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  57. <p>Domain name free editing add righteous name<br />
  58. &nbsp; Add meaning<br />
  59. Domain name (English: Domain Name), also known as a domain, is the name of a computer or computer group on the Internet consisting of a string of names separated by dots. It is used to locate the computer during data transmission (sometimes also refers to geographical location). Since IP addresses are inconvenient to remember and cannot display the name and nature of the address organization, people have designed domain names and mapped domain names and IP addresses to each other through the Domain Name System (DNS) to make people more familiar. Conveniently access the Internet without having to remember a string of IP addresses that can be read directly by a machine.</p>
  61. <p>Basic Information<br />
  62. domain name</p>
  64. <p>foreign name<br />
  65. Domain Name</p>
  67. <p>inventor<br />
  68. Paul Mockapetris</p>
  70. <p>&nbsp;<br />
  71. platform<br />
  72. internet</p>
  74. <p>Classification<br />
  75. Domestic domain name, international domain name</p>
  77. <p>Features<br />
  78. Unique and unrepeatable</p>
  80. <p>Domain name suffix<br />
  81. .cn, .com, .edu, .top, .gov, etc.</p>
  83. <p>Table of contents<br />
  84. 1Introduction to domain names<br />
  85. 2 Development history<br />
  86. 3Domain name types<br />
  87. 4Domain name types<br />
  88. 5Domain name structure<br />
  89. 6 application steps<br />
  90. 7 Naming rules<br />
  91. <br />
  92. 9 Things to know about domain names<br />
  93. 10Domain name disputes<br />
  94. 11Domain name resolution<br />
  95. 12Expiration date<br />
  96. 13​Security Alliance<br />
  97. Fold and edit this domain name introduction<br />
  98. Collapse domain name definition<br />
  99. domain name<br />
  100. domain name<br />
  101. An item in an Internet address, such as the hypothetical address A string of easy-to-remember characters corresponding to an Internet Protocol (IP) address, consisting of a number of the 26 Latin letters from a to z and 10 from 0 to 9. It consists of Arabic numerals and &quot;-&quot; and &quot;.&quot; symbols and is arranged according to a certain level and logic. Currently, some countries are developing domain names in other languages, such as Chinese domain names. Not only is the domain name easy to remember, but even if the IP address changes, the domain name can remain unchanged by changing the resolution correspondence.</p>
  103. <p>The network communicates and connects based on the TCP/IP protocol. Each host has a unique and fixed IP address to distinguish thousands of users and computers on the network. The network uses a unique and universal address format when distinguishing all connected networks and hosts. That is, each computer and server connected to the network is assigned a unique address. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the IP address of each computer on the network, users must apply for registration with a specific organization, which allocates IP addresses based on the network size and recent development plans of the user unit. The address schemes in the network are divided into two sets: IP address system and domain name address system. These two address systems are actually in a one-to-one correspondence. IP addresses are represented by binary numbers. Each IP address is 32 bits long and consists of 4 numbers less than 256. The numbers are separated by dots. For example, represents an IP address. Since the IP address is a digital identifier, it is difficult to remember and write when using it. Therefore, a symbolic address scheme has been developed based on the IP address to replace the numerical IP address. Each symbolized address corresponds to a specific IP address, making it much easier to access resources on the network. This character address corresponding to the numeric IP address on the network is called a domain name.</p>
  105. <p>It can be seen that the domain name is the name of the organization that accesses the Internet, and it is the address of an organization on the network that accesses the network through a computer. If a company wants to build its own homepage on the Internet, it must obtain a domain name. The domain name also consists of several parts, including numbers and letters. With this address, people can find the required details on the web. Domain name is an important identifier of Internet-connected units and individuals on the Internet. It plays an identification role and facilitates others to identify and retrieve the information resources of a certain enterprise, organization or individual, thereby better realizing resource sharing on the Internet. In addition to the identification function, in a virtual environment, domain names can also play a role in guidance, promotion, and representation.</p>
  107. <p>In layman&#39;s terms, a domain name is equivalent to a family&#39;s house number. Others can easily find you through this number.</p>
  109. <p>Folded domain name origin<br />
  110. The IP address is a numerical identifier used for routing and addressing on the Internet, and it is not easy for people to remember. As a result, the domain name (domain name), a character-based identifier, was produced.</p>
  112. <p>DNS was first invented by Paul Mockapetris in 1983; the original technical specifications were published in Internet Standards Draft No. 882 (RFC 882). Draft Nos. 1034 and 1035 issued in 1987 revised the DNS technical specifications and repealed the previous Draft Nos. 882 and 883. Subsequent revisions to the draft Internet standards basically did not involve changes to the DNS technical specifications. DNS is domain name resolution service.</p>
