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  228. <li><a href="/blog-constructive-vs-destructive-criticism-how-to-handle-it-346" title="Constructive vs. destructive criticism. How to handle it!">Constructive vs. destructive criticism. How to handle it!</a> <span>14 Mar 2024</span></li>
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  401. <td>
  402. </td>
  403. <td>
  404. Type </td>
  405. </tr>
  406. </thead>
  407. <tbody>
  408. <tr>
  409. <td>_ga</td>
  410. <td></td>
  411. <td>It registers a unique ID for Google Analytics statistical data</td>
  412. <td>2 years</td>
  413. <td>HTTP</td>
  414. </tr>
  415. <tr>
  416. <td>_gid</td>
  417. <td></td>
  418. <td>It registers a unique ID for Google Analytics statistical data</td>
  419. <td>Session</td>
  420. <td>HTTP</td>
  421. </tr>
  422. </tbody>
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  431. </div>
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  433. Cookies declaration updated at 05.17.2018 </div>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda