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<subtitle>my collection of programming exercises, research and code toys broadly spanning things that relate to programming and software development (languages, frameworks and tools)</subtitle>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href=""/>
<name>Paul Gallagher</name>
<link href=""/>
<title>#310 Ruby 3.3</title>
<summary>About Ruby 3.3 including installation on Apple Silicon.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About Ruby 3.3 including installation on Apple Silicon.</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#309 Ruby 3.2</title>
<summary>About Ruby 3.2 including installation on Apple Silicon.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About Ruby 3.2 including installation on Apple Silicon.</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#308 Using ChatGPT/OpenAI APIs with Python</title>
<summary>The basics of using ChatGPT/OpenAI APIs with Python</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>The basics of using ChatGPT/OpenAI APIs with Python</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="AI"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#307 Pro Git</title>
<summary>About Pro Git - the essential guide for mastering Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About Pro Git - the essential guide for mastering Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub.</p></div></content>
<category term="vcs"/>
<category term="git"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#306 git rebase all</title>
<summary>How to rebase all local branches on the current master/main branch</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to rebase all local branches on the current master/main branch</p></div></content>
<category term="vcs"/>
<category term="git"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#305 about git</title>
<summary>A general introduction to git and source control systems.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A general introduction to git and source control systems.</p></div></content>
<category term="vcs"/>
<category term="git"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#304 Share a Place</title>
<summary>Updating dependencies and API usage for the select and share a place app from the Understanding TypeScript course</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Updating dependencies and API usage for the select and share a place app from the Understanding TypeScript course</p></div></content>
<category term="typescript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#303 ID3 Tags</title>
<summary>Managing ID3 tags with Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Managing ID3 tags with Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#302 Mandelbrot</title>
<summary>A learning example Mandelbrot fractal generator in C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A learning example Mandelbrot fractal generator in C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#301 RubyKaigi 2024</title>
<summary>Recordings from RubyKaigi 2024 held in Okinawa</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Recordings from RubyKaigi 2024 held in Okinawa</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#300 RailsConf 2024</title>
<summary>Overview and notes from RailsConf 2024</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Overview and notes from RailsConf 2024</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby/RailsConf"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#299 Red Dot Ruby Conference 2024</title>
<summary>Conference summary and notes</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Conference summary and notes</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby/RubyConf"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#298 Hammerspoon</title>
<summary>Test driving Hammerspoon for automation on macOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Test driving Hammerspoon for automation on macOS</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#297 AI Tools</title>
<summary>A collection of AI tools that I've either used or would like to check out at some point</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A collection of AI tools that I've either used or would like to check out at some point</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="AI"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#296 PT Backup</title>
<summary>How to script a simple Pivotal Tracker backup with python and the RESTful API</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to script a simple Pivotal Tracker backup with python and the RESTful API</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#295 Installing Node.js Ubuntu</title>
<summary>Installing and maintaining Node.js on Ubuntu</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing and maintaining Node.js on Ubuntu</p></div></content>
<category term="node"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#294 about typescript</title>
<summary>typescript - my tl;dr summary, plus notes on getting started on macOS (Apple Silicon) and Ubuntu (x86).</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>typescript - my tl;dr summary, plus notes on getting started on macOS (Apple Silicon) and Ubuntu (x86).</p></div></content>
<category term="typescript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#293 Homebrew on Apple Silicon</title>
<summary>Using Homebrew to manage ARM64 and x86_64 package installations on macOS.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using Homebrew to manage ARM64 and x86_64 package installations on macOS.</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#292 Installing gRPC for MacOS</title>
<summary>installing on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>installing on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="gRPC"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<category term="Messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#291 doxygen</title>
<summary>Installing and testing doxygen for c++ source documentation generation on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing and testing doxygen for c++ source documentation generation on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#290 Installing elm</title>
<summary>Installing Elm on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing Elm on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="Elm"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#289 Installing Rust for MacOS</title>
<summary>Rust - installing on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Rust - installing on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="Rust"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#288 xargs</title>
<summary>All about using xargs to build and execute command lines from standard input</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about using xargs to build and execute command lines from standard input</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#287 CSV with Ruby</title>
<summary>All about reading and writing CSV with Ruby, including large file handling.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about reading and writing CSV with Ruby, including large file handling.</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#286 LLDP</title>
<summary>About LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol), IEEE 802.1AB</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol), IEEE 802.1AB</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#285 Think Python</title>
<summary>Book notes - Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen B. Downey, published by O'Reilly.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen B. Downey, published by O'Reilly.</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#284 Network Quality Estimation</title>
<summary>Accessing network connection information in the browser.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Accessing network connection information in the browser.</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#283 ubuntu docker image</title>
<summary>Using the official ubuntu docker images.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the official ubuntu docker images.</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#282 PMP REST API</title>
<summary>Notes on setting up and using the PMP REST API</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on setting up and using the PMP REST API</p></div></content>
<category term="security/pmp"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#281 pypmp</title>
<summary>Using pypmp to call the PMP REST API from python</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using pypmp to call the PMP REST API from python</p></div></content>
<category term="security/pmp"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#280 About PMP</title>
<summary>About ManageEngine Password Manager Pro including Linux server installation</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About ManageEngine Password Manager Pro including Linux server installation</p></div></content>
<category term="security/pmp"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#279 Sublime Merge</title>
<summary>All about Sublime Merge.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about Sublime Merge.</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="git"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#278 GitOps</title>
<summary>GitOps in a nutshell - Continuous Deployment for cloud native applications</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>GitOps in a nutshell - Continuous Deployment for cloud native applications</p></div></content>
<category term="methods"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#277 Installing Node.js macOS</title>
<summary>Installing and maintaining Node.js on macOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing and maintaining Node.js on macOS</p></div></content>
<category term="node"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#276 MySQL 8</title>
<summary>All about MySQL 8 and examples of running with docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about MySQL 8 and examples of running with docker</p></div></content>
<category term="Database"/>
<category term="MySQL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#275 Linking C</title>
<summary>All about compiling, linking, and debugging C with GCC on macOx (Intel and Apple Silicon)</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about compiling, linking, and debugging C with GCC on macOx (Intel and Apple Silicon)</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#274 AMQP with Ruby</title>
<summary>Using the amqp EventMachine-based RabbitMQ client</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the amqp EventMachine-based RabbitMQ client</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#273 RabbitMQ</title>
<summary>All about RabbitMQ message broker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about RabbitMQ message broker</p></div></content>
<category term="messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#272 HandBrake</title>
<summary>Installing HandBrake on macOS Sonoma for ripping copy-protected DVDs. Long live physical media!</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing HandBrake on macOS Sonoma for ripping copy-protected DVDs. Long live physical media!</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#271 Bash on macOS</title>
<summary>Using latest bash releases on the latest versions of macOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using latest bash releases on the latest versions of macOS</p></div></content>
<category term="bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#270 Using with_defaults</title>
<summary>About the `reverse_merge` and `with_defaults` Hash mixins from Rails</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About the `reverse_merge` and `with_defaults` Hash mixins from Rails</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#269 Docker Housekeeping</title>
<summary>Some simple housekeeping commands for Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Some simple housekeeping commands for Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#268 PostgreSQL Sequences</title>
<summary>Notes on managing PostgreSQL Sequences</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on managing PostgreSQL Sequences</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="postgresql"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#267 PostgreSQL Locks</title>
<summary>Notes on managing PostgreSQL locks</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on managing PostgreSQL locks</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="postgresql"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#266 xe_currency</title>
<summary>Using the Xe Currency Data API from Ruby and with curl</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the Xe Currency Data API from Ruby and with curl</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#265 Lotto Picker - The Rust Way</title>
<summary>Using a lotto picker example to demonstrate random numbers and set operations the rust way</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using a lotto picker example to demonstrate random numbers and set operations the rust way</p></div></content>
<category term="rust"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#264 Lotto Picker - The Python Way</title>
<summary>Using a lotto picker example to demonstrate random numbers and set operations the python way</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using a lotto picker example to demonstrate random numbers and set operations the python way</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#263 Lotto Picker - The Ruby Way</title>
<summary>Using a lotto picker example to demonstrate random numbers and set operations the ruby way</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using a lotto picker example to demonstrate random numbers and set operations the ruby way</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#262 Minimal Django Starter Project</title>
<summary>The basic Django app framework</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>The basic Django app framework</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="django"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#261 Minimal Django</title>
<summary>The most bare-bones single file Django app</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>The most bare-bones single file Django app</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="django"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#260 Parameter Substitution</title>
<summary>All about Bash parameter substitution.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about Bash parameter substitution.</p></div></content>
<category term="bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#259 Flask Web Development</title>
<summary>Book notes - Flask Web Development, By Miguel Grinberg, published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Flask Web Development, By Miguel Grinberg, published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#258 Lightweight Django</title>
<summary>Book notes - Lightweight Django, By Julia Elman, Mark Lavin, published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Lightweight Django, By Julia Elman, Mark Lavin, published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#257 cookieconsent</title>
<summary>Using cookieconsent for embedding cookie warnings in a web page</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using cookieconsent for embedding cookie warnings in a web page</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<category term="GDPR"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#256 Sublime Text</title>
<summary>All about Sublime Text</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about Sublime Text</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="editors"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#255 disk usage</title>
<summary>how to survey disk usage on linux systems</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>how to survey disk usage on linux systems</p></div></content>
<category term="bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#254 Primary Key Audit</title>
<summary>How to list primary key details in a MySQL database</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to list primary key details in a MySQL database</p></div></content>
<category term="Database"/>
<category term="MySQL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#253 Big O Notation</title>
<summary>About Big O Notation</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About Big O Notation</p></div></content>
<category term="methods"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#252 getopts</title>
<summary>Using the getopts utility for parsing options in shell scripts</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the getopts utility for parsing options in shell scripts</p></div></content>
<category term="bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#251 Video Editing</title>
<summary>Miscellaneous video editing and manipulation tools</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Miscellaneous video editing and manipulation tools</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="video"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#250 Chart Gems</title>
<summary>Notes on ruby options for chart generation that support output as an image</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on ruby options for chart generation that support output as an image</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="graphing"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#249 Livable Code</title>
<summary>Notes on the RailsConf 2018 Keynote - Livable Code by Sarah Mei</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on the RailsConf 2018 Keynote - Livable Code by Sarah Mei</p></div></content>
<category term="methods"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#248 The Case of the Missing Method</title>
<summary>Or to mix literary metaphors, where in the world do class methods get stored? An investigation into the sublime and elegant design of metaclasses in ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Or to mix literary metaphors, where in the world do class methods get stored? An investigation into the sublime and elegant design of metaclasses in ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#247 Audio Tone Generator</title>
<summary>I used ChatGPT to show me how to make an audio tone generation tool in Javascript and it taught me how to use the new(ish) AudioContext API</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>I used ChatGPT to show me how to make an audio tone generation tool in Javascript and it taught me how to use the new(ish) AudioContext API</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="audio"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#246 The Pocket Guide to Debugging</title>
<summary>Book notes - The Pocket Guide to Debugging by Julia Evans</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - The Pocket Guide to Debugging by Julia Evans</p></div></content>
<category term="methods"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#245 Querying Atom Feeds</title>
<summary>Techniques and examples for querying Atom Feeds with XPath and Nokogiri</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Techniques and examples for querying Atom Feeds with XPath and Nokogiri</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#244 Compiling Ruby</title>
<summary>Compiling Ruby (2.6.5-p114) from source and some debugging with llvm</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Compiling Ruby (2.6.5-p114) from source and some debugging with llvm</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#243 Image Resize</title>
<summary>Simple image resizing with python and the Pillow library and a little yak shaving with EXIF tags</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Simple image resizing with python and the Pillow library and a little yak shaving with EXIF tags</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#242 Satellite Imagery Sources</title>
<summary>Poking around free satellite imagery services</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Poking around free satellite imagery services</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="osint"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#241 NTP with Ruby</title>
<summary>All about the NTP protocol with examples in ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about the NTP protocol with examples in ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#240 IPv4 Addresses with Ruby</title>
<summary>All about dissecting IPv4 addresses with ruby including networks, netmasks and CIDR</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about dissecting IPv4 addresses with ruby including networks, netmasks and CIDR</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#239 Python Playground</title>
<summary>Book notes - Python Playground, by Mahesh Venkitachalam, published by No Starch Press</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Python Playground, by Mahesh Venkitachalam, published by No Starch Press</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#238 favicons</title>
<summary>All about favicons</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about favicons</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#237 Self-signed Certs</title>
<summary>Creating a self-signed certificate</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Creating a self-signed certificate</p></div></content>
<category term="security"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#236 PKCS12</title>
<summary>About PKCS #12 archive files</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About PKCS #12 archive files</p></div></content>
<category term="security"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#235 WiFi Scanners</title>
<summary>A quick survey of WiFi scanners</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A quick survey of WiFi scanners</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="networking"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#234 Ruckus vSZ on AWS</title>
<summary>Complete and validated demonstration of installing Ruckus Virtual SmartZone on AWS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Complete and validated demonstration of installing Ruckus Virtual SmartZone on AWS</p></div></content>
<category term="networking"/>
<category term="WLAN"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#233 Adding APs to vSZ</title>
<summary>Configuring a Ruckus R610 access point to be managed by a Ruckus Virtual SmartZone controller</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Configuring a Ruckus R610 access point to be managed by a Ruckus Virtual SmartZone controller</p></div></content>
<category term="networking"/>
<category term="WLAN"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#232 Convert SZ AP to Unleashed</title>
<summary>Demonstrating the procedure for converting a SZ-managed Ruckus R610 AP to Unleashed</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Demonstrating the procedure for converting a SZ-managed Ruckus R610 AP to Unleashed</p></div></content>
<category term="networking"/>
<category term="WLAN"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#231 cron</title>
<summary>all about cron and OS-managed scheduled tasks</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>all about cron and OS-managed scheduled tasks</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#230 php include</title>
<summary>How to include or require other files in a PHP script</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to include or require other files in a PHP script</p></div></content>
<category term="php"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#229 php md5</title>
<summary>Are you still using MD5 in PHP?</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Are you still using MD5 in PHP?</p></div></content>
<category term="php"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#228 Split Files</title>
<summary>Split a text file into parts with simple shell utilities</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Split a text file into parts with simple shell utilities</p></div></content>
<category term="bash"/>
<category term="split"/>
<category term="tail"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#227 Docker Shell</title>
<summary>How to get a bash shell in a docker instance</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to get a bash shell in a docker instance</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#226 Python SNMP Servers</title>
<summary>Researching simple pure Python SNMP Server options</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Researching simple pure Python SNMP Server options</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="SNMP"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#225 XML Parsing with Ruby</title>
<summary>About techniques for working with XML, HTML4, and HTML5 from Ruby with gems like nokogiri</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About techniques for working with XML, HTML4, and HTML5 from Ruby with gems like nokogiri</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="XML"/>
<category term="HTML"/>
<category term="nokogiri"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#224 fullcalendar</title>
<summary>Using the fullcalendar library for the web</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the fullcalendar library for the web</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<category term="javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#223 Ruby One-liners</title>
<summary>All about one-liners with ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about one-liners with ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#222 Bootstrap Date and Time Pickers</title>
<summary>About date/time pickers with bootstrap</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About date/time pickers with bootstrap</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<category term="javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#221 bootstrap</title>
<summary>About Bootstrap</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About Bootstrap</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<category term="javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#220 Making Static Libraries</title>
<summary>Basics of building and using static libraries with C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Basics of building and using static libraries with C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#219 Binary Files</title>
<summary>Simple binary file operations with C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Simple binary file operations with C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#218 SFTP</title>
<summary>About SSH File Transfer Protocol</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About SSH File Transfer Protocol</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#217 SSH</title>
<summary>About Secure Shell (SSH) and common SSH tips and tricks.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About Secure Shell (SSH) and common SSH tips and tricks.</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#216 HTTP Mock Responses</title>
<summary>Using Sinatra to craft simple HTTP web responses for mock integration testing</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using Sinatra to craft simple HTTP web responses for mock integration testing</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#215 zeromq on MacOS</title>
<summary>Installing zeromq on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing zeromq on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="messaging"/>
<category term="zeromq"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#214 FreeRADIUS/freeradius-server-macosx</title>
<summary>FreeRADIUS - running on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>FreeRADIUS - running on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="RADIUS"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#213 FreeRADIUS/freeradius-client-macosx</title>
<summary>FreeRADIUS - running on MacOS (#fail - this project needs work)</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>FreeRADIUS - running on MacOS (#fail - this project needs work)</p></div></content>
<category term="RADIUS"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#212 SDL2 MacOS Install</title>
<summary>Installing the Simple DirectMedia Layer library on MacOS, and running a basic verification program in C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing the Simple DirectMedia Layer library on MacOS, and running a basic verification program in C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<category term="SDL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#211 Haskell/install_macosx</title>
<summary>installing Haskell on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>installing Haskell on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="Haskell"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#210 Elixir on MacOS</title>
<summary>Installing Elixir on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing Elixir on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="elixir"/>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#209 Installing Python 2 and 3 on MacOS</title>
<summary>Notes on installing and maintaining python 2 and 3 versions on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on installing and maintaining python 2 and 3 versions on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#208 python/micropython/compiling_macosx</title>
<summary>Building MicroPython on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Building MicroPython on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="MicroPython"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#207 Go/install_macosx</title>
<summary>installing Go on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>installing Go on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="Go"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#206 Building for ARM with Docker</title>
<summary>Building 32-bit ARM v7 images with docker, tested on MacOS and AWS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Building 32-bit ARM v7 images with docker, tested on MacOS and AWS</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="ARM"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#205 iReasoning MIB browser</title>
<summary>Testing the iReasoning MIB browser on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Testing the iReasoning MIB browser on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="SNMP"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#204 Tools/iproute2</title>
<summary>about iproute2 and how to run it on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>about iproute2 and how to run it on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#203 Tools/homebrew</title>
<summary>homebrew (MacOS package manager) tips and tricks</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>homebrew (MacOS package manager) tips and tricks</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#202 arping</title>
<summary>All about Address Resolution Protocol (ARP - RFC826) and installing arping on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about Address Resolution Protocol (ARP - RFC826) and installing arping on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#201 sips</title>
<summary>Using sips - scriptable image processing system on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using sips - scriptable image processing system on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#200 MacOS Cheatsheet</title>
<summary>my favourite MacOS tools, tips and tricks</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>my favourite MacOS tools, tips and tricks</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="MacOS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#199 Request Bin</title>
<summary>Using request bin services to inspect HTTP events - Runscope self-hosted and newer Pipedream services with workflows aka programmable bins</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using request bin services to inspect HTTP events - Runscope self-hosted and newer Pipedream services with workflows aka programmable bins</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="api"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#198 ngrok</title>
<summary>Creating publically-accessible URLs for services running locally</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Creating publically-accessible URLs for services running locally</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#197 MySQL on MacOS</title>
<summary>Notes on installing and running MySQL on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on installing and running MySQL on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="Database"/>
<category term="MySQL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#196 Redis Desktop Manager</title>
<summary>Building and running the Redis Desktop Manager applicaiton on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Building and running the Redis Desktop Manager applicaiton on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="redis"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#195 About Redis</title>
<summary>Redis basics and MacOS installation</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Redis basics and MacOS installation</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="redis"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#194 Free Pascal</title>
<summary>Installing and running the Free Pascal compiler on MacOS</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing and running the Free Pascal compiler on MacOS</p></div></content>
<category term="pascal"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#193 Zabbix 5 Docker</title>
<summary>Running Zabbix 5 with Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Running Zabbix 5 with Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="zabbix"/>
<category term="monitoring"/>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#192 Huey Task Priority</title>
<summary>Using the huey task priority feature</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the huey task priority feature</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="huey"/>
<category term="async"/>
<category term="queues"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#191 Monitoring Huey with NewRelic</title>
<summary>Notes and examples os using NewRelic monitoring with Huey</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes and examples os using NewRelic monitoring with Huey</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="huey"/>
<category term="async"/>
<category term="queues"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#190 About Huey</title>
<summary>Huey is a lightweight queuing system for python</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Huey is a lightweight queuing system for python</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="huey"/>
<category term="async"/>
<category term="queues"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#189 Engines in Rails 6</title>
<summary>Looking into what is new or different with Rails 6 engines</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Looking into what is new or different with Rails 6 engines</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#188 Running Rails 6 Without Webpacker</title>
<summary>Because sometimes just want to keep it simple with good old sprockets and the asset pipeline</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Because sometimes just want to keep it simple with good old sprockets and the asset pipeline</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#187 Rails 6 with Docker for Production</title>
<summary>All about running Rails 6 with Docker for production deployment</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about running Rails 6 with Docker for production deployment</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#186 RailsConf 2021</title>
<summary>Overview and notes from RailsConf 2021</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Overview and notes from RailsConf 2021</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#185 RubyConf 2020</title>
<summary>Overview and notes from RubyConf 2020</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Overview and notes from RubyConf 2020</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#184 aws-cli</title>
<summary>Installing the running the AWS CLI</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing the running the AWS CLI</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="AWS"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#183 static</title>
<summary>About the static keyword in C++ - static variables, static objects, static member variables, static member functions</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About the static keyword in C++ - static variables, static objects, static member variables, static member functions</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#182 SSL Certificate Chains</title>
<summary>notes on investigating issues with server SSL certificate chains</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>notes on investigating issues with server SSL certificate chains</p></div></content>
<category term="security"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#181 iperf/iperf3</title>
<summary>iPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>iPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#180 Indirect References</title>
<summary>Indirect variable de-referencing in bash scripts</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Indirect variable de-referencing in bash scripts</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#179 Bash Reference Manual</title>
<summary>the GNU Bash Reference Manual</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>the GNU Bash Reference Manual</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#178 whalesay</title>
<summary>Building and testing the whalesay docker demo</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Building and testing the whalesay docker demo</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#177 Basic SDL Graphics</title>
<summary>Testing some basic windo and rendering functions with SDL library in C++.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Testing some basic windo and rendering functions with SDL library in C++.</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<category term="SDL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#176 Numeric Limits in C</title>
<summary>Numeric limits information available in the C standard library (and finding another clang/gcc difference)</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Numeric limits information available in the C standard library (and finding another clang/gcc difference)</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#175 Numeric Limits in C++</title>
<summary>Numeric limits information available in the C++ standard library</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Numeric limits information available in the C++ standard library</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#174 Float Format</title>
<summary>Testing floating point number formatting with the C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Testing floating point number formatting with the C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#173 Palindromes</title>
<summary>Examples of how to code a palidrome check in C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Examples of how to code a palidrome check in C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#172 Hello World in C</title>
<summary>the clichéd starting point, in C</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>the clichéd starting point, in C</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#171 Hello World in C++</title>
<summary>the clichéd starting point, in C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>the clichéd starting point, in C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#170 Bitwise Operations</title>
<summary>All about bitwize operations in Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about bitwize operations in Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#169 std::string::find</title>
<summary>A closer look at the find function for strings in C++</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A closer look at the find function for strings in C++</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#168 Hands-On System Programming with C++</title>
<summary>Book notes - Hands-On System Programming with C++ by Dr. Rian Quinn</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Hands-On System Programming with C++ by Dr. Rian Quinn</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#167 Browser Connection Management</title>
<summary>Notes on how web browsers manage network connections</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on how web browsers manage network connections</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<category term="networking"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#166 Proc v Lambda</title>
<summary>Exploring differences and similarities between procs and lambdas in Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Exploring differences and similarities between procs and lambdas in Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="closure"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#165 YubiKey</title>
<summary>A closer look at the YubiKey hardware security token, how it works, the CLI and GUI, and how it can be used with a range of services. Also demonstrate how to setup with Wasabi Cloud Storage - an example of a service that supports 2-factor authentication but not specifically the YubiKey.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A closer look at the YubiKey hardware security token, how it works, the CLI and GUI, and how it can be used with a range of services. Also demonstrate how to setup with Wasabi Cloud Storage - an example of a service that supports 2-factor authentication but not specifically the YubiKey.</p></div></content>
<category term="security"/>
<category term="MFA"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#164 Password Strength Testers</title>
<summary>Checking out various Javascript-based password strength testers and trying to find one that best implements latest NIST guidelines.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Checking out various Javascript-based password strength testers and trying to find one that best implements latest NIST guidelines.</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="security"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#163 Regular Expressions and String Indexes</title>
<summary>When string indexes are better than regex, and when regex can help writing a string index</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>When string indexes are better than regex, and when regex can help writing a string index</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#162 Loops in Rust</title>
<summary>All about loops in rust</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about loops in rust</p></div></content>
<category term="rust"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#161 Loops in C</title>
<summary>All about loops in C</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about loops in C</p></div></content>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#160 Ruby Style</title>
<summary>On style guides and resources for ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>On style guides and resources for ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#159 Color Pickers for the Web</title>
<summary>Looking at easy ways to enable a color picker on a web page</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Looking at easy ways to enable a color picker on a web page</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="HTML5"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#158 Iterating Lists with Indices</title>
<summary>Revising methods for adding indexes to lists since PEP 3113 removed tuple parameter unpacking</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Revising methods for adding indexes to lists since PEP 3113 removed tuple parameter unpacking</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#157 Reducing Overlapping Ranges</title>
<summary>Looking at solutions for how to aggregate a series of ranges while excluding any overlaps (e.g. set of date ranges)</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Looking at solutions for how to aggregate a series of ranges while excluding any overlaps (e.g. set of date ranges)</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#156 Doorkeeper</title>
<summary>Learning about the Doorkeeper gem and testing it for adding OAuth2 provider capabilities to Rails applications</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Learning about the Doorkeeper gem and testing it for adding OAuth2 provider capabilities to Rails applications</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<category term="security"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#155 pyenv</title>
<summary>Using pyenv for managing multiple python environments</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using pyenv for managing multiple python environments</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#154 Modern Front-End Development for Rails</title>
<summary>Notes on the book Modern Front-End Development for Rails, By Noel Rappin, pubished by The Pragmatic Programmers</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on the book Modern Front-End Development for Rails, By Noel Rappin, pubished by The Pragmatic Programmers</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#153 Docker for Rails Developers</title>
<summary>Notes on the book Docker for Rails Developers, By Rob Isenberg, pubished by The Pragmatic Programmers</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on the book Docker for Rails Developers, By Rob Isenberg, pubished by The Pragmatic Programmers</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#152 Trumpeter Catalog Skin</title>
<summary>A simple and fast offline Trumpeter model catalog skin, using some nokogiri magic</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A simple and fast offline Trumpeter model catalog skin, using some nokogiri magic</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#151 Devise with Rails 6</title>
<summary>Running devise with Rails 6</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Running devise with Rails 6</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<category term="security"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#150 Rails 6 with Docker</title>
<summary>All about running Rails 6 with Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about running Rails 6 with Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#149 drb</title>
<summary>dRuby (drb) is a distributed object system for Ruby, included in the standard library</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>dRuby (drb) is a distributed object system for Ruby, included in the standard library</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#148 Bit Fields</title>
<summary>Using bitfields in C</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using bitfields in C</p></div></content>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#147 Bitwise Operations</title>
<summary>Summary and demonstration of all the usual bit operations in C</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Summary and demonstration of all the usual bit operations in C</p></div></content>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#146 Simple URIs with addressable</title>
<summary>Using the addressable gem for better handling of URIs/URLs</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the addressable gem for better handling of URIs/URLs</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#145 printf partial strings</title>
<summary>Learning how printf can be instructed to select a limited number of characters from a string</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Learning how printf can be instructed to select a limited number of characters from a string</p></div></content>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#144 Redis Cookbook</title>
<summary>Notes on the book Redis Cookbook, By Tiago Macedo and Fred Oliveira, pubished by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on the book Redis Cookbook, By Tiago Macedo and Fred Oliveira, pubished by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="redis"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#143 Console Tables</title>
<summary>Generating data tables in the console from Array, Hash, or ActiveRecord objects with the tablesmith gem</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Generating data tables in the console from Array, Hash, or ActiveRecord objects with the tablesmith gem</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#142 Console Barcharts</title>
<summary>Print barcharts to the console in ascii or with unicode block elements</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Print barcharts to the console in ascii or with unicode block elements</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#141 Zabbix Programmatic Configuration with Ruby</title>
<summary>Configuring zabbix via the API, with examples using zabbix-client ruby gem</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Configuring zabbix via the API, with examples using zabbix-client ruby gem</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="zabbix"/>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#140 Memo Methods</title>
<summary>Comparing and testing various memoization methods and gems in Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Comparing and testing various memoization methods and gems in Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="design patterns"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#139 Line Continuations in HTML</title>
<summary>CSS and Javascript solutions for indicating line continuations in web pages</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>CSS and Javascript solutions for indicating line continuations in web pages</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<category term="HTML"/>
<category term="CSS"/>
<category term="javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#138 CSS Cookbook</title>
<summary>Book notes - CSS Cookbook, 3rd Edition by Christopher Schmitt, pubished by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - CSS Cookbook, 3rd Edition by Christopher Schmitt, pubished by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="CSS"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#137 Cross-browser X Library</title>
<summary>Playing with the old inner solar system demo for the cross-browser javascript X library</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Playing with the old inner solar system demo for the cross-browser javascript X library</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#136 Using InfluxDb 2.x with Ruby</title>
<summary>Testing out the official ruby client calling a InfluxDb 2.0.0-beta server running in Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Testing out the official ruby client calling a InfluxDb 2.0.0-beta server running in Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="influxdb"/>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#135 Using InfluxDb 1.x with Ruby</title>
<summary>Testing out the official ruby client calling a InfluxDb 1.7.9 server running in Docker.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Testing out the official ruby client calling a InfluxDb 1.7.9 server running in Docker.</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="influxdb"/>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#134 jQuery Date-Time Selectors</title>
<summary>A Quick Survey of jQuery Date-Time Selector libraries and approaches</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A Quick Survey of jQuery Date-Time Selector libraries and approaches</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#133 DirSize</title>
<summary>Directory Size Scanner for OS/2 v2.0 written in REXX</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Directory Size Scanner for OS/2 v2.0 written in REXX</p></div></content>
<category term="REXX"/>
<category term="OS/2"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#132 ShowLong</title>
<summary>Expose Long/HPFS filenames with REXX on OS/2</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Expose Long/HPFS filenames with REXX on OS/2</p></div></content>
<category term="REXX"/>
<category term="OS/2"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#131 Visual Archiver</title>
<summary>An Archive Management Interface for OS/2 v2.0 written in REXX</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>An Archive Management Interface for OS/2 v2.0 written in REXX</p></div></content>
<category term="REXX"/>
<category term="OS/2"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#130 Database Tweets</title>
<summary>Tweeting from your Oracle database with short urls</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Tweeting from your Oracle database with short urls</p></div></content>
<category term="Database"/>
<category term="Oracle"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#129 Ruby Loop</title>
<summary>All the various ways of looping in Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All the various ways of looping in Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#128 Docker on CentOS 8</title>
<summary>Installing and running Docker on CentOS 8</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Installing and running Docker on CentOS 8</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#127 TCP Wrappers</title>
<summary>The basics of TCP wrappers</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>The basics of TCP wrappers</p></div></content>
<category term="linux"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#126 Variable Fonts</title>
<summary>Understanding the new standards for variable CSS fonts</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Understanding the new standards for variable CSS fonts</p></div></content>
<category term="CSS"/>
<category term="font"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#125 Loop Optimization</title>
<summary>Looking at how C compilers optimize loops</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Looking at how C compilers optimize loops</p></div></content>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#124 About Pascal</title>
<summary>Pascal In a Nutshell</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Pascal In a Nutshell</p></div></content>
<category term="pascal"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#123 Linux Server Hacks</title>
<summary>Book notes - Linux Server Hacks by Rob Flickenger and Linux Server Hacks, Volume Two (Tips & Tools for Connecting, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting) by William von Hagen and Brian K. Jones, published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Linux Server Hacks by Rob Flickenger and Linux Server Hacks, Volume Two (Tips &amp; Tools for Connecting, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting) by William von Hagen and Brian K. Jones, published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="linux"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#122 Finding Files</title>
<summary>Examples of various ways to find files</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Examples of various ways to find files</p></div></content>
<category term="bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#121 Docker Cookbook (Packt)</title>
<summary>Book notes - Docker Cookbook, 2nd Edition by Ken Cochrane, Jeeva S. Chelladhurai, Neependra K Khare, published by Packt</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Docker Cookbook, 2nd Edition by Ken Cochrane, Jeeva S. Chelladhurai, Neependra K Khare, published by Packt</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#120 21st Century C</title>
<summary>Notes on the book '21st Century C' by Ben Klemens, published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on the book '21st Century C' by Ben Klemens, published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#119 Practical C Programming</title>
<summary>Book notes - Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition by Steve Oualline, published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition by Steve Oualline, published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#118 The Rust Programming Language</title>
<summary>Book notes - The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik, published by Mozilla Research</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik, published by Mozilla Research</p></div></content>
<category term="rust"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#117 Programming Elixir</title>
<summary>Book notes - Programming Elixir by Dave Thomas, published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Programming Elixir by Dave Thomas, published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf</p></div></content>
<category term="elixir"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#116 Docker Cookbook (O'Reilly)</title>
<summary>Book notes - Docker Cookbook, 3rd Edition by Steve Oualline, published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Docker Cookbook, 3rd Edition by Steve Oualline, published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#115 Basic Request-Reply in C</title>
<summary>Basic ZeroMQ 'hello world' example of the request-reply messaging pattern in C</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Basic ZeroMQ 'hello world' example of the request-reply messaging pattern in C</p></div></content>
<category term="messaging"/>
<category term="zeromq"/>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#114 Rickshaw</title>
<summary>Testing out the D3-based Rickshaw time series graph library</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Testing out the D3-based Rickshaw time series graph library</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="graphics"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#113 Mastering Zabbix</title>
<summary>Book notes - Mastering Zabbix by Andrea Dalle Vacche, Stefano Kewan Lee, published by PacktPub</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Mastering Zabbix by Andrea Dalle Vacche, Stefano Kewan Lee, published by PacktPub</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="zabbix"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#112 Zabbix API Ruby Clients</title>
<summary>A quick survey and test of various ruby options for using the Zabbix API</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A quick survey and test of various ruby options for using the Zabbix API</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="zabbix"/>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#111 Zabbix Docker</title>
<summary>Running Zabbix with Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Running Zabbix with Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="zabbix"/>
<category term="monitoring"/>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#110 About Zabbix</title>
<summary>Zabbix in a Nutshell</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Zabbix in a Nutshell</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="zabbix"/>
<category term="monitoring"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#109 ZeroMQ (book)</title>
<summary>Book notes - ZeroMQ by Pieter Hintjens, published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - ZeroMQ by Pieter Hintjens, published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="messaging"/>
<category term="zeromq"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#108 About Zeromq</title>
<summary>Zeromq in a nutshell with a quick test of using the library from C</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Zeromq in a nutshell with a quick test of using the library from C</p></div></content>
<category term="messaging"/>
<category term="zeromq"/>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#107 Elixir Basics</title>
<summary>Exploring basic language features of Elixir</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Exploring basic language features of Elixir</p></div></content>
<category term="elixir"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#106 About Elm</title>
<summary>Elm (the language) in a nutshell</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Elm (the language) in a nutshell</p></div></content>
<category term="elm"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#105 About Elixir</title>
<summary>Elixir in a nutshell</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Elixir in a nutshell</p></div></content>
<category term="elixir"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#104 Testing with Rust</title>
<summary>How to write and organise tests for rust</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to write and organise tests for rust</p></div></content>
<category term="rust"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#103 Using Cargo</title>
<summary>Using Cargo to create and manage a rust project</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using Cargo to create and manage a rust project</p></div></content>
<category term="rust"/>
<category term="cargo"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#102 Error Function</title>
<summary>Methods for calculating the Gauss error function in C with standard libraries and the GNU Scientific Library</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Methods for calculating the Gauss error function in C with standard libraries and the GNU Scientific Library</p></div></content>
<category term="c"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#101 RSS and Atom</title>
<summary>About RSS and Atom feeds for publishing and podcasting</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About RSS and Atom feeds for publishing and podcasting</p></div></content>
<category term="formats"/>
<category term="rss"/>
<category term="rdf"/>
<category term="atom"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#100 Cacti</title>
<summary>About the cacti network monitoring tool, including how to run it in Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About the cacti network monitoring tool, including how to run it in Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<category term="monitoring"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#099 Programming Interactivity</title>
<summary>Book notes - Programming Interactivity 2nd Edition, by Joshua Noble published by O'Reilly</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Programming Interactivity 2nd Edition, by Joshua Noble published by O'Reilly</p></div></content>
<category term="design"/>
<category term="arduino"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#098 Rails AntiPatterns</title>
<summary>Book notes - Rails AntiPatterns by Chad Pytel and Tammer Saleh, published by Addison-Wesley Professional</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Rails AntiPatterns by Chad Pytel and Tammer Saleh, published by Addison-Wesley Professional</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#097 Running Metasploit with Docker</title>
<summary>Investigating how to run Metasploit in a Docker container</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Investigating how to run Metasploit in a Docker container</p></div></content>
<category term="security"/>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#096 Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook</title>
<summary>Book notes - Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook, Second Edition by Monika Agarwal, Abhinav Singh</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Book notes - Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook, Second Edition by Monika Agarwal, Abhinav Singh</p></div></content>
<category term="security"/>
<category term="book"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#095 Pointers in C</title>
<summary>All about pointers in C</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about pointers in C</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#094 Scripting YouTube</title>
<summary>An experiment in scripting the YouTube player with external controls and the IFrame API</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>An experiment in scripting the YouTube player with external controls and the IFrame API</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#093 Ruby 2.7 New Features</title>
<summary>Investigating new features in Ruby 2.7.0, released 2019-12-25</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Investigating new features in Ruby 2.7.0, released 2019-12-25</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#092 About InfluxDB</title>
<summary>Learning the basics of InfluxDB and running a demo with Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Learning the basics of InfluxDB and running a demo with Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="influxdb"/>
<category term="docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#091 Private PodFeed</title>
<content type="html"><div><p>description</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rss"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#090 QR Codes with Python</title>
<summary>Generating QR codes with python, as images and as C header files for embedded applications</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Generating QR codes with python, as images and as C header files for embedded applications</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#089 emacs</title>
<summary>closer look at emacs</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>closer look at emacs</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#088 About Prometheus</title>
<summary>Learning the basics of Prometheus and running a demo with Docker and a Sinatra Ruby target application</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Learning the basics of Prometheus and running a demo with Docker and a Sinatra Ruby target application</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="prometheus"/>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#087 About YAML</title>
<summary>Notes on structure, generation and validation of YAML.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on structure, generation and validation of YAML.</p></div></content>
<category term="formats"/>
<category term="yaml"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#086 SVG Animation</title>
<summary>All about SVG for web design and animation</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about SVG for web design and animation</p></div></content>
<category term="CSS"/>
<category term="SVG"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#085 Browser Security</title>
<summary>notes and summaries of key browser security and vulnerabilities</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>notes and summaries of key browser security and vulnerabilities</p></div></content>
<category term="web"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#084 Google Chart Basics</title>
<summary>Getting up and running and understanding the latest from Google Charts</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Getting up and running and understanding the latest from Google Charts</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="graphics"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#083 Dynamically Updating D3 Charts</title>
<summary>How to dynamically update data in a D3 document</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to dynamically update data in a D3 document</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="graphics"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#082 D3 Basics</title>
<summary>Getting up and running and understanding the latest in D3.js</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Getting up and running and understanding the latest in D3.js</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="graphics"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#081 Implementing a Dictionary</title>
<summary>An example of using struct-based C to implement a somewhat object-oriented dictionary</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>An example of using struct-based C to implement a somewhat object-oriented dictionary</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#080 make</title>
<summary>Notes on make and makefiles</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on make and makefiles</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#079 [Boost].SML</title>
<summary>Initial tests with [Boost].SML - a C++14 State Machine Library</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Initial tests with [Boost].SML - a C++14 State Machine Library</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#078 Starting Redis with and old CircleCI Image</title>
<summary>Notes on dealing with a Redis issue on an old Ubuntu 14.04 docker image with CircleCI</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on dealing with a Redis issue on an old Ubuntu 14.04 docker image with CircleCI</p></div></content>
<category term="docker"/>
<category term="ubuntu"/>
<category term="redis"/>
<category term="ci"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#077 punch</title>
<summary>Testing Punch for static site generation (obsolete)</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Testing Punch for static site generation (obsolete)</p></div></content>
<category term="staticweb"/>
<category term="node"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#076 Reading MDB Files</title>
<summary>Reading Microsoft Access database files on a Mac with Python</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Reading Microsoft Access database files on a Mac with Python</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#075 rails6</title>
<summary>Running Rails 6 (beta1), learning about changes and new features, and testing out my favourite gems including: HAML</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Running Rails 6 (beta1), learning about changes and new features, and testing out my favourite gems including: HAML</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<category term="haml"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#074 Sinatra Echo Tools</title>
<summary>A Sinatra app that provides a number of remote request debugging tools, and can be run with Docker</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A Sinatra app that provides a number of remote request debugging tools, and can be run with Docker</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="Sinatra"/>
<category term="Docker"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#073 MySQL Cheat Sheet</title>
<summary>Basic administration and data management command notes</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Basic administration and data management command notes</p></div></content>
<category term="Database"/>
<category term="MySQL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#072 PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet</title>
<summary>Basic administration and data management command notes</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Basic administration and data management command notes</p></div></content>
<category term="Database"/>
<category term="PostgreSQL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#071 MAC Address Generation with Ruby</title>
<summary>all about MAC and generating random MAC addresses</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>all about MAC and generating random MAC addresses</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#070 HMAC Generation with Ruby</title>
<summary>All about hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) generation with Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) generation with Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#069 Python/top_level_imports</title>
<summary>or: why not to put an in your top level folder</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>or: why not to put an in your top level folder</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#068 Python/twisted_client_server</title>
<summary>writing client-server code with twisted and tests</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>writing client-server code with twisted and tests</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#067 python/simple_cli_with_begins</title>
<summary>Using the begins library to write command line scripts without all the cruft</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using the begins library to write command line scripts without all the cruft</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="CLI"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#066 MAC Address Generation with Python</title>
<summary>all about MAC and generating random MAC addresses</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>all about MAC and generating random MAC addresses</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#065 flake8-blame</title>
<summary>Who busted Python style-guide rules?</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Who busted Python style-guide rules?</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#064 python/imgur</title>
<summary>Using Python with the imgur API and demonstrate scanning imgur albums for image links</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using Python with the imgur API and demonstrate scanning imgur albums for image links</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<category term="imgur"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#063 python/finding_libraries</title>
<summary>How to find great python libraries and resources</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to find great python libraries and resources</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#062 Python/decorating_class_methods</title>
<summary>all about decorating class methods and preserving the ability to introspect</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>all about decorating class methods and preserving the ability to introspect</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#061 Python/quirks/late_bound_closures</title>
<summary>Python quirks - late-bound closures</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Python quirks - late-bound closures</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#060 Python/quirks/mutable_default_params</title>
<summary>Python quirks - mutable default params</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Python quirks - mutable default params</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#059 Python/twisted_web_client</title>
<summary>writing web client code with twisted and tests</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>writing web client code with twisted and tests</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#058 s3sync</title>
<summary>Using Amazon S3 or Wasabi for offsite data backup and long term storage</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using Amazon S3 or Wasabi for offsite data backup and long term storage</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="S3"/>
<category term="AWS"/>
<category term="Wasabi"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#057 tempfiles</title>
<summary>Using Temporary Files with Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Using Temporary Files with Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#056 regression</title>
<summary>Implementing linear regression, logistic regression and multi-nominal logistic regression with tensorflow-js and node</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Implementing linear regression, logistic regression and multi-nominal logistic regression with tensorflow-js and node</p></div></content>
<category term="node"/>
<category term="regression"/>
<category term="tensorflow"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#055 knn-tf</title>
<summary>A demonstration of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm implemented using tensorflow-js with node.js</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A demonstration of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm implemented using tensorflow-js with node.js</p></div></content>
<category term="node"/>
<category term="knn"/>
<category term="tensorflow"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#054 plinko</title>
<summary>A demonstration of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm implemented in javascript in a browser</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>A demonstration of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm implemented in javascript in a browser</p></div></content>
<category term="javascript"/>
<category term="knn"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#053 loadcsv</title>
<summary>Loading CSV files with node.js in a form suitable for use in statistical/machine learning algorithms</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Loading CSV files with node.js in a form suitable for use in statistical/machine learning algorithms</p></div></content>
<category term="node"/>
<category term="CSV"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#052 vscode</title>
<summary>Trying out Visual Studio Code</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Trying out Visual Studio Code</p></div></content>
<category term="tools"/>
<category term="editors"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#051 rails5</title>
<summary>Features and demonstration of Rails 5</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Features and demonstration of Rails 5</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#050 rails4</title>
<summary>Features and demonstration of Rails 4</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Features and demonstration of Rails 4</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#049 rails3</title>
<summary>Features and demonstration of Rails 3.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Features and demonstration of Rails 3.</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<category term="rails"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#048 deleting_roles</title>
<summary>Notes on methods to inspect PostgreSQL role permissions, revoke permissions and drop roles</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Notes on methods to inspect PostgreSQL role permissions, revoke permissions and drop roles</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="postgresql"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#047 sync_folder</title>
<summary>Comparing methods for synchronizing local folders - cp, rsync</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Comparing methods for synchronizing local folders - cp, rsync</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#046 C++/DoubleTrouble</title>
<summary>Investigting some of the pitfalls of directly reading doubles from a stream, then going down the rabbit hole of bugs and variations in the LLVM/Clang and GCC implementations of the C++ standard library.</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Investigting some of the pitfalls of directly reading doubles from a stream, then going down the rabbit hole of bugs and variations in the LLVM/Clang and GCC implementations of the C++ standard library.</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#045 C++/about</title>
<summary>My place for notes on C++ resources and references</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>My place for notes on C++ resources and references</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#044 JSON Parsing</title>
<summary>Generating pretty JSON with Ruby and dealing with quirks</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Generating pretty JSON with Ruby and dealing with quirks</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#043 Memory Profiling</title>
<summary>About memory profiling in Ruby</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About memory profiling in Ruby</p></div></content>
<category term="ruby"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#042 Class Structures and Scoping</title>
<summary>about class structyres and scoping in python</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>about class structyres and scoping in python</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#041 Celery</title>
<summary>About Celery, a distributed task queue system for python</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About Celery, a distributed task queue system for python</p></div></content>
<category term="python"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#040 SQL to CSV</title>
<summary>Methods for generating CSV output from a PostgreSQL SQL query</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Methods for generating CSV output from a PostgreSQL SQL query</p></div></content>
<category term="databases"/>
<category term="postgresql"/>
<category term="psql"/>
<category term="csv"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#039 Copying Tables</title>
<summary>notes on copying table strictures and data with SQL</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>notes on copying table strictures and data with SQL</p></div></content>
<category term="Database"/>
<category term="SQL"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#038 Bash if and test</title>
<summary>All about if/then test constructs in Bash scripting</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about if/then test constructs in Bash scripting</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#037 Sort by Numbers</title>
<summary>Sorting text numerically in the shell using the special --version-sort mode of the sort utility</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Sorting text numerically in the shell using the special --version-sort mode of the sort utility</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#036 Bash/function_inference</title>
<summary>How to test for the presence of functions in order to branch to arbitrary functions by name</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to test for the presence of functions in order to branch to arbitrary functions by name</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#035 Bash/case_statement</title>
<summary>How to use case statements in the bash shell</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to use case statements in the bash shell</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#034 Bash/file_locks</title>
<summary>How to implement simple resource semaphores with file locks</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>How to implement simple resource semaphores with file locks</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#033 Bash/parse_env_setting</title>
<summary>Techniques for parsing environment variables with bash built-in features only</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Techniques for parsing environment variables with bash built-in features only</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#032 c/iterating_char_arrays</title>
<summary>Iterating Character Arrays</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Iterating Character Arrays</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#031 mono/hello</title>
<summary>Hello World with C#/mono</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Hello World with C#/mono</p></div></content>
<category term="Mono"/>
<category term="C#"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#030 mono/time</title>
<summary>Handling Time in C#/mono</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Handling Time in C#/mono</p></div></content>
<category term="Mono"/>
<category term="C#"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#029 mono/about</title>
<summary>About C# with Mono</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>About C# with Mono</p></div></content>
<category term="Mono"/>
<category term="C#"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#028 Bash/loops</title>
<summary>All about Bash loops</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>All about Bash loops</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#027 staticweb/jekyll</title>
<summary>Test-driving some techniques for building static sites with Jekyll</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Test-driving some techniques for building static sites with Jekyll</p></div></content>
<category term="Jekyll"/>
<category term="static"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#026 c/define_const</title>
<summary>Comparing the use of `#define` preprocessor macros and `const` statements</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Comparing the use of `#define` preprocessor macros and `const` statements</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#025 fft/running_kissfft_example</title>
<summary>test drive the Kiss FFT C library with an example</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>test drive the Kiss FFT C library with an example</p></div></content>
<category term="C"/>
<category term="FFT"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#024 Go/hello_world</title>
<summary>exploring Go with the simplest example</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>exploring Go with the simplest example</p></div></content>
<category term="Go"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#023 Go/about</title>
<summary>Go language - my tl;dr summary</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Go language - my tl;dr summary</p></div></content>
<category term="Go"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#022 gRPC Explainer/Ruby</title>
<summary>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - Ruby client and server example</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - Ruby client and server example</p></div></content>
<category term="gRPC"/>
<category term="Ruby"/>
<category term="Messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#021 gRPC Explainer/Node.js</title>
<summary>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - Node client example</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - Node client example</p></div></content>
<category term="gRPC"/>
<category term="Node"/>
<category term="Messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#020 gRPC Explainer/C#</title>
<summary>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - C# client example</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - C# client example</p></div></content>
<category term="gRPC"/>
<category term="C#"/>
<category term="Messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#019 gRPC Explainer/C++</title>
<summary>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - C++ client example</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - C++ client example</p></div></content>
<category term="gRPC"/>
<category term="C++"/>
<category term="Messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#018 gRPC Explainer/Python</title>
<summary>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - Python client example</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>hardware excuse generator with gRPC - Python client example</p></div></content>
<category term="gRPC"/>
<category term="Python"/>
<category term="Messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#017 gRPC Explainer</title>
<summary>hardware excuse generator with gRPC</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>hardware excuse generator with gRPC</p></div></content>
<category term="gRPC"/>
<category term="Messaging"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#016 RADIUS/about</title>
<summary>RADIUS - my tl;dr summary</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>RADIUS - my tl;dr summary</p></div></content>
<category term="RADIUS"/>
<category term="infrastructure"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#015 Javascript/progress_bars_bootstrap</title>
<summary>Progress Bars with Bootstrap</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Progress Bars with Bootstrap</p></div></content>
<category term="Javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#014 Javascript/highcharts_with_bower</title>
<summary>Highcharts with Bower</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Highcharts with Bower</p></div></content>
<category term="Javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#013 Javascript/plotly_ribbon_charts</title>
<summary>Interactive Ribbon Charts with plotly.js</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Interactive Ribbon Charts with plotly.js</p></div></content>
<category term="Javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#012 C++/exception_handling</title>
<summary>C++ exception handling</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>C++ exception handling</p></div></content>
<category term="C++"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#011 Bash/process_lines</title>
<summary>process a file line-by-line</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>process a file line-by-line</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#010 Bash/select_menu</title>
<summary>simple multiple-choice user input</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>simple multiple-choice user input</p></div></content>
<category term="Bash"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#009 Haskell/about</title>
<summary>Haskell - my tl;dr summary</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Haskell - my tl;dr summary</p></div></content>
<category term="Haskell"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#008 Haskell/hello_world</title>
<summary>Haskell - Hello World</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Haskell - Hello World</p></div></content>
<category term="Haskell"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#007 Elm/hello_clock</title>
<summary>2D graphics with elm</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>2D graphics with elm</p></div></content>
<category term="Elm"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#006 Rust/about</title>
<summary>Rust - my tl;dr summary</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Rust - my tl;dr summary</p></div></content>
<category term="Rust"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#005 Rust/hello_world</title>
<summary>Rust - Hello World with concurrency</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>Rust - Hello World with concurrency</p></div></content>
<category term="Rust"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#004 Catalog</title>
<summary>a Javascript Datatables catalog for GitHub Pages</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>a Javascript Datatables catalog for GitHub Pages</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="Javascript"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#003 Perl/fix_first_line</title>
<summary>patching text files with Perl - fix the first line only</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>patching text files with Perl - fix the first line only</p></div></content>
<category term="perl"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#002 Perl/patch_file</title>
<summary>patching text files with Perl</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>patching text files with Perl</p></div></content>
<category term="perl"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>#001 Tools/envsubst</title>
<summary>substitute shell variables in text</summary>
<content type="html"><div><p>substitute shell variables in text</p></div></content>
<category term="Tools"/>
<category term="Bash"/>
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