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  180. <h4 class="h1 heading"><b>Personal Brand</b></h4>
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  183. <p class="paragraph">Build your personal brand and drive more people to your website. Check out our wide variety of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services and take your pick.
  184. Whether you’re looking for link-building opportunities, in need of engaging content,
  185. or simply need help with monitoring analytics, we can be of service.</p>
  186. <span>What you Get</span>
  187. <div class="mt-2">
  188. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  189. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  190. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  191. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  192. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  195. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  209. <h1 class="heading"><b>Spa, Sauna & Aromatherapy </b></h1>
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  212. <p class="paragraph">Let more customers experience the wonderful services that your spa, sauna or aromatherapy business has to offer. Get seen and get going with our flexible SEO packages that can aid you in driving traffic to your website. </p>
  213. <span>What you Get</span>
  214. <div class="mt-2">
  215. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  216. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  217. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  218. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  219. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  222. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  236. <h1 class="heading"><b>Healthcare & Pharmaceutical </b></h1>
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  239. <p class="paragraph">The healthcare and pharmaceutical industries are getting more and more competitive by the day. Stay ahead of the game and bring more people to your website with our wide array of SEO services you can choose from.</p>
  240. <span>What you Get</span>
  241. <div class="mt-2">
  242. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  243. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  244. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  245. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  246. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  249. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  263. <h1 class="heading"><b>Engineering & Construction</b></h1>
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  266. <p class="paragraph">If you're building your engineering and construction business from the ground up, or need to increase your online presence, SEOPlanetX will help. We have a wide array of SEO services you can avail of; depending on your needs. </p>
  267. <span>What you Get</span>
  268. <div class="mt-2">
  269. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  270. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  271. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  272. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  273. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  290. <h1 class="heading"><b>E-commerce Store</b></h1>
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  293. <p class="paragraph">Are you planning to start an e-commerce store? We offer a variety of services that are designed to make the most out of your online space. Rank your website and reach the right customers.</p>
  294. <span>What you Get</span>
  295. <div class="mt-2">
  296. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  297. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  298. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  299. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  300. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  303. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  317. <h1 class="heading"><b>Transportation & Logistics</b></h1>
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  320. <p class="paragraph">Let us help you bring your transportation and logistics business to great distances. In today’s digital world, staying online has never been more important. Keep your customers posted and get them engaged with your business.</p>
  321. <span>What you Get</span>
  322. <div class="mt-2">
  323. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  324. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  325. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  326. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  327. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  330. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  344. <h1 class="heading"><b>Casino & Online Gambling</b></h1>
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  347. <p class="paragraph">Have you got a casino or online gambling website that needs a boost? Or maybe you just need assistance with content, creative design, or monitoring of analytics? We have a team of highly-skilled individuals ready to bring more people to your online space. </p>
  348. <span>What you Get</span>
  349. <div class="mt-2">
  350. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  351. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  352. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  353. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  354. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  357. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  371. <h5 class="h1 heading"><b>Cannabinoids & Cannabis Farming</b></h5>
  372. <hr class="heading-underline">
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  374. <p class="paragraph">Stand out in the challenging cannabis industry by producing insightful content and increasing your online presence. Allow us to aid you in bringing more traffic to your website. On top of that, increase your sales! </p>
  375. <span>What you Get</span>
  376. <div class="mt-2">
  377. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  378. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  379. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  380. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  381. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
  382. </ul>
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  384. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  398. <h1 class="heading"><b>Cryptocurrency</b></h1>
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  401. <p class="paragraph">Build your personal brand and drive more people to your website. Check out our wide variety of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services and take your pick.
  402. Whether you’re looking for link-building opportunities, in need of engaging content,
  403. or simply need help with monitoring analytics, we can be of service.</p>
  404. <span>What you Get</span>
  405. <div class="mt-2">
  406. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  407. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  408. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  409. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  410. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  413. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  427. <h1 class="heading"><b>Real Estate & Property</b></h1>
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  430. <p class="paragraph">Want to increase your firms presence online? Check out our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services. Whether you need assistance with content creation, creative design, or link-building, we can help.</p>
  431. <span>What you Get</span>
  432. <div class="mt-2">
  433. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  434. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  435. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  436. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  437. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  440. <a href="#formheading" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded mt-2">Get Started</a>
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  457. <p class="paragraph">Promote your law or accounting services to the right audience, and get more clients. Whether you need written content, assistance with creative design, or SEO planning, our team of highly-skilled individuals are ready to bring more people to your online space. </p>
  458. <span>What you Get</span>
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  460. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  461. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  462. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  463. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  464. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  484. <p class="paragraph">Promote your law or accounting services to the right audience, and get more clients. Whether you need written content, assistance with creative design, or SEO planning, our team of highly-skilled individuals are ready to bring more people to your online space. </p>
  485. <span>What you Get</span>
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  487. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  488. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  489. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  490. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  491. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  511. <p class="paragraph">Bring more leads to your website and get highly-qualified clients for your call center business. Have a look at our wide array of SEO services that are flexible and aimed at helping your enterprise grow.</p>
  512. <span>What you Get</span>
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  514. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  515. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  516. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  517. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  518. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  538. <p class="paragraph">Build your personal brand and drive more people to your website. Check out our wide variety of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services and take your pick.
  539. Whether you’re looking for link-building opportunities, in need of engaging content,
  540. or simply need help with monitoring analytics, we can be of service.</p>
  541. <span>What you Get</span>
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  543. <ul class="list-display list-checkmarks">
  544. <li>Social media experts and bloggers to improve your media presence by more than 500%</li>
  545. <li>Keywords ranked in between 3-6 months, however depending on the keyword density it will rank earlier than 6 months or more than 6 months </li>
  546. <li>Increase in new customers looking for your brand by 5X - 10X</li>
  547. <li>Average client increase in calls and sales by 3X - 10X</li>
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  571. <div class="text-center aside-text-1">Google Compliant On-Page & Off-Page SEO</div>
  572. <div class="text-center aside-text-2">We are composed of highly-skilled professionals ready
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  582. <p class="section-3-text">Time to take your</p>
  583. <p class="section-3-text">business to the next level.</p>
  584. <p class="section-3-text">SEO strategies built on our</p>
  585. <p class="section-3-text">proven techniques.</p>
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  598. <p>And of course, we cover the basics: a rich flexible <span data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-custom-class="custom-tooltip" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-title="A thorough assessment of your SEO performance and website; from content and visual design, to website traffic and page analytics. We’ll do it for you.">website
  599. audit</span> ,
  600. <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-title="Increase both your sales and your traffic by using “conversion keyword”, those that make your website more visible on major search engines.">personalised
  601. keyword research </span>,
  602. <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-title="Solidify your online presence and boost your domain authority by creating links to authoritative places that are relevant to your industry.">powerful
  603. link building </span>,
  604. <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-title="An in-depth study of competitors’ SEO performances to identify the brand’s strength and weaknesses. Review the report and strategize effectively.">in-depth
  605. competitor analysis research </span>,
  606. <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-title="To make meetings more effective, we can organise Zoom or Skype meetings, which offer live chat, content sharing, interactive whiteboarding, and many other capabilities.">hassle-free
  607. meetings </span>,
  608. <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-title="Our group of specialists strategise content publishing with content planning, remembering your marketing goals, brand voice and target market. Save your time and energy.">advanced
  609. SEO planning </span>,
  610. <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-title="Attract relevant customers to your website by letting our skilful designers craft the best infographics suited for your brand.">in-house
  611. creative design </span>,
  612. <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-title="Get premium quality and personalized SEO content (articles, blogs, social networking posts, and ghost-writing) to launch higher Google rankings.">attractive
  613. content creation </span>
  614. with optional video explainers design and much much more.
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  628. <p class="card-text card-para overflow-auto" style="height : 120px ; font-weight:normal;">I own a small
  629. business and have been working with SEO PlanetX for several months. They are very easy to work with and are
  630. constantly coming up with new ideas that have helped our business grow and increase customer traffic. I
  631. would recommend them to anyone in need of SEO services</p>
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  649. <p class="card-text card-para overflow-auto" style="height : 120px ; font-weight:normal;">I own a store and
  650. had been looking for a way to increase traffic. I didn't have time to devote to SEO efforts, so I hired SEO
  651. PlanetX, who are great to work with and really know their stuff! It's also paying off; I've noticed an
  652. increase in customers, which is fantastic. </p>
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  670. <p class="card-text card-para overflow-auto" style="height : 120px ; font-weight:normal;">It has been a
  671. pleasure working with SEO PlanetX. They provide timely, effective service, and by bringing us new clients,
  672. they have contributed to our success. We highly recommend them.</p>
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  691. <p class="card-text card-para overflow-auto" style="height : 120px ; font-weight:normal;">We've been working
  692. with SEO Planetx for about three months and have been very pleased with the results. We get new customers
  693. through Google searches, and we don't have to manage the website or any technical aspects. They are
  694. extremely professional, and we would recommend them to anyone looking for a good SEO firm. </p>
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  712. <p class="card-text card-para overflow-auto" style="height : 120px ; font-weight:normal;">When I had to choose
  713. between hiring a marketing firm or doing it myself because I was having trouble expanding my small business,
  714. I went with SEO PlanetX, and they were really supportive right away. They helped me keep on schedule and
  715. have all the resources I required. The results are better than I expected.</p>
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