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  31. <title>5 fashion tips to show off your antique jewelry</title>
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  35. <pubDate>Tue, 07 Feb 2023 05:28:30 +0000</pubDate>
  36. <category><![CDATA[Jewellery]]></category>
  37. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  39. <description><![CDATA[<p>142 ViewsCollecting ancient gems is good. But it&#8217;s even better to find a way to update them. To achieve this, you can use them to create a well-defined look. This allows you at the same time to enrich your style of dress. So how do you showcase your old jewelry? Combine your old jewelry with [&#8230;]</p>
  40. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">5 fashion tips to show off your antique jewelry</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  41. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 142</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;">Collecting ancient gems is good. But it&#8217;s even better to find a way to update them. To achieve this, you can use them to create a well-defined look. This allows you at the same time to enrich your style of dress. So how do you showcase your old jewelry?</p>
  42. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Combine your old jewelry with a modern look</h3>
  43. <p style="text-align: justify;">If you want to combine a modern look with antique jewelry , prefer those in gold. These are not the only ones that can be used. But gold being a timeless precious metal, you will find it easy to achieve your goal. <a href=""><strong>Gold jewelry</strong> </a>is not just luxury jewelry . They are also treasures that do not tarnish and which reflect an image of nobility. If the jewelry you have is discreet, you can wear it without moderation. For example, a fine old bracelet can be used in all circumstances: street wear, parties, etc.</p>
  44. <p style="text-align: justify;">For slightly more extravagant gold jewellery, it would be ideal to wear them at high-class events. It may be, for example, an  old style cuff  bracelet or even old  Creole style earrings . If you don&#8217;t mind being the center of attention, you can use them on your casual looks. Golden clothes sewn in fluid and shiny fabrics (silk and satin) bring a certain grace to gold jewelry . But if you are a fan of discretion, cotton and other soft materials (velvet for example) will be perfect in sober colors.</p>
  45. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Highlight your old jewelry with a vintage look</h3>
  46. <p style="text-align: justify;">The vintage look is easiest to achieve with old jewelry. Indeed, the term vintage alludes to clothing and fashion accessories from the old days. You have the choice between the total vintage look and the partially vintage look. Regarding the first option, the real challenge remains the constitution of a look in accordance with current fashion. To meet it, vintage stores offer you many wonders that would go perfectly with your unique jewelry .  As for the option of the partial vintage look, the combinations will be easier to achieve.</p>
  47. <p style="text-align: justify;">For example, you can copy the style of Marylin Monroe. For this, an old high-waisted jeans will allow you to build a whole range of casual sets. In order to decorate them, nothing better than an old jewel of your choice. The chunky cable knit cardigan will be great for your winter looks. Both elegant and anti-fresh, it is suitable for a relaxed style. Don&#8217;t forget to take a look at tweed and gingham skirts. These two treasures are reminiscent of a “schoolgirl” style. You can sublimate them with old luxury jewelry such as necklaces and pearl necklaces.</p>
  48. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Showcase your vintage jewelry at a wedding</h3>
  49. <p style="text-align: justify;">Generally, when it comes to creating wedding looks with antique jewelry , we tend to think of the bride and the pearls. But vintage jewelry can also be used to show off bridesmaids. In general, only one typical dress is chosen for all the ladies. If you are one, vintage jewelry can help you stand out from the crowd. The jewel chosen will depend on the shape of the dress. An  antique necklace is best suited to a dress with an open neckline. An  old bracelet and old earrings are preferable when the neckline is closed. An old ringis  also a good way to make a bridesmaid look unique.</p>
  50. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Pair your vintage gems with an offbeat look</h3>
  51. <p style="text-align: justify;">For example, a total leather look matched with an assembly of baroque necklaces will necessarily catch the eye on you. A pair of waders will make everything explosive. You can also combine a checkered (or gingham) shirt dress with large old earrings , long pearl necklaces and an old baroque ring. To complete the set, do not hesitate to combine leggings or semi-opaque tights with a pair of boots.</p>
  52. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Highlight your old jewelry for a birth</h3>
  53. <p style="text-align: justify;">To welcome a newborn, jewelry is one of the most popular gifts: fine necklaces and discreet bracelets. Instead of getting lost in a modern jewelry store, you can spruce up your vintage gems. For example, a long antique necklace in the form of a chain can be fragmented into small bracelets. If you&#8217;re hosting triplets or twins, you&#8217;ll easily get just the right number of bracelets for the children to enjoy identical gifts.</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">5 fashion tips to show off your antique jewelry</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  58. <title>The Ultimate Father&#8217;s Day Gift Guide for Every Type of Dad</title>
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  61. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  62. <pubDate>Tue, 07 Feb 2023 05:17:10 +0000</pubDate>
  63. <category><![CDATA[Gifts]]></category>
  64. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  66. <description><![CDATA[<p>119 ViewsOn Sunday, June 19, father figures across the country will wake up to breakfast in bed and hopefully some goodies. If you don&#8217;t know what to buy your dad, there&#8217;s still time to give him something special. While a &#8220;best dad&#8221; mug is always fine, it won&#8217;t quite cut it as you get older. [&#8230;]</p>
  67. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">The Ultimate Father's Day Gift Guide for Every Type of Dad</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  68. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 119</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>On Sunday, June 19, father figures across the country will wake up to breakfast in bed and hopefully some goodies.</strong></p>
  69. <p style="text-align: justify;">If you don&#8217;t know what to buy your dad, there&#8217;s still time to give him something special.</p>
  70. <p style="text-align: justify;">While a &#8220;best dad&#8221; mug is always fine, it won&#8217;t quite cut it as you get older.</p>
  71. <p style="text-align: justify;">So why not spoil the man you most admire and opt for something he really wants?</p>
  72. <p style="text-align: justify;">To help you out, we&#8217;ve compiled our favorite options that will arrive in time for Father&#8217;s Day.</p>
  73. <p style="text-align: justify;">We&#8217;ve got food and <a href=""><strong>drink gifts</strong></a> for dads who love a snack and drink, grooming gifts for those who prefer to be pampered, and fun, quirky gifts to make him laugh.</p>
  74. <p style="text-align: justify;">Plus, if your father figure is the type to spend their weekends gardening and doing crafts, there are some practical gifts too.</p>
  75. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Food and Drink Father&#8217;s Day Gifts</h3>
  76. <p style="text-align: justify;">Are you buying for a greedy dad? Or maybe your dad likes nothing more than a fancy G&amp;T?</p>
  77. <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr Black Rum Coffee Liqueur</p>
  78. <p style="text-align: justify;">You can&#8217;t choose between a coffee gift and a watered gift? (Photo: M. Black/Guy Davies)</p>
  79. <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr Black&#8217;s new limited edition Rum Barrel Coffee Liqueur is perfect poured over ice, with notes of rich roasted coffee and deep dark chocolate, combined with aromatic spices, caramel brown sugar and sweet raisins .</p>
  80. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser</h3>
  81. <p style="text-align: justify;">The device also comes with two free cups &#8211; one for you, one for dad (Picture: Hotel Chocolat)</p>
  82. <p style="text-align: justify;">You&#8217;ll be the favorite kid if you give your dad a Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser, which brews smooth, whipped hot chocolate in under three minutes.</p>
  83. <p style="text-align: justify;">Make him a cup of tea with your gift to end the perfect Father&#8217;s Day.</p>
  84. <p style="text-align: justify;">Choose your own three curry recipe kits</p>
  85. <p style="text-align: justify;">Choose from a range of authentic Punjabi spice blends (Picture: NotOnTheHighStreet)</p>
  86. <p style="text-align: justify;">Give her the tools to make Punjabi recipes from scratch with these kits, which come with the spices for three curries of your choice.</p>
  87. <p style="text-align: justify;">Kitchen-mad dads just add fresh ingredients and they&#8217;ll be serving up delicious meals in no time.</p>
  88. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">M&amp;S Father&#8217;s Day Pork Pie Gift</h3>
  89. <p style="text-align: justify;">Everything you need for a Father&#8217;s Day picnic (Picture: M&amp;S)</p>
  90. <p style="text-align: justify;">This Father&#8217;s Day Gourmet Hamper is full of snacks he&#8217;ll love, and you can have it delivered to your door.</p>
  91. <p style="text-align: justify;">Edinburgh Gin + Rock Rose Gin Box</p>
  92. <p style="text-align: justify;">Edinburgh Gin is a crisp classic, while Rock Rose is delightfully floral (Picture: Bottle In a Box)</p>
  93. <p style="text-align: justify;">This gift set is perfect for any gin connoisseur, with two premium full-size bottles that can be delivered to them.</p>
  94. <p style="text-align: justify;">It features the perfect double act of Edinburgh Gin and Rock Rose Gin – just add tonic and garnish.</p>
  95. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Father&#8217;s Day Grooming Gifts</h3>
  96. <p style="text-align: justify;">Does your dad spend more time in the bathroom than everyone else, primping and cuddling? Get him something he&#8217;ll use — and love — this Father&#8217;s Day.</p>
  97. <p style="text-align: justify;">Hawkins and Brimble full face box</p>
  98. <p style="text-align: justify;">These look like classic barber products, but contain the modern skincare ingredients you&#8217;ve come to expect in 2022 (Picture: Hawkins and Brimble)</p>
  99. <p style="text-align: justify;">This set is perfect for dads who love an old-school look to their products, but the formulations themselves are anything but. They are paraben-free, sulfate-free and suitable for all skin types (including sensitive skin).</p>
  100. <p style="text-align: justify;">For just £38 you&#8217;ll get a face scrub, face wash, daily energizing moisturizer and eye cream. Plus, you can get 20% off using code GIVE ME20 at checkout.</p>
  101. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">“Ultimate Man” Exfoliating Body Soap</h3>
  102. <p style="text-align: justify;">Bran and oatmeal help exfoliate and cleanse (Picture: Kiehl&#8217;s)</p>
  103. <p style="text-align: justify;">Men often have slightly rougher skin than women, but this can easily be corrected with exfoliation.</p>
  104. <p style="text-align: justify;">Retailing for £18, this soap from iconic cosmetics brand Kiehl&#8217;s removes dead skin, removing dirt and oil as it goes.</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">The Ultimate Father's Day Gift Guide for Every Type of Dad</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  108. <item>
  109. <title>Valentine&#8217;s day gift for men: the ultimate guide to getting it right!</title>
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  112. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  113. <pubDate>Tue, 07 Feb 2023 05:07:52 +0000</pubDate>
  114. <category><![CDATA[Gifts]]></category>
  115. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  117. <description><![CDATA[<p>122 ViewsValentine&#8217;s Day is fast approaching and you are still running out of ideas to spoil your soul mate? Do not panic because you are in front of the ultimate guide to find the gift that will melt his heart on February 14. Whether it&#8217;s for a great romantic, a geek, an aesthete or an [&#8230;]</p>
  118. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">Valentine's day gift for men: the ultimate guide to getting it right!</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  119. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 122</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;">Valentine&#8217;s Day is fast approaching and you are still running out of ideas to spoil your soul mate? Do not panic because you are in front of the ultimate guide to find the gift that will melt his heart on February 14. Whether it&#8217;s for a great romantic, a geek, an aesthete or an epicurean, discover in this file the best men&#8217;s <a href=""><strong>Valentine&#8217;s Day</strong></a> gift ideas for 2023. Onward!</p>
  120. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Valentine&#8217;s Day Gift for Trendy Man</h3>
  121. <p style="text-align: justify;">Do you share your life with  a fan of new technologies , video games or a fan of geek culture? Here, pell-mell, is enough to make pixel hearts light up in his eyes:  Star Wars cufflinks, a Packman piggy bank, a Love box, an autonomous vegetable garden or even a connected flower pot to take care of his plants with the greatest attention.</p>
  122. <p style="text-align: justify;">Need other gift ideas to match your personality? Have you thought about the monthly selections offered by  Wootbox  or  My Geek Box  ? Singly or as a subscription, these marvelous boxes will plunge him back into the geek culture of his childhood. Just get ready to soon share your  home sweet home with Pikachu, Super Mario, the Marvel team and Master Yoda… You have been warned!</p>
  123. <p style="text-align: justify;">The key to a romantic Valentine&#8217;s Day 2023 evening is the  home projector  to recreate the atmosphere of dark rooms at home! Popcorn, an ice cream, a soda, a plaid, and here you are ready for a tender evening for two, just like in the good old days.</p>
  124. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Valentine&#8217;s Day gift for future or new dad</h3>
  125. <p style="text-align: justify;">T-shirts or sweets with a message  from Super Dad,  a pair of trainers  to match baby or even  a baby back carrier  to take your offspring on a ride, there is no shortage of gift ideas to find the  ideal Valentine&#8217;s Day gift for a young dad.</p>
  126. <p style="text-align: justify;">Also, impossible to fall into a carafe with a young or future dad who loves wines and spirits! Ask your wine merchant for advice and offer him  a nice bottle of laying down  from the year of your baby&#8217;s birth. He can keep it preciously for several years or even several decades and open it on an important occasion, such as the 18th birthday or the wedding of your child!</p>
  127. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Valentine&#8217;s Day gift for aesthete men</h3>
  128. <p style="text-align: justify;">A men&#8217;s jewel for Valentine&#8217;s Day  ? Here is a romantic gift idea, which, if it is not the most atypical, remains by far one of the most touching. Ring or bracelet to personalize; in leather, gold or steel, the world of men&#8217;s jewelery has never been as creative  as in recent years!</p>
  129. <p style="text-align: justify;">For those who are looking for a  luxury Valentine&#8217;s Day gift , why not head for  a moment of relaxation  for two? Around a meal with a Michelin-starred chef, in the relaxing baths of a luxury spa or even from the deckchairs of a preserved island in the Mediterranean &#8230; If for you, luxury is above all time spent together , you hold in your hands the best Valentine&#8217;s Day gift for him.</p>
  130. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Valentine&#8217;s Day gift for epicurean</h3>
  131. <p style="text-align: justify;">Does your loved one swear by the pleasures of the table? Make this Valentine&#8217;s Day a gourmet event that lasts over time  by subscribing to a  box of cheese  or box of beer!</p>
  132. <p style="text-align: justify;">If you opt for the cheese version,   the lucky beneficiary will receive  a box of 4 cheeses from a Meilleur Ouvrier de France at home , each month, for a period of time that you have chosen. And to celebrate this Valentine&#8217;s Day 2023, we are offering our new subscribers a starter kit consisting of a beautiful bottle of beer, a card to personalize and a caseology discovery guide.</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">Valentine's day gift for men: the ultimate guide to getting it right!</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  137. <title>4 advantages of integrating live shopping into your marketing strategy</title>
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  140. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  141. <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2023 12:03:33 +0000</pubDate>
  142. <category><![CDATA[Shopping]]></category>
  143. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  145. <description><![CDATA[<p>134 ViewsLive shopping (or live streaming) is coming to France and establishing itself as THE new favorite sales channel for consumers! The marketing strategy offers a unique user experience with an Internet user who now has the possibility of seeing a live and online demonstration of the product he wishes to buy. What is live [&#8230;]</p>
  146. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">4 advantages of integrating live shopping into your marketing strategy</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  147. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 134</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;">Live shopping (or live streaming) is coming to France and establishing itself as THE new favorite sales channel for consumers!</p>
  148. <p style="text-align: justify;">The <a href=""><strong>marketing strategy</strong></a> offers a unique user experience with an Internet user who now has the possibility of seeing a live and online demonstration of the product he wishes to buy.</p>
  149. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">What is live shopping?</h3>
  150. <p style="text-align: justify;">For several years, social selling has been emulated on social networks . Due to the health crisis and confinement, consumers had no choice but to order online. Live shopping is a concept born from digital practice and it goes beyond traditional Chinese Livestreaming.</p>
  151. <p style="text-align: justify;">The videos do not only present a product or a service, but are there to offer personalized remote support and offer valuable tailor-made advice.</p>
  152. <p style="text-align: justify;">Very popular in the luxury sector, the marketing technique is nevertheless within the reach of all brands, e-commerce or physical, small or large and has many advantages.</p>
  153. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">1. Growing consumer demand for live shopping</h3>
  154. <p style="text-align: justify;">If the trend is already well established in China, it is very recent in Europe and is attracting more and more French people. They are 28% to declare their intention to buy and in the category of women under 25, the figure rises to 49%. It&#8217;s a real craze for these streaming videos that is looming on the horizon!</p>
  155. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">2. A unique shopping experience</h3>
  156. <p style="text-align: justify;">The success of these marketing videos can be explained by an increased demand for personalization and humanization of digital channels. Live shopping offers a unique customer experience to buyers by creating links between the customer and the seller. During the lives, it is a relationship of trust that is established. This improves your customer service while increasing your brand awareness online.</p>
  157. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">3. A very profitable marketing strategy</h3>
  158. <p style="text-align: justify;">Live shopping is an (almost) free advertising opportunity with a very high ROI potential. If the younger generation is beginning to take an interest in the phenomenon, 87% of French people have never heard of this digital technique.</p>
  159. <p style="text-align: justify;">There is a huge market to conquer and still very few brands are present on the channel. It is therefore a perfect opportunity to stand out from the competition, at a lower cost!</p>
  160. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">4. Live shopping is a vehicle for engagement</h3>
  161. <p style="text-align: justify;">Building customer loyalty is the most difficult phase in a world where the offer abounds on the Internet. But if your live streaming strategy is well put together, your live event should generate many views and it is very likely that your audience will engage with you for a long time.</p>
  162. <h3 style="text-align: justify;"> 5. How to prepare a live shopping?</h3>
  163. <p style="text-align: justify;">After seeing the benefits of live shopping for businesses, here are the steps to create a digital experience that meets the expectations of your target audience.</p>
  164. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Target the right platform</h3>
  165. <p style="text-align: justify;">Depending on the products you sell, not all social networks have the same relevance. You will need to select the social network most frequented by your target customers. For example, Instagram and Pinterest are the preferred social media for fashion and accessories, while Facebook will be more relevant for the appliance industry.</p>
  166. <p style="text-align: justify;">Do a study of the attendance times of your audience to broadcast your live on the right time slot!</p>
  167. <p style="text-align: justify;">Refine your live shopping upstream</p>
  168. <p style="text-align: justify;">The first tip for successful live shopping is to prepare your digital content in advance so you don&#8217;t find yourself helpless during live streaming.</p>
  169. <p style="text-align: justify;">Then, make your live shopping a unique event to increase its power of attraction. To create buzz around your live shopping campaign, call on influencers. They will promote your event upstream through their publications and thus encourage a large number of followers to come and watch your live video.</p>
  170. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Be responsive and listen to your viewers</h3>
  171. <p style="text-align: justify;">During the Q&amp;A session, respond effectively to all questions and requests from your audience. This is the perfect time to meet your customers&#8217; expectations and assess their needs.</p>
  172. <p style="text-align: justify;">Keep the link after the event with the participants by continuing the dialogue in the comments and make sure you are available when needed.</p>
  173. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Our advice</h3>
  174. <p style="text-align: justify;">Implementing a live shopping strategy is a godsend for your business, provided you are sufficiently prepared in advance. To help you write your content in advance and your future publications, consider contacting our professional web editors  !</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">4 advantages of integrating live shopping into your marketing strategy</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  179. <title>How to choose your wedding dress: 5 steps to find the ideal model</title>
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  182. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  183. <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2023 11:58:02 +0000</pubDate>
  184. <category><![CDATA[Lifestyle]]></category>
  185. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  187. <description><![CDATA[<p>128 ViewsThe time has come ! You finally begin your quest for the ideal dress model, a moment you have dreamed of so much, only you don&#8217;t know very well what to do or where to start, one thing is certain you must find THE perfect wedding dress! The time has come ! You finally [&#8230;]</p>
  188. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">How to choose your wedding dress: 5 steps to find the ideal model</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  189. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 128</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;">The time has come ! You finally begin your quest for the ideal dress model, a moment you have dreamed of so much, only you don&#8217;t know very well what to do or where to start, one thing is certain you must find THE perfect wedding dress!</p>
  190. <p style="text-align: justify;">The time has come ! You finally begin your quest for the trendy wedding dress ,  a moment you&#8217;ve dreamed of so much, only you don&#8217;t quite know what to do or where to start. One thing is certain, you have to find THE perfect model. Here are our  5 tips for finding the piece that will make your heart beat (and that of the gentleman, of course).</p>
  191. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Step 1. According to your personality</h2>
  192. <p style="text-align: justify;">It doesn&#8217;t matter if you&#8217;re a trendsetter, the rule of thumb is to look undisguised. Your dress must above all correspond to your style, the important thing is that you feel yourself. <a href=""><strong>Surfing wedding</strong> </a>blogs and sites like Zankyou for up-to-date news is helpful, just keep in mind that your outfit should also reflect your personality .</p>
  193. <p style="text-align: justify;">The dress should first reflect the natural style of the bride. You can choose a fashionable dress, but if the model does not fit or does not suit you, it will be noticed instantly. To find the ideal piece, let yourself be advised by the designer or by his sellers, while keeping your initial idea in mind. The important thing is not to conceal your personality but on the contrary to affirm it through your dress.</p>
  194. <p style="text-align: justify;">If you are looking for the best wedding dress designer in Paris , we have prepared a guide for you on how to choose the one that will suit you!</p>
  195. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Step 2. According to the fabric</h2>
  196. <p style="text-align: justify;">Many brides quickly put aside the idea of ​​a custom-made dress because they systematically think that a seamstress is more expensive than a store. But the game is worth it, for a tailor- made model , the fabrics are of high quality, this unique dress will fit you like a glove since it is made from your morphology. If you do not consider this option, we advise you to choose a model in store and then customize it . An adjustment at the waist, an addition of lace, a different fabric&#8230; Everything is allowed as long as it reflects your personality!</p>
  197. <p style="text-align: justify;">Being beautiful and feeling comfortable are not necessarily incompatible. If you wear a dress that is too tight, you will not be able to fully enjoy the banquet and you may regret it. It&#8217;s important to keep your goal in mind: to enjoy this beautiful day . To do this, it is important to choose the right fabric .</p>
  198. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Step 3. According to your skin tone</h2>
  199. <p style="text-align: justify;">It is imperative to choose the right shade of white according to your complexion, because all skin types are different. Do not panic, here is the repertoire of the different tones of a wedding dress:</p>
  200. <p style="text-align: justify;">Pure white: a bluish and luminous white. This is the color of communion dresses and is perfect for brides with dark skin.</p>
  201. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Step 4. According to your morphology</h2>
  202. <p style="text-align: justify;">Surely you already have an idea of ​​the model you are looking for, but is this the cut that really suits you? Beyond the love at first sight that one can feel for a creation, you must be aware that it is possible that it does not suit you. Most brides always go to the fitting of their dress with a clear and precise idea, but many of them end up choosing a completely different model. So you know what suits you, here is our guide to dresses and silhouettes :</p>
  203. <p style="text-align: justify;">A rectangular silhouette : avoid tight dresses or straight lines, fluid models and short sleeves. You want to focus on the body of the dress, not the skirt. To lengthen your silhouette, we recommend a V-neck or bare shoulders. With your morphology, it is preferable to eliminate very long skirts with an endless train. To be banned: the square or round neckline.</p>
  204. <p style="text-align: justify;">According to your  build : if you have curves, bet on a princess cut to hide the hips. If you are very thin, choose models with volume in the sleeves or the skirt, depending on the part of the body you want to highlight. Short, three-quarter or long sleeves are ideal because they conceal the arms. In addition, to create volume in the chest, avoid square or V-shaped necklines and focus on the sweetheart neckline .</p>
  205. <p style="text-align: justify;">If you are pregnant : if you are in the first months of your pregnancy, this will not be visible, so you can choose your dress according to your initial morphology. Beyond 4 months, the body changes significantly, so we advise you to choose a model with an empire cut and a fluid fabric, for more comfort</p>
  206. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Step 5. Tip: try, walk and move</h2>
  207. <p style="text-align: justify;">During the fitting , do not remain frozen in front of the mirror. You are advised to walk, sit, jump, dance, raise your arms … If there is a movement you don&#8217;t feel comfortable doing, then it&#8217;s not the perfect dress. You are going to experience a million emotions with it and have to wear it for many hours during which you will not be still, so it is important that this dress is comfortable.</p>
  208. <p style="text-align: justify;">We also recommend that you do not come to the fitting with more people than necessary. Believe it or not, opinions, wherever they come from, always influence and, even more so, when it comes to choosing your outfit for the big day . Take only one or two people you are comfortable with and trust, for example, your mother and your sister.</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">How to choose your wedding dress: 5 steps to find the ideal model</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  213. <title>Everything you need to know about evolving clothes for babies and children</title>
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  217. <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2023 11:51:41 +0000</pubDate>
  218. <category><![CDATA[Clothes]]></category>
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  221. <description><![CDATA[<p>204 ViewsWhether it&#8217;s food, toys or furnishings, as parents we want the best for our little ones. But sometimes, it must be admitted, this search for quality requires a certain budget .  Know that it is perfectly possible to combine quality and financial savings. Do you doubt it? Follow the guide and find out everything [&#8230;]</p>
  222. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">Everything you need to know about evolving clothes for babies and children</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  223. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 204</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;">Whether it&#8217;s food, toys or furnishings, as parents we want the best for our little ones. But sometimes, it must be admitted, this search for quality requires a certain budget .  Know that it is perfectly possible to combine quality and financial savings. Do you doubt it? Follow the guide and find out everything you need to know about evolving clothes for babies and children!</p>
  224. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">What is an evolutionary garment?</h2>
  225. <p style="text-align: justify;">As you know, becoming a parent means welcoming change in all areas of your life. Beyond the affective and emotional nature of family life, you have to be able to meet the material needs of your little ones . And it starts with their wardrobe! From pants, to dresses, to<a href=""><strong> jeans, jumpsuits</strong> </a>or jackets, each piece must be the right size.</p>
  226. <p style="text-align: justify;">The only downside: children grow up at high speed and you constantly have to buy them new comfortable and suitable outfits. Today, children&#8217;s clothing represents the main item of expenditure for French families . We devote no less than 42% of our overall budget to this.</p>
  227. <p style="text-align: justify;">Yet there is a simple way to spend less and save time and energy. Growing rapidly, adaptive clothing is becoming more and more popular with parents. But what is an evolutionary garment? This is a piece specially designed to follow the growth of the child. It grows with him and alone covers several sizes of the traditional children&#8217;s fashion market.</p>
  228. <p style="text-align: justify;">Generally, textile materials are selected for their durability and elasticity. In addition, manufacturers rely on sleeves, belts and &#8220;legs&#8221; that unfold, as well as wide necklines.</p>
  229. <p style="text-align: justify;">Result: instead of buying a T-shirt or a tunic in size 3, 4 or 5 years, you can buy a piece in 3/6 years. You keep it much longer and save time and money , while preserving the environment. Once this method of purchase has been adopted, there is a good chance that you will not be able to go back!</p>
  230. <p style="text-align: justify;">At A Fox in the Moon we know that savings and comfort should not be sacrificed to the practicality of the garment. Our cuts are designed to make your daily life easier: wide necklines, crotch opening and easy maintenance are part of our specifications to help you in an already busy parent&#8217;s life <img src="" alt="😉" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /></p>
  231. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Evolutionary clothing vs classic clothing: what are the differences?</h2>
  232. <p style="text-align: justify;">You will have understood: unlike classic clothes, evolving pieces grow at</p>
  233. <p style="text-align: justify;">the same time as the child. Are you wondering what actually differentiates these two parts of</p>
  234. <p style="text-align: justify;">children&#8217;s fashion? What could be better than a concrete example to understand the specificities of</p>
  235. <p style="text-align: justify;">evolutionary fashion?</p>
  236. <p style="text-align: justify;">Comfortable and practical, the evolutionary sweatshirt Un Renard dans la lune has been entirely made to</p>
  237. <p style="text-align: justify;">follow the growth of toddlers. In the traditional under-6 market, you have to</p>
  238. <p style="text-align: justify;">choose between all the following sizes: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months,</p>
  239. <p style="text-align: justify;">36 months, 4 years, 5 years and 6 years.</p>
  240. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">In addition, the belt and the sleeves unfold as he grows . So you just have to</h2>
  241. <p style="text-align: justify;">adjust them to the morphology of your baby or your child. Let&#8217;s adopt ethical fashion and buy</p>
  242. <p style="text-align: justify;">smart!</p>
  243. <p style="text-align: justify;">Why choose an evolutionary garment for your baby or your child?</p>
  244. <p style="text-align: justify;">More and more parents are choosing to invest in evolutionary clothing for their child or</p>
  245. <p style="text-align: justify;">baby. The majority of them are motivated by the practicality and the economic nature of this mode</p>
  246. <p style="text-align: justify;">of purchase. With such pieces, you no longer need to spend your time renewing your</p>
  247. <p style="text-align: justify;">little one&#8217;s dressing room. On the contrary: you can dress it without the fuss and above all, without breaking the bank.</p>
  248. <p style="text-align: justify;">Scalable clothes fit perfectly into this new vision of fashion . Thanks to</p>
  249. <p style="text-align: justify;">them, you buy less often and significantly reduce your ecological footprint. Note that</p>
  250. <p style="text-align: justify;">designers specializing in sustainable fashion for babies and children favor</p>
  251. <p style="text-align: justify;">timeless and essential basics. From T-shirts, to shorts, through sweaters and</p>
  252. <p style="text-align: justify;">dresses, each piece is made from healthy fabrics, which respect the skin of toddlers.</p>
  253. <p style="text-align: justify;">Scalable harem pants and washable nappies: the winning combo</p>
  254. <p style="text-align: justify;">Healthy, ecological and economical, washable diapers are attracting a growing number of</p>
  255. <p style="text-align: justify;">mums and dads. Before taking advantage of their many advantages, they must first</p>
  256. <p style="text-align: justify;">select their preferred system, materials and brand.</p>
  257. <p style="text-align: justify;">It should be noted that washable diapers are generally thicker than their</p>
  258. <p style="text-align: justify;">disposable counterparts. Thus, it is not uncommon for parents who use it to have difficulty in dressing their</p>
  259. <p style="text-align: justify;">baby. Classic sizes are generally a little too “right” and not very comfortable.</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">Everything you need to know about evolving clothes for babies and children</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  264. <title>Before you buy hiking shoes</title>
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  268. <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2023 11:42:35 +0000</pubDate>
  269. <category><![CDATA[Shopping]]></category>
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  272. <description><![CDATA[<p>133 ViewsIf it seems easy to give advice, it is much less so to dispense GOOD advice, that is to say judicious&#8230; Personal experience is certainly undeniable but it can in no way be erected into absolute and universal truth&#8230; we do not have the same feet, not the same weight and not the same [&#8230;]</p>
  273. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">Before you buy hiking shoes</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  274. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 133</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>If it seems easy to give advice, it is much less so to dispense GOOD advice, that is to say judicious&#8230;</strong></p>
  275. <p style="text-align: justify;">Personal experience is certainly undeniable but it can in no way be erected into absolute and universal truth&#8230; we do not have the same feet, not the same weight and not the same way of walking&#8230; so what is true for me it doesn&#8217;t have to be for you&#8230;</p>
  276. <p style="text-align: justify;">Our expertise is of course built on our own experience, many paths taken, but much more on the statistical experience of the pilgrims that we have seen pass over the last ten years at the shop, but especially at the lodge: 2000 / year.</p>
  277. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">1) good thick soles above all</h3>
  278. <p style="text-align: justify;">It is first the sole that will make the right walking shoe for THE PATH. Indeed the particularity of the path is that the stages of 20, 25 or 30 km are linked day after day. Unlike a one or two day hike, often on nice trails but not very demanding in terms of feet, if not in terms of elevation and physical effort. On THE WAY, no very big climbs, except at the start of Le Puy or to access Roncesvalles, and later on the approach to O Cebreiro for the Camino Francés. The Camino del Norte is more physical, especially if you take the Primitivo, and the splendid Mozárabe has some nice climbs. On the Way… pebbles, bitumen, climbs, descents, very changing walking rhythms, and this, every day, 10 days, 20 days… And more…</p>
  279. <p style="text-align: justify;">The foot is extremely stressed. If the sole is too light, you will quickly feel it and it will turn into torture to feel the pebbles on a sore sole of the foot&#8230;</p>
  280. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">2) a size and a half more…</h3>
  281. <p style="text-align: justify;">At this rate, walking so many kilometers every day, the foot will quickly lengthen and widen. It&#8217;s surprising, but it&#8217;s also the difference with a one-off hike, especially since there, you have the weight of the bag on your shoulders. So on the feet.</p>
  282. <p style="text-align: justify;">The right measure when trying on shoes is to slide your foot until your toe touches the bottom of <a href=""><strong>the shoe</strong></a>: at this point, you must be able to pass without forcing (too much) your index finger between your heel and the shoe . This is approximately one and a half sizes. One size = 0.5 to 0.7 millimeters, depending on the shoe and the manufacturer… actually it&#8217;s not a lot, and it&#8217;s always better to have bigger shoes than smaller ones…</p>
  283. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">3) avoid shoes that are too soft</h3>
  284. <p style="text-align: justify;">Of the &#8220;running&#8221; type: these are made above all for running and not for walking, it is not the same exercise and therefore not the same technology that is used. Of course it&#8217;s tempting to have a super light shoe&#8230; but you should be able to test them not in a shop on carpet but on 20 km of stony path&#8230; There are pilgrims for whom it suits&#8230; but statistically it&#8217;s the source of the greatest number of problems. Especially since the sole will wear out quickly and the main quality of this type of shoe is not the support of the foot, so we tend to lace it tighter&#8230; the foot is quickly compressed, unlike what we need…: comfort! Our toes in the shoe should be able to play the piano&#8230;</p>
  285. <p style="text-align: justify;">Many walking shoes are reinforced and have an internal reinforcement at the level of the hollow of the arch of the foot so that the foot is less stressed in flexibility and torsion, unlike a shoe made for running.</p>
  286. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">4) low or high?</h3>
  287. <p style="text-align: justify;">In fact, it is not a high shoe that will prevent you from twisting your ankle. Nor a low shoe, a priori lighter, which will prevent you from tendonitis&#8230;</p>
  288. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">The amount of the shoe is first made to protect the malleoli from possible shocks.</h3>
  289. <p style="text-align: justify;">Choose the type of shoes in which you feel most comfortable… the choice is made more in the head than in the feet…</p>
  290. <p style="text-align: justify;">That said, a high shoe will give you a feeling of superior foot support, and that&#8217;s normal because the foot is more wrapped. Conversely, a low shoe will give you an impression of greater lightness and better ventilation… that&#8217;s also logical.</p>
  291. <p style="text-align: justify;">&#8211; For a low shoe: that the heel is maintained and does not come out too much with each step (the heel is less captivating than on a high shoe). That the heel slips slightly… this is normal… since the sole of the shoe is not excessively flexible. It&#8217;s like in mechanics&#8230; it takes a certain play&#8230; let&#8217;s say that for us pilgrims&#8230; it&#8217;s Tolerance&#8230;</p>
  292. <p style="text-align: justify;">&#8211; For a high-top shoe: that the amount of the shoe does not hinder the flexibility of the ankle when rolling the foot&#8230; to give an image: you should not find yourself walking with ski boots&#8230; So, do not do not lace the upper part of the shoe hard (except on a rough descent and do not forget to release afterwards).</p>
  293. <p style="text-align: justify;">Note that there are what are called &#8220;MID&#8221; (average) that is to say semi-rising. The most used shoes on the Way.</p>
  294. <p style="text-align: justify;">In the event of an autumn or winter path, a real high shoe is appreciable in view of the foreseeable bad weather: the foot drier, and above all more suitable for wearing gaiters&#8230;</p>
  295. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">5) length and width of the foot</h3>
  296. <p style="text-align: justify;">If it is easy to know your shoe size, transforming it into Cm… is a little more complex… and what interests us is the opposite exercise: transforming the length of the feet expressed in Cm, into shoe size…</p>
  297. <p style="text-align: justify;">In France, the size corresponds to 3/2 of the length of the foot expressed in centimeters, to which we have previously added a centimeter. Thus, a value of 29.3 cm in foot length corresponds to a size of 45. You will therefore choose city shoes in 46 and walking shoes in 46.5 or 47.</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">Before you buy hiking shoes</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  302. <title>How to choose your wedding dress?</title>
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  305. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  306. <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2023 11:37:25 +0000</pubDate>
  307. <category><![CDATA[Wedding]]></category>
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  310. <description><![CDATA[<p>190 ViewsAs we begin to discover the images of the next wedding dress collections , it will soon be time for next year&#8217;s brides to think about their wedding dress fittings . Searching for the perfect dress is one of the most exciting moments of your wedding preparations, so here are some tips to help [&#8230;]</p>
  311. <p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">How to choose your wedding dress?</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></description>
  312. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class='epvc-post-count'><span class='epvc-eye'></span>  <span class="epvc-count"> 190</span><span class='epvc-label'> Views</span></div><p style="text-align: justify;">As we begin to discover the images of the next wedding dress collections , it will soon be time for next year&#8217;s brides to think about their wedding dress fittings . Searching for the perfect dress is one of the most exciting moments of your wedding preparations, so here are some tips to help you choose the right wedding dress .</p>
  313. <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Make a first scouting</h2>
  314. <p style="text-align: justify;">Get a first idea . On the internet, blogs , Pinterest , look at the reports, and the photos of the collections of different brands, and ask yourself what you like or not. Are you more attracted to flowing lines, a high waist, lace, volume, a low back&#8230;? Create a Pinterest board dedicated to finding your dress (it can be secret if you don&#8217;t want everyone to have access to it) and pin what you like, let all these ideas rest, and come back to it with a clear head for a few days later to remove what ultimately pleases you less than the rest. These pictures will give you a good idea of ​​what you love when it comes to<a href=""><strong> wedding dresses.</strong></a></p>
  315. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">A dress according to the style of your wedding</h3>
  316. <p style="text-align: justify;">Adapt your dress to the style of your wedding . How will your day feel? A fluid and light dress will be more suitable for a wedding on the beach or in the countryside compared to a more ornate, sophisticated, or voluminous dress which will be better suited for example to a wedding in a beautiful Parisian hotel…</p>
  317. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Set your budget</h3>
  318. <p style="text-align: justify;">Whether you&#8217;re in charge of buying your dress, or whether it&#8217;s a gift from your parents, establish the maximum budget for this purchase . To avoid any misunder  standing, but also any disappointment. It would be a shame to fall for a dress well above your means, and to have to choose a dress that you would like less out of spite. There are very beautiful dresses for all budgets, from a few hundred to several thousand euros, you are sure to find the dress made for you .</p>
  319. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Don&#8217;t be too late</h3>
  320. <p style="text-align: justify;">If it is useless to do it too early, at the risk of changing your mind about her dress along the way, be careful not to do it too late. Count between 7 to 9 months, for example, for the making of a custom dress by a designer. Be careful, some houses are taken by storm for appointments, and sometimes have several weeks of delay before being able to welcome you. So, for summer weddings, start your fittings in early fall.</p>
  321. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Top fittings</h3>
  322. <p style="text-align: justify;">Look your best on fitting day. Come with your hair done and lightly made up (to avoid staining the dresses when passing them). Your wedding dress is a unique outfit. If you try on your dress with a little mine, and the hair sad, the result will immediately be less exceptional. On the underwear side, plan flesh-colored pieces, seamless, and a strapless bra, again, this will help you feel better in your dress, and bring with you a pair of shoes whose heel height is roughly similar to that envisaged for D-Day.</p>
  323. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">And when you don&#8217;t make a 38?</h3>
  324. <p style="text-align: justify;">Many brides who don&#8217;t fit “standard sizes” report dreading fitting times . But most designers are able to offer fittings to the greatest number of future brides, and some houses like Maison Floret or Kaa Couture offer models of plus-size wedding dresses. Trust and listening are essential. You absolutely need to feel comfortable , and if not, go look at another house. Fitting a wedding dress does not happen every day, and this experience should leave you with a good memory.</p>
  325. <p style="text-align: justify;">“We have many brides who are not size 38, and I think they are sensitive to the benevolence, the welcome and the advice that we lavish on them. It is always useful to let us know in advance for young women who are afraid of not being able to project themselves into the exhibition model. » Sarah, Maison Floret</p>
  326. <h3 style="text-align: justify;">Keep an open mind</h3>
  327. <p style="text-align: justify;">You pinned the images of the dresses you liked, defined a favorite shape, an ideal line, it&#8217;s perfect! But don&#8217;t be closed to other styles of dresses that might look great on you . You may have fallen in love on paper for bohemian dresses, low waists with lace, while ultimately the empire waist and tulle will suit your figure better.</p>
  328. <p style="text-align: justify;">“Be yourself, nothing more. Your wedding outfits must look like you! We can consider testing things for our marriage, assuming a part of femininity that we don&#8217;t have the opportunity to show every day, but I remain convinced that every woman who is about to commit must wearing her dress as an extension of herself, only better! » Anne, White Cream</p><p>The post <a href="" target="_blank">How to choose your wedding dress?</a> first appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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