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  738. Ear Nose and Throat Treatment in Turkey
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  1856. Enlarged Prostate Treatment in Turkey
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  1874. <li id="menu-item-491" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-491">
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  1876. Laparoscopic Prostate Surgery in Turkey
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  1881. Prostatectomy Treatment in Turkey
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  1891. Bladder Cancer Treatment in Turkey
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  1896. Nephrectomy Surgery in Turkey
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  1901. Penis Enlargement in Turkey
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  1911. Glomerulonephritis Treatment in Turkey
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  1916. Urinary Retention Treatment in Turkey
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  1926. Laser Lithotripsy in Turkey
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  1931. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Turkey
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  1936. Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Turkey
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  1941. Renal Artery Stenosis Treatment in Turkey
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  1946. Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey
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  1996. Summary
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  1998. </div>
  1999. <ol class="annotation__list">
  2000. <li class><a href="#0" class="anchor__link">About Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</a>
  2001. </li>
  2002. <li class><a href="#1" class="anchor__link">Urinary Incontinence Treatment Procedure in Turkey</a>
  2003. </li>
  2004. <li class><a href="#2" class="anchor__link">Urinary Incontinence Symptoms</a>
  2005. </li>
  2006. <li class><a href="#3" class="anchor__link">Types of Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</a>
  2007. <ol>
  2008. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#4" class="anchor__link">Good Candidate for Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</a>
  2009. </li>
  2010. </ol>
  2011. </li>
  2012. <li class><a href="#5" class="anchor__link">2024 Cost of Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</a>
  2013. <ol>
  2014. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#6" class="anchor__link">Why Is Urinary Incontinence Treatment Cheaper in Turkey?</a>
  2015. </li>
  2016. </ol>
  2017. </li>
  2018. <li class><a href="#7" class="anchor__link">Why Choose Turkey for Urinary Incontinence Treatment?</a>
  2019. <ol>
  2020. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#8" class="anchor__link">Is Urinary Incontinence Treatment Safe in Turkey?</a>
  2021. </li>
  2022. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#9" class="anchor__link">All-Inclusive Packages for Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</a>
  2023. </li>
  2024. </ol>
  2025. </li>
  2026. </ol>
  2027. </div>
  2028. <div class="stk-block-text__text">
  2029. <img srcset=" 2000w, 1673w, 1400w, 1171w, 979w, 819w, 685w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="2000" height="1333" alt="Turkiye urinary incontinence treatment procedure" title="Turkiye urinary incontinence treatment procedure" class="fit-cover">
  2030. <a id="0" name="0"></a><h2>About Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</h2>
  2031. <p><span>Urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey is for patients who have uncontrollable leakage of urine. Urinary incontinence is a common problem for both men and women in America. We are unsure of the precise number. This is due to the fact that many people conceal their symptoms from others. They can feel humiliated or believe there is nothing that can be done. They thus endure their suffering in silence.</span></p>
  2032. <p><span>Not only is urinary incontinence a medical issue. It may impact social, psychological, and emotional health. Urinary incontinence sufferers frequently experience anxiety when performing routine everyday tasks. They prefer to be close to a bathroom. People with urinary incontinence may find it difficult to enjoy life. Thus, Healthy Türkiye offers the best urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey.</span></p>
  2033. <p><span>Many individuals believe that developing urine incontinence is a natural aspect of aging. Yet it isn’t. It can also be controlled or cured. Find out more here. Consult your physician. Discover the best course of treatment for you. In the United States, between 25 and 30 percent of men and women experience urinary incontinence. That entails countless people, or overactive bladder, a condition affecting 33 million people and characterized by symptoms of urgency, frequency, and urge incontinence.</span></p><p><div class="resp-container"><iframe src="//" width="100%" class="resp-iframe"></iframe></div><span><br/></span></p>
  2034. <p><span>Numerous factors, according to studies, raise the risk. For instance, urine incontinence and aging are related. Women’s risk is increased by pregnancy, childbirth, and the number of children. Urinary incontinence is more common in postpartum women. As there are more kids, the risk rises. This holds true for both vaginal and cesarean deliveries.</span></p>
  2035. <p><span>Urinary incontinence is more prevalent in postpartum women who experience it. Urinary incontinence can occur in postmenopausal women (those whose periods have ended). This might result from the decline in estrogen (the female sex hormone). However, it has not been demonstrated that estrogen therapy can reduce urine incontinence.</span></p>
  2036. <p><span>Men who have prostate issues are likewise more vulnerable. Urinary incontinence has been linked to various medications, and some medications can make it worse. According to statistics, having poor general health also raises the risk. Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke are also connected. Urinary incontinence is more likely to occur in obese people. Weight loss can minimize the signs and symptoms of urine incontinence and enhance bladder function.</span></p>
  2037. <img srcset=" 1824w, 1526w, 1276w, 1068w, 893w, 747w, 625w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="1824" height="1216" alt="Turkiye urinary incontinence treatment" title="Turkiye urinary incontinence treatment" class="fit-cover">
  2038. <a id="1" name="1"></a><h2>Urinary Incontinence Treatment Procedure in Turkey</h2>
  2039. <p><span>For many people, having an overactive bladder or urinary incontinence is a secret struggle. It may also become embarrassing. The severity of this condition ranges from having a strong urge to urinate that causes leakage to spilling urine when you cough or sneeze loudly. The good news is that it can be controlled or even completely cured with straightforward lifestyle adjustments or medical care.</span></p>
  2040. <p><span>Depending on the signs and reasons, millions of adults have overactive bladder, a lesser type of urine incontinence, or both. For that urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey will be the best choice. You should be aware that you are not alone if you or a loved one has urine incontinence. Nationwide, there are around 24 million impacted individuals. It affects adults over 45 more frequently. However, it can also have an impact on younger people, particularly forceps-used mothers. Urinary incontinence can affect men and women equally.</span></p>
  2041. <p><span>In actuality, women are more likely than men to have the illness. The likelihood of incontinence can be decreased by lifestyle modifications and medication. You can maintain the health of your bladder and urethra by doing a number of easy activities, including:</span></p>
  2042. <p><span>Urinary incontinence has numerous reasons. Some of them include having weak bladder muscles, being pregnant, giving birth with forceps, having your uterus removed, having surgery-related complications, having a stroke, or having a chronic illness like diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), or Parkinson’s disease. Urinary incontinence may also result from conditions that damage the bladder nerves or spinal cord.</span></p>
  2043. <img srcset=" 2000w, 1673w, 1400w, 1171w, 980w, 819w, 685w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="2000" height="1299" alt="Urinary incontinence treatment in turkiye" title="Urinary incontinence treatment in turkiye" class="fit-cover">
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  2046. <p class="stk-block-text__text"><strong>We Care About Your Health</strong></p>
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  2101. <a id="2" name="2"></a><h2>Urinary Incontinence Symptoms</h2>
  2102. <p><span>Urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey deals with symptoms are the loss of total control over your bladder that results in urine leaking are known as urinary incontinence (UI). Mild leaking to overt soaking can be symptoms. Urinary incontinence is a common problem for both men and women. Many people keep their symptoms a secret out of embarrassment or because they believe there is nothing that can be done. Not only is urinary incontinence a medical issue. One’s social, psychological, and emotional health may be impacted. Many people who are struggling with this issue are afraid to go about their regular daily routines.</span></p>
  2103. <p><span>Before you can go to the bathroom, urine spills out. When they cough or laugh, some women could accidentally leak a few drips of urine. Others can have a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate. During sexual action, urine loss is also possible and can be extremely upsetting.</span></p>
  2104. <p><span>Urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey is focused brought on issues with the muscles and nerves that control whether pee is held in or passed. The bladder holds the urine. It departs the body through the urethra, a tube linked to the bladder. Urine is forced out of the bladder through the urethra by contracting muscles in the bladder wall. Sphincter muscles around the urethra relax at the same moment to allow urine to exit the body. When the sphincter muscles are unable to effectively hold back pee or the bladder muscles suddenly contract, incontinence occurs.</span></p>
  2105. <p><span>Women experience urinary incontinence twice as frequently as males. Pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause are to blame for this. However, conditions like brain damage, birth defects, stroke, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and physical changes brought on by aging can cause incontinence in both men and women. Chronic constipation, urinary tract infections, obesity, excessive caffeine/alcohol intake, and some medications are additional factors that can impact both sexes.</span></p>
  2106. <p><span>If you have recently received a diagnosis of incontinence, you likely feel stressed out and overwhelmed about how to handle those rare incidents. The type of incontinence you experience and the intensity of your symptoms will determine the course of treatment you receive.</span></p>
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  2108. <a id="3" name="3"></a><h2>Types of Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</h2>
  2109. <p><span>Behavioral therapy, medication, and surgery are some of the available urine incontinence treatments in Turkey. The least invasive way of treatment is used first when treating urine incontinence. The precise cause of the incontinence will influence the therapy option that is chosen. However, some medical interventions, such as employing absorbent items, can be used to treat various types of urine incontinence. Patients with persistent incontinence issues utilize absorbent pads and urinary catheters.</span></p>
  2110. <p><span>Dietary Measures: Changes in nutrition might occasionally help with urinary incontinence symptoms. It’s important to keep an eye on your diet to limit your intake of stimulant-containing foods and beverages. Urination that is both urgent and frequent can be a side effect of stimulants.</span></p>
  2111. <p><span>Kegel Exercises: They aid in the treatment of stress incontinence. Kegel exercises help to bolster the muscles that regulate the bladder. These exercises can be performed anywhere, at any time.</span></p>
  2112. <p><span>Bladder Training: Bladder training can be used to treat urge incontinence. Patients may urinate at predetermined intervals, such as every 30 to 2 hours. Even if they do not feel the urge to urinate, patients should still urinate at the prescribed intervals. Up until the patient reaches an interval of three to four hours, the period between the intervals can be gradually extended.</span></p>
  2113. <p><span>Biofeedback Therapy: Stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and mix incontinence can all be treated with it. Patients should consider biofeedback therapy if they have trouble recognizing the levator ani muscles. The pelvic muscles’ contractions are identified with the use of a computer and electrical devices.</span></p>
  2114. <p><span>Surgery: Unless all other alternatives for treating urine incontinence have failed, it is rarely used as a treatment. It might be useful for treating overflow incontinence brought on by enlarged prostate in men and stress incontinence in female patients.</span></p>
  2115. <p><span>Urinary incontinence can have a variety of causes. Incontinence in men may be brought on by particular daily routines, underlying disorders, or physical issues. </span></p>
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  2149. <a id="4" name="4"></a><h3>Good Candidate for Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</h3>
  2150. <p><span>When a person experiences urinary incontinence, their bladder control is lost, which forces them to frequently use the restroom. Due to the intensity of this illness, some people find it impossible to suppress the urge to urinate for even a brief period of time. Although older people are significantly more likely to have this ailment than younger people, anyone can get it because of urinary tract disorders.</span></p>
  2151. <p><span>Many people have minor urine leaks, however, some people have small, intermittent urine leaks. When you have this problem, you may suffer urine leakage even when you don’t want to, and it might occur as a result of an unintentional force like coughing, sneezing, or even when exercising. You may also experience frequent involuntary urination due to brain illnesses. Another typical reason for urine incontinence treatments in Turkey of this disorder is overflow incontinence, which is when you continue to leak urine until your bladder is emptied.</span></p>
  2152. <p><span>You require medical care to treat this illness because it may just be a transient one and because it makes it difficult to go about your daily activities and creates irritation. Some foods and beverages may also make you feel the need to urinate more. Urinary tract infections and constipation are further potential causes of this illness.</span></p>
  2153. <p><span>The first step in treatment is a urinalysis test, which identifies the precise issues you are having as well as their root causes. The course of treatment calls for certain behavioral strategies, like bladder training. You learn to control your frequent urinal impulses as you go through the bladder training process. The practice of “double voiding” is also widespread. During this procedure, you urinate once, then wait a little before continuing. You should keep a chart for managing your fluid intake and diet, and stay away from anything that makes you urinate more frequently. There are certain exercises that are suggested.</span></p>
  2154. <p><span>Pelvic floor muscle exercises are what these workouts are called. Some urethral inserts, which resembles a tampon and stops urine leakage, are sometimes prescribed to women to suppress their urge to urinate. Sometimes, surgeries such bladder neck suspensions, prolapsed surgeries, and sling procedures are recommended to treat urinary tract infections and assist you in effectively filtering urine into the renal pelvis. To alleviate your symptoms, you may also be administered some anti-infection medications. You should exercise caution early on because this condition may run in your family.</span></p>
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  2156. <a id="5" name="5"></a><h2><span>2024</span><span> Cost of Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</span></h2>
  2157. <p><span>All types of medical attention like urinary incontinence treatment are very affordable in Turkey. Many factors are also included in determining the cost of urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey. Your process with Healthy Türkiye will last from the time you decide to have a urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey until the time you are fully recovered, even if you are back home. The exact cost of a urinary incontinence treatment procedure in Turkey depends on the type of operation involved.</span></p>
  2158. <p><span>The cost of urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey does not demonstrate many variations in 2024. Compared to costs in developed countries like the United States or the UK, urinary incontinence treatment costs in Turkey are relatively low. So, it’s no wonder patients from across the world visit Turkey for urinary incontinence treatment procedures. However, price is not the only factor affecting choices. We suggest looking for hospitals that are safe and have urinary incontinence treatment reviews on Google. When people decide to seek medical help for urinary incontinence treatment, they will not only have had low-cost procedures in Turkey, but also the safest and best treatment.</span></p>
  2159. <p><span>At clinics or hospitals contracted with Healthy Türkiye, patients will receive the best urinary incontinence treatment from specialist doctors in Turkey at affordable rates. Healthy Türkiye teams provide medical attention, urinary incontinence treatment procedures and high-quality to patients at a minimum cost. When you contact Healthy Türkiye assistants, you can get free information about the cost of urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey and what this cost covers.</span></p>
  2160. <a id="6" name="6"></a><h3>Why Is Urinary Incontinence Treatment Cheaper in Turkey?</h3>
  2161. <p><span>One of the main considerations before traveling abroad for urinary incontinence treatment is the cost-effectiveness of the whole process. Many patients think that when they add flight tickets and hotel expenses to their urinary incontinence treatment costs, it will become very expensive to travel, which is not true. Contrary to popular belief, round-trip flight tickets to Turkey for urinary incontinence treatment can be booked very affordably. In this case, assuming you are staying in Turkey for your urinary incontinence treatment, your total travel expense of flight tickets and accommodation will only cost less than any other developed country, which is nothing compared to the amount that you are saving.</span></p>
  2162. <p><span>The question “Why is urinary incontinence treatment cheaper in Turkey?” is so common among patients or people simply curious about getting their medical procedure in Turkey. When it comes to urinary incontinence treatment prices in Turkey, there are 3 factors allowing for cheaper prices:</span></p>
  2163. <p><span>The currency exchange is favorable for anyone looking for urinary incontinence treatment who has a euro, dollar, or pound.</span></p>
  2164. <p><span>The lower cost of living and cheaper overall medical expenses such as urinary incontinence treatment.</span></p>
  2165. <p><span>For urinary incontinence treatment, incentives are given by the Turkish Government to medical clinics working with international clients.</span></p>
  2166. <p><span>All these factors allow for cheaper urinary incontinence treatment prices, but let’s be clear, these prices are cheaper for people with strong currencies (as we said, the euro, dollar, Canadian dollar, pound, etc).</span></p>
  2167. <p><span>Every year, thousands of patients from all over the world come to Turkey to get urinary incontinence treatment. The success of the healthcare system has increased in recent years, especially for urinary incontinence treatment. It’s easy to find well-educated and English-speaking medical professionals in Turkey for all kinds of medical attention such as urinary incontinence treatment.</span></p>
  2168. <a id="7" name="7"></a><h2>Why Choose Turkey for Urinary Incontinence Treatment?</h2>
  2169. <p><span>Turkey</span><span> is a common choice among international patients seeking advanced urinary incontinence treatment. Turkey’s health procedures are safe and effective, with a high success rate, like urinary incontinence treatment. The increasing demand for high-quality urinary incontinence treatment at affordable prices has made Turkey a popular medical travel destination. In Turkey, urinary incontinence treatment is performed by highly experienced and trained doctors with the most advanced technology in the world. urinary incontinence treatment is done in Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, and other major cities. The reasons for choosing urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey are as follows:</span></p>
  2170. <p><span>High-quality hospitals: Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospitals have dedicated urinary incontinence treatment units that are specially designed for patients. International and national strict protocols provide effective and successful urinary incontinence treatment for patients in Turkey.</span></p>
  2171. <p><span>Qualified experts: The expert teams include nurses and specialist doctors, together to carry out urinary incontinence treatment according to the patient’s needs. All the included doctors are highly experienced in performing urinary incontinence treatment.</span></p>
  2172. <p><span>Affordable price: The cost of urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey is affordable compared to Europe, the USA, the UK, Singapore, Australia, etc.</span></p>
  2173. <p><span>The high success rate: Highly experienced specialists, the best available technology, and stringently followed safety guidelines for post-operative care of the patient, resulting in a high success rate for urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey.</span></p>
  2174. <a id="8" name="8"></a><h3>Is Urinary Incontinence Treatment Safe in Turkey?</h3>
  2175. <p><span>Did you know Turkey is one of the most visited destinations for urinary incontinence treatment in the world? It is ranked as one of the most popular tourist destinations for urinary incontinence treatment. Over the years it has also come to be a very popular medical tourism destination, with many tourists coming in for urinary incontinence treatment. There are so many reasons why Turkey stands out as a leading destination for urinary incontinence treatment. Because Turkey is both safe and easy to travel to, with a regional airport hub and flight connections to pretty much everywhere, it is preferred for urinary incontinence treatment.</span></p>
  2176. <p><span>The best hospitals in Turkey have experienced medical staff and specialists who have performed thousands of medical services such as urinary incontinence treatment. All procedures and coordination related to urinary incontinence treatment are controlled by the Ministry of Health in accordance with the law. Over many years, the greatest progress in medicine has been observed in the field of urinary incontinence treatment. Turkey is known among foreign patients for its great opportunities in the area of urinary incontinence treatment.</span></p>
  2177. <p><span>To emphasize, besides the price itself, the key factor in selecting a destination for urinary incontinence treatment is certainly the standard of medical services, the hospital staff’s high expertise, hospitality, and the safety of the country.</span></p>
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  2211. <a id="9" name="9"></a><h3>All-Inclusive Packages for Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey</h3>
  2212. <p><span>Healthy Türkiye</span><span> offers all-inclusive packages for urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey at much lower prices. Extremely professional and experienced doctors and technicians carry out the high quality urinary incontinence treatment. The cost of urinary incontinence treatment in European countries can be quite expensive, especially in the UK. Healthy Türkiye provides cheap all-inclusive packages for a long and short stay of urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey. Because of many factors, we can provide you with many opportunities for your urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey.</span></p>
  2213. <p><span>The price of urinary incontinence treatment differs from other countries due to medical fees, staff labor prices, exchange rates, and market competition. You can save much more in urinary incontinence treatment compared to other countries in Turkey. When you purchase urinary incontinence treatment all-inclusive package with Healthy Türkiye our healthcare team will present a list of hotels for you to choose from. In urinary incontinence treatment travel, you will have the price of your stay included in the all-inclusive package cost.</span></p>
  2214. <p><span>In Turkey, when you purchase urinary incontinence treatment all-inclusive packages through Healthy Türkiye, you will always receive VIP transfers. These are provided by Healthy Türkiye, which is contracted with highly qualified hospitals for urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey. Healthy Türkiye teams will organize everything about urinary incontinence treatment for you and have you picked up from the airport and safely brought to your accommodation. Once you are settled in the hotel, you will be transferred to and from the clinic or hospital for urinary incontinence treatment. After your urinary incontinence treatment has been successfully completed, the transfer team will return you to the airport in time for your flight home. In Turkey, all packages of urinary incontinence treatment can be arranged upon request, which relaxes the minds of our patients. You can reach out Healthy Türkiye for everything you need to know about urinary incontinence treatment in Turkey.</span></p><h4>The Best Hospitals in Turkey for Urinary Incontinence Treatment</h4><p>The best hospitals in Turkey for urinary incontinence treatment are Memorial Hospital, Acıbadem International Hospital, and Medicalpark Hospital. These hospitals attract patients from all over the world seeking urinary incontinence treatment due to their affordable prices and high success rates.</p>
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  2223. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Can Urinary Incontinence Be Treated without Medication?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2227. <p class="faq-answer">Adapting your lifestyle to lose weight and consume less alcohol and coffee. Pelvic floor workouts involve pressing your pelvic floor muscles to make them stronger. bladder training, where you learn ways to wait longer between needing to urinate and passing urine.</p>
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  2231. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Does Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey Worth it?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2235. <p class="faq-answer">Usually, a variety of conservative treatments can be used to address stress incontinence. These could be modifications to one’s way of life, physical activity, weight loss, or the insertion of bladder support devices into the vagina. For women with bothersome stress incontinence, surgery may be an option if none of the other treatment options work.</p>
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  2239. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>What Is the Newest Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2243. <p class="faq-answer">Sacral neuromodulation: A surgically implanted device called a sacral nerve stimulator (SNS) is used to treat urine incontinence. The sacral nerve in the lower back is connected by cables to the device, which is implanted beneath the skin of the upper buttock.</p>
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  2247. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>What Is the First Line for Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Turkey?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2251. <p class="faq-answer">A planned home exercise program for the pelvic floor muscles and weight loss are the first-line treatments for stress incontinence. When done regularly for at least three months, pelvic floor muscle exercises have been demonstrated to minimize the amount of incontinence episodes in women.</p>
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  2356.                             line-height: 25px !important; color:#fff; text-decoration: underline" data-id="" target="_blank">Pectoral Implants</a>
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