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  4. <title>股市消息</title>
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  7. <title>中國移動廣告服務商大數據集團(OCP.US)IPO定價4-6美元/股 擬籌資1000萬美元</title>
  8. <pubDate>2024-06-29 06:46:34</pubDate>
  9. <author>智通財經</author>
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  14. <title>新勢力崛起!小摩報告:美國散戶期權交易佔比創新高,青睞科技股</title>
  15. <pubDate>2024-06-29 06:45:22</pubDate>
  16. <author>智通財經</author>
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  19. <item>
  20. <enclosure url="" length="60165" type="image/png" />
  21. <title>新股解讀|百望股份:高額轉介費“吞噬”利潤 三年累積虧損近10億元</title>
  22. <pubDate>2024-06-29 05:15:28</pubDate>
  23. <author>智通財經</author>
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  27. <enclosure url="" length="28829" type="image/jpeg" />
  28. <title>新聞付費爭端升級!澳大利亞總理抨擊Meta(META.US)等社交巨頭:傲慢且不負責任</title>
  29. <pubDate>2024-06-29 03:46:33</pubDate>
  30. <author>智通財經</author>
  31. <link></link>
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  33. <item>
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  35. <title>美股消費股遭遇至暗時刻!耐克(NKE.US)暴跌20%創史上最大單日跌幅</title>
  36. <pubDate>2024-06-29 03:16:37</pubDate>
  37. <author>智通財經</author>
  38. <link></link>
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  40. <item>
  41. <title>阜博集團(03738)年度股東大會全票通過決議 授權董事會按聯交所新規回購股份</title>
  42. <pubDate>2024-06-29 02:15:33</pubDate>
  43. <author>智通財經</author>
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  48. <title>普達特科技:半導體設備在手訂單額大增109%</title>
  49. <pubDate>2024-06-29 02:15:32</pubDate>
  50. <author>智通財經</author>
  51. <link></link>
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  53. <item>
  54. <title>英媒深度:爲什麼美股投資者已經陷入「狂熱思維」?</title>
  55. <pubDate>2024-06-29 01:46:03</pubDate>
  56. <author>FX168</author>
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  61. <title>通關美聯儲壓力測試後 華爾街大行紛紛提高派息</title>
  62. <pubDate>2024-06-29 01:45:32</pubDate>
  63. <author>智通財經</author>
  64. <link></link>
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  68. <title>注塑機業務強勁復甦,透視力勁科技(00558)藏在財報裏的成長信號</title>
  69. <pubDate>2024-06-29 01:15:19</pubDate>
  70. <author>智通財經</author>
  71. <link></link>
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