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  465. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1659265/exception-thrown-system-data-sqlserverce-sqlceexce"> Exception thrown: &#39;System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException&#39; in System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll </a>
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  467. <p class="has-text-wrap">Hello All,
  468. I facing an issue with the following error. When I build the project it successfully builds but then when I execute it I am not getting the output window. When checked, I noticed that I am facing an issue when I run. The following exceptions…</p>
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  472. <span>.NET</span>
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  483. .NET
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  486. Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
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  516. <span>Visual Studio</span>
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  527. Visual Studio
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  530. A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.
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  574. A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions.
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  652. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T07:50:48.68+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T07:50:48.68+00:00</local-time>
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  734. <h2 class="title is-6 margin-bottom-xxs">
  735. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1659263/there-is-pfx-file-on-azure-keyvault-i-try-to-conve"> There is .pfx file on azure keyvault, I try to convert it into a byte array(Convert.FromBase64String), I am getting format exception </a>
  736. </h2>
  737. <p class="has-text-wrap">There is .pfx file on azure key vault, I try to convert it into a byte array(Convert.FromBase64String), I am getting below format exception
  738. PFX file  containt Primary key and Certificate
  739. {&quot;The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a…</p>
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  743. <span>Azure Key Vault</span>
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  754. Azure Key Vault
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  757. An Azure service that is used to manage and protect cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services.
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  786. <span>Entity Framework Core</span>
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  797. Entity Framework Core
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  800. A lightweight, extensible, open-source, and cross-platform version of the Entity Framework data access technology.
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  834. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T07:47:43.3066667+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T07:47:43.3066667+00:00</local-time>
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  852. >Rupesh Surve</a
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  870. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T07:47:43.3066667+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T07:47:43.3066667+00:00</local-time>
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  888. >Rupesh Surve</a
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  924. <h2 class="title is-6 margin-bottom-xxs">
  925. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1432733/access-and-read-all-sms-on-android-phone-with-net"> Access and read all SMS on Android phone with .NET MAUI </a>
  926. </h2>
  927. <p class="has-text-wrap">For an application that, as a part of its functionality, can read all stored SMS on an android phone, can you give general directions what to read exactly to learn and implement it in a .NET MAUI project? I'm a beginner. I've only worked with MVC, WPF…</p>
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  931. <span>.NET MAUI</span>
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  942. .NET MAUI
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  945. A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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  950. <span class="font-size-sm font-weight-semilight" data-test-id="tag-card-count-dotnet-maui">
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  985. C#
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  988. An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
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  1023. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2023-11-21T03:48:09.5466667+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2023-11-21T03:48:09.5466667+00:00</local-time>
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  1106. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1657848/how-to-disable-remove-the-hamburger-menu-icon-in-m"> How to disable/Remove the hamburger menu icon in Maui - .Net 8 </a>
  1107. </h2>
  1108. <p class="has-text-wrap">I had added flyout in my maui project (not shell). By default I can able to see the hamburger menu icon in Window. I want to remove that icon. and want add a custom icon.  
