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  17. <item><title>Monsters Unleashed #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>What's this? Another Marvel event? First of all, you can relax. This isn't the usual crossover we've been seeing lately. <em>Monsters Unleashed</em> starts out as more of a look around the world. When giant monsters appear, the Avengers are at the scene to put a stop to them and to save civilians. What we soon discover is, this is not an isolated event. Heroes are seen at other locations around the world, fighting similar gigantic beasts.</p><p>In other words, we have heroes fighting evil forces instead of each other.</p><p>In some ways, this is a showcase of the beauty of a shared comic universe. Often, there's a nagging feeling in the back of your mind, or at least mind, wondering where the other heroes are when a catastrophe is taking place. Giant monsters attacking cities? You bet the heroes will make their way to fight them. When it's an attack spread around the world, we see a fight on many fronts.</p><p>From this first issue, we don't see a full fledge traditional crossover. The different teams and heroes are spread out. We can assume they may come together, but for now, they each have their own area to cover. I'm not sure why the X-Men were in London, but thankfully they immediately jumped into their fight.</p><p><a href="">Cullen Bunn</a> throws us right into the action from the first page. The art is gorgeously handled by <a href="">Steve McNiven</a> and <a href="">Jay Leisten</a> with art by <a href="">David Curiel</a>. We get a great sense of the scope of the danger and Curiel's colors really enhance the scenes with how he handles the lighting and explosions.</p><p>There were some moments the dialogue felt a little off. It makes sense for someone like Hercules to be boisterous. Jane Foster may have Asgardian powers, but I don't really remember her refer to herself in the third person often. It's understandable with big action sequences, the characters need to say something. Otherwise it's just a series of panels with fighting.</p><p><em>Monsters Unleashed</em> delivers a different sort of comic book event. Cullen Bunn, Steven McNiven, Jay Leisten, and David Curiel set the stage across Earth in the Marvel Universe when giant monsters begin attacking. The appearances by the different characters show the scope of the threat without cramming the heroes in each others' faces. Marvel superheroes fighting huge beasts isn't something we everyday. The rest of the monster-fighting issues should be a blast as well. This is a good setup and nice hors d'oeuvre for what's coming next.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 18 Jan 2017 14:12:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4499</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  18. <item><title>Superman #14 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>One of the fascinating things about the DC Universe is the concept of a <a href="">Multiverse</a>. We've seen many different versions of characters, and it's always interesting to see the different takes on certain concepts. With Superman, we've seen a pretty wide variety. Now, some of the different versions are crashing together as a new threat has targeted them.</p><p><a href="">Peter Tomasi</a> and <a href="">Patrick Gleason</a> are kicking off the New Year with a high-octane new story arc. With all the recent <em><a href="">Multiversity</a></em> titles, it's felt like they've been ignored lately. Tomasi and Gleason are bringing back some of the characters, including the <a href="">Justice League Incarnate</a> led by <a href="">President Superman</a> of Earth-23. If that wasn't enough, who would've thought we'd actually see Superman meet <a href="">Red Son Superman</a>? </p><p><a href="">Ivan Reis</a> and <a href="">Joe Prado</a> do their usual magic in the art department. There's a great classic look to Superman and the look of the new threat is pretty fearsome. <a href="">Marcelo Maiolo</a>'s colors gives the classic look a modern feel with the color palette he uses.</p><p>The classic feel to the story felt a little out of place with the previous issues. Superman now is a family man. He has <a href="">a wife</a> and <a href="">son</a>. Of course he is the type of hero to drop everything for those in need. Rushing off to deal with a threat involving beings able to go outside the Multiverse without letting Lois and Jon know could cause them to worry. It's possible there just wasn't time to stop and contact them. <a href="">Kenan Kong</a> also felt a little different, but that could just be the result of artistic interpretation. </p><p>Tomasi and Gleason are heating things up with a bigger threat than we've seen lately. Bringing in the concepts of <a href="">Grant Morrison</a>'s <em>Multiversity</em> is an intriguing move. With Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Marcelo Maiolo, we're in for a treat with the arc. Too often the beginning of a new story ends up being a little slow with all the set up. That isn't the case here. The story hits the ground running. You won't want to miss out on this. This arc has the makings of a definite must-read for Superman fans.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 04 Jan 2017 17:21:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4498</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  19. <item><title>Moon Knight #10 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Moon Knight</a>'s always been a character with a complicated life. We've seen some heroes, like Spider-Man, juggle having a superhero career along with a civilian life. Moon Knight started out having three different civilian identities: Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockely. Recently we've seen he's added Mr. Knight to the mix. One could only imagine the confusion this would create.</p><p>In recent years, we've seen how this has been taking a toll. <a href="">Jeff Lemire</a> began exploring the mental and psychological implications Marc is going through with this volume. While we see Mr. Knight still trying to find his way through a transformed New York City, we're also treated to some flashbacks to Marc's youth. These moments may not contain high-octane superhero action but are crucial in developing Moon Knight further. We've never seen him as a kid. What transpires is both fascinating and frightening.</p><p>You won't be reading a comic simply containing the childhood adventures of Moon Knight. <a href="">Greg Smallwood</a>'s art and <a href="">Jordie Bellaire</a>'s colors are gorgeous. Along with Marc as a kid, we get some spectacular and trippy moments with Mr. Knight. With the way the art and text are handled towards the end, you almost feel like you're taking the journey with him.</p><p>With this issue, the series feels like it's recapturing the magic we had in the first arc. We still have the struggle and mystery of what exactly is going on, but the addition of new insight into Moon Knight's childhood is a welcome area of exploration. Lemire, Smallwood, and Bellaire are a phenomenal team and a great fit for this title. This book is on fire.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 04 Jan 2017 06:00:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4497</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  20. <item><title>A.D. After Death #2 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>This is a pretty heavy book--emphasis on book. When my daughter saw me reading it, she said, "That's not a comic. It's a book with pictures." <a href="">Scott Snyder</a> and <a href="">Jeff Lemire</a> are doing more than just putting out another comic. This is a story with layers to it.</p><p>In a world where a cure for death has been found, it turns out there are some consequences. We see the story unfold on two fronts. The present takes place 826 years after the the cure, and we also see the moments leading up to the discovery of it. Each issue starts out like a regular comic. We see the action take place with Lemire's art.</p><p>Then the story switches to prose. Snyder has a deep story taking place. With occasional moments of art sprinkled in, it's a reading experience that really pulls you in. As you read the words, you can envision the events being described in Lemire's art style. The hints of art and water color throughout enhances this feeling. You'll forget you're reading a comic as you hang onto every word.</p><p>When this project was first announced, it seemed like an odd decision. Sometimes when a comic is loaded with text, it can be a distraction. Perhaps there's something engrained in how we're used to consuming comic stories that causes this feeling. It's not that we don't want to or can't read all the text, we're just used to the union of words and pictures by the creative team.</p><p>Snyder and Lemire take a bit of a risk with this project, and it pays off. Lemire's art and colors are fantastic to see, but having Snyder's prose allows the story to go much deeper. It's a great mix, and the story fully grabs your attention. This isn't a book you just read, you experience it.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 28 Dec 2016 20:44:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4496</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  21. <item><title>Hulk #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Jennifer Walters</a> is going through some changes. Her character may not have been around as long as the <a href="">Hulk</a>, but she has had her share of adventures since her debut in 1980. In order to be seen as something other than just a female version of Hulk, we've seen her grow into a pretty different type of character. The differences in being able to control her transformation and retain her intellect gave her fascinating differences. Somewhere along the way, she became a character suited for more humorous situations. There were some enjoyable stories, but she soon started to feel more like a parody.</p><p>That's changing now.</p><p>When it comes to big comic book events, we often see huge game-changing situations that quickly tend to fizzle out. The changes are sometimes looked at, but not always fully explored. With Jen, she's gone through quite an ordeal. She survived a beating by Thanos, which put her in a coma. She awoke to discover her cousin was killed. These served as plot points in the <em><a href="">Civil War II</a></em> arc, but it looks like <a href="">Mariko Tamaki</a> is going to take full advantage of these happenings in order to add some layers to Ms. Walters.</p><p>The issue opens with Jen headed to her old law firm as Jennifer Walters rather than She-Hulk. It's immediately seen she's going through some things. Trying to adjust to this new chapter in her life is wonderfully illustrated as we see Jen's commute from her apartment in New York City to the firm's new office. This isn't the usual happy-go-lucky character we're used to. When she meets with a seemingly normal client, we begin to see there's more to the story than there first appears to be.</p><p><a href="">Nico Leon</a>'s art and <a href="">Matt Milla</a>'s colors are spot on. With the apprehension Jen is going through, you can practically feel her emotions oozing off the page. There's a nice subdued feel to each page and the colors really drive it all home.</p><p>As this is the first issue, there is some set up. The comic is called <em>Hulk</em>, but we don't actually see Jen hulk-out. For those expecting some rip-roaring Hulk action, there isn't any here. Instead, we see Jen's struggle to keep herself in check as she deals with the recent traumatic events. A first issue needs to set the tone for a series. It's hard to determine what we can expect in later issues here. Seeing Jen like this is an intriguing change and much preferred to the comic relief she somehow became over the years. I'm all for a look at the emotional side of surviving huge galactic threats over a simple punch-fest, month after month. With what Tamaki, Leon and Milla have shown us so far, my attention has been piqued.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 28 Dec 2016 17:53:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4495</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  22. <item><title>All Star Batman #5 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>It's not often we see <a href="">Batman</a> out of his element. <a href="">Scott Snyder</a> and <a href="">John Romita Jr.</a> have put Batman on the ultimate road trip with <a href="">Two-Face</a>. Determined to complete his mission in taking Harvey Dent out of Gotham, Batman's rogues and countless civilians are gunning for Batman in order to claim the reward Two-Face is offering. We may be used to expecting the unexpected with Synder, but who would've thought we'd see Batman, Two-Face, and <a href="">Duke Thomas</a> trying to escape a crazed mob on a steamboat, headed towards a waterfall?</p><p>Romita excels when it comes to bombastic action scenes. With <a href="">Danny Miki</a>'s inks and <a href="">Dean White</a>'s colors, the different locations each have a separate feel. You get a sense of time passing throughout the day as Batman gets closer to his final destination.</p><p>As for what is waiting for Batman and Harvey, Snyder puts Batman in an interesting position. We get some answers and set up for future storylines. We get some satisfying closure on Harvey's situation. At the same time, you'll be looking forward to his next appearance without feeling like you're left hanging. Other developments were set up with <a href="">Alfred</a>'s decision and actions. Despite seeing the relationship between he and Bruce established firmly over the years, Snyder manages to add another layer to it. You also have to applaud the situation with with the <a href="">GCPD</a> at Wayne Manor.</p><p>Looking back at this arc, Snyder and Romita have delivered an over-the-top and action-filled adventure. This isn't your typical Batman story, and that's a good thing. Snyder set up a lot, and Romita cut loose with each scene. I actually found myself going back and looking at each page, panel by panel. People have different opinions on Romita's art, but I find it fascinating looking over the different areas of detail contain within each panel. With the arc over, Snyder even ends things with a little levity. This is something we don't often see in a Batman comic. It's nice to see Snyder continues to mix up his approach to the character and keeps giving us something different than the previous Batman series he wrote for five years.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 28 Dec 2016 17:05:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4494</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  23. <item><title>Detective Comics #946 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>This series continues to stray from the typical <a href="">Batman</a> formula. With Batman working with others, we're seeing him in a different light. Batman has worked with teams in the past, but this has a different feel. We even see a flashback with Batman and <a href="">Tim Drake</a> discussing the notion of this team and how Batman sees it as something different. This is a great start for the issue as it gives an idea what you can expect.</p><p>Many Batman stories are full of action and excitement. <a href="">James Tynion IV</a> gets a little more analytical with the characters here. The whole notion of the Victim Syndicate and the possibility that Batman's presence in Gotham causes more harm provides some interesting things to think about. Tynion also delves into the thought process of others like <a href="">Stephanie Brown</a> and even <a href="">Clayface</a>. I continue to be amazed at how much Clayface has been fleshed out and the fact that I actually care about him now. Also, with one single panel and comment, you're reminded why <a href="">Batwoman</a> is such a kickass character. This issue may be a little lighter on the action, but there are several great moments. Of course we get a crazy cliffhanger as well.</p><p><a href="">Eddy Barrows</a>' pencils with <a href="">Eber Ferreira</a>'s inks and <a href="">Adriano Lucas</a>' colors continue to dazzle me. It's such a joy when you have a solid creative team on a title. You can dive into the intricacies of the story and have your eyes rewarded with great visuals.</p><p>This isn't your regular Batman comic you might be used to. By having Batman ally himself with others in the Bat Family, there is so much more to see explored and developed. Barrows, Ferreira, and Lucas are doing an amazing job with the art and color. How many different Batman stories and titles have we seen over the years? James Tynion IV and crew make <em>Detective Comics</em> stand out from the others.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 14 Dec 2016 10:16:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4493</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  24. <item><title>IVX #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>A conflict between the <a href="">X-Men</a> and <a href="">Inhumans</a> has been brewing for some time now. With the release of the <a href="">Terrigen Mists</a> in the atmosphere, mutants discovered it was a deadly threat to their existence. We just saw the moment this was discovered in <a href=""><em>Death of X</em> </a>and <a href="">Beast</a>'s decision to work with the Inhumans to find a solution. The truce between the two is over as mutants are now facing a firm deadline.</p><p>The X-Men have been busy running around helping other mutants evade the deadly mists. With the threat of the mists reaching an unavoidable level, it's time for mutants to make a last stand.</p><p><a href="">Charles Soule</a> and <a href="">Jeff Lemire</a> have crafted reason for the X-Men to declare war on the Inhumans. We've seen skirmishes before, and it's hard not to think about past battles such as <em><a href="">Avengers vs. X-Men</a></em> and even <em><a href="">Fantastic Four vs. X-Men</a></em>. The situation here is at a higher level. All the cards are on the table, and it's not looking too good for the X-Men. It turns out they've been planning a strike since <em>Death of X</em>. Seeing the decisions play out and some of the first strikes makes this an intriguing issue.</p><p>It's always a joy to see art by <a href="">Leinil Francis Yu</a>. The fact that there's a lot of characters he gets to draw here is an added bonus. Unfortunately, there are some panels that look like they're inked a little heavily. There are some dark and almost muddled moments. It does still work for the most part. Combined with <a href="">David Curiel</a>'s colors, the look does fit the tone of the book. This isn't an upbeat story, and the moments with shadows adds to the ominous vibe.</p><p>Readers have had some concern over the fate of the X-Men. Things continue to look bleak, but Soule and Lemire are making sure the mutants don't go down without a fight. While past events with teams fighting each other have been heavy on the flashy action, the fight here is more subtle and precise. Yu's art shines at moments and gives us something to look forward to in upcoming issues. There is some trepidation among X-Men fans, but we know the <em>ResurrXion</em> titles are coming next year. This is a story you won't want to miss to find out what happens next for both groups.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 14 Dec 2016 09:00:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4492</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  25. <item><title>Nova #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Sam Alexander</a> has had it tough. In the comic world, he struggled with the loss of his father, the responsibilities of becoming the last member of the <a href="">Nova Corps</a>, and trying to get through school when not being a superhero. Sam has also struggled to win over the hearts of readers that longed for the return of <a href="">Richard Rider</a>. As a fan of Rider, it was understandable to want the deceased character to somehow return from the dead. With writers such as <a href="">Jeph Loeb</a>, <a href="">Zeb Wells</a>, and <a href="">Gerry Duggan</a>, Sam has earned his place in the Marvel Universe.</p><p>Sam is no longer alone. Richard Rider is back. It's not clear why or how. What is clear is there will be some possible repercussions to his return. What readers can rejoice in is we now have two Novas to enjoy. <a href="">Jeff Loveness</a> and <a href="">Ramon Perez</a> take on the task of delivering the stories of the two Novas. While we can assume these two will inevitably meet up, this first issue does a nice job of balancing the separate stories. We see Sam continuing his Nova duties while attempting to make it to school on time. Richard has to adjust to being back and figuring out what has happened since he died. We also get hints that his resurrection could involve a price.</p><p>Perez's art with <a href="">Ian Herring</a>'s colors sets the right tone. We often see books with younger characters appearing to be miniature adults. Perez makes the kids look like kids. There's also a nice contrast in color when the action is in space compared to the scenes with Rider visiting his mom and Sam at school.</p><p>Besides having two great Novas in one book, there's a sense of the unknown here. I wasn't sure how much of a focus each character would receive. Each character has their own issues and concerns to deal with. The idea of the two meeting is an intriguing one.</p><p>With this being a first issue, there has to be some set up for new readers, along with the return of Rider. Because of this, the focus shies away from the action a bit. Sam's encounter with a new student is fun to see but feels like it takes away from the major beats of the series. There's only so many pages for each issue. It gives more insight into who Sam is, but we're eager to see a meeting of the Novas as well as finding out what Rider is going through.</p><p>What could be better than a comic series with Nova? How about a comic series with two Novas? New and old fans can rejoice as the adventures of Sam Alexander continue along side the return another character. Jeff Loveness and Ramon Perez are giving the two characters clear and distinct voices. The art and color creates a good atmosphere and tone for the characters. With the questions raised here, there's definitely plenty of reasons to come back for more.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 07 Dec 2016 08:41:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4491</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  26. <item><title>Thanos #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>We don't often see series center on villains. We may love to hate them, but it can be hard to fully cheer on the ones that slaughter countless innocents. Thanos is one of those villains you would have to despise were he real. His many accomplishments and determination despite failures makes him a fan-favorite bad guy. Despite his popularity, one would wonder how you could have a series focus on a guy whose main goal was to destroy the universe. <a href="">Jeff Lemire</a> easily takes on the job.</p><p>With <a href="">Mike Deodato Jr.</a> on art and <a href="">Frank Martin</a> handling the color, the mood and tone for the story is immediately set. Not only is Thanos making a comeback after being captured during <a href=""><i>Civil War II</i></a>, we find out what <a href="">Corvus Glaive</a> has been up to. Glaive formerly called Thanos his master, but that isn't quite the case anymore. Thanos will also have other problems to deal with as his son, <a href="">Thane</a>, is gathering forces to take on his father. Bringing in other characters is good to round out the story. Otherwise we'd simply get a book where Thanos went around killing everyone or was sitting around thinking about Death.</p><p>Lemire is crafting a story with different layers. Where the art and color become crucial is during Thanos' acts of destruction. He's not typically the sort of villain that becomes a chatterbox when fighting a foe. His actions definitely speak louder than words. We don't "see" what Thanos is thinking, but he's easy to read from his expression and the way he carries himself in each panel.</p><p>As cool as stories with Thanos may be, we've seen quite a few over the years. Lemire has something a little different up his sleeve. This isn't going to be a story about Thanos trying to destroy everything. The revelation at the end adds a new twist and makes you wonder what his motives will be. Will Thanos embrace what's headed his way or will he decide to fight it?</p><p>The only problem here is this issue is tasked with setting things up. We don't know how Thanos arrived here from when we last saw him. His new development brings up some questions as to where this book can or will go. It's easy to assume other factors will come into play to prevent the gathering opposing forces from putting an end to Thanos' evil ways. Still, you'll be left wondering what the next issue will bring us. Lemire definitely knows how to grab our attention.</p><p> </p><p>We see so many comic series telling the stories of superheroes and teams fighting the forces of evil. <i>Thanos</i> sets out to give us something different. The Mad Titan has almost become a one-dimensional villain over the years,  but Jeff Lemire is cooking up something new for him. With Mike Deodato's art and Frank Martin's colors, we get a gorgeous story with plenty of intrigue, violence, and suspense. This isn't quite the book I was expecting—it's better.</p><p> </p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 16 Nov 2016 17:13:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4490</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  27. <item><title>All Star Batman #4 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p><em>All Star Batman</em> is not your typical <a href="">Batman</a> comic. After writing the character for over fifty issues, <a href="">Scott Snyder</a> is trying something new. He's taking some risks. The results have been interesting and exciting. With a slightly new take on <a href="">Two-Face</a>, Batman is in a different element as he tries to escort the villain to a certain destination. Two-Face isn't making it easy as he put out a request to stop Batman with high rewards in return. He knows everyone's secrets, and they are determined to prevent theirs from being released while also accepting a big payout.</p><p>Batman's always had the home field advantage in Gotham. He's occasionally ventured elsewhere, but it's always been under controlled conditions. Being on the run, Batman has a lot more to deal with. There are unknown territory and situations he needs to prepare for. This is where the story shines.</p><p>With Batman having to be on his toes, he, and readers, don't know what's coming next. This isn't the ultimate crimefighter who can easily take on anyone, as Batman is sometimes viewed. Batman doesn't have superpowers. Snyder isn't afraid to show us that and he can get injured.</p><p>Along with the various new gadgets, there's a nice big feel to the story. Having the action move across different locations with numerous villains gunning for Batman creates a frantic atmosphere. Getting to see <a href="">Duke Thomas</a> in action is a huge bonus.</p><p>John Romita Jr's art is well-suited for this story. I've always said he excels at drawing gritty action with characters getting beat up. You can see, and almost feel, Batman's injuries and pain. Danny Miki's inks gives it all a nice tight feel and Dean White's colors are gorgeous.</p><p>The only downside to the main story is with many other DC titles shipping twice a month, it almost feels like this story is lasting a little too long. Obviously, that isn't the case with this only being the fourth issue. This isn't a critique against this title, but rather a feeling you get while reading.</p><p>For those wanting even more Duke Thomas, we have the back-up with art by <a href="">Declan Shalvey</a> and color by <a href="">Jordie Bellaire</a>. I've never been the biggest <a href="">Mr. Zsasz</a> fan, but Snyder used him in an interesting way.</p><p>For a character that's been around close to 80 years, we've seen countless different stories take place. Scott Snyder has been writing the character for the past few years, yet he keeps finding new ways to approach the storytelling. Snyder and Romita are delivering a high-action story with different twists and turns. The back-up story gives us more on Duke Thomas and continues to flesh him out. If you want a Batman story crammed with action where he's taken out of his element, this is the one for you. </p><p> </p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 09 Nov 2016 15:41:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4489</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  28. <item><title>Invincible Iron Man #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>Who is <a href="">Riri Williams</a>? We were introduced to the 15-year-old in the previous <em>Invincible Iron Man</em> series. As a student at MIT, she was able to create her own suit of armor and decided to embark on a new path in life. As a first issue in a new series, readers find out everything they need to know about this new character. We knew she was smart enough to build a suit, but we find out what makes her decide to use it to make a difference.</p><p>There is something refreshing about Riri. When a character is created as an offshoot of an existing one, something is needed to make them stand out. Riri is as far from being a copy of Tony Stark as possible. With younger characters, there is more of a sense of innocence and enthusiasm. We need more characters full of hope and optimism these days.</p><p>We have seen some great Iron Man adventures over the last fifty years. Unfortunately, some will see this book as a reason Tony Stark is not around. Regardless of the outcome of <em>Civil War II</em>, we all know his story is far from over. We may have to wait to see what's next for him, but the focus here should be on Riri growing as Marvel's latest great hero.</p><p><a href="">Stefano Caselli</a>'s art and <a href="">Marte Gracia</a>'s colors are great here. In some books, you'll see young characters drawn like miniature adults rather than actually looking their age. Caselli makes kids look like kids. The colors are vibrant and adds warmth to the story, even if a big battle is underway with a bunch of strange creatures flying around.</p><p>This is a good first issue, but it does leaving you wanting a little more. That's a good and bad thing. Because we've been introduced to her before, we had an idea what she was about. Seeing her past was enlightening and does further define her character. There is a lot of development and the stage is now set for some exciting times.</p><p>Riri Williams is ready to become the latest new hero in the Marvel Universe. Despite having roots in the previous Iron Man series, Riri is her own character. This isn't the first time we've seen another character step into Tony Stark's shoes. Riri will inspire new sorts of adventures for readers. Caselli's art and Gracia's colors are brilliant and further gives a reason to return for more. This may be a set up issue, but we do have a lot to look forward to. With her excitement and enthusiasm, Riri Williams is the sort of hero we need right now.</p><p> </p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 09 Nov 2016 07:57:00 -0800</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4488</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  29. <item><title>Unworthy Thor #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>The Asgardian formerly known as <a href="">Thor</a> is on a personal mission to become worthy once again. Since the end of <a href=""><em>Original Sin</em></a>, Odinson lost the ability to wield the mystical <a href="">Mjolnir</a>. With <a href="">another</a> taking on the mantle of Thor, we've occasionally seen the continuing developments of the Asgardian.</p><p>To many fans, Odinson should be <em>Thor</em>. We still don't know what secret <a href="">Nick Fury</a> whispered that caused him to become unworthy. We can hope that will be one element included and revealed in this series, but the focus appears to be more on Odinson regaining his former glory. Thanks to the events of the recent <em><a href="">Secret Wars</a></em>, the Mjolnir belonging to the Thor from the Ultimate Universe managed to survive the destruction/merging of that universe with the main Marvel one. When Odinson hears of this other hammer, he sets out to retrieve it.</p><p>Sounds simple enough, right? Obviously there is much more to the story than Odinson easily finding and picking up another hammer. <a href="">Jason Aaron</a> sets up some intriguing obstacles to pull readers into the story. Odinson will have to work in order to find the location, and there's also the question of whether or not he'd be worthy to pick up a mystical hammer from another universe.</p><p><a href="">Olivier Coipel</a>'s art is always great to see. With <a href="">Matthew Wilson</a>'s colors, the visuals are top notch. We're treated to some intense action scenes along with moments of Odinson reflecting on what his next move should be. The addition of a couple familiar faces within these pages adds to the excitement, especially with Coipel's art.</p><p>This is just the first issue, but there are some concerns to note. How long will Odinson be <em>Unworthy</em>? Will we find out what past event put him in this state? If he is able to wield the other hammer, will he be considered "Thor" once again? With Jason Aaron continuing the former Thor's journey, it's safe to assume a grand plan is already in motion. This issue sets up a bit and obviously can't answer all our questions immediately. Those questions will make you want to come back for the next issue.</p><p>For those waiting to find out what the future holds for Odinson, the stage is being set up to deliver them. Jason Aaron is joining forces with Olivier Coipel and Matthew Wilson to put the spotlight on the former Thor as he sets out to regain his worthiness. There may be some that desire his return to glory right away, but this shake up provides some mystery and intrigue to the character. There's a sense of anything goes, and you won't want to miss the next step in the former Thor's road to redemption.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 02 Nov 2016 17:41:00 -0700</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4487</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  30. <item><title>Vision #12 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Vision</a> has always been a complex character. As a synthoid, he's been shown to have different layers to his personality as he's coped with different situations. <a href="">Tom King</a> has taken all that to a completely different level. The idea of Vision creating a family and living in the suburbs sounded weird. King showed us we had no idea just how weird, disturbing, and emotional it could all become.</p><p>Each issue delivered a gut-punching feeling. The struggle of a robotic family fighting to fit in and protect themselves was brilliantly executed. While containing elements of your typical superhero comic, there was so much more beneath the surface. The final issue is painful in two ways. We obviously don't want the series to end. Seeing how the different story elements were wrapped up resulted in a mix of emotion. It's hard to think of many series with the ability to sink its claws into your heart. Each issue had the ability to make you want to cover your eyes as you watched the events unfold. There were some happy moments, but seeing how dark things could get would leave you with a heavy feeling long after you finished reading.</p><p>Final issues often have a bittersweet feeling. King gives a satisfactory one that hits all the marks. It's been abundantly clear from the first issue we wouldn't have a happy storybook ending here. At the same time, it's not all doom and gloom. Some things, like the end of this series, were simply inevitable. Readers, and the remaining characters, are left with the task of trying to pick up the pieces. For myself, it feels as if my heart's been broken with the decisions that were made and the repercussions. I've always enjoyed Vision as a character, but he was never among my absolute favorites. I never thought a solo book featuring the character would mean so much to me.</p><p><a href="">Gabriel Hernandez Walta</a> and <a href="">Jordie Bellaire</a> have done amazing things with the visuals. The art and color fit the story perfectly. With King's writing, it's been a stunning experience. Despite the nature of the characters, you get a great sense of the emotion from them and in the vibe of the atmosphere. You feel what they're going through, and it simply enhances the elements of the story.</p><p>The downside is, of course, the series ending. We've had a remarkable creative team here that worked in unison. As joyous, and sometimes painful, this series has been, I'd rather see this version end instead of a new creative team attempting to continue. Perhaps we'll see what's left of <a href="">the Visions</a> in another series. For now, these twelve issues are enough to stand on their own.</p><p>We've seen countless stories of computer A.I. vying for control for their place in the world and the complexity of their existence. This series contained more emotion than other titles. Seeing the extent a family member will go to in order to preserve the sanctity of their union was fascinating and heartbreaking. Tom King's writing made us squirm and cringe in our seats, yet we were completely glued to each and every single page. Something truly amazing happened when King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, and Jordie Bellaire joined forces to tell us the story of a synthoid family in the suburbs. All good things must come to an end and all that. I'd love to see more, but I am incredibly thankful to all involved in this series. This is an absolute must-read. It's not often a comic can deliver so many emotions. This book has been an eye-opener and has become one of my top-recommended series.</p><p> </p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 26 Oct 2016 06:41:00 -0700</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4486</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
  31. <item><title>Infamous Iron Man #1 Review</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p>What do <a href="">Doctor Doom</a> and <a href="">Brian Michael Bendis</a> have in common? They both have a lot of guts and aren't afraid to take risks. You could also say both have their share of fans and naysayers. Since <a href=""><em>Secret Wars</em></a> ended, Victor von Doom has been a bit of an enigma. We're not exactly sure what happened to him and why he appears to have turned over a new leaf. That alone is a reason to be hooked on this new series.</p><p>Doctor Doom is no longer the man he used to be. With a healed face, it seems his cold shriveled heart may have healed as well. We've seen him offering assistance to <a href="">Tony Stark</a> in the pages of the recent <em>Invincible Iron Man</em> series. Due to some mysterious upcoming incident in <a href=""><em>Civil War II</em></a>, Tony Stark will be...elsewhere. We're not exactly sure what happens to Stark, but the stage will be set for Doom to contemplate his future in the Marvel Universe.</p><p>With Doom being such a fascinating character, it's a little worrisome to see him possible do the villain-turned-hero routine. The thing is, Doom never really saw himself as a villain. We don't know everything that's going on in his mind. Also, as great as it would be, a series focusing on a villain can be a little hard to follow. We've also already seen a series with Iron Man as a bit of a jerk in <em><a href="">Superior Iron Man</a>.</em></p><p>Here, Bendis is continuing what he's started with Doom in <em>Invincible Iron Man</em>. Doom is getting fleshed out. In a flashback scene at the beginning, <a href="">the Hood</a> really asks the obvious question: What is Doom's motivation? He had a whole country to command and the power to journey to Hell to save his mother. Seeing Doom on this new journey will be intriguing as we discover what now makes him tick.</p><p>The art and color by <a href="">Alex Maleev</a> and <a href="">Matt Hollingsworth</a> beautifully sets the tone for this new stage in Doom's career. There's a bit of mystery with this series since you can never be too sure what Doom is up to. The art and color captures this vibe nicely.</p><p>There is a lot of unknown elements to this series. Doctor Doom as Iron Man is a weird concept. Seeing the former villain suddenly become, or try to become, a hero would only be compelling for so long. As long as Bendis can continue to shake things up, the character is in safe hands. The other downside is we're left wondering what happened to Tony Stark due to the delays in <em>Civil War II</em>. It doesn't directly harm this title, but you might find yourself momentarily distracted wondering what happened.</p><p>What are we to make of Doctor Doom becoming Iron Man? It's a good question which will be fun to see explored. Brian Michael Bendis is exploring a new direction for Doctor Doom. As great of a villain as he may have been, we've seen that angle played out pretty much as far as you could take it in <em>Secret Wars</em>. With Maleev and Hollingsworth, this book is a trippy journey with one of Marvel's greatest villains going in a new direction. There's no telling what will happen next. Those last few pages will definitely make you want to come back for more.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 19 Oct 2016 05:55:00 -0700</pubDate><guid isPermaLink="false">1900-4485</guid><dc:creator>Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero</dc:creator><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /></item>
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