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  88. <h1>ChatGPT: <div class="main__descr">
  89.                    Chatbot by TalkAI </div></h1>
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  91. <strong>Access to ChatGPT is now open!</strong>
  92. <p>Use the OpenAI neural network for free and without registration. ChatGPT is a chatbot with artificial intelligence. It can generate texts of any complexity and subject matter, compose essays and reports, write a funny story or suggest ideas for new projects.</p>
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  136. <div class="container2">
  137. <h2>What is ChatGPT?</h2>
  138. <p>
  139.            ChatGPT is a chatbot with artificial intelligence from the company OpenAI, co-founded by Elon Musk. Chatbot communicates with users in natural languages (in English, for instance). You ask questions, and the bot gives you detailed answers.</p>
  140. <p>
  141.            To train the ChatGPT language model, supervised learning and reinforcement learning were used. As a result, this high-performance model is now capable of giving answers to a wide variety of topics, with sufficient accuracy and without misleading wordings. </p>
  142. </div>
  143. </section>
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  146. <div class="container2">
  147. <h2>What ChatGPT can do</h2>
  148. <p>ChatGPT is a versatile artificial intelligence tool that can be applied in numerous practical ways. It is capable of answering questions, generating stories, summarizing book plots, assisting in programming tasks, and much more. Whether you need information, creative writing, text translation, or technical support, ChatGPT can adapt to your needs and provide valuable assistance.</p>
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  155. <strong>Answers to simple and complex questions</strong>
  156. <p>For example, what to take for a headache or how to solve a differential equation. Unlike traditional search engines, the bot doesn't redirect you to a website, but immediately gives you a specific answer.</p>
  157. </div>
  158. <div class="swiper-slide">
  159. <strong>Creative tasks</strong>
  160. <p>For example, to write an essay, a funny story on a given topic or a musical composition. The bot will not be able to play it, but it will write the notes.</p>
  161. </div>
  162. <div class="swiper-slide">
  163. <strong>Queries for neural networks that generate pictures</strong>
  164. <p>Midjourney and its analogs require specifically composed, detailed and accurate queries. ChatGPT will help compose them.</p>
  165. </div>
  166. <div class="swiper-slide">
  167. <strong>Fiction retelling and reworking</strong>
  168. <p>The bot is familiar with many movies, TV shows, games, and books. You can ask it to retell the plot, come up with an alternative ending or a sequel.</p>
  169. </div>
  170. <div class="swiper-slide">
  171. <strong>Routine tasks</strong>
  172. <p>Such as drafting letters, generating meta tags, filling out briefs, translating text, etc.</p>
  173. </div>
  174. <div class="swiper-slide">
  175. <strong>Programming assistance</strong>
  176. <p>ChatGPT can write code in a specified language (too long code will have to be generated in chunks, otherwise it will not fit into the program screen). With the help of the bot you can identify bugs, get help on reverse engineering tools and various programming languages.</p>
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  203. <h2 class="gradtitle">How to use ChatGPT?</h2>
  204. <div class="howto__grid">
  205. <div class="howto__item row">
  206. <div class="howto__num">1</div>
  207. <div class="howto__right">
  208. <span>Provide a prompt</span>
  209. <p>
  210.                        Give the bot any piece of text for generating a response. It can be a question, a search query, a statement, a declaration, a task. Any words basically. </p>
  211. <!-- <a href="">View example</a> -->
  212. </div>
  213. </div>
  214. <div class="howto__item row">
  215. <div class="howto__num">2</div>
  216. <div class="howto__right">
  217. <span>Generate a response</span>
  218. <p>
  219.                        After you have entered a prompt, press the send button, and wait a little bit for ChatGPT to generate a response. </p>
  220. <!-- <a href="">View example</a> -->
  221. </div>
  222. </div>
  223. <div class="howto__item row">
  224. <div class="howto__num">3</div>
  225. <div class="howto__right">
  226. <span>Review the response</span>
  227. <p>
  228.                        If you are not completely satisfied with the response (it is incomplete or inaccurate), then you can repeat steps 1 and 2 to give the bot more context or to point out its inaccuracies. </p>
  229. <!-- <a href="">View example</a> -->
  230. </div>
  231. </div>
  232. <div class="howto__item row">
  233. <div class="howto__num">4</div>
  234. <div class="howto__right">
  235. <span>Keep communicating</span>
  236. <p>
  237.                        Keep asking questions about the topic you are interested in, take as much time as you need to clarify details. Or try chatting with ChatGPT new topics to evaluate all its features. </p>
  238. <!-- <a href="">View example</a> -->
  239. </div>
  240. </div>
  241. </div>
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  243.            <a class="btn try" href="/chat/">Try ChatGPT</a>           <!-- <a class="btn" href="/image/">Image Generator</a> -->
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  248. <section class="best">
  249. <div class="container2">
  250. <h2 class="gradtitle">Best ChatGPT Prompts</h2>
  251. <strong>Just ask the bot of something you are interested in. Here's a handful of prompts for example:</strong>
  252. <ol>
  253. <li>Top 10 gift ideas for your cat's birthday</li>
  254. <li>Explain the tangent line equation in simple words</li>
  255. <li>Come up with fun and creative backyard party ideas</li>
  256. <li>Explain to a 6 year old child what a neural network is</li>
  257. <li>How to create an HTTP request in Javascript</li>
  258. <li>Write a song about [insert subject here]. Add details or plot.</li>
  259. <li>Write an article or essay on the topic of [insert topic here]</li>
  260. <li>Make up a joke or funny story about [insert topic here]. Add details or plot.</li>
  261. </ol>
  262.        <img class="hand-anim" src="/img/hand1.png" alt=""> </div>
  263. </section>
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  267. <h2 class="gradtitle">FAQ</h2>
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  270. <div class="faq__item__top row">
  271. <span>Can I use ChatGPT for free?</span>
  272. <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
  273. <g clip-path="url(#clip0_110_1429)">
  274. <path
  275. d="M31.6663 20.6667C31.6663 21.2189 31.2186 21.6667 30.6663 21.6667H22.6663C22.1141 21.6667 21.6663 22.1144 21.6663 22.6667V30.6667C21.6663 31.2189 21.2186 31.6667 20.6663 31.6667H19.333C18.7807 31.6667 18.333 31.2189 18.333 30.6667V22.6667C18.333 22.1144 17.8853 21.6667 17.333 21.6667H9.33301C8.78072 21.6667 8.33301 21.2189 8.33301 20.6667V19.3333C8.33301 18.781 8.78072 18.3333 9.33301 18.3333H17.333C17.8853 18.3333 18.333 17.8856 18.333 17.3333V9.33333C18.333 8.78104 18.7807 8.33333 19.333 8.33333H20.6663C21.2186 8.33333 21.6663 8.78104 21.6663 9.33333V17.3333C21.6663 17.8856 22.1141 18.3333 22.6663 18.3333H30.6663C31.2186 18.3333 31.6663 18.781 31.6663 19.3333V20.6667Z"
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  285. <div class="faq__item__text">
  286. <p>
  287.                        Yes. We provide free unlimited access to ChatGPT without any fees or subscriptions. </p>
  288. </div>
  289. </div>
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  292. <span>Do I need to register in ChatGPT?</span>
  293. <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
  294. <g clip-path="url(#clip0_110_1429)">
  295. <path
  296. d="M31.6663 20.6667C31.6663 21.2189 31.2186 21.6667 30.6663 21.6667H22.6663C22.1141 21.6667 21.6663 22.1144 21.6663 22.6667V30.6667C21.6663 31.2189 21.2186 31.6667 20.6663 31.6667H19.333C18.7807 31.6667 18.333 31.2189 18.333 30.6667V22.6667C18.333 22.1144 17.8853 21.6667 17.333 21.6667H9.33301C8.78072 21.6667 8.33301 21.2189 8.33301 20.6667V19.3333C8.33301 18.781 8.78072 18.3333 9.33301 18.3333H17.333C17.8853 18.3333 18.333 17.8856 18.333 17.3333V9.33333C18.333 8.78104 18.7807 8.33333 19.333 8.33333H20.6663C21.2186 8.33333 21.6663 8.78104 21.6663 9.33333V17.3333C21.6663 17.8856 22.1141 18.3333 22.6663 18.3333H30.6663C31.2186 18.3333 31.6663 18.781 31.6663 19.3333V20.6667Z"
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  307. <p>
  308.                        No. On our site you can try ChatGPT features without registration. </p>
  309. </div>
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  313. <span>Is ChatGPT available in different languages?</span>
  314. <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
  315. <g clip-path="url(#clip0_110_1429)">
  316. <path
  317. d="M31.6663 20.6667C31.6663 21.2189 31.2186 21.6667 30.6663 21.6667H22.6663C22.1141 21.6667 21.6663 22.1144 21.6663 22.6667V30.6667C21.6663 31.2189 21.2186 31.6667 20.6663 31.6667H19.333C18.7807 31.6667 18.333 31.2189 18.333 30.6667V22.6667C18.333 22.1144 17.8853 21.6667 17.333 21.6667H9.33301C8.78072 21.6667 8.33301 21.2189 8.33301 20.6667V19.3333C8.33301 18.781 8.78072 18.3333 9.33301 18.3333H17.333C17.8853 18.3333 18.333 17.8856 18.333 17.3333V9.33333C18.333 8.78104 18.7807 8.33333 19.333 8.33333H20.6663C21.2186 8.33333 21.6663 8.78104 21.6663 9.33333V17.3333C21.6663 17.8856 22.1141 18.3333 22.6663 18.3333H30.6663C31.2186 18.3333 31.6663 18.781 31.6663 19.3333V20.6667Z"
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  327. <div class="faq__item__text">
  328. <p>
  329.                        Currently ChatGPT is available in 30 different languages, including English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian and others. The bot has been trained on a large data set of texts and can generate responses in each of those languages rather than simply translating from English. </p>
  330. </div>
  331. </div>
  332. <div class="faq__item">
  333. <div class="faq__item__top row">
  334. <span>How accurate is ChatGPT?</span>
  335. <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
  336. <g clip-path="url(#clip0_110_1429)">
  337. <path
  338. d="M31.6663 20.6667C31.6663 21.2189 31.2186 21.6667 30.6663 21.6667H22.6663C22.1141 21.6667 21.6663 22.1144 21.6663 22.6667V30.6667C21.6663 31.2189 21.2186 31.6667 20.6663 31.6667H19.333C18.7807 31.6667 18.333 31.2189 18.333 30.6667V22.6667C18.333 22.1144 17.8853 21.6667 17.333 21.6667H9.33301C8.78072 21.6667 8.33301 21.2189 8.33301 20.6667V19.3333C8.33301 18.781 8.78072 18.3333 9.33301 18.3333H17.333C17.8853 18.3333 18.333 17.8856 18.333 17.3333V9.33333C18.333 8.78104 18.7807 8.33333 19.333 8.33333H20.6663C21.2186 8.33333 21.6663 8.78104 21.6663 9.33333V17.3333C21.6663 17.8856 22.1141 18.3333 22.6663 18.3333H30.6663C31.2186 18.3333 31.6663 18.781 31.6663 19.3333V20.6667Z"
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  343. <rect width="40" height="40" fill="white" />
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  345. </defs>
  346. </svg>
  347. </div>
  348. <div class="faq__item__text">
  349. <p>
  350.                        The accuracy of the chatbot’s responses first depends on the input data quality: how specific were your requests (prompts), how much context you provided, etc. It also depends on the quality and diversity of the data used for the language model training. ChatGPT can create human-like responses that are tough to differentiate from responses created by real humans, but sometimes it generates nonsensical or incorrect responses. The bot may give wrong answers to some questions requiring factual knowledge, so don't take ChatGPT as an infallible expert. It is recommended that the model be used with caution and that suitable filtering and moderation techniques be employed to maintain the quality of its outputs, accordingly. </p>
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  363.        <p> uses the official ChatGPT API, but is not part of OpenAI.</p>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda