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  1655. <option value="80">Georgia</option>
  1656. <option value="81">Germany</option>
  1657. <option value="82">Ghana</option>
  1658. <option value="83">Gibraltar</option>
  1659. <option value="84">Greece</option>
  1660. <option value="85">Greenland</option>
  1661. <option value="86">Grenada</option>
  1662. <option value="87">Guadeloupe</option>
  1663. <option value="88">Guam</option>
  1664. <option value="89">Guatemala</option>
  1665. <option value="90">Guinea</option>
  1666. <option value="91">Guinea-Bissau</option>
  1667. <option value="92">Guyana</option>
  1668. <option value="93">Haiti</option>
  1669. <option value="94">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
  1670. <option value="95">Vatican City</option>
  1671. <option value="96">Honduras</option>
  1672. <option value="97">Hong Kong</option>
  1673. <option value="98">Hungary</option>
  1674. <option value="99">Iceland</option>
  1675. <option value="100">India</option>
  1676. <option value="101">Indonesia</option>
  1677. <option value="102">Iran</option>
  1678. <option value="103">Iraq</option>
  1679. <option value="104">Ireland</option>
  1680. <option value="105">Israel</option>
  1681. <option value="106">Italy</option>
  1682. <option value="107">Jamaica</option>
  1683. <option value="108">Japan</option>
  1684. <option value="109">Jordan</option>
  1685. <option value="110">Kazakhstan</option>
  1686. <option value="111">Kenya</option>
  1687. <option value="112">Kiribati</option>
  1688. <option value="113">North Korea</option>
  1689. <option value="114">South Korea</option>
  1690. <option value="115"></option>
  1691. <option value="116">Kuwait</option>
  1692. <option value="117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
  1693. <option value="118">Laos</option>
  1694. <option value="119">Latvia</option>
  1695. <option value="120">Lebanon</option>
  1696. <option value="121">Lesotho</option>
  1697. <option value="122">Liberia</option>
  1698. <option value="123">Libya</option>
  1699. <option value="124">Liechtenstein</option>
  1700. <option value="125">Litva</option>
  1701. <option value="126">Luxembourg</option>
  1702. <option value="127">Macau</option>
  1703. <option value="128">Macedonia [FYROM]</option>
  1704. <option value="129">Madagascar</option>
  1705. <option value="130">Malawi</option>
  1706. <option value="131">Malaysia</option>
  1707. <option value="132">Maldives</option>
  1708. <option value="133">Mali</option>
  1709. <option value="134">Malta</option>
  1710. <option value="135">Marshall Islands</option>
  1711. <option value="136">Martinique</option>
  1712. <option value="137">Mauritania</option>
  1713. <option value="138">Mauritius</option>
  1714. <option value="139">Mayotte</option>
  1715. <option value="140">Mexico</option>
  1716. <option value="141">Micronesia</option>
  1717. <option value="142">Moldova</option>
  1718. <option value="143">Monaco</option>
  1719. <option value="144">Mongolia</option>
  1720. <option value="145">Montserrat</option>
  1721. <option value="146">Montenegro</option>
  1722. <option value="147">Morocco</option>
  1723. <option value="148">Mozambique</option>
  1724. <option value="149">Myanmar [Burma]</option>
  1725. <option value="150">Namibia</option>
  1726. <option value="151">Nauru</option>
  1727. <option value="152">Nepal</option>
  1728. <option value="153">Netherlands</option>
  1729. <option value="154">Netherlands Antilles</option>
  1730. <option value="155">New Caledonia</option>
  1731. <option value="156">New Zealand</option>
  1732. <option value="157">Nicaragua</option>
  1733. <option value="158">Niger</option>
  1734. <option value="159">Nigeria</option>
  1735. <option value="160">Niue</option>
  1736. <option value="161">Norfolk Island</option>
  1737. <option value="162">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
  1738. <option value="163">Norway</option>
  1739. <option value="164">Oman</option>
  1740. <option value="165">Pakistan</option>
  1741. <option value="166">Palau</option>
  1742. <option value="167">Palestinian Territories</option>
  1743. <option value="168">Panama</option>
  1744. <option value="169">Papua New Guinea</option>
  1745. <option value="170">Paraguay</option>
  1746. <option value="171">Peru</option>
  1747. <option value="172">Philippines</option>
  1748. <option value="173">Pitcairn Islands</option>
  1749. <option value="174">Poland</option>
  1750. <option value="175">Portugal</option>
  1751. <option value="176">Puerto Rico</option>
  1752. <option value="177">Qatar</option>
  1753. <option value="178">Réunion</option>
  1754. <option value="179">Romania</option>
  1755. <option value="180">Russia</option>
  1756. <option value="181">Rwanda</option>
  1757. <option value="182">Saint Helena</option>
  1758. <option value="183">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
  1759. <option value="184">Saint Lucia</option>
  1760. <option value="185">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
  1761. <option value="186">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
  1762. <option value="187">Samoa</option>
  1763. <option value="188">San Marino</option>
  1764. <option value="189">São Tomé and Príncipe</option>
  1765. <option value="190">Saudi Arabia</option>
  1766. <option value="191">Senegal</option>
  1767. <option value="192">Serbia</option>
  1768. <option value="193">Seychelles</option>
  1769. <option value="194">Sierra Leone</option>
  1770. <option value="195">Singapore</option>
  1771. <option value="196">Slovakia</option>
  1772. <option value="197">Slovenia</option>
  1773. <option value="198">Solomon Islands</option>
  1774. <option value="199">Somalia</option>
  1775. <option value="200">South Africa</option>
  1776. <option value="201">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
  1777. <option value="202">Spain</option>
  1778. <option value="203">Sri Lanka</option>
  1779. <option value="204">Sudan</option>
  1780. <option value="205">Suriname</option>
  1781. <option value="206">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
  1782. <option value="207">Swaziland</option>
  1783. <option value="208">Sweden</option>
  1784. <option value="209">Switzerland</option>
  1785. <option value="210">Syria</option>
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  1787. <option value="212">Tajikistan</option>
  1788. <option value="213">Tanzania</option>
  1789. <option value="214">Thailand</option>
  1790. <option value="215">Togo</option>
  1791. <option value="216">Tokelau</option>
  1792. <option value="217">Tonga</option>
  1793. <option value="218">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
  1794. <option value="219">Tunisia</option>
  1795. <option value="220">Turkey</option>
  1796. <option value="221">Turkmenistan</option>
  1797. <option value="222">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
  1798. <option value="223">Tuvalu</option>
  1799. <option value="224">Uganda</option>
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  1849. <ul class="sub-menu">
  1850. <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page">
  1851. <a href="">
  1852. Medical Treatment
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  1855. <li id="menu-item-180" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-180">
  1856. <a href="">
  1857. Dental Treatment in Turkey
  1858. </a>
  1859. </li>
  1860. <li id="menu-item-181" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-181">
  1861. <a href="">
  1862. Cleft Lip Repair Surgery in Turkey
  1863. </a>
  1864. </li>
  1865. <li id="menu-item-182" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-182">
  1866. <a href="">
  1867. Jaw Surgery in Turkey
  1868. </a>
  1869. </li>
  1870. <li id="menu-item-183" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-183">
  1871. <a href="">
  1872. Laminate Veneers in Turkey
  1873. </a>
  1874. </li>
  1875. <li id="menu-item-185" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-185">
  1876. <a href="">
  1877. Dental Braces in Turkey
  1878. </a>
  1879. </li>
  1880. <li id="menu-item-186" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-186">
  1881. <a href="">
  1882. Cosmetic Dentistry in Turkey
  1883. </a>
  1884. </li>
  1885. <li id="menu-item-187" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-187">
  1886. <a href="">
  1887. Dental Bridge in Turkey
  1888. </a>
  1889. </li>
  1890. <li id="menu-item-188" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-188">
  1891. <a href="">
  1892. Dental Crowns in Turkey
  1893. </a>
  1894. </li>
  1895. <li id="menu-item-189" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-189">
  1896. <a href="">
  1897. Dental Implants in Turkey
  1898. </a>
  1899. </li>
  1900. <li id="menu-item-190" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-190">
  1901. <a href="">
  1902. Dentures in Turkey
  1903. </a>
  1904. </li>
  1905. <li id="menu-item-191" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-191">
  1906. <a href="">
  1907. E-Max Crowns in Turkey
  1908. </a>
  1909. </li>
