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  32. <p>Managing numerous TVs on different channels in a sports bar or restaurant is complicated. Control4 makes it easy for your team to control the AV system and lights. Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Ian Blunt on how technology is helping patients proactively address their health care <a href="">newslocks</a> needs. Doctors and dentists have discovered the benefits of automation. Control4 delivers comfort and convenience to patients and staff in unexpected ways. FirstLine Benefits’ Sana Hashmi covers supplemental benefits and how they’re finding a place within employer health plans.</p>
  33. <h2>Smart Business</h2>
  34. <p>With one button your security system arms, lights go on, temperature adjusts and all the music and TVs automatically turn on. Whether equipment or lights are left on, or unusual activity is detected, you’ll always be in the know. Access <a href="">elcraz</a> music from any source in any room, so every instructor can tune into their class favorites. Program the pool, hot tub, and sauna to conserve water and energy. Turn everything off and arm the security system with a single touch.</p>
  35. <h3>Cascade Capital Corporation 2021 Business Growth Awards</h3>
  36. <p>Use the intercom  system to stay in touch with nurses and patients. Give patients control of their own entertainment during <a href="">docheck</a> recovery. Play HD video from a variety of sources on multiple TVs, and control them all from one simple interface.</p>
  38. <p>Fitness centers often have several TVs and audio systems playing, along with the lights, climate, and security systems. Take control and keep your focus on the guest experience with Control4 automation solutions. Use one-touch control <a href="">raternews</a> to dim the lights for a presentation, lower the screen and power on your video conferencing system. Incorporate video conference call capabilities to include off-site employees and manage it from one easy-to-use interface.</p>
  39. <p>One big miss, one big hit and a lot of discovery about how to shape a business set up Raji Sankar and Wholesome Internat... These Northeast Ohio professionals are leading the way in creating <a href="">techntravels</a> strong organizations and mentoring up-and-coming wome... These Northeast Ohio professionals are leading the way in creating strong organizations and mentoring up-and-coming  women....</p>
  40. <p>Turn on the building in one touch and make “Closing” time easy by powering down everything with one button. Control4 can give you competitive advantage <a href="">thetechnicalblogs</a> by improving operating efficiencies. Set your lighting, music, temperature and video to greet your customers with the perfect welcome.</p></body></html>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda