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  37. <pubDate>Sun, 14 Feb 2021 02:00:49 +0000</pubDate>
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  41. <description><![CDATA[Hello Soul Tribe! It’s been too long since I’ve written a blog, so today we are about to change that. I’m personally not feeling well, so whenever I need to rest, writing is the perfect distraction. I honestly get anxious when I’m under the weather because it makes me feel like I’m not accomplishing anything. &#8230;<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href=""> <span class="screen-reader-text">Happy New Year!</span> Read More &#187;</a></p>]]></description>
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  56. <div class="elementor-widget-container"><p>Hello Soul Tribe! It’s been too long since I’ve written a blog, so today we are about to change that. I’m personally not feeling well, so whenever I need to rest, writing is the perfect distraction. I honestly get anxious when I’m under the weather because it makes me feel like I’m not accomplishing anything. There’s always so much to be done especially since Reid and I don’t have much help to do it, and if either one of us is down it feels like it’s hard to keep up. We do need to remember to take breaks because burning ourselves out is never a good thing, so maybe this is the Universe’s way of telling me to slow down. So, I hear you Universe!&nbsp;</p><p>First of all, happy 2021! I’m sure we were all feeling a little relief when the clock struck midnight. I know I did, and although it hasn’t been an easy year so far, I’m filled with hope and gratitude with where the year is headed. It’s important for me to remind myself not look too far ahead into the future, and to focus on the present. I’m so anxious to reach that next level in my career, that I forget that I’m actually doing it. I’m in the process of making all of my dreams come true, even though it’s unfolding in such a unique way that I never would imagine. For starters, I always thought I was going to live in LA my whole adult life (I grew up in New Jersey), but alas here I am all moved into my new rental home in Vegas! It all happened pretty quickly. My family had been encouraging me to consider moving ever since the pandemic hit. Although I heard them, and understood where they were coming from, I wasn’t ready yet. There was still too much to be done in LA, and we were very happy in our home there. I quarantined with KSHMR and was able to work on a ton of music together, not only for his debut album, but for all of my solo records. For those who don’t know, in 2020 I signed a collaborative deal with KSHMR and Reid Stefan to be the executive producers of my pop project. That was a monumental accomplishment for me because I’ve been following his career since he started and was a huge fan. When we started working closely together on his EDM records, I felt comfortable enough to ask him to join my team as a solo pop artist. Even though he said this was an exciting idea from the start, it took a couple months to really lock him in as a solid team member. 2020 was a big year for us to really bond, and get to know each other on a deeper level musically and personally, so that we could all make the best music possible. It was important for me to be in Los Angeles to strengthen that bond, and work relationship so that we had a better understanding of where I was headed as an artist.&nbsp;</p><p>As Reid and I were flying back home to New Jersey for Christmas break, I had an overwhelming feeling that it was time to move on. We had been in our house for three years, and although we loved it so much, we outgrew it. The energy was different, and after a year of working independently we knew that we could do this anywhere. So why Vegas you may ask? Well, during the pandemic Reid started a new business called MyMixLab with Grammy winning engineer, Luca Pretolesi. His studio is located in Vegas, so every month we would travel there to go work with him, and get footage for the site. It became a second home to us, and we absolutely loved it more and more every time we traveled there. When we landed in New Jersey we were telling my mom about how we felt like we wanted to move somewhere, and she suggested Vegas. For whatever reason I still wasn’t picturing my life there, but as the conversation went on it became more apparent that that’s exactly where we needed to be. Not only is Vegas a Mecca of entertainment, it’s affordable, there’s no income taxes, they have an international airport, less people, and a much easier lifestyle to manage. I’ve been in LA for 7 years, I’m 28 now, and let me tell you, it is NOT an easy place to live. In fact, in a lot of ways the more successful we got, the harder it was to manage because I was drowning in expenses for my project while having to save up for an insane amount of taxes and rent to pay. I’m openly admitting that it was incredibly difficult to keep up with, especially when you’re responsible for taking care of so many people financially. I’ve also been focusing on my own project, so the need to do sessions with other writers wasn’t a necessity anymore. It just made the most sense for us to make this decision, and to make the move fast so that we could start focusing on our work again.&nbsp;</p><p>When we landed back in LA we started house hunting immediately, and found the perfect house to rent. It’s been a stressful month going back and forth, but we did it! There’s still a couple things here and there that we are building out, but we have the house set up for the most part and it’s super fun and cozy! We got it just in time to focus on my new single release “Underwater” that come February 26th. This song means the world to me, and my team and I believe in it so much that we are going the extra mile in every aspect to get this right. Anyway, I’m going to write a separate blog focused on “Underwater” because it certainly deserves its own shine. It felt amazing to write again, truly is such an amazing hobby to stay consistent with. You should see the amount of journals I keep! Well, I love you guys, and as always I appreciate the continued support. Until next time! &#8211; KARRA</p></div>
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  67. <title>Welcome</title>
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  69. <dc:creator><![CDATA[karra]]></dc:creator>
  70. <pubDate>Sat, 14 Nov 2020 05:14:39 +0000</pubDate>
  71. <category><![CDATA[Blog]]></category>
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  74. <description><![CDATA[If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a part of my soul tribe family, or at least curious to see what it’s all about. My name’s KARRA, and I’m so many things, but most importantly I’m an artist. I built this site in an effort to collide my world with yours, so you can get &#8230;<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href=""> <span class="screen-reader-text">Welcome</span> Read More &#187;</a></p>]]></description>
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  85. <div class="elementor-widget-container"><p>If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a part of my soul tribe family, or at least curious to see what it’s all about. My name’s KARRA, and I’m so many things, but most importantly I’m an artist. I built this site in an effort to collide my world with yours, so you can get a fully immersive experience with who I am, and the art I want to communicate with the universe. Only recently I have stepped into my own being, knowing and trusting that it was officially time to start focusing on my own solo artist career. I would say if there was one positive that came from the Corona Virus pandemic, it would be that it forced me to look inward and pursue the projects that fulfilled me. It’s easy to lose sight of your original vision when you’re juggling so many different people and opportunities. I think a big distraction most people face when navigating life, is putting everybody else’s wants, needs, and happiness above their own. I’ve struggled with this my whole life. Growing up I was “different”. I felt like I didn’t really belong, and I would constantly get lost daydreaming of being on stage, making insane music videos, traveling the world, and recording in my own studio. I would always tell my family, teachers, and friends that I wanted to be a pop star. I just knew this was my destiny, and that nothing and no-one would stop me from making it happen. I think everyone around me knew I was talented, but it was difficult for them to comprehend the thought of me actually doing it, or what that would even look like. Due to this, I was faced with a lot of doubt and fears that others projected onto me, and let’s face it.. it takes its toll. The mental rollercoaster that you have to strongly withstand everyday to pursue a career in music, or any entrepenuerial venture for that matter, is a wild one. So many times I’ve wanted to give up because I felt like I was floating around aimlessly with no clear direction. What I later realized is that those accumulated experiences is what brought me to where I am today, and have blessed me with the emotions I need to create life-changing art that resonates with the masses. I feel as though my life has been one puzzle, constantly searching for the correct alignment and balance to push things forward. Maybe thats why my parents put me in music and dance classes at such a young age, because they knew how important these ideals where in living a life of fulfillment. The parallels I find within my childhood are entangled through out my adult life, and I can’t wait to open up and share these stories, thoughts, and ideas with you.&nbsp;</p><p>I started to journal religiously a little over a year ago because I felt like something was missing in my life. I had always heard successful people talk about how they wrote everything down on paper, and I’ve always wanted to commit to it but didn’t know how. Like any habit, it takes time, and a little experimentation to find what works best for you. I always viewed journaling as a chore, never really understanding the value in it. Now I can’t go a day without taking some time for myself to reflect, manifest, focus, and acknowledge the gratitude I feel every single day. There is something so incredibly therapeutic about releasing your thoughts, no matter how random or silly they may be, and looking back at it on paper. I never thought to do this publicly, but I think its time! Welcome to my blog, I hope through this journey I can make you feel a little less alone. &lt;3</p></div>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda