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d="M265.6 25.371c0 3.161 3.782 16.82 5.989 21.629.202.44.755 1.7 1.228 2.8 3.728 8.658 8.953 16.8 14.783 23.036 3.827 4.094 4.749 5.011 5.596 5.564.505.33 1.369 1.005 1.919 1.5 1.192 1.071 1.649 1.183.815.2-4.393-5.18-10.746-19.315-14.068-31.3-1.317-4.752-3.454-19.257-3.461-23.5-.001-.379-1.548-.5-6.401-.5-5.276 0-6.4.1-6.4.571m82.758 109.121c-.024 12.16-.013 22.579.024 23.155.157 2.449-3.319 2.819-12.382 1.318-1.87-.309-4.12-.565-5-.568-.88-.003-2.453-.265-3.496-.581-1.043-.316-3.023-.699-4.4-.849-1.377-.151-2.99-.52-3.584-.82-.594-.301-1.607-.547-2.251-.547-.644 0-1.778-.253-2.52-.562-.742-.309-2.23-.693-3.308-.854-1.077-.161-2.427-.537-3-.836-.572-.299-1.401-.545-1.841-.548-.44-.003-1.328-.28-1.974-.617-.645-.337-1.815-.773-2.6-.97-2.02-.507-4.239-1.362-4.88-1.879-.3-.243-1.15-.571-1.887-.729-.738-.158-2.358-.786-3.6-1.397-1.243-.61-2.701-1.245-3.24-1.412-.54-.166-1.228-.548-1.529-.849-.301-.301-.872-.547-1.27-.547-.397 0-.946-.27-1.22-.6-.274-.33-.674-.6-.889-.6-.493 0-7.49-4.104-10.007-5.87-1.043-.731-1.977-1.33-2.075-1.33-.099 0-.776-.547-1.504-1.215-.729-.668-1.713-1.313-2.187-1.434-.474-.12-.951-.559-1.06-.975-.196-.749-2.092-1.895-2.485-1.503-.111.112-.204 27.726-.205 61.365-.003 62.238-.167 70.344-1.592 78.362-.235 1.32-.675 3.84-.979 5.6-.495 2.87-1.221 5.965-2.673 11.4-.694 2.599-3.504 11.157-4.203 12.8-2.718 6.392-5.491 12.189-7.176 15-.528.88-1.243 2.14-1.59 2.8-.346.66-.915 1.74-1.263 2.4-.348.66-.876 1.344-1.172 1.52-.297.176-.54.566-.54.867 0 .3-.158.606-.351.68-.194.073-.78.763-1.305 1.533-1.831 2.69-5.747 7.801-6.089 7.948-.19.082-.64.525-1 .985-1.175 1.5-10.072 10.267-10.42 10.267-.186 0-1.05.675-1.92 1.5-.87.825-1.992 1.77-2.494 2.1-.503.33-1.298.887-1.767 1.238-1.651 1.234-4.86 3.415-5.454 3.706-.33.162-1.32.718-2.2 1.236-3.057 1.799-7.865 4.22-8.382 4.22-.286 0-.744.27-1.018.6-.274.33-.794.6-1.155.6s-1.329.36-2.149.8c-.821.44-1.933.8-2.471.8s-1.086.175-1.218.389c-.133.214-.998.585-1.924.824-.926.238-2.25.693-2.943 1.01-.694.318-1.738.577-2.32.577-.583 0-1.546.247-2.14.549-.594.302-2.16.679-3.48.839-1.32.159-2.59.445-2.822.635-.232.19-1.942.461-3.8.602a91.442 91.442 0 0 0-6.73.816c-4.393.732-15.173.71-20.048-.041-2.09-.322-4.52-.587-5.4-.588-1.564-.003-9.02-1.236-12.6-2.084-.99-.235-2.7-.591-3.8-.791-1.1-.201-2.36-.534-2.8-.74-.971-.456-3.892-1.494-5.8-2.063-.77-.229-1.58-.561-1.8-.736-.22-.176-1.165-.524-2.1-.774s-1.7-.628-1.7-.839c0-.212-.27-.385-.6-.385-.646 0-9.628-4.351-11.6-5.62-.66-.424-1.65-.973-2.2-1.218-1.529-.684-1.782-.837-4.393-2.662-1.338-.935-2.566-1.7-2.731-1.7-.164 0-.596-.315-.959-.7-.76-.806-1.025-1.01-3.726-2.873a74.963 74.963 0 0 1-3.985-3L79.012 339l2.568 3.2c3.089 3.848 11.172 11.938 15.032 15.044 4.55 3.663 13.232 9.55 14.088 9.554. 0 .165 1.035.827 2.3 1.471 1.264.645 2.569 1.386 2.899 1.648.889.706 13.219 5.871 17.6 7.373 6.243 2.141 12.235 3.456 20.2 4.436 1.76.216 4.28.567 5.6.779 13.153 2.118 37.025-.983 51.4-6.678 9.349-3.703 25.501-13.466 28-16.924.11-.152 1.19-1.15 2.4-2.217 4.211-3.714 12.661-13.423 14.439-16.588.308-.55.849-1.36 1.201-1.8 6.516-8.143 14.949-28.349 18.13-43.439 2.933-13.915 3.02-16.371 3.058-86.238.019-33.618.155-61.428.303-61.8.234-.589.503-.499 2.069.686 2.458 1.862 6.814 4.991 6.947 4.991.06 0 1.574.964 3.364 2.142 15.942 10.488 50.099 20.685 67.576 20.173L362.6 175l.11-29.6c.127-33.961.31-31.4-2.247-31.4-1.749 0-8.973-.913-11.163-1.411l-.9-.204-.042 22.107M170.844 181.03c.004 13.998-.109 25.568-.252 25.711-.142.142-4.699.203-10.126.134-7.903-.101-10.543.005-13.266.532-1.87.361-4.174.795-5.12.965-.945.169-1.926.514-2.18.768-.253.253-.829.466-1.28.474-.451.007-1.54.361-2.42.786-.88.425-1.81.779-2.067.786-1.381.041-9.58 5.122-11.726 7.269-.63.63-1.294 1.146-1.476 1.146-.182.001-.691.542-1.131 1.202-.44.661-1.115 1.303-1.5 1.426-.385.124-.7.483-.7.798 0 .315-.18.573-.4.573-.22 0-.4.27-.4.6 0 .33-.159.6-.354.6-.348 0-4.595 6.457-5.524 8.4-6.723 14.059-7.009 32.798-.708 46.258.762 1.628 1.386 3.068 1.386 3.2 0 .848 4.934 7.067 7.363 9.282l2.2 2.005c1.118 1.018 4.259 3.255 4.572 3.255.156 0-1.514-4.623-2.962-8.2-3.074-7.597-2.954-26.756.213-34 .289-.66.646-1.602.794-2.094 1.714-5.684 7.194-13.596 12.769-18.434 11.305-9.812 24.168-13.243 45.251-12.072l3.6.2.102-32.675.103-32.675-1.703-.208a424.579 424.579 0 0 0-7.702-.874c-.88-.088-2.447-.257-3.482-.375l-1.881-.216.007 25.453"
d="M204.252 10.9c-.133.495-.25 54.81-.26 120.7-.012 73.848-.167 121.334-.405 123.8-.65 6.725-1.137 10.697-1.594 13-.609 3.065-2.439 8.952-2.872 9.235-.388.255-1.725 2.532-2.151 3.665-.145.385-.422.7-.617.7-.194 0-.353.188-.353.417 0 .656-3.142 4.741-5.06 6.579-.957.917-1.74 1.878-1.74 2.135 0 .258-.173.469-.384.469-.212 0-.707.321-1.1.713-1.354 1.348-4.451 3.687-4.883 3.687-.238 0-.433.17-.433.378 0 .378-1.048 1.029-3.5 2.174-.715.334-1.3.796-1.3 1.028 0 .231-.437.42-.971.42-.535 0-1.211.24-1.504.533-.293.292-1.071.659-1.729.813-.658.155-1.736.525-2.396.822-7.012 3.16-25.731 3.907-30.861 1.231-.626-.327-1.702-.595-2.39-.597-.688-.001-1.475-.272-1.749-.602-.274-.33-.881-.601-1.349-.603-.468-.001-1.391-.36-2.051-.797-.66-.437-1.502-.796-1.871-.797-.37-.002-.913-.244-1.207-.539-.295-.294-1.018-.627-1.607-.74l-1.07-.204.877 1.557c3.701 6.567 14.213 14.356 23.278 17.248 7.041 2.246 9.935 2.61 19.328 2.43 8.259-.158 13.074-1.332 20.708-5.049 11.864-5.776 22.6-18.663 24.748-29.706 2.116-10.88 1.961-1.288 2.197-135.6L218.2 25l23.4-.2c23.036-.197 23.401-.212 23.473-1 .04-.44-.182-2.24-.493-4-.311-1.76-.571-4.28-.578-5.6-.007-1.32-.121-2.805-.254-3.3l-.241-.9h-59.014l-.241.9M298.7 83.658c.715.759 1.3 1.531 1.3 1.716 0 1.468 11.701 11.713 17.408 15.242a2259.62 2259.62 0 0 1 4 2.477c.873.542 3.411 1.78 7.392 3.603 2.739 1.255 11.609 4.107 15 4.824l3.064.65 0-.969-.246-1.27-.547-.301-.301-.989-.683-1.529-.849-.539-.166-1.225-.498-1.524-.737-.651-.523-1.831-1.227-3.457-2.062-1.286-.661-1.788-.964-4.593-2.766l-1.807-1.16 1.3 1.379M145.4 140.87c-.88.182-3.76.492-6.4.689-7.269.542-20.531 3.411-23.6 5.105-.44.243-1.424.576-2.187.74-.763.164-1.663.455-2 .647-.337.192-1.063.528-1.613.748-.55.219-1.27.558-1.6.753-1.16.683-4.292 2.048-4.701 2.048-.227 0-.517.27-.644.6-.126.33-.691.6-1.255.6s-1.129.27-1.255.6c-.127.33-.457.6-.734.6-.277 0-.961.36-1.52.8-.56.44-1.228.8-1.487.8-.258 0-1.22.602-2.137 1.338-.917.736-1.982 1.45-2.367 1.588-.385.137-.7.435-.7.661 0 .227-.272.413-.604.413-.332 0-.912.36-1.289.8-.377.44-.875.8-1.107.8-.232 0-.704.315-1.049.7-.344.385-1.032.97-1.528 1.3C82.923 164.996 70 177.927 70 178.833c0 .167-.72 1.031-1.6 1.92-.88.889-1.6 1.706-1.6 1.816 0 .11-1.108 1.782-2.461 3.716-1.354 1.933-2.794 4.1-3.2 4.815-1.639 2.883-2.273 3.979-3.3 5.7-.591.99-1.177 2.115-1.303 2.5-.126.385-.388.7-.583.7-.194 0-.354.315-.355.7-.002.385-.289 1.24-.638 1.9-.349.66-.982 2.1-1.408 3.2-.426 1.1-.944 2.36-1.152 2.8-1.472 3.115-5.019 13.689-5.401 16.098-.148.934-.433 1.799-.634 1.924-.201.124-.365.687-.365 1.252s-.345 2.579-.767 4.476c-2.008 9.029-2.745 28.028-1.438 37.05.319 2.2.585 4.707.592 5.572.007.864.182 2.124.388 2.8.522 1.714 2.035 7.592 2.631 10.228.273 1.21.676 2.65.895 1.99 1.085 3.2.378 1.21.927 2.74 1.221 3.4 1.311 2.947 1.793 4.145 1.795 1.24 1.048 2.34.576 1.1 1.307 2.54 1.624 3.2 1.352 2.81 2.766 5.21 5.656 9.6 3.02 4.587 5.203 7.54 5.716 7.733.195.074.354.389.354.7 0 .312.18.567.4.567.22 0 . 0 .176 1.078 1.481 2.396 2.9 1.317 1.419 2.397 2.805 2.4 0 1.313.693 3.522 2.8 1.054 1.006 1.275 1.118.787.4-18.974-27.88-24.761-62.506-16.077-96.2 1.844-7.157 4.318-14.322 6.814-19.736.745-1.614 1.354-3.03 1.354-3.145 0-.607 5.997-11.023 8.523-14.803 7.874-11.786 18.2-22.17 29.431-29.597 3.199-2.115 9.923-6.119 10.276-6.119.092 0 1.473-.611 3.069-1.357 4.16-1.946 7.377-3.254 9.901-4.027 1.21-.37 2.56-.818 3-.995 1.253-.504 7.029-1.978 8.8-2.246.88-.133 2.14-.4 2.8-.592 2.458-.716 15.641-1.983 20.632-1.983h5.168l-.013-6.1c-.016-7.75.278-7.352-5.819-7.876-2.622-.226-5.938-.586-7.368-.8-3.043-.456-9.904-.43-12.2.046"
d="M0 200v200h400V0H0v200M264.082 9.442c1.2.621 1.352.964.711 1.605-.276.276-.206 1.938.216 5.16.343 2.614.639 5.527.658 6.473l.034 1.72h6.323c6.462 0 7.605.326 6.641 1.896-.413.673 1.019 12.392 2.188 17.904 3.561 16.794 13.065 36.632 18.047 37.671.605.126 1.1.476 1.1.779 0 .303.289.55.642.55.353 0 1.208.453 1.9 1.006l1.689 1.351c.237.19.822.469 1.3.621.478.152.869.426.869.61 0 .183.495.529 1.1.767.605.238 1.37.586 1.7.772 1.677.946 3.32 1.673 3.778 1.673.283 0 .972.36 1.531.8.56.44 1.444.8 1.965.8.521 0 1.303.244 1.737.543.434.299 1.446.664 2.249.811.803.147 1.68.532 1.949.857.269.324 1.142.595 1.94.603.798.008 1.901.272 2.451.586.55.314 1.472.578 2.05.586.577.008 1.821.286 2.765.619.943.333 3.531.766 5.75.963 2.219.197 4.542.555 5.161.795.619.24 2.149.44 3.4.443 3.179.009 3.074-.242 3.074 7.382v6.788l1.6.272c2.302.391 5.583.776 8.778 1.03 3.958.315 3.622-2.601 3.622 31.462v30.34l-3.8-.25c-6.106-.401-12.103-1.051-13.428-1.455-.676-.206-1.666-.381-2.2-.387-2.016-.026-20.354-4.222-22.572-5.165-.44-.187-2.78-1.011-5.2-1.83-2.42-.819-5.35-1.918-6.512-2.441-1.161-.524-2.252-.952-2.424-.952-.282 0-5.321-2.326-6.913-3.191-.357-.194-2.067-1.114-3.8-2.044-1.733-.931-3.629-2.024-4.213-2.429-.584-.405-1.259-.736-1.5-.736-.241 0-.438-.168-.438-.373s-.369-.49-.819-.633c-.451-.143-2.27-1.37-4.042-2.727-6.092-4.664-6.106-4.673-6.408-3.93-.148.365-.285 28.293-.303 62.063-.02 37.18-.194 63.609-.439 67-1.704 23.531-8.209 43.128-20.714 62.4-2.033 3.133-6.513 9.128-6.975 9.333-.165.074-.3.263-.3.421 0 1.137-12.762 12.842-18.147 16.644-5.697 4.022-13.294 8.27-18.253 10.206-1.21.472-2.74 1.106-3.4 1.409-2.425 1.112-9.793 3.148-17 4.698l-7.4 1.591-13.2.049c-12.709.047-15.387-.118-22-1.356-1.1-.206-4.029-.751-6.509-1.21-4.625-.857-11.484-2.995-16.691-5.202a884.918 884.918 0 0 1-6.351-2.734c-1.073-.467-2.198-.849-2.5-.849-.302 0-.55-.135-.552-.3-.002-.165-.407-.493-.9-.73-11.762-5.633-22.152-13.86-36.097-28.58-1.98-2.09-4.05-4.097-4.6-4.459-1.475-.972-3.6-3.027-3.6-3.481 0-.218-.315-.498-.7-.622-.385-.125-1.15-.894-1.7-1.709-.998-1.479-1.496-2.056-4.7-5.452-.935-.991-1.7-1.962-1.7-2.159 0-.196-.405-.792-.9-1.323-.843-.905-2.56-3.56-4.388-6.785-.436-.77-1.045-1.684-1.353-2.031-.307-.348-.559-1.014-.559-1.481 0-.466-.225-.992-.5-1.168-.468-.3-1.668-2.356-2.987-5.12-.315-.66-.919-1.892-1.343-2.738-.423-.846-.77-1.793-.77-2.105 0-.312-.174-.88-.386-1.262-.846-1.523-1.989-4.44-2.438-6.224-.261-1.037-.632-1.982-.825-2.101-.193-.12-.351-.69-.351-1.267s-.341-2.052-.757-3.276c-5.138-15.116-5.36-49.288-.403-61.946.198-.505.36-1.35.36-1.876 0-.527.18-1.069.4-1.205.22-.136.4-.704.4-1.263 0-.559.249-1.583.553-2.277.304-.693.948-2.52 1.431-4.06.483-1.54 1.134-3.367 1.447-4.06.313-.694.57-1.414.571-1.6.002-.187.252-.818.557-1.401.304-.584.778-1.742 1.052-2.573.275-.832 1.014-2.324 1.644-3.317.63-.993 1.145-1.998 1.145-2.233 0-.426.897-2.173 2.677-5.216.514-.88 1.152-2.095 1.417-2.7.265-.605.622-1.1.794-1.1.171 0 .312-.261.312-.58 0-.319.246-.724.546-.9.3-.176.845-.905 1.21-1.62.366-.715.84-1.3 1.054-1.3.215 0 .39-.204.39-.452 0-.249.63-1.329 1.4-2.401.77-1.072 1.4-2.051 1.4-2.176 0-.126.225-.463.5-.749.275-.287 1.22-1.391 2.1-2.454.88-1.064 3.13-3.509 5-5.433 1.87-1.925 3.76-3.95 4.2-4.499.44-.549.965-1.007 1.166-1.018.202-.01.652-.291 1-.625 2.245-2.149 4.18-3.793 4.465-3.793.183 0 .76-.405 1.282-.9 1.676-1.589 3.561-3.1 3.867-3.1.164 0 .713-.36 1.22-.8.507-.44 1.165-.8 1.461-.8.297 0 .539-.184.539-.41 0-.225.476-.591 1.058-.812.581-.221 1.732-.937 2.557-1.59s1.721-1.188 1.99-1.188c.27 0 1.527-.63 2.795-1.4 1.268-.77 2.497-1.4 2.731-1.4.503 0 4.099-1.873 4.649-2.421.209-.208.891-.379 1.516-.379s1.842-.36 2.704-.8c.862-.44 1.89-.806 2.284-.813.394-.007 1.065-.277 1.492-.6.428-.323 1.328-.588 2-.589.673-.002 1.693-.247 2.265-.546.573-.299 1.923-.675 3-.835 1.078-.161 2.197-.488 2.488-.728.291-.239 1.911-.567 3.6-.729 1.689-.161 3.881-.5 4.871-.754 4.66-1.196 31.043-.838 34.66.47 1.538.556 1.436-.066 1.345 8.187-.079 7.038-.605 6.356 5.195 6.735 2.09.137 4.923.437 6.295.666l2.496.417.104 32.755c.085 26.384.005 32.794-.409 32.952-.283.109-1.453-.018-2.6-.282-4.967-1.143-20.635-.37-26.086 1.286-9.755 2.964-16.181 6.565-22.09 12.381-2.845 2.801-6.51 7.517-6.51 8.378 0 .247-.154.449-.342.449-.926 0-4.876 9.981-6.332 16-1.096 4.529-.98 18.556.189 22.8.454 1.65 1.121 4.086 1.483 5.413 1.174 4.314 3.006 7.523 4.502 7.891.715.175 1.3.474 1.3.664 0 .19.472.464 1.048.608.577.145 1.31.525 1.629.844.319.319.905.58 1.303.58.397 0 .946.27 1.349.6.468 0 1.931.344 3.251.765 6.508 2.076 6.216 2.036 14.454 2.021 6.134-.011 8.174-.145 8.946-.586.55-.314 1.81-.578 2.8-.586.99-.007 2.97-.403 4.4-.878l3-.998c.22-.073.67-.307 1-.521.33-.213 1.59-.844 2.8-1.401 2.323-1.07 2.636-1.253 5.676-3.316 1.054-.715 2.014-1.3 2.133-1.3.12 0 .789-.585 1.486-1.3.697-.715 1.636-1.485 2.086-1.712.451-.226 1.054-.901 1.341-1.5.287-.598.761-1.088 1.054-1.088.293 0 .852-.495 1.242-1.1.391-.605 1.222-1.629 1.846-2.276.625-.647 1.136-1.412 1.136-1.7 0-.288.151-.524.336-.524.336 0 1.51-1.943 3.963-6.556 1.424-2.679 2.577-6.514 3.259-10.844.242-1.54.658-4.06.924-5.6.369-2.136.512-32.148.605-126.6.115-116.715.162-123.829.813-124.314 1.083-.805 58.611-.656 60.182.156"
d="M203.9 9.286c-.651.485-.698 7.599-.813 124.314-.093 94.452-.236 124.464-.605 126.6-.266 1.54-.682 4.06-.924 5.6-.682 4.33-1.835 8.165-3.259 10.844-2.453 4.613-3.627 6.556-3.963 6.556-.185 0-.336.236-.336.524 0 .288-.511 1.053-1.136 1.7-.624.647-1.455 1.671-1.846 2.276-.39.605-.949 1.1-1.242 1.1-.293 0-.767.49-1.054 1.088-.287.599-.89 1.274-1.341 1.5-.45.227-1.389.997-2.086 1.712-.697.715-1.366 1.3-1.486 1.3-.119 0-1.079.585-2.133 1.3-3.04 2.063-3.353 2.246-5.676 3.316-1.21.557-2.47 1.188-2.8 1.401-.33.214-.78.448-1 .521l-3 .998c-1.43.475-3.41.871-4.4.878-.99.008-2.25.272-2.8.586-.772.441-2.812.575-8.946.586-8.238.015-7.946.055-14.454-2.021-1.32-.421-2.783-.765-3.251-.765-.468 0-1.075-.27-1.349-.6-.274-.33-.823-.6-1.22-.6-.398 0-.969-.246-1.27-.547-.301-.301-.981-.685-1.51-.853-.529-.168-1.209-.552-1.51-.853-.301-.301-.858-.547-1.239-.547-.38 0-.933-.225-1.23-.5-.437-.406-.478-.388-.219.1.686 1.288 1.562 2 2.46 2 .516 0 .938.173.938.385 0 .211.675.574 1.5.806.825.232 1.849.689 2.276 1.015.428.327 1.17.594 1.651.594.481 0 1.099.27 1.373.6.274.33 1.061.601 1.749.602.688.002 1.764.27 2.39.597 5.13 2.676 23.849 1.929 30.861-1.231.66-.297 1.738-.667 2.396-.822.658-.154 1.436-.521 1.729-.813.293-.293.969-.533 1.504-.533.534 0 .971-.189.971-.42 0-.232.585-.694 1.3-1.028 2.452-1.145 3.5-1.796 3.5-2.174 0-.208.195-.378.433-.378.432 0 3.529-2.339 4.883-3.687.393-.392.888-.713 1.1-.713.211 0 .384-.211.384-.469 0-.257.783-1.218 1.74-2.135 1.918-1.838 5.06-5.923 5.06-6.579 0-.229.159-.417.353-.417.195 0 .472-.315.617-.7.426-1.133 1.763-3.41 2.151-3.665.433-.283 2.263-6.17 2.872-9.235.457-2.303.944-6.275 1.594-13 .238-2.466.393-49.952.405-123.8.01-65.89.127-120.205.26-120.7l.241-.9h59.014l.241.9c.133.495.247 1.98.254 3.3.007 1.32.267 3.84.578 5.6.311 1.76.533 3.56.493 4-.07.771.174.801 6.727.816l6.8.015-6.449-.125-6.45-.125-.034-1.71c-.019-.941-.315-3.85-.658-6.464-.422-3.222-.492-4.884-.216-5.16.641-.641.489-.984-.711-1.605-1.571-.812-59.099-.961-60.182-.156m92.5 71.454c0 .529 2.961 3.042 4.542 3.856a62.593 62.593 0 0 1 2.858 1.605c.88.527 1.988 1.136 2.461 1.354.474.217.967.567 1.096.776.13.209.709.499 1.288.644.578.146 1.313.526 1.632.845.319.319.905.58 1.303.58.397 0 .946.27 1.155.6s1.329.36 2.149.8c.821.44 1.809.806 2.195.813.385.007 1.04.269 1.455.583.415.314 1.542.689 2.505.834.963.144 1.843.411 1.955.593.113.182 1.055.445 2.095.584 1.04.139 2.431.495 3.091.792.66.297 2.64.714 4.4.927 1.76.213 3.92.582 4.8.821.88.239 3.057.438 4.838.443 4.588.014 4.611.049 4.561 7.063-.049 6.922-.07 6.547.374 6.547.52 0 .741-13.316.227-13.694-.22-.162-1.423-.297-2.674-.3-1.251-.003-2.781-.203-3.4-.443-.619-.24-2.942-.598-5.161-.795-2.219-.197-4.807-.63-5.75-.963-.944-.333-2.188-.611-2.765-.619-.578-.008-1.5-.272-2.05-.586-.55-.314-1.653-.578-2.451-.586-.798-.008-1.671-.279-1.94-.603-.269-.325-1.146-.71-1.949-.857-.803-.147-1.815-.512-2.249-.811-.434-.299-1.216-.543-1.737-.543-.521 0-1.405-.36-1.965-.8-.559-.44-1.248-.8-1.531-.8-.458 0-2.101-.727-3.778-1.673-.33-.186-1.095-.534-1.7-.772s-1.1-.584-1.1-.767c0-.184-.391-.458-.869-.61-.478-.152-1.063-.431-1.3-.621l-1.689-1.351c-.692-.553-1.547-1.006-1.9-1.006s-.642-.27-.642-.6c0-.33-.336-.6-.746-.6s-1.22-.373-1.8-.829c-.58-.456-1.054-.65-1.054-.431m-158.6 59.707c-1.54.19-3.213.528-3.719.749-.505.222-1.945.405-3.2.406-1.254.002-2.775.261-3.379.576-.604.315-1.935.698-2.959.851-1.023.154-2.329.524-2.902.823-.572.299-1.592.544-2.265.546-.672.001-1.572.266-2 .589-.427.323-1.098.593-1.492.6-.394.007-1.422.373-2.284.813-.862.44-2.079.8-2.704.8s-1.307.171-1.516.379c-.55.548-4.146 2.421-4.649 2.421-.234 0-1.463.63-2.731 1.4-1.268.77-2.525 1.4-2.795 1.4-.269 0-1.165.535-1.99 1.188-.825.653-1.976 1.369-2.557 1.59-.582.221-1.058.587-1.058.812 0 .226-.242.41-.539.41-.296 0-.954.36-1.461.8-.507.44-1.056.8-1.22.8-.306 0-2.191 1.511-3.867 3.1-.522.495-1.099.9-1.282.9-.285 0-2.22 1.644-4.465 3.793-.348.334-.798.615-1 .625-.201.011-.726.469-1.166 1.018-.44.549-2.33 2.574-4.2 4.499-1.87 1.924-4.12 4.369-5 5.433-.88 1.063-1.825 2.167-2.1 2.454-.275.286-.5.623-.5.749 0 .125-.63 1.104-1.4 2.176-.77 1.072-1.4 2.152-1.4 2.401 0 .248-.175.452-.39.452-.214 0-.688.585-1.054 1.3-.365.715-.91 1.444-1.21 1.62-.3.176-.546.581-.546.9 0 .319-.141.58-.312.58-.172 0-.529.495-.794 1.1-.265.605-.903 1.82-1.417 2.7-1.78 3.043-2.677 4.79-2.677 5.216 0 .235-.515 1.24-1.145 2.233-.63.993-1.369 2.485-1.644 3.317-.274.831-.748 1.989-1.052 2.573-.305.583-.555 1.214-.557 1.401-.001.186-.258.906-.571 1.6-.313.693-.964 2.52-1.447 4.06-.483 1.54-1.127 3.367-1.431 4.06-.304.694-.553 1.718-.553 2.277 0 .559-.18 1.127-.4 1.263-.22.136-.4.678-.4 1.205 0 .526-.162 1.371-.36 1.876-4.957 12.658-4.735 46.83.403 61.946.416 1.224.757 2.699.757 3.276s.158 1.147.351 1.267c.193.119.564 1.064.825 2.101.449 1.784 1.592 4.701 2.438 1.262 0 .312.347 1.259.77 2.105.424.846 1.028 2.078 1.343 2.738 1.319 2.764 2.519 4.82 2.987 1.168 0 .467.252 1.133.559 1.481.308.347.917 1.261 1.353 2.031 1.828 3.225 3.545 5.88 4.388 6.785.495.531.9 1.127.9 1.323 0 .197.765 1.168 1.7 2.159 3.204 3.396 3.702 3.973 4.7 5.452.55.815 1.315 1.584 1.7 1.709.385.124.7.401.7.615 0 .523 3.22 3.494 4.1 3.782.385.126.7.382.7.568 0 .187.765.939 1.7 1.671l1.7 1.331-1.8-2.174c-2.631-3.177-5.654-6.021-6.4-6.021-.22 0-.402-.225-.404-.5-.003-.275-1.083-1.661-2.4-3.08-1.318-1.419-2.396-2.724-2.396-2.9 0-.176-.18-.32-.4-.32-.22 0-.4-.255-.4-.567 0-.311-.159-.626-.354-.7-1.049-.394-8.888-12.174-10.737-16.133-.308-.66-.763-1.56-1.011-2-1.079-1.918-2.295-4.427-2.296-4.74-.002-.315-.484-1.513-1.795-4.46-.294-.66-.843-2.19-1.221-3.4-.378-1.21-.866-2.65-1.085-3.2-.219-.55-.622-1.99-.895-3.2-.596-2.636-2.109-8.514-2.631-10.228-.206-.676-.381-1.936-.388-2.8-.007-.865-.273-3.372-.592-5.572-1.307-9.022-.57-28.021 1.438-37.05.422-1.897.767-3.911.767-4.476s.164-1.128.365-1.252c.201-.125.486-.99.634-1.924.382-2.409 3.929-12.983 5.401-16.098.208-.44.726-1.7 1.152-2.8.426-1.1 1.059-2.54 1.408-3.2.349-.66.636-1.515.638-1.9.001-.385.161-.7.355-.7.195 0 .457-.315.583-.7.126-.385.712-1.51 1.303-2.5 1.027-1.721 1.661-2.817 3.3-5.7.406-.715 1.846-2.882 3.2-4.815 1.353-1.934 2.461-3.606 2.461-3.716 0-.11.72-.927 1.6-1.816.88-.889 1.6-1.753 1.6-1.92 0-.906 12.923-13.837 15.623-15.633.496-.33 1.184-.915 1.528-1.3.345-.385.817-.7 1.049-.7.232 0 .73-.36 1.107-.8.377-.44.957-.8 1.289-.8.332 0 .604-.186.604-.413 0-.226.315-.524.7-.661.385-.138 1.45-.852 2.367-1.588.917-.736 1.879-1.338 2.137-1.338.259 0 .927-.36 1.487-.8.559-.44 1.243-.8 1.52-.8.277 0 .607-.27.734-.6.126-.33.691-.6 1.255-.6s1.129-.27 1.255-.6c.127-.33.417-.6.644-.6.409 0 3.541-1.365 4.701-2.048.33-.195 1.05-.534 1.6-.753.55-.22 1.276-.556 1.613-.748.337-.192 1.237-.483 2-.647.763-.164 1.747-.497 2.187-.74 3.06-1.689 16.418-4.584 23.4-5.071 2.53-.176 5.5-.497 6.6-.711 2.658-.52 8.968-.552 12.2-.062 1.43.216 4.746.578 7.368.804 6.097.524 5.803.126 5.819 7.876.008 3.475.173 6.1.384 6.1.352 0 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<div class="field field-text-block"><p dir="ltr">Springfield College is following guidelines cheapest paxlovid shared by the Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. FAQs, community messages, safety precautions, and policies can be found on our website and will be updated regularly.</p>
<p dir="ltr">We continue to work diligently to provide a positive and safe student experience. All decisions have been made based on current available information. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust our policies as necessary.</p>
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<p dir="ltr"><strong><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="line-height:115%"><span style="font-family:"Arial",sans-serif"><span lang="EN" style="color:#3d3935">Based on recommendations from the CDC, the American College Health Association, and the State of Massachusetts Department of Health, Springfield College will no longer have a COVID Vaccination requirement effective May 15, 2023. We highly recommend that all students and employees stay up-to-date with their vaccinations. </span></span></span></span></strong></p>
<p><a href="/covid/policies-precautions-and-requirements">Policies, Precautions, and Requirements</a>: The most up-to-date information on requirements for vaccinations, face coverings, testing, isolation, and visiting campus</p>
<p><a href="/covid/frequently-asked-questions">Frequently Asked Questions</a>: Answers to some of the most commonly asked questions not covered in other areas</p>
<p><a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="89868e4d-19b8-4394-84e4-22db112c80e8" href="/node/22946">College Communication:</a> Composite of email communication for the current academic year</p>
<p><a href="#/covid/data-documents-reports">Data, Documents, and Reports</a>: Federally mandated reporting of CARES/HEERF funds</p>
<p><a href="#/covid/dashboard">Dashboard</a>: Vaccination, testing, and positivity data</p>
<p><a href="#/covid/historical-communications">Historical Communications</a>: Historical communications to the campus community</p>
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