  1910. <li id="menu-item-192" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-192">
  1911. <a href="">
  1912. Emax Laminate Veneers in Turkey
  1913. </a>
  1914. </li>
  1915. <li id="menu-item-193" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-193">
  1916. <a href="">
  1917. Porcelain Veneers in Turkey
  1918. </a>
  1919. </li>
  1920. <li id="menu-item-194" class="current-menu-item menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-194">
  1921. <a href="">
  1922. Root Canal Treatment in Turkey
  1923. </a>
  1924. </li>
  1925. <li id="menu-item-195" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-195">
  1926. <a href="">
  1927. Flap Surgery in Turkey
  1928. </a>
  1929. </li>
  1930. <li id="menu-item-196" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-196">
  1931. <a href="">
  1932. Apicoectomy in Turkey
  1933. </a>
  1934. </li>
  1935. <li id="menu-item-197" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-197">
  1936. <a href="">
  1937. Dental Bonding in Turkey
  1938. </a>
  1939. </li>
  1940. <li id="menu-item-198" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-198">
  1941. <a href="">
  1942. Dental Bone Graft in Turkey
  1943. </a>
  1944. </li>
  1945. <li id="menu-item-199" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-199">
  1946. <a href="">
  1947. Dental Examination in Turkey
  1948. </a>
  1949. </li>
  1950. <li id="menu-item-200" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-200">
  1951. <a href="">
  1952. Gingivectomy in Turkey
  1953. </a>
  1954. </li>
  1955. <li id="menu-item-201" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-201">
  1956. <a href="">
  1957. Wisdom Tooth Removal in Turkey
  1958. </a>
  1959. </li>
  1960. <li id="menu-item-202" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-202">
  1961. <a href="">
  1962. Zirconium Crown in Turkey
  1963. </a>
  1964. </li>
  1965. <li id="menu-item-203" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-203">
  1966. <a href="">
  1967. Intraocular Lens Implants in Turkey
  1968. </a>
  1969. </li>
  1970. <li id="menu-item-204" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-204">
  1971. <a href="">
  1972. Periodontics Treatment in Turkey
  1973. </a>
  1974. </li>
  1975. <li id="menu-item-205" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-205">
  1976. <a href="">
  1977. Tooth Enamel Repair in Turkey
  1978. </a>
  1979. </li>
  1980. <li id="menu-item-206" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-206">
  1981. <a href="">
  1982. Tooth Filling in Turkey
  1983. </a>
  1984. </li>
  1985. <li id="menu-item-207" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-207">
  1986. <a href="">
  1987. All On 6 Dental Implants in Turkey
  1988. </a>
  1989. </li>
  1990. <li id="menu-item-208" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-208">
  1991. <a href="">
  1992. All on 4 Dental Implants in Turkey
  1993. </a>
  1994. </li>
  1995. <li id="menu-item-209" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-209">
  1996. <a href="">
  1997. Cleft Palate Repair Surgery in Turkey
  1998. </a>
  1999. </li>
  2000. <li id="menu-item-210" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-210">
  2001. <a href="">
  2002. Laser Teeth Whitening in Turkey
  2003. </a>
  2004. </li>
  2005. <li id="menu-item-211" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-211">
  2006. <a href="">
  2007. Maxillofacial Surgery in Turkey
  2008. </a>
  2009. </li>
  2010. <li id="menu-item-212" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-212">
  2011. <a href="">
  2012. Oral Surgery in Turkey
  2013. </a>
  2014. </li>
  2015. <li id="menu-item-213" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-213">
  2016. <a href="">
  2017. Orthodontic Treatment in Turkey
  2018. </a>
  2019. </li>
  2020. <li id="menu-item-214" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-214">
  2021. <a href="">
  2022. Prosthodontic Treatment in Turkey
  2023. </a>
  2024. </li>
  2025. <li id="menu-item-215" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-215">
  2026. <a href="">
  2027. Teeth Cleaning in Turkey
  2028. </a>
  2029. </li>
  2030. <li id="menu-item-216" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-216">
  2031. <a href="">
  2032. Tooth Extraction in Turkey
  2033. </a>
  2034. </li>
  2035. <li id="menu-item-1075" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1075">
  2036. <a href="">
  2037. Lumineers in Turkey
  2038. </a>
  2039. </li>
  2040. <li id="menu-item-1077" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1077">
  2041. <a href="">
  2042. Teeth Whitening in Turkey
  2043. </a>
  2044. </li>
  2045. <li id="menu-item-1079" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1079">
  2046. <a href="">
  2047. Gum Contouring in Turkey
  2048. </a>
  2049. </li>
  2050. <li id="menu-item-1093" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1093">
  2051. <a href="">
  2052. Prosthetic Dentistry in Turkey
  2053. </a>
  2054. </li>
  2055. <li id="menu-item-1108" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1108">
  2056. <a href="">
  2057. Sinus Lift in Turkey
  2058. </a>
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  2060. <li id="menu-item-1131" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1131">
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  2062. Hollywood Smile in Turkey
  2063. </a>
  2064. </li>
  2065. <li id="menu-item-1152" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1152">
  2066. <a href="">
  2067. Veneers in Turkey
  2068. </a>
  2069. </li>
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  2081. Medical Treatment
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  2084. <li>
  2085. Root Canal Treatment in Turkey
  2086. </li>
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  2112. Summary
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  2114. </div>
  2115. <ol class="annotation__list">
  2116. <li class><a href="#0" class="anchor__link">Turkey Canal Treatment</a>
  2117. </li>
  2118. <li class><a href="#1" class="anchor__link">Root Canal in Turkey</a>
  2119. <ol>
  2120. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#2" class="anchor__link">Before Turkey Canal Treatment</a>
  2121. </li>
  2122. </ol>
  2123. </li>
  2124. <li class><a href="#3" class="anchor__link">How Is a Root Canal Treatment in Turkey Done?</a>
  2125. <ol>
  2126. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#4" class="anchor__link">Root Canal Recovery Time</a>
  2127. </li>
  2128. </ol>
  2129. </li>
  2130. <li class><a href="#5" class="anchor__link">2024 Root Canal Cost in Turkey</a>
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  2132. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#6" class="anchor__link">Are Root Canal Treatments Painful?</a>
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  2139. <img src="" alt="Root-Canal-Treatment-in-Turkey" alt="Root canal treatment in turkey" title="Root canal treatment in turkey" class="fit-cover"><a id="0" name="0"></a><h2>Turkey Canal Treatment</h2>
  2140. <p>Root canal treatment in Turkey is an important procedure for rescuing infected, unhealthy, and damaged teeth. Root canal treatment is preferred when bacteria become present in the root canal of the tooth where the live tissues of the tooth reside. <b>Root canal Turkey</b> involves introducing a dental disinfectant into the root canal to destroy bacteria and allied infections. This is crucial for addressing a root canal infection effectively.</p><p>The root canal treatment in Turkey can apply when a patient requires a ‘Smile Design’. To achieve a smile design, the dentist may have to straighten crooked teeth, which in turn will cause a sensitivity problem for the patient. In this case, root canal treatment can be essential to deaden the nerve of the tooth residing in the canal and to prevent any root canal infection.</p><p>Root canal Turkey must be done by a qualified ‘endodontist’ as badly executed treatment can lead to further discomfort and the eventual loss of the tooth. The treatment is both quick and painless, leading to the patient being free from sensitivity, and being able to eat in comfort.</p><p>At Healthy Türkiye, we work with the best cosmetic dentistry in Turkey. We provide any dental treatments patients need including root canal Turkey, namely Endodontics in Turkey. The patients have the opportunity to book either a face-to-face or video consultation with our medical consultants. Healthy Türkiye also has a high success and satisfaction rate in root canal treatments that are mostly used in restorative dentistry.</p>
  2141. <img src="" alt="Root-Canal-Turkey" alt="Root canal turkey" title="Root canal turkey" class="fit-cover"><a id="1" name="1"></a><h2>Root Canal in Turkey</h2>
  2142. <p>Root canal in Turkey is the process of cleaning the infected pulp tissue as a result of the infection of the living tissue consisting of blood vessels and nerves called pulp inside the tooth due to trauma and caries in the teeth and filling the canal with tissue-friendly materials. In this case, the functional life of the tooth is extended. In addition, the patient gets rid of other problems that may occur due to tooth loss. </p><p>With the root canal treatment, the living part of the tooth comes out. However, the tooth is there with all its structures, it just loses its vitality or sensibility. The root canal-treated tooth performs the same functions as any other tooth, basically, aesthetically and functionally, the tooth is the same. </p><p>The teeth need to preserve their presence in the mouth. Because the teeth support the teeth in front and behind, in missing teeth, the teeth move to close the gap. Thus, the tooth remaining in place with root canal Turkey treatment also protects the system in the mouth. If properly maintained, a root canal treatment is not a treatment that shortens the life of the tooth, on the contrary, the life of the tooth is extended. If the patient pays enough attention to oral care, the root canal-treated tooth will be no different from other teeth. </p><p>Being one of the most popular destinations amongst international patients who seek to receive better treatment, Turkey stands out with its advanced healthcare system, top-notch treatments, and moderate pricing policy. Therefore, every year the number of patients who prefer Turkey for dental treatments is increasing, making Turkey a hotspot for dental tourism. As a part of this system, Healthy Türkiye provides world-class treatments in any sub-field of dentistry, enabling patients to achieve their desired results in a reliable and much affordable manner. Root canal treatment cost in Turkey is notably lower than in many other countries, making it a preferred choice for many seeking dental care.</p><p>The root canal Turkey procedures are performed by highly skilled professionals, ensuring the best outcomes for patients. <b>Root canal cost in Turkey</b> is designed to be affordable while maintaining the highest standards of care. Patients can expect root canal prices that are transparent and reasonable, without hidden fees. Choosing Turkey for dental treatments, including root canal Turkey, offers a combination of quality, affordability, and excellent patient care.</p>
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  2176. <a id="2" name="2"></a><h3>Before Turkey Canal Treatment</h3>
  2177. <p>A dentist can be able to diagnose the issue simply by listening to your symptoms and then examining the tooth and surrounding area. Nonetheless, the dentist will not make any decisions until they take an x-ray of your tooth. Signs of tooth decay and root canal infection around the tooth can help to determine whether a tooth root canal treatment is needed. Once it has been determined that you need a Turkey canal, then your dentist will act quickly. Identifying the need for a tooth root canal early can prevent a root canal infection from worsening and causing more severe dental issues.</p><p>While dentists will not carry out the procedure right there, they will ask you to visit them again rather soon. By undergoing the treatment sooner, you can stop the infection from spreading further. Quick action is crucial in dealing with a root canal infection to ensure that the tooth root canal procedure is as effective as possible. Therefore, scheduling your Turkey canal treatment promptly can save you from more extensive dental problems in the future. If you suspect an issue, don't delay in consulting your dentist about the possibility of needing a tooth root canal.</p>
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  2235. <a id="3" name="3"></a><h2>How Is a Root Canal Treatment in Turkey Done?</h2>
  2236. <p>The first treatment appointment generally involves tooth root canal restorability assessment, which involves the removal of existing old fillings, crowns, or bridgework. This goal is to assess if your remaining tooth structure has a suitable foundation to have a new filling, crown, or be part of a bridge work prior to root canal infection treatment.</p><p>Then, the dentist anesthetizes the area where the procedure will be performed and will then place a turkey canal dental dam around the affected tooth. This dam will prevent the bacteria from spreading and will also work to keep that area free from saliva. The dental dam is usually made from a thin sheet of latex.</p><p>A small opening is made on the top of your tooth, this is how the dentist will access your root canals. The dentist will then use tooth root canal files to get into the root canals and remove dead pulp and bacteria from this area. Water is used during the procedure to flush out the canals and keep them clean. After this is done, the dentist will shape the canal for a later filling.</p><p>If the surrounding area is affected quite badly by root canal infection, then the dentist can place some kind of medication in this area. It will then be topped up with a temporary filling and you will need to come back for the rest of the treatment. If this is not required, then the dentist will proceed to the next step.</p><p>The dentist will fill the empty space with a biocompatible substance. Mostly, this is something known as gutta-percha. It is a rubber-like material and it is placed there along with adhesive cement. It will help to hold the tooth in place and will ensure that it continues to function as normal. Finally, after everything has settled, your dentist will place a crown as the final step of the turkey canal treatment, ensuring the tooth root canal procedure is complete and preventing any future root canal infection.</p>
  2237. <a id="4" name="4"></a><h3>Root Canal Recovery Time</h3>
  2238. <p>After the operation, your tooth and gums might feel sore, and your gums may also swell. Mostly, dentists will have you treat these symptoms with over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). You can resume your normal routine the day after the procedure. However, you should avoid chewing with the damaged tooth until it’s permanently filled or a crown is placed over the top.</p><p>You’ll see your regular dentist within a few days of the <b>root canal treatment in Turkey</b>, and they will take X-rays to make sure that any infected root canal is gone. If there is no problem, they’ll also replace the temporary filling with a permanent filling. The dentist may place a permanent crown on the tooth. Crowns are artificial teeth that may be made from porcelain or gold. The advantage of a crown is its realistic appearance. It may take you several weeks to get used to how the tooth feels after the procedure and this is normal.</p><p>The root canal treatment in Turkey is designed to effectively treat an infected root canal and minimize root canal pain. Proper post-procedure care is crucial to ensure the success of the treatment and to prevent any recurrence of the infected root canal. Most patients find that any root canal pain experienced after the procedure is manageable with the medications prescribed by their dentist. The root canal treatment in Turkey not only addresses the infected root canal but also helps in maintaining overall oral health, reducing the risk of further complications.</p><p>It’s essential to follow your dentist’s instructions closely to manage root canal pain and to ensure the best possible outcome from your root canal treatment in Turkey.</p>
  2239. <h4>The Lifetime of a Tooth with Root Canal Treatment</h4>
  2240. <p>You can use this filling for the rest of your life if you take precautions to prevent tooth decay. It is possible to prevent the decay of your teeth again by taking care of your mouth and dental health by going to a dentist regularly. Root canal recovery time varies, but with proper care, you can maintain the health of your teeth long-term. No prosthetic holds the exact location of your natural tooth. It is much more harmful to remove an inflamed tooth and replace it with an implant or bridge replacement, rather than having that tooth properly restored by having a root canal treatment.</p><p>However, depending on the removal of the dental pulp tissue that provides the vitality of the tooth and the loss of material, the treated tooth becomes more sensitive to breakage. For upper restoration, it is very important to pay attention to this situation when it is decided to fill or crown the tooth. Tooth pain after root canal when biting can occur if the restoration isn't done correctly, making it crucial to follow the dentist's recommendations. Observing root canal before and after images can help you understand the improvements and necessary precautions.</p><p>After the root canal recovery time in Turkey, the teeth that have been treated with root canal treatment will continue to serve as functional for many years if care is provided for the cleaning of the mouth and teeth and if these measures are not left out of hand. Regular check-ups can prevent tooth pain after root canal when biting and ensure that your root canal before and after results remain optimal.</p>
  2241. <h5>Root Canal Treatment vs. Tooth Extraction</h5>
  2242. <p>Tooth extraction is something that dentists may suggest if they feel as though they can’t save your tooth. The only reason that most dentists will suggest a root canal treatment first is that it involves less trouble for you in the long run. During the root canal recovery time, you might experience some discomfort or tooth pain after root canal when biting. This is usually temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. It is important to follow your dentist's post-procedure care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Keeping your natural tooth helps maintain the alignment and integrity of your dental structure, which is why a root canal is often preferred over extraction.<br/></p>
  2243. <img src="" alt="Root-Canal-Treatment" alt="Root canal treatment" title="Root canal treatment" class="fit-cover"><a id="5" name="5"></a><h2>2024 Root Canal Cost in Turkey</h2>
  2244. <p>All types of medical attention like root canal treatment are very affordable in Turkey. Many factors are also included in determining the cost of <b>root canal treatment in Turkey</b>. Your process with Healthy Türkiye will last from the time you decide to have a root canal treatment in Turkey until the time you are fully recovered even if you are back home. The exact root canal treatment procedure cost in Turkey depends on the type of operation involved.</p><p>The root canal cost in Turkey does not demonstrate many variations in 2024. Compared to costs in developed countries like the United States or the UK, <b>root canal treatment costs in Turkey</b> are relatively low. So, it’s no wonder patients from across the world visit Turkey for root canal treatment procedures. However, the price is not the only factor affecting choices. We suggest looking for hospitals that are safe and have root canal treatment reviews on Google. When people decide to seek medical help for root canal treatment, they will not only have had low-cost procedures in Turkey, but also the safest and best treatment.</p><p>At clinics or hospitals contracted with Healthy Türkiye, patients will receive the best root canal treatment from specialist doctors in Turkey at affordable rates. Healthy Türkiye teams provide medical attention root canal treatment procedures and high-quality treatment to patients at a minimum cost. When you contact Healthy Türkiye assistants, you can get free information about the root canal prices in Turkey and what this cost covers. Additionally, they can provide insights on the root canal crown cost, ensuring you are fully informed about every aspect of the treatment.</p><p>If you are considering dental procedures, understanding the root canal cost and the associated root canal treatment cost is crucial. Healthy Türkiye makes sure that every patient is aware of the root canal prices and the root canal crown cost involved in their treatment, offering transparency and affordability in their services.</p><p><span><div class="stk-block-columns stk-block">
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  2249. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-49dde4d has-24-font-size" id="strong-bariatric-surgeries-price-in-the-uk-strong">
  2250. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2251. Price of Root Canal Treatment in the UK?
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  2254. <div class="wp-block-stackable-text stk-block-text stk-block">
  2255. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2256. The root canal prices in the UK are between £700-£1.000.
  2257. </p>
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  2265. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-49dde4d has-24-font-size" id="strong-bariatric-surgeries-price-in-the-uk-strong">
  2266. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2267. Price of Root Canal Treatment in the USA?
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  2270. <div class="wp-block-stackable-text stk-block-text stk-block">
  2271. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2272. The root canal prices in the USA are between $1.000-$1.500.
  2273. </p>
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  2284. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-5162fb4 has-24-font-size" id="strong-bariatric-surgeries-price-in-turkey-strong" data-block-id="5162fb4">
  2285. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text has-text-color stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2286. Price of Root Canal Treatment in Turkey?
  2287. </h3>
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  2290. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2291. The root canal prices in Turkey are between $50-$100.
  2292. </p>
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  2304. The prices may vary based on specific procedure requirements. Contact us for exact price information.
  2305. <br/></span></p>
  2306. <a id="6" name="6"></a><h3>Are Root Canal Treatments Painful?</h3>
  2307. <p>Root canal treatments are known for their painful reputation, which leads many people to avoid them if possible. However, there's no need to worry about the pain, as all dentists will provide a local anesthetic. This means you won't feel any root canal pain during the drilling, cleaning, or sealing process. The only discomfort you may experience is having to keep your mouth open for an extended period of time. Additionally, the feeling of numbness can be a little strange at first, but you'll get used to it over time. With modern techniques and anesthesia, root canal pain is generally minimal, making the procedure much more tolerable than many people fear.</p><h4>The Best Hospitals in Turkey for Root Canal Treatment</h4><p>The best hospitals in Turkey for root canal treatment are Memorial Hospital, Acıbadem International Hospital, and Medicalpark Hospital. These hospitals attract patients from all over the world seeking root canal treatment due to their affordable prices and high success rates.</p>
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  2315. Frequently Asked Questions</h6>
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  2318. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2319. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Does A Root Canal Treatment Hurt?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2322. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2323. <p class="faq-answer">The results from calf implants, just like with any other cosmetic surgery that uses implants, can last for approximately 10-15 years.</p>
  2324. </div>
  2325. </div>
  2326. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2327. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Can I Go To School Or Work After Getting A Root Canal Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2331. <p class="faq-answer">You will most likely be numb for 2-4 hours following the treatment. Most patients are able to return to school or work directly following a root canal treatment, however, it is not advised until the numbness is completely gone.</p>
  2332. </div>
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  2334. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2335. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Will The Tooth Be Safe After Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2339. <p class="faq-answer">Yes. But, as a dead tooth is more brittle, it may be necessary to restore the tooth with a crown to provide extra support and strength to the tooth.</p>
  2340. </div>
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  2342. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2343. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Can I Brush My Teeth After A Root Canal Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2347. <p class="faq-answer">Unless told otherwise by your dentist, brush and floss your teeth as you regularly do after a root canal treatment in Turkey.</p>
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  2350. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2351. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Will A Tooth Turn Black After A Root Canal Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2355. <p class="faq-answer">Sometimes after a root canal treatment, the tooth can become slightly discolored or develop spots called intrinsic stains, where the tooth bleeds internally and the inner part of the tooth turns yellow or dark.</p>
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  2358. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2359. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>I Had A Filling Done Recently And Now I Need A Root Canal Treatment. Why?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2363. <p class="faq-answer">Sometimes when the dentist removes the damaged or decayed part of the tooth, the dentist is working close to the nerve. Therefore, the damage is often unavoidable. Generally, the tooth is carefully dressed and sealed and can settle down but often a teeth infection occurs under the new filling and a few weeks later develops into severe pain, leading to an abscess.</p>
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  2367. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Is Root Canal Treatment Guaranteed To Work?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2371. <p class="faq-answer">About 98% of all root canal treatments in Turkey are completely successful and never give trouble again. There is a tiny but significant failure rate with root canal therapy as the work involved is quite complex.</p>
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  2375. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>What Can You Eat After A Root Canal Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2379. <p class="faq-answer">It is important for patients not to eat anything until the numbness wears off, as you could accidentally bite your tongue or tissues. After the numbness is gone; you can eat softer food that does not require a lot of chewing since eating hard food may cause unnecessary discomfort.</p>
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  2383. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>What Happens If You Don’t Get A Root Canal Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2387. <p class="faq-answer">If left untreated, the tooth infection can spread to other parts of the body, and in some cases can even be life-threatening. If you need a tooth infection cleaning, the infected pulp needs to be removed.</p>
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  2391. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Do You Need A Crown After A Root Canal Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2395. <p class="faq-answer">The need for a crown after a root canal therapy depends highly on the location of the tooth in the mouth-teeth towards the back of the mouth like molars and premolars are needed more for chewing, and generally require crowns, where incisors or canines which aren’t needed for chewing don’t always require crowns.</p>
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  2399. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>What If It Happens Again?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2403. <p class="faq-answer">Root canal treatment in Turkey is often very successful. However, if the infection comes back, the treatment may be repeated. Sometimes, if the inflammation persists at the tip of the root, surgery can be carried out to remove the inflamed part, clean the area and put in a filling. This procedure is known as an ‘apicectomy.</p>
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