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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="utf-8" />
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  9. <title>抱歉!找不到您要瀏覽的網頁... | FanPiece</title>
  10. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/global.css" />
  11. <style>
  12. body {min-width:320px;}
  13. .inner{
  14. width:300px;padding:50px 10px;
  15. text-align:center;
  16. }
  17. .logo-icon{
  18. width:255px;
  19. margin-bottom:20px;
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  21. #error-message{
  22. width:280px;
  23. padding:10px;
  24. text-align:left;
  25. }
  26. @media (min-width: 321px) {
  27. .inner{
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  36. <body>
  38. <div id="content">
  39. <div class="inner">
  40. <div class="icon logo-icon"></div>
  41. <div id="error-message" class="box">
  42. <h1>抱歉!找不到您要瀏覽的網頁...</h1>
  43. <div style="margin:15px 1px;">
  44. <b>產生錯誤的可能原因:</b>
  45. <ul style="list-style: disc inside none;">
  46. <li>輸入錯誤</li>
  47. <li>也許網址已經更改或該網頁已被刪除</li>
  48. </ul>
  49. </div>
  50. <div>
  51. <p>請檢查網址是否正確,5 秒後自動前往 <a href="">FanPiece 首頁</a> 瀏覽其他精彩內容!</a></p>
  52. <script>setTimeout('window.location = ""', 5000)</script>
  53. </div>
  54. </div>
  55. </div>
  56. </div>
  57. </body>
  58. </html>
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