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<p>Haven’t tried it myself but this just came out today:</p>
<p>Also worth checking out the game gengo channel, he has reviews and tier l ...
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<p>I highly recommend Eastward</p>
<p>I highly recommend Eastward</p>
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<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<description>Hi again!
After my last post asking for recommendations for Manga or reading resources in general, I am now asking again for your help but for game recommendations instead, my grammar is past genki 1, and I'm level 3 still here, just a beginner! But I've been enjoying the reading recommendations and I thought I could complement them with some gaming as well, can be any console or PC game (or any genre as well), that should be easy and children could understand!
Thank you!! :heart:</description>
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<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>I say this as a beginner.</p>
<p>Most of the recommendations here will be too difficult. Games such as Dragon Quest XI do not have furigana and auto-scroll much of the text, so you can’t read at your own pace.</p>
<p>Let’s Go Pokemon is decent, but it has no furigana. Otherwise, it fully allows you to go at your own pace.</p>
<p>Yokai Watch is probably the best suggestion. It has furigana and fully allows you to go at your own pace. It is also set in contemporary Japan, so you don’t get as many odd words as you would in other fantasy games.</p>
<p>You absolutely want a game that allows you to progress the text at your own pace, or provides a full chat log. Voice acting is optional, but could help with unfamiliar words. Furigana will be a requirement at your level, unless you want to spend a LOT of time manually searching kanji via radicals (a guaranteed way to quit a game). I am ten levels above you (in wanikani) and something like Pokemon has just become doable without furigana.</p>
<p><a href="">Read full topic</a></p>
<pubDate>Mon, 04 Mar 2024 14:48:21 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>Haven’t tried it myself but this just came out today:</p>
<p> <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="190" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-presentation"></iframe>
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<pubDate>Tue, 27 Feb 2024 17:57:26 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>Ace attorney. Has a lot of words I use in real life.</p>
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<pubDate>Tue, 27 Feb 2024 17:10:14 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>I’ll stand by Super Mario Odyssey, plus it’ll make you VERY good VERY fast at katakana</p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 19:26:36 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>Japanese eshop cards on playasia are relatively cheap, at least if you’re in the UK haha. I actually bought yo-kai watch on switch last night for the same purpose of learning with a 5000 yen gift card. was £32 which is only about £4 above it’s actual value, not bad at all IMO.</p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 19:25:32 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>Will second the recommendation for Yokai on Switch. You can get a Japanese e-shop account in the west, but payment methods are mostly region locked, so you’ll need to buy japanese gift cards to top it up which are sold at a premium online. It doesn’t bother me so mucb as the gift card markup is less than my local eshop’s markup.</p>
<p>Also worth checking out the game gengo channel, he has reviews and tier lists for different platforms:</p>
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<h3><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Game Gengo ゲーム言語</a></h3>
<p>Learn Japanese with Video Games!
Game Gengo, a YouTube channel dedicated to helping you learn and improve your Japanese/translation ability in the most enjoyable way possible, through Video Games!
1k - 9/7/20
5k - 31/1/21
10k - 27/9/21
15k -...</p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 13:43:33 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>Yokai Watch for the Switch is pretty nice! Unfortunately, it’s only available in Japan either via the Japanese e-shop or buying a physical copy in Japan. There’s also the 3ds version which is available in other regions, but this one hurt my eyes when trying to read Furigana on the low resolution display <img src="" title=":smiley:" class="emoji" alt=":smiley:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p>I haven’t played it myself yet, but the new Super Mario RPG for the switch is probably another good bet? <img src="" title=":slight_smile:" class="emoji" alt=":slight_smile:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p><a href="">Read full topic</a></p>
<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 12:03:52 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>I second <a class="mention" href="">@WaniTsunami</a>’s recs (DQ, AC e Pokémon are all pretty fun and easy to read – for me Pokémon was the easiest)</p>
<p>Another one that I found pretty fun and easy is Pikmin for 3DS: not text heavy but the dialogues are fun and meaningful, building the game’s plot little by little. <img src="" title=":slight_smile:" class="emoji" alt=":slight_smile:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"><br>
(There are other pikmin games, more recent ones!, and while I believe that they are also as fun, I haven’t had the chance to play them yet so can’t directly vouch for them)</p>
<p><a href="">Read full topic</a></p>
<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 11:49:14 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>Dragon Quest, Animal Crossing and Pokemon are all my go to games for learning Japanese.</p>
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<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 10:12:36 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>I highly recommend Eastward</p>
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<a href="">Video game recommendations for reading Japanese?</a> <a class="badge-category__wrapper " href=""><span data-category-id="11" style="--category-badge-color: #92278F; --category-badge-text-color: #FFFFFF;" data-drop-close="true" class="badge-category " title="Everyone here, presumably, is interested in learning Japanese. Post your knowledge. Ask questions. Use this category as a resource to teach and learn more Japanese, whether it has to do with kanji or not. We'll all be getting into the same mothership to Crabigator Planet, eventually, when "the event" occurs... so let's help each other out so we're ready!"><span class="badge-category__name">Japanese Language</span></span></a>
Eastward is a great game for that, because it has subtitles (it’s the only game I know that has subtitles). The system is a bit weird though – the subtitles are always in the language you set the game for, but the language of dialogues can be set separately. One would expect it to be the other way around – the dialogues should be in the language you set the game for and the subtitles should be customisable, but oh well, it’s not a big deal.
So, you can set your game to Japanese and the dialogue…
<p><a href="">Eastward - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch</a></p>
<p>Another great game, (and the one that I actually managed to finish) is Unreal Life (has nothing to do with Unreal)</p>
<p><a href="">Nintendo Switch™ アンリアルライフ 公式トレイラー</a></p>
<p>Both trailers are for Switch, but these games are also on Steam.</p>
<p><a href="">Read full topic</a></p>
<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 09:46:28 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
<title>Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</title>
<p>Hi again!</p>
<p>After my last post asking for recommendations for Manga or reading resources in general, I am now asking again for your help but for game recommendations instead, my grammar is past genki 1, and I’m level 3 still here, just a beginner! But I’ve been enjoying the reading recommendations and I thought I could complement them with some gaming as well, can be any console or PC game (or any genre as well), that should be easy and children could understand!</p>
<p>Thank you!! <img src="" title=":heart:" class="emoji" alt=":heart:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p><a href="">Read full topic</a></p>
<pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 09:32:33 +0000</pubDate>
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<source url="">Recommendations for easy to play (read) games</source>
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