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  16. <title>Butt Workouts At Home</title>
  17. <description>1. The Squat. Stand with your feet hip width apart and push your hips back so that your weight goes into your heels. Squat down into a 90 degree angle. Stand back up while still pressing down on your heels. Try and push your butt ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/best_butt_workouts_fast_exercises.jpg" alt="Easy butt workout" align="left" /><p>1. The Squat. Stand with your feet hip width apart and push your hips back so that your weight goes into your heels. Squat down into a 90 degree angle. Stand back up while still pressing down on your heels. Try and push your butt back as far as you can, while keeping your feet planted and your shoulders back. Try not to lean forward! Do 2 sets of 20 reps. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 2. The Squat Hold and Pulse. Stand with your feet hip width apart, pushing your hips back so that your weight goes down into your heels again. Squat down to a 90 degree angle just as you did before. Stand back up while pressing down through the heels, but do not stand up totally straight! Make tiny up and down movements, pulsing to get that burn! Again, 2 sets of 20 reps will do it. 3. The Bridge-Up. Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet planted firmly on the floor. Press your hips up to the ceiling and squeeze those glutes, much like you would while doing a gymnastics bridge. Slowly lower your hips back to the floor and repeat as many times as you can. This is serious ab, butt, and leg toning. 4. The Bridge-Up With Leg Lifts. Take turns extending one leg at a time as you push up into bridge mode. Keep your extended leg as straight as possible for maximum toning.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  19. <category><![CDATA[Home Workout]]></category>
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  22. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 10:29:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>30 minutes upper body Workout</title>
  26. <description>Gorgeous gams and a bodacious booty aren&#039;t the only prizes you can win with a great workout program. Michelle Obama, Cameron Diaz, and Jessica Biel are a few public figures who have impressed us with their enviable biceps and ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/fast_30_minute_workouts.jpg" alt="Gone in 30 Minutes" align="left" /><p>Gorgeous gams and a bodacious booty aren't the only prizes you can win with a great workout program. Michelle Obama, Cameron Diaz, and Jessica Biel are a few public figures who have impressed us with their enviable biceps and rockin' delts. It's no joke, ladies. To build a better-looking, stronger, healthier body, you need to lift for your upper body! Beauty vs. The Bulk It is a common misconception that upper-body resistance exercise will cause women to pump up Arnold-style. Fear not, ladies! Women's hormones and physiology such as size and shape determine our strength and muscular development. You're not a professional bodybuilder. You don't have to worry about looking like one. In fact, women only have on average roughly one-tenth the testosterone that men do. Women with higher testosterone levels relative to other women may tend to develop more muscle at a faster rate, but all women can train their upper body without turning into Hulk-ettes. To enhance your physique and create that athletic shape many women crave, you need to build your back, biceps, triceps, and delts! Size aside, the benefits to upper-body resistance training are numerous. Here are just a few reasons you should add it to your training regimen! Bone modeling Bone modeling and remodeling is the process by which bone adapts to load by changing size and shape and removing weak or damaged bone tissue. When muscles contract against bone, it creates stress that causes bones to strengthen against the contractions.1 The stronger your muscles get, the stronger your bones must become to handle muscle contractions. Bone modeling helps prevent fractures and insures against osteoporosis. Connective tissue Ligaments, tendons, and cartilage are what hold your bones together. These joints are at risk of injury when they become unstable.2 Upper-body resistance training strengthens connective tissue in the elbows, shoulders, neck, spine, wrists, and hands, improving joint integrity, stability, and injury prevention. Upper-body resistance training strengthens connective tissue in the elbows, shoulders, neck, spine, wrists, and hands, improving joint integrity, stability, and injury prevention. Muscle growth and fat loss Strength exercises increase lean body mass while decreasing fat stores. The greater your proportion of lean mass to fat mass, the more metabolically active your body becomes. A metabolically active body will have increased metabolic rate, fat oxidation, and energy consumption in the form of calories.3 In other words, you burn more calories and fat simply by carrying more muscle! More moxie All things considered, having a strong, shapely upper body improves self-esteem and puts you in the ultimate badass category. In a study published in "American Journal of Health Promotion, " researchers found that women who participated in resistance training three days per week improved their body image more than women who walked three days per week (although walking is still much better than sitting on your butt all day).4 Being strong empowers both your mind and your body. The ability to kick ass every day Though we like to associate strength with killing it in the gym, a powerful upper body makes everyday tasks much simpler. You can rearrange your living room furniture without help, carry all your grocery bags in one trip, move boxes without getting a backache, and so much more! Being strong not only feels great, it grants you independence so you can take on bigger daily challenges with ease. The Get-More-Awesome Plan These workouts are broken down into push/pull sequences. These workouts are split so that you train both the upper-body push and pull muscles equally during the week. During Workout A, you'll concentrate on pushing, which uses the pectoral muscles as primary movers. You'll also rely on your shoulders, trapezius muscles, and triceps for assistance. During Workout B, you'll do pulling exercises. These moves involve a large network of muscles that cover your back including the trapezius and rhomboids at the top of the back, the latissimus dorsi in the center of the back, and the erector spinae that run down to the bottom of the back. Other small muscles work during these exercises, along with the biceps muscles in the arms. I recommend performing each workout once per week, three days apart, for 4-6 weeks. You can work in lower-body days between these workouts. New and innovative brand of fitness supplements that are formulated and designed spcifically for women! Go Now! References Seeman, E. (2009). Bone Modeling and Remodeling. Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression, 19(3), 219-233. Stone, M. (1988). Implications for connective tissue and bone alterations resulting from resistance exercise training. Medicine &amp; Science in Sports &amp; Exercise, 20(5 Suppl), S162-S168. Heijden, G., Wang, Z., Chu, Z., Toffolo, G., Manesso, E., Sauer, P., &amp; Sunehag, A. (2010). Strength Exercise Improves Muscle Mass and Hepatic Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Youth. Medicine &amp; Science in Sports &amp; Exercise, 42(11), 1973-1980. Tucker, L., &amp; Mortell, R. (1993). Comparison of the Effects of Walking and Weight Training Programs on Body Image in Middle-Aged Women: An Experimental Study. American Journal of Health Promotion, 8(1), 34-42.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Upper Body Workout]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Mon, 27 May 2024 10:22:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>Tricep Workouts at Home</title>
  35. <description>Triceps Exercises For big arms, doing triceps is even more important than biceps! The triceps is a bigger muscle so if you skip triceps not only will your arms be much smaller than they need to be but your arms will be out of ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/5_triceps_exercises_to_tone_your.jpg" alt="5 Triceps Exercises to Tone" align="left" /><p>Triceps Exercises For big arms, doing triceps is even more important than biceps! The triceps is a bigger muscle so if you skip triceps not only will your arms be much smaller than they need to be but your arms will be out of balance. You can make your own arm workout by mixing and matching the above exercises, but unless you are really advanced, it’s better to use one of my existing home workout plans that puts these triceps exercises into a well rounded workout plan for you. Please checkout my beginning workout plan, my intermediate workout plan and my advanced workout plan. Before I go into the individual biceps exercises, lets look at two complete arm workouts. The first workout is an intermediate arm workout with three supersets each consisting of a biceps and a triceps exercise: Superset 1:Dumbbell curls and skull crushers Superset 2:Twenty-ones and narrow grip bench press</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Home Workout]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Tue, 21 May 2024 10:12:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Workout Tips for Beginners</title>
  44. <description>Getting off the couch and into the gym can be an intimidating process, especially when everyone seems to know a lot more than you do. To be successful in your fitness goals, it&#039;s important to start off on the right track. Far too ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/expert_training_workout_advice_7_mass.jpg" alt="7 Mass Building Tips for" align="left" /><p>Getting off the couch and into the gym can be an intimidating process, especially when everyone seems to know a lot more than you do. To be successful in your fitness goals, it's important to start off on the right track. Far too many beginners get started on the wrong foot, develop bad habits, and then struggle to achieve their goals of building muscle and burning fat. I don't want you to struggle with more challenges than you already have to—many are avoidable! If you can make your first steps positive ones, you'll make excellent progress right away and avoid feeling lost at the start of your fitness journey. Take the first step with these 10 must-read beginner training tips. Apply them to your burgeoning health and fitness regimen for early success! Make Fitness a Habit Going to the gym once is definitely a great start, but you won't see positive changes in your mind and body unless you make hitting the gym a habit. I know it might sound like an impossible task, especially if you feel you have a full day already, but working out 3-4 times each week for at least three weeks is absolutely essential to your budding success. Building lifelong habits takes time, but once you've built those habits into your daily schedule you'll notice that missing them is irritating. Building lifelong habits takes time, but once you've built those habits into your daily schedule you'll notice that missing them is irritating. "Experts say it takes 21 days to create a habit, " says Barbara Bolotte, BPI athlete. "This means it won't be until after 21 days of consistent work at the gym that it'll bother you to miss a workout." When skipping the gym is more of an annoyance than a relief, you know you're on the way to success. Give yourself time to make the habit stick. One week is not enough. Be consistent in your plan and you'll move forward very quickly toward your goals. Control Your Lifts Beginners often learn by watching. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you copy somebody doing a lift improperly, it means you're not doing it right, either. Most often, bad form comes from trying to lift too much weight too soon. When that happens, most people turn to momentum rather than muscle contraction to move the weight. "Your efforts need to be focused and controlled, " says James Grage, co-founder and vice president of BPI Sports. "The key is to isolate muscle groups and strategically work them through various exercises, angles, and techniques." The better you can actually contract each muscle group correctly during a lift, the more your muscles will grow. More weight can wait. In the grand scheme of things, how much you can biceps curl matters very little. What's important is learning how to squeeze your muscles to move the weight rather than using your hips to thrust the weight up. Do Compound Movements Beginners interested in fitness can be easily distracted by complex training techniques found in magazines and online articles. If you've never stepped foot in a gym or haven't been in one for a long time, going right to isolation moves that work just one muscle group at a time won't bring you the best results. "The key is to isolate muscle groups and strategically work them through various exercises, angles, and techniques." To get the best results for muscle growth and fat loss, it's best to start with compound lifts like the squat, bench press, shoulder press, bent-over row, deadlift, pull-up, and lunge. These lifts require you to use multiple muscle groups at the same time. Doing them will allow you to lift more weight, hit more muscles, and increase your metabolic rate much better than you could doing dropsets of isolation movements like triceps extensions. To start, select lifts that require you to use at least half your body to do them. You can add isolation work as you get going, but start with the moves that will give you the most bang for your buck. Posture Perfect</p>]]></content:encoded>
  46. <category><![CDATA[Workouts For Beginners]]></category>
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  49. <pubDate>Wed, 15 May 2024 10:06:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>Chest Workout for mass and definition</title>
  53. <description>How much can you bench? This is the all-to common question we all know to be used as a gauge of total body strength or manhood. However, in this article, I hope to engage and gravitate your attention to some of my secrets to ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/the_13_best_chest_exercises_to.jpg" alt="Chest exercises, best chest" align="left" /><p>How much can you bench? This is the all-to common question we all know to be used as a gauge of total body strength or manhood. However, in this article, I hope to engage and gravitate your attention to some of my secrets to building a wonderfully sculpted and impressive treasure chest! Like any treasure chest, one has to dig deep to find it, pun intended! How much one can bench is less important, which may be a relief to many who can not bench as much as their peers. Now, the reason why I am writing on chest training is twofold: I love writing and sharing my ideas and research-based standpoints on various topics. I felt that more people enjoy training articles because of the immediate practicality of them (i.e. I got a lot of positive feedback from my upper back training article). Determine an appropriate strength level that will allow chest development to be seen (chest mass). Train chest with enough intensity and volume to induce great definition. Hit the chest from different grips and body planes. Balance your chest training with back training to be at a ratio of 2-or 3-to-1. In other words, for every chest exercise, you should do 2-3 back exercises. Work on your posture and train your rotator cuff. These 4 muscles are so intricate and important in maintaining shoulder health and integrity and allowing one to train chest for a long-time to come. 1 An Appropriate Strength Level For Chest As opposed to referring to absolute weight values, this only serves to discriminate and bias each individual. We know everyone is different. So how can we come up with a gold standard or bar to set for everyone across the board for determining how much one should be able to bench? Well, contrary to popular opinion, I like to use relative strength as a gauge. Research has shown that in a sample of Caucasian males aged 20-29, 1.48 or greater is the 90th percentile, while 1.06 is average (Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, 1994). 1.48 (ratio derived from 1RM/bodyweight; i.e. 160 lb male/240 1RM bench press = 1.5). The number declines slightly with age. However, the point is that a 200 lb man who can bench 315 lbs is weaker than a 140 lb man who can bench 225 lbs. Now we have a level playing field with regard to how much one can bench, and also, you might want to take a look at the impressiveness of the 140 lb guy's chest in comparison to the 200 lb guy's chest. In all probability, the 140 lb guy's chest will have striations and upper-lower pectoral separation, whereas the 200 lb guy will likely have one blob of chest mass and no kind of striations. Muscle density (quality) is more impressive than muscle mass (quantity). 2 Intensity Vs. Volume Which is better? I'd say both are equally as important. Be sure to have high-volume chest workouts and low-volume chest workouts. Hormonally, both will elicit favorable adaptations; low-volume high-load training will induce a nice testosterone response (Kraemer, 2000), while high-volume, low-moderate load training will induce a nice growth hormone response (Kraemer et al., 1993). Use the shock principle too (Schwarzenegger, 1998). For example, pre-fatiguing the chest will make it work harder. A sample routine would be starting your workout with dumbbell chest flyes for 2-3 sets, and then doing barbell or dumbbell bench press. I know from personal experience this routine works wonders. I know because many of you probably have experienced more anterior deltoid soreness on many occasions after a typical chest workout. However, after this pre-fatigue workout, I was not sore in the delts at all, but my chest was sore! Another routine could be super-slow reps. Research has shown this type of training to certainly have positive effects on strength and metabolic rate (Hutchins, 1992; Ward, 2004; Westcott et al., 2001).</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[Workout For Mass]]></category>
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  58. <pubDate>Thu, 09 May 2024 10:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Best Jump rope workout</title>
  62. <description>Block out any association you have with jump ropes and school children—the jump rope is an incredibly efficient, versatile workout tool. Carry it in your backpack or briefcase, bring it with you on vacations and weekend trips ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/the_best_15_minute_jump_rope.jpg" alt="Contrary to popular belief" align="left" /><p>Block out any association you have with jump ropes and school children—the jump rope is an incredibly efficient, versatile workout tool. Carry it in your backpack or briefcase, bring it with you on vacations and weekend trips for work because this is one of the easiest ways to build cardio fitness, agility, and strength on the go. Not that that’s settled (and we extinguished your excuse for skipping workouts on business trips), take a look at how to make the most of your jump rope workout. It’s time you were reacquainted with the convenient cardio tool. Here’s everything you need to know to stay well-conditioned for life. HOW IT WORKS Make sure you’ve got a good rope. Beaded or plastic “speed” ropes are more durable than cotton ones and whip around faster, making for a more intense workout. They’re also mandatory if you want to build up to doing advanced jump-rope moves like the double jump (which we’ve included here, although we don’t expect you to master it right away). Before you begin using a rope, measure it to your height. When you stand on the middle of the rope, the handles should extend to your armpits. Cut and adjust the length as necessary. You have to gradually prepare your lower body for the impact of jumping, so begin on a waxed wooden floor or rubber floor. Hold the rope with hands at about hip height and elbows slightly bent, keeping your upper arms close to your sides. Your chest should be out and your shoulders back and down. Make your jumps small and land on the balls of your feet.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Best Workout]]></category>
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  67. <pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 09:53:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>Best Pre workout supplements without Creatine</title>
  71. <description>Crash dieting doesn’t work. When you want to lose fat without stripping away muscle, the trifecta is a clean diet, proper training and the right supplementation. C4 Ripped is a pre-workout supplement that combines the explosive ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/the_best_caffeine_free_pre_workout.jpg" alt="HIT Supplements Peak Perform" align="left" /><p>Crash dieting doesn’t work. When you want to lose fat without stripping away muscle, the trifecta is a clean diet, proper training and the right supplementation. C4 Ripped is a pre-workout supplement that combines the explosive energy of C4 with ingredients specific to fat loss. This formula helps you train harder while supporting your body’s ability to burn fat.* Creatine is essential when you want to put on size. It provides energy for training and helps add mass to your physique. But when you want to cut down, it isn’t always ideal. If you have been on the hunt for a Creatine-free pre-workout, C4 Ripped is your formula. Our proprietary formulated Ripped Blend is designed to enhance fat loss by harnessing the power of L-Carnitine, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Capsimax® Cayenne Fruit Extract and Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract.* L-Carnitine is an amino acid that plays an important role in transporting fatty acids for energy.* Green Coffee Bean Extract supports your body’s metabolism of fat.* Capsimax® Cayenne fruit extract helps promote lipolysis, and helps supports the mobilization of fat for energy production.* Coleus forskohlii root extract enhances the body’s ability to break down fat.* C4 Ripped contains a similar energy blend as the classic C4, with key ingredients for energy to help you push through your toughest workouts.* Don’t sacrifice flavor in the name of fat loss; enjoy your pre-workout! C4 Ripped gives you the burst of flavor you crave before you train. Choose from Cherry Limeade, Fruit Punch and Raspberry Lemonade.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Best Pre Workout]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Sat, 27 Apr 2024 09:50:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>Workout to Get Rid of leg cellulite</title>
  80. <description>It wasn&#039;t just wishful thinking. On average, the women lost just over 3 lb of fat, added 2½ lb of muscle, and shed almost 1½ inches from their hips. What&#039;s more, ultrasound tests confirmed it. Overall, the women shrank the ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/are_there_exercises_to_get_rid.jpg" alt="Exercise alone won&#39;t get" align="left" /><p>It wasn't just wishful thinking. On average, the women lost just over 3 lb of fat, added 2½ lb of muscle, and shed almost 1½ inches from their hips. What's more, ultrasound tests confirmed it. Overall, the women shrank the lumpy fat layer on their thighs by 1.3 millimeters (mm) and increased smooth muscle tissue in the same area by 1.8 mm. It doesn't sound like much, but it definitely made their legs look smoother and firmer. The Truth About Cellulite The best part of this program is that it puts to rest the mistaken notion that cellulite is some mysterious condition. Despite what you've heard about trapped toxins or poor circulation being to blame, cellulite is one thing—fat. It just looks different because of how it's arranged. Everyone has strands of connective tissue that separate fat cells into compartments and connect fat tissue to skin. In women, these fibers form a honeycomb-like pattern, so any increase of fat in a given area tends to bulge. You don't see cellulite in men because their fibers run in a horizontal, criss-cross pattern that prevents bulging or dimpling. MORE: 7 Cellulite Facts That Explain A Lot So why does cellulite seem to appear out of nowhere and get worse as we get older? There are two reasons. First, it's because tissue changes. Those strands of connective tissue thicken with age, and our skin gets thinner, says Katie Rodan, MD, clinical assistant professor of dermatology at Stanford University. "The combined effect is more pronounced cellulite, " she explains. Second, and more important, the average woman loses 5 lb of muscle and replaces it with about 15 lb of fat every decade of her adult life, says Westcott. "Because fat is exceptionally soft, it doesn't keep our skin taut like muscle does. It also takes up more space, so it bulges out." To get rid of cellulite, you have to reduce the underlying fat stores and replace lost muscle tissue. (Learn how you can build lean muscle and lose up to 30 pounds of fat with The Body Fat Breakthrough.) QUICK TIP: Avoid crash dieting; it can make cellulite worse. When you lose weight quickly, you lose muscle tissue—the stuff that makes your legs and butt look toned and smooth. THE CELLULITE SOLUTION EXERCISE PLAN Follow this 3-step, 20-minute program 3 days a week, and watch those ripples disappear. Step 1: Cardio Warm up with 2 minutes of moderate walking, cycling, or stairclimbing (you can use indoor stationary machines). Increase intensity for 8 minutes. Work vigorously enough to be breathing hard but still able to talk in short sentences. Lower the intensity, and cool down for 2 minutes. Step 2: Strength Do one set of 10 to 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises, using a heavy enough weight to fatigue the muscles. (This is essential for optimum muscle building in these areas.) Your muscles are fatigued when you feel as though you can't do even one more repetition. When you can easily complete 15 reps, increase the weight slightly. Work slowly, counting 2 seconds to lift and 4 seconds to lower. Step 3: Flexibility After each strength training exercise, you need to stretch the muscle you just worked. Do each stretch once, holding for 20 seconds. Westcott has found that adopting this stretching strategy can boost strength training results by 20%. MORE: Your 5-Minute Routine For Killer, Ageless Arm THE CELLULITE SOLUTION EXERCISES Dumbell Squat Stand with your back to a chair and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells down by your sides, palms facing in. Keeping your back straight, bend from the knees and hips as though you are sitting down. Don't let your knees move forward over your toes. Stop just shy of touching the chair, then stand back up. Follow with a lying hamstring stretch: Lying faceup, with legs extended, use a towel or rope to pull each leg in toward your chest. Don't lock your knee. (Squats hurt your knees? Here's what else you can do.) Lunge Standing with your feet together, hold dumbbells down at your sides with palms facing in. Take one big step forward with your right leg. Plant your right foot, then slowly lower your left knee toward the floor. Your right knee should be at a 90-degree angle, and your back straight. Press into your right foot, and push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg. Follow with a standing quadriceps stretch: Standing straight, gently pull your right foot toward your butt. Repeat with the left leg. Advanced Step-Up Using an aerobic step or regular step and holding dumbbells, start with both feet on the step. Keeping your left foot planted on the step, step off the back with your right foot. Before touching the floor, press up with your left leg to bring the right one up again. Repeat for one set, then switch legs. Follow with a lying glute stretch: Lying faceup with legs extended, alternately pull each knee (grasping behind the thigh) toward your chest. MORE: How To Turn Off Your Weight Gain Hormones Scissors Press Tie an exercise band loosely just above your knees. Lie on your back with your arms down at your sides, and extend both legs straight up directly above your hips; your feet should be spread wide enough that the band is taut. Slowly open your legs as far as you can. Pause when the tension becomes too great to pull any farther, then slowly close back to the starting position. Follow with a lying figure-four stretch. Lying faceup, cross your right ankle over your left knee, and pull your left leg (from behind the thigh) toward your chest. Switch legs. Inner Thigh Squeeze Lie faceup with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees slightly, and raise your legs so they form a 90-degree angle with your body. (If this is too difficult, bend your knees more and lift your legs only as high as is comfortable.) Place an inflated exercise ball (the kind you use for abdominal crunches) between your knees; your feet should be flexed. Slowly squeeze your legs together against the resistance of the ball as hard as you can, making sure to keep your knees bent slightly. When the resistance becomes too great to press any farther, hold for 3 seconds. Then slowly open back to the starting position.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Leg Workout]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Sun, 21 Apr 2024 09:49:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>Home Core workout</title>
  89. <description>If you’re newer to training or getting back into shape, I’m sure you’ve heard about core training. Perhaps you’ve heard about it in magazines or maybe your doctor recommended it. So, that’s all great and you want to ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/watchfit_easy_at_home_core.jpg" alt="Easy at home core workout plan" align="left" /><p>If you’re newer to training or getting back into shape, I’m sure you’ve heard about core training. Perhaps you’ve heard about it in magazines or maybe your doctor recommended it. So, that’s all great and you want to start working on your core strength - but you have no idea where to start and you’re not exactly sure what the “core” really means. What Is the Core? The “core” is a term used to describe just about everything on your body that isn’t your legs and arms. This means you can think of your glutes, hips, abdominal muscles, inner abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, and scapula as your core. Your core is where your power is generated in order to carry out any movement. While abdominal and inner abdominal muscles do play a large roll in core stability, they don’t make up the core all by themselves. The core is made up of much more than the abdominal muscles. It includes the muscles of the glutes, hips, pelvic floor, and scapula. A mistake many people make is to think of their core as only being their abs, and because of this they go about training their core in many ineffective ways. Traditional ab exercises like crunches and sit ups are often used in hopes of achieving a stronger core and more defined abdominals, but this is a terrible method. Not only does performing endless crunches and sit ups not strengthen your core or give you more defined abs, it can be hazardous to your spine. "The crunching movement is a secondary function and one that’s not meant to be done at high volume due to the stress it puts on the discs of your spine." Furthermore, crunches don’t work your abs in the way these muscles were designed to perform. The main function of the abdominals is to support the spine and prevent it from spinning all the way around, breaking over backward, or flexing to the side. The crunching movement is a secondary function and one that’s not meant to be done at high volume due to the stress it puts on the discs of your spine. In order to train the core effectively, we need to train all the muscles involved, starting slowly and building a foundation. These muscles need to work together as a team. Think of developing your core stability as pouring the concrete base for your home. This base provides structure and safety. It also cannot be rushed or overlooked. You wouldn’t build a home on soggy ground because your house would sink or fall apart. The same can be said for your body when it comes to developing your core. 5 Core and Abdominal Exercises for the Beginner Most people are familiar with basic core exercises such as planks or side planks. While those are two excellent core exercises, I want to discuss a few under-used movements that go a long way in developing core strength and function. While they may seem gentle or simple, the importance of each of these exercises can’t be overstated for the beginner.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  94. <pubDate>Mon, 15 Apr 2024 09:42:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Mens Fitness</title>
  98. <description>There&#039;s a dizzying number of blogs out there, all tempting us to procrastinate at work. But it&#039;s hard to know which sites are truly trustworthy, entertaining, informative, and Pinnable. So we went ahead and scoured the ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/full_sized_photo_of_jensen_ackles.jpg" alt="Jensen ackles mens fitness 01" align="left" /><p>There's a dizzying number of blogs out there, all tempting us to procrastinate at work. But it's hard to know which sites are truly trustworthy, entertaining, informative, and Pinnable. So we went ahead and scoured the blogosphere to narrow it down to these standouts. They're keeping it real (no #fitspo here), using science to back up claims, always staying positive and inspiring, and delivering content we can't stop reading and sharing. We went after blogs that address interesting and timely issues and feature useful, upbeat (but never in an annoying way) posts that reflect Greatist's mission of making healthy living a little bit easier and a lot more fun. We then looked at a variety of factors, including frequency of posts, comments and engagement with readers, number of social media followers, and design quality to narrow down the list to these rock stars. For more, check out last year's list, and tweet @Greatist to let us know who we should consider for next year! Note: Blogs are arranged in no particular order. The first entry in each section is no better than the last entry.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  103. <pubDate>Tue, 09 Apr 2024 08:54:00 +0000</pubDate>
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