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  17. <description>Swanseas new premier news outlet</description>
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  34. <title>New Local Deli Opens in Killay, Swansea, Celebrating Welsh Produce</title>
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  37. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Keith Evans-Hurley]]></dc:creator>
  38. <pubDate>Thu, 24 Oct 2024 14:42:23 +0000</pubDate>
  39. <category><![CDATA[Local News]]></category>
  40. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  42. <description><![CDATA[Nick Jones Opens &#8220;The Humble Deli&#8221; in Killay, Swansea: A Celebration of Local Meats and Cheeses. Killay, Swansea – October 2024 – Local entrepreneur and food enthusiast, Nick Jones, is excited to announce the opening of The Humble Deli, a new delicatessen located in the heart of Killay. The Humble Deli aims to provide the [&#8230;]]]></description>
  43. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Nick Jones Opens &#8220;The Humble Deli&#8221; in Killay, Swansea: A Celebration of Local Meats and Cheeses.</p>
  44. <p>Killay, Swansea – October 2024 – Local entrepreneur and food enthusiast, Nick Jones, is excited to announce the opening of The Humble Deli, a new delicatessen located in the heart of Killay. The Humble Deli aims to provide the community with a curated selection of high-quality, locally sourced meats, cheeses, and specialty products, focusing on celebrating Welsh agriculture and artisanal producers.</p>
  46. <a href=''><img decoding="async" width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="" /></a>
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  50. <a href=''><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="" /></a>
  52. <p>Born from a lifelong passion for food, Nick Jones has realized his dream of opening a deli that not only offers an exceptional range of flavours but also supports Welsh farmers and small producers. From traditional favourites to unique, hand-picked selections, The Humble Deli brings an authentic taste of Wales to the table.</p>
  53. <p>&#8220;I’ve always dreamed of creating a space where people can come to discover delicious, unique, and high-quality products that highlight the incredible work of our local farmers and food artisans,&#8221; says Nick. &#8220;We are committed to offering the best meats, cheeses, and specialty items, with a focus on supporting the community.&#8221;</p>
  54. <h2>A Focus on Local</h2>
  55. <p>At The Humble Deli, customers can expect to find a wide variety of artisanal cheeses, including some of Wales&#8217; finest, as well as carefully selected meats, charcuterie, and locally produced jams, chutneys, pasta, sauces and more.</p>
  56. <p>&#8220;We want The Humble Deli to be a place where people can experience the best that our region has to offer while also learning more about the amazing products and the stories behind them,&#8221; adds Nick. &#8220;We’re thrilled to be part of the Killay community and can’t wait to welcome everyone into the shop.&#8221;</p>
  57. <p>Nick’s Deli is located at number 436 Gower Road in Killay, Swansea. Regular store hours are from 10-6:30 Wednesday through Friday, and 9-4 on Saturdays. For more information, please follow them on Instagram at @thehumbledeli, and on Facebook at The Humble Deli.</p>
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  62. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1440887</post-id> </item>
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  67. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Emyr]]></dc:creator>
  68. <pubDate>Thu, 24 Oct 2024 13:30:28 +0000</pubDate>
  69. <category><![CDATA[Newyddion Lle]]></category>
  70. <category><![CDATA[Plaid Cymru]]></category>
  71. <category><![CDATA[Political News]]></category>
  72. <category><![CDATA[Port Talbot]]></category>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Sioned Williams]]></category>
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  76. <description><![CDATA[&#8220;Rhaid cefnogi&#8217;r bobl sydd wedi eu heffeithio&#8217;n economaidd gan y diswyddiadau ym Mhort Talbot ym mhob ffordd bosib i&#8217;w helpu i ailsgilio ac uwchsgilio&#8221; meddai Sioned Williams AS Mae Sioned Williams, Aelod Seneddol Gorllewin De Cymru, wedi galw am gyllid cynaliadwy ar gyfer rhaglenni hyfforddi ac addysg sydd wedi&#8217;u targedu at bobl cymunedau Castell-nedd Port [&#8230;]]]></description>
  77. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h2><span lang="CY">&#8220;Rhaid cefnogi&#8217;r bobl sydd wedi eu heffeithio&#8217;n economaidd gan y diswyddiadau ym Mhort Talbot ym mhob ffordd bosib i&#8217;w helpu i ailsgilio ac uwchsgilio&#8221; meddai Sioned Williams AS</span></h2>
  78. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="CY">Mae Sioned Williams, Aelod Seneddol Gorllewin De Cymru, wedi galw am gyllid cynaliadwy ar gyfer rhaglenni hyfforddi ac addysg sydd wedi&#8217;u targedu at bobl cymunedau Castell-nedd Port Talbot.</span></p>
  79. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="CY">Daw&#8217;r galwadau ar ôl i Tata Steel, sy&#8217;n berchen ar y gwaith dur ym Mhort Talbot, gau&#8217;r ffwrneisi chwyth a chyhoeddi cynlluniau i ddiswyddo 2,800 o bobl, penderfyniad a fydd yn effeithio ar filoedd yn fwy o bobl yn y gadwyn gyflenwi ac hefyd yn cael effaith anochel ar ffyniant a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth yn y gymuned ehangach. </span></p>
  80. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="CY">Yn ddiweddar, bu Sioned Williams AS yn ymweld â chanolfan addysgu yn Sandfields, Port Talbot, lle mae&#8217;r cwmni addysg, Whitehead-Ross, yn cynnig amrywiaeth o gyrsiau i bobl leol ar bynciau sy&#8217;n amrywio o rifedd i adeiladu.</span></p>
  81. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="CY">Wedi&#8217;i leoli nepell o&#8217;r gwaith dur, yng nghanol ystâd Sandfields, mae Whitehead-Ross eisoes wedi helpu 300 o bobl o&#8217;r gymuned leol yn eu hwb addysgu, gan gynnwys 100 sydd â chysylltiad uniongyrchol â&#8217;r gwaith dur a&#8217;i gadwyn gyflenwi.</span></p>
  82. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="CY">Ar hyn o bryd mae Whitehead-Ross Education yn derbyn cyllid gan Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU, ond bydd y cyllid hwn yn dod i ben cyn bo hir ac mae Ms Williams yn galw ar Lywodraethau Cymru a&#8217;r DG i roi sicrwydd y bydd cyllid cynaliadwy ar gael ar gyfer rhaglenni hyfforddiant ac addysg yn yr ardal.</span></p>
  83. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="CY">Dywedodd Sioned Williams AS, Aelod Seneddol Plaid Cymru dros Orllewin De Cymru:</span></p>
  84. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b><span lang="CY">&#8220;Rwyf wedi codi cyfrifoldeb y llywodraeth i gefnogi&#8217;r gweithlu a&#8217;r holl bobl a sefydliadau yng nghymuned ehangach Port Talbot ar nifer o achlysuron. Wel, dyma gwmni sy&#8217;n gwneud yn union hynny &#8211; gan ddarparu hyfforddiant hanfodol a defnyddiol yng nghalon y gymuned a fydd yn cael ei effeithio fwyaf gan y sefyllfa economaidd bresennol ym Mhort Talbot.</span></b></p>
  85. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b><span lang="CY">&#8220;Ond rydym eisoes yn gwybod bod y ffrwd ariannu yn dod i ben yn fuan. Mae&#8217;n ddyletswydd ar Lywodraethau&#8217;r DG a Cymru i sicrhau bod cyllid ar gyfer rhaglenni hyfforddiant ac addysg fel hyn yn gynaliadwy, fel bod y bobl yr effeithir arnynt fwyaf yn economaidd gan y colledion swyddi ym Mhort Talbot yn cael eu cefnogi ym mhob ffordd bosibl i&#8217;w helpu i ailsgilio ac uwchsgilio. </span></b></p>
  86. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b><span lang="CY">&#8220;Yn ogystal, mae&#8217;n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru gadarnhau pa gymorth ariannol ychwanegol y byddan nhw&#8217;n gallu ei gynnig i gyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot a chynghorau cyfagos wrth iddyn nhw ddelio ag effaith yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd gyda&#8217;r gwaith dur a&#8217;r straen ychwanegol anochel ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen.&#8221;</span></b></p>
  87. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="CY">Dywedodd Jo Osgood, Pennaeth Sgiliau Cymru ar gyfer Whitehead-Ross Education:</span></p>
  88. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b><span lang="CY">&#8220;Mewn ymateb i golli swyddi a gafwyd yn Tata Steel, gweithredodd Whitehead-Ross Education yn gyflym i sicrhau y gallai pobl sydd wrth galon y cymunedau yr effeithir arnynt fwyaf gael mynediad at gefnogaeth a hyfforddiant cyflogadwyedd ar frys.</span></b></p>
  89. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b><span lang="CY">&#8220;Gyda chefnogaeth cytundebau Sgiliau Digidol UKSPF Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Multiply, mae ein Hacademi Gyflogaeth yn Aberafan eisoes wedi cefnogi dros 300 o bobl ers mis Mawrth 2024, gyda mwy na 100 o&#8217;r rheini naill ai&#8217;n dod yn uniongyrchol o Tata Steel neu ei gadwyni cyflenwi.</span></b></p>
  90. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b><span lang="CY">&#8220;Mae&#8217;n hanfodol bod cyllid fel hyn yn parhau i fod ar gael i gefnogi&#8217;r gwaith hwn.&#8221;</span></b></p>
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  95. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1440856</post-id> </item>
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  100. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Emyr]]></dc:creator>
  101. <pubDate>Thu, 24 Oct 2024 13:00:35 +0000</pubDate>
  102. <category><![CDATA[Plaid Cymru]]></category>
  103. <category><![CDATA[Political News]]></category>
  104. <category><![CDATA[Port Talbot]]></category>
  105. <category><![CDATA[Sioned Williams]]></category>
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  108. <description><![CDATA[&#8220;The people most impacted by the economic effect of the job losses in Port Talbot must be supported in every way possible to help them reskill and upskill&#8221; says Sioned Williams MS Sioned Williams, Member of Senedd for South Wales West, has called for sustainable funding for training and education programmes targeted at the people [&#8230;]]]></description>
  109. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h3>&#8220;The people most impacted by the economic effect of the job losses in Port Talbot must be supported in every way possible to help them reskill and upskill&#8221; says Sioned Williams MS</h3>
  110. <p class="v1MsoNormal">Sioned Williams, Member of Senedd for South Wales West, has called for sustainable funding for training and education programmes targeted at the people of the communities of Neath Port Talbot.</p>
  111. <p class="v1MsoNormal">The calls come after Tata Steel, who own the steelworks in Port Talbot, have closed both remaining blast furnaces and announced plans to make 2,800 people redundant, a decision which will impact thousands more people in the supply chain and will inevitably have a ripple effect on the prosperity and employment opportunities in the wider community.</p>
  112. <p class="v1MsoNormal">Sioned Williams MS recently visited a learning hub in Sandfields, Port Talbot, where Whitehead-Ross Education offer a range of courses to local people on topics ranging from numeracy and construction skills.</p>
  113. <p class="v1MsoNormal">Situated just minutes from the steelworks, in the middle of the Sandfields estate, Whitehead-Ross Education have already helped 300 people from the local community at their learning hub, including 100 directly connected to the steelworks and its supply chain.</p>
  114. <p class="v1MsoNormal">Whitehead-Ross Education currently receives funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, but this funding will soon draw to a close and Ms Williams is calling for Welsh and UK Governments to provide certainty that there will be sustainable funding for training and education programmes in the area.</p>
  115. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><a name="v1_Hlk164949108"></a>Sioned Williams MS, Plaid Cymru Member of Senedd for South Wales West, said:</p>
  116. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b>&#8220;I&#8217;ve talked a lot about the responsibility of government to support the workforce and all the people and organisations in the supply chain. Well, here is a company that&#8217;s doing just that – providing crucial, useful training right in the heart of the community that will be most impacted by the current economic situation in Port Talbot.</b></p>
  117. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b>&#8220;Yet we already know that the funding stream is coming to an end soon. It&#8217;s incumbent on both the UK and the Welsh Government to ensure that funding for training and education programmes is sustainable, so that the people most impacted by the economic effect of the job losses in Port Talbot be supported in every way possible to help them reskill and upskill.</b></p>
  118. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b>&#8220;In addition, Welsh Government must confirm what additional financial support they&#8217;ll be able to offer Neath Port Talbot council and neighbouring councils as they deal with the aftershock of events at the steelworks and the inevitable additional strain on frontline public services.&#8221;</b></p>
  119. <p class="v1MsoNormal">Jo Osgood, Head of Skills Wales for Whitehead-Ross Education, said:</p>
  120. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b>&#8220;In response to job losses experienced at Tata Steel, Whitehead-Ross Education responded quickly to ensure people at the heart of our most impacted communities could urgently access employability support and training.</b></p>
  121. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b>&#8220;Supported by Neath Port Talbot UKSPF Digital Skills and Multiply contracts, our Aberavon Employment Academy has already supported over 300 people since March 2024, with more than 100 of those either coming directly from Tata Steel or its supply chains.</b></p>
  122. <p class="v1MsoNormal"><b>&#8220;It is critical that funding l</b><b>ike this continues to be made available.&#8221;</b></p>
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  127. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1440854</post-id> </item>
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  129. <title>Ring Announcer Samantha Irvin departs WWE</title>
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  131. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Elian Williams]]></dc:creator>
  132. <pubDate>Wed, 23 Oct 2024 12:32:55 +0000</pubDate>
  133. <category><![CDATA[Elian Williams - WWE News]]></category>
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  136. <description><![CDATA[When watching professional wrestling, naturally the first people to come to mind will be the actual wrestlers putting their bodies on the line for our entertainment. But it’s not just the wrestlers themselves that make a successful wrestling show. One of the important groups that may not come to mind is the Ring Announcers, as a good ring announcer can elevate the program altogether and help in getting the crowd even more excited for the matches they are about to see.  In the last few years, Samantha Irvin has been doing a fantastic job at exactly this for WWE, to […]]]></description>
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  138. <p>When watching professional wrestling, naturally the first people to come to mind will be the actual wrestlers putting their bodies on the line for our entertainment. But it’s not just the wrestlers themselves that make a successful wrestling show. One of the important groups that may not come to mind is the Ring Announcers, as a good ring announcer can elevate the program altogether and help in getting the crowd even more excited for the matches they are about to see.  In the last few years, Samantha Irvin has been doing a fantastic job at exactly this for WWE, to the point where she was even often mentioned in the conversation alongside the likes of Tony Chimmel &amp; Howard Finkel “The Fink” as being the greatest ring announcer of all time. </p>
  142. <p>So fans were left shocked when suddenly on Monday, October 21st, Samantha announced that she was going to be leaving the WWE altogether, news which left many upset as Samantha had garnered a large fanbase for how well she did her job as a ring announcer. Samantha got her start in WWE as a ring announcer for the former “205 Live” in 2021 following a failed trial at WWE’s performance center. From there she moved onto NXT, then up to Smackdown in January 2022 and then Raw in February 2023. </p>
  146. <p>Samantha received huge praise for her performance as ring announcer for Wrestlemania 40 where she announced 14 matches across the 2 nights, culminating with many praising her emotional announcement of Cody Rhodes defeating Roman Reigns and finishing the story. Even legendary announcer Michael Buffer gave his praise for Samantha’s performance, which in the world of sports announcers there arguably is no one higher in that regard to offer their praise, which says it all of how great Samantha was in her time at WWE.</p>
  150. <p>In her announcement on Twitter/X, Samantha did not say what was next for her after leaving WWE. Many’s first assumption was that she would end up crossing over to AEW to be able to spend more time with her fiance Ricochet, however he has since stated this is not the case. As well as being a ring announcer, Samantha is generally an extremely talented woman, being able to play the flute and being a fantastic singer, having reached the semi-finals of America’s Got Talent in 2015, and recently having sung the National Anthem at an NFL game for the Las Vegas Raiders. So regardless of what’s next for her, Samantha will likely have several options.</p>
  154. <p>As for the WWE, they very quickly arranged a replacement as Lillian Garcia returned to Announce for Monday Night Raw the night Samantha announced her departure and will be the new full time ring announcer for Monday Nights, at least for the foreseeable future. Long term fans will recognise/remember Garcia well, as she was a ring announcer for WWE for a long time across two periods, first of all between 1999 &#8211; 2009, and again from 2011 &#8211; 2019. Lillian Garcia is another announcer regarded as one of the best of all time within WWE, so of the potential replacements for Samantha, WWE must have counted themselves so lucky that they were able to quickly call on Garcia to return as she is one of if not the best already known person to replace Samantha.</p>
  158. <p>In closing, Samantha Irvin had quickly built a reputation as one of the best in the business in her 3 years with WWE, and no doubt her presence will be greatly missed. Which again, considering she was replaced by Lillian Garcia, perfectly showcases her legacy.</p>
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  161. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1440514</post-id> </item>
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  163. <title>Western Bay Adoption Service marks ten years bringing families together</title>
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  166. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Keith Evans-Hurley]]></dc:creator>
  167. <pubDate>Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:48:32 +0000</pubDate>
  168. <category><![CDATA[Local News]]></category>
  169. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  171. <description><![CDATA[Award-winning Welsh poet, Rhian Edwards, produces poem with the adoption community in Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea to celebrate 10 years of the adoption service. This National Adoption Week (October 21 to 27), Western Bay Adoption Service (WBAS) is celebrating its adoption community and ongoing support to families as part of the National Adoption [&#8230;]]]></description>
  172. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="p2"><i>Award-winning Welsh poet, Rhian Edwards, produces poem with the adoption community in Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea to celebrate 10 years of the adoption service. </i><i></i></p>
  173. <p class="p2">This National Adoption Week (October 21 to 27), Western Bay Adoption Service (WBAS) is celebrating its adoption community and ongoing support to families as part of the National Adoption Service for Wales 10-year anniversary.</p>
  174. <p class="p2">Locally, WBAS are hosting a special creative workshop and community event for their adoption community that will form part of a national showcase at the Norwegian Church Arts Centre on November 6, 2024.</p>
  175. <p class="p2">WBAS hopes that by sharing local adoption stories and challenging misconceptions, more people across Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea will consider adoption.</p>
  176. <p class="p2"><b>“Before hearing stories from our local adoption community, I believed so many misconceptions” </b><b></b></p>
  177. <p class="p2">Last month, the Western Bay adoption community met on Aberavon Beach to share stories and write words they associated with their adoption journey as a piece of beach art. Award-winning Welsh poet, Rhian Edwards, then took these words and stories to produce a poem titled ‘Tethered’</p>
  178. <p class="p2">This piece will be performed by Rhian as part of the live showcase for the wider adoption community, local politicians, and professionals, alongside an adopter panel discussing their experiences.</p>
  179. <p class="p2"><i>Rhian, whose debut collection of poetry, Clueless Dogs, was named the Wales Book of the Year in 2013, explained why she wanted to get involved in the project: </i></p>
  180. <p class="p2">&#8220;It has been both humbling and an honour to be invited to write a poem in collaboration with Western Bay’s adoption community, on the subject of their experiences and journeys.</p>
  181. <p class="p2">“Prior to learning about their stories, I never appreciated the process could happen so quickly, nor did I realise that single parents, such as myself, could become adopters. It was also really heart-warming to read the testimonials from LGBTQ+ families as well, who previously thought they could or would never become parents.</p>
  182. <p class="p2">“The work of Western Bay is truly incredible. They are changing people&#8217;s lives, not just giving children homes, but giving adopters family.&#8221;</p>
  183. <p class="p2"><i>Martin Michaux-Trask adopted a little boy with his husband, Josh though Western Bay Adoption Service in 2020. The couple say they started to think about building a family unit soon after they legally wed in 2015. </i><i></i></p>
  184. <p class="p2"><i>“</i>In 2019, we attended PRIDE Cymru together and came across the Western Bay adoption team at a stand – we had such a great talk with them, and it led us to later put in an enquiry with them.</p>
  185. <p class="p1">“Our little boy came home during COVID, it was quite a difficult time to manage the big change in their life as they were not able to receive in-person support, however, Western Bay was fantastic in supporting us virtually. They even contacted our local MP, who helped grant an extension of our ‘social bubble’ so our wider family could also care and support our family as both Josh and I worked on the healthcare front line.”</p>
  186. <p class="p1">“We are so happy that adoption has given us our cheeky little boy and we’re looking forward to extending our family with a new addition &#8211; our son is so excited become a big brother!”</p>
  187. <p class="p1"><span class="s1">T</span>he National Adoption Service for Wales was established in 2014 to improve services for all those affected by adoption in Wales. Since its inception, the service has placed 3,000 children for adoption with 2,300 families, supporting adopters <span class="s1">and adopted young people </span>through the process and beyond.</p>
  188. <p class="p1">In Wales, around 18% of the population are directly connected to adoption*. Currently, there are around 4,500 adopted <span class="s1">children and </span>young people and around 7,000 adopted adults living in Wales. NAS has helped <span class="s1">many </span>people to access their birth records, trace relatives, and contact birth families.</p>
  189. <p class="p1"><i>Jodi Farley-Morris, Operational Team Manager at Western Bay Adoption Service, said: </i><i></i></p>
  190. <p class="p1">“We’re incredibly proud of the strong adoption community we have built here over the last 10 years, with both English speaking and Welsh speaking adopters being supported by our service as they extend their families.”</p>
  191. <p class="p1">“We are always here to answer any questions that people may have and urge people who are considering adoption to take that first step and make an enquiry today.”</p>
  192. <p class="p1"><b><i>If you would like to make an adoption enquiry, visit: </i></b><span class="s2"><b><i> </i></b></span></p>
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  197. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1439880</post-id> </item>
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  199. <title>Bonnie Rogues takes over from Proud Mary in Swansea</title>
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  202. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Keith Evans-Hurley]]></dc:creator>
  203. <pubDate>Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:41:23 +0000</pubDate>
  204. <category><![CDATA[Local News]]></category>
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  207. <description><![CDATA[Proud Mary has been driven out of Cardiff and Swansea overnight by Bonnie Rogues Pub [Monday 21 October].  The rebranded bars promise all the fun, sport and music of its predecessor but with a fresh twist. Highlights at Bonnie Rogues on Wind Street [Swansea], highlights include: 2 for 1 Mains Monday; Tuesday Pub Quiz and [&#8230;]]]></description>
  208. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p style="font-weight: 400;">Proud Mary has been driven out of Cardiff and Swansea overnight by Bonnie Rogues Pub [Monday 21 October].  The rebranded bars promise all the fun, sport and music of its predecessor but with a fresh twist.</p>
  209. <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Highlights at Bonnie Rogues on Wind Street [Swansea], highlights include:</strong></p>
  210. <ul style="font-weight: 400;">
  211. <li>2 for 1 Mains Monday; Tuesday Pub Quiz and karaoke; Wednesdays is GO ROGUE, a brand new student night every Wednesday featuring a DJ and drinks offers; Thursday is Music Bingo followed by more karaoke; the weekend kicks off on Fridays with After Work Perks, where happy hour starts at 3pm and finishes at 8pm; Saturdays will feature live music, and Super Sunday wraps up the week, with new and improved traditional roasts, with bottomless roast potatoes and gravy and a selection of £5 cocktails with a weekly changing ‘Special Cocktail’.</li>
  212. <li>The new menu – including the signature Rogues Platter for two and Rogue Burger – will be unveiled at the official Bonnie Rogues Swansea launch on Friday 25 October from 6pm, on a first come first served basis.  The party includes a glass of prosecco on arrival, free tasters of the Rogues Platter and live music from 8pm.</li>
  213. <li>Themed ticketed events are also planned to include an OKTOBERFEST Bottomless Brunch on Saturday 26 October and on Thursday 21 November there will be a Beaujolais Day party with a three-course meal, welcome drinks and two drinks vouchers with live music.</li>
  214. </ul>
  215. <p style="font-weight: 400;">Bonnie Rogues venue manager, Andy Mclachlan, said: “We are thrilled to be ‘standing and delivering’ Bonnie Rogues in Swansea.  We are keeping what was best about Proud Mary but adding fresh new elements that will surprise and delight our guests, including a fantastic new food and cocktail menu, plus the launch of our new student night and amazing offers throughout the week, with quizzes, themed events and live music.”</p>
  216. <p style="font-weight: 400;">Plans are also on track for Heidi’s Bier Bar on Mill Lane in Cardiff to rebrand as Barbara’s Bier Haus next month [November].</p>
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  221. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1439877</post-id> </item>
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  223. <title>Council Sickness Absences</title>
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  226. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Richard Youle, Local Democracy Reporter]]></dc:creator>
  227. <pubDate>Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:30:40 +0000</pubDate>
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  230. <category><![CDATA[Richard Youle, Local Democracy Reporter]]></category>
  231. <category><![CDATA[Swansea Council]]></category>
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  234. <description><![CDATA[Staff at Swansea Council took more than 12 days off sick in 2023-24 on average, a meeting was told. The average figure of 12.6 days per full-time employee excluded school staff and absences caused by accidents at work and was slightly lower than the previous year. If school staff had been included the average absence [&#8230;]]]></description>
  235. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Staff at Swansea Council took more than 12 days off sick in 2023-24 on average, a meeting was told.</p>
  236. <p>The average figure of 12.6 days per full-time employee excluded school staff and absences caused by accidents at work and was slightly lower than the previous year. If school staff had been included the average absence would have been 10.7 days.</p>
  237. <p>A large proportion of sickness absence was among employees who were off for 28 days or more and many staff took fewer than 12.6 days off.  Social services and the council’s education department had the highest levels of absence.</p>
  238. <p>In comparison Bridgend Council employees took an average of 12.3 days off sick last year. The figure for Carmarthenshire Council was 11.06 days. According to the Office for National Statistics public and private sector workers in the UK took an average of 5.7 days off due to sickness and injury in 2022.</p>
  239. <p>A report before Swansea’s governance and audit committee said it’s likely that the council would be mid-table compared to Wales’ other 21 local authorities in terms of sickness absence in 2023-24. That data hasn’t been published yet.</p>
  240. <p>Report author Rachael Davies told the committee that sickness absence levels at the council were broadly static and that working down to 10 days of absence per employee was a “reasonable target”.</p>
  241. <p>She said a new policy for managing absences was being finalised and that managers wouldn’t have to automatically refer staff who’d been off for 28 days to occupational health colleagues. The preferred approach is a case-by-case basis. Ms Davies said there was little value in automatically referring someone to occupational health who was recovering for a planned operation, for example, whereas someone with particular needs might benefit from being referred before 28 days.</p>
  242. <p>Cllr Lesley Walton welcomed the more personalised approach saying staff would feel they’re being treated as individuals and this would hopefully mean they’d get back to work faster, in turn benefiting the council.</p>
  243. <p>Cllr Mike White asked if staff could be deployed to another role if they were unable to return to their normal job. Ms Davies said this was the case. Julie Davies, a lay committee member, asked if figures could be provided showing the cost benefit to the council of improved sickness rates.</p>
  244. <p>The committee also heard that the council had awarded a contract to a new agency worker recruitment company, ALS People. The authority currently has 133 agency workers excluding those in social care. Around a third of these 133 staff work in waste collection. The committee report said 34 agency workers were offered a permanent job in 2023-24.</p>
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  249. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1438846</post-id> </item>
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  251. <title>New Teams Are Making A Difference, Says Councillors</title>
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  254. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Richard Youle, Local Democracy Reporter]]></dc:creator>
  255. <pubDate>Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:00:32 +0000</pubDate>
  256. <category><![CDATA[Richard Youle, Local Democracy Reporter]]></category>
  257. <category><![CDATA[Swansea Council]]></category>
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  260. <description><![CDATA[Teams of council workers who pick up litter, remove weeds, clear overgrown lanes and clean signs are making a real difference, councillors in Swansea have said. The cleansing ward teams, as they are known, respond to requests by councillors to spruce up particular areas and are a relatively new service. A report before the council’s [&#8230;]]]></description>
  261. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Teams of council workers who pick up litter, remove weeds, clear overgrown lanes and clean signs are making a real difference, councillors in Swansea have said.</p>
  262. <p>The cleansing ward teams, as they are known, respond to requests by councillors to spruce up particular areas and are a relatively new service.</p>
  263. <p>A report before the council’s scrutiny programme committee included a series of before and after photos of their work, and committee members singled them out for praise.</p>
  264. <p>“We are all very impressed with the way it is working out,” said committee chairman, Cllr Peter Black. Cllr Lyndon Jones said they did a fantastic job, while Cllr Mike White said he was very grateful for their efforts.</p>
  265. <p>The teams are part of a larger street cleaning and fly-tipping and graffiti removal service in Swansea comprising 96 operatives, including nine sweeper vehicle drivers. Without them street bins would constantly overflow, pavements would deteriorate, and night-time hotspots like Wind Street would look very different after a Friday and Saturday night.</p>
  266. <p>The committee heard that cleansing staff generally had two bags with them – one for recyclable products like bottles and cardboard, and another for non-recyclable waste. Rubbish left in new multi-purpose bins, which can include dog waste, is separated where possible so that recyclable items can be reprocessed.</p>
  267. <p>A committee report said 86% of streets surveyed in Swansea were predominantly free of litter. Discarded wet wipes, however, were found on 11% of streets and dog mess on 5% of them, although the latter figure was the lowest since surveys began nearly 20 years ago.</p>
  268. <p>Providing a weekend litter service has become increasingly challenging, said the report, because although staff received extra pay it relied on them putting their names down to do a shift. This has meant that agency workers are sometimes used.</p>
  269. <p>Asked about fly-tipped waste on public land, Jeremy Davies, the council’s parks and cleansing group leader, said the target to remove it was five working days although in practice it was often done faster.</p>
  270. <p>The council received 2,316 reports of fly-tipping in 2023-24, up from 1,898 the previous year – a rise of 22%. It carried out three fly-tipping prosecutions between April 1, 2023, and mid-August this year, and issued 41 fly-tipping fines. Referring to enforcement, Cllr Black asked if the authority learned from councils which carried out more prosecutions and handed out more fines.</p>
  271. <p>Mark Wade, the council’s director of place, said prevention work took place, that warning letters were issued, and that increasing reports of fly-tipping was a national trend. He added that where improvements were possible “we are all ears”.</p>
  272. <p>The meeting focused on street cleaning and didn’t stray onto kerbside waste collections, where there have been well-documented issues in recent months. The report said these issues have had a knock-on impact on street cleaning.</p>
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  277. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1438844</post-id> </item>
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  279. <title>The Number Of Operations At Three New Theatres</title>
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  282. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Richard Youle, Local Democracy Reporter]]></dc:creator>
  283. <pubDate>Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:30:21 +0000</pubDate>
  284. <category><![CDATA[Columnists]]></category>
  285. <category><![CDATA[Richard Youle, Local Democracy Reporter]]></category>
  286. <category><![CDATA[Swansea Council]]></category>
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  289. <description><![CDATA[Surgeons are carrying out hundreds of operations at new theatres at Neath Port Talbot Hospital but figures from this summer showed they weren’t at full capacity yet because of staff resources. Swansea Bay University Health Board secured Welsh Government funding for three so-called modular operating theatres for planned orthopaedic and spinal cases, and they opened [&#8230;]]]></description>
  290. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Surgeons are carrying out hundreds of operations at new theatres at Neath Port Talbot Hospital but figures from this summer showed they weren’t at full capacity yet because of staff resources.</p>
  291. <p>Swansea Bay University Health Board secured Welsh Government funding for three so-called modular operating theatres for planned orthopaedic and spinal cases, and they opened one after the other in June, September and November last year.</p>
  292. <p>The initial plan was that 2,500 to 3,000 operations would take place there each year, replacing capacity at Swansea’s Morriston Hospital – which focuses on emergency and complex cases – and tackling waiting lists which had lengthened since 2019.</p>
  293. <p>Recruiting surgeons, anaesthetists and nursing staff was a key requirement. In 2021, the health board’s then chief executive, Mark Hackett, said it needed to “get the ball rolling” quickly on hiring. He said agency and “bank” staff would be used, as well as new recruits. He added: “If push comes to shove we would look at international recruitment.”</p>
  294. <p>In response to a Freedom of Information request by the Local Democracy Reporting Service, the health board said 1,722 operations had taken place at the theatres up to the end of July this year. Because one opened before July 2023 and two opened after, it’s not possible to come up with an annual figure until 12 months after the third and final theatre opened last November.</p>
  295. <p>But the health board said the figures provided fell short of the full capacity included in the business case. “This is largely due to delays in recruitment of the additional theatre staff and the extensive training plans required on their recruitment (due to being either newly qualified or overseas nurses),” it said.</p>
  296. <p>In terms of staff numbers, the health board said the three theatres needed 45 full-time equivalent employees, on top of the 60 staff who worked at Neath Port Talbot Hospital’s other five theatres. The health board didn’t say if it was short at the new theatres but said there were 11 vacancies across all eight theatres as of the end of the August this year. It has previously said that recruiting anaesthetists is challenging.</p>
  297. <p>Getting the three modular theatres installed and equipped cost £6.1 million, and staffing and leasing them was estimated to be around £18 million annually.<br />
  298. The operations taking place there have helped the health board tackle waiting lists. A spokeswoman said: “The orthopaedic waiting list has reduced significantly and whilst we still have long waits, all patients are now waiting less than three years and we have committed to reducing that further to eradicate waits over two years by the end of March 2025.</p>
  299. <p>“We are also the only health board to deliver first outpatient appointments within 52 weeks and consistently deliver imaging within the eight-week targets. All of these measures go towards improving the overall pathway waits for patients.”</p>
  300. <p>Patient watchdog group, Llais, said it regularly heard from people who were waiting for orthopaedic surgery. Mwoyo Makuto, the group’s director for Neath Port Talbot and Swansea, said: “We were pleased to hear about the opening of the modular units and welcome any increased capacity to prevent delays for people waiting for care.”</p>
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  305. <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">1438827</post-id> </item>
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  307. <title>High Street Shops</title>
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  310. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Ryan Thomas]]></dc:creator>
  311. <pubDate>Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:30:05 +0000</pubDate>
  312. <category><![CDATA[Columnists]]></category>
  313. <category><![CDATA[More News]]></category>
  314. <category><![CDATA[Richard Youle, Local Democracy Reporter]]></category>
  315. <category><![CDATA[Swansea Council]]></category>
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  318. <description><![CDATA[There was plenty of excitement and talk of a community cafe when Swansea Council started renovating a row of tired-looking shops at the top of High Street. People in the area and community groups were asked for their suggestions and Cllr Alyson Anthony, then cabinet member for supporting communities, was impressed when she visited in [&#8230;]]]></description>
  319. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>There was plenty of excitement and talk of a community cafe when Swansea Council started renovating a row of tired-looking shops at the top of High Street.</p>
  320. <p>People in the area and community groups were asked for their suggestions and Cllr Alyson Anthony, then cabinet member for supporting communities, was impressed when she visited in September 2021.</p>
  321. <p>“The transformation is absolutely amazing and I know there are many who can’t wait to see these buildings open and to start making use of them,” she said at the time.</p>
  322. <p>“We are going to have a fantastic social cafe with a fabulous outside area and there are many other projects who want to be part of this. The units are ideal as a safe space for outreach work and youth engagement as well as employability training and support.”</p>
  323. <p>There are six units in the row and four of them were refurbished at a cost of £313,170, according to a freedom of information response by the council to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.</p>
  324. <p>While High Street has experienced a surge of investment activity within the units has been patchy. Covid restrictions were around in 2021 and the first half of 2022 which hampered retail and hospitality. The council said two of the refurbished shops suffered water damage, which explained why they are empty after initially being occupied. Work is being completed on one of them to bring it back to use. The other was occupied by design and murals venture Fresh Creative Co – now based in Mount Pleasant – until earlier this year.</p>
  325. <p>The council said it was in discussions with a potential operator who was interested in running a community cafe at another of the revamped units while the fourth one can be booked as a community space and has been used by various groups.</p>
  326. <p>The other two units, which weren’t part of the £313,170 upgrade, are empty but the council said it may occupy them when work to refurbish the flats above and nearby blocks in Croft Street gets under way. Only one of the six units is large enough to qualify for business rates, which are £1,196 this financial year.</p>
  327. <p>The council owns the row of units and said they had been boarded-up and derelict before it intervened. It was also keen to stress the public and private sector work which has happened or was planned on and near High Street, including:</p>
  328. <p>– A £10m-plus renovation of the Palace Theatre, which opens next month as a business hub<br />
  329. – A £10m upgrade of council flats in nearby Matthew Street<br />
  330. – A planned expansion of the Grand Hotel, opposite the High Street railway station<br />
  331. – New student accommodation blocks<br />
  332. – Proposed new commercial and residential buildings by housing association Coastal Housing, which also built a mixed-use development on High Street called Urban Village<br />
  333. – Business improvement grants for High Street businesses such as Jack’s Kitchen at the corner of College Street</p>
  334. <p>Cllr David Phillips, whose city centre ward includes High Street, said he believed there would be more activity at the shops when the nearby Palace Theatre re-opened. “I think they’re going to become more popular,” he said.</p>
  335. <p>Cllr Phillips also hoped that some of the space could be used in the short-term as a respite area for Croft Street tenants when their flats were upgraded.</p>
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