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  246.                  <p>Trust is critical because disease control requires collective action. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, advocates found it easier to criticize the science than to weigh the harms and benefits. To ensure trustworthiness, Michael Stoto, professor emeritus in the Department of Health Management…</p>
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  315.                    <p>On March 13, 2024, the Global Health Institute co-hosted an event with Friends of the Global Fight that brought members of the private sector and civil society together to discuss how the two sectors can work together on public health in the face of increasing global challenges for governance. <br></p>
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  325.      <p>Georgetown nursing faculty members, alongside their Tanzania counterparts, trained dozens of nurse-midwives to perform a highly effective yet simple strategy that can prevent up to a third of newborn deaths.<br></p>
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  331.      <p>To recognize the fourth anniversary of the date that the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, the School of Nursing, School of Health, and School of Medicine hosted a conversation with former White House health care advisor Andy Slavitt.<br></p>
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