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  835. Quality, Professional Services With A Family Feel. </h1>
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  837. FreedomTax is a full-service accounting and tax firm with over 20+ years of experience offering personal & corporate services. We have everything you need in one place: accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, incorporations, corporate taxes, income tax return preparation, tax planning, tax debt relief & more. </p>
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  849. Member of the<b> National Association of Tax Professionals</b> </p>
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  854. GET A FREE CONSULTATION <br><span><hr>ASK US HOW TO:</span> </h2>
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  856. <li>Open an LLC The Right Way</li>
  857. <li>Pay Less Taxes</li>
  858. <li>Optimize Your Business Accounting</li>
  859. <li>And more….</li>
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  918. <h2 class="text-with-dots">
  919. OUR SERVICES <img src="" alt="icon">
  920. </h2>
  921. <p>
  922. FreedomTax is an accounting firm like no other. We offer outstanding accounting services with a family presence, reaching out to help those in need. We are committed to providing professional, accurate, and comprehensive accounting and tax services to our community. </p>
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  933. <p>Let us launch your new business in the right direction with our incorporation services for corporations, partnerships, or LLCs. </p>
  934. <a href="#business" class="service-preview-item__btn  btn  btn--transparent-bg  btn--green">Read More</a>
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  945. <p>We offer professional accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services for businesses small and large.</p>
  946. <a href="#account" class="service-preview-item__btn  btn  btn--transparent-bg  btn--green">Read More</a>
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  956. <h4>TAX SERVICES</h4>
  957. <p>Taxes are our specialty. Our tax services include income tax return preparation, business tax returns, tax debt relief, tax planning, and more.</p>
  958. <a href="#tax" class="service-preview-item__btn  btn  btn--transparent-bg  btn--green">Read More</a>
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  967. <h2 class="text-with-dots">
  968. TAX SERVICES <img src="" alt="icon">
  969. </h2>
  970. <p>
  971. It can be difficult to find a reliable and quality accounting and tax company that can provide you with superior services at affordable rates. We make sure that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to tax problems and can easily handle any type of tax situation you may have. </p>
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  975. <img src="" alt="INCOME TAX RETURNS">
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  977. <div class="specific-list__text">
  978. <h3>INCOME TAX RETURNS</h3>
  979. <p>
  980. We have some of the best tax accountants and consultants in the industry who have got years of experience and expertise in income tax return preparation services. Our tax preparers will work with you and ensure that you get the best income tax refund with complete satisfaction guaranteed. </p>
  981. </div>
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  985. <img src="" alt="CORPORATE TAX RETURNS">
  986. </div>
  987. <div class="specific-list__text">
  989. <p>
  990. We have accountants who are experienced in every single avenue of tax services, and that is why we are able to provide individuals and businesses with flawless business tax return preparation services. </p>
  991. </div>
  992. </div>
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  995. <img src="" alt="TAX DEBT RELIEF & IRS TAX PROBLEMS">
  996. </div>
  997. <div class="specific-list__text">
  999. <p>
  1000. There is no tax service that we can’t provide you with, and our experience and expertise allows us to deal with any tax problem effortlessly. Our tax debt relief services can help you deal with tax negotiations, settlements, back taxes, tax liens, tax levies, IRS tax debt, IRS audit defense, payroll tax negotiation and wage garnishments. </p>
  1001. </div>
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  1016. <p class="text-with-dots">
  1017. “I had a tax debt with the IRS for over $105,000. Mr. Acevedo helped me reduce, and settle my tax debt for less than $3,000! Plus, I could pay it to the IRS with a 2 year payment plan.” <img src="" alt="icon">
  1018. </p>
  1019. <div class="testimonial__author">
  1020. - MR. E. ROSAS </div>
  1021. </div>
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  1027. <h2 class="text-with-dots">
  1028. ACCOUNTING AND PAYROLL <img src="" alt="icon">
  1029. </h2>
  1030. <p>
  1031. Making sure that you have the right accounting and bookkeeping services for your business is important, since making sure that your finances are in order is going to be the main priority for you. Our goal is to provide you with top-notch accounting services at the most affordable rates in the business. </p>
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  1036. </div>
  1037. <div class="specific-list__text">
  1038. <h3>PAYROLL</h3>
  1039. <p>
  1040. Our payroll solutions streamline your payroll process, improve productivity and simplify administration. We manage the time-consuming tasks of payroll processing and employee payroll tax filing so you can focus on running your business. </p>
  1041. </div>
  1042. </div>
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  1045. <img src="" alt="BOOKKEEPING">
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  1047. <div class="specific-list__text">
  1048. <h3>BOOKKEEPING</h3>
  1049. <p>
  1050. Start reaping the rewards of great bookkeeping services and focus on managing your business, not worrying about bookkeeping. We will provide you with monthly financial statements, and discuss other profit-maximizing and cost-saving opportunities for your business so that you are able to make the best decisions for your organization. </p>
  1051. </div>
  1052. </div>
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  1055. <img src="" alt="NON-PROFIT ACCOUNTING">
  1056. </div>
  1057. <div class="specific-list__text">
  1058. <h3>NON-PROFIT ACCOUNTING</h3>
  1059. <p>
  1060. Nonprofit organizations that dedicate their resources to charitable, religious, scientific, or educational purposes may apply for 501 C3 federal tax exemption as a public charity. We can help you setup and maintain your non-profit organization’s tax-exempt status by handling all the IRS reporting for you. </p>
  1061. </div>
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  1075. <div class="testimonial-section__body  testimonial">
  1076. <p class="text-with-dots">
  1077. “I just wanted to say that I just met with Robert at FreedomTax and he was great. Very personable, intelligent, and did an excellent job -- plus I got a great tax refund! I've always done my own taxes, and after today, I'll probably never do them by myself again. Thanks Robert!” <img src="" alt="icon">
  1078. </p>
  1079. <div class="testimonial__author">
  1080. - J. ETTMAYER </div>
  1081. <div class="testimonial__about">
  1082. (Personal Income Tax Return Client) </div>
  1083. </div>
  1084. </div>
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  1089. <h2 class="text-with-dots">
  1090. BUSINESS INCORPORATIONS <img src="" alt="icon">
  1091. </h2>
  1092. <p>
  1093. Let us launch your business in the right direction. Our incorporation services for corporations, partnerships and LLCs will give your new business a competitive edge. </p>
  1094. <div class="text-and-blurred-img__list">
  1095. <div class="text-and-blurred-img__list-item  specific-list">
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  1097. <img src="" alt="BUSINESS_FORMATION">
  1098. </div>
  1099. <div class="specific-list__text">
  1100. <h3>BUSINESS FORMATION</h3>
  1101. <p>
  1102. Make an informed decision on the best way to structure your new business. We help you select a business structure that best fits your needs; be evaluation tax advantages, legal exposure, immigration benefits, and marketing goals. </p>
  1103. </div>
  1104. </div>
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  1107. <img src="" alt="QUICKBOOKS_TRAINING">
  1108. </div>
  1109. <div class="specific-list__text">
  1110. <h3>QUICKBOOKS TRAINING</h3>
  1111. <p>
  1112. As certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors, we help you set-up your QuickBooks and train you or your employees to properly operate it specifically for your business and industry. </p>
  1113. </div>
  1114. </div>
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  1117. <img src="" alt="LICENSING">
  1118. </div>
  1119. <div class="specific-list__text">
  1120. <h3>LICENSING</h3>
  1121. <p>
  1122. Looking to apply for licenses in the State of Florida? We can help you obtain a Florida Restaurant licence or Alcohol license for your business. </p>
  1123. </div>
  1124. </div>
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  1153. <h2>ABOUT US</h2>
  1154. <p>Freedomtax is not your ordinary accounting and tax firm. We offer an assortment of unique services that make your life easy, with everything you need in one place. Our mission is to make available all our skills in helping you develop your business or reach your personal financial goals. The idea is simple: if we can help our clients grow, our accounting firm grows with them. We strive to make our clients feel like family, with good communication and genuine care for our client’s success and prosperity.</p>
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  1161. <h4>OUR AFFILIATIONS</h4>
  1162. <p>Our accountants and tax professionals are affiliated to several organizations that help us serve our community better.</p>
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  1184. CUSTOM TAILORED SOLUTIONS <img src="" alt="icon">
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  1187. Freedomtax International offers custom tailored solutions for every case. That's why we take the time to analyze and research, so we can provide you with the financial solutions that better suits your needs. </p>
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  1208. <h4>GET AN ITIN NUMBER</h4>
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  1218. <h2 class="text-with-dots">
  1219. GET YOUR ITIN NUMBER FAST & KEEP YOUR DOCUMENTS <img src="" alt="icon">
  1220. </h2>
  1221. <p>
  1222. We're the leaders in helping immigrants in the United States get their Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN Tax Number) the fastest and safest way possible. </p>
  1223. <ul>
  1224. <li>You Don’t Have to Send Your Original Passport to the IRS</li>
  1225. <li>100% Money Back Guarantee</li>
  1226. <li>Get Your ITIN Number Fast</li>
  1227. <li>We Complete ALL Application Forms for You</li>
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  1265. <p>
  1266. I have used Freedomtax for several years. They have done an outstanding job, and fully handled all correspondence to me from the IRS. This is priceless to me. I highly recommend them. It is nice to know IRS issues are fully handled by them. </p>
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  1270. <img src="" alt="photo Mark">
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  1273. <p>
  1274. Mark Virkler <br>
  1275. <span>
  1276. 3 months ago </span>
  1277. </p>
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  1286. <p>
  1287. Carlos and the team are simply amazing! They helped us open and manage our new business. They are always happy to help and answer any questions or concerns, explaining things in a way we can understand.
  1288. We always come back to them, because the service and effectiveness is top notch. Would highly recommend them to anyone! </p>
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  1292. <img src="" alt="photo Laura Lopez">
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  1295. <p>
  1296. Laura Lopez <br>
  1297. <span>
  1298. 7 months ago </span>
  1299. </p>
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  1308. <p>
  1309. I'm a UK resident and sold land in the US (Texas). Searched all over the internet trying to find someone to help with the paperwork that was required for a non-US citizen to sell land. The service that I received was outstanding...
  1310. Very professional and excellent communication. I would highly recommend this company. </p>
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  1314. <img src="" alt="photo Lee Mullen">
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  1318. Lee Mullen <br>
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  1320. 3 weeks ago </span>
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  1330. <p>
  1331. Hi, we were recommended to use Freedomtax when we bought our house. We are delighted that we did. We’re not used to the tax system in America and Roberto helped us throughout the process, explaining about the system. They were always very helpful and responded quickly to any questions we had. We have no hesitation in recommending them. </p>
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  1335. <img src="" alt="photo Steve Brockley">
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  1338. <p>
  1339. Steve Brockley <br>
  1340. <span>
  1341. 1 month ago </span>
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  1351. <p>
  1352. If you are a foreigner selling your house with a gain and have problems with your taxes, you should contact Robert from Freedom accounting. I contacted a few accountants before him and i was not satisfied. Came across his company thru google and took my chance. And Im glad I did. Thanks Robert! </p>
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  1360. Stefanus Ronald <br>
  1361. <span>
  1362. 4 months ago </span>
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  1377. <h2>FREE E-BOOK: <span>23 Proven Strategies to Save on Taxes</span></h2>
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  1379. If you are tired of paying taxes without any solid return, then this guide is for you. We have compiled the best tips & tricks to help you earn your biggest refund yet. Gain planning strategies that will help you in your personal and business life. </p>
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  1417. “I had a tax debt with the IRS for over $105,000. Mr. Acevedo helped me reduce, and settle my tax debt for less than $3,000! Plus, I could pay it to the IRS with a 2 year payment plan.” <img src="" alt="icon">
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda