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  739. Ear Nose and Throat Treatment in Turkey
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  782. Hair Transplant in Turkey
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  1655. <option value="80">Georgia</option>
  1656. <option value="81">Germany</option>
  1657. <option value="82">Ghana</option>
  1658. <option value="83">Gibraltar</option>
  1659. <option value="84">Greece</option>
  1660. <option value="85">Greenland</option>
  1661. <option value="86">Grenada</option>
  1662. <option value="87">Guadeloupe</option>
  1663. <option value="88">Guam</option>
  1664. <option value="89">Guatemala</option>
  1665. <option value="90">Guinea</option>
  1666. <option value="91">Guinea-Bissau</option>
  1667. <option value="92">Guyana</option>
  1668. <option value="93">Haiti</option>
  1669. <option value="94">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
  1670. <option value="95">Vatican City</option>
  1671. <option value="96">Honduras</option>
  1672. <option value="97">Hong Kong</option>
  1673. <option value="98">Hungary</option>
  1674. <option value="99">Iceland</option>
  1675. <option value="100">India</option>
  1676. <option value="101">Indonesia</option>
  1677. <option value="102">Iran</option>
  1678. <option value="103">Iraq</option>
  1679. <option value="104">Ireland</option>
  1680. <option value="105">Israel</option>
  1681. <option value="106">Italy</option>
  1682. <option value="107">Jamaica</option>
  1683. <option value="108">Japan</option>
  1684. <option value="109">Jordan</option>
  1685. <option value="110">Kazakhstan</option>
  1686. <option value="111">Kenya</option>
  1687. <option value="112">Kiribati</option>
  1688. <option value="113">North Korea</option>
  1689. <option value="114">South Korea</option>
  1690. <option value="115"></option>
  1691. <option value="116">Kuwait</option>
  1692. <option value="117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
  1693. <option value="118">Laos</option>
  1694. <option value="119">Latvia</option>
  1695. <option value="120">Lebanon</option>
  1696. <option value="121">Lesotho</option>
  1697. <option value="122">Liberia</option>
  1698. <option value="123">Libya</option>
  1699. <option value="124">Liechtenstein</option>
  1700. <option value="125">Litva</option>
  1701. <option value="126">Luxembourg</option>
  1702. <option value="127">Macau</option>
  1703. <option value="128">Macedonia [FYROM]</option>
  1704. <option value="129">Madagascar</option>
  1705. <option value="130">Malawi</option>
  1706. <option value="131">Malaysia</option>
  1707. <option value="132">Maldives</option>
  1708. <option value="133">Mali</option>
  1709. <option value="134">Malta</option>
  1710. <option value="135">Marshall Islands</option>
  1711. <option value="136">Martinique</option>
  1712. <option value="137">Mauritania</option>
  1713. <option value="138">Mauritius</option>
  1714. <option value="139">Mayotte</option>
  1715. <option value="140">Mexico</option>
  1716. <option value="141">Micronesia</option>
  1717. <option value="142">Moldova</option>
  1718. <option value="143">Monaco</option>
  1719. <option value="144">Mongolia</option>
  1720. <option value="145">Montserrat</option>
  1721. <option value="146">Montenegro</option>
  1722. <option value="147">Morocco</option>
  1723. <option value="148">Mozambique</option>
  1724. <option value="149">Myanmar [Burma]</option>
  1725. <option value="150">Namibia</option>
  1726. <option value="151">Nauru</option>
  1727. <option value="152">Nepal</option>
  1728. <option value="153">Netherlands</option>
  1729. <option value="154">Netherlands Antilles</option>
  1730. <option value="155">New Caledonia</option>
  1731. <option value="156">New Zealand</option>
  1732. <option value="157">Nicaragua</option>
  1733. <option value="158">Niger</option>
  1734. <option value="159">Nigeria</option>
  1735. <option value="160">Niue</option>
  1736. <option value="161">Norfolk Island</option>
  1737. <option value="162">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
  1738. <option value="163">Norway</option>
  1739. <option value="164">Oman</option>
  1740. <option value="165">Pakistan</option>
  1741. <option value="166">Palau</option>
  1742. <option value="167">Palestinian Territories</option>
  1743. <option value="168">Panama</option>
  1744. <option value="169">Papua New Guinea</option>
  1745. <option value="170">Paraguay</option>
  1746. <option value="171">Peru</option>
  1747. <option value="172">Philippines</option>
  1748. <option value="173">Pitcairn Islands</option>
  1749. <option value="174">Poland</option>
  1750. <option value="175">Portugal</option>
  1751. <option value="176">Puerto Rico</option>
  1752. <option value="177">Qatar</option>
  1753. <option value="178">Réunion</option>
  1754. <option value="179">Romania</option>
  1755. <option value="180">Russia</option>
  1756. <option value="181">Rwanda</option>
  1757. <option value="182">Saint Helena</option>
  1758. <option value="183">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
  1759. <option value="184">Saint Lucia</option>
  1760. <option value="185">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
  1761. <option value="186">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
  1762. <option value="187">Samoa</option>
  1763. <option value="188">San Marino</option>
  1764. <option value="189">São Tomé and Príncipe</option>
  1765. <option value="190">Saudi Arabia</option>
  1766. <option value="191">Senegal</option>
  1767. <option value="192">Serbia</option>
  1768. <option value="193">Seychelles</option>
  1769. <option value="194">Sierra Leone</option>
  1770. <option value="195">Singapore</option>
  1771. <option value="196">Slovakia</option>
  1772. <option value="197">Slovenia</option>
  1773. <option value="198">Solomon Islands</option>
  1774. <option value="199">Somalia</option>
  1775. <option value="200">South Africa</option>
  1776. <option value="201">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
  1777. <option value="202">Spain</option>
  1778. <option value="203">Sri Lanka</option>
  1779. <option value="204">Sudan</option>
  1780. <option value="205">Suriname</option>
  1781. <option value="206">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
  1782. <option value="207">Swaziland</option>
  1783. <option value="208">Sweden</option>
  1784. <option value="209">Switzerland</option>
  1785. <option value="210">Syria</option>
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  1787. <option value="212">Tajikistan</option>
  1788. <option value="213">Tanzania</option>
  1789. <option value="214">Thailand</option>
  1790. <option value="215">Togo</option>
  1791. <option value="216">Tokelau</option>
  1792. <option value="217">Tonga</option>
  1793. <option value="218">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
  1794. <option value="219">Tunisia</option>
  1795. <option value="220">Turkey</option>
  1796. <option value="221">Turkmenistan</option>
  1797. <option value="222">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
  1798. <option value="223">Tuvalu</option>
  1799. <option value="224">Uganda</option>
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  1848. <li id="menu-item-5718" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page current-menu-item page_item page-item-2391 current_page_item menu-item-has-children menu-item-5718">
  1849. <ul class="sub-menu">
  1850. <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page">
  1851. <a href="">
  1852. Medical Treatment
  1853. </a>
  1854. </li>
  1855. <li id="menu-item-132" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-132">
  1856. <a href="">
  1857. Cosmetic Surgery in Turkey
  1858. </a>
  1859. </li>
  1860. <li id="menu-item-133" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-133">
  1861. <a href="">
  1862. Breast Reduction in Turkey
  1863. </a>
  1864. </li>
  1865. <li id="menu-item-134" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-134">
  1866. <a href="">
  1867. Buttock Augmentation in Turkey
  1868. </a>
  1869. </li>
  1870. <li id="menu-item-136" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-136">
  1871. <a href="">
  1872. Chin Augmentation in Turkey
  1873. </a>
  1874. </li>
  1875. <li id="menu-item-137" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-137">
  1876. <a href="">
  1877. Otoplasty Turkey
  1878. </a>
  1879. </li>
  1880. <li id="menu-item-138" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-138">
  1881. <a href="">
  1882. Blepharoplasty Turkey
  1883. </a>
  1884. </li>
  1885. <li id="menu-item-139" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-139">
  1886. <a href="">
  1887. Forehead Lift in Turkey
  1888. </a>
  1889. </li>
  1890. <li id="menu-item-140" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-140">
  1891. <a href="">
  1892. Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey
  1893. </a>
  1894. </li>
  1895. <li id="menu-item-141" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-141">
  1896. <a href="">
  1897. Lip Enhancement in Turkey
  1898. </a>
  1899. </li>
  1900. <li id="menu-item-143" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-143">
  1901. <a href="">
  1902. SmartLipo in Turkey
  1903. </a>
  1904. </li>
  1905. <li id="menu-item-144" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-144">
  1906. <a href="">
  1907. Thigh Lift Surgery in Turkey
  1908. </a>
  1909. </li>
  1910. <li id="menu-item-146" class="current-menu-item menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-146">
  1911. <a href="">
  1912. Abdominal Etching in Turkey
  1913. </a>
  1914. </li>
  1915. <li id="menu-item-147" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-147">
  1916. <a href="">
  1917. BBL in Turkey
  1918. </a>
  1919. </li>
  1920. <li id="menu-item-148" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-148">
  1921. <a href="">
  1922. Breast Implants in Turkey
  1923. </a>
  1924. </li>
  1925. <li id="menu-item-149" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-149">
  1926. <a href="">
  1927. Breast Lift in Turkey
  1928. </a>
  1929. </li>
  1930. <li id="menu-item-150" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-150">
  1931. <a href="">
  1932. Buttock Implants in Turkey
  1933. </a>
  1934. </li>
  1935. <li id="menu-item-151" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-151">
  1936. <a href="">
  1937. Dimpleplasty in Turkey
  1938. </a>
  1939. </li>
  1940. <li id="menu-item-152" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-152">
  1941. <a href="">
  1942. Facelift in Turkey
  1943. </a>
  1944. </li>
  1945. <li id="menu-item-153" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-153">
  1946. <a href="">
  1947. Labiaplasty in Turkey
  1948. </a>
  1949. </li>
  1950. <li id="menu-item-154" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-154">
  1951. <a href="">
  1952. Liposuction in Turkey
  1953. </a>
  1954. </li>
  1955. <li id="menu-item-155" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-155">
  1956. <a href="">
  1957. Neck Lift in Turkey
  1958. </a>
  1959. </li>
  1960. <li id="menu-item-156" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-156">
  1961. <a href="">
  1962. Nipple Reduction Surgery in Turkey
  1963. </a>
  1964. </li>
  1965. <li id="menu-item-158" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-158">
  1966. <a href="">
  1967. Breast Enlargement in Turkey
  1968. </a>
  1969. </li>
  1970. <li id="menu-item-159" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-159">
  1971. <a href="">
  1972. Cheek Augmentation in Turkey
  1973. </a>
  1974. </li>
  1975. <li id="menu-item-160" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-160">
  1976. <a href="">
  1977. Calf Implant in Turkey
  1978. </a>
  1979. </li>
  1980. <li id="menu-item-161" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-161">
  1981. <a href="">
  1982. Deep Plane Facelift in Turkey
  1983. </a>
  1984. </li>
  1985. <li id="menu-item-163" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-163">
  1986. <a href="">
  1987. Arm Lift Turkey
  1988. </a>
  1989. </li>
  1990. <li id="menu-item-164" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-164">
  1991. <a href="">
  1992. Chin Reduction Surgery in Turkey
  1993. </a>
  1994. </li>
  1995. <li id="menu-item-165" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-165">
  1996. <a href="">
  1997. Facial Feminization Surgery in Turkey
  1998. </a>
  1999. </li>
  2000. <li id="menu-item-166" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-166">
  2001. <a href="">
  2002. Hymenoplasty Surgery in Turkey
  2003. </a>
  2004. </li>
  2005. <li id="menu-item-167" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-167">
  2006. <a href="">
  2007. LipoDissolve in Turkey
  2008. </a>
  2009. </li>
  2010. <li id="menu-item-168" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-168">
  2011. <a href="">
  2012. Pectoral Implants in Turkey
  2013. </a>
  2014. </li>
  2015. <li id="menu-item-170" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-170">
  2016. <a href="">
  2017. Reconstructive Plastic Surgery in Turkey
  2018. </a>
  2019. </li>
  2020. <li id="menu-item-171" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-171">
  2021. <a href="">
  2022. Rhinoplasty in Turkey
  2023. </a>
  2024. </li>
  2025. <li id="menu-item-172" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-172">
  2026. <a href="">
  2027. Tummy Tuck Turkey
  2028. </a>
  2029. </li>
  2030. <li id="menu-item-173" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-173">
  2031. <a href="">
  2032. Vaginoplasty in Turkey
  2033. </a>
  2034. </li>
  2035. <li id="menu-item-174" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-174">
  2036. <a href="">
  2037. Varicose Vein Removal Surgery in Turkey
  2038. </a>
  2039. </li>
  2040. <li id="menu-item-175" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-175">
  2041. <a href="">
  2042. Hand Surgery in Turkey
  2043. </a>
  2044. </li>
  2045. <li id="menu-item-176" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-176">
  2046. <a href="">
  2047. Mommy Makeover in Turkey
  2048. </a>
  2049. </li>
  2050. <li id="menu-item-177" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-177">
  2051. <a href="">
  2052. Sex Reassignment Surgery in Turkey
  2053. </a>
  2054. </li>
  2055. <li id="menu-item-961" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-961">
  2056. <a href="">
  2057. Buccal Fat Removal Turkey
  2058. </a>
  2059. </li>
  2060. <li id="menu-item-970" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-970">
  2061. <a href="">
  2062. Plastic Surgery in Turkey
  2063. </a>
  2064. </li>
  2065. <li id="menu-item-1094" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1094">
  2066. <a href="">
  2067. Brow Lift in Turkey
  2068. </a>
  2069. </li>
  2070. <li id="menu-item-1103" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1103">
  2071. <a href="">
  2072. Lip Lift in Turkey
  2073. </a>
  2074. </li>
  2075. <li id="menu-item-1405" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1405">
  2076. <a href="">
  2077. SMAS Facelift in Turkey
  2078. </a>
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  2095. Abdominal Etching in Turkey
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  2124. </div>
  2125. <ol class="annotation__list">
  2126. <li class><a href="#0" class="anchor__link">About Abdominal Etching in Turkey</a>
  2127. </li>
  2128. <li class><a href="#1" class="anchor__link">Six-Packs Surgery in Turkey</a>
  2129. </li>
  2130. <li class><a href="#2" class="anchor__link">Abdominal Etching Procedure in Turkey</a>
  2131. <ol>
  2132. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#3" class="anchor__link">Good Candidate For Abdominal Etching Surgery in Turkey</a>
  2133. </li>
  2134. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#4" class="anchor__link">Before the Abdominal Etching in Turkey</a>
  2135. </li>
  2136. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#5" class="anchor__link">On the Day of Abdominal Etching in Turkey</a>
  2137. </li>
  2138. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#6" class="anchor__link">After the Abdominal Etching in Turkey</a>
  2139. </li>
  2140. </ol>
  2141. </li>
  2142. <li class><a href="#7" class="anchor__link">2024 Cost of Abdominal Etching in Turkey</a>
  2143. </li>
  2144. <li class><a href="#8" class="anchor__link">Why Choose Turkey for Abdominal Etching?</a>
  2145. <ol>
  2146. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#9" class="anchor__link">Is Abdominal Etching Safe in Turkey?</a>
  2147. </li>
  2148. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#10" class="anchor__link">All-Inclusive Packages for Abdominal Etching in Turkey</a>
  2149. </li>
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  2156. <a id="0" name="0"></a><h2>About Abdominal Etching in Turkey</h2>
  2157. <p>Abdominal etching in Turkey, which means abdominal muscle aesthetics is an effective operation that is usually preferred by men and gives muscle appearance in the abdomen. The operation, which creates a clear contour in the abdominal region, is performed for people who want to get a fit and younger appearance. Normally, long-term and regular sports are required to reveal six-pack muscles. And for those who cannot perform these long-paced sports activities, abdominal etching is one of the most effective methods. <b>Abdominal etching surgery </b>will create 6 pieces of slices. However, to ensure its permanence, frequent eating and unhealthy eating habits should be abandoned after this surgery.</p>
  2158. <p><span>With abdominal etching, the lubrication in the abdominal area is taken under control. The ways to be applied here can vary depending on the degree of lubrication. If the fat in the chest of ​​the person is excessive, then the breasts are restored with <a href="">gynecomastia surgery</a>. After that, by removing the excess fat in the abdominal region by <a href="">liposuction</a> the abdominal muscles in that area are designed and if necessary, abdominal stretching surgery. Six-pack muscles can be formed after the surgery, which takes approximately one hour.</span></p>
  2159. <p>At Healthy Türkiye in Turkey, we offer <a href="">cosmetic surgery</a> to help you get rid of unwanted stomach fat and add definition to your tummy area. Abdominal etching is a liposculpture treatment that can sculpt your six-pack abs. Abdominal etching strategically removes excess fat so the abdominal muscles can be enhanced and defined. For men and women who want a more athletic look to their midsection, abdominal etching treatment is ideal. Sometimes even all the sit-ups in the world can’t give you the flat, defined abs you desired. At Healthy Türkiye we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and happy with their body shape. If you are curious about having <b>abdominal etching in Turkey</b>, contact us and book a free Healthy Türkiye consultation today.</p>
  2160. <img srcset=" 1626w, 1360w, 1138w, 952w, 796w, 666w, 557w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="1626" height="625" alt="Abdominal etching turkiye" title="Abdominal etching turkiye" class="fit-cover">
  2161. <a id="1" name="1"></a><h2>Six-Packs Surgery in Turkey</h2>
  2162. <p><span>In Turkey, six-pack surgery also called abdominal etching is a body-shaping operation that guarantees you an athletic and muscular body. The desired male body in the modern aesthetic sense is expressed in a sculpted body structure associated with broad shoulders, muscular arms, and contoured abdominal muscles. Nowadays, these components have become inevitable elements of a healthy and aesthetic appearance.</span></p>
  2163. <p><span>One of the most important factors for achieving a muscle and athletic body is the hereditary predisposition. The muscles and distribution of fat tissues are hereditary. Because of this, although some people make enormous efforts, it is difficult to get the desired body while others manage to straighten their muscles without much effort. The human body stores a large amount of fat in the abdomen and waist. Therefore, unwanted fat accumulation in the abdomen is a common occurrence. Although abdominal muscles are easy to model, it is hard to be sculpted to be visible. The abdominal area is one of the most difficultly modeled muscles.</span></p>
  2164. <p><span>Some people can believe having an abdominal etching procedure is cheating your way to a six-pack. But six-pack surgery doesn’t insert any implants. Instead, it provides natural muscles to take shape by eliminating stubborn fat layers.</span></p>
  2165. <p><span>Diet and exercise have long been touted as the pillars of weight loss, and bodybuilding. However, no matter how perfectly you execute a diet and exercise regimen certain deposits of fat can be resilient. Fat around the midsection is certainly one of these deposits. This type of fat is called subcutaneous which is used to protect vital <a href="">organ</a>s, prevent heat loss, and protect against any physical external impact. Because this fat serves an important role in the body, subcutaneous fat is resistant to exercise and diet.</span></p>
  2166. <p><span>Like all <a href="">plastic surgery</a> procedures, abdominal etching has a few risks involved. This procedure requires an incision to be made in the body so that the surgeon can insert the liposuction device to perform. Infections and other surgical complications may potentially occur in any surgery where incisions are made. However, it doesn’t mean that this operation isn’t safe. A study was performed on both men and women who had gotten abdominal etching surgery performed. This study found the average patient satisfaction rate was around 98%.</span></p>
  2167. <p><span>As the leading medical tourism facilitator in Turkey, Healthy Türkiye has the honor to help you plan your travel to Turkey and have an abdominal etching surgery at the most decent prices. Our staff would lead you through your medical journey to experience pleasant cosmetic surgery in Turkey. Please contact us to get a free consultation and price quote for an abdominal etching procedure in Turkey.</span></p>
  2168. <img srcset=" 984w, 823w, 688w, 576w, 482w, 403w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="984" height="554" alt="Turkey abdominal etching" title="Turkey abdominal etching" class="fit-cover">
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  2226. <a id="2" name="2"></a><h2>Abdominal Etching Procedure in Turkey</h2>
  2227. <p><span>Before the abdominal etching, you should have a detailed discussion with one of the experienced specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery. There you’ll describe your expectations and ask all the questions you have. The doctor will answer all of them and explain the process in detail. He will also be able to give you a realistic image of the result. On the day of abdominal etching surgery, the surgeon draws the contours of your abdominal muscles on the skin so that the fat is positioned appropriately on your body during the abdominal etching surgery. Depending on how severe the procedure will be, you will be given a local anesthetic or general anesthetic.</span></p>
  2228. <p><span>In this operation, doctors use vibration-assisted liposuction and move the remaining fat cells in such a way that an optical six-pack is created. Firstly, a tumescence solution is injected into the areas that are to be suctioned off to loosen the fat cells and ensure the operation is painless and bleeding-free. Then the doctor uses his special liposuction method to precisely loosen the fat cells between the individual muscle groups. But, surrounding vessels, nerves, and ligament structures are spared. After removing the loosened fat cells, muscles are exposed step by step. The obtained fat is cleaned, prepared, and shaped on other areas of the body if desired (Lipofilling).</span></p>
  2229. <p>You will be given compression garments to help the wound heal after the <b>abdominal etching</b> surgery. You should continue to wear these for about 2-5 weeks to increase the effect. Your specialist will discuss exactly how long you should wear them with you.</p>
  2230. <p><span>In most cases, you can go home 1 day after the abdominal etching surgery. 2-7 days after the surgery you can continue your everyday life as usual. But you should only resume your training program after about 4 weeks.</span></p>
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  2264. <a id="3" name="3"></a><h3>Good Candidate For Abdominal Etching Surgery in Turkey</h3>
  2265. <p><span>Abdominal etching is not intended to be used as a weight loss solution. It’s a body contouring procedure that is designed to be used by people who are close to their goal weight, but unable to achieve the finishing touches they want for their physique due to their exercise-resistant fat.</span></p>
  2266. <p><span>An ideal candidate is relatively fit and has some muscles around the abdomen, with only some fat around the isolated areas. If you have lost a significant amount of weight that has left you with sagging skin around the abdomen, then abdominal etching might not be the right procedure for you. People who have lost a large amount of weight (more than 100 lbs.) can need to consider a lower body lift or <a href="">tummy tuck</a> instead. These reconstructive surgeries help remove the excess skin and create a contoured and flatter look around the stomach.</span></p>
  2267. <p><span>Also, candidates should be non-smokers. Patients who smoke will be asked to discontinue smoking for at least three weeks before and after their procedure. They should have less than 20% body fat and have a moderate amount of abdominal strength. It is also important that candidates disclose if they have any pre-existing conditions which could interfere with the body’s ability to heal after their ab etching.</span></p>
  2268. <p><span>Good candidates for this procedure have an open mindset toward the outcomes of a cosmetic procedure. They will enjoy their longest-lasting results if they are willing to practice and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. It is important to recognize that to have and maintain defined abs, 75% is diet and 25% is abdominal exercises.</span></p>
  2269. <p><span>Healthy Türkiye’s expert team can help you achieve the desired results based on your body’s condition and shape. You no longer need to hope for a defined midsection. There is a variety of body sculpting operations to help you get the look you want.</span></p>
  2270. <a id="4" name="4"></a><h3>Before the Abdominal Etching in Turkey</h3>
  2271. <p><span>Once you have decided that abdominal etching is right for you, Healthy Türkiye’s preoperative assessment team will be in contact to prepare you for surgery.</span></p>
  2272. <p><span>For 6 weeks beforehand, it is highly recommended to stop smoking. Because active smoking is associated with several risks including delayed wound healing which could result in wound infection. Additionally, you should avoid aspirin and all medicines containing aspirin for at least one week before the ab etching procedure. For 6 hours before the six-pack procedure, you should refrain from eating any food or any type of drink apart from sips of clear fluid (water and tea/coffee without milk) which is allowed for up to 2 hours before the abdominal etching surgery.</span></p>
  2273. <a id="5" name="5"></a><h3>On the Day of Abdominal Etching in Turkey</h3>
  2274. <p><span>One of Healthy Türkiye’s healthcare team will admit you for the procedure and will carry out many tasks including checking your blood pressure and other vital signs including pulse and temperature and then getting you changed into single-use clinic wear.</span></p>
  2275. <p><span>The anesthetist will then come in to assess you to make sure you are fit for anesthetic and will also prescribe a number of pre-medications which are given by your nurse to help your recovery after the abdominal etching procedure. You will then be seen by your surgeon who will confirm the procedure to be undertaken and you will sign the informed consent form. Skin marking and photos can be taken at this point.</span></p>
  2276. <p><span>Abdominal etching is a very commonly performed procedure in Turkey and can carry out under general anesthesia as a day case. Six-pack surgery takes approximately 1-3 hours to carry out. During six-pack surgery, your surgeon will make small incisions in the marked body areas. The fat tissue is surgically removed using specialized cannulas to contour the marked body areas before closing with dissolvable sutures.</span></p>
  2277. <p><span>Once you have woken up from the anesthetic, the nurses will closely monitor you for 1-3 hours afterward to make sure you make a full recovery. You will be given a fruit juice drink or a hot drink as build up your energy levels.</span></p>
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  2311. <a id="6" name="6"></a><h3>After the Abdominal Etching in Turkey</h3>
  2312. <p><span>After your procedure, Healthy Türkiye’s dedicated postoperative support team are available round the clock to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Our expert team will call you regularly for the first 2 weeks after your procedure to make sure your pain levels are well controlled and your healing is progressing as normal.</span></p>
  2313. <p><span>The recovery after this procedure is generally very straightforward with minimal discomfort that can be effectively controlled with tablet painkillers. Also, the majority of our patients are very comfortable by the end of week 1. Your doctor can recommend approximately one week off work. You should minimize any excessive physical activity for the first 2 weeks after surgery to help with the healing of the incisions. Moreover, you will be required to wear a supportive compression garment for a full 6 weeks to make sure healing is optimal, and scars heal with the best results.</span></p>
  2314. <p><span>You will attend a postoperative check-up with one of Healthy Türkiye’s healthcare team at 7-10 days to review your surgical wound sites and ensure proper healing is taking place. At 6 weeks you can begin to see your final results and you will see your surgeon for a comprehensive review and make sure your results are in line with your expectations.</span></p>
  2315. <h4>What is the Difference Between Abdominal Etching and Liposuction?</h4>
  2316. <p><span>Liposuction is a popular procedure that sculpts areas of the body with excess fat, streamlining, and slimming. It is currently one of the most utilized ways to get rid of stubborn fat. It is praised by celebrities like Cardi B., Chrissy Teigan, Nene Leakes, and others. Known for producing natural-looking results that might last a lifetime, it’s no wonder the go-to plastic surgery for men and women from all walks of life.</span></p>
  2317. <p><span>When done in the hands of an experienced surgeon, liposuction can produce significant results and mold the body to the desired shape. It is not a tool for weight loss, as the amount of fat removed during the operation is relatively small. But the difference in the body’s aesthetics after the procedure may be significant. Liposuction is ideal for those who are already close to their ideal body weight but have stubborn pockets of fat that do not go away with diet and exercise alone.</span></p>
  2318. <p><span>Abdominal etching, on the other hand, is meant for individuals who already have a healthy diet, a regular exercise routine, and a fairly muscular stomach. Abdominal etching can help you etch out a washboard stomach without rigorous workouts. The results of abdominal etching are permanent and don’t ever need to be redone as long as the operation is done properly the first time around and the patient remains in relatively good shape. If a patient just wants a flatter midsection, traditional liposuction may be the better option.</span></p>
  2319. <img srcset=" 1440w, 1204w, 1007w, 843w, 705w, 590w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="1440" height="960" alt="Turkiye abdominal etching" title="Turkiye abdominal etching" class="fit-cover">
  2320. <a id="7" name="7"></a><h2>2024 Cost of Abdominal Etching in Turkey</h2>
  2321. <p>The <b>abdominal etching in Turkey</b> is subject to variation depending on each patient’s conditions and desires. To know the exact six-pack surgery cost a medical consultation is required. Healthy Türkiye’s expert surgeons will review your case and send you a quote within 24 hours. As an estimate, you may consider that the <a href="">abdominal etching cost</a> in Turkey is 50% less than in Europe. This is the total six-pack procedure cost, including flights, hotel accommodation, VIP transport, hospital, and follow-up services.</p>
  2322. <p><span>If the six-pack surgery in Turkey price is so affordable it is because of the lower relative price of the Turkish currency compared to the Euro, the Pound, or de Dollar.</span></p>
  2323. <p><span>Besides, Turkish government subsidies to the medical tourism sector, which has strategic national importance, further keep prices competitive. This explains why lower costs do not translate into lesser quality service, as the six-pack surgery price attracts a larger number of patients to Turkey than to any other Western country.</span></p>
  2324. <p><span>To have an exact idea of your six-pack surgery cost in Turkey, you can simply contact Healthy Türkiye and receive a free medical consultation. Receive your medical plan and find out all about abdominal etching costs in Turkey.</span></p><p><span><div class="stk-block-columns stk-block">
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  2330. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2331. Price of Abdominal Etching in the UK?
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  2336. The cost of abdominal etching surgery in the UK is in the range of <strong>£6.000-£10.000</strong>.
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  2346. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2347. Price of Abdominal Etching in the USA?
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  2351. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2352. The cost of six-pack surgery in the USA is in the range of $5.000$-8.000.
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  2365. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text has-text-color stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2366. Price of Abdominal Etching in Turkey?
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  2370. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2371. The cost of abdominal etching surgery in Turkey is in the range of <strong>$2.000-$4.000</strong>.
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  2384. The prices may vary based on specific procedure requirements. Contact us for exact price information.
  2385. <br/></span></p>
  2386. <a id="8" name="8"></a><h2>Why Choose Turkey for Abdominal Etching?</h2>
  2387. <p><span>Turkey is the best option for international patients’ abdominal etching coming from abroad. The number of people who want to have six-pack surgery in Turkey is increasing every year. Turkey combines affordable prices, high standards of care, and famous surgeons in the field for those who want to change their appearance. These reasons are important in the popularization and expansion of Turkey for medical tourism. In addition to these, Turkey’s state-of-the-art modern health facilities, doctors who can speak foreign languages, and all-inclusive packages make it very easy to have six-pack surgery.</span></p>
  2388. <p><span>The surgeons for six-pack surgery in Turkey are well-experienced, skilled, and qualified. Most of them are members of the association of cosmetic surgeons of Turkey. Turkish medical professionals can suggest the best type of treatment according to the severity of the patient’s medical condition. In Turkey, expert doctors work closely with all the hospital staff to make sure that the patient receives the best and highest quality abdominal etching surgery care.</span></p>
  2389. <p><span>Highly reputed hospitals for six-pack surgery in Turkey have ultra-modern infrastructure which presents a pleasant ambiance to their patients. Turkish hospitals and clinics are JCI accredited which ensures a high standard of health care for people. In Turkey, well-trained and experienced nursing staff along with hospital health care are present in these hospitals and clinics who can take very good care of the people. Turkish clinics and hospitals are modern and equipped with the latest medical devices, well trained and certified surgeons to provide international service efficacy.</span></p>
  2390. <p>The cost of <b>abdominal etching surgery in Turkey</b> is cheaper when compared with other countries. Because of this, there is an increase in foreign patients in Turkey. There are direct flight choices to Turkey from many countries of the world. As Healthy Türkiye, we help you with everything from the beginning to the end of your six-pack surgery travel.</p>
  2391. <a id="9" name="9"></a><h3>Is Abdominal Etching Safe in Turkey?</h3>
  2392. <p><span>Did you know Turkey is one of the most visited destinations for abdominal etching in the world? It is ranked one of the most visited tourist destinations for abdominal etching. Over the years it has also come to be a very popular medical tourism destination too with many tourists coming in for abdominal etching. There are so many reasons why Turkey stands out as a leading destination for abdominal etching. Because Turkey is both safe and easy to travel to too with a regional airport hub and flight connections to pretty much everywhere, it is preferred for abdominal etching.</span></p>
  2393. <p><span>The best hospitals in Turkey have experienced medical staff and specialists who have performed thousands of medical services such as abdominal etching. All procedures and coordination related to abdominal etching are controlled by the Ministry of Health in accordance with the law. Over many years, the greatest progress in medicine has been observed in the field of abdominal etching. Turkey is known among foreign patients for its great opportunities in the area of abdominal etching.</span></p>
  2394. <p><span>To emphasize, besides the price itself, the key factor in selecting a destination for abdominal etching is certainly the standard of medical services, the hospital staff’s high expertise, hospitality, and the safety of the country.</span></p>
  2395. <a id="10" name="10"></a><h3>All-Inclusive Packages for Abdominal Etching in Turkey</h3>
  2396. <p><span>Healthy Türkiye offers all-inclusive packages for cosmetic and medical treatments in Turkey like abdominal etching surgery at much cheaper prices. Extremely professional and experienced plastic surgeons, doctors, and technicians carry out the same quality treatment. The cost of six-pack surgery in European countries may be quite expensive, especially in the UK.</span></p>
  2397. <p>As Healthy Türkiye offers cheap all-inclusive packages for long and short-stay health trips in Turkey. Due to many factors, we can ensure great prices for <b>abdominal etching surgery procedures in Turkey</b>. The difference in cost between the other countries is due to medical fees, staff labor costs, exchange rate advantages, and market competition. You can save over 50% on abdominal etching surgery procedures in Turkey compared to other countries.</p>
  2398. <p><span>When you purchase a six-pack surgery all-inclusive package with Healthy Türkiye our service provider will have a selection of hotels for you to choose from. In Abdominal etching travel, you will have the price of your stay included in the all-inclusive package cost.</span></p>
  2399. <p><span>In Turkey, when you purchase abdominal etching surgery procedure all-inclusive packages through Healthy Türkiye you will always receive VIP transfers. These are provided by your chosen Healthy Türkiye affiliate hospitals. Healthy Türkiye expert teams will organize everything about the operation for you and have you picked up from the airport and safely brought to your accommodation. Once you are settled in a hotel, you will be transferred to and from the clinic for six-pack surgery. After your plastic surgery treatment has been successfully performed the transfer team will return you to the airport in time for your flight home. In Turkey, all packages of abdominal etching procedures might be arranged upon request which relaxes the minds of our patients.</span></p><h4>The Best Hospitals in Turkey for Abdominal Etching</h4><p>The best hospitals in Turkey for abdominal etching are Memorial Hospital, Acıbadem International Hospital, and Medicalpark Hospital. These hospitals attract patients from all over the world seeking abdominal etching due to their affordable prices and high success rates.</p>
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  2405. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-cfe134d has-24-font-size" id="frequently-asked-questions" data-block-id="cfe134d">
  2406. <h6 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2407. Frequently Asked Questions</h6>
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  2409. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion faq-wrapper" data-active-element="none">
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  2411. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Can Abdominal Etching be Combined with Other Procedures in Turkey?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2414. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2415. <p class="faq-answer">Yes, abdominal etching might be performed with other procedures such as fat redistribution, liposuction, and breast implants.</p>
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  2419. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>What are the Risks Involved with Abdominal Etching Surgery?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2423. <p class="faq-answer">Common risks from surgery include infection, bleeding, scarring, and adverse reaction to anesthesia. And risks include loss of skin sensation and pulmonary emboli.</p>
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  2427. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>When Can I Begin Exercising After the Surgery?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2431. <p class="faq-answer">It is essential to avoid weight lifting or anything that puts pressure on the abdominal area for at least 2 weeks post-surgery. You might resume normal physical activity in 3 to 6 weeks, but gradually work your way into a weight-lifting regimen within that range.</p>
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  2435. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Is it Done Under General Anesthesia?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2438. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2439. <p class="faq-answer">Liposculpting for six-pack surgery involves great precision therefore it is done under general anesthesia. Besides, it obviates any pain.</p>
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  2442. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2443. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Is Abdominal Etching Painful?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2446. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2447. <p class="faq-answer">Since general anesthesia is used during the procedure, patients do not feel pain. Once your abdominal etching procedure is complete, you may experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, but these symptoms are normal and will dissipate as you heal.</p>
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  2451. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Are the Results Permanent in Abdominal Etching?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2455. <p class="faq-answer">The results are permanent as long as you keep a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and workout routine.</p>
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  2459. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Will I Need a Second Six-Pack Procedure?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2463. <p class="faq-answer">When this procedure is done right the first time, there is no need to redo six-pack surgery.</p>
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  2467. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>What Are the Benefits of Abdominal Etching?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2471. <p class="faq-answer">This procedure has a 97% rating in Turkey. It’s a great way to have a six-pack in just a few weeks or months as soon as the swelling is gone.</p>
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  2475. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>When Can I Take a Shower?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2479. <p class="faq-answer">You can take a shower after the control on the 5. day.</p>
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  2483. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Will There Be Any Scars After the Six-Pack Operation?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2487. <p class="faq-answer">Abdominal muscle plastic surgery does not leave scars. Because all of the surgeries are performed only with the introduction of small robotic hoses from the abdomen.</p>
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  2491. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Is the Age Factor Important in Six-Pack Surgery in Turkey?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2495. <p class="faq-answer">The age factor is not important for having Six Pack surgery. But people must be at least eighteen years old to decide to make any changes to their bodies. Those under the age of eighteen might also have an operation with family permission.</p>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda