It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn't find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.


  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <title>MediaWiki API</title>
  5. </head>
  6. <body>
  7. <pre>
  8. <span style="color:blue;">&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;</span>
  9. <span style="color:blue;">&lt;api&gt;</span>
  10.  <span style="color:blue;">&lt;error code=&quot;unknown_action&quot; info=&quot;Unrecognized value for parameter &amp;#039;action&amp;#039;: <a href=""></a>&quot; xml:space=&quot;preserve&quot;&gt;</span>
  13.  <b>******************************************************************</b>
  14.  <b>**                                                              **</b>
  15.  <b>**  This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page  **</b>
  16.  <b>**                                                              **</b>
  17.  <b>**                  Documentation and Examples:                 **</b>
  18.  **               <a href=""></a>              **
  19.  <b>**                                                              **</b>
  20.  <b>******************************************************************</b>
  22.  Status:          All features shown on this page should be working, but the API
  23.                   is still in active development, and  may change at any time.
  24.                   Make sure to monitor our mailing list for any updates.
  26.  Documentation:   <a href=""></a>
  27.  Mailing list:    <a href=""></a>
  28.  Bugs &amp; Requests: <a href=";bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;order=bugs.delta_ts">;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;order=bugs.delta_ts</a>
  34. Parameters:
  35.  format         - The format of the output
  36.                   One value: json, jsonfm, php, phpfm, wddx, wddxfm, xml, xmlfm, yaml, yamlfm, rawfm, txt, txtfm, dbg, dbgfm
  37.                   Default: xmlfm
  38.  action         - What action you would like to perform
  39.                   One value: login, logout, query, expandtemplates, parse, opensearch, feedwatchlist, help, paraminfo, purge, rollback, delete, undelete, protect, block, unblock, move, edit, emailuser, watch, patrol, import
  40.                   Default: help
  41.  version        - When showing help, include version for each module
  42.  maxlag         - Maximum lag
  43.  smaxage        - Set the s-maxage header to this many seconds. Errors are never cached
  44.                   Default: 0
  45.  maxage         - Set the max-age header to this many seconds. Errors are never cached
  46.                   Default: 0
  47.  requestid      - Request ID to distinguish requests. This will just be output back to you
  50. <b>*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Modules  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***</b>
  52. <b>* action=login (lg) *</b>
  53.  This module is used to login and get the authentication tokens.
  54.  In the event of a successful log-in, a cookie will be attached
  55.  to your session. In the event of a failed log-in, you will not
  56.  be able to attempt another log-in through this method for 5 seconds.
  57.  This is to prevent password guessing by automated password crackers.
  59. This module only accepts POST requests.
  60. Parameters:
  61.  lgname         - User Name
  62.  lgpassword     - Password
  63.  lgdomain       - Domain (optional)
  64.  lgtoken        - Login token obtained in first request
  65. Example:
  66.  <a href="api.php?action=login&amp;lgname=user&amp;lgpassword=password">api.php?action=login&amp;lgname=user&amp;lgpassword=password</a>
  68. <b>* action=logout *</b>
  69.  This module is used to logout and clear session data
  70. Parameters:
  71. Example:
  72.  <a href="api.php?action=logout">api.php?action=logout</a>
  74. <b>* action=query *</b>
  75.  Query API module allows applications to get needed pieces of data from the MediaWiki databases,
  76.  and is loosely based on the old query.php interface.
  77.  All data modifications will first have to use query to acquire a token to prevent abuse from malicious sites.
  79. This module requires read rights.
  80. Parameters:
  81.  titles         - A list of titles to work on
  82.  pageids        - A list of page IDs to work on
  83.  revids         - A list of revision IDs to work on
  84.  prop           - Which properties to get for the titles/revisions/pageids
  85.                   Values (separate with '|'): info, revisions, links, langlinks, images, imageinfo, templates, categories, extlinks, categoryinfo, duplicatefiles
  86.  list           - Which lists to get
  87.                   Values (separate with '|'): allimages, allpages, alllinks, allcategories, allusers, backlinks, blocks, categorymembers, deletedrevs, embeddedin, imageusage, logevents, recentchanges, search, usercontribs, watchlist, watchlistraw, exturlusage, users, random, protectedtitles
  88.  meta           - Which meta data to get about the site
  89.                   Values (separate with '|'): siteinfo, userinfo, allmessages
  90.  generator      - Use the output of a list as the input for other prop/list/meta items
  91.                   NOTE: generator parameter names must be prefixed with a 'g', see examples.
  92.                   One value: links, images, templates, categories, duplicatefiles, allimages, allpages, alllinks, allcategories, backlinks, categorymembers, embeddedin, imageusage, search, watchlist, watchlistraw, exturlusage, random, protectedtitles
  93.  redirects      - Automatically resolve redirects
  94.  indexpageids   - Include an additional pageids section listing all returned page IDs.
  95.  export         - Export the current revisions of all given or generated pages
  96.  exportnowrap   - Return the export XML without wrapping it in an XML result (same format as Special:Export). Can only be used with export
  97. Examples:
  98.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvprop=user|comment">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvprop=user|comment</a>
  99.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gapprefix=API/&amp;prop=revisions">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gapprefix=API/&amp;prop=revisions</a>
  101. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Query: Prop  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
  103. <b>* prop=info (in) *</b>
  104.  Get basic page information such as namespace, title, last touched date, ...
  106. This module requires read rights.
  107. Parameters:
  108.  inprop         - Which additional properties to get:
  109.                    protection   - List the protection level of each page
  110.                    talkid       - The page ID of the talk page for each non-talk page
  111.                    subjectid    - The page ID of the parent page for each talk page
  112.                   Values (separate with '|'): protection, talkid, subjectid, url, readable
  113.  intoken        - Request a token to perform a data-modifying action on a page
  114.                   Values (separate with '|'): edit, delete, protect, move, block, unblock, email, import
  115.  incontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  116. Examples:
  117.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=info&amp;titles=Main%20Page">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=info&amp;titles=Main%20Page</a>
  118.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=info&amp;inprop=protection&amp;titles=Main%20Page">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=info&amp;inprop=protection&amp;titles=Main%20Page</a>
  120. <b>* prop=revisions (rv) *</b>
  121.  Get revision information.
  122.  This module may be used in several ways:
  123.   1) Get data about a set of pages (last revision), by setting titles or pageids parameter.
  124.   2) Get revisions for one given page, by using titles/pageids with start/end/limit params.
  125.   3) Get data about a set of revisions by setting their IDs with revids parameter.
  126.  All parameters marked as (enum) may only be used with a single page (#2).
  128. This module requires read rights.
  129. Parameters:
  130.  rvprop         - Which properties to get for each revision.
  131.                   Values (separate with '|'): ids, flags, timestamp, user, size, comment, content
  132.                   Default: ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user
  133.  rvlimit        - limit how many revisions will be returned (enum)
  134.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  135.  rvstartid      - from which revision id to start enumeration (enum)
  136.  rvendid        - stop revision enumeration on this revid (enum)
  137.  rvstart        - from which revision timestamp to start enumeration (enum)
  138.  rvend          - enumerate up to this timestamp (enum)
  139.  rvdir          - direction of enumeration - towards &quot;newer&quot; or &quot;older&quot; revisions (enum)
  140.                   One value: newer, older
  141.                   Default: older
  142.  rvuser         - only include revisions made by user
  143.  rvexcludeuser  - exclude revisions made by user
  144.  rvexpandtemplates - expand templates in revision content
  145.  rvgeneratexml  - generate XML parse tree for revision content
  146.  rvsection      - only retrieve the content of this section
  147.  rvtoken        - Which tokens to obtain for each revision
  148.                   Values (separate with '|'): rollback
  149.  rvcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  150.  rvdiffto       - Revision ID to diff each revision to.
  151.                   Use &quot;prev&quot;, &quot;next&quot; and &quot;cur&quot; for the previous, next and current revision respectively.
  152. Examples:
  153.  Get data with content for the last revision of titles &quot;API&quot; and &quot;Main Page&quot;:
  154.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=API|Main%20Page&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment|content">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=API|Main%20Page&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment|content</a>
  155.  Get last 5 revisions of the &quot;Main Page&quot;:
  156.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment</a>
  157.  Get first 5 revisions of the &quot;Main Page&quot;:
  158.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvdir=newer">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvdir=newer</a>
  159.  Get first 5 revisions of the &quot;Main Page&quot; made after 2006-05-01:
  160.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvdir=newer&amp;rvstart=20060501000000">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvdir=newer&amp;rvstart=20060501000000</a>
  161.  Get first 5 revisions of the &quot;Main Page&quot; that were not made made by anonymous user &quot;;
  162.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvexcludeuser=">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvexcludeuser=</a>
  163.  Get first 5 revisions of the &quot;Main Page&quot; that were made by the user &quot;MediaWiki default&quot;
  164.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvuser=MediaWiki%20default">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=revisions&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;rvlimit=5&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&amp;rvuser=MediaWiki%20default</a>
  166. <b>* prop=links (pl) *</b>
  167.  Returns all links from the given page(s)
  169. This module requires read rights.
  170. Parameters:
  171.  plnamespace    - Show links in this namespace(s) only
  172.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  173.  pllimit        - How many links to return
  174.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  175.                   Default: 10
  176.  plcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  177. Examples:
  178.  Get links from the [[Main Page]]:
  179.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=links&amp;titles=Main%20Page">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=links&amp;titles=Main%20Page</a>
  180.  Get information about the link pages in the [[Main Page]]:
  181.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=links&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=links&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info</a>
  182.  Get links from the Main Page in the User and Template namespaces:
  183.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=links&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;plnamespace=2|10">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=links&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;plnamespace=2|10</a>
  184. Generator:
  185.  This module may be used as a generator
  187. <b>* prop=langlinks (ll) *</b>
  188.  Returns all interlanguage links from the given page(s)
  190. This module requires read rights.
  191. Parameters:
  192.  lllimit        - How many langlinks to return
  193.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  194.                   Default: 10
  195.  llcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  196. Examples:
  197.  Get interlanguage links from the [[Main Page]]:
  198.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=langlinks&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;redirects">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=langlinks&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;redirects</a>
  200. <b>* prop=images (im) *</b>
  201.  Returns all images contained on the given page(s)
  203. This module requires read rights.
  204. Parameters:
  205.  imlimit        - How many images to return
  206.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  207.                   Default: 10
  208.  imcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  209. Examples:
  210.  Get a list of images used in the [[Main Page]]:
  211.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=images&amp;titles=Main%20Page">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=images&amp;titles=Main%20Page</a>
  212.  Get information about all images used in the [[Main Page]]:
  213.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=images&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=images&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info</a>
  214. Generator:
  215.  This module may be used as a generator
  217. <b>* prop=imageinfo (ii) *</b>
  218.  Returns image information and upload history
  220. This module requires read rights.
  221. Parameters:
  222.  iiprop         - What image information to get.
  223.                   Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, user, comment, url, size, sha1, mime, metadata, archivename, bitdepth
  224.                   Default: timestamp|user
  225.  iilimit        - How many image revisions to return
  226.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  227.                   Default: 1
  228.  iistart        - Timestamp to start listing from
  229.  iiend          - Timestamp to stop listing at
  230.  iiurlwidth     - If iiprop=url is set, a URL to an image scaled to this width will be returned.
  231.                   Only the current version of the image can be scaled.
  232.                   Default: -1
  233.  iiurlheight    - Similar to iiurlwidth. Cannot be used without iiurlwidth
  234.                   Default: -1
  235.  iicontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  236. Examples:
  237.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;titles=File:Albert%20Einstein%20Head.jpg&amp;prop=imageinfo">api.php?action=query&amp;titles=File:Albert%20Einstein%20Head.jpg&amp;prop=imageinfo</a>
  238.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;titles=File:Test.jpg&amp;prop=imageinfo&amp;iilimit=50&amp;iiend=20071231235959&amp;iiprop=timestamp|user|url">api.php?action=query&amp;titles=File:Test.jpg&amp;prop=imageinfo&amp;iilimit=50&amp;iiend=20071231235959&amp;iiprop=timestamp|user|url</a>
  240. <b>* prop=templates (tl) *</b>
  241.  Returns all templates from the given page(s)
  243. This module requires read rights.
  244. Parameters:
  245.  tlnamespace    - Show templates in this namespace(s) only
  246.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  247.  tllimit        - How many templates to return
  248.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  249.                   Default: 10
  250.  tlcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  251. Examples:
  252.  Get templates from the [[Main Page]]:
  253.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=templates&amp;titles=Main%20Page">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=templates&amp;titles=Main%20Page</a>
  254.  Get information about the template pages in the [[Main Page]]:
  255.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=templates&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=templates&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info</a>
  256.  Get templates from the Main Page in the User and Template namespaces:
  257.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=templates&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;tlnamespace=2|10">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=templates&amp;titles=Main%20Page&amp;tlnamespace=2|10</a>
  258. Generator:
  259.  This module may be used as a generator
  261. <b>* prop=categories (cl) *</b>
  262.  List all categories the page(s) belong to
  264. This module requires read rights.
  265. Parameters:
  266.  clprop         - Which additional properties to get for each category.
  267.                   Values (separate with '|'): sortkey, timestamp
  268.  clshow         - Which kind of categories to show
  269.                   Values (separate with '|'): hidden, !hidden
  270.  cllimit        - How many categories to return
  271.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  272.                   Default: 10
  273.  clcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  274.  clcategories   - Only list these categories. Useful for checking whether a certain page is in a certain category
  275. Examples:
  276.  Get a list of categories [[Albert Einstein]] belongs to:
  277.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=categories&amp;titles=Albert%20Einstein">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=categories&amp;titles=Albert%20Einstein</a>
  278.  Get information about all categories used in the [[Albert Einstein]]:
  279.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=categories&amp;titles=Albert%20Einstein&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=categories&amp;titles=Albert%20Einstein&amp;prop=info</a>
  280. Generator:
  281.  This module may be used as a generator
  283. <b>* prop=extlinks (el) *</b>
  284.  Returns all external urls (not interwikies) from the given page(s)
  286. This module requires read rights.
  287. Parameters:
  288.  ellimit        - How many links to return
  289.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  290.                   Default: 10
  291.  eloffset       - When more results are available, use this to continue
  292. Examples:
  293.  Get a list of external links on the [[Main Page]]:
  294.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=extlinks&amp;titles=Main%20Page">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=extlinks&amp;titles=Main%20Page</a>
  296. <b>* prop=categoryinfo (ci) *</b>
  297.  Returns information about the given categories
  299. This module requires read rights.
  300. Parameters:
  301.  cicontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  302. Example:
  303.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;prop=categoryinfo&amp;titles=Category:Foo|Category:Bar">api.php?action=query&amp;prop=categoryinfo&amp;titles=Category:Foo|Category:Bar</a>
  305. <b>* prop=duplicatefiles (df) *</b>
  306.  List all files that are duplicates of the given file(s).
  308. This module requires read rights.
  309. Parameters:
  310.  dflimit        - How many files to return
  311.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  312.                   Default: 10
  313.  dfcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  314. Examples:
  315.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;titles=File:Albert_Einstein_Head.jpg&amp;prop=duplicatefiles">api.php?action=query&amp;titles=File:Albert_Einstein_Head.jpg&amp;prop=duplicatefiles</a>
  316.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allimages&amp;prop=duplicatefiles">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allimages&amp;prop=duplicatefiles</a>
  317. Generator:
  318.  This module may be used as a generator
  320. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Query: List  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
  322. <b>* list=allimages (ai) *</b>
  323.  Enumerate all images sequentially
  325. This module requires read rights.
  326. Parameters:
  327.  aifrom         - The image title to start enumerating from.
  328.  aiprefix       - Search for all image titles that begin with this value.
  329.  aiminsize      - Limit to images with at least this many bytes
  330.  aimaxsize      - Limit to images with at most this many bytes
  331.  ailimit        - How many total images to return.
  332.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  333.                   Default: 10
  334.  aidir          - The direction in which to list
  335.                   One value: ascending, descending
  336.                   Default: ascending
  337.  aisha1         - SHA1 hash of image
  338.  aisha1base36   - SHA1 hash of image in base 36 (used in MediaWiki)
  339.  aiprop         - Which properties to get
  340.                   Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, user, comment, url, size, dimensions, mime, sha1, metadata, bitdepth
  341.                   Default: timestamp|url
  342. Examples:
  343.  Simple Use
  344.   Show a list of images starting at the letter &quot;B&quot;
  345.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=allimages&amp;aifrom=B">api.php?action=query&amp;list=allimages&amp;aifrom=B</a>
  346.  Using as Generator
  347.   Show info about 4 images starting at the letter &quot;T&quot;
  348.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allimages&amp;gailimit=4&amp;gaifrom=T&amp;prop=imageinfo">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allimages&amp;gailimit=4&amp;gaifrom=T&amp;prop=imageinfo</a>
  349. Generator:
  350.  This module may be used as a generator
  352. <b>* list=allpages (ap) *</b>
  353.  Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace
  355. This module requires read rights.
  356. Parameters:
  357.  apfrom         - The page title to start enumerating from.
  358.  apprefix       - Search for all page titles that begin with this value.
  359.  apnamespace    - The namespace to enumerate.
  360.                   One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  361.                   Default: 0
  362.  apfilterredir  - Which pages to list.
  363.                   One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
  364.                   Default: all
  365.  apminsize      - Limit to pages with at least this many bytes
  366.  apmaxsize      - Limit to pages with at most this many bytes
  367.  apprtype       - Limit to protected pages only
  368.                   Values (separate with '|'): edit, move
  369.  apprlevel      - The protection level (must be used with apprtype= parameter)
  370.                   Can be empty, or Values (separate with '|'): autoconfirmed, sysop
  371.  apprfiltercascade - Filter protections based on cascadingness (ignored when apprtype isn't set)
  372.                   One value: cascading, noncascading, all
  373.                   Default: all
  374.  aplimit        - How many total pages to return.
  375.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  376.                   Default: 10
  377.  apdir          - The direction in which to list
  378.                   One value: ascending, descending
  379.                   Default: ascending
  380.  apfilterlanglinks - Filter based on whether a page has langlinks
  381.                   One value: withlanglinks, withoutlanglinks, all
  382.                   Default: all
  383. Examples:
  384.  Simple Use
  385.   Show a list of pages starting at the letter &quot;B&quot;
  386.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=allpages&amp;apfrom=B">api.php?action=query&amp;list=allpages&amp;apfrom=B</a>
  387.  Using as Generator
  388.   Show info about 4 pages starting at the letter &quot;T&quot;
  389.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gaplimit=4&amp;gapfrom=T&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gaplimit=4&amp;gapfrom=T&amp;prop=info</a>
  390.   Show content of first 2 non-redirect pages begining at &quot;Re&quot;
  391.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gaplimit=2&amp;gapfilterredir=nonredirects&amp;gapfrom=Re&amp;prop=revisions&amp;rvprop=content">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gaplimit=2&amp;gapfilterredir=nonredirects&amp;gapfrom=Re&amp;prop=revisions&amp;rvprop=content</a>
  392. Generator:
  393.  This module may be used as a generator
  395. <b>* list=alllinks (al) *</b>
  396.  Enumerate all links that point to a given namespace
  398. This module requires read rights.
  399. Parameters:
  400.  alcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue.
  401.  alfrom         - The page title to start enumerating from.
  402.  alprefix       - Search for all page titles that begin with this value.
  403.  alunique       - Only show unique links. Cannot be used with generator or prop=ids
  404.  alprop         - What pieces of information to include
  405.                   Values (separate with '|'): ids, title
  406.                   Default: title
  407.  alnamespace    - The namespace to enumerate.
  408.                   One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  409.                   Default: 0
  410.  allimit        - How many total links to return.
  411.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  412.                   Default: 10
  413. Example:
  414.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=alllinks&amp;alunique&amp;alfrom=B">api.php?action=query&amp;list=alllinks&amp;alunique&amp;alfrom=B</a>
  415. Generator:
  416.  This module may be used as a generator
  418. <b>* list=allcategories (ac) *</b>
  419.  Enumerate all categories
  421. This module requires read rights.
  422. Parameters:
  423.  acfrom         - The category to start enumerating from.
  424.  acprefix       - Search for all category titles that begin with this value.
  425.  acdir          - Direction to sort in.
  426.                   One value: ascending, descending
  427.                   Default: ascending
  428.  aclimit        - How many categories to return.
  429.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  430.                   Default: 10
  431.  acprop         - Which properties to get
  432.                   Values (separate with '|'): size, hidden
  433.                   Default:
  434. Examples:
  435.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=allcategories&amp;acprop=size">api.php?action=query&amp;list=allcategories&amp;acprop=size</a>
  436.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allcategories&amp;gacprefix=List&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allcategories&amp;gacprefix=List&amp;prop=info</a>
  437. Generator:
  438.  This module may be used as a generator
  440. <b>* list=allusers (au) *</b>
  441.  Enumerate all registered users
  443. This module requires read rights.
  444. Parameters:
  445.  aufrom         - The user name to start enumerating from.
  446.  auprefix       - Search for all page titles that begin with this value.
  447.  augroup        - Limit users to a given group name
  448.                   One value: bot, sysop, bureaucrat
  449.  auprop         - What pieces of information to include.
  450.                   `groups` property uses more server resources and may return fewer results than the limit.
  451.                   Values (separate with '|'): blockinfo, groups, editcount, registration
  452.  aulimit        - How many total user names to return.
  453.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  454.                   Default: 10
  455.  auwitheditsonly - Only list users who have made edits
  456. Example:
  457.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=allusers&amp;aufrom=Y">api.php?action=query&amp;list=allusers&amp;aufrom=Y</a>
  459. <b>* list=backlinks (bl) *</b>
  460.  Find all pages that link to the given page
  462. This module requires read rights.
  463. Parameters:
  464.  bltitle        - Title to search. If null, titles= parameter will be used instead, but will be obsolete soon.
  465.  blcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue.
  466.  blnamespace    - The namespace to enumerate.
  467.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  468.  blfilterredir  - How to filter for redirects
  469.                   One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
  470.                   Default: all
  471.  bllimit        - How many total pages to return. If blredirect is enabled, limit applies to each level separately.
  472.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  473.                   Default: 10
  474.  blredirect     - If linking page is a redirect, find all pages that link to that redirect as well. Maximum limit is halved.
  475. Examples:
  476.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=backlinks&amp;bltitle=Main%20Page">api.php?action=query&amp;list=backlinks&amp;bltitle=Main%20Page</a>
  477.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=backlinks&amp;gbltitle=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=backlinks&amp;gbltitle=Main%20Page&amp;prop=info</a>
  478. Generator:
  479.  This module may be used as a generator
  481. <b>* list=blocks (bk) *</b>
  482.  List all blocked users and IP addresses.
  484. This module requires read rights.
  485. Parameters:
  486.  bkstart        - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  487.  bkend          - The timestamp to stop enumerating at
  488.  bkdir          - The direction in which to enumerate
  489.                   One value: newer, older
  490.                   Default: older
  491.  bkids          - Pipe-separated list of block IDs to list (optional)
  492.  bkusers        - Pipe-separated list of users to search for (optional)
  493.  bkip           - Get all blocks applying to this IP or CIDR range, including range blocks.
  494.                   Cannot be used together with bkusers. CIDR ranges broader than /16 are not accepted.
  495.  bklimit        - The maximum amount of blocks to list
  496.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  497.                   Default: 10
  498.  bkprop         - Which properties to get
  499.                   Values (separate with '|'): id, user, by, timestamp, expiry, reason, range, flags
  500.                   Default: id|user|by|timestamp|expiry|reason|flags
  501. Examples:
  502.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=blocks">api.php?action=query&amp;list=blocks</a>
  503.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=blocks&amp;bkusers=Alice|Bob">api.php?action=query&amp;list=blocks&amp;bkusers=Alice|Bob</a>
  505. <b>* list=categorymembers (cm) *</b>
  506.  List all pages in a given category
  508. This module requires read rights.
  509. Parameters:
  510.  cmtitle        - Which category to enumerate (required). Must include Category: prefix
  511.  cmprop         - What pieces of information to include
  512.                   Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, sortkey, timestamp
  513.                   Default: ids|title
  514.  cmnamespace    - Only include pages in these namespaces
  515.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  516.  cmcontinue     - For large categories, give the value retured from previous query
  517.  cmlimit        - The maximum number of pages to return.
  518.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  519.                   Default: 10
  520.  cmsort         - Property to sort by
  521.                   One value: sortkey, timestamp
  522.                   Default: sortkey
  523.  cmdir          - In which direction to sort
  524.                   One value: asc, desc
  525.                   Default: asc
  526.  cmstart        - Timestamp to start listing from. Can only be used with cmsort=timestamp
  527.  cmend          - Timestamp to end listing at. Can only be used with cmsort=timestamp
  528.  cmstartsortkey - Sortkey to start listing from. Can only be used with cmsort=sortkey
  529.  cmendsortkey   - Sortkey to end listing at. Can only be used with cmsort=sortkey
  530. Examples:
  531.  Get first 10 pages in [[Category:Physics]]:
  532.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=categorymembers&amp;cmtitle=Category:Physics">api.php?action=query&amp;list=categorymembers&amp;cmtitle=Category:Physics</a>
  533.  Get page info about first 10 pages in [[Category:Physics]]:
  534.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=categorymembers&amp;gcmtitle=Category:Physics&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=categorymembers&amp;gcmtitle=Category:Physics&amp;prop=info</a>
  535. Generator:
  536.  This module may be used as a generator
  538. <b>* list=deletedrevs (dr) *</b>
  539.  List deleted revisions.
  540.  This module operates in three modes:
  541.  1) List deleted revisions for the given title(s), sorted by timestamp
  542.  2) List deleted contributions for the given user, sorted by timestamp (no titles specified)
  543.  3) List all deleted revisions in the given namespace, sorted by title and timestamp (no titles specified, druser not set)
  544.  Certain parameters only apply to some modes and are ignored in others.
  545.  For instance, a parameter marked (1) only applies to mode 1 and is ignored in modes 2 and 3.
  547. This module requires read rights.
  548. Parameters:
  549.  drstart        - The timestamp to start enumerating from. (1,2)
  550.  drend          - The timestamp to stop enumerating at. (1,2)
  551.  drdir          - The direction in which to enumerate. (1,2)
  552.                   One value: newer, older
  553.                   Default: older
  554.  drfrom         - Start listing at this title (3)
  555.  drcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue (3)
  556.  drunique       - List only one revision for each page (3)
  557.  druser         - Only list revisions by this user
  558.  drexcludeuser  - Don't list revisions by this user
  559.  drnamespace    - Only list pages in this namespace (3)
  560.                   One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  561.                   Default: 0
  562.  drlimit        - The maximum amount of revisions to list
  563.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  564.                   Default: 10
  565.  drprop         - Which properties to get
  566.                   Values (separate with '|'): revid, user, comment, minor, len, content, token
  567.                   Default: user|comment
  568. Examples:
  569.  List the last deleted revisions of Main Page and Talk:Main Page, with content (mode 1):
  570.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;titles=Main%20Page|Talk:Main%20Page&amp;drprop=user|comment|content">api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;titles=Main%20Page|Talk:Main%20Page&amp;drprop=user|comment|content</a>
  571.  List the last 50 deleted contributions by Bob (mode 2):
  572.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;druser=Bob&amp;drlimit=50">api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;druser=Bob&amp;drlimit=50</a>
  573.  List the first 50 deleted revisions in the main namespace (mode 3):
  574.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;drdir=newer&amp;drlimit=50">api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;drdir=newer&amp;drlimit=50</a>
  575.  List the first 50 deleted pages in the Talk namespace (mode 3):
  576.    <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;drdir=newer&amp;drlimit=50&amp;drnamespace=1&amp;drunique">api.php?action=query&amp;list=deletedrevs&amp;drdir=newer&amp;drlimit=50&amp;drnamespace=1&amp;drunique</a>
  578. <b>* list=embeddedin (ei) *</b>
  579.  Find all pages that embed (transclude) the given title
  581. This module requires read rights.
  582. Parameters:
  583.  eititle        - Title to search. If null, titles= parameter will be used instead, but will be obsolete soon.
  584.  eicontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue.
  585.  einamespace    - The namespace to enumerate.
  586.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  587.  eifilterredir  - How to filter for redirects
  588.                   One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
  589.                   Default: all
  590.  eilimit        - How many total pages to return.
  591.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  592.                   Default: 10
  593. Examples:
  594.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=embeddedin&amp;eititle=Template:Stub">api.php?action=query&amp;list=embeddedin&amp;eititle=Template:Stub</a>
  595.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=embeddedin&amp;geititle=Template:Stub&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=embeddedin&amp;geititle=Template:Stub&amp;prop=info</a>
  596. Generator:
  597.  This module may be used as a generator
  599. <b>* list=imageusage (iu) *</b>
  600.  Find all pages that use the given image title.
  602. This module requires read rights.
  603. Parameters:
  604.  iutitle        - Title to search. If null, titles= parameter will be used instead, but will be obsolete soon.
  605.  iucontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue.
  606.  iunamespace    - The namespace to enumerate.
  607.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  608.  iufilterredir  - How to filter for redirects
  609.                   One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
  610.                   Default: all
  611.  iulimit        - How many total pages to return. If iuredirect is enabled, limit applies to each level separately.
  612.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  613.                   Default: 10
  614.  iuredirect     - If linking page is a redirect, find all pages that link to that redirect as well. Maximum limit is halved.
  615. Examples:
  616.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=imageusage&amp;iutitle=File:Albert%20Einstein%20Head.jpg">api.php?action=query&amp;list=imageusage&amp;iutitle=File:Albert%20Einstein%20Head.jpg</a>
  617.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=imageusage&amp;giutitle=File:Albert%20Einstein%20Head.jpg&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=imageusage&amp;giutitle=File:Albert%20Einstein%20Head.jpg&amp;prop=info</a>
  618. Generator:
  619.  This module may be used as a generator
  621. <b>* list=logevents (le) *</b>
  622.  Get events from logs.
  624. This module requires read rights.
  625. Parameters:
  626.  leprop         - Which properties to get
  627.                   Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, type, user, timestamp, comment, details
  628.                   Default: ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details
  629.  letype         - Filter log entries to only this type(s)
  630.                   Can be empty, or One value: block, protect, rights, delete, upload, move, import, patrol, merge, suppress, newusers
  631.  lestart        - The timestamp to start enumerating from.
  632.  leend          - The timestamp to end enumerating.
  633.  ledir          - In which direction to enumerate.
  634.                   One value: newer, older
  635.                   Default: older
  636.  leuser         - Filter entries to those made by the given user.
  637.  letitle        - Filter entries to those related to a page.
  638.  lelimit        - How many total event entries to return.
  639.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  640.                   Default: 10
  641. Example:
  642.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=logevents">api.php?action=query&amp;list=logevents</a>
  644. <b>* list=recentchanges (rc) *</b>
  645.  Enumerate recent changes
  647. This module requires read rights.
  648. Parameters:
  649.  rcstart        - The timestamp to start enumerating from.
  650.  rcend          - The timestamp to end enumerating.
  651.  rcdir          - In which direction to enumerate.
  652.                   One value: newer, older
  653.                   Default: older
  654.  rcnamespace    - Filter log entries to only this namespace(s)
  655.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  656.  rcprop         - Include additional pieces of information
  657.                   Values (separate with '|'): user, comment, flags, timestamp, title, ids, sizes, redirect, patrolled, loginfo
  658.                   Default: title|timestamp|ids
  659.  rctoken        - Which tokens to obtain for each change
  660.                   Values (separate with '|'): patrol
  661.  rcshow         - Show only items that meet this criteria.
  662.                   For example, to see only minor edits done by logged-in users, set show=minor|!anon
  663.                   Values (separate with '|'): minor, !minor, bot, !bot, anon, !anon, redirect, !redirect, patrolled, !patrolled
  664.  rclimit        - How many total changes to return.
  665.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  666.                   Default: 10
  667.  rctype         - Which types of changes to show.
  668.                   Values (separate with '|'): edit, new, log
  669. Example:
  670.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=recentchanges">api.php?action=query&amp;list=recentchanges</a>
  672. <b>* list=search (sr) *</b>
  673.  Perform a full text search
  675. This module requires read rights.
  676. Parameters:
  677.  srsearch       - Search for all page titles (or content) that has this value.
  678.  srnamespace    - The namespace(s) to enumerate.
  679.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  680.                   Default: 0
  681.  srwhat         - Search inside the text or titles.
  682.                   One value: title, text
  683.  srredirects    - Include redirect pages in the search.
  684.  sroffset       - Use this value to continue paging (return by query)
  685.                   Default: 0
  686.  srlimit        - How many total pages to return.
  687.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  688.                   Default: 10
  689. Examples:
  690.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=search&amp;srsearch=meaning">api.php?action=query&amp;list=search&amp;srsearch=meaning</a>
  691.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=search&amp;srwhat=text&amp;srsearch=meaning">api.php?action=query&amp;list=search&amp;srwhat=text&amp;srsearch=meaning</a>
  692.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=search&amp;gsrsearch=meaning&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=search&amp;gsrsearch=meaning&amp;prop=info</a>
  693. Generator:
  694.  This module may be used as a generator
  696. <b>* list=usercontribs (uc) *</b>
  697.  Get all edits by a user
  699. This module requires read rights.
  700. Parameters:
  701.  uclimit        - The maximum number of contributions to return.
  702.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  703.                   Default: 10
  704.  ucstart        - The start timestamp to return from.
  705.  ucend          - The end timestamp to return to.
  706.  uccontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue.
  707.  ucuser         - The user to retrieve contributions for.
  708.  ucuserprefix   - Retrieve contibutions for all users whose names begin with this value. Overrides ucuser.
  709.  ucdir          - The direction to search (older or newer).
  710.                   One value: newer, older
  711.                   Default: older
  712.  ucnamespace    - Only list contributions in these namespaces
  713.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  714.  ucprop         - Include additional pieces of information
  715.                   Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, timestamp, comment, flags, patrolled
  716.                   Default: ids|title|timestamp|flags|comment
  717.  ucshow         - Show only items that meet this criteria, e.g. non minor edits only: show=!minor
  718.                   NOTE: if show=patrolled or show=!patrolled is set, revisions older than $wgRCMaxAge won't be shown
  719.                   Values (separate with '|'): minor, !minor, patrolled, !patrolled
  720. Examples:
  721.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=usercontribs&amp;ucuser=YurikBot">api.php?action=query&amp;list=usercontribs&amp;ucuser=YurikBot</a>
  722.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=usercontribs&amp;ucuserprefix=217.121.114.">api.php?action=query&amp;list=usercontribs&amp;ucuserprefix=217.121.114.</a>
  724. <b>* list=watchlist (wl) *</b>
  725.  Get all recent changes to pages in the logged in user's watchlist
  727. This module requires read rights.
  728. Parameters:
  729.  wlallrev       - Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe.
  730.  wlstart        - The timestamp to start enumerating from.
  731.  wlend          - The timestamp to end enumerating.
  732.  wlnamespace    - Filter changes to only the given namespace(s).
  733.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  734.  wldir          - In which direction to enumerate pages.
  735.                   One value: newer, older
  736.                   Default: older
  737.  wllimit        - How many total results to return per request.
  738.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  739.                   Default: 10
  740.  wlprop         - Which additional items to get (non-generator mode only).
  741.                   Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, flags, user, comment, timestamp, patrol, sizes
  742.                   Default: ids|title|flags
  743.  wlshow         - Show only items that meet this criteria.
  744.                   For example, to see only minor edits done by logged-in users, set show=minor|!anon
  745.                   Values (separate with '|'): minor, !minor, bot, !bot, anon, !anon, patrolled, !patrolled
  746. Examples:
  747.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlist">api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlist</a>
  748.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlist&amp;wlprop=ids|title|timestamp|user|comment">api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlist&amp;wlprop=ids|title|timestamp|user|comment</a>
  749.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlist&amp;wlallrev&amp;wlprop=ids|title|timestamp|user|comment">api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlist&amp;wlallrev&amp;wlprop=ids|title|timestamp|user|comment</a>
  750.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=watchlist&amp;prop=info">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=watchlist&amp;prop=info</a>
  751.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=watchlist&amp;gwlallrev&amp;prop=revisions&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=watchlist&amp;gwlallrev&amp;prop=revisions&amp;rvprop=timestamp|user</a>
  752. Generator:
  753.  This module may be used as a generator
  755. <b>* list=watchlistraw (wr) *</b>
  756.  Get all pages on the logged in user's watchlist
  758. This module requires read rights.
  759. Parameters:
  760.  wrcontinue     - When more results are available, use this to continue
  761.  wrnamespace    - Only list pages in the given namespace(s).
  762.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  763.  wrlimit        - How many total results to return per request.
  764.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  765.                   Default: 10
  766.  wrprop         - Which additional properties to get (non-generator mode only).
  767.                   Values (separate with '|'): changed
  768.  wrshow         - Only list items that meet these criteria.
  769.                   Values (separate with '|'): changed, !changed
  770. Examples:
  771.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlistraw">api.php?action=query&amp;list=watchlistraw</a>
  772.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;generator=watchlistraw&amp;gwrshow=changed&amp;prop=revisions">api.php?action=query&amp;generator=watchlistraw&amp;gwrshow=changed&amp;prop=revisions</a>
  773. Generator:
  774.  This module may be used as a generator
  776. <b>* list=exturlusage (eu) *</b>
  777.  Enumerate pages that contain a given URL
  779. This module requires read rights.
  780. Parameters:
  781.  euprop         - What pieces of information to include
  782.                   Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, url
  783.                   Default: ids|title|url
  784.  euoffset       - Used for paging. Use the value returned for &quot;continue&quot;
  785.  euprotocol     - Protocol of the url. If empty and euquery set, the protocol is http.
  786.                   Leave both this and euquery empty to list all external links
  787.                   Can be empty, or One value: http, https, ftp, irc, gopher, telnet, nntp, worldwind, mailto, news, svn
  788.                   Default:
  789.  euquery        - Search string without protocol. See [[Special:LinkSearch]]. Leave empty to list all external links
  790.  eunamespace    - The page namespace(s) to enumerate.
  791.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  792.  eulimit        - How many pages to return.
  793.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  794.                   Default: 10
  795. Example:
  796.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=exturlusage&amp;">api.php?action=query&amp;list=exturlusage&amp;</a>
  797. Generator:
  798.  This module may be used as a generator
  800. <b>* list=users (us) *</b>
  801.  Get information about a list of users
  803. This module requires read rights.
  804. Parameters:
  805.  usprop         - What pieces of information to include
  806.                     blockinfo    - tags if the user is blocked, by whom, and for what reason
  807.                     groups       - lists all the groups the user belongs to
  808.                     editcount    - adds the user's edit count
  809.                     registration - adds the user's registration timestamp
  810.                     emailable    - tags if the user can and wants to receive e-mail through [[Special:Emailuser]]
  811.                   Values (separate with '|'): blockinfo, groups, editcount, registration, emailable
  812.  ususers        - A list of users to obtain the same information for
  813. Example:
  814.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=users&amp;ususers=brion|TimStarling&amp;usprop=groups|editcount">api.php?action=query&amp;list=users&amp;ususers=brion|TimStarling&amp;usprop=groups|editcount</a>
  816. <b>* list=random (rn) *</b>
  817.  Get a set of random pages
  818.  NOTE: Pages are listed in a fixed sequence, only the starting point is random. This means that if, for example, &quot;Main Page&quot; is the first
  819.        random page on your list, &quot;List of fictional monkeys&quot; will <b>*always*</b> be second, &quot;List of people on stamps of Vanuatu&quot; third, etc.
  820.  NOTE: If the number of pages in the namespace is lower than rnlimit, you will get fewer pages. You will not get the same page twice.
  822. This module requires read rights.
  823. Parameters:
  824.  rnnamespace    - Return pages in these namespaces only
  825.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  826.  rnlimit        - Limit how many random pages will be returned
  827.                   No more than 10 (20 for bots) allowed.
  828.                   Default: 1
  829.  rnredirect     - Load a random redirect instead of a random page
  830. Example:
  831.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=random&amp;rnnamespace=0&amp;rnlimit=2">api.php?action=query&amp;list=random&amp;rnnamespace=0&amp;rnlimit=2</a>
  832. Generator:
  833.  This module may be used as a generator
  835. <b>* list=protectedtitles (pt) *</b>
  836.  List all titles protected from creation
  838. This module requires read rights.
  839. Parameters:
  840.  ptnamespace    - Only list titles in these namespaces
  841.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  842.  ptlevel        - Only list titles with these protection levels
  843.                   Values (separate with '|'): autoconfirmed, sysop
  844.  ptlimit        - How many total pages to return.
  845.                   No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
  846.                   Default: 10
  847.  ptdir          - The direction in which to list
  848.                   One value: older, newer
  849.                   Default: older
  850.  ptstart        - Start listing at this protection timestamp
  851.  ptend          - Stop listing at this protection timestamp
  852.  ptprop         - Which properties to get
  853.                   Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, user, comment, expiry, level
  854.                   Default: timestamp|level
  855. Example:
  856.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;list=protectedtitles">api.php?action=query&amp;list=protectedtitles</a>
  857. Generator:
  858.  This module may be used as a generator
  860. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Query: Meta  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
  862. <b>* meta=siteinfo (si) *</b>
  863.  Return general information about the site.
  865. This module requires read rights.
  866. Parameters:
  867.  siprop         - Which sysinfo properties to get:
  868.                    general      - Overall system information
  869.                    namespaces   - List of registered namespaces and their canonical names
  870.                    namespacealiases - List of registered namespace aliases
  871.                    specialpagealiases - List of special page aliases
  872.                    magicwords   - List of magic words and their aliases
  873.                    statistics   - Returns site statistics
  874.                    interwikimap - Returns interwiki map (optionally filtered)
  875.                    dbrepllag    - Returns database server with the highest replication lag
  876.                    usergroups   - Returns user groups and the associated permissions
  877.                    extensions   - Returns extensions installed on the wiki
  878.                    fileextensions - Returns list of file extensions allowed to be uploaded
  879.                    rightsinfo   - Returns wiki rights (license) information if available
  880.                   Values (separate with '|'): general, namespaces, namespacealiases, specialpagealiases, magicwords, interwikimap, dbrepllag, statistics, usergroups, extensions, fileextensions, rightsinfo
  881.                   Default: general
  882.  sifilteriw     - Return only local or only nonlocal entries of the interwiki map
  883.                   One value: local, !local
  884.  sishowalldb    - List all database servers, not just the one lagging the most
  885. Examples:
  886.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases|statistics">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases|statistics</a>
  887.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=interwikimap&amp;sifilteriw=local">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=interwikimap&amp;sifilteriw=local</a>
  888.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=dbrepllag&amp;sishowalldb">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=dbrepllag&amp;sishowalldb</a>
  890. <b>* meta=userinfo (ui) *</b>
  891.  Get information about the current user
  893. This module requires read rights.
  894. Parameters:
  895.  uiprop         - What pieces of information to include
  896.                     blockinfo  - tags if the current user is blocked, by whom, and for what reason
  897.                     hasmsg     - adds a tag &quot;message&quot; if the current user has pending messages
  898.                     groups     - lists all the groups the current user belongs to
  899.                     rights     - lists of all rights the current user has
  900.                     options    - lists all preferences the current user has set
  901.                     editcount  - adds the current user's edit count
  902.                     ratelimits - lists all rate limits applying to the current user
  903.                   Values (separate with '|'): blockinfo, hasmsg, groups, rights, options, preferencestoken, editcount, ratelimits, email
  904. Examples:
  905.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=userinfo">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=userinfo</a>
  906.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=userinfo&amp;uiprop=blockinfo|groups|rights|hasmsg">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=userinfo&amp;uiprop=blockinfo|groups|rights|hasmsg</a>
  908. <b>* meta=allmessages (am) *</b>
  909.  Return messages from this site.
  911. This module requires read rights.
  912. Parameters:
  913.  ammessages     - Which messages to output. &quot;*&quot; means all messages
  914.                   Default: *
  915.  amfilter       - Return only messages that contain this string
  916.  amlang         - Return messages in this language
  917.  amfrom         - Return messages starting at this message
  918. Examples:
  919.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=allmessages&amp;amfilter=ipb-">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=allmessages&amp;amfilter=ipb-</a>
  920.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=allmessages&amp;ammessages=august|mainpage&amp;amlang=de">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=allmessages&amp;ammessages=august|mainpage&amp;amlang=de</a>
  923. <b>*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Modules: continuation  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***</b>
  926. <b>* action=expandtemplates *</b>
  927.  This module expand all templates in wikitext
  929. This module requires read rights.
  930. Parameters:
  931.  title          - Title of page
  932.                   Default: API
  933.  text           - Wikitext to convert
  934.  generatexml    - Generate XML parse tree
  935. Example:
  936.  <a href="api.php?action=expandtemplates&amp;text={{Project:Sandbox}}">api.php?action=expandtemplates&amp;text={{Project:Sandbox}}</a>
  938. <b>* action=parse *</b>
  939.  This module parses wikitext and returns parser output
  941. This module requires read rights.
  942. Parameters:
  943.  title          - Title of page the text belongs to
  944.                   Default: API
  945.  text           - Wikitext to parse
  946.  page           - Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with text and title
  947.  redirects      - If the page parameter is set to a redirect, resolve it
  948.  oldid          - Parse the content of this revision. Overrides page
  949.  prop           - Which pieces of information to get.
  950.                   NOTE: Section tree is only generated if there are more than 4 sections, or if the __TOC__ keyword is present
  951.                   Values (separate with '|'): text, langlinks, categories, links, templates, images, externallinks, sections, revid, displaytitle
  952.                   Default: text|langlinks|categories|links|templates|images|externallinks|sections|revid|displaytitle
  953.  pst            - Do a pre-save transform on the input before parsing it.
  954.                   Ignored if page or oldid is used.
  955.  onlypst        - Do a PST on the input, but don't parse it.
  956.                   Returns PSTed wikitext. Ignored if page or oldid is used.
  957. Example:
  958.  <a href="api.php?action=parse&amp;text={{Project:Sandbox}}">api.php?action=parse&amp;text={{Project:Sandbox}}</a>
  960. <b>* action=opensearch *</b>
  961.  This module implements OpenSearch protocol
  963. This module requires read rights.
  964. Parameters:
  965.  search         - Search string
  966.  limit          - Maximum amount of results to return
  967.                   No more than 100 (100 for bots) allowed.
  968.                   Default: 10
  969.  namespace      - Namespaces to search
  970.                   Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  971.                   Default: 0
  972.  suggest        - Do nothing if $wgEnableMWSuggest is false
  973. Example:
  974.  <a href="api.php?action=opensearch&amp;search=Te">api.php?action=opensearch&amp;search=Te</a>
  976. <b>* action=feedwatchlist *</b>
  977.  This module returns a watchlist feed
  979. This module requires read rights.
  980. Parameters:
  981.  feedformat     - The format of the feed
  982.                   One value: rss, atom
  983.                   Default: rss
  984.  hours          - List pages modified within this many hours from now
  985.                   The value must be between 1 and 72
  986.                   Default: 24
  987.  allrev         - Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe.
  988. Example:
  989.  <a href="api.php?action=feedwatchlist">api.php?action=feedwatchlist</a>
  991. <b>* action=help *</b>
  992.  Display this help screen.
  994. <b>* action=paraminfo *</b>
  995.  Obtain information about certain API parameters
  996. Parameters:
  997.  modules        - List of module names (value of the action= parameter)
  998.  querymodules   - List of query module names (value of prop=, meta= or list= parameter)
  999.  mainmodule     - Get information about the main (top-level) module as well
  1000.  pagesetmodule  - Get information about the pageset module (providing titles= and friends) as well
  1001. Example:
  1002.  <a href="api.php?action=paraminfo&amp;modules=parse&amp;querymodules=allpages|siteinfo">api.php?action=paraminfo&amp;modules=parse&amp;querymodules=allpages|siteinfo</a>
  1004. <b>* action=purge *</b>
  1005.  Purge the cache for the given titles.
  1007. This module requires read rights.
  1008. This module requires write rights.
  1009. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1010. Parameters:
  1011.  titles         - A list of titles
  1012. Example:
  1013.  <a href="api.php?action=purge&amp;titles=Main_Page|API">api.php?action=purge&amp;titles=Main_Page|API</a>
  1015. <b>* action=rollback *</b>
  1016.  Undo the last edit to the page. If the last user who edited the page made multiple edits in a row,
  1017.  they will all be rolled back.
  1019. This module requires read rights.
  1020. This module requires write rights.
  1021. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1022. Parameters:
  1023.  title          - Title of the page you want to rollback.
  1024.  user           - Name of the user whose edits are to be rolled back. If set incorrectly, you'll get a badtoken error.
  1025.  token          - A rollback token previously retrieved through prop=revisions
  1026.  summary        - Custom edit summary. If not set, default summary will be used.
  1027.  markbot        - Mark the reverted edits and the revert as bot edits
  1028. Examples:
  1029.  <a href="api.php?action=rollback&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;user=Catrope&amp;token=123ABC">api.php?action=rollback&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;user=Catrope&amp;token=123ABC</a>
  1030.  <a href="api.php?action=rollback&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;user=;token=123ABC&amp;summary=Reverting%20vandalism&amp;markbot=1">api.php?action=rollback&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;user=;token=123ABC&amp;summary=Reverting%20vandalism&amp;markbot=1</a>
  1032. <b>* action=delete *</b>
  1033.  Delete a page.
  1035. This module requires read rights.
  1036. This module requires write rights.
  1037. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1038. Parameters:
  1039.  title          - Title of the page you want to delete. Cannot be used together with pageid
  1040.  pageid         - Page ID of the page you want to delete. Cannot be used together with title
  1041.  token          - A delete token previously retrieved through prop=info
  1042.  reason         - Reason for the deletion. If not set, an automatically generated reason will be used.
  1043.  watch          - Add the page to your watchlist
  1044.  unwatch        - Remove the page from your watchlist
  1045.  oldimage       - The name of the old image to delete as provided by iiprop=archivename
  1046. Examples:
  1047.  <a href="api.php?action=delete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC">api.php?action=delete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC</a>
  1048.  <a href="api.php?action=delete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;reason=Preparing%20for%20move">api.php?action=delete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;reason=Preparing%20for%20move</a>
  1050. <b>* action=undelete *</b>
  1051.  Restore certain revisions of a deleted page. A list of deleted revisions (including timestamps) can be
  1052.  retrieved through list=deletedrevs
  1054. This module requires read rights.
  1055. This module requires write rights.
  1056. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1057. Parameters:
  1058.  title          - Title of the page you want to restore.
  1059.  token          - An undelete token previously retrieved through list=deletedrevs
  1060.  reason         - Reason for restoring (optional)
  1061.                   Default:
  1062.  timestamps     - Timestamps of the revisions to restore. If not set, all revisions will be restored.
  1063. Examples:
  1064.  <a href="api.php?action=undelete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;reason=Restoring%20main%20page">api.php?action=undelete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;reason=Restoring%20main%20page</a>
  1065.  <a href="api.php?action=undelete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;timestamps=20070703220045|20070702194856">api.php?action=undelete&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;timestamps=20070703220045|20070702194856</a>
  1067. <b>* action=protect *</b>
  1068.  Change the protection level of a page.
  1070. This module requires read rights.
  1071. This module requires write rights.
  1072. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1073. Parameters:
  1074.  title          - Title of the page you want to (un)protect.
  1075.  token          - A protect token previously retrieved through prop=info
  1076.  protections    - Pipe-separated list of protection levels, formatted action=group (e.g. edit=sysop)
  1077.  expiry         - Expiry timestamps. If only one timestamp is set, it'll be used for all protections.
  1078.                   Use 'infinite', 'indefinite' or 'never', for a neverexpiring protection.
  1079.                   Default: infinite
  1080.  reason         - Reason for (un)protecting (optional)
  1081.                   Default:
  1082.  cascade        - Enable cascading protection (i.e. protect pages included in this page)
  1083.                   Ignored if not all protection levels are 'sysop' or 'protect'
  1084.  watch          - If set, add the page being (un)protected to your watchlist
  1085. Examples:
  1086.  <a href="api.php?action=protect&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;protections=edit=sysop|move=sysop&amp;cascade&amp;expiry=20070901163000|never">api.php?action=protect&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;protections=edit=sysop|move=sysop&amp;cascade&amp;expiry=20070901163000|never</a>
  1087.  <a href="api.php?action=protect&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;protections=edit=all|move=all&amp;reason=Lifting%20restrictions">api.php?action=protect&amp;title=Main%20Page&amp;token=123ABC&amp;protections=edit=all|move=all&amp;reason=Lifting%20restrictions</a>
  1089. <b>* action=block *</b>
  1090.  Block a user.
  1092. This module requires read rights.
  1093. This module requires write rights.
  1094. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1095. Parameters:
  1096.  user           - Username, IP address or IP range you want to block
  1097.  token          - A block token previously obtained through the gettoken parameter or prop=info
  1098.  gettoken       - If set, a block token will be returned, and no other action will be taken
  1099.  expiry         - Relative expiry time, e.g. '5 months' or '2 weeks'. If set to 'infinite', 'indefinite' or 'never', the block will never expire.
  1100.                   Default: never
  1101.  reason         - Reason for block (optional)
  1102.  anononly       - Block anonymous users only (i.e. disable anonymous edits for this IP)
  1103.  nocreate       - Prevent account creation
  1104.  autoblock      - Automatically block the last used IP address, and any subsequent IP addresses they try to login from
  1105.  noemail        - Prevent user from sending e-mail through the wiki. (Requires the &quot;blockemail&quot; right.)
  1106.  hidename       - Hide the username from the block log. (Requires the &quot;hideuser&quot; right.)
  1107.  allowusertalk  - Allow the user to edit their own talk page (depends on $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit)
  1108.  reblock        - If the user is already blocked, overwrite the existing block
  1109. Examples:
  1110.  <a href="api.php?action=block&amp;user=;expiry=3%20days&amp;reason=First%20strike">api.php?action=block&amp;user=;expiry=3%20days&amp;reason=First%20strike</a>
  1111.  <a href="api.php?action=block&amp;user=Vandal&amp;expiry=never&amp;reason=Vandalism&amp;nocreate&amp;autoblock&amp;noemail">api.php?action=block&amp;user=Vandal&amp;expiry=never&amp;reason=Vandalism&amp;nocreate&amp;autoblock&amp;noemail</a>
  1113. <b>* action=unblock *</b>
  1114.  Unblock a user.
  1116. This module requires read rights.
  1117. This module requires write rights.
  1118. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1119. Parameters:
  1120.  id             - ID of the block you want to unblock (obtained through list=blocks). Cannot be used together with user
  1121.  user           - Username, IP address or IP range you want to unblock. Cannot be used together with id
  1122.  token          - An unblock token previously obtained through the gettoken parameter or prop=info
  1123.  gettoken       - If set, an unblock token will be returned, and no other action will be taken
  1124.  reason         - Reason for unblock (optional)
  1125. Examples:
  1126.  <a href="api.php?action=unblock&amp;id=105">api.php?action=unblock&amp;id=105</a>
  1127.  <a href="api.php?action=unblock&amp;user=Bob&amp;reason=Sorry%20Bob">api.php?action=unblock&amp;user=Bob&amp;reason=Sorry%20Bob</a>
  1129. <b>* action=move *</b>
  1130.  Move a page.
  1132. This module requires read rights.
  1133. This module requires write rights.
  1134. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1135. Parameters:
  1136.  from           - Title of the page you want to move. Cannot be used together with fromid.
  1137.  fromid         - Page ID of the page you want to move. Cannot be used together with from.
  1138.  to             - Title you want to rename the page to.
  1139.  token          - A move token previously retrieved through prop=info
  1140.  reason         - Reason for the move (optional).
  1141.  movetalk       - Move the talk page, if it exists.
  1142.  movesubpages   - Move subpages, if applicable
  1143.  noredirect     - Don't create a redirect
  1144.  watch          - Add the page and the redirect to your watchlist
  1145.  unwatch        - Remove the page and the redirect from your watchlist
  1146. Example:
  1147.  <a href="api.php?action=move&amp;from=Exampel&amp;to=Example&amp;token=123ABC&amp;reason=Misspelled%20title&amp;movetalk&amp;noredirect">api.php?action=move&amp;from=Exampel&amp;to=Example&amp;token=123ABC&amp;reason=Misspelled%20title&amp;movetalk&amp;noredirect</a>
  1149. <b>* action=edit *</b>
  1150.  Create and edit pages.
  1152. This module requires read rights.
  1153. This module requires write rights.
  1154. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1155. Parameters:
  1156.  title          - Page title
  1157.  section        - Section number. 0 for the top section, 'new' for a new section
  1158.  text           - Page content
  1159.  token          - Edit token. You can get one of these through prop=info
  1160.  summary        - Edit summary. Also section title when section=new
  1161.  minor          - Minor edit
  1162.  notminor       - Non-minor edit
  1163.  bot            - Mark this edit as bot
  1164.  basetimestamp  - Timestamp of the base revision (gotten through prop=revisions&amp;rvprop=timestamp).
  1165.                   Used to detect edit conflicts; leave unset to ignore conflicts.
  1166.  starttimestamp - Timestamp when you obtained the edit token.
  1167.                   Used to detect edit conflicts; leave unset to ignore conflicts.
  1168.  recreate       - Override any errors about the article having been deleted in the meantime
  1169.  createonly     - Don't edit the page if it exists already
  1170.  nocreate       - Throw an error if the page doesn't exist
  1171.  captchaword    - Answer to the CAPTCHA
  1172.  captchaid      - CAPTCHA ID from previous request
  1173.  watch          - Add the page to your watchlist
  1174.  unwatch        - Remove the page from your watchlist
  1175.  md5            - The MD5 hash of the text parameter, or the prependtext and appendtext parameters concatenated.
  1176.                   If set, the edit won't be done unless the hash is correct
  1177.  prependtext    - Add this text to the beginning of the page. Overrides text.
  1178.                   Don't use together with section: that won't do what you expect.
  1179.  appendtext     - Add this text to the end of the page. Overrides text
  1180.  undo           - Undo this revision. Overrides text, prependtext and appendtext
  1181.  undoafter      - Undo all revisions from undo to this one. If not set, just undo one revision
  1182. Examples:
  1183.  Edit a page (anonymous user):
  1184.      <a href="api.php?action=edit&amp;title=Test&amp;summary=test%20summary&amp;text=article%20content&amp;basetimestamp=20070824123454&amp;token=%2B\">api.php?action=edit&amp;title=Test&amp;summary=test%20summary&amp;text=article%20content&amp;basetimestamp=20070824123454&amp;token=%2B\</a>
  1185.  Prepend __NOTOC__ to a page (anonymous user):
  1186.      <a href="api.php?action=edit&amp;title=Test&amp;summary=NOTOC&amp;minor&amp;prependtext=__NOTOC__%0A&amp;basetimestamp=20070824123454&amp;token=%2B\">api.php?action=edit&amp;title=Test&amp;summary=NOTOC&amp;minor&amp;prependtext=__NOTOC__%0A&amp;basetimestamp=20070824123454&amp;token=%2B\</a>
  1187.  Undo r13579 through r13585 with autosummary(anonymous user):
  1188.      <a href="api.php?action=edit&amp;title=Test&amp;undo=13585&amp;undoafter=13579&amp;basetimestamp=20070824123454&amp;token=%2B\">api.php?action=edit&amp;title=Test&amp;undo=13585&amp;undoafter=13579&amp;basetimestamp=20070824123454&amp;token=%2B\</a>
  1190. <b>* action=emailuser *</b>
  1191.  Email a user.
  1193. This module requires read rights.
  1194. This module requires write rights.
  1195. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1196. Parameters:
  1197.  target         - User to send email to
  1198.  subject        - Subject header
  1199.  text           - Mail body
  1200.  token          - A token previously acquired via prop=info
  1201.  ccme           - Send a copy of this mail to me
  1202. Example:
  1203.  <a href="api.php?action=emailuser&amp;target=WikiSysop&amp;text=Content">api.php?action=emailuser&amp;target=WikiSysop&amp;text=Content</a>
  1205. <b>* action=watch *</b>
  1206.  Add or remove a page from/to the current user's watchlist
  1208. This module requires read rights.
  1209. This module requires write rights.
  1210. Parameters:
  1211.  title          - The page to (un)watch
  1212.  unwatch        - If set the page will be unwatched rather than watched
  1213. Examples:
  1214.  <a href="api.php?action=watch&amp;title=Main_Page">api.php?action=watch&amp;title=Main_Page</a>
  1215.  <a href="api.php?action=watch&amp;title=Main_Page&amp;unwatch">api.php?action=watch&amp;title=Main_Page&amp;unwatch</a>
  1217. <b>* action=patrol *</b>
  1218.  Patrol a page or revision.
  1220. This module requires read rights.
  1221. This module requires write rights.
  1222. Parameters:
  1223.  token          - Patrol token obtained from list=recentchanges
  1224.  rcid           - Recentchanges ID to patrol
  1225. Example:
  1226.  <a href="api.php?action=patrol&amp;token=123abc&amp;rcid=230672766">api.php?action=patrol&amp;token=123abc&amp;rcid=230672766</a>
  1228. <b>* action=import *</b>
  1229.  Import a page from another wiki, or an XML file
  1231. This module requires read rights.
  1232. This module requires write rights.
  1233. This module only accepts POST requests.
  1234. Parameters:
  1235.  token          - Import token obtained through prop=info
  1236.  summary        - Import summary
  1237.  xml            - Uploaded XML file
  1238.  interwikisource - For interwiki imports: wiki to import from
  1239.                   One value:
  1240.  interwikipage  - For interwiki imports: page to import
  1241.  fullhistory    - For interwiki imports: import the full history, not just the current version
  1242.  templates      - For interwiki imports: import all included templates as well
  1243.  namespace      - For interwiki imports: import to this namespace
  1244.                   One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  1245. Examples:
  1246.  Import [[meta:Help:Parserfunctions]] to namespace 100 with full history:
  1247.    <a href="api.php?action=import&amp;interwikisource=meta&amp;interwikipage=Help:ParserFunctions&amp;namespace=100&amp;fullhistory&amp;token=123ABC">api.php?action=import&amp;interwikisource=meta&amp;interwikipage=Help:ParserFunctions&amp;namespace=100&amp;fullhistory&amp;token=123ABC</a>
  1250. <b>*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Permissions *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***</b>
  1252. <b>* writeapi *</b>
  1253.  Use of the write API
  1254. Granted to:
  1255.  all, user, bot
  1256. <b>* apihighlimits *</b>
  1257.  Use higher limits in API queries (Slow queries: 500 results; Fast queries: 5000 results). The limits for slow queries also apply to multivalue parameters.
  1258. Granted to:
  1259.  bot, sysop
  1261. <b>*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Formats  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***</b>
  1263. <b>* format=json *</b>
  1264.  Output data in JSON format
  1266. This module requires read rights.
  1267. Parameters:
  1268.  callback       - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  1269. Example:
  1270.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=json">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=json</a>
  1272. <b>* format=jsonfm *</b>
  1273.  Output data in JSON format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1275. This module requires read rights.
  1276. Parameters:
  1277.  callback       - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  1278. Example:
  1279.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=jsonfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=jsonfm</a>
  1281. <b>* format=php *</b>
  1282.  Output data in serialized PHP format
  1284. This module requires read rights.
  1285. Example:
  1286.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=php">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=php</a>
  1288. <b>* format=phpfm *</b>
  1289.  Output data in serialized PHP format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1291. This module requires read rights.
  1292. Example:
  1293.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=phpfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=phpfm</a>
  1295. <b>* format=wddx *</b>
  1296.  Output data in WDDX format
  1298. This module requires read rights.
  1299. Example:
  1300.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=wddx">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=wddx</a>
  1302. <b>* format=wddxfm *</b>
  1303.  Output data in WDDX format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1305. This module requires read rights.
  1306. Example:
  1307.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=wddxfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=wddxfm</a>
  1309. <b>* format=xml *</b>
  1310.  Output data in XML format
  1312. This module requires read rights.
  1313. Parameters:
  1314.  xmldoublequote - If specified, double quotes all attributes and content.
  1315. Example:
  1316.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=xml">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=xml</a>
  1318. <b>* format=xmlfm *</b>
  1319.  Output data in XML format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1321. This module requires read rights.
  1322. Parameters:
  1323.  xmldoublequote - If specified, double quotes all attributes and content.
  1324. Example:
  1325.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=xmlfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=xmlfm</a>
  1327. <b>* format=yaml *</b>
  1328.  Output data in YAML format
  1330. This module requires read rights.
  1331. Example:
  1332.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=yaml">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=yaml</a>
  1334. <b>* format=yamlfm *</b>
  1335.  Output data in YAML format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1337. This module requires read rights.
  1338. Example:
  1339.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=yamlfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=yamlfm</a>
  1341. <b>* format=rawfm *</b>
  1342.  Output data with the debuging elements in JSON format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1344. This module requires read rights.
  1345. Parameters:
  1346.  callback       - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  1347. Example:
  1348.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=rawfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=rawfm</a>
  1350. <b>* format=txt *</b>
  1351.  Output data in PHP's print_r() format
  1353. This module requires read rights.
  1354. Example:
  1355.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=txt">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=txt</a>
  1357. <b>* format=txtfm *</b>
  1358.  Output data in PHP's print_r() format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1360. This module requires read rights.
  1361. Example:
  1362.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=txtfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=txtfm</a>
  1364. <b>* format=dbg *</b>
  1365.  Output data in PHP's var_export() format
  1367. This module requires read rights.
  1368. Example:
  1369.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=dbg">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=dbg</a>
  1371. <b>* format=dbgfm *</b>
  1372.  Output data in PHP's var_export() format (pretty-print in HTML)
  1374. This module requires read rights.
  1375. Example:
  1376.  <a href="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=dbgfm">api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=namespaces&amp;format=dbgfm</a>
  1379. <b>*** Credits: ***</b>
  1380.   API developers:
  1381.       Roan Kattouw &lt;Firstname&gt;.&lt;Lastname&gt; (lead developer Sep 2007-present)
  1382.       Victor Vasiliev - vasilvv at gee mail dot com
  1383.       Bryan Tong Minh - bryan . tongminh @ gmail . com
  1384.       Yuri Astrakhan &lt;Firstname&gt;&lt;Lastname&gt; (creator, lead developer Sep 2006-Sep 2007)
  1386.   Please send your comments, suggestions and questions to
  1387.   or file a bug report at <a href=""></a>
  1388. <span style="color:blue;">&lt;/error&gt;</span>
  1389. <span style="color:blue;">&lt;/api&gt;</span>
  1390. </pre>
  1391. </body>
  1392. </html>
  1393. <!-- Served in 0.005 secs. -->
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda