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  327. <p style="font-size: 18px;">
  328. New business opportunities open up to participants in citizenship by investment programs in 2024.
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  354. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">T</span>he world’s business elite are legally acquiring a second or even third passport simply by following the correct investment and residential protocol set out by countries offering citizenship by investment programs. More and more countries are opening new citizenship by investment programs, it is estimated that every year, several thousand people spend a collective value of € 2 billion to add a second passport to their collection.
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  360. Citizenship by Investment programs offer you the opportunity to legally acquire a new nationality and an alternative or second passport quickly and simply, without major disruption to your life.
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  366. Applications can be approved in as little as four months, resulting in citizenship for life, a valid passport, visa-free travel and more. The citizenship by investment programs opens up a world of possibilities to high net worth investors.
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  372. Citizenship by investment programs provide a direct path to legally acquire citizenship through an investment or contribution to a nation's economy. Just as you diversify an investment portfolio, you want to diversify your portfolio of passports.
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  378. Learn how you can buy your second passport without red tape and take advantage of some of the following benefits:
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  407. Plan B Against Tyrannical Governments
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  420. Increased Mobility for International Business
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  475. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="What Is Citizenship By Investment Program?" /> </div>
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  483. <div id="What-Is-Citizenship-By-Investment-Program" class="wpb_wrapper">
  484. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  485. What Is Citizenship By Investment Program?
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  495. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">T</span>he citizenship is the relationship between an individual and a nation state whereby the state grants the citizen certain rights, such as the right to vote, work and own property, and in return the citizen accepts the responsibility of upholding the laws and customs of that state. Citizenship by investment is the process of obtaining a second citizenship and passport by investing in the economy of the host country. For the investor, the second passport can be game-changing, and occasionally even life-saving.
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  500. <p>
  501. Citizenship by investment programs legally confer citizenship status faster than traditional immigration processes and do so without requiring investors to put their lives on hold. What makes these citizenship by investment programs legal is the presence of Constitutional Acts that prescribe how an individual can acquire citizenship through investment, and ensure the citizenship granted is for life – meaning no one can revoke citizenship even if government changes in the future.
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  506. <p>
  507. The citizenship by investment programs are not new. They’ve been around for decades, primarily as a way for countries to boost their incomes. St. Kitts & Nevis implemented the first official citizenship by investment program in 1984. Following the collapse of the islands’ sugar industry. Other countries soon followed suit. Canada started theirs in the 1980s and the US and UK began similar ones in the 1990s.
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  512. <p>
  513. The capital acquired through these programs allowed the host countries to invest in their economies, culture and people. Dominica recovered from the damage caused by tropical storm Erika that destroyed 90% of the country with the help of the funds from citizenship by investment program. All the countries reported boost in economic growth, employment and demand in real estate since the inception of citizenship by investment programs.
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  518. <p>
  519. Some of the Citizenship by Investment Programs have invested a lot of time to make their programs more transparent and accountable. This has led to very positive results such as allowing visa-free access to the Schengen Zone which increases the value of these passports even further.
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  529. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Who Needs A Second Passport And Citizenship?" /> </div>
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  537. <div id="Who-Needs" class="wpb_wrapper">
  538. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  539. Who Needs A Second Passport And Citizenship?
  540. </h2>
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  549. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">H</span>aving a second passport is something we call the ultimate insurance policy. There are many reasons to invest in a second citizenship, from personal safety to increased global mobility. Although obtaining a second citizenship and passport makes sense for everyone, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars does not make sense for everyone.
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  555. Whether citizenship by investment is the right option for you, depends on the amount of wealth you’ll be protecting with it. Normally, our clients have values above € 3 million to protect against governments and other threats to their prosperity.
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  560. <p>
  561. The benefits of a second passport in business are many, although freedom of travel, asset protection and no taxation are the main reasons. Most citizenship by investment programs are available to the family members of the main applicant.
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  566. <p>
  567. This means that investors can secure a better future for their spouse and children. Second citizenships offer access to world-class health care, education and an improved lifestyle. Investing in a citizenship by investment program can open up access to the best schools in the world for applicants and their children by qualifying them for domestic rather than international tuition fees.
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  572. <p>
  573. Citizenship by investments is a unique strategy to safeguard your future prosperity and security. You may also want an exit route if you have problems in your country. No matter what happens in your home country, you have Plan B and you know you can establish yourself as a citizen in another country with your family.
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  583. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="How To Get A Second Passport And Citizenship?" /> </div>
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  591. <div id="How-To-Get-A-Second-Passport" class="wpb_wrapper">
  592. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  593. How To Get A Second Passport And Citizenship?
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  603. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">T</span>he specifics of different investment citizenship programs vary by country. They allow foreigners to invest in real-estate projects and businesses, buy property, or to donate money directly to a country’s government in exchange for a second passport and citizenship. Each country has a different set of requirements that applicants must fulfill for its citizenship by investment program. For example, some programs require medical examinations and proof of good health, while others do not.
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  608. <p>
  609. However, some requirements are common to all such programs: have a clean criminal record and legal source of the investment funds. All requirements must be met in order for citizenship applications to be approved by the host government. There are several quick investment routes to buy citizenship through investment. The best, easiest, less expensive and fastest option is one time donation payment to Government fund. You will get your money back if the citizenship is refused.
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  614. <p>
  615. You can also invest in real estate and get a citizenship, but it is an expensive route to citizenship. Under real estate, you are required to pay various property taxes, fees at end it will end up more than you bargained for. The Caribbean islands of St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia and Dominica are among the easiest countries to acquire citizenship to as their programs are relatively inexpensive (compared to those of the EU) and residential requirements are a minimum.
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  625. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Citizenship By Investment Vs Residency By Investment" /> </div>
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  633. <div id="Citizenship-By-Investment-Vs-Residency-By-Investment" class="wpb_wrapper">
  634. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  635. Citizenship By Investment Vs Residency By Investment
  636. </h2>
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  645. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">T</span>he Citizenship by Investment and Residence by Investment programs are being offered by a substantial number of jurisdictions and allow foreign individuals to obtain citizenship or temporary or permanent residence rights on the basis of local investments. Both of these two routes will lead to citizenship.
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  650. <p>
  651. Citizenship by investment programs gets you fast track citizenship within months, waiving naturalisation requirements such as residency, military service, language requirement etc. This is one of the main reasons why citizenship for investment programs is the fastest route to a second passport. Austria, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Turkey, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica and Grenada have the most requested Citizenship by Investment programs.
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  656. <p>
  657. Residency by Investment programs (known as 'golden passports' and 'golden visas'), grant citizenship through residency usually takes years of uninterrupted living to naturalise for citizenship. You must also fully integrate to culture, language etc. You may undergo military service to naturalise for citizenship in some countries. Canada, USA, UK, Portugal, Switzerland, Andorra, New Zealand and Brazil have the most popular Residence by Investment programs.
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  662. <p>
  663. Citizenship by investment programs also allow you to pass on your citizenship to your children and this is a benefit that residency by investment programs do not offer. Most programs do not require investors to live or move permanently in the country.
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  673. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Best Citizenship By Investment Programs" /> </div>
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  680. <div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element ">
  681. <div id="Best-Jurisdictions" class="wpb_wrapper">
  682. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  683. Best Citizenship By Investment Programs
  684. </h2>
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  693. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">M</span>any countries offer citizenship by investment programs in order to attract much-needed foreign direct investment. Countries can then use these funds to invest in their own projects, such as real estate development, business development and job creation. Citizenship by investment programs also attract global talent and know-how aimed at boosting the economy.
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  698. <p>
  699. Europe has long established itself as the most sought-after region in terms of high net worth immigration, accounting for over half of the total number of global citizenship applications, with the Caribbean in second place, followed by Asia-Pacific and Africa.
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  704. <p>
  705. Currently, there are dozen of countries that have citizenship programs for investment, they are distributed in Americas, Europe, Caribbean, Africa and Asia-Pacific. The processes for obtaining your second passport through citizenship by investment programs are relatively complex in nature, you will need legal assistance from experts with extensive experience in citizenship by investment programs in offshore jurisdictions.
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  710. <p>
  711. Applicants must have a clean criminal record, and the local government conducts extensive criminal checks with INTERPOL, the International Criminal Court, and various other sources and authorities. The entire process is very delicate which requires a meticulous level of focus on the details and structuring of the investment.
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