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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss xmlns:dc="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:atom="" version="2.0" xmlns:media=""><channel><title><![CDATA[BTC PEERS]]></title><description><![CDATA[Your rabbit hole to the Bitcoin revolution]]></description><link></link><image><url></url><title>BTC PEERS</title><link></link></image><generator>Ghost 5.94</generator><lastBuildDate>Fri, 13 Sep 2024 13:50:50 GMT</lastBuildDate><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/><ttl>60</ttl><item><title><![CDATA[Make Big Gains Celebrating ten years of Dogecoin: How the Doge2014 will build wealth in 2024]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>When Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin in late 2013, they had no idea it would become the present phenomenon. Ten years of the Doge has seen periods of initial irrelevance, gradual growth then explosive rallies that brought Dogecoin to the public consciousness.&#xA0;</p><p>Doge2014 celebrates this incredible decade</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66deb4f9cc3a300001e2d5a4</guid><category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 09 Sep 2024 08:48:20 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Make Big Gains Celebrating ten years of Dogecoin: How the Doge2014 will build wealth in 2024"><p>When Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin in late 2013, they had no idea it would become the present phenomenon. Ten years of the Doge has seen periods of initial irrelevance, gradual growth then explosive rallies that brought Dogecoin to the public consciousness.&#xA0;</p><p>Doge2014 celebrates this incredible decade of the Dogecoin experience. This token is launching to elevate the landscape for all meme coin enthusiasts with rewards in tow. Doge2014 takes much of what made Dogecoin so popular with crypto users and rewards them for their participation and enthusiasm for the sector.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Make Big Gains Celebrating ten years of Dogecoin: How the Doge2014 will build wealth in 2024" loading="lazy" width="1280" height="960" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1280w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><h2 id="the-remarkable-story-of-dogecoin"><strong>The remarkable story of Dogecoin&#xA0;</strong></h2><p>Memecoins are possible thanks to the internet and innovation. The online notoriety of the &#x201C;Shiba Inu Dog meme&#x201D; around 2013 made it easy for Markus and Palmer to launch a project with that aesthetic. They had the idea of launching a Bitcoin parody and used the Proof-of-Work consensus with the Shiba Inu image as the coin&#x2019;s logo.</p><p>Dogecoin skyrocketed to global superstardom in 2019 with daily rises of 1,000%-plus on some days. This incredible rally came just before Bitcoin had another major moment and regained its footing after the pandemic. Dogecoin continues to be a popular coin, which is remarkable for a coin without grandiose statements about changing the world as some crypto projects proclaim.&#xA0;</p><p>Dogecoin is one of those &#x201C;only in crypto&#x201D; stories. No other sector could have experienced such a phenomenon. This project gave coin enthusiasts the euphoria of &#x201C;going to the moon&#x201D; and this has become a popular term within crypto for coins and tokens that herald incredible rallies. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Make Big Gains Celebrating ten years of Dogecoin: How the Doge2014 will build wealth in 2024" loading="lazy" width="932" height="588"></figure><h2 id="doge2014-celebrates-this-legacy-with-big-rewards-and-airdrop"><strong>Doge2014 celebrates this legacy with Big Rewards and Airdrop</strong></h2><p>The <a href=""><u>Doge 2014</u></a> experience is all about celebrating Dogecoin&apos;s accomplishments. Doge2014 is on the cusp of launching, with epic airdrops and big rewards in store for token holders. Early token holders can benefit tremendously and VIP token holders stand to gain even more.</p><p>Doge2014 has already raised over $400,000 in its presale. This mark is indicative of the early enthusiasm for the project. Participants can choose the regular starting price of $0.00027 or the VIP slots for $0.00023 when you factor in the bonus tokens. The launch price is $0.000348. Both regular users and VIPs can benefit from bonuses from their token holdings. VIPs get more bonuses and airdrops but there is enough to go around for everyone.&#xA0;</p><p>The airdrops recreate the Doge mania during peak Dogecoin rallies. There is no better way to capture the magic of Dogecoin than to recreate this experience for users.</p><h2 id="charting-the-next-decade-for-memecoins"><strong>Charting the next decade for memecoins&#xA0;</strong></h2><p>Doge2014 celebrates the past while providing a pathway to the future. The fact that memecoins have been around for a decade is remarkable. Doge2014 rewards this incredible achievement while offering big rewards to catapult participants into the future. Such possibilities come from combining the past and present to chart the next course.&#xA0;</p><p>The meme coin sector is richer with Doge2014 on the landscape. This opportunity to benefit from the bonuses airdrops and rewards on offer is incredible and rare. Memecoins have the dynamism and excitement for a new decade with Doge2014.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[NFT Applications Expand to Bitcoin Network]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>Non-fungible token (NFT) technology, previously associated primarily with Ethereum and other smart contract platforms, is now making inroads on the Bitcoin network. Recent developments have enabled the creation and trading of NFTs using Bitcoin&apos;s blockchain, potentially opening up new use cases for the world&apos;s largest cryptocurrency.</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66d9b3dccc3a300001e2d587</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:48:59 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="NFT Applications Expand to Bitcoin Network"><p>Non-fungible token (NFT) technology, previously associated primarily with Ethereum and other smart contract platforms, is now making inroads on the Bitcoin network. Recent developments have enabled the creation and trading of NFTs using Bitcoin&apos;s blockchain, potentially opening up new use cases for the world&apos;s largest cryptocurrency.</p><p>The integration of <a href="" rel="noreferrer">NFT DApps</a> with Bitcoin has been made possible through various technological innovations. One key development is the Ordinals protocol, which allows for the inscription of data, including images and other media, directly onto individual satoshis - the smallest units of Bitcoin. This enables the creation of unique, verifiable digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain.</p><p>Since its launch in January 2023, the Ordinals protocol has seen significant adoption. According to data from Dune Analytics, over 7 million inscriptions have been created on the Bitcoin network as of April 2023. These inscriptions range from simple text to complex images and even interactive content.</p><p>Another important tool facilitating <a href="" rel="noreferrer">NFT art creation</a> on Bitcoin is the Stacks blockchain. Stacks is a layer-2 solution that enables smart contract functionality while leveraging Bitcoin&apos;s security. Through Stacks, developers can create NFT applications that interact with the Bitcoin blockchain.</p><p>Several NFT marketplaces and applications have emerged to take advantage of these new capabilities., a leading platform for Bitcoin NFTs, has processed over $10 million in trading volume since its launch. Other platforms like Ordinalsbot and Ordswap are also gaining traction in the Bitcoin NFT ecosystem.</p><p>The integration of NFTs with Bitcoin has not been without controversy. Some Bitcoin purists argue that using the network for NFTs goes against its original purpose as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. There are also concerns about the potential impact on transaction fees and network congestion.</p><p>Despite these debates, the development of NFT applications on Bitcoin continues to progress. Proponents argue that NFTs can bring new utility and value to the Bitcoin network, potentially attracting more users and developers to the ecosystem.</p><p>The emergence of Bitcoin NFTs has also sparked interest from traditional NFT creators and collectors. Some artists who previously focused on Ethereum-based NFTs are now exploring Bitcoin as a new medium for their work.</p><p>As the technology evolves, it remains to be seen how Bitcoin NFTs will compete with or complement existing NFT ecosystems on other blockchains. The unique properties of the Bitcoin network, including its high security and decentralization, could potentially offer advantages for certain types of NFT applications.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[My Take on the Recent Crypto Industry Editorial Debate]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>I recently came across an editorial that&apos;s stirred up quite a debate in the cryptocurrency community. Published on a Friday morning by a major media outlet, it criticized presidential candidates for what it saw as pandering to the crypto industry, given the significant campaign donations they&apos;ve</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66cc477f004c1e0001f8856b</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 26 Aug 2024 10:01:24 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="My Take on the Recent Crypto Industry Editorial Debate"><p>I recently came across an editorial that&apos;s stirred up quite a debate in the cryptocurrency community. Published on a Friday morning by a major media outlet, it criticized presidential candidates for what it saw as pandering to the crypto industry, given the significant campaign donations they&apos;ve received.</p><p>From my perspective, the editorial made some valid points about the influence of money in politics. It referenced a report showing that crypto companies were behind half of all corporate election spending this year. </p><p>The piece drew comparisons between current crypto industry donations and the actions of Sam Bankman-Fried, the former FTX CEO who allegedly used political donations to push for looser regulations. While I agree that we should be cautious about the impact of large donations on policy, I felt the editorial painted with too broad a brush.</p><p>As someone who&apos;s been following the crypto space closely, I found the editorial&apos;s stance on the industry&apos;s importance to be somewhat dismissive. It claimed that &quot;the stakes aren&apos;t especially high&quot; and that digital tokens have &quot;proved to be of essentially no practical value&quot; in the 15 years since Bitcoin&apos;s creation. From what I&apos;ve observed, this viewpoint overlooks the significant impacts cryptocurrency has had on various fronts.</p><p>In my research, I&apos;ve seen how cryptocurrency has created wealth for many individuals and provided numerous employment opportunities. Stablecoins, with their massive market capitalization exceeding $177 billion, have enabled cost-effective peer-to-peer and cross-border transactions. I&apos;ve also noted how Bitcoin, despite its short-term volatility, has often served as an effective long-term store of value. These are just a few examples that, in my opinion, demonstrate the practical value of cryptocurrencies.</p><p>The editorial suggested that policymakers shouldn&apos;t encourage people to invest in digital wallets instead of traditional assets &quot;that support the real economy.&quot; However, I find this perspective somewhat narrow. In my view, the definition of the &quot;real economy&quot; is more complex than the editorial implies. From what I&apos;ve seen, cryptocurrency can indeed support individuals and families in meaningful ways, just as traditional financial products do &#x2013; and sometimes with fewer systemic risks.</p><p>While I agree with the editorial&apos;s call for candidates to work with Congress and regulators to ensure consistent rules for cryptocurrencies, I believe this highlights the very reason why the crypto industry is spending heavily on political campaigns. In my observation, despite numerous enforcement actions against crypto companies, there&apos;s still a lack of clarity regarding what&apos;s legally permissible in the digital asset space. </p><p>From conversations I&apos;ve had and research I&apos;ve done, it&apos;s clear to me that the crypto community is pushing for updated laws that address the unique aspects of blockchain technology and digital assets. Many existing laws predate this new financial paradigm, and in my opinion, this regulatory gap needs to be addressed for the industry to move forward responsibly.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[EYWA Airdrop: another clicker in a TG MiniApp or a potential “lifechanger”]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>The market has still not fully recovered from the massive FUD of many Tier-1 projects disappointing their users with their airdrop distribution, not to mention the flood of various clickers and mini apps. Amid all this, the <a href=""><strong><u>EYWA</u></strong></a> project hit the radar when it announced the completion of the first</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66bf3d54828c3400018daffd</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 16 Aug 2024 12:05:30 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="EYWA Airdrop: another clicker in a TG MiniApp or a potential &#x201C;lifechanger&#x201D;"><p>The market has still not fully recovered from the massive FUD of many Tier-1 projects disappointing their users with their airdrop distribution, not to mention the flood of various clickers and mini apps. Amid all this, the <a href=""><strong><u>EYWA</u></strong></a> project hit the radar when it announced the completion of the first season of its airdrop program. That program was unusually generous with its distribution, giving active users x20 - x30 returns on their investment. Now, everyone who swapped on <a href=""><u><strong>CrossCurv</strong>e</u></a> can check their wallets <a href=""><u>here</u></a>.<br><br>The project&#x2019;s team also presented their <a href=""><strong><u>Mini App &#xAB;Llamaville&#xBB;</u></strong></a> and announced the launch of the second season of their airdrop program, which will reward both social and on-chain activity. The EYWA team will announce the on-chain CrossCurve activity details soon, so keep an eye on the announcements on their social media channels.&#xA0;</p><p>As far as the <strong>Mini App, </strong><a href=""><strong><u>Llamaville</u></strong></a> is a complete educational application. It immerses users into the world of crypto with all of its excitement and allows them to go through all the stages of growth: from fear and greed all the way to success, without risking real losses. At this point, the app is in the beta test phase and accessible only via invite. One can get an invite code in the Telegram and Discord communities of EYWA.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="EYWA Airdrop: another clicker in a TG MiniApp or a potential &#x201C;lifechanger&#x201D;" loading="lazy" width="1280" height="720" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1280w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><h2 id="why-is-eywa-worth-paying-attention-to">Why is EYWA worth paying attention to?</h2><p>The project already attracted <a href=""><strong><u>$7 million in investments</u></strong></a> from well-known VCs such as Fenbushi Capital, GBV Capital, Big Brain Holdings, Marshland Capital, and Mulana Ventures &#x2014; as well as from the lead investor, Michael Egorov, the founder of Curve. The project&#x2019;s team is actively working on nurturing new connections and partnerships, regularly visiting the biggest crypto events.&#xA0;</p><p>All the achievements and ambitions of EYWA are motivated by the scale of the solution that the project offers for the universal problem in DeFI &#x2014;<strong>&#xA0;the fragmentation of liquidity</strong>. It&#x2019;s not a secret that crypto assets in DeFi are extremely fragmented among the various L1 and L2 networks, and moving liquidity between them carries significant time and financial costs (not to mention the risks of a bridge crashing or being hacked). However, EYWA solves that problem using the Consensus Bridge.</p><p><a href=""><strong><u>EYWA Consensus Bridge</u></strong></a> is the official cross-chain data aggregation protocol of Curve, which eliminates the dependence on a single bridge when moving large volumes of liquidity. The ecosystem&#x2019;s main product is the&#xA0;<a href=""><strong><u>CrossCurve DEX</u></strong></a>, which facilitates low-slippage cross-chain swaps of assets and creates a united cross-chain liquidity market by aggregating Curve&#x2019;s existing pools (TVL over $2B). By combining Curve pools for optimal slippage, the EYWA team creates a consensus of bridges which ensures the safety of users from the risk of hacking. If any of the bridges used during the swap gets compromised (resulting in data not matching), the transaction will be paused and users will be able to take their funds back on the origin chain.&#xA0;</p><p>Sounds like it has big potential, doesn&#x2019;t it? Especially if one considers the uniqueness of the above technology. As such, we will keep an eye on EYWA. And in the meantime, make sure to subscribe to their socials and participate in their airdrop program.&#xA0;</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Bitcoin Developers Unveil BitVM2: Enhanced Scaling and Permissionless Challenges]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>Bitcoin sidechain developers have released a new whitepaper detailing the second version of Bitcoin Virtual Machine (BitVM2) and an updated BitVM Bridge. The document, shared by Alexei Zamyatin, co-author and co-founder of Bitcoin sidechain BOB, outlines significant improvements aimed at enhancing Bitcoin&apos;s transaction capacity and efficiency.</p><p>The primary</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66befa9eba127e0001fccfef</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 16 Aug 2024 07:12:08 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Bitcoin Developers Unveil BitVM2: Enhanced Scaling and Permissionless Challenges"><p>Bitcoin sidechain developers have released a new whitepaper detailing the second version of Bitcoin Virtual Machine (BitVM2) and an updated BitVM Bridge. The document, shared by Alexei Zamyatin, co-author and co-founder of Bitcoin sidechain BOB, outlines significant improvements aimed at enhancing Bitcoin&apos;s transaction capacity and efficiency.</p><p>The primary goal of BitVM2, as stated in the whitepaper, is to increase Bitcoin&apos;s transaction capacity without altering its core code or compromising its fundamental principles, such as decentralization. To achieve this, BitVM2 employs optimistic computation to scale Bitcoin with sidechains, operating under the assumption that network operators act honestly unless proven otherwise through fraud proofs.</p><p>A key advancement in BitVM2 is the introduction of a permissionless challenge system. Unlike its predecessor, which restricted challenge rights to designated parties, the new version allows any user to challenge suspicious transactions. This change represents a significant step towards a more open and secure network.</p><p>The whitepaper also highlights improvements to the BitVM Bridge, focusing on two critical areas: reduced capital requirements and shorter asset lock-up periods. These enhancements are designed to support the transfer of bitcoins to and from rollups - secondary networks that enable faster and less expensive transactions on the Bitcoin network.</p><p>BitVM2&apos;s approach to scaling aims to address longstanding issues in the Bitcoin network without compromising its core structure. By improving transaction handling capabilities and, in some instances, updating cryptographic methods, the developers seek to enhance the overall efficiency of Bitcoin transactions.</p><p>The concept of BitVM was initially introduced in October 2023 by Robin Linus, the lead of the ZeroSync project and creator of BitVM. This latest iteration builds upon the original idea, incorporating feedback and technological advancements to create a more robust and efficient system for Bitcoin scaling.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Exploring Kingchain: A Comprehensive Blockchain Platform For Everyone]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>Blockchain, the foundational technology behind Bitcoin, has expanded far beyond its initial inception. Featuring a chain of blocks that store encrypted data linked together, blockchain ensures transparency and optimal security. This technology is not confined to finance alone but has proven potent across various sectors including healthcare, real estate, education,</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66b49f00d912d30001595f33</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:37:02 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Exploring Kingchain: A Comprehensive Blockchain Platform For Everyone"><p>Blockchain, the foundational technology behind Bitcoin, has expanded far beyond its initial inception. Featuring a chain of blocks that store encrypted data linked together, blockchain ensures transparency and optimal security. This technology is not confined to finance alone but has proven potent across various sectors including healthcare, real estate, education, and more.</p><p>In this context, KINGCHAIN emerges as a significant advancement in leveraging blockchain technology. The launch of KINGCHAIN is not just a notable technological event but also heralds a new era in the practical application of blockchain, aiming not just to serve as a transaction platform but as an ecosystem connecting people globally.</p><h2 id="i-what-is-kingchain">I. What is KINGCHAIN?</h2><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Exploring Kingchain: A Comprehensive Blockchain Platform For Everyone" loading="lazy" width="1600" height="833" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>KINGCHAIN is a groundbreaking blockchain platform designed to revolutionize how the world interacts with blockchain technology. This project originated from the innovative minds at the King dev team, part of the Linux Foundation, with the goal of providing a comprehensive, secure, scalable, and user-friendly blockchain solution for both individuals and tech companies.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Exploring Kingchain: A Comprehensive Blockchain Platform For Everyone" loading="lazy" width="1600" height="833"></figure><p>The origins of KINGCHAIN stem from recognizing a market need for a blockchain solution that could offer transparency, high performance, and user-friendliness. By integrating advanced technology with a focus on user experience, KINGCHAIN aims to create an ideal environment for the development of blockchain applications, especially in the GameFi and Web3 sectors.</p><p>KINGCHAIN was officially launched on July 30, 2024, with a widely publicized event across various media platforms and social networks. This event garnered significant attention from the blockchain and cryptocurrency community, attracting many investors and users interested in the platform&apos;s solutions and potential.</p><h2 id="ii-technical-features-of-kingchain">II. Technical Features of KINGCHAIN</h2><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Exploring Kingchain: A Comprehensive Blockchain Platform For Everyone" loading="lazy" width="1280" height="596"></figure><h3 id="scalability-and-high-performance">Scalability and High Performance</h3><p>KINGCHAIN features a specialized architecture that supports up to 10,000 transactions per second. This capability allows KINGCHAIN to handle large volumes of transactions without concerns about delays or network congestion.</p><h3 id="optimal-security">Optimal Security</h3><p>Constructed with the highest security standards, KINGCHAIN ensures data safety with advanced security measures, including encryption and protocols designed to ward off attacks.</p><h3 id="low-transaction-fees">Low Transaction Fees</h3><p>KINGCHAIN offers exceptionally low transaction fees, virtually negligible, which significantly saves costs for users conducting transactions.</p><p>Learn more about KINGCHAIN at:</p><h2 id="iii-applications-of-kingchain">III. Applications of KINGCHAIN</h2><p>KINGCHAIN transcends the boundaries of a typical cryptocurrency trading platform, extending its applications to a wide and complex range of fields. Beyond crypto transactions, KINGCHAIN delves into the world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), unlocking new possibilities in the NFT market, enhancing smart contract functionality, and fostering innovations in online gaming and various other applications.</p><p>This platform provides a comprehensive toolkit that enables developers not only to deploy advanced payment solutions but also to create diverse gaming platforms, digital asset trading markets, and other blockchain applications quickly and efficiently. KINGCHAIN aims to become one of the leading blockchain ecosystems, focusing on delivering a comprehensive, secure, and accessible solution that serves as a foundation for the development of global decentralized technology.</p><h2 id="iv-consensus-protocol-and-security-in-kingchain">IV. Consensus Protocol and Security in KINGCHAIN</h2><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Exploring Kingchain: A Comprehensive Blockchain Platform For Everyone" loading="lazy" width="1600" height="833"></figure><p>In the blockchain technology sphere, where trust and security play pivotal roles, KINGCHAIN has implemented the Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance (IBFT) protocol as a measure to ensure reliability. IBFT is the primary consensus protocol used within KINGCHAIN, facilitating a byzantine fault-tolerant consensus mechanism that enhances network safety and security.</p><h3 id="addressing-the-challenge-of-counterfeit-nfts">Addressing the Challenge of Counterfeit NFTs</h3><p>KINGCHAIN utilizes the IBFT protocol to address one of the industry&apos;s pressing challenges: the prevalence of counterfeit NFTs. By designating highly trusted, verified wallets within a network of reliable nodes for NFT creation, KINGCHAIN minimizes the risks associated with counterfeit NFTs. This ensures that only legitimate creators can contribute to the NFT ecosystem, maintaining the integrity of the platform.</p><h3 id="optimizing-metadata-processing-in-vr-environments">Optimizing Metadata Processing in VR Environments</h3><p>KINGCHAIN places special emphasis on enhancing metadata processing performance, a crucial element in VR environments. Focusing on reliable validators allows for the optimization of workflows in metadata handling, ensuring a smooth and engaging VR experience for users.</p><h3 id="innovation-and-applications-in-vr">Innovation and Applications in VR</h3><p>KINGCHAIN not only maintains security and integrity of the system but also drives innovation in the VR field. By supporting quick and efficient retrieval and use of metadata, KINGCHAIN lays the foundation for creative and interactive VR applications, enriching the user experience.</p><p>Through the IBFT protocol, KINGCHAIN not only takes a significant step towards addressing the challenges of counterfeit NFTs and metadata processing but also showcases its commitment to shaping the future of blockchain applications in virtual reality settings.</p><p>KINGCHAIN continuously develops and updates new features to meet the growing demands of the market and its users. With the goal of becoming one of the world&apos;s leading blockchain platforms, KINGCHAIN plans to expand its networks and strategic collaborations with major enterprises, as well as continue its research and development in technology.</p><p>KINGCHAIN, with its technical excellence and deep understanding of user needs, is building a future where blockchain technology becomes ubiquitous and accessible to everyone, every enterprise across the globe.</p><h2 id="v-conclusion">V. Conclusion</h2><p>With robust and innovative steps, KINGCHAIN is increasingly affirming its position as a pioneering blockchain platform, ready to meet and exceed the challenges of the future. Its far-sighted vision and sustainable strategy have enabled KINGCHAIN to become more than just a technology platform&#x2014;it is a strong community where individuals can learn, grow, and achieve success in the new digital era.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Why I Believe Bitcoin's Fundamentals Outweigh Current Technical Weakness]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>The technical charts for Bitcoin may look ugly right now, but I firmly believe the fundamentals are stronger than ever. This market correction, in my view, is nothing more than an opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a discount. Let me explain why I&apos;m so confident in Bitcoin&apos;</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66b36f5dd912d30001595f26</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 07 Aug 2024 12:58:49 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Why I Believe Bitcoin&apos;s Fundamentals Outweigh Current Technical Weakness"><p>The technical charts for Bitcoin may look ugly right now, but I firmly believe the fundamentals are stronger than ever. This market correction, in my view, is nothing more than an opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a discount. Let me explain why I&apos;m so confident in Bitcoin&apos;s long-term prospects despite the current price dip.</p><p>First and foremost, I&apos;ve noticed that big players are still accumulating Bitcoin. This tells me that institutional investors and wealthy individuals continue to see value in Bitcoin, even at current prices. Additionally, there are signs that the US government is beginning to endorse cryptocurrency, which could pave the way for wider adoption and more favorable regulations. These developments suggest to me that Bitcoin&apos;s position in the financial world is only getting stronger.</p><p>We&apos;ve just passed a Bitcoin halving, which historically has been followed by significant price increases. While past performance doesn&apos;t guarantee future results, I believe this reduction in new Bitcoin supply will have a positive impact on price over time. Furthermore, with the extensive money printing we&apos;re seeing to pay off national debts, I expect dollar inflation to increase. In my opinion, this makes Bitcoin an attractive option as a hedge against inflation.</p><p>Global events are also playing into Bitcoin&apos;s strengths. The increasing number of international conflicts highlights the need for a borderless, censorship-resistant method of transferring money. Bitcoin fits this bill perfectly. I&apos;m also encouraged by El Salvador&apos;s continued commitment to Bitcoin, as they keep buying more despite market fluctuations. This shows me that there&apos;s genuine belief in Bitcoin&apos;s potential at a national level.</p><p>On the adoption front, I&apos;m excited to see that there are more Bitcoin ATMs than ever before. This growing infrastructure makes it easier for people to buy and use Bitcoin, which I believe will drive further adoption. All these factors combined make me bullish on Bitcoin&apos;s future, regardless of short-term price movements.</p><p>In my view, basing financial decisions on real-life factors is more reliable than following lines on a graph. Who in their right mind sells Bitcoin right after a halving and straight after a presidential candidate just endorsed it? It seems crazy to me. While I respect technical analysis, I believe the fundamental factors supporting Bitcoin are too strong to ignore. That&apos;s why I see this market correction as a buying opportunity rather than a reason to panic.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Decentralized Science Project StarChain Reaches Major Milestone in Data Integration]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>StarChain, a decentralized science (DeSci) project focusing on astronomical research, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">announced</a> the unification of 500 terabytes of astronomical data on its platform. The announcement was made on August 5th, 2024, by Dr. Meijer, Chief Scientific Officer of StarChain. This development represents a significant step in the project&apos;s</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66b1e0d6bcdc06000189389d</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Tue, 06 Aug 2024 08:42:11 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Decentralized Science Project StarChain Reaches Major Milestone in Data Integration"><p>StarChain, a decentralized science (DeSci) project focusing on astronomical research, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">announced</a> the unification of 500 terabytes of astronomical data on its platform. The announcement was made on August 5th, 2024, by Dr. Meijer, Chief Scientific Officer of StarChain. This development represents a significant step in the project&apos;s goal to consolidate previously scattered scientific data into a single, searchable location.</p><p>The unified DataStore allows astronomers to perform complex queries across multiple datasets, visualize data, and apply analytics on a large scale. This capability is expected to facilitate research in various areas of astronomy, including the study of star and galaxy formation, universe expansion, and the search for Earth-like exoplanets. The platform aims to streamline the research process by reducing the need for manual data gathering and merging.</p><p>Access to the DataStore is currently limited to a select group of independent researchers and members of Leiden University. StarChain plans to launch its initial public beta in the first quarter of 2025. The company reports significant interest from the scientific community, with researchers from various institutions expressing interest in using the platform.</p><p>StarChain&apos;s development began in 2021, with the stated aim of addressing data fragmentation in scientific research through the use of blockchain and AI technologies. The company has set a goal to expand its unified datastore to include over 10 petabytes of data across various fields of study. In addition to data unification, StarChain is developing a neural-network-based data analysis tool.</p><p>To fund its development, StarChain has initiated a presale of its native ecosystem token, STRC. The company reported raising $100,000 within the first 24 hours of the presale. The presale is structured in 14 pricing stages, starting at $0.50 and ending at $0.63 per token. According to the announcement, STRC is scheduled to be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges MEXC and at $1.00 per token in the fourth quarter of 2024.</p><p>StarChain describes itself as a project aimed at increasing access to scientific data, beginning with astronomy. The project utilizes blockchain and AI technologies with the goal of creating a data ecosystem that is widely accessible, secure, and efficient. As the project develops, it may have implications for the methods used in astronomical research and the pace of scientific discoveries in the field.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[New CESS Testnet Aims to Enhance Web3 Data Solutions]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>Cumulus Encrypted Storage System (CESS), a decentralized cloud storage and content delivery network, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">launched</a> its latest testnet called Venus on July 31, 2024. This new testnet follows the successful conclusion of testnet v0.7.6, which saw major updates and participation from over 10,000 storage node operators. The</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66b092f5bcdc06000189388a</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 05 Aug 2024 08:54:35 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="New CESS Testnet Aims to Enhance Web3 Data Solutions"><p>Cumulus Encrypted Storage System (CESS), a decentralized cloud storage and content delivery network, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">launched</a> its latest testnet called Venus on July 31, 2024. This new testnet follows the successful conclusion of testnet v0.7.6, which saw major updates and participation from over 10,000 storage node operators. The Venus testnet is designed to further enhance the future of decentralized storage and Content Decentralized Delivery Networks (CD&#xB2;N).</p><p>The name &quot;Venus&quot; was chosen to symbolize the beginning of a new day, reflecting CESS&apos;s vision to lead the Web3 industry from uncertainty to clarity by providing reliable data solutions. Nicholas Zaldastani, Chairman of CESS, emphasized the company&apos;s commitment to advancing blockchain storage technologies and setting industry standards. He expressed excitement about the potential of these innovations to drive industry standards and empower users with improved data security and efficiency.</p><p>Building on the achievements of testnet v0.7.6, CESS has been actively contributing to the democratization and standardization of the decentralized storage industry. A significant milestone was reached when the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) approved CESS&apos;s standard proposal P3233, titled &quot;Standard for Blockchain-based Decentralized Storage Protocol Specification.&quot; The CESS team also participated in the first council meeting of the Hong Kong Web3.0 Standardization Association earlier this year.</p><p>The Venus testnet introduces several optimizations and updates to enhance the application of decentralized storage technology in the Web3 sector. These improvements aim to address the need for secure, affordable, and fast data storage and retrieval, which is crucial for the development of Web3 applications. For example, DeFi wallets with millions of users require secure and rapid access to transaction history.</p><p>Testnet Venus will introduce fine-tuned innovations for storage nodes to facilitate enhanced storage capacity and processing power. These improvements are designed to ensure stable and secure solutions for high-frequency data in the Web3 space. The testnet will also simplify the deployment of multiple storage nodes on a single device for miners.</p><p>As an incentive for participation, the CESS team will reward miners with 60,000 TCESS tokens, which will be redeemable for 6 million CESS tokens after the official launch. The testnet includes several technical optimizations, such as reducing the time to generate random challenge proofs, decreasing memory usage for idle data buckets by 50 percent, and improving data recovery algorithms. Additionally, Venus will introduce multiple storage mode deployment scripts and update the redundancy multiplier for user data by 100 percent.</p><p>For the CESS-DeOSS component, testnet Venus will add features like large file breakpoint continuation, a pluggable download cache module, and a pluggable file storage scheduling module. These enhancements are expected to further improve the efficiency and functionality of the CESS network in providing secure and seamless decentralized cloud storage for Web3 projects and digital assets.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Compound Attack Exposes Flaws in Pseudo-Decentralized Governance]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>The recent attack on Compound&apos;s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) has shed light on the fragility of governance systems in many cryptocurrency projects. On July 28, a group called the Golden Boys exploited Compound&apos;s voting mechanism, successfully passing a proposal that siphoned $24 million worth of COMP</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66aa2ec0bcdc06000189384d</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bitcoin]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 31 Jul 2024 12:35:01 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Compound Attack Exposes Flaws in Pseudo-Decentralized Governance"><p>The recent attack on Compound&apos;s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) has shed light on the fragility of governance systems in many cryptocurrency projects. On July 28, a group called the Golden Boys exploited Compound&apos;s voting mechanism, successfully passing a proposal that siphoned $24 million worth of COMP tokens to their own protocol.</p><p>This incident reveals a fundamental weakness in systems relying on governance tokens. The attackers, led by a whale known as Humpy, accumulated over 81% of the voting power required for quorum. They achieved this by combining their own holdings with tokens delegated from five wallets that acquired 228,000 COMP from the Bybit exchange.</p><p>The ease with which this concentration of power occurred raises questions about the true decentralization of many crypto projects. In Compound&apos;s case, the attack succeeded after two failed attempts, with the final proposal passing by a narrow margin of 682,191 votes to 633,636.</p><p>Such vulnerabilities stem from low voter participation in DAOs. A study from the University Complutense of Madrid found that half of all DAOs have fewer than ten active voters, while in larger DAOs, just 1% of members control over 50% of the voting power. This concentration of influence creates opportunities for well-funded entities to manipulate governance for personal gain.</p><p>Compound&apos;s response to the attack further highlights the limitations of its decentralization. The team resorted to negotiations with the attackers and threatened centralized interventions, such as removing voting power from certain wallets or creating a new token distribution.</p><p>When examining these events, one cannot help but draw a stark contrast with Bitcoin&apos;s governance model. Bitcoin&apos;s true decentralization stems from its proof-of-work consensus mechanism and the absence of a centralized governance token. In Bitcoin&apos;s system, no single entity or small group can amass enough power to unilaterally change the protocol or drain funds from a shared treasury.</p><p>Bitcoin&apos;s decentralization is rooted in its wide distribution of mining power, its open-source development process, and the need for broad consensus among users, miners, and developers for any significant changes. This structure makes it virtually impossible for a scenario like the Compound attack to occur within Bitcoin&apos;s ecosystem.</p><p>The Compound incident serves as a cautionary tale for the broader cryptocurrency community. It demonstrates that merely claiming to be decentralized or implementing a token-based voting system does not guarantee true decentralization or security against governance attacks.</p><p>As the DeFi sector continues to evolve, projects may need to reconsider their governance structures. They might look to Bitcoin&apos;s model for inspiration on achieving more robust decentralization. Alternatively, they may need to implement additional safeguards and incentives to encourage broader participation and prevent the concentration of voting power.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[OpenSocial Protocol Raises $6 Million to Build Web3 Social Infrastructure]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>OpenSocial Protocol, a platform for building social applications on blockchain technology, has&#xA0;<a href="" rel="noreferrer">secured</a>&#xA0;$6 million in strategic funding. The investment round was led by Framework Ventures and North Island Ventures, with participation from several other venture capital firms and angel investors in the Web3 space. This brings OpenSocial</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66a77f16b6e389000154d9b3</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:39:34 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="OpenSocial Protocol Raises $6 Million to Build Web3 Social Infrastructure"><p>OpenSocial Protocol, a platform for building social applications on blockchain technology, has&#xA0;<a href="" rel="noreferrer">secured</a>&#xA0;$6 million in strategic funding. The investment round was led by Framework Ventures and North Island Ventures, with participation from several other venture capital firms and angel investors in the Web3 space. This brings OpenSocial Protocol&apos;s total funding to $26 million, including previous seed funding and ecosystem funds.</p><p>Developed by Everest Ventures Group, OpenSocial Protocol provides open-source, multichain infrastructure tools that allow users to create decentralized social applications without coding experience. The platform aims to lower entry barriers for building community apps in the Web3 ecosystem. With the new funding, OpenSocial plans to expand its infrastructure across major blockchain networks and launch a user-friendly platform for creators, moderators, and users to easily build communities.</p><p>The first application built on OpenSocial Protocol, called SoMon, launched on June 19th. SoMon is described as a Reddit-like forum designed to give communities true ownership of their content and data. Within two weeks of launch, SoMon reportedly attracted over 30,000 on-chain active users, with an average engagement time of nearly 20 minutes and over 300,000 on-chain transactions.</p><p>OpenSocial Protocol&apos;s modular design includes various social features that can be implemented on-chain or off-chain. These include feeds, chatrooms, multimedia posts, comments, reactions, voting, and social graphs. The platform also offers tools for creating tribes (user and topic-based communities), advertising engines, and plug-ins for additional functionalities like token issuance and DAO tools.</p><p>Allen Ng, Co-Founder of OpenSocial Protocol, stated that the company aims to help launch 1,000 community apps by 2025. The protocol is focused on addressing key challenges in social media platforms, including user retention, spam bot prevention, and expanding user growth beyond the crypto-centric audience.</p><p>Investors expressed confidence in OpenSocial&apos;s potential to become a significant player in the growing SocialFi movement, particularly in Asia. Framework Ventures Co-Founder Vance Spencer highlighted the team&apos;s prior experience in scaling apps and onboarding millions of users, while Travis Scher of North Island Ventures emphasized the platform&apos;s potential to bring new users into the crypto ecosystem.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[MoonTaurus Cryptocurrency Raises $100,000 in Two-Hour Presale Launch]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>MoonTaurus, a new cryptocurrency in the memecoin category, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">launched</a> its presale on July 24, 2024, raising $100,000 within the first two hours. The project, based in London, England, is structured with a multi-tiered presale system and aims to position itself as a significant player in the cryptocurrency market.</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66a20305b6e389000154d990</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:48:39 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="MoonTaurus Cryptocurrency Raises $100,000 in Two-Hour Presale Launch"><p>MoonTaurus, a new cryptocurrency in the memecoin category, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">launched</a> its presale on July 24, 2024, raising $100,000 within the first two hours. The project, based in London, England, is structured with a multi-tiered presale system and aims to position itself as a significant player in the cryptocurrency market.</p><p>The presale for MoonTaurus (MNTR) tokens is designed with several stages, each offering a limited number of tokens at increasing prices. The initial presale price is set at $0.005 per token, with plans to increase to $0.01 in the second phase. By the end of the presale, the token price is expected to reach $0.07, representing a potential increase of 1300% from the initial offering price.</p><p>MoonTaurus has set ambitious goals for its future, with the primary objective of achieving a $1 billion market capitalization. To support this goal, the team behind the project is working on securing listings on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to expand trading opportunities and maintain a diverse trading ecosystem.</p><p>The tokenomics of MoonTaurus includes a fixed total supply of 3 billion MNTR tokens. This cap on the total number of tokens means that no additional tokens will be created beyond this limit. The team has not provided information about the distribution of these tokens or any vesting schedules in the source material.</p><p>To boost community engagement and increase visibility, MoonTaurus is conducting a $100,000 giveaway. The contest will award prizes to 10 winners. Participants are required to follow MoonTaurus on social media platforms, join their Telegram or Discord channels, and engage in promotional activities to enter the giveaway.</p><p>It&apos;s important to note that investing in memecoins can be a volatile activity. The information provided by MoonTaurus is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. Potential investors should conduct their own research and consider the risks involved before participating in any cryptocurrency presale or investment.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Zircuit Secures Mainnet Funding from Major Crypto Investors]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>Zircuit, a company developing an EVM-compatible ZK rollup with AI-enabled security features, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">announced</a> a successful Mainnet funding round. The investment saw participation from several prominent entities in the cryptocurrency space, including Binance Labs, Mirana Ventures, Amber Group, and others. Additionally, founders of notable blockchain projects such as Renzo, Etherfi,</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66a0b026b6e389000154d978</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 07:42:28 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Zircuit Secures Mainnet Funding from Major Crypto Investors"><p>Zircuit, a company developing an EVM-compatible ZK rollup with AI-enabled security features, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer">announced</a> a successful Mainnet funding round. The investment saw participation from several prominent entities in the cryptocurrency space, including Binance Labs, Mirana Ventures, Amber Group, and others. Additionally, founders of notable blockchain projects such as Renzo, Etherfi, Pendle, and LayerZero contributed as angel investors.</p><p>The funding comes at a crucial time for Zircuit, as the company prepares for its Mainnet Phase 1 launch in the coming weeks. With over $2.9 billion in staked assets already on its network, Zircuit aims to use the new capital to accelerate ecosystem growth and activity. The company&apos;s focus is on providing enhanced security for decentralized applications (dApps) and their users through its innovative infrastructure.</p><p>Zircuit&apos;s approach to blockchain security involves a novel architecture that incorporates sequencer-level security and automated AI techniques. This design is intended to protect against smart contract exploits and malicious actors, addressing persistent security concerns in the cryptocurrency space. The company claims its hybrid architecture allows for a fast, low-cost, and fully EVM-compatible ZK rollup without compromising on security.</p><p>One of Zircuit&apos;s key objectives is to become a central hub for restaked assets. The company plans to offer users the ability to earn competitive yields natively while benefiting from its enhanced security measures. This initiative aims to simplify the process of allocating capital in the evolving landscape of liquid restaking, where new protocols frequently emerge.</p><p>Yi He, Co-Founder of Binance and Head of Binance Labs, expressed support for Zircuit&apos;s innovative approach to Layer 2 solutions. Similarly, Erick Zhang, Managing Partner of Nomad Capital, highlighted the company&apos;s strong growth strategy and the rapid increase in assets locked on the platform since its launch.</p><p>Martin Derka, co-founder of Zircuit, emphasized the company&apos;s goal of providing infrastructure to facilitate mainstream adoption of web3 technologies. He stated that their research into rollups and blockchain security has enabled them to create a Layer 2 network offering both security and scalability.</p><p>As Zircuit approaches its Mainnet Phase 1 launch, the company has made resources available for developers and users interested in participating in its ecosystem. These include developer documentation, a Build to Earn program, and a staking platform, all accessible through the company&apos;s website.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[SEC Approves Ethereum ETFs, Opening Door to Mainstream Crypto Investments]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has granted final approval for spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that hold Ethereum&apos;s ether (ETH), marking a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency industry. This decision comes after years of regulatory deliberation and follows the SEC&apos;s approval of bitcoin ETFs</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">669f5c658d41460001f5781e</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><category><![CDATA[Ethereum]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:35:52 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="SEC Approves Ethereum ETFs, Opening Door to Mainstream Crypto Investments"><p>The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has granted final approval for spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that hold Ethereum&apos;s ether (ETH), marking a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency industry. This decision comes after years of regulatory deliberation and follows the SEC&apos;s approval of bitcoin ETFs in January 2024. The approval allows American investors to gain exposure to the second-largest cryptocurrency through conventional investment vehicles.</p><p>The introduction of ether ETFs is expected to make cryptocurrency investments more accessible to traditional investors. These funds can be bought and sold through standard brokerage accounts, potentially attracting a broader range of investors to the crypto market. Since their launch in January, bitcoin ETFs have seen substantial inflows, attracting tens of billions of dollars in investments.</p><p>The path to approval for ether ETFs was not always clear. As recently as a few weeks ago, the outcome remained uncertain. However, in late May, SEC officials unexpectedly began engaging with prospective ETF issuers after a prolonged period of silence. On May 23, the regulator approved a key filing, paving the way for full approval.</p><p>Industry experts have welcomed the SEC&apos;s decision. Matt Hougan, Chief Investment Officer at Bitwise, stated, &quot;We&apos;ve now fully entered the ETF era of crypto. Investors can now access more than 70% of the liquid crypto asset market through low-cost ETPs.&quot; Kyle DaCruz, Head of Digital Assets at VanEck, emphasized the importance of providing investors with accessible exposure to Ethereum.</p><p>The approval of spot bitcoin ETFs in January 2024 led to a significant surge in Bitcoin&apos;s price, with the cryptocurrency reaching new all-time highs after rising more than 58% within two months. While some analysts predict that the introduction of spot ETH ETFs could push the price of ether up to $6,500, others suggest that inflows into these funds may not be as substantial as those seen with bitcoin ETFs.</p><p>Research firm Steno Research estimates that the newly launched Ethereum ETFs could attract $15 billion to $20 billion worth of inflows in their first year. This projection is roughly equivalent to the amount that spot bitcoin ETFs have taken in over seven months. The firm notes that Ethereum lacks the &quot;first-mover advantage&quot; that bitcoin had and does not have as strong a narrative as bitcoin&apos;s &quot;digital gold&quot; status among supporters.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Bitcoin's Path to $100,000: Analyzing Key Factors in a Cooling Inflation Environment]]></title><description><![CDATA[<p>The recent correction in the cryptocurrency market may present an opportunity for long-term investors, according to Matt Hougan, chief investment officer at crypto asset manager Bitwise. In a recent investor note, Hougan outlined several key factors that could potentially drive Bitcoin&apos;s price to $100,000 by the end</p>]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">6690f2e340a4a300016e1d69</guid><category><![CDATA[News]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[John Williams]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 12 Jul 2024 09:11:21 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Bitcoin&apos;s Path to $100,000: Analyzing Key Factors in a Cooling Inflation Environment"><p>The recent correction in the cryptocurrency market may present an opportunity for long-term investors, according to Matt Hougan, chief investment officer at crypto asset manager Bitwise. In a recent investor note, Hougan outlined several key factors that could potentially drive Bitcoin&apos;s price to $100,000 by the end of the year, despite the current market downturn.</p><p>One of the primary catalysts for Bitcoin&apos;s potential rise is the continued inflow into U.S. spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Since their launch in January, these ETFs have attracted approximately $15 billion in net new assets. However, they have yet to be approved for use by major wealth management platforms such as Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. Hougan suggests that when this approval occurs, likely later this year, it could lead to billions more in investments.</p><p>The post-halving supply shortage is another factor that could contribute to Bitcoin&apos;s price increase. As the difficulty of mining Bitcoin increases, miners may be forced to capitulate, further reducing the available supply. This scarcity could drive up the price as demand continues to grow.</p><p>The potential launch of Ethereum spot ETFs is also cited as a possible catalyst for Bitcoin&apos;s price growth. While not directly related to Bitcoin, the introduction of these ETFs could increase overall interest and investment in the cryptocurrency market.</p><p>U.S. Federal Reserve rate cuts are another factor that could benefit Bitcoin and other risk assets. The recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed a 0.1% decrease in June, the first decline since May 2020. This cooling inflation could encourage the Fed to begin cutting rates, possibly as early as September. According to the CME FedWatch Tool, traders are anticipating an 84.6% chance of a rate cut in September.</p><p>Despite these positive long-term indicators, short-term challenges remain. The crypto market is currently facing downward pressure from factors such as the potential sale of Bitcoin from Mt. Gox creditors and ongoing transfers from the German government to exchanges and market makers. However, Hougan suggests that these short-term pressures are unlikely to significantly impact the market in the face of growing ETF demand.</p><p>The dichotomy between short-term challenges and long-term opportunities in the crypto market creates what Hougan describes as &quot;an incredible potential opportunity for long-term investors.&quot; While the immediate news may seem negative, the long-term outlook remains positive, according to his analysis.</p>]]></content:encoded></item></channel></rss>

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