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  99. <h2>Wrong fuel in car?</h2>
  100. <h3>Mobile Units On Call across the UK Now for Wrong Fuel Recovery</h3>
  101. <div>Putting the wrong fuel in your vehicle can cause a number of problems including:
  102. <p></p>
  103. <p>1 - Engine Damage</p>
  104. <p>2 - Clogged Fuel Lines</p>
  105. <p>3 - Fuel Pump Failure</p>
  106. <p>4 - Vapor Lock</p>
  107. <p>5 - Engine Misfires</p>
  108. If you put the wrong fuel into your vehicle, we are here to help you fix the problem 24 hours a day and get you back on the road quickly and safely.</div>
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  116. <b>Local Unit Available Now:</b>
  117. <strong>0333 366 1081</strong>
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  119. <h1 class="ff-hero-mobile__title">Wrong fuel in car?</h1>
  120. <h3 class="ff-hero-mobile__subtitle">Mobile Units On Call across the UK Now for Wrong Fuel Recovery</h3>
  121. <div class="ff-hero-mobile__desc" style="padding-bottom:15px;">Putting the wrong fuel in your vehicle can cause a number of problems including:
  122. <p></p>
  123. <p>1 - Engine Damage</p>
  124. <p>2 - Clogged Fuel Lines</p>
  125. <p>3 - Fuel Pump Failure</p>
  126. <p>4 - Vapor Lock</p>
  127. <p>5 - Engine Misfires</p>
  128. If you put the wrong fuel into your vehicle, we are here to help you fix the problem 24 hours a day and get you back on the road quickly and safely.</div>
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  135. <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
  136. <li><a href="/wrong-fuelpetrol-in-diesel-faqs/">Wrong Fuel FAQs</a></li>
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  151. <p class="text-center"><img src="/_uploads/fuel fixer mobile unit.png" width="80" alt="fuel fixer mobile unit"></p>
  152. <h2>Fuel Fixer Mobile Units On Call across the UK Now for Wrong Fuel Recovery (Petrol Car or Diesel)</h2>
  153. <p>Accidentally putting petrol in a diesel car or diesel fuel in a petrol car, needs to be addressed immediately by a professional.</p>
  154. <p>Don't worry! Here at Fuel Fixer, our local mobile units are on call now to help you get the right fuel in your car fast so you can be on your way.</p>
  155. <p>Our fuel technicians usually arrive within 46 mins so you wont have to wait long for help! Fuel Fixer is the leading wrong fuel specialists servicing the UK.</p>
  156. <p>Once you are safe, call us and we will fix your car while you wait.</p>
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  166. <p class="text-center"><img src="/_uploads/pump.png" width="80" alt="Wrong Fuel Pump"></p>
  167. <h2>What should I do if I put the <a href="">wrong fuel in car?</a></h2>
  168. <p>Here is exactly what you should and should not do if you put the wrong fuel in your vehicle.</p>
  169. <h3>1 - Make sure you're safe</h3>
  170. <p>First, and foremost, get yourself and any occupants to a safe place while you wait for help.</p>
  171. <h3>2 -Avoid starting the engine</h3>
  172. <p>Starting the car's engine with the incorrect fuel can do serious damage to the car's fuel system, clog the spark plugs, or cause your car to make a loud knocking sound that you want to avoid.</p>
  173. <h3>3 - Call our emergency number</h3>
  174. <p>Call Fuel Fixer immediately at 0333 366 1081 so we can connect you with one of our wrong fuel technicians.</p>
  175. <h3>4 - Wait for our engineer</h3>
  176. <p>Finally, just wait patiently for one of our special fuel engineers to arrive and do the fuel removal and restart procedure which includes making sure you have the correct fuel in your vehicle.
  177. <p>Once the contaminated fuel has been removed from your diesel engine or petrol engine, you should not suffer any further issues with your car's fuel tank, fuel pumps, or fuel system.</p>
  178. <p>In the rare case that any follow-up procedures are necessary after you have completed your journey, our mechanics will advise you while we are there.</p>
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  181. <img class="ff-image" src="/_uploads/gosia1.jpg" alt="putting unleaded in a diesel car">
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  194. <p class="text-center"><img src="/_uploads/gauge.png" width="80" alt="Petrol Gauge"></p>
  195. <h3>Any Vehicle, Any Time</h3>
  196. <p>Putting diesel in a vehicle that takes petrol, or <a href="">petrol in diesel car</a> - most people do it sooner or later. But don't worry - if you have made the mistake of putting in the <b>wrong fuel in car</b> we can fix it right away.</p>
  197. <p>One of our experienced technician Recovery mobile units will come to you quickly, and you'll be back on your journey. No drama, no garage and no towing bills.</p>
  198. <p>To avoid any chance of engine damage, don't drive on. Call us now for 24/7 fuelfixing.</p>
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  208. <p class="text-center"><img src="/_uploads/fuel.png" width="80" alt="Fuel"></p>
  209. <h3>Wrong Fuel Assistance</h3>
  210. <p>Our engineers really are Fuel Recovery Service experts: Fuel Fixer is the leading mobile misfuel specialist in the country, and our engineers are often consulted by major roadside assistance companies.</p>
  211. <p>Even if your car has been driven after misfuelling and now refuses to start or you see excessive smoke, as long as the problem was caused by misfuelling, we fix it. Then and there - and get you on the road again.</p>
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  228. <h3>Phones Manned 24/7</h3>
  229. <p>Fuel Fixer provides a 24/7, nationwide, rapid response wrong fuel drain recovery service. If you have accidentally filled up with the incorrect fuel we will get you up and running with no mess and no fuss.</p>
  230. <p>Whether you are stuck at on a petrol station forecourt, or on the side of the road we can have someone out to you quickly and have you back on the road in minimal time. Our national average response time is only 46 minutes.</p>
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  240. <p class="text-center"><img src="/_uploads/mech.png" width="80" alt="Wrong Fuel Mechanics"></p>
  241. <h3>We Get You Going Again</h3>
  242. <p>No matter the contamination type we can usually get you going again within an hour of arriving on scene. We carry all the necessary equipment to be able to deal with all makes and models.</p>
  243. <p>In addition, we are able to provide clean fuel, simply at pump prices. Whether it's diesel fuel in a petrol car, putting a petrol nozzle in a diesel car, or any form of fuel contamination, we are able to help.</p>
  244. <p>We will drain the fuel tank and, if necessary, flush and clean out the entire fuel system - including the fuel lines, filters, and pumps. This can all usually be done roadside so there is no need for expensive recovery costs or long waits while the vehicle is off the road.</p>
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  255. <h1 class="text-center">Frequently Asked Questions:</h1>
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  262. <h3><a href="#">How can I avoid putting the wrong fuel in my car?</a></h3>
  263. <div>
  264. Check the fuel cap of the vehicle which should tell you exactly what fuel the vehicle takes. That should make sure you dont put the wrong fuel in your vehicle.
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  267. <li>
  268. <h3><a href="#">What are the signs that I have put the wrong fuel in my fuel tank?</a></h3>
  269. <div>
  270. <p>There are a few signs to look for that may mean you put the wrong fuel into your vehicle.</p>
  271. <p>&#x2022;The vehicle may not start</p>
  272. <p>&#x2022;You may hear sputtering or the vehicle may stall</p>
  273. <p>&#x2022;You may see black smoke coming from the exhaust pipe</p>
  274. <p>&#x2022;Your car may overheat</p>
  275. <p>&#x2022;Your car may lose power</p>
  276. </div>
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  278. <li>
  279. <h3><a href="#">What is the difference between diesel fuel and gasoline?</a></h3>
  280. <div>
  281. Diesel fuel is a type of fuel oil that is used in diesel engines. Petrol is a type of fuel that is used in petrol engines.
  282. <p>Diesel fuel is thicker and has a higher cetane rating than gasoline. Cetane rating is a measure of a fuel's ignition quality. Diesel fuel ignites more easily than gasoline, which is why it is used in diesel engines.</p>
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  289. <p><strong>Fuel Fixer Provides Corporate And Fleet Protection Contracts.<br>Please Contact Our Contracts Manager By Email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e88b87869c898b9ca88e9d8d848e81908d9ac68b87c69d83">HERE</a>, or By Calling 0333 366 1081</strong></p>
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  378. "description":"Wrong Fuel in your car? ⭐ Guaranteed ⭐ We Will Get You Back In The Road! ✅ Call Fuel Fixer NOW! Immediate 24/7 10% Off.",
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  393. "name":"Wrong Fuel Recovery Experts - Get Your Car On The Road Again 10% Discount - Fuel Fixer Ltd",
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  397. "datePublished":"2020-11-20T00:18:52+00:00",
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  408. "about":"wrong fuel, wrong fuel in car, fuel doctor, petrol in diesel car",
  409. "abstract":"Putting the wrong fuel in your vehicle can cause a number of problems including:
  410. <p></p>
  411. <p>1 - Engine Damage</p>
  412. <p>2 - Clogged Fuel Lines</p>
  413. <p>3 - Fuel Pump Failure</p>
  414. <p>4 - Vapor Lock</p>
  415. <p>5 - Engine Misfires</p>
  416. If you put the wrong fuel into your vehicle, we are here to help you fix the problem 24 hours a day and get you back on the road quickly and safely.",
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  426. "dateModified":"2024-05-05",
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  443. "@id":"",
  444. "name":"TheFuelMan",
  445. "url":"",
  446. "description":"The Fuel Man has been in the Wrong Fuel industry for over a decade. He is an avid auto enthusiast and owner of the UK's largest independent Wrong Fuel Drain company. He is an expert in the subject of Petrol in a Diesel Car and has been helping motorists with misfuelling problems by providing advice, guidance, and roadside call-outs and repairs."
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda