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  54.        window.Spark = {"translations":{":trialDays Day Trial":":trialDays Day Trial","A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.":"A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.","API":"API","API Token":"API Token","API Tokens":"API Tokens","Action Button Text":"Action Button Text","Your application's dashboard.":"Your application's Dashboard","Dashboard":"Dashboard","Action Button URL":"Action Button URL","Add Discount":"Add Discount","Address":"Address","Address Line 2":"Address Line 2","After logging in via your emergency token, two-factor authentication will be disabled for your account. If you would like to maintain two-factor authentication security, you should re-enable it after logging in.":"After logging in via your emergency token, two-factor authentication will be disabled for your account. If you would like to maintain two-factor authentication security, you should re-enable it after logging in.","All subscription plan prices are excluding applicable VAT.":"All subscription plan prices are excluding applicable VAT.","All subscription plan prices include applicable VAT.":"All subscription plan prices include applicable VAT.","Amount":"Amount","Announcement":"Announcement","Announcements":"Announcements","Announcements you create here will be sent to the \"Product Announcements\" section of the notifications modal window, informing your users about new features and improvements to your application.":"Announcements you create here will be sent to the \"Product Announcements\" section of the notifications modal window, informing your users about new features and improvements to your application.","Apply Discount":"Apply Discount","Applying":"Applying","Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?":"Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?","Are you sure you want to delete this announcement?":"Are you sure you want to delete this announcement?","Are you sure you want to switch to the :planName plan?":"Are you sure you want to switch to the :planName plan?","Are you sure you want to delete this token? If deleted, API requests that attempt to authenticate using this token will no longer be accepted.":"Are you sure you want to delete this token? If deleted, API requests that attempt to authenticate using this token will no longer be accepted.","Assign All Abilities":"Assign All Abilities","Authentication Token":"Authentication Token","Back To My Account":"Back To My Account","Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.":"Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.","Billing":"Billing","Billing Information":"Billing Information","Cancel":"Cancel","Cancel Subscription":"Cancel Subscription","Cancelling":"Cancelling","Card":"Card","Cardholder's Name":"Cardholder's Name","City":"City","Click here to reset your password:":"Click here to reset your password:","Close":"Close","Confirm Password":"Confirm Password","Contact Information":"Contact Information","Copy To Clipboard":"Copy To Clipboard","Country":"Country","Country Code":"Country Code","Coupon":"Coupon","Coupon Code":"Coupon Code","Coupon accepted! The discount will be applied to your next invoice.":"Coupon accepted! The discount will be applied to your next invoice.","Create":"Create","Create API Token":"Create API Token","Create Announcement":"Create Announcement","Created":"Created","Current Password":"Current Password","click here to request another":"click here to request another","Daily Volume":"Daily Volume","Date":"Date","Day Trial":"Day Trial","Delete Announcement":"Delete Announcement","Delete Token":"Delete Token","Deleting":"Deleting","Developer":"Developer","Disable Two-Factor Authentication":"Disable Two-Factor Authentication","Disabling":"Disabling","Download PDF":"Download PDF","Duration":"Duration","E-Mail":"E-Mail","E-Mail Address":"E-Mail Address","Edit Token":"Edit Token","Email Address":"Email Address","Email Us":"Email Us","Emergency Token":"Emergency Token","Enable":"Enable","Enabling":"Enabling","Expiration":"Expiration","Extra Billing Information":"Extra Billing Information","Features":"Features","Forever":"Forever","Forgot Your Password?":"Forgot Your Password?","Free":"Free","Go To Login":"Go To Login","Got It!":"Got It!","Hello!":"Hello!","Here is your new API token.":"Here is your new API token.","Hi :name":"Hi :name","Hi!":"Hi!","I Accept :linkOpen The Terms Of Service :linkClose":"I Accept :linkOpen The Terms Of Service :linkClose","If you do not already have an account, you may click the following link to get started:":"If you do not already have an account, you may click the following link to get started:","If you lose your two-factor authentication device, you may use this emergency reset token to disable two-factor authentication on your account.":"If you lose your two-factor authentication device, you may use this emergency reset token to disable two-factor authentication on your account.","Impersonate":"Impersonate","Impersonation":"Impersonation","In order to use two-factor authentication, you must install the :authyLink application on your smartphone. Authy is available for iOS and Android.":"In order to use two-factor authentication, you must install the :authyLink application on your smartphone. Authy is available for iOS and Android.","Invoices":"Invoices","Joined":"Joined","Kiosk":"Kiosk","Last Used":"Last Used","Loading":"Loading","Loading Notifications":"Loading Notifications","Login":"Login","Login Via Emergency Token":"Login Via Emergency Token","Logout":"Logout","Lost Your Device?":"Lost Your Device?","Mailed Invitations":"Mailed Invitations","Membership":"Membership","Message":"Message","Metrics":"Metrics","Monthly":"Monthly","monthly":"monthly","mo":"mo","Yearly":"Yearly","yearly":"yearly","yr":"yr","Monthly Recurring Revenue":"Monthly Recurring Revenue","Search By Name Or E-Mail Address...":"Search By Name Or E-Mail Address...","Months":"Months","Multiple Months":"Multiple Months","N\/A":"N\/A","Name":"Name","Never":"Never","New Invitation!":"New Invitation!","New Users":"New Users","State":"State","Postal Code":"Postal Code","No customer support request recipient is defined.":"No customer support request recipient is defined.","No users matched the given criteria.":"No users matched the given criteria.","No, Go Back":"No, Go Back","None":"None","Notifications":"Notifications","On Generic Trial":"On Generic Trial","Once":"Once","Owner":"Owner","Password":"Password","Payment Method":"Payment Method","Pending Invitations":"Pending Invitations","Percentage":"Percentage","Phone Number":"Phone Number","Please select at least one ability.":"Please select at least one ability.","Profile":"Profile","Profile Photo":"Profile Photo","Recent Announcements":"Recent Announcements","Recurring Revenue":"Recurring Revenue","Redeem":"Redeem","Redeem Coupon":"Redeem Coupon","Redeeming":"Redeeming","Register":"Register","Registering":"Registering","Remember Me":"Remember Me","Remove All Abilities":"Remove All Abilities","Reset Password":"Reset Password","Reset Password Notification":"Reset Password Notification","You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.":"You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.","If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.":"If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.","Resume":"Resume","Resume Subscription":"Resume Subscription","Resuming":"Resuming","Role":"Role","Search Results":"Search Results","Searching":"Searching","Security":"Security","Security Code":"Security Code","See you soon!":"See you soon!","Select All":"Select All","Send":"Send","Send Invitation":"Send Invitation","Send Password Reset Link":"Send Password Reset Link","Sending":"Sending","Session Expired":"Session Expired","Settings":"Settings","Since you already have an account, you may accept the invitation from your account settings screen.":"Since you already have an account, you may accept the invitation from your account settings screen.","Something went wrong!":"Something went wrong!","Something went wrong. Please try again or contact customer support.":"Something went wrong. Please try again or contact customer support.","State & ZIP \/ Postal Code":"State & ZIP \/ Postal Code","Subject":"Subject","Subscribe":"Subscribe","Subscribers":"Subscribers","Subscribing":"Subscribing","Subscription":"Subscription","Support":"Support","Support Request: ":"Support Request: ","Switch":"Switch","Tax":"Tax","Terms Of Service":"Terms Of Service","Thanks for your continued support. We've attached a copy of your invoice for your records. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!":"Thanks for your continued support. We've attached a copy of your invoice for your records. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!","Thanks!":"Thanks!","The benefits of your subscription will continue until your current billing period ends on :date. You may resume your subscription at no extra cost until the end of the billing period.":"The benefits of your subscription will continue until your current billing period ends on :date. You may resume your subscription at no extra cost until the end of the billing period.","The coupon :value discount will be applied to your subscription!":"The coupon :value discount will be applied to your subscription!","The emergency token was invalid.":"The emergency token was invalid.","The given password does not match our records.":"The given password does not match our records.","The invitation has been sent!":"The invitation has been sent!","This country does not match the origin country of your card.":"This country does not match the origin country of your card.","This coupon code is invalid.":"This coupon code is invalid.","This information will appear on all of your receipts, and is a great place to add your full business name, VAT number, or address of record. Do not include any confidential or financial information such as credit card numbers.":"This information will appear on all of your receipts, and is a great place to add your full business name, VAT number, or address of record. Do not include any confidential or financial information such as credit card numbers.","This invitation code is invalid.":"This invitation code is invalid.","This is the only time the token will ever be displayed, so be sure not to lose it!":"This is the only time the token will ever be displayed, so be sure not to lose it!","This is the only time this token will be displayed, so be sure not to lose it!":"This is the only time this token will be displayed, so be sure not to lose it!","This plan has been discontinued, but you may continue your subscription to this plan as long as you wish. If you cancel your subscription and later want to begin a new subscription, you will need to choose from one of the active plans listed below.":"This plan has been discontinued, but you may continue your subscription to this plan as long as you wish. If you cancel your subscription and later want to begin a new subscription, you will need to choose from one of the active plans listed below.","This team has too many team members for the selected plan.":"This team has too many team members for the selected plan.","This team is not eligible for this plan.":"This team is not eligible for this plan.","This user has a discount of :discountAmount for a single invoice.":"This user has a discount of :discountAmount for a single invoice.","This user has a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next :months months.":"This user has a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next :months months.","This user has a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next month.":"This user has a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next month.","This user has a discount of :discountAmount forever.":"This user has a discount of :discountAmount forever.","Toggle Navigation":"Toggle Navigation","Token Can":"Token Can","Token Name":"Token Name","Total Price Including Tax":"Total Price Including Tax","Total Revenue":"Total Revenue","Total Volume":"Total Volume","Trial":"Trial","Trialing":"Trialing","Two-Factor Authentication":"Two-Factor Authentication","Two-Factor Authentication Reset Code":"Two-Factor Authentication Reset Code","Type":"Type","Update":"Update","Update Announcement":"Update Announcement","Update Password":"Update Password","Update Payment Method":"Update Payment Method","Update Photo":"Update Photo","Update Subscription":"Update Subscription","Update VAT ID":"Update VAT ID","Updating":"Updating","Users":"Users","Users Currently Trialing":"Users Currently Trialing","VAT ID":"VAT ID","Verify":"Verify","Verify Your Email Address":"Verify Your Email Address","View Invitations":"View Invitations","We don't have anything to show you right now! But when we do, we'll be sure to let you know. Talk to you soon!":"We don't have anything to show you right now! But when we do, we'll be sure to let you know. Talk to you soon!","We had trouble updating your card. It's possible your card provider is preventing us from charging the card. Please contact your card provider or customer support.":"We had trouble updating your card. It's possible your card provider is preventing us from charging the card. Please contact your card provider or customer support.","We had trouble updating your payment method. It's possible your payment provider is preventing us from charging the payment method. Please contact your payment provider or customer support.":"We had trouble updating your payment method. It's possible your payment provider is preventing us from charging the payment method. Please contact your payment provider or customer support.","We had trouble validating your card. It's possible your card provider is preventing us from charging the card. Please contact your card provider or customer support.":"We had trouble validating your card. It's possible your card provider is preventing us from charging the card. Please contact your card provider or customer support.","We have received your message and will respond soon!":"We have received your message and will respond soon!","We were not able to enable two-factor authentication for this phone number.":"We were not able to enable two-factor authentication for this phone number.","We were unable to update your subscription. Please contact customer support.":"We were unable to update your subscription. Please contact customer support.","Whoops!":"Whoops!","Whoops! This coupon code is invalid.":"Whoops! This coupon code is invalid.","Whoops! This invitation code is invalid.":"Whoops! This invitation code is invalid.","Yearly Recurring Revenue":"Yearly Recurring Revenue","Yes, Cancel":"Yes, Cancel","Yes, Delete":"Yes, Delete","Yes, I'm Sure":"Yes, I'm Sure","Yes, Leave":"Yes, Leave","Yes, Remove":"Yes, Remove","You":"You","You are currently subscribed to the :planName plan.":"You are currently subscribed to the :planName plan.","You are currently within your free trial period. Your trial will expire on :date.":"You are currently within your free trial period. Your trial will expire on :date.","You are not eligible for this plan.":"You are not eligible for this plan.","You currently have :count invitation(s) remaining.":"You currently have :count invitation(s) remaining.","You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for a single invoice.":"You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for a single invoice.","You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next :months billing cycles.":"You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next :months billing cycles.","You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next :months months.":"You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next :months months.","You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next billing cycle.":"You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next billing cycle.","You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next month.":"You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount for all invoices during the next month.","You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount forever.":"You currently receive a discount of :discountAmount forever.","You have cancelled your subscription to the :planName plan.":"You have cancelled your subscription to the :planName plan.","You may revoke the token at any time from your API settings.":"You may revoke the token at any time from your API settings.","Your Email Address":"Your Email Address","Your Settings":"Your Settings","Your VAT ID has been updated!":"Your VAT ID has been updated!","Your billing information has been updated!":"Your billing information has been updated!","Your card has been updated.":"Your card has been updated.","Your contact information has been updated!":"Your contact information has been updated!","Your password has been updated!":"Your password has been updated!","Your payment method has been updated.":"Your payment method has been updated.","Your session has expired. Please login again to continue.":"Your session has expired. Please login again to continue.","Your trial period will expire on ":"Your trial period will expire on ","ZIP \/ Postal Code":"ZIP \/ Postal Code","Your current plan doesn't allow you to invite more members, please upgrade your subscription.":"Your current plan doesn't allow you to invite more members, please upgrade your subscription.","please upgrade your subscription":"please upgrade your subscription","second address line":"second address line","Alabama":"Alabama","Alaska":"Alaska","Arizona":"Arizona","Arkansas":"Arkansas","California":"California","Colorado":"Colorado","Connecticut":"Connecticut","Delaware":"Delaware","District of Columbia":"District of Columbia","Federated States Of Micronesia":"Federated States Of 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  183. <h4 class="card-title bold">Dynamic QR Codes</h4>
  184. <p class="card-text">Dynamic QR codes enhance the traditional functionality of QR codes by allowing real-time updates to their destination URLs, even after they have been printed or distributed. The core feature of a dyna...</p>
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  208. <p class="card-text">Have you ever stumbled upon a ridiculously long URL and thought, “There’s got to be a better way to share this?” Well, there is! T.LY URL Shortener is not just a tool; it’s your gateway to simplifying...</p>
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  220. <p class="card-text">In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, efficiency and tracking are paramount. That’s where tools like T.L.Y URL Shortener come into play, offering a seamless way to shorten links and integrate...</p>
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  269. Welcome to the world of link tracking in church management! As someone deeply involved in the day-to-day operations of a church, you understand the unique...</p>
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  293. <h4 class="card-title bold">Leveraging Short Links in Traditional Marketing Avenues</h4>
  294. <p class="card-text">In a world where digital footprints are becoming as significant as physical presence, businesses are finding innovative ways to merge online and offline experiences. URL shorteners, tools known for th...</p>
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  305. <h4 class="card-title bold">A Deep Dive into QR Code Tracking</h4>
  306. <p class="card-text">In an era where data is king, understanding consumer behavior has become paramount for businesses aiming to optimize their marketing strategies and enhance user engagement. One tool that has come to t...</p>
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  317. <h4 class="card-title bold">The Role of Branded Short URLs in SMS Marketing</h4>
  318. <p class="card-text">In the digital marketing realm, URLs are ubiquitous, serving as the bridge between content and the consumer. However, not all URLs are created equal, especially in SMS marketing, where character count...</p>
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