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  128. Smartphone Apps For Electric Car OwnersThere’s no question that today’s smartphones are invaluable life tools. They can be especially handy for those who drive an electric vehicle, particularly to help locate and facilitate battery charging via public stations when needed.Here’s a quick look at some of the handiest smartphone apps for EV owners, available on both the Apple and Google Play app stores. They’re all free to download unless otherwise noted.CHARGEHUBChargeHub is a tool that can help find and plot ... </p>
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  158. Charging time for your EV or PHEV depends on 4 things:– How much energy you have stored in your battery pack– How large your battery pack is– How robust your on-board charger is (sometimes referred to as the Vehicle Acceptance Rate)– What the output of the charging station isKnowing how long an EV would take to charge an empty battery is useful in determining what type of charging station you need. Some EV models are constrained by the capacity of ... </p>
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  188. EV Charging EquipmentCharging equipment is classified by the maximum amount of power in kilowatts provided to the battery. There are several levels of charging equipment. In North America, the standards are:AC Level 1, which is a 120-volt (V) alternating current (AC) plug. A full charge at Level 1 can take between 8 and 20 hours, depending on the battery capacity of the vehicle. Charging rate is approximately 1 kW.AC Level 2, which is a 240-volt AC plug and requires installation ... </p>
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  218. The Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment/Systems The Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment/Systems represents manufacturers of products or assemblies installed for the purpose of safely delivering and managing electrical energy between an electric vehicle and an electrical source. The purpose of the EVSE Section is to support the development of the EVSE market by leading efforts to educate the market on the features and value of the electric vehicle supply equipment infrastructure around the world.Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment includes the electrical conductors and ... </p>
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  248. EV charging stations businessIndividuals may soon be able to open public electric vehicle charging stations without applying for licences, though there will be a cap on the tariff they can charge from EV owners. The government has not set any qualification criteria for opening public charging stations but these will be monitored and have to meet specifications and performance standards set by the power ministry, a senior government official said. The government wants to have public charging stations at every ... </p>
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  346. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Considering the current Covid 19 outbreak, we will provide practical class session after becoming normal condition followed by Govt. guidline.
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