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  336. <p style="font-size: 18px;">
  337. Offshore gambling license industry has maintained steady growth each year and the future is very promising.
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  356. The Roar of Freedom
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  363. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">T</span>he success and popularity of online gambling can be attributed to the convenience it offers players. The players no longer have to travel to a casino, bingo room, poker room or betting if they want to play their favorite games. Instead, players can enjoy all these games from the comfort of your own home.
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  369. More and more countries are opening their borders to many online gambling sites that are out there. The fruits harvested today by the online gambling industry originate from seeds planted in 1994, when the new gambling laws introduced in Antigua and Barbuda allowed local businesses to offer gaming services over the Internet.
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  374. <p>
  375. In 1997, the global industry of online gaming was already producing revenues of € 1 billion annually. Today, the figure is closer to € 495 billion and our experts can help you get your slice of this market.
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  381. Learn how you can buy your offshore gambling license without red tape and take advantage of some of the following benefits:
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  410. Protection Of Financial Assets
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  423. Legalize Your Gambling Company
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  437. Reduction Of Your Tax Obligations
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  463. Open a Licensed Gambling Company Without Leaving Home
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  478. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="What Is Offshore Gambling License?" /> </div>
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  486. <div id="What-Is-Offshore-Gambling-License" class="wpb_wrapper">
  487. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  488. What Is Offshore Gambling License?
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  498. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">A</span>n offshore gambling license is a document obligatory for conducting online gambling business. To operate a legal online gambling website you will need to have a offshore gambling license. An offshore gambling license is a document which lets you organize proper functioning of your online gambling company.
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  503. <p>
  504. It guarantees players the reliability of the gambling website and the operator its financial stability. The required gambling license depends on the jurisdiction where your business is licensed and the jurisdictions where your target audience is located.
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  509. <p>
  510. Offshore gambling licenses are issued by respective state authorities, usually gambling commissions. Each country has its own. In many countries, gaming activities are somehow regulated.
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  515. <p>
  516. In countries like United Kingdom there are favorable conditions for gambling business, in Russia it is prohibited, in Italy you need a costly license. Without an offshore gambling license, business has no legal ground, which means that:
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  521. <p>
  522. It is impossible to open an <a href="" title="Offshore Corporate Bank Account" target="_blank" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #C18F59;"><strong>offshore corporate bank account</strong></a> and top gaming providers will refuse to cooperate with you. If you have an offshore gambling license is a document obligatory for conducting online gambling business.
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  526. </div>
  527. <p>
  528. Once you get an offshore gambling license, you can successfully start and develop your online gaming project, be it an online casino, lottery, bingo, sportsbook, or a Bitcoin casino.
  529. </p>
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  538. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Offshore Gambling License Cost" /> </div>
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  546. <div id="Cost" class="wpb_wrapper">
  547. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  548. Offshore Gambling License Cost
  549. </h2>
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  558. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">T</span>he initial gambling licensing costs, ongoing licensing costs, maintenance costs, availability of ancillary services and tax costs and benefits will be critical when choosing the jurisdiction to base your business on Online Casino, eSports, Poker, Sports Betting, Lotto, Bingo, Horseracing, Bitcoin Casino, Fantasy Sports or Games of Skill.
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  563. <p>
  564. These regulated businesses are perceived by players as safe and reliable, making them more attractive in a market that moves more than € 490 billion annually. If you want to start an online poker room, online casino or sports betting site, you must have an appropriate online gambling license.
  565. </p>
  566. <div class="vc_empty_space" style="height: 23px">
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  568. </div>
  569. <p>
  570. These offshore gambling licenses ensure that the operations of your business are legal and provide more credibility to online gambling sites. Offshore gambling licensing provides players with a level of trust and as such enhances the chances of success for the business.
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  574. </div>
  575. <p>
  576. Virtually all banks require some form of offshore gambling license in order to set up a Bank Account for your business ensuring your business is legally compliant. You will not be able to set up merchant accounts and other payment processing accounts to receive payments from customers via bank cards and accounts without some form of offshore gambling license.
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  586. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Offshore Gambling License For Asset Protection" /> </div>
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  594. <div id="Asset-Protection" class="wpb_wrapper">
  595. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  596. Offshore Gambling License For Asset Protection
  597. </h2>
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  606. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">Y</span>our offshore gambling company may offer other benefits that can be considered as privacy, diversification, and asset protection. This type of insurance is invaluable to investors and their families. The growing lack of privacy and political instability in many nations are some of the main reasons for having part of their wealth discreetly maintained through an offshore gambling company.
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  610. </div>
  611. <p>
  612. It's possible to use the offshore gambling license to form an offshore gambling company, which will become the holder of its assets such as yachts, corporate bank accounts, super cars, private jets, luxury real estate, fine art and other luxury goods.
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  616. </div>
  617. <p>
  618. This is one of the asset protection strategies that many chinese investors are using to protect part of their assets against the communist government of China. You can also use the offshore gambling company to open an offshore bank account without the bank having to report the fact to your home country, giving you greater financial privacy.
  619. </p>
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  622. </div>
  623. <p>
  624. For those coming from a less politically or economically stable region, an offshore gambling company provides a sense of security along with an escape route to avoid political persecution or conflict in war-torn areas.
  625. </p>
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  634. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Offshore Gambling License For Tax Optimization" /> </div>
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  642. <div id="Tax-Optimization" class="wpb_wrapper">
  643. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  644. Offshore Gambling License For Tax Optimization
  645. </h2>
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  654. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">I</span>f you are a high net worth individual (HNWI), choosing the right offshore gambling license can help you save tens of millions of dollars in taxes each year. In determining the best jurisdiction to purchase an offshore gambling license, you need to analyze not only the cost of the license, but also the jurisdictional tax system.
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  658. </div>
  659. <p>
  660. In some jurisdictions, the gambling license may be low cost but the ongoing taxes that you will have to pay annually can be debilitating. When you select a venue for offshore gambling license, be sure to keep the cost of licensing and taxation in mind.
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  665. <p>
  666. In some jurisdictions you will find the following tax benefits: tax exemption on profits, no obligation to provide annual accounting and no obligation to perform audits. An offshore gambling license from somewhere with a less-aggressive tax system can come in handy if your country of citizenship’s tax system becomes unwieldy.
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  669. <span class="vc_empty_space_inner"></span>
  670. </div>
  671. <p>
  672. It therefore makes perfect sense to procure the offshore gambling license of another, more tax friendly country that will give you the opportunity to utilize their banking systems and tax shelters.
  673. </p>
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  682. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Offshore Gambling License For International Business" /> </div>
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  690. <div id="International-Business" class="wpb_wrapper">
  691. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  692. Offshore Gambling License For International Business
  693. </h2>
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  701. <div class="wpb_wrapper">
  702. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">A</span>lthough you can purchase any offshore gambling license, bettors are correctly concerned about the safety and legitimacy of gambling companies. Most players analyze the reliability of a gambling wesite in a few seconds. They look for a seal from a trusted regulator exposed on the main page of the gambling company's website.
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  707. <p>
  708. This helps players check if they are in front of a reputable offshore gambling company, otherwise they will not leave without making deposits. If your goal is to establish a good reputation for your offshore gambling company in the international market, the first thing to look for is an offshore gambling license from a reputable jurisdiction.
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  712. </div>
  713. <p>
  714. If your offshore gambling license does not allow trade to North America or Europe, you are seriously limited in your ability to conduct business in many of the world's largest economies.
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  719. <p>
  720. For international business, the best offshore gambling license is that of countries with high reputation and that facilitates their access to customers in most countries of the world.
  721. </p>
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  729. <div class="mkd-separator-icon">
  730. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="How To Get An Offshore Gambling License" /> </div>
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  738. <div id="How-To-Get-An-Offshore-Gambling-License" class="wpb_wrapper">
  739. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  740. How To Get An Offshore Gambling License?
  741. </h2>
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  750. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">O</span>ffshore gambling has proven to be an incredibly popular and profitable business model. With the rapid expansion of the industry a number of forward thinking governments worldwide set up regulatory framework to facilitate the licensing of offshore gambling operations.
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  752. <div class="vc_empty_space" style="height: 23px">
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  754. </div>
  755. <p>
  756. You will need an online gaming license issued by the gaming regulatory authority in the jurisdiction where your company is registered. Depending on where your customers are located you may need to obtain a license from gaming regulators in several jurisdictions.
  757. </p>
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  760. </div>
  761. <p>
  762. You may need a license to target customers in certain jurisdictions. Most countries have their own local laws that deal with the relevant legal and regulatory issues. These laws can vary wildly from one region to the next, which means that what’s legal and what’s not depends entirely on where you live.
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  766. </div>
  767. <p>
  768. A jurisdiction can allow legal gambling in brick and mortar casinos and place restrictions on online gambling. Certain jurisdictions may also prohibit all types of gambling while others allow gambling only online.
  769. </p>
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  772. </div>
  773. <p>
  774. Many leading remote gaming operators implement IT structures to restrict access to players from countries where online gaming is illegal.
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  779. <p>
  780. These systems block IPs in certain locations from accessing the gaming site.
  781. </p>
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  790. <img width="56" height="38" src="" class="attachment-full" alt="Best Jurisdictions For Your Offshore Gambling License" /> </div>
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  798. <div id="Best-Jurisdictions" class="wpb_wrapper">
  799. <h2 style="font-size: 33px;">
  800. Best Jurisdictions For Your Offshore Gambling License
  801. </h2>
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  809. <div class="wpb_wrapper">
  810. <p><span class="mkd-dropcaps mkd-normal" style="color: #c18f59">I</span>n many cases, the best offshore gambling license jurisdiction will be the one you can afford. The one with the lowest capital requirement vs the reputation of the country on the world stage. If you are considering forming an offshore gambling company or filing for an offshore gambling license, you need to be ready for a lot of red tape, a significant vetting process.
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  814. </div>
  815. <p>
  816. Legislation is constantly being revised so it is an onerous task to keep up to date with all the information. The processes of setting up your offshore gambling company are relatively complex in nature, you will need legal and accounting assistance from experts with extensive experience in establishing gambling companies in offshore jurisdictions.
  817. </p>
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  820. </div>
  821. <p>
  822. This is an extensive procedure which involves submitting proof of identity, proof of income, proof of knowledge of banking, in-depth background checks, and so on. But you don't have to waste time with hotel reservations, tiring trips, visits to various tax agencies or dealing with all the paperwork.
  823. </p>
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  825. <span class="vc_empty_space_inner"></span>
  826. </div>
  827. <p>
  828. <strong>
  829. Access the world's largest P2P Offshore Marketplace and find the best Offshore Service Providers (OSPs) to help you obtain an offshore gambling license in 35+ jurisdictions:
  830. </strong>
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