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  739. Ear Nose and Throat Treatment in Turkey
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  782. Hair Transplant in Turkey
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  1654. <option value="79">Gambia</option>
  1655. <option value="80">Georgia</option>
  1656. <option value="81">Germany</option>
  1657. <option value="82">Ghana</option>
  1658. <option value="83">Gibraltar</option>
  1659. <option value="84">Greece</option>
  1660. <option value="85">Greenland</option>
  1661. <option value="86">Grenada</option>
  1662. <option value="87">Guadeloupe</option>
  1663. <option value="88">Guam</option>
  1664. <option value="89">Guatemala</option>
  1665. <option value="90">Guinea</option>
  1666. <option value="91">Guinea-Bissau</option>
  1667. <option value="92">Guyana</option>
  1668. <option value="93">Haiti</option>
  1669. <option value="94">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
  1670. <option value="95">Vatican City</option>
  1671. <option value="96">Honduras</option>
  1672. <option value="97">Hong Kong</option>
  1673. <option value="98">Hungary</option>
  1674. <option value="99">Iceland</option>
  1675. <option value="100">India</option>
  1676. <option value="101">Indonesia</option>
  1677. <option value="102">Iran</option>
  1678. <option value="103">Iraq</option>
  1679. <option value="104">Ireland</option>
  1680. <option value="105">Israel</option>
  1681. <option value="106">Italy</option>
  1682. <option value="107">Jamaica</option>
  1683. <option value="108">Japan</option>
  1684. <option value="109">Jordan</option>
  1685. <option value="110">Kazakhstan</option>
  1686. <option value="111">Kenya</option>
  1687. <option value="112">Kiribati</option>
  1688. <option value="113">North Korea</option>
  1689. <option value="114">South Korea</option>
  1690. <option value="115"></option>
  1691. <option value="116">Kuwait</option>
  1692. <option value="117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
  1693. <option value="118">Laos</option>
  1694. <option value="119">Latvia</option>
  1695. <option value="120">Lebanon</option>
  1696. <option value="121">Lesotho</option>
  1697. <option value="122">Liberia</option>
  1698. <option value="123">Libya</option>
  1699. <option value="124">Liechtenstein</option>
  1700. <option value="125">Litva</option>
  1701. <option value="126">Luxembourg</option>
  1702. <option value="127">Macau</option>
  1703. <option value="128">Macedonia [FYROM]</option>
  1704. <option value="129">Madagascar</option>
  1705. <option value="130">Malawi</option>
  1706. <option value="131">Malaysia</option>
  1707. <option value="132">Maldives</option>
  1708. <option value="133">Mali</option>
  1709. <option value="134">Malta</option>
  1710. <option value="135">Marshall Islands</option>
  1711. <option value="136">Martinique</option>
  1712. <option value="137">Mauritania</option>
  1713. <option value="138">Mauritius</option>
  1714. <option value="139">Mayotte</option>
  1715. <option value="140">Mexico</option>
  1716. <option value="141">Micronesia</option>
  1717. <option value="142">Moldova</option>
  1718. <option value="143">Monaco</option>
  1719. <option value="144">Mongolia</option>
  1720. <option value="145">Montserrat</option>
  1721. <option value="146">Montenegro</option>
  1722. <option value="147">Morocco</option>
  1723. <option value="148">Mozambique</option>
  1724. <option value="149">Myanmar [Burma]</option>
  1725. <option value="150">Namibia</option>
  1726. <option value="151">Nauru</option>
  1727. <option value="152">Nepal</option>
  1728. <option value="153">Netherlands</option>
  1729. <option value="154">Netherlands Antilles</option>
  1730. <option value="155">New Caledonia</option>
  1731. <option value="156">New Zealand</option>
  1732. <option value="157">Nicaragua</option>
  1733. <option value="158">Niger</option>
  1734. <option value="159">Nigeria</option>
  1735. <option value="160">Niue</option>
  1736. <option value="161">Norfolk Island</option>
  1737. <option value="162">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
  1738. <option value="163">Norway</option>
  1739. <option value="164">Oman</option>
  1740. <option value="165">Pakistan</option>
  1741. <option value="166">Palau</option>
  1742. <option value="167">Palestinian Territories</option>
  1743. <option value="168">Panama</option>
  1744. <option value="169">Papua New Guinea</option>
  1745. <option value="170">Paraguay</option>
  1746. <option value="171">Peru</option>
  1747. <option value="172">Philippines</option>
  1748. <option value="173">Pitcairn Islands</option>
  1749. <option value="174">Poland</option>
  1750. <option value="175">Portugal</option>
  1751. <option value="176">Puerto Rico</option>
  1752. <option value="177">Qatar</option>
  1753. <option value="178">Réunion</option>
  1754. <option value="179">Romania</option>
  1755. <option value="180">Russia</option>
  1756. <option value="181">Rwanda</option>
  1757. <option value="182">Saint Helena</option>
  1758. <option value="183">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
  1759. <option value="184">Saint Lucia</option>
  1760. <option value="185">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
  1761. <option value="186">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
  1762. <option value="187">Samoa</option>
  1763. <option value="188">San Marino</option>
  1764. <option value="189">São Tomé and Príncipe</option>
  1765. <option value="190">Saudi Arabia</option>
  1766. <option value="191">Senegal</option>