  114. <p>Collapse domain name structure<br />
  115. A domain name consists of two or more words separated by periods. The word on the far right is called the top-level domain name. Here are several common top-level domain names and their uses:</p>
  117. <p>.COM--for commercial organizations. It is the most common top-level domain name. Anyone can register a domain name in the form of .COM.</p>
  119. <p>.NET--Originally used by network organizations, such as Internet service providers and repair shops. Anyone can register a domain name ending with .NET.</p>
  121. <p>.ORG--is for various organizations, including non-profit organizations, and anyone can register a domain name ending with .ORG.</p>
  123. <p>Top-level domain names whose country codes consist of two letters, such as .cn, .uk, .de and .jp, are called country code top-level domain names (ccTLDs). Among them. Second-level domain names ending in cn are referred to as domestic domain names. The rules and policies for registering second-level domain names under country code top-level domains are related to the policies of different countries. When registering, you should consult the domain name registration agency to inquire about the relevant registration conditions and registration-related terms. In addition to providing registration services for domain names ending in .com, .net and .org, some domain name registrars also provide registration of country code top-level domain names. ICANN does not specifically authorize registrars to provide registration services for country code top-level domain names.</p>
  125. <p>Collapse and edit the development history of this section<br />
  126. domain name<br />
  127. domain name<br />
  128. In 1985, Symbolics registered the first .com domain name. At that time, domain name registration was just emerging, and there were only a few applicants.</p>
  130. <p>In 1993, the WWW protocol appeared on the Internet, and domain names became popular.</p>
  132. <p>In 1993, Network Solutions (NSI) signed a five-year contract with the U.S. government to be the exclusive agent for the registration rights of three international top-level domain names: .COM, .ORG, and .NET. At that time, there were only about 7,000 domain names in total.</p>
  134. <p>NSI began charging a registration fee of US$100 for each domain name in 1994, and an annual management fee of US$50 after two years.</p>
  136. <p>At the beginning of 1998, NSI had registered more than 1.2 million domain names, 90% of which used the &quot;.COM&quot; suffix, and had earned more than 60 million US dollars. Some people estimate that by mid-1999, the company will generate annual revenue of US$200 million from domain name registration fees alone.</p>
  138. <p>On July 1, 1997, as part of the U.S. government&#39;s &quot;global e-commerce system&quot; management policy, President Clinton commissioned the U.S. Department of Commerce to democratize the domain name system, introduce a competition mechanism, and promote international participation. On July 2, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced an invitation to solicit proposals and evaluations from the public, regarding the role of the U.S. government in domain name management, the overall structure of the domain name system, the addition of new top-level domain names, the policies of registration agencies, and trademark affairs. Questions solicit opinions from all parties.</p>
  140. <p>On January 30, 1998, the U.S. government&#39;s Department of Commerce officially announced the &quot;Draft for Improvement of Domain Name Technical Management (Discussion Draft)&quot; through its website. The &quot;Green Paper&quot;, chaired by President Clinton&#39;s Internet policy adviser McGonagall, affirms that the U.S. government will &quot;cautiously and gently&quot; transfer the management of Internet domain names from the U.S. government to private organizations,&quot; the Green Paper said. &quot;It summarizes four basic principles on domain name issues, namely the stability of the transition process, the competitiveness of the domain name system, &quot;thorough&quot; collaboration and civil society, and representativeness that reflects the needs of all international users. Under these principles, the &quot;Green Paper&quot; proposes to form a private, non-profit enterprise to take over the management of domain names, and transfer the domain name management functions of the US government to this joint enterprise before September 30, 1998, and no later than September 30, 1998. The transfer of all management roles will be successfully completed before September 30, 2000.</p>
  142. <p>In June 1998, the Clinton administration issued a white paper recommending that non-profit organizations take over the government&#39;s domain name management functions. The report did not describe how the agency would be funded, but set out some guidelines and recommended the formation of a non-profit conglomerate.</p>
  144. <p>On September 30, 1998, the US government terminated its contract with domain name provider NSI. An existing agreement between the two parties will be extended for two years to September 30, 2000. According to the agreement, NSI will work with other companies to undertake the registration of Internet top-level domain names. NSI and the U.S. Department of Commerce&#39;s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will launch the shared registration system in phases starting on March 31, 1999, and will be fully implemented on June 1, 1999.</p>
  146. <p>In October 1998, ICANN was established, a non-profit Internet management organization. It signed an agreement with the US government and took over the original responsibilities of IANA, responsible for monitoring policies and protocols related to Internet domain names and addresses, while the government adopted a non-intervention policy.</p>
  148. <p>In 2001, at the ICANN conference held in Australia, ICANN, the Internet&#39;s international domain name management organization, passed a resolution to select seven new top-level domain names from nearly 50 applications to meet the needs of the domain name market. The seven top-level domain names launched by the organization&#39;s board of directors are .ero, which is dedicated to the air transport industry; .biz, which is for enterprises; .coop, which is dedicated to business and industry associations; .info, which can replace the .com general domain name; and which is dedicated to museums. .museum; .name for personal websites; .pro for professions such as accountants, doctors, and lawyers. [1]</p>
  150. <p>Collapse and edit the domain name type of this paragraph<br />
  151. domain name<br />
  152. domain name<br />
  153. One is international top-level domain-names (iTDs for short), also called international top-level domain names. This is also the earliest and most widely used domain name. For example, .com represents an industrial and commercial enterprise, .net represents a network provider, .org represents a non-profit organization, etc.</p>
  155. <p>The second is domestic domain names, also known as national top-level domain names (nTLDs for short), which are assigned different suffixes according to different countries. These domain names are the country&#39;s domestic top-level domain names. More than 200 countries and regions have assigned top-level domain names according to ISO3166 country codes, us for the United States, jp for Japan, etc. See details below.</p>
  157. <p>In terms of actual use and function, there is no difference between international domain names and domestic domain names. They are both unique identifiers on the Internet. However, as for the final management organization, international domain names are registered and managed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) authorized by the U.S. Department of Commerce.</p>
  159. <p>Collapse domain level<br />
  160. Domain names can be divided into different levels, including top-level domain names, second-level domain names, third-level domain names, and registered domain names.</p>
  162. <p>Collapse top-level domain<br />
  163. Top-level domain names are divided into two categories:</p>
  165. <p>One is national top-level domain names (nTLDs for short). More than 200 countries have allocated top-level domain names according to ISO3166 country codes. For example, the United States is us, Japan is jp, etc.;</p>
  167. <p>The second is international top-level domain names (iTDs), such as .Com for industrial and commercial enterprises, .net for network providers, .org for non-profit organizations, etc. Most domain name disputes occur under the .com top-level domain name, because most companies go online to make profits. In order to strengthen domain name management and resolve the shortage of domain name resources, international organizations such as the Internet Association, the Internet Addressing Agency, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), after extensive consultations, have established a new top-level domain name based on the original three international general top-level domain names: (com). Seven international general top-level domain names have been added: firm (company), store (sales company or enterprise), Web (unit highlighting WWW activities), arts (unit highlighting cultural and entertainment activities), rec (unit highlighting recreation and entertainment activities) units), info (units that provide information services), nom (individuals), and select new registration agencies around the world to accept domain name registration applications.</p>
  169. <p>Collapse second-level domain name<br />
  170. The second-level domain name refers to the domain name under the top-level domain name. Under the international top-level domain name, it refers to the online name of the domain name registrant, such as ibm, yahoo, microsoft, etc.; under the national top-level domain name, it is a symbol indicating the category of the registered enterprise. , such as com, edu, gov, net, etc.</p>
  172. <p>Fold third-level domain name<br />
  173. The third-level domain name is composed of letters (A~Z, a~z, upper and lower case, etc.), numbers (0~9) and connectors (-). Domain names at all levels are connected with dots (.). The length cannot exceed 20 characters. If there are no special reasons, it is recommended to use the applicant&#39;s English name (or abbreviation)&nbsp; to maintain the clarity and simplicity of the domain name.</p>
  175. <p>Fold registered domain name<br />
  176. Registering a domain name needs to follow the first-to-application-first-to-register principle. Since a domain name is a valuable resource, can it become an object of intellectual property protection? We believe that in the new economic environment,</p>
  178. <p></p>
  180. <p></p>
  182. <p></p>
  184. <p>Domains For Sale&nbsp;<a href="">Premium Domain Name</a></p>
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