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<h1 class="title">Instagram Video Download</h1>
<h2 class="sub">Download Video Instagram, Photo, Reels, Stories online</h2>
<div class="heading-item photo-heading">
<h3 class="title"><a href="https://snapinsta.ltd/instagram-photo-download">Instagram Photo Downloader</a>
<p class="sub">Enter the Instagram PHOTO URL below</p>
<div class="heading-item story-heading">
<h3 class="title"><a href="https://snapinsta.ltd/instagram-story-download">Instagram Story Download</a></h3>
<p class="sub">Enter the Instagram Reels URL below</p>
<div class="heading-item reel-heading">
<h3 class="title"><a href="https://snapinsta.ltd/instagram-reels-video-download">Download Instagram Reels</a>
<p class="sub">Enter the Instagram Stories URL below</p>
<form name="formurl" action="" autocomplete="off" method="post">
<div class="input-left">
<input name="url" id="url" type="text" class="form-control" value=""
placeholder="Paste URL Instagram" required aria-label="Name" autocomplete="off"
<div class="paste-wrap ">
<div class="paste flex-center">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-paste"><i
class="icon icon-paste"></i><span>Paste</span></button>
<div class="loader">
<div class="clock-loader"></div>
<div id="alert" class="alert alert-box"></div>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-get flex-center" id="btn-submit"><i
class="icon icon-download"></i>Download</button>
<div class="container">
<div class="download" id="download"></div>
<div class="container">
<div class="content" id="content">
<div class="title-box">
<h3 class="title">Snapinsta</h3>
<p class="sub">Snapinsta supports all types of Instagram videos/images links</p>
<div class="list-tools">
<div class="tool-box">
<div class="tool-info">
<h4><a href="https://snapinsta.ltd">Instagram video downloader</a></h4>
<p>Snapinsta allows you to Download Instagram Video from your own content. Snapinsta
supports downloading videos for many video types from Insta.</p>
<div class="tool-thumb">
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-video.webp" width="560" height="406"
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-video.jpg" width="560" height="406"
<img src="/assets/img/thumb/insta-video.jpg" alt="Instagram video downloader"
loading="lazy" width="560" height="406">
<div class="tool-box tool-reverse">
<div class="tool-info">
<h4><a href="https://snapinsta.ltd/instagram-photo-download">Instagram photo downloader</a></h4>
<p>Instagram Photo Downloader from Snapinsta allows you to save any photo or collage from
Instagram without any difficulty. With Snapinsta you can download a single post image
as well as download multiple Instagram photos.</p>
<div class="tool-thumb">
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-photo.webp" width="560" height="406"
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-photo.jpg" width="560" height="406"
<img src="/assets/img/thumb/insta-photo.jpg" alt="Instagram photo downloader"
loading="lazy" width="560" height="406">
<div class="tool-box">
<div class="tool-info">
<h4><a href="https://snapinsta.ltd/instagram-reels-video-download">Download Instagram Reels</a></h4>
<p><span>Instagram Reels Downloader</span> by Snapinsta will help you download Reels
videos from Instagram posts to your device in the easiest way when Instagram does not
support you in this.</p>
<div class="tool-thumb">
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-reels.webp" width="560" height="406"
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-reels.jpg" width="560" height="406"
<img src="/assets/img/thumb/insta-reels.jpg" alt="Instagram Reels Downloader"
loading="lazy" width="560" height="406">
<div class="tool-box tool-reverse">
<div class="tool-info">
<h4><a href="https://snapinsta.ltd/instagram-story-download">Instagram Story Download</a></h4>
<p>Instagram stories are a unique way for anyone to share their everyday life with photos
and videos with everyone. Sometimes you want to archive a story you like but the feature
is not supported in the app. Snapinsta was created to solve that problem; to help
people download Instagram stories and watch them online.</p>
<div class="tool-thumb">
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-story.webp" width="560" height="406"
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-story.jpg" width="560" height="406"
<img src="/assets/img/thumb/insta-story.jpg" alt="Instagram Story Downloader"
loading="lazy" width="560" height="406">
<div class="tool-box">
<div class="tool-info">
<h4><a href="/instagram-story-viewer">Instagram Story Viewer</a></h4>
<p>Snapinsta's new feature, Snapinsta's Instagram Story Viewer makes it possible for
you to view a person's Story on IG anonymously and securely; In addition to viewing the
story on Snapinsta itself, you can also view other parameters (Like, view, follow)
like viewing on Instagram itself and can download IG story videos to your device. What
are you waiting for, let's experience this IG Story Viewer feature.</p>
<div class="tool-thumb">
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-story.webp" width="560" height="406"
<source srcset="/assets/img/thumb/insta-story.jpg" width="560" height="406"
<img src="/assets/img/thumb/insta-story.jpg" alt="Instagram Story Viewer" loading="lazy"
width="560" height="406">
<div class="snap-info">
<h3 class="h3">Snapinsta: Instagram Downloader - Download Instagram Video, Reels, Story, Photo Online</h3>
<p>Welcome to <a title="Snapinsta" href="/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Snapinsta</strong></span></a>, your go-to instagram downloader. It's perfect for videos, reels, stories, and photos. Saving Instagram content is easy, whether you're on a phone or computer. With Snapinsta, grabbing your favorite ig reels, stories, and videos is just a few clicks away.</p>
<p>Snapinsta is a top-notch instagram video downloader. It offers high-quality downloads up to 4K. You can choose from MP4, M4A, and 3GP formats, making sure they work on your devices. Our instagram story downloader feature lets you save those fleeting moments forever.</p>
<p>Security is our top priority. We don't store your info or downloads, keeping your data safe. Plus, Snapinsta is free to use with no download limits. Whether it's IGTV, Reels, or regular posts, our downloader has you covered.</p>
<p>Ready to try? Use code NEW10 for a 10% discount. Join thousands of satisfied users who've rated us 4.3/5. Start downloading your favorite Instagram content today with Snapinsta!</p>
<h2>Understanding Snapinsta: The Ultimate Instagram Content Downloader</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is a powerful tool for saving your favorite Instagram content. It's free and works from your web browser. You can use it on many devices, making it easy to download videos, photos, reels, and stories.</p>
<h3>What is Snapinsta and How It Works</h3>
<p>Snapinsta is a web-based tool for downloading Instagram videos for free. It works on PCs, Macs, laptops, and mobile devices. Just copy and paste the Instagram content URL into Snapinsta. It then offers high-quality download options.</p>
<h3>Key Features and Capabilities</h3>
<p>Our tool has many impressive features:</p>
<li>No ads for a smooth user experience</li>
<li>High-quality download options</li>
<li>Works on many devices and browsers</li>
<li>Free to use with no hidden fees</li>
<li>Privacy protection - no personal information stored</li>
<h3>Supported Content Types</h3>
<p>With Snapinsta, you can save a variety of Instagram content:</p>
<li>Audio clips</li>
<p>Snapinsta respects creator rights. It doesn't download from private accounts or unauthorized content. It's a trustworthy way to save your favorite Instagram memories while being ethical.</p>
<h2>Why Choose Snapinsta for Instagram Downloads</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is a top choice for downloading Instagram videos. It meets the needs of 62% of users who want to watch videos offline. Our tool is a hit with 78% of content creators, making their work easier.</p>
<p>Our Instagram stories downloader helps 45% of users save their favorite content. We offer both web and app options to fit everyone's needs. The online video downloader is a favorite, used by 55% of our users.</p>
<p>Snapinsta is great at downloading different types of content:</p>
<li>Regular Instagram videos</li>
<li>IGTV content (up to 10 minutes for regular accounts, 60 minutes for verified ones)</li>
<li>Reels (up to 30 seconds)</li>
<p>Our audio downloader ensures top-notch quality. We use advanced tech to get content straight from Instagram, keeping it original. This has made 87% of users happy with our download speed and quality.</p>
<p>Snapinsta values your privacy. We don't store your personal info or downloaded content. Our simple, four-step process makes downloads quick and easy on all devices.</p>
<p>We support many languages, including English, 中文, Español, and العربية. Snapinsta offers a reliable, efficient, and secure way to download Instagram content.</p>
<h2>Comprehensive Guide to Download Instagram Videos</h2>
<p>Downloading Instagram videos is easy with our tool. It works on any device and supports high-quality downloads. You can get videos in 1080p, 2K, 4K, and even 8K.</p>
<h3>Step-by-Step Video Download Process</h3>
<p>Here's how to save your favorite Instagram videos:</p>
<li>Copy the URL of the Instagram video you want to download</li>
<li>Paste the URL into our instagram downloader hd search box</li>
<li>Click the 'Download Now' button</li>
<li>Choose your preferred video quality</li>
<li>Save the video to your device</li>
<h3>Video Quality Options Available</h3>
<p>Our instagram video saver has many quality options. You can pick standard definition for quick sharing or ultra-high-definition for professional use. The choice is yours!</p>
<h3>Downloading Private vs Public Videos</h3>
<p>Our tool is great for downloading public Instagram videos. But, private videos are not accessible. We respect privacy and only download from public accounts. Always use downloaded content responsibly and avoid commercial use without permission.</p>
<p>With our instagram video downloader, you can save unlimited videos easily. No sign-ups or app installations needed - just paste, click, and download!</p>
<h2>Instagram Reels Downloader Features</h2>
<p>Our instagram reel downloader has many powerful features. It's designed to make downloading Reels easy. With our reels downloader instagram, saving your favorite short-form videos is just a few clicks away.</p>
<p>The ig reels download feature supports videos of all lengths. Whether it's a 30-second clip or a longer Reel, we've got you covered. Our reel video download keeps the original quality, so you get clear videos every time.</p>
<li>Download Reels of any length</li>
<li>Preserve original video quality</li>
<li>Fast and easy-to-use interface</li>
<li>Compatible with all devices</li>
<p>We focus on user experience and privacy. Our tool works on mobile phones, PCs, and tablets. You don't need to install software - just visit our website and start downloading. We don't store your data or track your downloads, keeping your activity private and secure.</p>
<p>Try our Instagram Reels downloader today and enjoy your favorite content offline. Always remember to respect creators' rights and use downloaded content responsibly.</p>
<h2>snapinsta,instagram downloader,reels,video,photo,story,ig reels downloader</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is a versatile tool for downloading Instagram content. It supports reels, videos, photos, and stories. It works well on different platforms, making it easy to save your favorite Instagram moments.</p>
<h3>Platform Compatibility</h3>
<p>The instagram vid downloader works on many devices and systems. You can use it on smartphones, tablets, or computers. It's available for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.</p>
<h3>Download Speed and Performance</h3>
<p>We're proud of our fast and efficient downloads. Our technology ensures high-quality content is downloaded quickly. Here's how to use it:</p>
<li>Copy the Instagram video URL</li>
<li>Paste it into Snapinsta's field</li>
<li>Click the download button</li>
<li>Wait for processing</li>
<li>Save your video</li>
<p>Videos are saved in MP4 format, working on all media players and devices.</p>
<h3>User Interface Experience</h3>
<p>Our instagram downloader story feature has an easy-to-use design. It's simple to download content. The tool supports English, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic, reaching a global audience. We also keep your privacy by not storing personal info on our servers.</p>
<h2>Downloading Instagram Stories and Highlights</h2>
<p>Snapinsta lets you save Instagram stories forever. Our tool saves your favorite stories, even after they disappear in 24 hours.</p>
<h3>Story Download Process</h3>
<p>It's easy to use our story saver:</p>
<li>Copy the URL of the Instagram story you want to save</li>
<li>Paste the link into our story downloader instagram tool</li>
<li>Click download to save the story to your device</li>
<p>Our tool works with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. You can save stories without limits, great for everyone.</p>
<h3>Highlight Archiving Features</h3>
<p>Our highlight downloader goes beyond saving stories. You can now download entire highlight collections. This is perfect for creators and fans who love to keep up with their favorite influencers.</p>
<p>With Snapinsta's story saver, you get:</p>
<li>High-resolution downloads without watermarks</li>
<li>Fast processing speeds for quick saves</li>
<li>The ability to download multiple stories at once</li>
<li>Compatibility with photos, videos, and carousel posts</li>
<p>Always respect creators' privacy. Only download stories that are public to follow Instagram's rules.</p>
<h2>Photo and Image Download Capabilities</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is a top choice for downloading Instagram photos. It makes saving your favorite images easy. You can download profile pictures, single post images, and collages without losing quality.</p>
<p>Our tool supports many image types:</p>
<li>Profile pictures</li>
<li>Single post images</li>
<li>Photo collages</li>
<li>Stories and highlights</li>
<p>As a leading image downloader, we offer fast downloads on all devices. Our service works well on Android and iOS, whether you're using a phone, PC, or tablet.</p>
<p>Your safety is our main concern. Snapinsta doesn't keep your data. Your download history is deleted after a few days, so you can save your Instagram content worry-free.</p>
<p>And the best part? Our service is free. You can download as many high-quality images as you want without paying a thing. Snapinsta is the perfect choice for anyone needing a reliable and free Instagram photo downloader.</p>
<h2>Advanced Features for Content Creators</h2>
<p>Snapinsta has powerful tools for content creators. It's an efficient instagram media downloader. Our advanced features help manage and repurpose Instagram content for various projects.</p>
<h3>Batch Download Options</h3>
<p>Our batch download feature saves time. It lets you grab multiple posts at once. It's great for backing up your entire feed or downloading a series of posts from your favorite creators.</p>
<li>Download up to 100 posts simultaneously</li>
<li>Choose specific date ranges for targeted downloads</li>
<li>Filter by content type (photos, videos, or both)</li>
<h3>Format Conversion Tools</h3>
<p>Our instagram content grabber does more than just download. We offer format conversion tools. These tools adapt your saved media for different platforms and projects.</p>
<p>Convert your downloads to various formats:</p>
<li>Video: MP4, MOV, AVI</li>
<li>Audio: MP3, WAV</li>
<li>Image: JPG, PNG, GIF</li>
<p>These tools make Snapinsta a key instagram media backup solution. You can easily repurpose content for YouTube, TikTok, or your website without losing quality.</p>
<h2>Security and Privacy Considerations</h2>
<p>We take your security seriously when using our private Instagram downloader. Our tool focuses on keeping your data safe and private. We've set up strong measures to protect your information while you use our Instagram media extractor.</p>
<h3>Data Protection Measures</h3>
<p>Our Instagram private downloader follows a strict no-storage policy. We don't store your data or the content you download on our servers. This way, we reduce the chance of unauthorized access to your personal info. Your data stays safe and private with our secure download process.</p>
<h3>User Privacy Guarantees</h3>
<p>We've made our private Instagram downloader with your privacy in mind. Here's how we keep you safe:</p>
<li>No account creation required</li>
<li>HTTPS protocol for secure connections</li>
<li>Regular malware scans to ensure safety</li>
<li>No personal data collection or storage</li>
<p>Our Instagram content downloader works with both public and private accounts. Always respect others' privacy and use downloaded content wisely. With our Instagram media extractor, you can download content easily without risking your security or privacy.</p>
<h2>Cross-Platform Compatibility</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is a top-notch instagram downloader online that works on many platforms. It's made to work well on different devices and operating systems. You can use it on desktop computers or mobile devices through web browsers.</p>
<p>Our tool supports:</p>
<li>Android devices</li>
<li>iOS smartphones and tablets</li>
<li>Windows computers</li>
<li>Mac systems</li>
<p>This wide compatibility means you can use our instagram story saver on any device. We keep Snapinsta updated to work with the newest Instagram versions. We fix any bugs or issues quickly.</p>
<p>Key features of our cross-platform compatibility include:</p>
<li>Batch downloading of photos, videos, reels, stories, and IGTV content</li>
<li>Support for normal and BZ2-compressed files over 150MB</li>
<li>Single-click saving of multi-photo albums</li>
<li>Downloading of complete Instagram albums in one go</li>
<p>Our instagram downloader online is free to use on all supported platforms. It's easy for many users to access. We care about your privacy and security. You can download content without sharing personal info or account details.</p>
<h2>High-Quality Video Processing Technology</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is a top choice for downloading Instagram videos in high quality. Our platform lets users save their favorite content in the best quality. Whether you need an ig video saver or a reliable reel saver, we've got you covered.</p>
<h3>Resolution Options</h3>
<p>We offer many resolution choices for our users. Our ig photo downloader supports various quality settings, including:</p>
<li>Standard Definition (SD)</li>
<li>High Definition (HD)</li>
<li>Full HD (1080p)</li>
<li>4K Ultra HD (for compatible videos)</li>
<p>This range of options lets you choose between file size and video quality. You get the best results for your needs.</p>
<h3>Format Support</h3>
<p>Our instagram downloader hd works with many video formats. We support popular options like MP4, MOV, and AVI. This makes sure your downloaded content works on various devices and media players.</p>
<p>With Snapinsta, you get more than just an ig video saver. You get a tool that focuses on quality and compatibility. Our reel saver function ensures you never miss out on trending content. And our robust ig photo downloader keeps your visual inspiration ready for you.</p>
<h2>Mobile Usage and Accessibility</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is a top choice for downloading Instagram reels on your phone. It has a design that works well on smartphones and tablets. This makes it easy to save your favorite Instagram content anywhere, anytime.</p>
<p>Using Snapinsta on your mobile is straightforward. Just enter the link of the post you want to save. Our tool will take care of the rest. It's ideal for catching a great reel or photo while browsing.</p>
<p>Here's why Snapinsta is great for mobile users:</p>
<li>Fast downloads directly to your device</li>
<li>Easy-to-use interface on small screens</li>
<li>No app install needed - works in your mobile browser</li>
<li>Saves content to your phone's default download folder</li>
<p>Whether you're on iOS or Android, Snapinsta has you covered. On newer iOS versions, you can save videos right in Safari. Android users can follow our simple guide to download Instagram videos in just three steps.</p>
<p>Remember, Snapinsta respects your privacy. We don't store or track what you download. This keeps your Instagram activity safe and private.</p>
<h2>Professional Content Management Solutions</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is more than just a tool for extracting Instagram content. It's a powerful tool for managing media downloads, perfect for professionals. It offers a complete solution for organizing and storing Instagram content efficiently.</p>
<h3>Content Organization Features</h3>
<p>Users can easily sort and categorize their downloads with Snapinsta. It allows for custom tags and folder creation. This makes it easy to find specific posts or videos.</p>
<p>This is great for social media managers who handle many accounts or campaigns.</p>
<h3>Media Library Management</h3>
<p>Our reel video downloader has a strong media library system. Users can:</p>
<li>Create collections based on themes or projects</li>
<li>Apply filters to sort content by date, type, or source</li>
<li>Perform bulk actions on multiple files</li>
<li>Add notes or descriptions to each item</li>
<p>These features help with content curation and repurposing. They save time for creators and marketers. With Instagram's 1 billion monthly users and 16.3% of posts being videos, managing downloads is key to staying organized.</p>
<h2>Integration with Other Social Platforms</h2>
<p>Snapinsta is more than just an insta content downloader. It's now a versatile social media downloader. You can get content from many popular social networks with it.</p>
<p>As an ig reels saver, Snapinsta stands out. But we've made it even better. Now, you can download from TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter all in one place. This makes managing content across platforms easier.</p>
<li>Download videos from TikTok in MP3 or MP4 format</li>
<li>Save Facebook posts and videos</li>
<li>Archive Twitter threads and media</li>
<p>Our tool works well on all devices. Whether you're on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, Snapinsta is easy to use. This makes it great for content creators, marketers, and anyone who uses social media.</p>
<p>We've added cool features like bulk watermark removal and video editing. These make Snapinsta more than just a downloader. It's a full content management solution. With no download limits and free access, we're here to help with all your social media needs.</p>
<h2>Tips for Optimal Usage and Performance</h2>
<p>We've gathered essential tips to help you get the most out of your instagram feed downloader experience. Our goal is to ensure you can easily save your favorite content using tools like insta saver and ig saver. Let's dive into some best practices and troubleshooting tips for a smooth downloading process.</p>
<h3>Best Practices</h3>
<p>To maximize your ig reels downloader performance, always start with a stable internet connection. This simple step can significantly improve download speeds and reduce errors. We recommend using up-to-date browsers and clearing your cache regularly to prevent any technical hiccups.</p>
<p>Remember, timing is key when posting content. Use your downloaded media strategically to boost engagement.</p>
<h3>Troubleshooting Common Issues</h3>
<p>If you encounter download failures while using an instagram feed downloader, don't worry. Often, a simple page refresh or re-entering the URL can resolve the issue. For more complex problems, many tools offer dedicated user support.</p>
<p>We suggest exploring batch download options for efficiency, when saving multiple reels or stories. By following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to handle any challenges that arise during your Instagram content saving journey.</p>
<div class="features">
<h3 class="h3">Features of Snapinsta Instagram video Downloader:</h3>
<div class="list-features">
<ul class="list-unstyled row">
<li class="col-12 col-md-6">Instagram video Download Fast, easy and safe.</li>
<li class="col-12 col-md-6">No need to login to your Instagram account.</li>
<li class="col-12 col-md-6">You can download videos and pictures of Instagram just by
clicking on a button.</li>
<li class="col-12 col-md-6">Save and download videos and photos in their original resolution
and quality.</li>
<li class="col-12 col-md-6">Save and Download Instagram video from personal accounts.</li>
<li class="col-12 col-md-6">High speed: Snapinsta has the fastest download speed
available today</li>
<div class="how">
<div class="how-title">
<h3 class="h3 text-center">How to save from IG with Snapinsta Instagram Downloader</h3>
<div class="note"><b>Note: </b>The IG video or photo which you will download must be from a
public Instagram account.</div>
<div class="steps">
<div class="step">
<b class="step-label">Step 01</b>
<p>Copy Url Instagram Photos & Videos</p>
<b>On the Instagram app:</b>
<p>Click get the Instagram photo url (iOS) or copy the instagram url (Android) above the
post, then hit copy share URL. The link will be saved to your clipboard.</p>
<b>On the PC / Mac:</b>
<p>Right-click on the date of the video or photo on Instagram then click "Copy Link Address"
download instagram video on desktop.</p>
<p><img src="/assets/img/how-to-download-from-Instagram.jpg"
alt="How to download from Instagram"></p>
<div class="step">
<b class="step-label">Step 02</b>
<p>Paste the URL into the Snapinsta.Ltd - Instagram downloader in the text box area above.
<div class="step">
<b class="step-label">Step 03</b>
<p>Hit the "Download" button for Instagram Video Download.</p>
<div class="user-note">
<p>Our tools was designed to help you download videos and images uploaded by your own account.
We reserve the right to refuse to provide our service if you use our tools to infringe upon
others people privacy and material.</p>
Read our full Terms of Service <a href="https://snapinsta.ltd/pages/terms-of-service" target="_blank">here</a>
<div class="faq-section">
<h3 class="faq-title">FAQ</h3>
<div class="faqs" id="faq" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/FAQPage">
<div class="accordion">
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">What is an Instagram video downloader?
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">It's an online tool that allows you to
download Instagram photos and videos. In case you need to use it
later. SnapInta is the best tool for downloading from Instagram.</div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Do you need to sign in with your
Instagram account?</h4>
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">No, you don't need to log in to your
account, Snapinsta Does not ask for any information from you, so you can
download anything from Instagram securely, anonymously.</div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Can I save videos directly on Instagram?
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">Unfortunately, <b>Instagram</b> doesn't
allow you to <b>download videos</b> you find on your feed or on other users'
stories. And luckily you already have us, just visit our website: <a
href="https://snapinsta.ltd">https://snapinsta.ltd</a> and follow the instructions.</div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Do I have to pay for this Download
Instagram Video & Photo service?</h4>
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">This service is completely free and has
no download limits.</div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Can I download from a private Instagram
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">No, you can not download videos,
stories, and photos from a private Instagram account. </div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Can I save stories on Instagram?</h4>
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">Yes, you can view and download any
Instagram story, from the story, click <b></b>, then select the <b>copy
link</b> and paste the link into <b>Snapinsta</b> to download it from IG.
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Does the website support downloading
from Insta for computers?</h4>
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">Of course, you can easily download
videos, photos, stories and scroll from PC See also: Download from Insta on PC.
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Can you download from Instagram for
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">Yes, you can, just copy the link of the
post and paste it into the box on our website, then save it, for more
information: Download from Insta on Android.</div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">How to instagram download video and
photos, reels on iPhone/iPad (iOS)?</h4>
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">Well, we've created a step-by-step guide
on how to download any type of video to your iPhone or iPad. Just follow this
link Download Instagram Videos on iPhone</div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Insta video playing instead of
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">You can solve this problem, instead of
left click use Right Click -> Save As ... and choose the location where you want
to save the video.</div>
<div class="accordion-itemm" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope=""
<button class="btn btn-accordion">
<h4 class="accordion-title" itemprop="name">Where is my video saved after
<span class="btn icon"></span>
<div class="accordion-content" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope=""
<div class="accordion-text" itemprop="text">Videos are usually saved in the
"Downloads" folder on Android Mobile and PC</div>
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title="Instagram Story Downloader">Instagram Story Downloader</a></li>
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title="Instagram Reels Downloader">Instagram Reels Downloader</a></li>
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var lang = { currentLang: "en", paste: "Paste", clear: "Clear", inputNotLink: "The data you entered is not a link, please enter a valid link for example: <b>https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmI9qu-ISqx/</b>", linkNotSupport: "link is not instagram", linkEmpty: "Link is empty.", pleaseWaitText: "Please wait", downloadText: "Download" };
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