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  534.                            <div class='h3 animate__animated animate__lightSpeedInLeft'>Authenticity Restaurant of Indonesia Padang Cuisine</div>
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  552.                                            <div class='text-large'>ABOUT US</div>
  553.                                            <p>TAMBUAH Indonesian Padang Cuisine comes with the concept of a full-service Padang cuisine restaurant that offers Indonesian Padang cuisine with original and unique flavors. It first arrived in Preah Sihanouk city, Cambodia on May 21, 2023.</p>
  555.                                            <p>Committed to introducing Padang specialties from Indonesia that provide a dining experience with a unique feel. Being a restaurant that can be relied upon as a place for a nostalgic and unforgettable dining experience, not only from food & beverages, but the overall feel of the room is different from other Padang restaurants that have been present.</p>
  557.                                            <p>Expect mouth-watering flavors with delicious spice blends and strong aromas. Talented chefs who meticulously prepare the food and serve it to perfection.</p>
  559.                                            <p>TAMBUAH focuses on the concept of lifestyle dining to create an energizing social dining experience. The integration of Indonesia's new approach to typical Padang cuisine will broaden the horizons of the entire community with more diverse food techniques and concepts in order to create a cuisine known as Padang's signature flavor that resonates with the tastes of the people especially in Preah Sihanouk city, Cambodia.</p>
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  572.                                            <div class='text-large'>OUR MENU</div>
  573.                                            <p>With a selection of cuisines that bring the flavors of Padang to embrace the idea of delicious food packaged in small dishes. Successful in energizing the dining experience together. By presenting a menu of various types of the best selected ingredients, perfectly presented to the guests.</p>
  575.                                            <p>Carefully crafted cuisine selections, serving our own specialties as well as some additional menus and snacks full of deliciousness.</p>
  577.                                            <p>We are on a mission to create innovative dishes, providing some interactive and memorable dining experiences. Authenticity and Distinctiveness is what will bind guests in their subconscious to convince them to come back for more.</p>
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