  1109. Thanks,  
  1110. Vaibhav Methuku.
  1114. &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;…</p>
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  1166. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-19T05:22:22.3566667+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-19T05:22:22.3566667+00:00</local-time>
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  1249. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1658959/how-to-open-ana-left-in-maui-ios-application"> How to open Ana left in MAUI - iOS application </a>
  1250. </h2>
  1251. <p class="has-text-wrap">Hello Team,   
  1252. I want the user to force update the application.  So, Based on the below logic, I'm opening an alert with an update option in it. When I click on the update. It is navigating to the Appstore. But when I click on the backbutton on the top…</p>
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  1339. answered <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T06:38:11.72+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T06:38:11.72+00:00</local-time>
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  1387. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1657140/community-toolkit-install-is-not-working"> Community toolkit install is not working </a>
  1388. </h2>
  1389. <p class="has-text-wrap">I have had community toolkit installed on this project for quite a while and now it gives the following error when I am trying to update:
  1390. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
  1391. Error NU1605 Warning As Error: Detected package…</p>
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  1535. <p class="has-text-wrap">Here's how my program like, or you can also see it from attached image:partial class Boot
  1536. {
  1537. static void Main()
  1539. {
  1541.    Console.WriteLine(&quot;please input the path of your data store.&quot;);
  1543.    string ds_path = Console.ReadLine();
  1545.    try
  1547.    {
  1549.  …</p>
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  1646. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-22T12:51:02.23+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-22T12:51:02.23+00:00</local-time>
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  1729. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1657488/how-to-copy-big-file-5g-with-task-and-within-imper"> How to copy big file 5g with task and within impersonation </a>
  1730. </h2>
  1731. <p class="has-text-wrap">Hi,
  1732. How to copy big file 5G from source to destination using
  1733. impersonation:
  1734. WindowsIdentity.RunImpersonated(
  1735. ImpersonationHelper.Token
  1736. Thanks,</p>
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  1832. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-18T08:06:36.18+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-18T08:06:36.18+00:00</local-time>
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  1867. answered <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T06:06:21.48+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T06:06:21.48+00:00</local-time>
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  2053. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1658796/how-to-perform-long-run-operation-with-activityind"> How to perform long run operation with ActivityIndicator </a>
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  2055. <p class="has-text-wrap">Hi,
  2056. How to perform long run operation with ActivityIndicator?
  2057. Thanks,</p>
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  2192. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1659174/how-to-export-function-in-dll-to-aot"> how to export function in dll to aot? </a>
  2193. </h2>
  2194. <p class="has-text-wrap">I created .net class library to build dll and want to publish native aot
  2195. and I write function
  2196. public static MyClass
  2197. {
  2198. public static int MyFun(int n)
  2199. {
  2200. return n*n;
  2201. }
  2202. }
  2204. I publish it to native aot to win-x64 but in dll there is no function why?</p>
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  2383. <h2 class="title is-6 margin-bottom-xxs">
  2384. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1658780/request-are-stucking-in-authenticaterequest-state"> Request are stucking in AuthenticateRequest State on IIS </a>
  2385. </h2>
  2386. <p class="has-text-wrap">We're facing a critical issue with our API server. It's built on C# .NET 4 with a C++ backend. The problem manifests as certain requests hitting the IIS of the backend server some instances, these requests remain stuck in the AuthenticateRequest state,…</p>
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  2390. <span>Internet Information Services</span>
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  2400. >
  2401. Internet Information Services
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  2404. Microsoft web server software.
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  2409. <span class="font-size-sm font-weight-semilight" data-test-id="tag-card-count-windows-iis">
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  2444. Windows Server
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  2447. A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.
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  2475. <summary class="tag has-text-wrap font-size-sm" data-test-id="question-tag-dotnet-iot">
  2476. <span>.NET Internet of things</span>
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  2487. .NET Internet of things
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  2490. <span class="line-clamp-4 font-size-sm"
  2491. ><span class="line-clamp-2"><strong>.NET:</strong> Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.</span
  2492. ><span class="line-clamp-2"><strong>Internet of things:</strong> A concept that aims to extend the benefits of the regular internet, including constant connectivity, remote control ability, and data sharing, to goods in the physical world.</span></span
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  2528. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-22T07:01:24.13+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-22T07:01:24.13+00:00</local-time>
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  2552. <span title="Reputation points">0</span>
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  2563. commented <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T05:11:51.7+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T05:11:51.7+00:00</local-time>
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  2581. >Yurong Dai-MSFT</a
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  2610. <h2 class="title is-6 margin-bottom-xxs">
  2611. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1659097/ctrl-commands-not-working-with-winforms-web-browse"> CTRL Commands Not Working with Winforms Web Browser </a>
  2612. </h2>
  2613. <p class="has-text-wrap">Hello,
  2614. We have an application with a winforms web browser hosted on a WPF window and this browser is used to load HTML's within our application. These HTML files have fields that allow users to fill out. Letters and numbers work fine when put into the…</p>
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  2618. <span>Windows Forms</span>
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  2629. Windows Forms
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  2631. <div class="card-content-description" data-test-id="tag-card-description">
  2632. A set of .NET Framework managed libraries for developing graphical user interfaces.
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  2661. <span>Windows Presentation Foundation</span>
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  2672. Windows Presentation Foundation
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  2675. A part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for building line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.
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  2709. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-22T20:38:22.62+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-22T20:38:22.62+00:00</local-time>
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  2727. >Lpatz-4663</a
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  2733. <span title="Reputation points">20</span>
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  2768. <span title="Reputation points">112K</span>
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  2791. <h2 class="title is-6 margin-bottom-xxs">
  2792. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1658797/maui-communitytoolkit-mediaelement-a-grey-screen-i"> MAUI CommunityToolkit MediaElement a grey screen is showing in non full screen mode. </a>
  2793. </h2>
  2794. <p class="has-text-wrap">In my MAUI application, the CommunityToolkit MediaElement a grey screen is showing when the video is playing in non full screen mode. In full screen mode the video is playing correctly. I have changed the source video but the issue is still appearing.</p>
  2795. <div class="tags margin-top-xxs">
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  2797. <summary class="tag has-text-wrap font-size-sm" data-test-id="question-tag-dotnet-maui">
  2798. <span>.NET MAUI</span>
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  2809. .NET MAUI
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  2811. <div class="card-content-description" data-test-id="tag-card-description">
  2812. A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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  2929. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1462281/how-can-i-display-a-pdf-file-in-net-maui-using-the"> How can I display a PDF file in .NET MAUI - using the PDF.js library - for iOS and Windows? </a>
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  2931. <p class="has-text-wrap">I plan to display a PDF file on my MAUI app. I tried following the answer at this link ( and it worked for Android.
  2932. The PDF is in the Resources\Raw.  
  2933. I want…</p>
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  3068. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1658165/net-maui-is-there-a-way-to-have-an-entry-field-hav"> .net MAUI is there a way to have an entry field have focus on load but not show the soft keyboard? </a>
  3069. </h2>
  3070. <p class="has-text-wrap">so ive worked on an android app in VS2019 and in that app its not a problem for me to have a screen load up, set focus to the first entry field( in that case its an EditText) but not show the soft keyboard.
  3071. it will only show the soft keyboard if the…</p>
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  3250. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1659004/while-enabling-the-net-framework-form-control-pane"> While enabling the .net framework form control panel getting an error, .net is the prerequisite for interspec application, we are unable to perform the installation </a>
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  3434. <h2 class="title is-6 margin-bottom-xxs">
  3435. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1657543/how-to-contribute-to-maui-development-bug-fixing"> How to contribute to MAUI Development/Bug fixing </a>
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  3437. <p class="has-text-wrap">Hi everyone,
  3438. I'm developing some apps with .NET MAUI. I'm facing some issues related for example with CollectionViews and Labels. I would really enjoy being able to see the root cause of this issues in MAUI source code and try to fix them and contribute…</p>
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  3490. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-18T10:15:15.3166667+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-18T10:15:15.3166667+00:00</local-time>
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  3575. <p class="has-text-wrap">My project runs fine on local host, but when I publish a Blazor WebAssembly app to Azure I get:
  3576. Loading module from “” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type…</p>
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  3594. A free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML being developed by Microsoft.
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  3628. asked <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T01:56:10.4266667+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T01:56:10.4266667+00:00</local-time>
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  3663. edited the question <local-time format="datetime" datetime="2024-04-23T02:06:06.07+00:00" class="is-visually-hidden">2024-04-23T02:06:06.07+00:00</local-time>
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  3681. >Michael Washington</a
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  3711. <a href="/en-us/answers/questions/1654652/xamarin-ios-unable-to-debug-over-local-device-ios"> Xamarin iOS unable to debug over local device iOS 17.1.1 </a>
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  3713. <p class="has-text-wrap">I have two real devices:
  3715. iPhone 15 Pro Max iOS 17.1.1
  3716. iPhone 7 iOS 15.7.8
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