  1767. <option value="192">Serbia</option>
  1768. <option value="193">Seychelles</option>
  1769. <option value="194">Sierra Leone</option>
  1770. <option value="195">Singapore</option>
  1771. <option value="196">Slovakia</option>
  1772. <option value="197">Slovenia</option>
  1773. <option value="198">Solomon Islands</option>
  1774. <option value="199">Somalia</option>
  1775. <option value="200">South Africa</option>
  1776. <option value="201">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
  1777. <option value="202">Spain</option>
  1778. <option value="203">Sri Lanka</option>
  1779. <option value="204">Sudan</option>
  1780. <option value="205">Suriname</option>
  1781. <option value="206">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
  1782. <option value="207">Swaziland</option>
  1783. <option value="208">Sweden</option>
  1784. <option value="209">Switzerland</option>
  1785. <option value="210">Syria</option>
  1786. <option value="211">Taiwan</option>
  1787. <option value="212">Tajikistan</option>
  1788. <option value="213">Tanzania</option>
  1789. <option value="214">Thailand</option>
  1790. <option value="215">Togo</option>
  1791. <option value="216">Tokelau</option>
  1792. <option value="217">Tonga</option>
  1793. <option value="218">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
  1794. <option value="219">Tunisia</option>
  1795. <option value="220">Turkey</option>
  1796. <option value="221">Turkmenistan</option>
  1797. <option value="222">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
  1798. <option value="223">Tuvalu</option>
  1799. <option value="224">Uganda</option>
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  1850. <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page">
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  1855. <li id="menu-item-180" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-180">
  1856. <a href="">
  1857. Dental Treatment in Turkey
  1858. </a>
  1859. </li>
  1860. <li id="menu-item-181" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-181">
  1861. <a href="">
  1862. Cleft Lip Repair Surgery in Turkey
  1863. </a>
  1864. </li>
  1865. <li id="menu-item-182" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-182">
  1866. <a href="">
  1867. Jaw Surgery in Turkey
  1868. </a>
  1869. </li>
  1870. <li id="menu-item-183" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-183">
  1871. <a href="">
  1872. Laminate Veneers in Turkey
  1873. </a>
  1874. </li>
  1875. <li id="menu-item-185" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-185">
  1876. <a href="">
  1877. Dental Braces in Turkey
  1878. </a>
  1879. </li>
  1880. <li id="menu-item-186" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-186">
  1881. <a href="">
  1882. Cosmetic Dentistry in Turkey
  1883. </a>
  1884. </li>
  1885. <li id="menu-item-187" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-187">
  1886. <a href="">
  1887. Dental Bridge in Turkey
  1888. </a>
  1889. </li>
  1890. <li id="menu-item-188" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-188">
  1891. <a href="">
  1892. Dental Crowns in Turkey
  1893. </a>
  1894. </li>
  1895. <li id="menu-item-189" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-189">
  1896. <a href="">
  1897. Dental Implants in Turkey
  1898. </a>
  1899. </li>
  1900. <li id="menu-item-190" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-190">
  1901. <a href="">
  1902. Dentures in Turkey
  1903. </a>
  1904. </li>
  1905. <li id="menu-item-191" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-191">
  1906. <a href="">
  1907. E-Max Crowns in Turkey
  1908. </a>
  1909. </li>
  1910. <li id="menu-item-192" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-192">
  1911. <a href="">
  1912. Emax Laminate Veneers in Turkey
  1913. </a>
  1914. </li>
  1915. <li id="menu-item-193" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-193">
  1916. <a href="">
  1917. Porcelain Veneers in Turkey
  1918. </a>
  1919. </li>
  1920. <li id="menu-item-194" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-194">
  1921. <a href="">
  1922. Root Canal Treatment in Turkey
  1923. </a>
  1924. </li>
  1925. <li id="menu-item-195" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-195">
  1926. <a href="">
  1927. Flap Surgery in Turkey
  1928. </a>
  1929. </li>
  1930. <li id="menu-item-196" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-196">
  1931. <a href="">
  1932. Apicoectomy in Turkey
  1933. </a>
  1934. </li>
  1935. <li id="menu-item-197" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-197">
  1936. <a href="">
  1937. Dental Bonding in Turkey
  1938. </a>
  1939. </li>
  1940. <li id="menu-item-198" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-198">
  1941. <a href="">
  1942. Dental Bone Graft in Turkey
  1943. </a>
  1944. </li>
  1945. <li id="menu-item-199" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-199">
  1946. <a href="">
  1947. Dental Examination in Turkey
  1948. </a>
  1949. </li>
  1950. <li id="menu-item-200" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-200">
  1951. <a href="">
  1952. Gingivectomy in Turkey
  1953. </a>
  1954. </li>
  1955. <li id="menu-item-201" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-201">
  1956. <a href="">
  1957. Wisdom Tooth Removal in Turkey
  1958. </a>
  1959. </li>
  1960. <li id="menu-item-202" class="current-menu-item menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-202">
  1961. <a href="">
  1962. Zirconium Crown in Turkey
  1963. </a>
  1964. </li>
  1965. <li id="menu-item-203" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-203">
  1966. <a href="">
  1967. Intraocular Lens Implants in Turkey
  1968. </a>
  1969. </li>
  1970. <li id="menu-item-204" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-204">
  1971. <a href="">
  1972. Periodontics Treatment in Turkey
  1973. </a>
  1974. </li>
  1975. <li id="menu-item-205" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-205">
  1976. <a href="">
  1977. Tooth Enamel Repair in Turkey
  1978. </a>
  1979. </li>
  1980. <li id="menu-item-206" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-206">
  1981. <a href="">
  1982. Tooth Filling in Turkey
  1983. </a>
  1984. </li>
  1985. <li id="menu-item-207" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-207">
  1986. <a href="">
  1987. All On 6 Dental Implants in Turkey
  1988. </a>
  1989. </li>
  1990. <li id="menu-item-208" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-208">
  1991. <a href="">
  1992. All on 4 Dental Implants in Turkey
  1993. </a>
  1994. </li>
  1995. <li id="menu-item-209" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-209">
  1996. <a href="">
  1997. Cleft Palate Repair Surgery in Turkey
  1998. </a>
  1999. </li>
  2000. <li id="menu-item-210" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-210">
  2001. <a href="">
  2002. Laser Teeth Whitening in Turkey
  2003. </a>
  2004. </li>
  2005. <li id="menu-item-211" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-211">
  2006. <a href="">
  2007. Maxillofacial Surgery in Turkey
  2008. </a>
  2009. </li>
  2010. <li id="menu-item-212" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-212">
  2011. <a href="">
  2012. Oral Surgery in Turkey
  2013. </a>
  2014. </li>
  2015. <li id="menu-item-213" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-213">
  2016. <a href="">
  2017. Orthodontic Treatment in Turkey
  2018. </a>
  2019. </li>
  2020. <li id="menu-item-214" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-214">
  2021. <a href="">
  2022. Prosthodontic Treatment in Turkey
  2023. </a>
  2024. </li>
  2025. <li id="menu-item-215" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-215">
  2026. <a href="">
  2027. Teeth Cleaning in Turkey
  2028. </a>
  2029. </li>
  2030. <li id="menu-item-216" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-216">
  2031. <a href="">
  2032. Tooth Extraction in Turkey
  2033. </a>
  2034. </li>
  2035. <li id="menu-item-1075" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1075">
  2036. <a href="">
  2037. Lumineers in Turkey
  2038. </a>
  2039. </li>
  2040. <li id="menu-item-1077" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1077">
  2041. <a href="">
  2042. Teeth Whitening in Turkey
  2043. </a>
  2044. </li>
  2045. <li id="menu-item-1079" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1079">
  2046. <a href="">
  2047. Gum Contouring in Turkey
  2048. </a>
  2049. </li>
  2050. <li id="menu-item-1093" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1093">
  2051. <a href="">
  2052. Prosthetic Dentistry in Turkey
  2053. </a>
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  2055. <li id="menu-item-1108" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1108">
  2056. <a href="">
  2057. Sinus Lift in Turkey
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  2060. <li id="menu-item-1131" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1131">
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  2062. Hollywood Smile in Turkey
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  2065. <li id="menu-item-1152" class=" menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1152">
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  2067. Veneers in Turkey
  2068. </a>
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  2085. Zirconium Crown in Turkey
  2086. </li>
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  2112. Summary
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  2115. <ol class="annotation__list">
  2116. <li class><a href="#0" class="anchor__link">About Zirconium Crown in Turkey</a>
  2117. </li>
  2118. <li class><a href="#1" class="anchor__link">What Is Zirconia Crown in Turkey?</a>
  2119. </li>
  2120. <li class><a href="#2" class="anchor__link">Types of Zirconium Crowns in Turkey</a>
  2121. <ol>
  2122. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#3" class="anchor__link">Monolithic Zirconium Crown</a>
  2123. </li>
  2124. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#4" class="anchor__link">Layered Zirconium Crown</a>
  2125. </li>
  2126. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#5" class="anchor__link">Which Type of Zirconium Crown Is Best for You?</a>
  2127. </li>
  2128. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#6" class="anchor__link">When Is Zirconia Crown Recommended in Turkey?</a>
  2129. </li>
  2130. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#7" class="anchor__link">Prepare for Zirconium Crown in Turkey</a>
  2131. </li>
  2132. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#8" class="anchor__link">Advantages of Zirconium Crowns</a>
  2133. </li>
  2134. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#9" class="anchor__link">How Is Zirconia Crown Placed in Turkey?</a>
  2135. </li>
  2136. </ol>
  2137. </li>
  2138. <li class><a href="#10" class="anchor__link">2024 Cost Of Zirconium Crowns in Turkey</a>
  2139. <ol>
  2140. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#11" class="anchor__link">Why Is Zirconium Crowns Cheaper in Turkey?</a>
  2141. </li>
  2142. </ol>
  2143. </li>
  2144. <li class><a href="#12" class="anchor__link">Why Choose Turkey Zirconium Crowns?</a>
  2145. <ol>
  2146. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#13" class="anchor__link">Is Zirconium Crowns Turkey Safe?</a>
  2147. </li>
  2148. <li class="sub-item"><a href="#14" class="anchor__link">All Inclusive Packages for Zirconium Crown in Turkey</a>
  2149. </li>
  2150. </ol>
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  2154. <div class="stk-block-text__text">
  2155. <img srcset=" 3360w, 2811w, 2352w, 1967w, 1646w, 1377w, 1152w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="3360" height="2240" alt="Turkiye zirconium crown procedure" title="Turkiye zirconium crown procedure" class="fit-cover">
  2156. <a id="0" name="0"></a><h2>About Zirconium Crown in Turkey</h2>
  2157. <p><span>Zirconium Crown in Turkey is an overly advanced and affordable price treatment for people that come to Turkey for a smile makeover treatment. Specialists who wish to provide people with aesthetic dental restorations usually choose zirconia crowns. These zirconia crowns are chosen in Turkey over conventional PFMs (Porcelain Fused-to-Metal) or full gold crowns due to their superior durability, strength, and excellent aesthetics.</span></p>
  2158. <p><span>Some dentists apply zirconia over all-ceramic restorations, mainly when restoring a single tooth. Zirconium crowns need shoulder or chamfer margins for the best consequence. They might be fabricated from high translucent zirconia, solid full-contour zirconia, or layered zirconia. Layered zirconia and high translucent zirconia might be either screw-retained or cemented.</span></p>
  2159. <p><span>Most <a href="">dental procedures</a> are switching from conventional PFM crowns and moving towards applying zirconia to create fixed dental restorations. Because zirconia restorations possess beautiful aesthetics and are virtually indestructible, zirconia is becoming the most popular and common material for fabricating dental restorations.</span></p>
  2160. <img srcset=" 2333w, 1951w, 1633w, 1366w, 1143w, 956w, 800w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="2333" height="1556" alt="Turkiye zirconium crown" title="Turkiye zirconium crown" class="fit-cover">
  2161. <a id="1" name="1"></a><h2>What Is Zirconia Crown in Turkey?</h2>
  2162. <p><span>The zirconia crown coating method is the most widely applied among the dental coating options in Turkey. <a href="">Dental crown</a> types are divided into two with metal support and without metal support. For people who require a more aesthetic smile, dentists also have more aesthetic treatment avenues. These aesthetic requirements raise the use of teeth with zirconium substructure, which is a more aesthetic approach in dentistry, more often in their treatment.</span></p>
  2163. <p><span>Zirconium is a white substance applied in tooth making. It is applied by transforming it into a zirconia ceramic instead of a pure mineral state, and it is processed in special ovens. A zirconium dental coating is a group of metal-free dental coatings that offer a more natural appearance compared to metal-backed ones.</span></p>
  2164. <img srcset=" 3000w, 2509w, 2100w, 1756w, 1469w, 1229w, 1029w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="3000" height="2000" alt="Zirconium crown in turkiye" title="Zirconium crown in turkiye" class="fit-cover">
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  2222. <a id="2" name="2"></a><h2>Types of Zirconium Crowns in Turkey</h2>
  2223. <p><b>Zirconium crowns Turkey</b> have many uses in restorative and cosmetic dentistry practices. They may be applied to reinforce a cracked or broken tooth, mask a severely stained or misshapen tooth, or restore a dental implant. Thanks to their supreme capacity and durability, this type of cap is getting more popular and more commonly used.</p>
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  2257. <a id="3" name="3"></a><h3>Monolithic Zirconium Crown</h3>
  2258. <p><span>This type of dental ceramic includes zirconium oxide, a material that renders it practically unbreakable. This extremely forceful type of ceramic resists breaks, chips, and stains. It can be color matched to your teeth, but it is somewhat opaque. Due to the ugly opacity, monolithic restorations may be better placed in the back of the mouth.</span></p>
  2259. <p><span>These monolithic zirconium crown restorations are cad cam milled. Giant devices are used to create these little works of art from digital files created by the technician. Generally, only the larger production dental laboratories have these expensive big milling machines. There are many large laboratories in Turkey. The small labs are forced to contract them out. The only other crown that comes close to this capacity is a gold crown.</span></p>
  2260. <a id="4" name="4"></a><h3>Layered Zirconium Crown</h3>
  2261. <p><span>Layered zirconium crown restorations are made with layered lithium disilicate ceramic on top of the coping. These layered porcelains give them the realistic translucence required for restorations in the front of the mouth. The top layered ceramic is done in a similar way as for ips <a href="">e-max</a> versions. These versions have durable cores overlaid with layers of delicate, reflective porcelain. The way that the ceramist fabricates the cap will influence its strength and esthetics. A master ceramist can make beautiful and forceful restorations.</span></p>
  2262. <a id="5" name="5"></a><h3>Which Type of Zirconium Crown Is Best for You?</h3>
  2263. <p><span>The type of zirconium crown that is right for you can depend on several factors. These factors involve the condition being addressed, where it will be placed in your mouth, your unique lifestyle, and your budget. For example, all-porcelain versions provide the very best esthetics, since the material used to make them includes silica, which reflects light in much the same way as natural tooth enamel.</span></p>
  2264. <p><span>Traditional <a href="">porcelain</a> lids can crumble, break and accumulate stains when subjected to excessive force or stress over time. In addition, certain types of porcelain caps, like those made from feldspathic ceramic, need the skills of a master ceramist and are a higher-end choice.</span></p>
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  2298. <a id="6" name="6"></a><h3>When Is Zirconia Crown Recommended in Turkey?</h3>
  2299. <p>The recommendation of a <b>zirconium crown in Turkey</b> may be due to many factors. Several factors might make your teeth wear down or break. Tooth injuries, decay, and natural aging are among the leading causes of <a href="">tooth</a> damage. A crossbite, grinding your teeth, and chewing on hard objects may cause your teeth to lose their shape or decrease in size. Getting a zirconia crown won’t help grow your natural tooth back to health, but it’ll prevent further decay and improve the affected tooth’s look. Your dentist might use a dental crown to fix many oral problems. The most relevant are:</p>
  2300. <p><span>Holding a tooth together when it’s in bad shape</span></p>
  2301. <p><span>Improving the look of your smile</span></p>
  2302. <p><span>Preventing fractures on a weak tooth</span></p>
  2303. <p><span>Restoring a broken or worn-down tooth</span></p>
  2304. <p><span>Capping misshapen or discolored teeth</span></p>
  2305. <p><span>Improving your bite</span></p>
  2306. <p><span>In addition to all these factors, it offers an ideal solution for covering large fillings, dental implants and root canals.</span></p>
  2307. <a id="7" name="7"></a><h3>Prepare for Zirconium Crown in Turkey</h3>
  2308. <p><span>The zirconium crown is made by milling full-contour zirconium blocks on cad glass devices or coated as a porcelain layer on the front surface of the solid zirconium base to improve its aesthetic qualities. Also, multi-layered full-contour zirconia blocks afford excellent aesthetics that are almost as natural as a natural tooth. Both full-contour zirconia and porcelain-veneered zirconia crowns Turkey have highly aesthetic consequences. However, porcelain-veneered zirconia crowns are slightly less durable than full-contour zirconium crowns because they include an additional layer that is bonded to them.</span></p>
  2309. <p><span>Unlike full porcelain crowns and PFM crowns, zirconia crowns Turkey may only be prepared by certain types of 3D milling machines. Most clinics and hospitals use external labs for the preparation of these crowns. Therefore, it is hard for these clinics and hospitals to collaborate with dental technicians during the design of the end product. In Turkey, our expert dentists and dental technicians collaborate during the design and milling stages of zirconia crowns in the dental laboratory.</span></p>
  2310. <a id="8" name="8"></a><h3>Advantages of Zirconium Crowns</h3>
  2311. <p><span>A zirconium crown in Turkey is a form of dental restoration that completely covers a tooth or <a href="">dental implant</a>, and it is generally fixed to the tooth or abutment with dental cement. Crowns are made from different materials that are widely manufactured. Crowns might also be placed over a tooth to enhance its strength or physical appearance. Zirconium crowns are now the most commonly used material for dental crowns.</span></p>
  2312. <p><b>Zirconium is a very forceful and durable substance that can tolerate the wear and tear of everyday use</b>. Zirconium crowns are better from an aesthetic point of view because they are translucent and appear very similar to natural teeth as they reflect light in a similar way. This is an important factor if the new crowns are at the front of the mouth, and it is principally significant in cases where the crown will be placed in between natural teeth.</p>
  2313. <p><span>These crowns are so forceful that they will not corrode and there will not be any black gum line that generally looks when porcelain fused metal crowns are applied. Zirconium crowns also do not have any electrical conductivity, so there will be no discomfort even if the patient drinks hot or cold beverages.</span></p>
  2314. <p>The power of zirconium makes it possible to produce crowns without metal frames. This is valuable because it will make it impossible to properly distinguish zirconium crowns from natural teeth. <b>Zirconium crowns Turkey</b> are unique in that their sizes can be determined, as well as their shape and color, ensuring that patients will be able to achieve a more natural smile.</p>
  2315. <p><span>Another advantage of dental aesthetic treatments is that they are biocompatible, so there are no risks of allergic reactions. As a matter of fact, zirconium is now widely used in general surgery and not just in dentistry. Zirconium is slightly more expensive than conventional materials, and most producers contend with creating crowns from other materials. They used lower-grade compounds just to be able to provide a more affordable product.</span></p>
  2316. <a id="9" name="9"></a><h3>How Is Zirconia Crown Placed in Turkey?</h3>
  2317. <p><span>Zirconia crowns need several expert doctor’s appointments. The first time, the dentist carefully analyzes the oral cavity and discusses a treatment plan with the patient. If necessary, the treatment of problems is carried out. If there is an infection, it must be cured first, the necessary filling, gum treatment, and root canal treatment must be done.</span></p>
  2318. <p><span>Teeth are prepared for fixing prosthetics: this manipulation is known as preparation. Unlike other types of dentures, the expert doctor does not require much of the tooth for zirconia. The expert doctor then measures and seals the tooth with a temporary plastic crown. People may easily continue their regular lives by using temporary teeth during treatment.</span></p>
  2319. <p><span>Then the completed product will be placed in the mouth and secured with dental glue. It is critical that a thin, durable zirconia crown coating is firmly attached to the tooth, completely stick to it, and protect the infections. At Healthy Türkiye, the price of the zirconia crown depends on how many teeth should be restored and which prosthesis choice is most suitable for the patient. The main parameters to be taken into account when calculating zirconia prices are:</span></p>
  2320. <p><span>Measuring, and preparing teeth with a cad-cam on a computer,</span></p>
  2321. <p><span>Analysis and refinement of the treatment plan,</span></p>
  2322. <p><span>Gluing</span></p>
  2323. <p><span>Examination and X-ray by a doctor,</span></p>
  2324. <p><span>There are affordable zirconia crowns Turkey at Healthy Türkiye. The choice of paste, brush, irrigator and floss for a zirconia crown must only be suggested by an expert doctor.</span></p>
  2325. <img srcset=" 2666w, 2230w, 1866w, 1561w, 1306w, 1092w, 914w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="2666" height="1777" alt="Zirconium crown turkey" title="Zirconium crown turkey" class="fit-cover">
  2326. <a id="10" name="10"></a><h2>2024 Cost Of Zirconium Crowns in Turkey</h2>
  2327. <p>All types of medical attention, like a zirconium crown, are very affordable in Turkey. Many factors are also included in determining the cost of a <b>zirconium crown in Turkey</b>. Your process with Healthy Türkiye will last from the time you decide to have a zirconium crown in Turkey until the time you are fully recovered, even if you are back home. The exact cost of a zirconium crown procedure in Turkey depends on the type of operation involved.</p>
  2328. <p>The cost of a zirconium crown in Turkey does not demonstrate many variations in 2024. Compared to costs in developed countries like the United States or the UK, <b>zirconium crown costs in Turkey are relatively low</b>. So, it’s no wonder patients from across the world visit Turkey for zirconium crown procedures. However, price is not the only factor affecting choices. We suggest looking for hospitals that are safe and have zirconium crown reviews on Google. When people decide to seek medical help for a zirconium crown, they will not only have had low-cost procedures in Turkey, but also the safest and best treatment.</p>
  2329. <p><span>At clinics or hospitals contracted with Healthy Türkiye, patients will receive the best zirconium crown from specialist doctors in Turkey at affordable rates. Healthy Türkiye teams provide medical attention, zirconium crown procedures, and high-quality treatment to patients at a minimum cost. When you contact Healthy Türkiye assistants, you can get free information about the cost of a zirconium crown in Turkey and what this cost covers.</span></p><p><span><div class="stk-block-columns stk-block">
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  2334. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-49dde4d has-24-font-size" id="strong-bariatric-surgeries-price-in-the-uk-strong">
  2335. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2336. Price of Zirconium Crowns in the UK
  2337. </h3>
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  2340. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2341. The price of zirconia crowns in the UK is in the range of <strong>£1.000-£1.300</strong>.
  2342. </p>
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  2350. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-49dde4d has-24-font-size" id="strong-bariatric-surgeries-price-in-the-uk-strong">
  2351. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2352. Price of Zirconium Crowns in the USA
  2353. </h3>
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  2356. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2357. The price of zirconia crowns in the USA is around <strong>$1.000-$2.000</strong>.
  2358. </p>
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  2369. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-5162fb4 has-24-font-size" id="strong-bariatric-surgeries-price-in-turkey-strong" data-block-id="5162fb4">
  2370. <h3 class="stk-block-heading__text has-text-color stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2371. Price of Zirconium Crowns in Turkey
  2372. </h3>
  2373. </div>
  2374. <div class="wp-block-stackable-text stk-block-text stk-block stk-4992d73" data-block-id="4992d73">
  2375. <p class="stk-block-text__text has-text-color">
  2376. The price of zirconia crowns in Turkey is approximately <strong>$250-$400</strong>.
  2377. </p>
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  2383. <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#00a7ac" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="icon icon-tabler icons-tabler-outline icon-tabler-info-circle">
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  2389. The prices may vary based on specific procedure requirements. Contact us for exact price information.
  2390. <br/></span></p>
  2391. <a id="11" name="11"></a><h3>Why Is Zirconium Crowns Cheaper in Turkey?</h3>
  2392. <p><span>One of the main considerations before traveling abroad for a zirconium crown is the cost-effectiveness of the whole process. Many patients think that when they add flight tickets and hotel expenses to their zirconium crown costs, it will become very expensive to travel, which is not true. Contrary to popular belief, round-trip flight tickets to Turkey for a zirconium crown can be booked very affordably.</span></p>
  2393. <p>In this case, assuming you are staying in Turkey for your zirconium crown, your total travel expense of flight tickets and accommodation will only cost less than any other developed country, which is nothing compared to the amount that you are saving. The question “<b>Why is a zirconium crown cheaper in Turkey?</b>” is so common among patients or people simply curious about getting their medical treatment in Turkey. When it comes to zirconium crown prices in Turkey, there are 3 factors allowing for cheaper prices:</p>
  2394. <p><span>The currency exchange is favorable for whoever looking for zirconium crown has a euro, dollar, or pound;</span></p>
  2395. <p><span>The lower cost of living and cheaper overall medical expenses such as zirconium crown;</span></p>
  2396. <p><span>For zirconium crown, incentives are given by the Turkish Government to medical clinics working with international clients;</span></p>
  2397. <p><span>All these factors allow for cheaper zirconium crown prices, but let’s be clear, these prices are cheaper for people with strong currencies (as we said, euro, dollar, Canadian dollar, pound, etc).</span></p>
  2398. <p><span>Every year, thousands of patients from all over the world come to Turkey to get a zirconium crown. The success of the healthcare system has increased in recent years, especially for zirconium crowns. It’s easy to find well-educated and English-speaking medical professionals in Turkey for all kinds of medical treatment, such as a zirconium crown.</span></p>
  2399. <img srcset=" 3659w, 3061w, 2561w, 2142w, 1792w, 1500w, 1255w,  32w" onload="window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){if(!(size=getBoundingClientRect().width))return;onload=null;sizes=Math.ceil(size/window.innerWidth*100)+'vw';});" sizes="1px" src="" width="3659" height="2119" alt="Zirconium crown turkiye" title="Zirconium crown turkiye" class="fit-cover">
  2400. <a id="12" name="12"></a><h2>Why Choose Turkey Zirconium Crowns?</h2>
  2401. <p>Turkey is a common choice among international patients seeking an advanced zirconium crown. Turkey’s health procedures are safe and effective, with a high success rate, like the zirconium crown. The increasing demand for high-quality zirconium crowns at affordable prices has made Turkey a popular medical travel destination. In Turkey, zirconium crowns are performed by highly experienced and trained doctors with the most advanced technology in the world. <b>Zirconium crowns Turkey </b>are done in Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, and other major cities. The reasons for choosing zirconium crown in Turkey are as follows:</p>
  2402. <p><b>High-quality hospitals</b>: Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospitals have dedicated zirconium crown units that are specially designed for patients. International and national strict protocols provide effective and successful zirconium crown for patients in Turkey.</p>
  2403. <p><b>Qualified experts</b>: The expert teams include nurses and specialist doctors, together to carry out the zirconium crown according to the patient’s needs. All the included doctors are highly experienced in performing zirconium crowns.</p>
  2404. <p><b>Affordable price</b>: The cost of zirconium crown in Turkey is affordable compared to Europe, the USA, the UK, Singapore, Australia, etc.</p>
  2405. <p><b>The high success rate</b>: Highly experienced specialists, the best available technology, and stringently followed safety guidelines for post-operative care of the patient, resulting in a high success rate for zirconium crowns in Turkey.</p>
  2406. <a id="13" name="13"></a><h3>Is Zirconium Crowns Turkey Safe?</h3>
  2407. <p>Did you know Turkey is one of the most visited destinations for zirconium crowns in the world? It is ranked as one of the most popular tourist destinations for zirconium crowns. Over the years, it has also come to be a very popular medical tourism destination, with many tourists coming in for <b>zirconium crowns Turkey</b>. There are so many reasons why Turkey stands out as a leading destination for zirconium crown. Because Turkey is both safe and easy to travel to, with a regional airport hub and flight connections to pretty much everywhere, it is preferred for zirconium crown.</p>
  2408. <p><span>The best hospitals in Turkey have experienced medical staff and specialists who have performed thousands of medical services such as zirconium crowns. All procedures and coordination related to zirconium crowns are controlled by the Ministry of Health in accordance with the law. Over many years, the greatest progress in medicine has been observed in the field of zirconium crowns. Turkey is known among foreign patients for its great opportunities in the area of zirconium crown.</span></p>
  2409. <p><span>To emphasize, besides the price itself, the key factor in selecting a destination for a zirconium crown is certainly the standard of medical services, the hospital staff’s high level of expertise, hospitality, and the safety of the country.</span></p>
  2410. <a id="14" name="14"></a><h3>All Inclusive Packages for Zirconium Crown in Turkey</h3>
  2411. <p>Healthy Türkiye offers all inclusive packages for zirconium crown in Turkey at much lower prices. Extremely professional and experienced doctors and technicians carry out the high quality zirconium crown. The cost of a zirconium crown in European countries can be quite expensive, especially in the UK. Healthy Türkiye provides cheap all-inclusive packages for a long and short stay of<b> zirconium crown in Turkey</b>. Because of many factors, we can provide you with many opportunities for your zirconium crown in Turkey.</p>
  2412. <p><span>The price of a zirconium crown differs from other countries due to medical fees, staff labor prices, exchange rates, and market competition. You can save much more on a zirconium crown in Turkey compared to other countries. When you purchase the zirconium crown all-inclusive package with Healthy Türkiye, our healthcare team will present a list of hotels for you to choose from. In zirconium crown travel, you will have the price of your stay included in the all-inclusive package cost.</span></p>
  2413. <p>In Turkey, when you purchase <b>zirconium crown all inclusive packages</b> through Healthy Türkiye, you will always receive VIP transfers. These are provided by Healthy Türkiye, which has contracted with highly qualified hospitals in Turkey for zirconium crowns. The Healthy Türkiye teams will organize everything about the zirconium crown for you and have you picked up from the airport and safely brought to your accommodation. Once settled in the hotel, you will be transferred to and from the clinic or hospital for zirconium crown. After your zirconium crown has been successfully completed, the transfer team will return you to the airport in time for your flight home. In Turkey, all packages of zirconium crown can be arranged upon request, which relaxes the minds of our patients.</p><h4>The Best Hospitals in Turkey for Zirconium Crown</h4><p>The best hospitals in Turkey for zirconium crown are Memorial Hospital, Acıbadem International Hospital, and Medicalpark Hospital. These hospitals attract patients from all over the world seeking zirconium crown due to their affordable prices and high success rates.</p>
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  2417. <img src="" alt="zirconium crown">
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  2419. <div class="wp-block-stackable-heading stk-block-heading stk-block-heading--v2 stk-block stk-cfe134d has-24-font-size" id="frequently-asked-questions" data-block-id="cfe134d">
  2420. <h6 class="stk-block-heading__text stk-block-heading--use-theme-margins">
  2421. Frequently Asked Questions</h6>
  2422. </div>
  2423. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion faq-wrapper" data-active-element="none">
  2424. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2425. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Can Zirconia Crowns Be Offered to People With Gingival Disease?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2428. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2429. <p class="faq-answer">There is no case for attaching a zirconia crown after the gingival disease has been adequately treated.</p>
  2430. </div>
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  2432. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2433. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Is It Likely That a Zirconia Crown Can Break or Be Dislodged?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2436. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2437. <p class="faq-answer">Zirconia crowns might crack or break in the event of excessive or adverse force. However, the possibility of breaking or cracking is similar to the possibility of breaking a natural tooth. These problems can be taken care of at our clinics and hospitals. Zirconia crowns might fall out if the natural The teeth supporting them decay. In such conditions, the tooth is treated where possible, and the crown is again cemented in place.</p>
  2438. </div>
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  2440. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2441. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>How Much Tooth Loss Is Required During the Process?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2444. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2445. <p class="faq-answer">As with the preparation for fitting a porcelain crown with a metal alloy base, the surface of the natural tooth is ground down by about 1-2 mm, with the loss of material being a bit higher than when fitting a porcelain laminate.</p>
  2446. </div>
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  2448. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2449. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Is the Zirconium Crown Procedure Painful?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2452. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2453. <p class="faq-answer">The procedure is done under a local anesthetic. A temporary crown, matching the patient’s own teeth, is then attached to prevent sensitivity to cold or hot. A few patients may experience mild tingling during the procedure, but the procedure is generally completed without problems.</p>
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  2456. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2457. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Are There Any Aesthetic Problems Experienced During Treatment?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2460. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2461. <p class="faq-answer">A temporary zirconium crown will be attached to the front teeth in a similar design to the final permanent zirconia crown. This temporary crown is made of acrylic material and is not overly strong. However, the color match and shape will be very satisfactory.</p>
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  2464. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2465. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Who Can Get Zirconia Crowns?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2468. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2469. <p class="faq-answer">A zirconium crown may be applied to anyone who has enough abutment teeth or meets implant surgery requirements.</p>
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  2473. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>How Many Days Does the Zirconia Crown Procedure Take in Turkey?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2476. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2477. <p class="faq-answer">The zirconium crown procedure is a treatment completed within an average of 1 week in Turkey. The whole treatment process can be accomplished in four sessions.</p>
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  2480. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2481. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>How Long Do Zirconium Crowns Last?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2484. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2485. <p class="faq-answer">The average lifespan of a zirconia crown is around ten years. Regular checks and attention to oral hygiene, this period of up to 20-25 years.</p>
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  2488. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2489. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Can Zirconia Crowns be Applied in the Treatment of Crooked Teeth?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2492. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2493. <p class="faq-answer">Zirconia crowns are commonly applied in the treatment of crooked teeth in Turkey. In a condition where orthodontic treatment is not preferred, porcelain teeth with zirconium substructure are used.</p>
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  2496. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2497. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>How Do I Take Care of My Zirconium Tooth?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2500. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2501. <p class="faq-answer">The maintenance of zirconia porcelain is not different from that of normal teeth. Likewise, we must brush our zirconium teeth.</p>
  2502. </div>
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  2504. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2505. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Is a Zirconia Crown Applied To A Single Tooth?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
  2506. </div>
  2507. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content-wrapper">
  2508. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content">
  2509. <p class="faq-answer">In cases of discoloration, breakage, or decay, a zirconia crown might be applied to a single tooth, and teeth in the same color and tone as other natural teeth can be made.</p>
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  2512. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-wrapper">
  2513. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Does Zirconium Crown Smell in the Mouth?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
  2514. </div>
  2515. <div class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__content-wrapper">
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  2517. <p class="faq-answer">A properly made zirconia crown does not cause any odor if the teeth are taken care of for oral hygiene and care.</p>
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  2521. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>Does the Color of the Zirconium Teeth Change?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2525. <p class="faq-answer">If oral hygiene is taken into consideration, and dental checks are made every six months, the zirconium tooth’s color will not change due to smoking or any other cause.</p>
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  2529. <h5 class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header"><a href="#"><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__header-title"><em>How to Remove a Zirconium Crown?</em></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-active"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></span><span class="wp-block-getwid-accordion__icon is-passive"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span></a></h5>
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  2533. <p class="faq-answer">The zirconium crown that requires to be removed for any reason can be cut with a special burs and extracted without damaging the natural tooth.</p>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda