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  55. <h4>Cheapest Kamagra</h4>    
  56.                        <p><strong>Brazos Valley Endocrinology</strong> has been providing medical care and education for adult and pediatric (5 &amp; up) patients since 2005. We understand and practice Type 1 diabetes, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal and reproductive medicine making our ability to provide impeccable care unmatched.</p><p>BVEndo is now a <a href="#forms">concierge and out-of-pocket practice</a>.</p>
  57. We offer premium endocrinology services including:
  58.                        <ul>
  59.                        <li>Blood draws as a <a href="#ALR">Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet</a> affiliate kamagra</li>
  60.                        <li>Specializing in insulin pumps &amp; continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)</li>
  61.                        <li>Specializing in the treatment of endocrine disorders in former and current athletes</li>
  62.                        </ul>
  63.                        <p>BVEndo also offers weight management services and programs.</p>
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  66. <h4>Contact BVEndo Today</h4>
  67.                        <p>3312 Longmire Dr<br />
  68.                        College Station, TX 77845<br />
  69.                        Tuesday & Thursday 8am-3pm<br /><br />
  71.                        637 Medical Parkway<br />
  72.                        Brenham, TX 77833<br />
  73. Monday & Wednesday 8am-12pm<br /><br />
  74. 331 N May St<br />
  75. Madisonville, TX 77864<br /><br />
  77.                        Phone: <a href="tel:19792133783">979-213-3783</a><br />
  78.                        On Call / Emergency Only: <a href="tel:19792246628">979-224-6628</a><br />
  79.                        Fax: <a href="tel:9793185720">979-318-5720</a><br /><br />
  80.                        Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 2:30pm<br />
  81.                        Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm<br />
  82.                        Saturday & Sunday: Closed</p>
  84. <p>E-mail us any time at <a target="_blank" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#0a485c4f444e4524786f696f7a7e6365644a6d676b636624696567"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="783a2e3d363c37560a1d1b1d080c111716381f15191114561b1715">[email&#160;protected]</span></a><br />
  85.                        or through our <a href="#contact">webpage</a> 24/7</p>
  86.                        Follow us on <a target="_blank" href="" title="Facebook">Facebook</a> and <a target="_blank" href="" title="Twitter">Twitter</a>
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  103.                        <h4>BVEndo Forms &amp; Information</h4>
  104.                        <p>Please take a moment to read the letter from Dr. Crumpler about BVEndo's concierge and out-of-pocket practice and review the fee information:
  105.                        <ul>
  106.                            <li><a target="_blank" href="BVEndo-Patient-Concierge-Letter.pdf">Concierge Information</a></li>
  107.                            <li><a target="_blank" href="BVEndo-Annual-Concierge-Membership.pdf">Annual Concierge Membership Information</a></li>
  108.                            <li><a target="_blank" href="BVEndo-Out-of-Pocket-Fee-Schedule.pdf">Out-of-Pocket Fee Schedule</a></li>
  109.                        </ul>
  110.                        </p>
  111.                        <p>Print and complete the following forms before your initial visit:</p>
  112.                        <ul>
  113.                            <li><a target="_blank" href="BVEndo-Patient-Information.pdf">Patient Information Form</a></li>
  114.                            <li><a target="_blank" href="BVEndo-Medical-History-Questionnaire.pdf">Medical History Questionnaire</a></li>
  115.                        </ul>
  116.                        <p>Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment is scheduled to begin.</p>
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  119.                        <h4>Insurance Claim Forms &amp; Information</h4>
  120.                        <p>Please be sure to review the concierge information BVendo has provided before using the contact and claims information on the following provider's sites:
  121.                        <ul>
  122.                        <li><a target="_blank" href="">Cigna Medical Claim Form</a> </li>
  123.                        <li><a target="_blank" href="">FirstCare Information</a></li>
  124.                        <li><a target="_blank" href="">Nexcalibur Information</a></li>
  125.                        <li><a target="_blank" href="">Scott &amp; White Medical Claim Forms</a></li>
  126.                        <li><a target="_blank" href="">UnitedHealthcare Claims &amp; Payments</a> &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">Claim Form</a></li>
  127.                        </ul>
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  139. <h2 class="section-title">Meet the Staff</h2>
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  145.                    <h4>Dr. Doug Crumpler</h4>
  146.                    <p><img class="alignleft maroonborder bio" title="Dr. Doug Crumpler" alt="Dr. Doug Crumpler" src="assets/img/Doug-Crumpler.jpg" /><strong>Dr. Doug Crumpler</strong> is a board certified endocrinologist and a fellow of the American College of Endocrinology. </br></br>He studied as an undergraduate at Texas A&amp;M, attended Texas Tech Medical School, performed his internal medicine residency at LSU, and completed his fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. </br></br>He has had Type 1 Diabetes since the age of 13, and specializes in the treatment of diabetes with insulin pump therapy. In addition to diabetes, Dr. Crumpler treats other endocrine disorders, specifically including thyroid dysfunction. He began private practice in 2005.</p>
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  151.                    <h4>Nurse Kelley Crumpler</h4>
  152.                     <p><img class="alignleft maroonborder bio" title="Kelley Crumpler" alt="Kelley Crumpler" src="assets/img/Kelley-Crumpler.jpg" /><strong>Kelley Crumpler</strong> is an Aggie and Buccaneer, Austin native and resident of the Brazos Valley since 2000. She has two sons and is active in local philanthropy, disaster relief, advancing her education and attending all of her children’s sporting events. She is a member of the American Diabetes Association, Endocrine Nurse Society, American Association of Diabetes Educators, American Association of Nurse Practitioners and sits on the board for March of Dimes Brazos Valley and the Advisory Board for nursing admissions at Blinn College of Nursing - Bryan campus.</p>
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  171.                  <h4>Diagnostics</h4>
  172.                            <ul>
  173.                              <li>
  174.                                We use Clinical Pathology Labs, Inc.</li>
  175.                            </ul>
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  178.                    <h4>Referrals</h4>
  179.                        <strong>Chiropractic:</strong>
  180.                            <ul>
  181.                              <li>
  182.                                Dr. Karly Newbern at Aggieland Chiropractic &amp; Wellness Center: <br>
  183.                                <a href="tel:9797038090">979-703-8090</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"></a>                                </li>
  184.                            </ul>
  185.                        <strong>ENT &amp; Allergy:</strong>
  186.                            <ul>
  187.                              <li>Texas ENT &amp; Allergy: <br>
  188.                                <a href="tel:9796936000">979-693-6000</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
  189.                            </ul>
  190.                        <strong>Obstetrics &amp; Gynecology:</strong>
  191.                            <ul>
  192.                              <li>Affiliates for Women&rsquo;s Health: <br>
  193.                                <a href="tel:9796930737">979-693-0737</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
  194.                            </ul>
  195.                        <strong>Ophthalmology:</strong>
  196.                            <ul>
  197.                              <li>Texas Regional Eye Center: <br>
  198.                                <a href="tel:9797740498">979-774-0498</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
  199.                            </ul>
  200.                        <strong>Podiatry:</strong>
  201.                          <ul>
  202.                            <li>Dr. Julie Albert or Dr. Brian Abbey at Brazos Valley Foot Care: <br>
  203.                              <a href="tel:9797766060">979-776-6060</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
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  250. <h4>Contact Information</h4>
  251.                        <p>3312 Longmire Dr<br />
  252.                        College Station, TX 77845<br />
  253.                        Tuesday & Thursday 8am-3pm<br /><br />
  255.                        637 Medical Parkway<br />
  256.                        Brenham, TX 77833<br />
  257. Monday & Wednesday 8am-12pm<br /><br />
  258. 331 N May St<br />
  259. Madisonville, TX 77864<br /><br />
  261.                        Phone: <a href="tel:19792133783">979-213-3783</a><br />
  262.                        On Call / Emergency Only: <a href="tel:19792246628">979-224-6628</a><br />
  263.                        Fax: <a href="tel:9793185720">979-318-5720</a><br /><br />
  264.                        Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 2:30pm<br />
  265.                        Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm<br />
  266.                        Saturday & Sunday: Closed<br /><br />
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