they will|they'll">they will </span>do <span class="rcolor6" data-name="the same|an equivalent|a similar|identical|constant">an equivalent </span>with their website design project.<br /><br />Besides, most small businesses get lured into the simplicity of drag-and-drop website builders like Squarespace, Weebly and Wix.<br /><br />Why it&#8217;s never been more tempting <span class="rcolor1" data-name="to build|to create|to make">to create </span>your website! Wix, Weebly and Squarespace make web development look <span class="rcolor2" data-name="so easy|very easy|really easy">very easy</span>. And besides, if you&#8217;re at <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the head|the top|the pinnacle">the top </span>of a bit of<span class="rcolor4" data-name="a small|alittle|atiny low"> </span>business, you&#8217;ve got to try building your beautiful website, right?<br /><br />But without professional help, your efforts <span class="rcolor5" data-name="to save|to save lots of|to avoid wasting">to save lots of </span>money now might do more harm than good. Over time, you&#8217;ll be at <span class="rcolor6" data-name="a disadvantage|an obstacle|a drawback">an obstacle </span><span class="rcolor1" data-name="in the|within the">within the </span>increasingly competitive world of eCommerce.<br /><br /><strong>Why Is Professional Website Design Needed?</strong><br />One of <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the biggest|the most important|the largest">the most important digital marketing problems</span> today is <span class="rcolor4" data-name="that small|that tiny|that little">that tiny </span>business owners don&#8217;t realize how important their website design is. <span class="rcolor5" data-name="the appearance|the looks">The looks </span>and functionality of your site can make or break your business&#8217;s online presence.<br /><br />But not every &#8220;website designer&#8221; or &#8220;web developer&#8221; can create <span class="rcolor6" data-name="a website|an internet site|a web site">an internet site </span>that meets all small businesses&#8217; requirements.<br /><br /><strong>Some often-overlooked website design needs are:</strong><br />-the website should have a responsive design <span class="rcolor2" data-name="that must|that has got to|that has to">that works</span> on all devices, including tablets.<br /><br />– a winning design concept must be adaptable and &#8220;future proof&#8221; for upcoming new devices and new ways to browse <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the internet|the web|the net">the web</span>.<br /><br />On <span class="rcolor4" data-name="the other|the opposite">the other </span>hand, creating <span class="rcolor5" data-name="a good|an honest|a decent">an honest </span>website design isn&#8217;t <span class="rcolor6" data-name="just about|almost|almost about|around|as regards to|close to|concerning|near to|on the subject of|regarding|with reference to|with regards to">almost </span>meeting minimum standards in digital marketing; it also has many benefits for your business!<br /><br />Building a custom website design helps create more brand recognition for your business (essential for <span class="rcolor1" data-name="a new|a replacement|a brand new">a replacement </span>business); it helps your SEO and keeps your visitors repeatedly looking<span class="rcolor3" data-name="to view|to look at"> at </span>your content, products, and services.</p><p>You&#8217;ll specialise in your core competencies rather than worry about website design and SEO. As a little<span class="rcolor2" data-name="a small|alittle|atiny low"> </span>business owner and marketer, your resources will be stretched impossibly thin if you don&#8217;t know what you&#8217;re doing <span class="rcolor3" data-name="and try|and check out|and take a look at">and check out </span><span class="rcolor4" data-name="to design|to style">to style </span>it yourself.<br /><br /><strong>So Really? I Can <span class="rcolor6" data-name="save money|economize|save cash">Economize </span>With Professional Web Design Services.</strong><br />In fact, yes! <span class="rcolor1" data-name="this is|this is often|this can be">This is often </span>because you&#8217;ll <span class="rcolor2" data-name="save money|economize|save cash">economize </span><span class="rcolor3" data-name="when you|once you|after you">once your website is</span> done right <span class="rcolor4" data-name="the first|the primary">the first </span>time. Therefore, professional website design shouldn&#8217;t be considered an unnecessary expense. Creating<span class="rcolor6" data-name="to build|to create|to make"> </span>your new website with the <span class="rcolor1" data-name="long haul|end of the day|long run|long-term|long-standing time">end of the day </span>in mind is way better.<br /><br /><strong>Here&#8217;s why:</strong><br />Longevity: <span class="rcolor2" data-name="when you|once you|after you">once you </span>hire a <span class="rcolor3" data-name="a professional|knowledgeable|an expert">knowledgeable </span>website designer <span class="rcolor4" data-name="to work|to figure">to figure </span>out your site, you&#8217;ll save yourself <span class="rcolor6" data-name="a lot|tons|plenty|heaps|loads|a great deal">tons </span>of trouble. If there are any mistakes, fixing them <span class="rcolor1" data-name="will be|are going to be|are">will be </span>cheaper and more comfortable. Conversely, a poorly designed website <span class="rcolor3" data-name="might have|may need|might need">may need </span>to be redone entirely!</p><p>Squash bugs: poorly built websites have bugs. Plugins <span class="rcolor5" data-name="go wrong|fail|get it wrong">fail, </span>and different compatibility issues arise, creating maintenance problems for your website. But with <span class="rcolor6" data-name="a professional|knowledgeable|an expert">knowledgeable </span>website design, these issues are doubtful to occur. And, <span class="rcolor1" data-name="even if|albeit|although|though|even though|notwithstanding">albeit </span><span class="rcolor2" data-name="they do|they are doing">they are doing</span>, <span class="rcolor3" data-name="you can|you'll|you'll be able to">you&#8217;ll </span>get <span class="rcolor4" data-name="the problems|the issues">the problems </span>fixed faster by working with professionals.</p><p>One site to rule them all: you&#8217;ll <span class="rcolor5" data-name="save money|economize|save cash">economize </span>with just one website <span class="rcolor6" data-name="instead of|rather than">rather than </span>two separate websites. Some companies <span class="rcolor1" data-name="try to|attempt to|try and">attempt to </span>have one site designed for mobile users and one place for desktop users. <span class="rcolor2" data-name="this is|this is often|this can be">This is often </span>inconvenient for people trying to navigate your services. It&#8217;s also <span class="rcolor3" data-name="more expensive|costlier|dearer">costlier </span>for you <span class="rcolor4" data-name="to maintain|to take care of|to keep up">to take care of </span>2 separate websites.</p><p><strong>Your Brand&#8217;s Image Can <span class="rcolor5" data-name="bring in|usher in|herald">Usher in </span>New Customers.</strong><br /><br />Did <span class="rcolor6" data-name="you know|you recognize">you recognize </span>that your website design alone can <span class="rcolor1" data-name="bring in|usher in|herald">usher in </span>new customers?<br /><br />Think about it – <span class="rcolor3" data-name="when you|once you|after you">once you </span><span class="rcolor4" data-name="come across|encounter|come upon|stumble upon|bump into">encounter </span><span class="rcolor5" data-name="a new|a replacement|a brand new">a replacement </span>business with a visually pleasing, easy-to-navigate website, aren&#8217;t you more likely to share it <span class="rcolor6" data-name="with your|together with your|along with your">with your </span>friends and family?<br /><br /><strong>Of course!</strong><br />Professional website design and considering that online reviews influence 67.7% of consumers&#8217; purchasing decisions, you&#8217;ll want critiques of your website to be positive. <span class="rcolor2" data-name="this will|this may|this can">This may </span>improve your brand&#8217;s image.<br /><br />Your website design can improve your brand&#8217;s image in 5 main ways:<br /><br />Uniquely customized: A <span class="rcolor3" data-name="a professional|knowledgeable|an expert">knowledgeable </span>website designer will <span class="rcolor4" data-name="know how|skills|savvy|shrewdness|acumen|knowledge">skillfully </span><span class="rcolor5" data-name="to create|to make|to form">make </span>a site representing your company&#8217;s image.</p><p>Put your best foot forward: you&#8217;ll have fewer bugs and glitches across different browsers and devices (both mobile and desktop).</p><p>Less loading time: <span class="rcolor6" data-name="you can|you'll|you'll be able to">you&#8217;ll more readily</span> put your best foot forward.</p><p>Your brand: A <span class="rcolor1" data-name="a professional|knowledgeable|an expert">knowledgeable </span>website design will help establish your brand. <span class="rcolor2" data-name="it will|it'll">It&#8217;ll </span>also give customers <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the right|the proper|the correct">the proper </span>message about your company and gain their trust.</p><p>Stay <span class="rcolor4" data-name="ahead of|before|previous|sooner than|prior|prior to|earlier than">before </span>the curve: your website&#8217;s innovation will force your competition <span class="rcolor5" data-name="to keep|to stay">to stay </span>up. They&#8217;ll <span class="rcolor6" data-name="learn about|study|find out about">study </span><span class="rcolor1" data-name="the benefits|the advantages|the advantages">the advantages </span>of professional website design too late while you&#8217;re already established.</p><p><strong>Critical Elements <span class="rcolor2" data-name="of good|of excellent|of fine">of Excellent </span>Website Design</strong><br />Good website design will create <span class="rcolor3" data-name="a visual|a visible">a visible </span>language consistent across <span class="rcolor4" data-name="all your|all of your">all your </span>platforms because quality web design means translating your ideas onto a webpage.</p><p>There are <span class="rcolor5" data-name="many different|many various|many alternative">many various </span>design elements <span class="rcolor6" data-name="you need|you would like|you wish">you would like </span>that only a <span class="rcolor1" data-name="a professional|knowledgeable|an expert">knowledgeable </span>website designer can achieve:</p><p>Remember me: <span class="rcolor2" data-name="all your|all of your">all of your </span>online platforms <span class="rcolor3" data-name="have to|need to|got to|have to be compelled to|ought to">need to </span>form a coherent whole. Brands with <span class="rcolor4" data-name="a consistent|a uniform|a homogenous|a standardized|an identical|the same|a regular|an even">a uniform </span>message create a more memorable impression than those without. All <span class="rcolor6" data-name="the elements|the weather">the weather </span>on your website should coincide with <span class="rcolor1" data-name="each other|one another">one another</span>. And this not only applies to your website but also your social media accounts and other digital content.</p><p>Stand out: you&#8217;re not just <span class="rcolor3" data-name="looking for|trying to find|searching for">trying to find </span>clicks; you&#8217;re <span class="rcolor4" data-name="looking for|trying to find|searching for">trying to find </span>more visitors who will <span class="rcolor5" data-name="stay on|stay|continue|remain|be">stay on </span>your page. It takes something special <span class="rcolor6" data-name="to make|to form|to create">to make </span>visitors <span class="rcolor1" data-name="interested in|curious about|inquisitive about|fascinated by">curious about </span>your page, <span class="rcolor2" data-name="let alone|including|as well as|plus|in addition to|coupled with|not to mention">including those </span>willing <span class="rcolor3" data-name="to buy|to shop for">to shop for </span>your product or service.</p><p>A compelling call to action: these are the <span class="rcolor4" data-name="sign up|check in|sign in|sign on|register">check-in</span>, buy now, contact us and learn more parts of your site. Where these are positioned will factor into <span class="rcolor5" data-name="how many|what percentage|what number">what percentage of </span>people buy from or reach you. You can&#8217;t let potential customers search <span class="rcolor1" data-name="the whole|the entire|the complete|the full|the total">the entire </span>page <span class="rcolor2" data-name="to reach|to succeed in|to achieve">to tend</span><span class="rcolor3" data-name="out to|bent|bent on|dead set|intent on|resolute"> to </span>you or purchase your product. The CTAs should be there ready for him <span class="rcolor4" data-name="to take|to require">to take </span>action.</p><p>Transparent design: your content <span class="rcolor5" data-name="and design|and style">and style </span>must be perfectly aligned. Things to avoid include large blocks of small text, confusing navigation, and obscured calls to action. Professional website design will make your content clear and direct people to what <span class="rcolor6" data-name="you want|you would like|you wish">you want </span>them <span class="rcolor1" data-name="to do|to try to to|to try and do">to try</span>.</p><p>The little details: <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the right|the proper|the correct">the proper </span>fonts, the spacing of texts, and contrast will improve your site&#8217;s standard because they affect its readability and functionality.</p><p><strong>Professional website design call 01253 806406</strong></p><p>Your logo should be placed at the forefront of all other page content.</p><p>Your central image: <span class="rcolor5" data-name="the main|the most">most </span>home page/landing page visuals should complement your logo without overshadowing it. </p><p><span class="rcolor6" data-name="be sure|make certain|make sure|take care">Make sure </span><span class="rcolor1" data-name="to include|to incorporate">to incorporate </span>your ideas- product images for eCommerce websites and team images for service bases or B2B businesses.</p><p>Colour scheme: your site&#8217;s structure should be set up to make locating necessary information intuitive <span class="rcolor2" data-name="and easy|and straightforward|and simple">and straightforward</span>. Typography should be elegant and legible <span class="rcolor3" data-name="to make|to form|to create">to make </span>it all digestible.</p><p>As <span class="rcolor4" data-name="you can|you'll|you'll be able to">you&#8217;ll </span>see from the above points, &#8220;good enough&#8221; websites just don&#8217;t cut it anymore – <span class="rcolor5" data-name="you have|you've got|you have got">you&#8217;ve got </span><span class="rcolor6" data-name="to set|to line">to line </span>your custom web design apart visually.<br /><br />So many websites look <span class="rcolor2" data-name="the same|an equivalent|a similar|identical|constant">an equivalent </span><span class="rcolor3" data-name="these days|lately|recently|of late|currently">lately</span>. <span class="rcolor4" data-name="this is|this is often|this can be">This is often </span>why <span class="rcolor5" data-name="you should|you ought to|you must">you ought to </span>put in some effort <span class="rcolor6" data-name="to create|to make|to form">to make </span>quality graphics. Start by creating at least<span class="rcolor1" data-name="at least|a minimum of"> </span>one quality image with all your unique selling points in one coherent visual message.<br /><br /><strong>SEO Elements in Website Design</strong><br />After you hook people into reading your site, then the content is king.</p><p>No article discussing <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the benefits|the advantages|the advantages">the advantages </span>of professional website design would be complete without mentioning the SEO elements.</p><p>Nowadays, everyone knows that search engines love unique content. But not everyone knows this extends to your website&#8217;s design, too. <span class="rcolor4" data-name="a good|an honest|a decent">An honest </span>website will have all <span class="rcolor5" data-name="the necessary|the required|the mandatory">the </span>elements <span class="rcolor6" data-name="to get|to urge|to induce">to be </span>indexed and ranked in search engines.</p><p><strong>The Disadvantages of Poor Website Design</strong><br />The disadvantages of poor website design are much worse than <span class="rcolor1" data-name="the extra|the additional">the additional </span>costs of professional website design. <span class="rcolor2" data-name="this is|this is often|this can be">This is often </span>because a poor website design will cost you customers.</p><p><strong>Just wrap your mind around these statistics:</strong><br />Most consumers expect <span class="rcolor3" data-name="a website|an internet site|a web site">an internet site </span>to load in 2 seconds or less – <span class="rcolor4" data-name="according to|consistent with|in keeping with|in line with|in step with|per">consistent with </span>Kissmetrics, 79% of shoppers report that they won&#8217;t return <span class="rcolor5" data-name="to buy|to shop for">to the shop </span>from a slow website again.</p><p>44% of them will share the poor user experience with friends, resulting in negative reviews and testimonials for your brand.</p><p>75% of consumers judge a business&#8217;s credibility by supporting<span class="rcolor6" data-name="based on|supported"> </span>its website design.</p><p>These statistics show the importance <span class="rcolor1" data-name="of good|of excellent|of fine">of excellent </span>website design, especially when it <span class="rcolor2" data-name="comes to|involves">involves </span>loading times.<br /><br /><strong>Conclusion</strong><br />Professional website design has the advantage over templates in every aspect <span class="rcolor3" data-name="except for|apart from|aside from">apart from </span>short-term cost. But if you&#8217;re serious about your business&#8217;s prospects, you&#8217;ll <span class="rcolor5" data-name="go for|choose|opt for|select">choose </span>professional website design. Professionally made websites look better, work better, and are more comfortable <span class="rcolor6" data-name="for small|for little|for tiny">for little </span>business owners.<br /><br />And unfortunately, <span class="rcolor2" data-name="a cheap|an inexpensive">an inexpensive </span>premade template <span class="rcolor3" data-name="looks like|seems like|feels like|appears like|sounds like">seems like a cheap</span><span class="rcolor4" data-name="a cheap|an inexpensive"> </span>premade template. It also has little room for improvement.<br /><br />Professional website design is <span class="rcolor5" data-name="full of|filled with|jam-packed with|choked with|packed with">filled with </span>nuance and requires <span class="rcolor6" data-name="lots of|many|a lot of|numerous|countless|several|scores of|innumerable|uncountable|immeasurable|millions of|ample|countless|legion|several|variant|various|voluminous">much </span>technical knowledge. But the impact it has<span class="rcolor1" data-name="it has|it's"> </span>on digital marketing is priceless.</p></div></div> </div>
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  90. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Should You Have a Professional Website Designed</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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  94. <title>Is Website Maintenance Important</title>
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  97. <pubDate>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 17:07:29 +0000</pubDate>
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  101. <description><![CDATA[<p>Is Website Maintenance Important? 100% it is. If you’re liable for any website, you’ll already be very conversant in Website Maintenance. Website Maintenance encompasses all the activities needed to ensure the operational integrity of a site. Indeed, whenever these activities don’t occur, the results are often embarrassingly visible. Some business owners don’t ‘get’ why a site needs constant attention. They think their site will magically care for itself [&#8230;]</p>
  102. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Is Website Maintenance Important</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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  109. <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Is Website Maintenance Important?</h2> </div>
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  117. <p>100% it is. If <span class="rcolor2" data-name="you are|you're">you’re </span><span class="rcolor3" data-name="responsible for|liable for|answerable for|chargeable for|to blame for|accountable for">liable for </span>any website, <span class="rcolor5" data-name="you will|you'll|you may">you’ll </span>already be very <span class="rcolor6" data-name="familiar with|conversant in|acquainted with|accustomed to|at home with|aware of">conversant in </span>Website Maintenance.</p><div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c90097c elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="c90097c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"><div class="elementor-widget-container"><div id="complate"><div id="print_v" class="con_done"><p>Website Maintenance encompasses all the activities needed <span class="rcolor1" data-name="to guarantee|to ensure">to ensure </span>the operational integrity of a site. Indeed, whenever these activities <span class="rcolor2" data-name="do not|don't">don’t </span>occur, the results <span class="rcolor3" data-name="can be|are often|will be|is|may be">are often </span>embarrassingly visible.</p><p>Some business owners don’t ‘get’ why a site needs constant attention. They think their site will<span class="rcolor5" data-name="it will|it'll"> </span>magically care for<span class="rcolor6" data-name="look after|take care of"> </span>itself when it is live! <span class="rcolor1" data-name="this is|this is often|this can be">This is often far </span><span class="rcolor2" data-name="far from|faraway from|aloof from|off from|removed from">from </span><span class="rcolor3" data-name="the truth|the reality">reality, </span>and when something fails<span class="rcolor4" data-name="go wrong|fail|get it wrong">, it </span>can come as <span class="rcolor5" data-name="quite a|quite|quite an">quite a </span>shock, but issues could <span class="rcolor6" data-name="have been|are">be </span>avoided with regular maintenance.</p><p>Having <span class="rcolor1" data-name="a website|an internet site|a web site">an internet site </span>for your business is critical <span class="rcolor2" data-name="in this|during this">during this </span>digital day and age. It gives your customers an insight into your services or products, where you’re located when you’re open for business and<span class="rcolor3" data-name="of course|in fact|after all"> </span>offers a convenient way for them to contact you.</p><p><strong>Encompass SEO In Your Strategy</strong></p><p>With <span class="rcolor4" data-name="so much|such a lot|most">such much </span>competition, <span class="rcolor5" data-name="you need|you would like|you wish">you want to ensure</span><span class="rcolor6" data-name="be sure|make certain|make sure|take care"> </span>your site ranks well so your <span class="rcolor1" data-name="target audience|audience|target market">audience </span>and customers find you. SEO <span class="rcolor2" data-name="is not|isn't">isn’t </span>only about what keywords <span class="rcolor3" data-name="need to|got to|have to be compelled to|ought to">have to </span>be optimised on a page; there are many elements, including the technical aspects. The technology your sites are built with <span class="rcolor4" data-name="needs to|must|has to">must </span>be <span class="rcolor5" data-name="kept up|maintained|well-kept|preserved">maintained </span><span class="rcolor6" data-name="to date|so far|thus far|up to now|to this point">so far, </span>and <span class="rcolor1" data-name="this should|this could">this could </span>be a top priority <span class="rcolor2" data-name="along with|along side|in conjunction with|beside|at the side of|together with">alongside </span>refreshing content. Most businesses don’t have the time or in-house skillset <span class="rcolor3" data-name="to keep|to stay">to keep </span>their site updated and running smoothly. <span class="rcolor4" data-name="this is|this is often|this can be">This is often </span>why <span class="rcolor5" data-name="we offer|we provide">we provide </span>maintenance and support packages which take <span class="rcolor6" data-name="the hassle|the effort|the trouble">the effort </span>out of <span class="rcolor1" data-name="the necessary|the required|the mandatory">the required </span>maintenance for your website.</p><p><strong>Refresh &amp; Refresh More!</strong></p><p>If your latest news posting is from a year ago, customers <span class="rcolor2" data-name="may think|might imagine">might imagine </span>you’ve not been <span class="rcolor3" data-name="keeping up|maintaining">maintaining </span><span class="rcolor4" data-name="the latest|the newest|the most recent">the newest </span>developments. Search engines, <span class="rcolor5" data-name="such as|like|like">like </span>Google, will almost certainly rank your competitor’s website higher if their news is more contemporary<span class="rcolor6" data-name="more recent|newer|more moderen"> </span>than yours.</p><p>We <span class="rcolor1" data-name="understand it|know it|realize it|are aware of it|comprehend it">know it </span>takes <span class="rcolor2" data-name="some time|a while|it slow|your time">a while </span>to publish updates to your website; you’ll<span class="rcolor3" data-name="you may|you'll|you will"> </span>only access it once or twice a year, and it’s often a pain trying <span class="rcolor4" data-name="to find|to seek out|to search out">to seek out </span>the login credentials emailed to you, and that’s where <span class="rcolor5" data-name="we can|we will|we are able to">we will </span>help. Send us an update, and we’ll <span class="rcolor6" data-name="do it|roll in the hay|love|make out|make love|sleep with|get laid|have sex|know|be intimate|have intercourse|have it away|have it off|screw|fuck|jazz|eff|hump|lie with|bed|have a go at it|bang|get it on|bonk|copulate|mate|pair|couple">roll in the hay </span>for you, but that’s not all; we<span class="rcolor1" data-name="we can|we will|we are able to"> will </span>include regular on-site and off-site optimisation <span class="rcolor2" data-name="to make|to form|to create">to ensure</span> your site performs better than your competitors.</p><p><strong>General Overview – Ongoing Maintenance</strong></p><p>Publishing, meaning is <span class="rcolor3" data-name="how to|the way to|a way to">the way to </span>keep content up-to-date.</p></div><div class="con_done">Quality Assurance, meaning <span class="rcolor4" data-name="how to|the way to|a way to">the way to </span>spot errors on a site.</div><div class="con_done">Feedback Monitoring, meaning <span class="rcolor5" data-name="how to|the way to|a way to">the way to </span>manage communication with website visitors.</div><div class="con_done">Performance Monitoring is <span class="rcolor6" data-name="how to|the way to|a way to">the way to </span>measure activity on a site.</div><div class="con_done">Infrastructure Monitoring, meaning <span class="rcolor1" data-name="how to|the way to|a way to">the way to </span>ensure a sound technical footing for a site.<br />Change Control, purpose, <span class="rcolor2" data-name="how to|the way to|a way to">the way to </span>manage ongoing technical or other changes <span class="rcolor3" data-name="in a|during a|in an exceedingly|in a very">in a </span>coordinated manner.</div><div class="con_done">Maintenance <span class="rcolor4" data-name="is a|may be a|could be a">may be a </span>crucial <span class="rcolor5" data-name="part of|a part of">part of </span>building <span class="rcolor6" data-name="an online|a web|an internet">a web </span>reputation. It helps convert more visitors into customers and helps lead <span class="rcolor1" data-name="directly to|on to">to </span><span class="rcolor2" data-name="a higher|a better|the next">a better </span>quality user experience.</div></div></div></div> </div>
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  122. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Is Website Maintenance Important</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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  126. <title>What is SEO</title>
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  129. <pubDate>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 17:04:26 +0000</pubDate>
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  133. <description><![CDATA[<p>What is SEO? SEO stands for &#8220;search engine optimization.&#8221; Simply, it means improving your site to extend its visibility for relevant searches. The higher your pages&#8217; visibility in search results, the more likely you are to garner attention and attract prospective and existing customers to your business. How does SEO work?Search engines like Google and Bing use bots to crawl [&#8230;]</p>
  134. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What is SEO</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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  141. <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">What is SEO?</h2> </div>
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  149. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c90097c elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="c90097c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"><div class="elementor-widget-container"><div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c90097c elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="c90097c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"><div class="elementor-widget-container"><p>SEO stands for &#8220;search engine optimization.&#8221; Simply, it means improving your site <span class="rcolor3" data-name="to increase|to extend">to extend </span>its visibility for relevant searches. <span class="rcolor4" data-name="the better|the higher">The higher </span>your pages&#8217; visibility in search results, the more likely you are<span class="rcolor5" data-name="you are|you're"> </span>to garner attention and attract prospective and existing customers to your business.</p><p><strong>How does SEO work?</strong><br />Search engines <span class="rcolor6" data-name="such as|like|like">like </span>Google and Bing use bots to crawl pages <span class="rcolor1" data-name="the web|the online|the net">online</span>, going from site to site, collecting information about those pages and putting them in an index. Next, algorithms analyze pages <span class="rcolor2" data-name="in the|within the">within the </span>index, considering<span class="rcolor3" data-name="into account|under consideration|into consideration"> </span><span class="rcolor4" data-name="hundreds of|many">many </span>ranking factors or signals, <span class="rcolor5" data-name="to determine|to work out|to see">to determine </span>the order in which pages should appear <span class="rcolor6" data-name="in the|within the">within the </span>search results for a given query.</p><p>Search ranking factors <span class="rcolor1" data-name="can be|are often|will be|is|may be">are often </span>considered proxies for aspects of the user experience. Our <span class="rcolor2" data-name="periodic table|table|tabular array">table </span>of SEO Factors organizes the elements into six main categories and weights each <span class="rcolor3" data-name="based on|supported">supporting </span>its overall importance to SEO. Content quality and keyword research are critical factors of content optimization, and crawlability and mobile-friendliness are important site architecture factors.</p><p>The search algorithms are designed to surface relevant, authoritative pages <span class="rcolor5" data-name="and provide|and supply">and give users</span> an efficient search experience. Optimizing your site and content with these factors can help your pages rank higher <span class="rcolor6" data-name="in the|within the">in </span>search results.</p><p>Unlike paid search ads, you can&#8217;t pay search engines <span class="rcolor1" data-name="to get|to urge|to induce">to urge </span>higher organic search rankings.</p><p><br /><strong>Why is SEO important for marketing?</strong><br />SEO <span class="rcolor2" data-name="is a|may be a|could be a">may be a </span>fundamental <span class="rcolor3" data-name="part of|a part of">part of </span>digital marketing because people conduct trillions of searches <span class="rcolor4" data-name="every year|per annum|once a year|each year">annually</span>, often with commercial intent <span class="rcolor5" data-name="to find|to seek out|to search out">to seek </span>information about products and services. Search <span class="rcolor6" data-name="is often|is usually|is commonly">is usually </span><span class="rcolor1" data-name="the primary|the first">the first </span>source of digital traffic for brands and complements other marketing channels. Greater visibility and ranking higher in search results than your competition can affect your bottom line.<br /><br />However, the search results <span class="rcolor3" data-name="have been|are">have </span>evolved over the past few years <span class="rcolor4" data-name="to give|to offer|to provide|to present|to administer|to allow|to convey|to grant|to relinquish">to offer </span>users more direct answers <span class="rcolor5" data-name="and information|and knowledge|and data">and knowledge that are</span><span class="rcolor6" data-name="that is|that's"> </span>more likely <span class="rcolor1" data-name="to keep|to stay">to stay </span>on the results page <span class="rcolor2" data-name="instead of|rather than">rather than </span>driving them to other websites.<br /><br />Also, note that features like rich results and Knowledge Panels <span class="rcolor3" data-name="in the|within the">within the </span>search results can increase visibility <span class="rcolor4" data-name="and provide|and supply">and give users</span> more information about your company directly <span class="rcolor5" data-name="in the|within the">within the </span>results.</p></div></div></div></div> </div>
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  154. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What is SEO</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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  158. <title>Fast Loading Websites</title>
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  160. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  161. <pubDate>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 16:53:19 +0000</pubDate>
  162. <category><![CDATA[blogs]]></category>
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  165. <description><![CDATA[<p>Fast Loading Websites A web agency that designs ultra-fast, responsive sites that are built to convert. How much revenue are you losing because your website is too slow, sluggish, difficult to use or not built with the user’s requirements and, therefore, the mobile internet’s speed in mind? Whilst having an all-singing and dancing site is very nice, fancy design [&#8230;]</p>
  166. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Fast Loading Websites</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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  173. <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Fast Loading Websites</h2> </div>
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  177. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-09eb258 e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent" data-id="09eb258" data-element_type="container">
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  181. <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c90097c elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="c90097c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"><div class="elementor-widget-container"><p>A web agency that designs ultra-fast, responsive sites that are built to convert.</p><p>How much revenue are you losing because your website <span class="rcolor3" data-name="is too|is just too|is simply too">is too </span>slow, sluggish, difficult to use or not built with <span class="rcolor4" data-name="the needs|the requirements|the wants">the user’s requirements</span> <span class="rcolor5" data-name="and the|and therefore the|and also the">and, therefore, the</span> mobile internet’s speed in mind?</p><p>Whilst having an all-singing and dancing site is very nice, fancy design elements can seriously <span class="rcolor6" data-name="slow down|hamper|prevent|weigh down|impede|abate|block|bog down|cut down|curtail">hamper </span>performance. Many internet users still don’t have access to the super-speed fibre highway.</p><p>According to Google data, 53% of mobile visitors abandon <span class="rcolor3" data-name="a website|an internet site|a web site">an internet site </span>if it doesn’t load within three seconds. The likelihood of a bounce significantly increases to 106% if it takes six seconds to load.</p><p>Blackpool Web Designer <span class="rcolor4" data-name="is a|may be a|could be a">may be a </span>web designer with years of experience who understands <span class="rcolor5" data-name="the need|the necessity|the requirement">the necessity </span>for speed.</p><p>Our technical setup <span class="rcolor6" data-name="is built|is made|is constructed">is made </span>for speed <span class="rcolor1" data-name="and usability|and usefulness|and value">and usefulness, </span>which has evolved with <span class="rcolor2" data-name="the demands|the stress|the strain">the digital world’s stress</span>. We deploy site experiences that are 100% responsive across all devices and structured to minimise page load time.</p><p>This means <span class="rcolor4" data-name="they will|they're going to|they'll">they’re going not just to meet</span> but exceed the high demands of <span class="rcolor5" data-name="the modern|the fashionable|the trendy">the fashionable </span>day user and super-charge their path to conversion. Content that delivers fast contributes to <span class="rcolor6" data-name="a better|a far better|a much better|a higher|a stronger|a more robust|an improved">a far better </span>user experience for your site visitors.</p><p><strong>High-Speed, High-Satisfaction</strong></p><p>We’re <span class="rcolor1" data-name="a web|an internet|an online">an internet </span>design agency specialising in high-speed, high-satisfaction and high-conversion sites. Our clients are spread across various industries, including Agriculture, Construction, Education, Energy, Financial, Food, Health, Manufacturing, Property and Transport. It doesn’t matter whether a site <span class="rcolor3" data-name="is a|may be a|could be a">may be a </span>simple presentation or offers <span class="rcolor4" data-name="a whole|an entire|a full">an entire </span>host of functionality performance. Therefore<span class="rcolor5" data-name="and the|and therefore the|and also the">, the </span>technical stuff behind an area is crucial to its success.</p><p>Your pages should be accessible to <span class="rcolor6" data-name="the eye|the attention">the attention </span>and not harsh <span class="rcolor1" data-name="to look|to seem|to appear">to </span>find <span class="rcolor2" data-name="a colour|a color">a colour </span>palette that compliments your branding scheme well.</p><p><strong>Responsive, fast web design</strong></p><p><strong>Responsive Website Development</strong></p><p>If you’ve visited <span class="rcolor3" data-name="a website|an internet site|a web site">an internet site </span>on your mobile <span class="rcolor4" data-name="and the|and therefore the|and also the">and the </span>page doesn’t quite look right, or the text <span class="rcolor5" data-name="is too|is just too|is simply too">is just too </span>small, it’s because <span class="rcolor6" data-name="the website|the web site">the website </span><span class="rcolor1" data-name="was not|wasn't">wasn’t </span>responsive. From involved eCommerce shops to beautifully designed brand sites, your website should be accessible when viewed from any device.</p><p>Our sites are fully responsive and respond perfectly <span class="rcolor2" data-name="no matter|regardless of|despite|notwithstanding|in spite of">regardless of </span>the screen size. The short answer is yes if you’re still wondering whether <span class="rcolor3" data-name="you need|you would like|you wish">you would like </span>a responsive site. Most people address their mobile phones when <span class="rcolor6" data-name="looking for|trying to find|searching for">trying to find </span>a business or service in today&#8217;s digitally connected world.</p><p>Our web solutions are fully tailored <span class="rcolor2" data-name="to address|to deal with|to handle">to </span>your unique requirements, <span class="rcolor3" data-name="and we|and that we">and we </span>only use up-to-date technologies <span class="rcolor4" data-name="and the|and therefore the|and also the">and the </span>latest industry trends. We deliver even <span class="rcolor5" data-name="the most|the foremost">the foremost </span>technically complex yet easy-to-use solutions with the optimal cost/performance ratio. Each of our custom applications is developed <span class="rcolor6" data-name="to offer|to supply">to supply </span>an efficient solution for your business and built <span class="rcolor1" data-name="to ensure|to make sure|to confirm">to ensure </span>that it can quickly evolve <span class="rcolor2" data-name="with your|together with your|along with your">with your </span>business.</p><p><strong>Hosting And Architecture</strong></p><p>Selecting <span class="rcolor3" data-name="the right|the proper|the correct">the proper </span>provider to host your site <span class="rcolor4" data-name="is a|may be a|could be a">may be a </span>fundamental <span class="rcolor5" data-name="part of|a part of">part of </span>your website strategy. Choosing a highly robust, secure and trustworthy platform will enable your site to perform at its best. Because we manage our dedicated server, we’re <span class="rcolor6" data-name="able to|ready to|able to">ready to </span>offer bespoke environments configured to your needs. Our hosting package comes with unlimited caps that suggest<span class="rcolor1" data-name="which means|which suggests|which implies"> </span>you’re <span class="rcolor2" data-name="able to|ready to|able to">prepared to </span><span class="rcolor3" data-name="scale up|proportion|rescale">proportion </span>while your business grows. Although dedicated is <span class="rcolor4" data-name="one of|one among|one in all|one amongst|one in every of">one of </span><span class="rcolor5" data-name="the most|the foremost">the foremost </span>expensive options, <span class="rcolor6" data-name="it is|it's">it’s </span><span class="rcolor1" data-name="much more|far more|rather more|way more">far more </span>cost-effective to partner up with Blackpool Web Designer and <span class="rcolor2" data-name="let us|allow us to">allow us to </span>manage it for you.</p><p><strong>User Experience Design (UX)</strong></p><p>Good user experience design <span class="rcolor3" data-name="is always|is usually|is often">is usually </span><span class="rcolor4" data-name="part of|a part of">a part of </span><span class="rcolor5" data-name="the development|the event">the event </span>process and ensures users can navigate your site and don’t <span class="rcolor6" data-name="drop away|slip|drop off|fall away|worsen|decline">slip</span>. This approach creates clean, simple, intuitive, flexible <span class="rcolor2" data-name="and engaging|and interesting|and fascinating">and exciting styles</span>.</p><p>Providing a WOW experience to your users will help differentiate you from your competitors.</p></div></div> </div>
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  190. <title>20 Steps to Secure Your WordPress Site</title>
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  192. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  193. <pubDate>Fri, 17 Nov 2023 13:23:56 +0000</pubDate>
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  197. <description><![CDATA[<p>Why You Need WordPress Security WordPress Security is crucial to any successful website. This applies to firms of all sizes, reputations, and sectors. Here&#8217;s why. It safeguards your information and reputation.If an attacker attains personal information about you or your site users, there&#8217;s no predicting what they can do with the stolen information. Security breaches [&#8230;]</p>
  198. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">20 Steps to Secure Your WordPress Site</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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  205. <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Why You Need WordPress Security</h2> </div>
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  213. <p>WordPress Security is crucial to any successful website. This applies to firms of all sizes, reputations, and sectors. Here&#8217;s why.</p><p><strong>It safeguards your information and reputation.</strong><br />If an attacker attains personal information about you or your site users, there&#8217;s no predicting what they can do with the stolen information. Security breaches make you susceptible to public data dumps, identity theft, ransomware, server breakdowns, and the list, regrettably, goes on. As you might see, any of these incidents wouldn&#8217;t reflect well on your business&#8217;s reputation &#8211; not to mention they&#8217;re a waste of time, work, and money.</p><p>Your visitors anticipate it.<br />To put it simply: Your visitors expect your site to be safe. You will damage your customer&#8217;s faith if you can&#8217;t give this core service from the get-go. By establishing this trust, you can ensure that your visitors have a pleasant experience with your business and will return.</p><p>Your consumers must believe that their information is utilized and maintained responsibly, whether that&#8217;s their contact information, payment information (which requires PCI compliance), or simply a primary response to a survey. There&#8217;s a catch-22: Your consumers will never need to know if your security measures succeed. If customers ever see news about your site&#8217;s security, chances are it&#8217;s terrible news, and most won&#8217;t return.</p><p>Google appreciates safe websites.<br />Everyone wants to rank better on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Higher rankings imply greater visibility and more visibility equals more visits. Luckily, one of the ways to enhance the likelihood Google loves your site is to make it secure.</p><p>Why? Because a safe website is a searchable one. WordPress security directly impacts visibility from a search on Google (and other search engines) and has for a long. Security is one of the most straightforward strategies to increase your search rank. You may learn about what additional variables impact how Google ranks your website in our Ultimate Guide to Google Ranking variables.</p><p>Securing your internet properties should be your number one priority. Your website needs to guarantee your visitors are secure when they use it. But first, you might be wondering: Is WordPress secure?</p><p>How secure is WordPress?<br />WordPress is usually regarded as a safe content management system. However, like other CMS, it might be subject to assaults if you don&#8217;t spend time defending your site.</p><p>There&#8217;s no getting about it: Websites that utilize WordPress are a frequent target for hackers. In its WordPress security report, a firewall provider named Wordfence stopped a startling 18.5 billion password assault requests on WordPress websites. That&#8217;s roughly 20 billion assaults on WordPress websites alone.</p><p>These stats are worrisome, but remember that 43% of the internet was created on WordPress. Still, approximately twenty billion assaults are relatively large, especially considering WordPress&#8217;s market share.</p><p>The bad news continues: 8 out of 10 WordPress security concerns fall into the &#8220;Medium&#8221; or &#8220;High&#8221; severity level according to the Common Vulnerability Scoring System.</p><p>Now that you know the facts, let&#8217;s take a few steps back. Before you click delete on your WordPress account, understand that these stats are not WordPress&#8217; responsibility. Or, at least, it&#8217;s not the fault of the WordPress product. Therefore, there are things you can do as a responsible user to support WordPress security efforts.</p><p>WordPress maintains a significant security team of world-class researchers and engineers hunting for vulnerabilities in its system to address any faults before a hacker gets to it. The security team also frequently puts out security patches to its software. As far as the WordPress core itself goes, we&#8217;re covered. WordPress sites might be exposed to difficulty because of how WordPress is made available to users.</p><p>As you know, WordPress is open-source software. This implies that the source code is open to distribute and alter. There are several benefits connected with adopting open-source software – it&#8217;s accessible to everyone, the program is infinitely adaptable, and you can optimize it.</p><p>As a result, many developers have produced themes and plugins that dramatically increase the usefulness of this platform. Flexibility is a characteristic feature of WordPress and a significant part of why it&#8217;s so strong and extensively used.</p><p>Of all, the flexibility that WordPress gives comes with a cost. You&#8217;re susceptible to various security risks if you have an inadequately configured or poorly managed WordPress site. WordPress delivers a ton of power to its users, and with great power comes great responsibility. Unfortunately, many people are shrugging off this obligation, and hackers know this. They target WordPress websites accordingly.</p><p>You can never guarantee perfect immunity to online attacks, but you may take actions to make them considerably less likely to occur. Your reading this suggests you presumably care about security and are prepared to go the extra mile to keep you and your guests secure.</p><p>What are some frequent WordPress Security issues? <br />So, what happens if you disregard the data and do nothing to safeguard your WordPress site? As it turns out, a lot can happen. Here are some of the most typical forms of cyberattacks that WordPress sites experience.</p><p>The brute-force login attempt is one of the simplest kinds of assault. It occurs when a hacker utilizes automation to rapidly input as many username-password combinations as possible, finally guessing the appropriate credentials. Brute-force hacking may access any password-protected information, not simply logins.</p><p>Next is the XSS attack. This sort of attack happens when an attacker &#8220;injects&#8221; malicious code into the backend of the target website to extract information and wreak havoc on the site&#8217;s operation. The code can be added in the backend by more technical techniques or supplied simply as a response in a user-facing form. Stay wary of this.</p><p><strong>Database Injections</strong><br />They are also known as SQL injection; this sort of attack arises when an attacker transmits a string of destructive code to a website through some user input, such as a contact form. The website then records the code in its database. Like with an XSS attack, the dangerous code executes on the website to harvest or compromise private information contained in the database.</p><p><strong>Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks</strong><br />Next is a popular form of assault: The Denial-of-Service attack. These attacks block authorized users from accessing their websites. DoS attacks usually occur by overwhelming a server with traffic and triggering a crash. The consequences are increased in the case of a distributed denial-of-service assault (DDoS), a DoS attack executed by numerous machines at once.</p> </div>
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  218. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">20 Steps to Secure Your WordPress Site</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Blackpool Web Designer</a>.</p>
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