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  39.        <p><strong>NEW OWNERS - RICHARD AND ROBIN MADSON are excited to bring you the farm experience. Watch for their GRAND OPENING - coming soon!!</strong></p>
  40.        <p><strong>Welcome to the traditional world of Heritage Farm Toys! Hand-crafted, wooden toy barns, machine sheds and chicken coops created for that special loved one!</strong></p>
  41.        <p></p>
  42.        <p><strong>These authentic looking wood farm toys are built to last! Our goal is to build a farming world that kids could pass on to future generations.</strong></p>
  43.        <ul>
  44.          <li><strong>Safety</strong></li>
  45.          <li><strong>High quality</strong></li>
  46.          <li><strong>Durability</strong></li>
  47.          <li><strong>Encourage creativity</strong></li>
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  49.        <p><strong>Embracing these classic qualities is what sets Heritage Farm Toys apart from the rest!</strong></p>
  50.        <p><strong>If you're looking for something special for the kids in your life, you have found it! Heritage Farm Toys is the American dream built with pride!</strong>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda