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<h2>How to play tennis</h2>
<p>Learning how to play tennis can be difficult, especially when you are fighting against years of natural instincts and poor technique. With plenty of amateur 'coaches' wanting to show you what to do, it can be incredibly easy to develop a poor tennis technique, putting yourself at risk of future injuries and slowing your progress at the same time. Success at tennis means some relatively rigid techniques and learning styles, and without formal tennis lessons it is difficult to master the skills required to become a good tennis player. However, with dedication and focus, along with a skilled and accommodating coach, even the biggest tennis newbie could find themselves mastering the game within a couple of coaching seasons.</p>
<p>Some people who cannot afford to pay for lesson would prefer to come up with a method or solution for free kids' tennis lessons. There are 4 main types of lesson suitable for children: private and semi-private lessons, group lessons and also lesson of recreational programs. Recreational programs are the most suitable one for kids that enjoy being with others around them. Summer day camps are popular for organizing such programs and they offer lots of support for kids interested in playing any kind of sports. There are also local recreational departments interested in such programs. College-age players are popular tennis instructors at such camps and departments as they wish to gain some experience by teaching kids how to play tennis. Some of these programs also have coaches.</p>
<p>After the children have been familiarized with the tennis lessons, game and its objectives, including all the rules governing the game, they move towards the next phase of learning the techniques of score hunting. This important period must be taught, coached or tutored, and it is wisely done by giving the children that ample chance to play each other and gain the practical skills. To children, this is one of the toughest and complex stage in their tennis lessons outcome. </p>
<p>Taking a couple seconds extra in between points can throw your opponent off and help slow down a match when you are losing. Remember that the end of the day, your opponent must close out a match to beat you. There is no shot clock. Every extra minute a player spends on the court contributes to the outcome of the match. Perhaps your opponent tires physically or mentally as those extra seconds build up? The same holds true for when you are winning. Bad things tend to happen fast during a tennis match. If you have a player making a number of mistakes, try to speed up the general match. Take less time in between change overs and points and give them the feeling of "what is going on out here? I can't pull it together..." </p>
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