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  8. <title>RSS All about knitting</title>
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  10. <description>All about knitting</description>
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  16. <title>4 Matches</title>
  17. <description>The socks associated with the matches are a non-exhaustive classic of visal art. The need to provide warm accessories to any of the friends or family members often arises in the face of many viscers. The obligation of any sock or ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/rukodelnoe_moe_mk_po_vyazaniu_noskov.jpg" alt="Рукодельное мое.: МК по вязанию носков на 4-х спицах" align="left" /><p>The socks associated with the matches are a non-exhaustive classic of visal art. The need to provide warm accessories to any of the friends or family members often arises in the face of many viscers. The obligation of any sock or golf model is based on several general principles. Signing them will make the most bold artists of success. There are different ways to tie socks on five matches, four matches and two. The number of matches depends on the design of the finished product. Before we begin to touch the arc or coloural knitting of the socks, it's time to start with the classic band on the 4th matches. Preparing for the socks to come up, they need to be tied in accordance with the measures. For socks, it shall be measured: the leg is slightly above the kernel; the height of the foot; the foot length (from the fingertips to the edge of the stain). The stack parameters should be measured at length, as the whole of the matches is quite elastic. The measures will be necessary even if the knitting can be exemplified at any time. Using these figures and the associated reference sample, it may be calculated how many hinges should be at matches at different stages of the line. The beginning of the Knock is often triggered by a set of five matches. Their size (diameter) may vary from 1, 5 mm to 4 mm and above. Working tools should be selected for the buckle used, usually on the label. If the matches don't get out of the hinge, their size may be a little smaller. The benefits of this reception are also increased density. The part of the sock that is located from the stain and above is called the peg. The process of producing socks on four matches is carried out by circular knitting. The first-row bells (the number is determined in the calculation of the sample and the measures) are equally distributed among the four matches. Work will be more comfortable if the number of links is four times. The obligation is folded into a circle and stiffly spiral. Usually, the upper edge of the pagolene is a rubber. You can use any familiar view: 1x1, 2x2 or other type of elastic rubber. Also, it's a good scavenger to house the eye. The detail is considered to be completed when its length is equal to the planned distance from the beginning of the bond to the beginning of the stain.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  22. <pubDate>Fri, 29 Nov 2024 07:31:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>Mandatory Hook For Starting Socks</title>
  26. <description>Step 1. The muscle begins to tie the mouse always the same. For the thread ring, tie eight half-stops and lock a coupling pole in the 1st loop. Figure 1 shows the number of rows corresponding to size. In the 2nd row, the number ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/vyazannie_noski_dlya_nachinaushih_kruchkom.jpg" alt="Вязанные носки для начинающих крючком -" align="left" /><p>Step 1. The muscle begins to tie the mouse always the same. For the thread ring, tie eight half-stops and lock a coupling pole in the 1st loop. Figure 1 shows the number of rows corresponding to size. In the 2nd row, the number of hinges is doubled = 16 h. Starting from the 3rd row, four rots are added in each row. Work to continue in a straight and reverse direction by the rows, i.e., after the coupling, to turn the row into the middle of the lower leg. If necessary, the right and left medium loops shall mark the contrast thread. Step 2. Stage, slick and foot rise for the foot to tie a half-century without hinge supplements and to carry out as many rows as specified in the table below or in the model instructions. The transition from a number to a row continues to mark the contrast thread, moving it upwards. Then, in each row, start adding loop and stain loopholes, before and after the right middle loop, and in front and after the left medium hinge, two half-size. The number of rows with additives is indicated in the model instruction or is determined in the table: Step 3. The stack of the stain for the wall of the fifth is to tie the poles without naquid in chart 2 (see below). If the last row with the additives was facial, after turning, as shown in the chart, by means of coupling poles, to the edge of the fifth wall, to tie the end of the hinge of the stains, to turn and continue the work on the scheme. If the last row with the additives was intelligent, first by means of connecting pillars, go to the edge of the stain wall and tie one hinge from the side edge of the stain, turn and</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Application For Starters]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Wed, 30 Oct 2024 07:31:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>Child Hook Up Before Year Of Scheme</title>
  35. <description>The earlyest reference to the knitting of the hook is 19th century, and the gleaning schemes were first published in Dutch in Penelope. There&#039;s a simple knitting, a Tunisian knitting hook, an unusual fork and an Irish mug ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/vyazanie_dlya_novorozhdennih_i_malishey_spicami.jpg" alt="Вязание для новорожденных и малышей спицами и крючком, схемы и" align="left" /><p>The earlyest reference to the knitting of the hook is 19th century, and the gleaning schemes were first published in Dutch in Penelope. There's a simple knitting, a Tunisian knitting hook, an unusual fork and an Irish mug. Children ' s things, adults ' accessories and original deeds can be quickly created, and the machinery can be developed without any training. The starting point is to know the following basic knitting techniques: • how to start knitting ∙ how to make an air loop ∙ how to make a simple pole-cleaning : a pole with nakid. The hooks, threads and additional attachments for the knitting of the knitting hook may be met from metal (stal or aluminium), plastics, wood, bamboo or bone. For international standards, the size of hooks No. 1-6 corresponds to the size of the head. The quality hook shouldn't be too stupid or sharp, in the first case, it'll make it harder, in the second, to scratch his fingers. Nitis are usually 1, 5-2 times thin. The thin threads and hooks you'll tie rounds, thick threads and hooks, soft mouths. Classic materials for the knitting hook - cotton, wool, silk, synthetics, edge, lane and many others - need to be chosen according to the type of product. If you focus on the drawing, you need to take a single-ton buckle, for the circus, smooth strings, otherwise there won't be a sight. For a whole bundle, for example, for coffins, sweaters or vests, thieves fit. Except for the thread and the knitting hooks, you're gonna need a pin, a centimetre, a needle with large cushions and markers. The women's panamka is a chain of medium complexity to tie a summer hat like that, you're gonna need a 50-gauge of beloved colours and hook No. 1, 5, babysitting up to one-year-old pines for a boy wrapping up a hook for children up to one-year--- it's a great pleasure, and the pinetes can handle any level of training. Under this scheme, you will be able to link pine-sandaliks to the baby for up to three months, a description from the book Pine, Pockets, Socks, N. Chichichikolo. You're going to need 40 g in the main color and 10 g in the second and hook number 4. How to tie a summer coffet and a girl's skirt for 6-7 years, making a girl's skirt suit takes two to five days. You're going to need 200 grams of a 100 per cent grey cotton and hook number one.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Living]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Mon, 30 Sep 2024 07:14:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Spy Collars</title>
  44. <description>The lesson you are offered is information, as well as diagrams and descriptions of a variety of ways of linking collars to matches, with a hook or a shuttle. We will see how a very fashionable collar, known as Homut, is being ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/manishkivorotniki_zapisi_v_rubrike_manishkivorotniki_dnevnik.jpg" alt="Манишки,воротники | Записи в рубрике Манишки,воротники | Дневник" align="left" /><p>The lesson you are offered is information, as well as diagrams and descriptions of a variety of ways of linking collars to matches, with a hook or a shuttle. We will see how a very fashionable collar, known as Homut, is being carried out, which is attached to a sweater or a coffet fixed. Then we'll see how the demeanor collars are properly performed, as well as the collars with the unusual and beautiful name of the frivolite. If the Homut collar model, or similar to him, is present only in adult tricotage, the arsonic models will be suitable for both adults and children. Fragile and warm collars attached to sweaters and coils are used exclusively for autumn winter tricotage. They are designed to supplement the warm tricotage and warm the throat from the wind and cold. The arsonic models are performed mainly from thin cotton or visososis, and are mainly used to steal clothing. If you tie a warm collar and then steal its edge from the same thread, then you get a model that warms up and steals your clothes. So we'll consider the first way to link Homut's collar. The lesson contains excavations for this model, which you need to draw attention. The kit shall be made from the hill, circular. Comparing the hangover with the Golf model, the first should be wider and not close to the neck. In our case, we'll need ninety-two loops. Of them, fifty grand will go to the front half and forty-two to the back. We'll have about ten centimetres of selected sight, then we'll start adding in the front. That's what makes two of every fifth loop. That's how we get in the front half of 60 grand. After that, we'll do another ten centimetres of knitting with the existing 100 hinges, and then all the knitting is closed. As a result, your collar Homith has a little penetration in the front, which looks very beautiful and effective.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  49. <pubDate>Sat, 31 Aug 2024 07:08:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>Liquidation Schemes For Newborns</title>
  53. <description>The use of matches for newborns: the puppet and cap scheme, when a family is expected to be filled, many grandmothers and mothers start thinking about what kind of things for a baby can be sewed or tied with their own hands ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/podrobnoe_opisanie_i_shemi_vyazaniya_detskoy.jpg" alt="Подробное описание и схемы вязания детской шапочки для начинающих" align="left" /><p>The use of matches for newborns: the puppet and cap scheme, when a family is expected to be filled, many grandmothers and mothers start thinking about what kind of things for a baby can be sewed or tied with their own hands. These obligatory clothing items for newborns can be marked with hats that will always find their seats in the baby's wardrobe. There are many examples on the Internet where newborn matching schemes are offered. We will not be behind us, and we offer you a class master who describes in sufficient detail the chaining of newborn matches. It should be noted that, in general, blinding for newborns is quite fascinating and not labour-intensive, so it can be understood by anyone who wishes to learn how to tie things. Now, if you're going to start a case like tying a newborn spice cap, we're going to advise you to prepare, any buckle you like, matches and a knitting hook. Work starts with a hinge kit that will need 78. The 1x1 rubber should then be linked to the height of two rows. To make the hat brighter and handsome, we add another color at this stage. And the thread of the other color is still tied to two rows of rubber. We're going to the main thread and we're going back to the rubber, two rows. After such a cut as a rubber, the main body of the product may be leached. To this end, we take a thread of additional colour and we have two rows of knowledge. We change the thread to the basic color and continue to tie another row in the same technology. The sight ends with three other rows of basic color, but it should be fixed by their face-to-face smooth. This shame should be repeated three times, constantly worn with different colours. After a part of the dislocation hat is tied, the back of the sticker should begin. We're supposed to split all the hinges on the match for three parts, about the ratio: the middle part is 28 hinges, 25 hinges. In the first row, the connection should begin with the first side-by-side 25 hinges, which are completely tied, followed by the medium-sized loop, and the latter should be linked to the first loop of the second side. Next, all the product turns to the knowledge side, and work goes on only with the central part of the hat. Twenty-seven central hinges should be tied again, and the latter should be attached to the first hinges of the side. The bond should therefore continue until 14 hinges remain on the sidewalls.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[Boundary Pattern]]></category>
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  58. <pubDate>Thu, 01 Aug 2024 07:08:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Compulsory Coffins With Schemes</title>
  62. <description>1. WHEREELED WOMEN COFTLOWS, WHEN PICKED BY THE Speakers today, are at the top of the most popular hands. You know, with the help of the match, you can tie every single model of coffa (cardigan, bulletproof, jocket) that&#039;s ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/vyazanie_zhaketi_i_kofti_spicami_s.jpg" alt="Вязаные жакеты и кофты спицами с описанием и схемами - Вяжи.ру" align="left" /><p>1. WHEREELED WOMEN COFTLOWS, WHEN PICKED BY THE Speakers today, are at the top of the most popular hands. You know, with the help of the match, you can tie every single model of coffa (cardigan, bulletproof, jocket) that's perfect for a woman. In the previous material, we have set up diagrams for full women, profiles and video lessons for starters. A lot of visitors took advantage of similar schemes and tied up very beautiful boxes, cardigans, tunics on matches. We decided to continue the issue of matching for women, and in this material, you will find chains of carpets and step-by-step descriptions for each model. In the view of domestic clothing and stilists, different models of pancreas (both long winter heat and thin from the cotton buckle at the summer) must be present in the women ' s harbor. It's very convenient, practical, and it's a great combination of many outfits. The attached jacket will look beautifully with the tightened trousers, and the wide one with a skirt or a long dress. A coft with a rotten silo associated with matches from a thin buckle of dangerous tones can be perfectly combined with a business wardrobe. Such a universal element of the wardrobe is appropriate to go to the office and visit guests and walk. It is important to correctly choose the buckle with the appropriate structure of the filament and the way the viscous is folded before we begin to ties with the matches. The variety of modern models of women's cats is also impressive. There are options for both full women and the worst. You can tie a warm coffet to a winter of 100 per cent wool in which you will be very warm and comfortable. You can tie a long model with a collar that can easily replace the coat in pasture days or winter if it's not too cold. Special benefits are found in carpets with unusual decorative elements and decoratives, which are associated with the combination of thin and thick wool threads of different factures. Mini-cardigans and short sleeves linked to the cotton buckle of bright tones are universal upper clothing for the summer. During this season, the crude arcades will be combined with mini-skirts and bright trousers. But it's advisable to stick to certain rules by choosing a knuckle : • If your thighs are a lot longer than the shoulder belt, then pick long jackets with clear lines and with a straight cover;</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Boundary Pattern]]></category>
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  67. <pubDate>Tue, 02 Jul 2024 06:50:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>Tape Chains</title>
  71. <description>Dimensions 41 (42) You&#039;re going to need a six-square sectional edge (75 per cent of the wool, 25 per cent polyamide, 420 m/150 g) - 150 grams of brown sternum, bowl matches No. 3; ready-to-size; sewn tiles; Two ready appliions ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/tapochki_zapisi_s_metkoy_tapochki_dnevnik.jpg" alt="тапочки | Записи с меткой тапочки | Дневник Ильсия : LiveInternet" align="left" /><p>Dimensions 41 (42) You're going to need a six-square sectional edge (75 per cent of the wool, 25 per cent polyamide, 420 m/150 g) - 150 grams of brown sternum, bowl matches No. 3; ready-to-size; sewn tiles; Two ready appliions. Relef strips 1 to 3 p.m.: Liquid loops; 4th p.: ink loops. Repeat from 1st to 4th row. The number of hinges is short 8 + 1 + 2 krom. We're gonna have to do this. It contains lycées and numerals. Starting with the edge, repeating therapport, finishing the rods after the rapport and the rum. Repeat the height from the 1st to the 12th row. The knitting density of 25 p. x 35 p. = 10 x 10 cm is associated with the straw. Attention! You have to be tough. Carrying out the hinds is a cross-sectional connection: dial 21 quells on the matches and tie the straps. In 29 (31) cm from the start-up, all loops are closed. For the upper part of the staircase, pick up 51 loops and tie the Kletki with 8 x 1 p.m. in each 6 p. for rounding. In 15 cm = 54 p. from the beginning, close the remaining 35 hinges. At the top of the stitch, we're gonna stitch up on the ready application. The back of the cap is to stitch strong threads on one side of the rear floor of the sole. To the front floor of the podium, stitch the upper part of the stack, planting a knitting piece on the mouse. Then the attached parts (end and upper part of the stairs) shall be stitched on the short sides.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Boundary Pattern]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 06:22:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>Mandatory Pianine For Starters</title>
  80. <description>1. A superfluous sword. How can we be able to communicate this message - the Councils for the contrary - by improving the quality of the buckle, by creating new interesting ties and motives, which has now become more modern ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/azhurniy_palantin_spicami_delaem_iz_mohera.jpg" alt="Ажурный палантин спицами: делаем из мохера и из хлопка для" align="left" /><p>1. A superfluous sword. How can we be able to communicate this message - the Councils for the contrary - by improving the quality of the buckle, by creating new interesting ties and motives, which has now become more modern, fashionable. The variety of models of large-scale nakkins allows for an option suitable for you and your wardrobe. The tactics of the brush or circumferences on the shali emphasize the gravity of the woman, the nature of the movements, the attractiveness of the figure, the shalt associated with its hands will always be the original and ideally decorated of your inexorable image. In this material, you'll find tips for starters, free spy chaining schemes, video class masters describing each stage of work. The advantages of a knitting shali and palantine: you can connect the matches with a few options. You'll have to take these accessories with you on a vacation trip. The light arc tip can be put on the shoulders so they don't burn in the sun or throw up to protect them against the head. And a cool evening during a walk, you can put a warm shade on your shoulders and feel comfortable even in a light evening dress. Many full women want to hide too much wheat, wide back, or, for example, not exactly perfect hands. Even the slight tips associated with the matches will make a woman feel as attractive as possible. Frequently, the appearance of the new hairdresser or just packing is deteriorating after wearing the cap or bereta. And the air shawl keeps warm and doesn't spoil the hair on the head. How to wear a tied neck: In fact, there are many different ways of wearing stews, which can make a great difference in your everyday image;</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Application For Starters]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 05:56:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>Speaker</title>
  89. <description>1. CARRIAGE PLANS FOR MUSIC PLAYS, A beautiful, modern dress with greasy eyes associated with a bright buckle for a girl, looks harmoniously on a bright blouse and in an ensemble with a fashioned child complex. An elegant thin ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/platya_sarafani_vyazanie_spicami_kruchkom_uroki.jpg" alt="платья, сарафаны | Вязание спицами, крючком, уроки вязания" align="left" /><p>1. CARRIAGE PLANS FOR MUSIC PLAYS, A beautiful, modern dress with greasy eyes associated with a bright buckle for a girl, looks harmoniously on a bright blouse and in an ensemble with a fashioned child complex. An elegant thin dress from the cotton buckle or a warm dress with a long sleeve on the winter can be tied to the hook (see also). But many models of dresses with interesting lights are better tied to matches. A little girl will look equally effective, both as a dress with flower ears and saturated paints and as a model of bright and dangerous tones...</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  94. <pubDate>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 05:22:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Mandatory Child Coat</title>
  98. <description>Compulsory blankets for home spies are self-identification of cozy, appeasement and heat, all the meanings of this word. It&#039;s nice to have some cold evenings, read the book, see an interesting movie. To reconcile the common ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/vyazanie_detskogo_pleda_kruchkomprosto_i_krasivo.jpg" alt="Вязание детского пледа крючком.Просто и красиво! How to crochet a" align="left" /><p>Compulsory blankets for home spies are self-identification of cozy, appeasement and heat, all the meanings of this word. It's nice to have some cold evenings, read the book, see an interesting movie. To reconcile the common picture, it is important that the blanket of the house be esthetic and stylish. In this case, it, as it did to the back of the house, will be a fine jewel of your interns. Two functions are covered by the sleepers for the house: protect the bed sheets from contamination and is a bright detail reviving the room...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Horse Hook]]></category>
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  103. <pubDate>Wed, 27 Mar 2024 06:48:00 +0000</pubDate>
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