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  7. <meta name="description" content="Get quality industrial power generator &amp;amp; maintenance service for commercial as well as construction generators, even available on rental, from Power Plus.">
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  24. <meta property="og:description" content="Get quality industrial power generator &amp;amp; maintenance service for commercial as well as construction generators, even available on rental, from Power Plus.">
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  1117. <p class="text-white text-center" style="font-size:37px; font-weight:bold;">Emergency power for job sites, buildings & disaster response</p>
  1118. <h3 class="text-yellow">(sizes 20kW to 2MW)</h3>
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  1122. <p class="text-start text-white">Whether you need emergency electrical power, a portable generator rental for your worksite, or disaster relief generators; we have the expertise, manpower, and commercial generators to have you up and running in no time. Need a 480 volt generator? We have you covered! Not sure what you need? Talk to our experts.</p>
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  1151. <h2 class="padding-bottom">Temporary Power</h2>
  1152. <p class="text-start">
  1153. For more than 35 years, Power Plus has been designing and installing industrial temporary power systems for the construction industry.
  1154. Whether you’re building residential homes, commercial developments or civil engineering projects, we are the power experts and our crews
  1155. have the experience, resources and construction generators to provide you with the temporary power system you need.
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  1158. <h3 class="smaller-h3"><strong>Take Advantage of Our Most Helpful Resource:</strong></h3>
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  1160. <a href="/industrial-power-blog/construction-site-temporary-power/"><span style="font-size:22px;">Step-by-Step Guide: How Do I Get Temporary
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  1174. <h2 class="text-white text-center text-lg-start padding-bottom">Construction & Commercial Generator Rentals</h2>
  1175. <p class="text-start text-white">
  1176. With a fleet of nearly 750 generators ranging in size from 15 kilowatt to 4 Megawatt, we have the rental generator to meet your project’s
  1177. needs. As a design-build solutions provider, we offer both Trailer Mounted Generators and Skid Mounted High Capacity Units providing you
  1178. with multiple portable power solutions. In addition, we provide complete Fueling Service, Auxiliary Fuel Tanks, Electrical Cable and
  1179. Distribution Systems and Equipment, as well as Certified Electricians to make the connections safely and reliably. Got an emergency? Just
  1180. plug in to Power Plus and let us deliver the power.
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  1201. <h2 class="padding-bottom">Generator Service and Maintenance</h2>
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  1203. Power Plus is the nation’s largest independent service organization for construction generator service and maintenance of your stand-by
  1204. power systems. From New York to Los Angeles and across North America Power Plus has the technicians and expertise to keep your critical
  1205. stand-by power systems maintained and operating regardless of the manufacturer. We provide maintenance and repair on most major brands
  1206. including Caterpillar, Cummins, Onan, Katolight, John Deere, Kohler, MTU. We have highly skilled service professionals that understand
  1207. stand-by power systems.
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  1224. During a disaster, having power can be a matter of life or death. Our experienced disaster response task force has responded to numerous
  1225. disasters including every hurricane making landfall in the last eight seasons. We offer Standby Contracts to ensure availability as well as
  1226. Disaster Planning and Disaster Recovery services to help you plan ahead. With our 40 foot Mobile Command Center, immediate tactical
  1227. deployment of life saving portable power is always in a state of readiness. Whether fire, flood, hurricane or earthquake our knowledge,
  1228. resources, experience and equipment make Power Plus your dependable disaster response power resource.
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  1231. <strong>See our Disaster Relief in Action:</strong><br/>
  1232. <strong><a href="/our-work/">Paradise California Fire Recovery</a></strong>
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