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  8. <title>RSS Garden Tools</title>
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  10. <description>Garden Tools</description>
  11. <lastBuildDate>Sat, 25 Jan 2025 13:22:22 -0500</lastBuildDate>
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  16. <title>Garden Inventories</title>
  17. <description>A.V. Blues is the largest company in the market for domestic chemistry and hoztowars. We have over 5,000 names in our collection. We offer household goods for the house and garden: buckets, carpets, shovels, granules, villas ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/postavshiki_pavlovo_optom.jpg" alt="Поставщики Павлово оптом" align="left" /><p>A.V. Blues is the largest company in the market for domestic chemistry and hoztowars. We have over 5,000 names in our collection. We offer household goods for the house and garden: buckets, carpets, shovels, granules, villas, hoses, etc. The availability of goods, prices, the price you can find out by sending an application. An individual approach to each client. Details. Watching the entire IP catalogue of Golubov A. V. - household chemistry and hoztovara in Hoztovara for the garden, garden inventories, Asta Company Ast offers a wide range of hoses from the Novosibirsk warehouse. In the range: villas, granites, showers, tidal, shovels (single, bayonet), uterus, pulse boards, hose transponders, Fokine, Pololniks, sprinklers, rustlers, garden, bait, hose, plum and many other. Our benefits are: a personal approach to each client, a better price proposal, a variety of products. Watch the entire Asta Novosibirsk Company catalogue, Station Stationary, 2 Side Inventories from Planta-C. We propose a great choice of garden and natural equipment and associated goods. Largest range, excellent quality, experienced consultants, flexible discount system. Our company is a dealer of major Russian construction producers, Senez, Aquad, Sagus. Details. Watch the whole catalogue</p>]]></content:encoded>
  19. <category><![CDATA[Garden Tools]]></category>
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  22. <pubDate>Sat, 25 Jan 2025 23:22:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>Landmines</title>
  26. <description>I bought seeds for the garden at the Agromarkt. Great choice of seeds of all crops and berry and vegetables, and gingeromatal, can also be lit up. I like it next to the house on Brelevsky in Minsk. I recommend. Long season&#039;s over ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/teplici_355_rub_sadoviy_inventar.jpg" alt="Теплицы: 355 руб. - Садовый инвентарь Минск на Olx" align="left" /><p>I bought seeds for the garden at the Agromarkt. Great choice of seeds of all crops and berry and vegetables, and gingeromatal, can also be lit up. I like it next to the house on Brelevsky in Minsk. I recommend. Long season's over and over. I've been wanting to write my review here for a while. I won't be much of a different word here, as everyone has said below. Agromarket is a really good garden store. I've been walking into him for a while. The seeds are good, garden tools are happy, and the sellers are good, they always give advice. Everyone's recommending this seed shop and garden equipment. I'm only buying this here. The garden in Minsk here is the most affordable choice, the choice is big, the opportunity to review and touch. A lot of people here take seeds next spring. Me too. It's a pleasure. I'm not afraid to say that this store is just a find for all the lucky ones. I come in here a lot and buy all the garden tools I need. It seems to me that there are the most appropriate prices for both the garden and the seeds of vegetables and flowers. And the sellers there are very nice people, you can always get all the information. So this garden store in Minsk is the best for me. As far as I'm concerned, the Agrimarcket store is an exemplary gift shop. It sells everything you need for a real gift. I've been to this store a few times, and I've always been out there with no empty hands. Why? 'Cause there's always something you'll find new, especially when you get a garden inventry, and the prices are low, I'll tell you. That's why I advise everyone on this garden store in Minsk. I also confirm that this store is a paradise for the lucky ones. There's a garden inventory. Sometimes I can't even figure out what I need anymore. And that's a big plus. Because a lot of these stores are very boring for a variety. The last thing they've got is an insect. Very happy with that purchase. There was a discount, and I bought it 35 percent lower than the other store.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Garden Tools]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:17:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>How Much Is The Gasoline</title>
  35. <description>Gas cartridges are the best assistants in the construction of the exterrey of Gasocosilka, a special device designed to improve the condition of gasons on landing and delivery. We offer devices from the world &#039; s best technology ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/gazonokosilka_benzinovaya_al_ko_highline_475.jpg" alt="Газонокосилка бензиновая AL-KO Highline 475 VS по цене 38700 руб" align="left" /><p>Gas cartridges are the best assistants in the construction of the exterrey of Gasocosilka, a special device designed to improve the condition of gasons on landing and delivery. We offer devices from the world ' s best technology producers - Champion, MTD and others. Modern gasoline can be divided into several categories by means of a power supply system: Accumulative models - feeding from an independent battery. The gas machines are power from the petrol engine. Electrical varieties from the power grid. Mechanical models are moving and working through the physical effects of the operator. Gas cars for every buyer if you're going to buy a low-cost lawn mower on the Internet store, you should be able to read in advance information on the variety of such equipment. Model series of known producers are represented by a variety of products. Modifications vary according to different parameters: Ves; Productivity; Design; Prices; Energy Consumption. Gasoline devices are the most easily operated, but they are activated by the mouse activity of the operator, which is manually pushed. The operation of such equipment will require a minimum of cost, but its application will require some physical effort from the operator. A lot of people are trying to buy a gasoline fuelling machine. This device differs with mobility and high power. For this reason, it is easy to use in processing large land with different types of surface. Gasoline deficiencies include the toxicity of the power aggregate and the high noise level during the latter ' s operation. Electrical devices will work with less noise and become more easily operational. The power of the electric gas coefficient will be lower than the gasoline. The experts do not recommend using them in wet weather because the risk of electrifying is high. Accumulative models have a lot of advantages, but they are not relevant for day-to-day use, as their charge is short for more than half an hour.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Lawn Mowers]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Mon, 16 Dec 2024 23:12:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Choose A Olive Hose For Garden</title>
  44. <description>The rightly assembled hose can greatly facilitate not only the tidal of long-distance plants, but also the water supply of the house or water from flooded areas. With the conditions of operation and proper storage, it will last a ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/kak_vibrat_naibolee_podhodyashiy_shlang_dlya.jpg" alt="Как выбрать наиболее подходящий шланг для полива зимнего огорода" align="left" /><p>The rightly assembled hose can greatly facilitate not only the tidal of long-distance plants, but also the water supply of the house or water from flooded areas. With the conditions of operation and proper storage, it will last a long time without leaking. The selection of a suitable hose option depends on several parameters: Physical characteristics (length and opening diameter); The shape of the opening. It may be a habitual round or flat, suitable for storage in an inverted form and a long stream; Material from which the hose is manufactured (refin, nylon, PVC, plastic). This parameter depends not only on flexibility but also on the ability to withstand temperature and high water pressure. Armated models are used for special overloads; Side view. Sad hoses are represented by matching and spiral options, as well as by rainfall and drip hoses. The pumping hoses shall be used to pump water. The catalogue of our hypermarket contains garden hoses of different configurations and uses (for water, water or water pumping). The selection of the required model from the assortium can be based on the diameter and marking of the hose, the material from which it is manufactured, and the presence or absence of the pot.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  46. <category><![CDATA[Side Hoses]]></category>
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  49. <pubDate>Tue, 26 Nov 2024 23:09:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>Gasoline Gasoline Self-Propelled</title>
  53. <description>The Internet workshop on construction and economic goods, BMI proposes the purchase of gasoline cartridges for the care of landing and day-to-day areas, parks and squares. With a powerful engine (up to 10l.s) the tech will help ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/gazonokosilki_benzinovie_samohodnie_dlya_travi_kupit.jpg" alt="Газонокосилки бензиновые самоходные для травы купить в Перми" align="left" /><p>The Internet workshop on construction and economic goods, BMI proposes the purchase of gasoline cartridges for the care of landing and day-to-day areas, parks and squares. With a powerful engine (up to 10l.s) the tech will help not only to sharpen the lawn, but also to cut the rigid or high grass. Models are suitable for the processing of large areas (up to 25 staples) where electro-gas-oxidation is powerless. For the most convenient work, you can acquire a self-propelled model. The wheels are driven by the engine, so the operation of such equipment does not require the physical effort of the operator. Prominences of gasoline coefficients of petrol (benzo-zone coconutsils) sold: • Large width of coca grass per passage (up to 55 cm); ● Possibility of gasoline in several modes: collection of weeds, mulching and lateral emissions; • Large range of 20 to 80 cm rolling heights; • Large wheels not leaving traces on the gasoline following the passage of the self-propelled gasoline; • Substance Herbs (up to 80 litres) or solid textiles; • A warehouse handle that provides a convenience to store equipment. Details of the Online Catalogue include a large selection of spare parts and consumables for gasoline pumps for self-propelled petrol. You'll be able to get a little change of knives, an air filter or a ignition candle. In order to extend the life of gardening equipment, comply with operating regulations and maintain timely maintenance. You may also avail yourself of the services " Order and take over today " . In order to save your time, we'll prepare a lawn oxen to get to you in the nearest D.O.S. Trade Network. The services are available in Moscow, St. Petersburg (SPB), Lower Novgorod, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Saratov, Cazani, Catherineburg, Surguth, Omske, Ryazani, Branske and Tule. Turn</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[Lawn Mowers]]></category>
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  58. <pubDate>Wed, 06 Nov 2024 23:07:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Disein For Your Hands</title>
  62. <description>Lucky for someone who has a suburb where I can rest and work. But not in the midst of a living lucky. Let&#039;s just give the imagination and steal the gift so the heart can sing and be happy. In particular, substantial investments ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/landshaftniy_dizayn_dlya_dachi_svoimi_rukami.jpg" alt="Ландшафтный дизайн для дачи своими руками - Ландшафтный дизайн" align="left" /><p>Lucky for someone who has a suburb where I can rest and work. But not in the midst of a living lucky. Let's just give the imagination and steal the gift so the heart can sing and be happy. In particular, substantial investments are not always required to dispense the countryside with their hands, as the manual material may be used. In this article, I will share with you the idea of what can be done with my hands to give: decor, garden design elements. It's very interesting to do this with the kids. I think I'll start from the top, in my view, with the creation of original seals with my hands. Unusual cloams with our hands from the handwriting, we'll make the beauty of what we have. Remember in the song: " I blinded him from what happened and then - what I did, I fell in love " ) So, you and I are making some unusual flower blooms and cloams of hand-writing material and putting our favorite flowers in there. I'm not going to go deeper into the technology of creating unusual clumbing (if only a little) - it's clearly presented in the pictures. The Cary of the Lebed has come to rest with the beautiful swan and stayed there. This small cloth is made of a normal car cover painted with white acrylic paint. A few more options for building a cloam with his hands from the car tyres: orange, bearded, yellow. The clumba under the tree is made on the basis of the stone cloth, and it looks impressive and profitable. The figurine is almost deep into the ground and cemented with a cement solution. It's a beautiful clumba, but there's one flaw: there's only tenable plants to live, because, you know, underneath a stun tree, they can't see the sun. And there's a similar clumbing under a young lady made out of wooden stockings. Great idea! While a tree grows up, it's quite possible to plant beautiful single-year flowers under it. The original application of the plastic bottles of "The flowers, the flowers... - thought of a pragmatistic gift. - You need to take care of them, clean them up, clean them up. And I'll build my lipstick with my hands in plastic bottles! I did. Why do I think that only a man can do that? This souvenir's douche... Indeed, plastic bottles cause a rich flight of fantasy from a Russian man. Well, please tell me, will the prospective Europeans come to arm under a tree like a mini swinopherm? And I like it, it looks so much fun, and little kids are gonna be happy with this cute, "potential fucker." It's a miracle-yudo, not for the weaker ones, but to make it easier with your hands. There's a sawed tree, one of whose torch has turned into a nose with a finely cut nostrils. The eyes of the miracles are made of mosaic, which is not feared either by the knowledge or the wind; eyebrows and shurst are planted with low-grown, unspeakable years. It doesn't blend in bright beauty, but in originality, you won't deny it) The new life of an old printer's car, the old printer got a second life on a good place. That's a good idea, but growing up in such extreme circumstances can be very uncomfortable plants. Here, the flower blossoms have come to rest on the shop, this mini-colour near the place of rest. The mosaic deals with their hands, the Flowers and the Blooms, it's not all that can create a ridiculous hand. Look how beautiful they look at the way things are done with their hands. Abrasion from the mosaic of the Beautiful Mini-Sculpture from the stone- glass pane, where white rounded stones and cuts are used as mosaic elements. It is true that this abstraction would be more appropriate against the background of the waterway: the pond or the stream, because it reminds the sea king. You're expecting a mermaid out of improvised coffin. The butterflies have come to rest in the shadow of a stunning tree. This is done on a plywood basis, displayed by coloured diapers in the form of a rainbow wing. The steak is planted on a dense paint, and the top is covered with uncoloured acryl foot. On the other hand, plywood was treated with olifa and painted with water resistant and freezer paint. The oysters are made out of a copper wire, the tel is from a steel tape, and the eyes are from black cams. The bench is a very interesting structure, a rest bench, which is low with a mosaic plate, the seat is made from a thick cut board, and the top is decorated by a low-skilled body with sideboards, which is also a mosaic. The mosaic slurry system is similar to that of the café: Mosaic fragments are based on a certain decoration and are fixed on a cement solution. From a distance, such an arrangement looks like an eastern shuttle, especially when flowers are spread on the cloth. The bordührer here is the lucky one with his hands, making a team with a bordührer planted by a mosaic. The long lane of the fat rubber laid in a pre-exploited, non-deep tranche is used as a basis. By strengthening the rubber lipsticks on the one hand and the garden land on the other, the dasher injected the cement solution and in the adhesive layer effectively decompose flat stones pre-colored by acrylic paint. Simple and beautiful. We're all in good work. Is it time to rest? Let's build a gamc to give our hands where it's going to be nice to rest in silence under the slack of stun trees. Gamak, with his hands, for those who don't know the sewing machine at any time, will make such a gamaxy no problem. To this end, it will be necessary to: Plot flower tissue length 2.2, width 3 m of Synthepon 1 m x 0, 5 m of Strop 5, 2 m x 3 cm of Kraska, which is in colour combined with the Fal hood 0, 4 - 0, 6 cm in diameter. Work sequence 1. Cut the tissue by 2 pounds 1, 5 x 2, 1 m, estimate their short sides by adding a " face-to-face " to the end of your " ring " , build and turn on the face. The length of the long sides will be half-trained by pre-clicking the ring. 2. Take four additional cuts of 0, 7 m long and adjust to the transition from the lower edge half to the top and after the neck of the edge of the opening with a width of not less than 5 cm. 3. Stick half for the gamac along, cut the synthes into two parts 0, 25 m x 1, 25 m and put it in the ring (see chart). Raise the edges and accept the synthes to the tissue, then build a hole through which you synthesized, closed.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Diy Garden Tools]]></category>
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  67. <pubDate>Thu, 17 Oct 2024 22:05:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>Electrical Feedback</title>
  71. <description>If you want to get a great model to take care of a small precinct located near the house, you&#039;ll look into our catalogue. To buy low-cost electrical gasolines in Moscow is always available on the Sad Mechanisms Internet store. We ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/i_akkumulyatornie_gazonokosilki.jpg" alt="и аккумуляторные газонокосилки" align="left" /><p>If you want to get a great model to take care of a small precinct located near the house, you'll look into our catalogue. To buy low-cost electrical gasolines in Moscow is always available on the Sad Mechanisms Internet store. We offer models with many undeniable virtues. Electrical gas cartridges: much easier than gasoline machines, make less noise, the electrical colic is manually green - do not pollute air, do not require fuel refuelling (which may also affect the environment). The value of the electrical gas coefficients and the characteristics of the models for the sale of electrical gasolines shall be from known world producers. New models make it more comfortable to create perfect gasolines, make mulching materials, and easily collect weed. The gasolines are electrical with mulching (with the function of mulching) that will help you get our specialists. And you can even control the height of downloading. Today, the market offers several types of gas coconuts - self-propelled and manual. Manuals include those that move only through human efforts. It should be said that all electrical models are lighter than those equipped with another type of engine. Their main flaw is the dependence on power lines. But if your precinct doesn't look like giant sizes, the wires don't bother you. The gasoline is an electric self-propelled option - a truly optimum option for those who shore and value clean air. Electrical self-propelled gasoline - electric carcasses are located on the relevant website pages.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Lawn Mowers]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Fri, 27 Sep 2024 21:59:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>Rubber Hose</title>
  80. <description>The Kirels catalogue is accessible to order industrial hoses for different purposes. The rubber sleeves are available in a warehouse in different variants, and if there&#039;s no product, we&#039;re ready to deliver the amount we need to ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/shlang_molochniy_rezinoviy_1628_italiya_profimol.jpg" alt="Шланг молочный резиновый 16*28 (Италия) | Профимол" align="left" /><p>The Kirels catalogue is accessible to order industrial hoses for different purposes. The rubber sleeves are available in a warehouse in different variants, and if there's no product, we're ready to deliver the amount we need to order. The rubber sleeves are necessary for the transfer of liquids and substances in the bush and gaseous state. They are used in industry to transport construction mixtures, pumping/dry liquids (food and technical), gas, fuel, etc. The scope of the product is numerous: economic, chemical, energy, utilities and a number of other production areas. There are several types of rubber industrial sleeves on GOST and TC: gas welds and metal cuts. A steak sleeve. All these types of industrial hoses are classified into classes according to the groups of substances for which they are intended. Depending on this, they have different diameters, base material (armation, thread or textile) and what makes the hose - plastic, rubber. Additional product qualities include resistance to external media (chemistry, temperature, pressure overturns, etc.), anti-static properties, human security (relating to hoses for food). On the Kirlis website, you can find more detailed information on each type of rubber sleeves presented in the catalogue: their basic technical characteristics, the value. If you ask questions, you'll call our managers.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Side Hoses]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Sat, 07 Sep 2024 21:50:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>How To Make A Tree Spray With Your Hands</title>
  89. <description>Apples are the most wonderful fruit in the world! It&#039;s delicious, useful, cold juicy and summer smell. We all know from childhood that &quot; if we eat one apple a day, the doctor will forget the way to your house &quot; , that it is the ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/otdelka_lodzhiy_saydingom_svoimi_rukami_tvoy.jpg" alt="Отделка лоджий сайдингом своими руками — Твой рабочий стол" align="left" /><p>Apples are the most wonderful fruit in the world! It's delicious, useful, cold juicy and summer smell. We all know from childhood that " if we eat one apple a day, the doctor will forget the way to your house " , that it is the apple that fell on Newton's head at the most appropriate moment for the world, and that even among all the benefits of heaven, the apple was the chief delicate. How do you not grow a miracle on your home? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to produce a good harvest of these wonderful fruits. There's a lot of different reasons, and not all the secrets of producing healthy harvest apples are on the surface... But some of them are ready to share with you today. Secret 1: If you want to harvest, you'll tilt the net sometimes with healthy strong apples that feed, and protect against pests, you'll end up fertilizing or enjoying harvest in a year or two. And the gardener breaks his head, why is it so wrong? And the reason might be running in the wrong krone. Experienced horticultures know that much more fruit is produced on horizontally growing branches. If the branches of apple grow at a sharp angle or even almost vertically, the harvest may be very small. What do you do if the branches have already grown wrong? Do you want to stay untreated? Turns out there's a little trick that's gonna help fix this flaw. If the vertically growing branches are to be removed downwards and fixed in such a position by a bulb or even a tied load, these branches will have to change the growth orientation horizontal. In this way, we will significantly increase future yields. In the next video, Andrei Tumanov will be practically showing how to do it rightly by Secretary 2: the laundry cheek in the harvest, of course, it's better not to wait until the iron is incorrect, and from the first years, to perform the right cutting of the branches. But it's not a secret that there's not much to learn about the crowning of fruit trees, especially among starters. So, we think the little trick that we're talking about is going to cheer up all the inexperienced gifts. In the next Eugenia Fedotov video shows how, with a few laundry cheeks, you can grow a label with the most " harvested " , skeleton branches. Secret 3: The medium cut, the green street of Nemalo, does not pay due attention to the cutting of apples, perhaps because of lack of knowledge and fear of damage to trees. And for nothing, with the right cut, the yield rises almost half! The apple has the most successful " medium cut " , where the escapees are submerged by two thirds of the length and a portion of the wind is necessarily removed to reduce the tree crown to 75 per cent of the reference. With this cut, the maximum impact of the apple can be expected. Secret 4: This secret is mainly about young apples, who intend to give a huge crop this year. At first glance, it could be a gardener. But strategically, first of all, a young apple may simply not force such an encryption, and apples will be small and indifferent, and secondly, " landing " this year, the tree will rest next year. What's the result? And this harvest will not please you, and the future will not be seen... What secret? It is in artificial " attention " to central and " non-conditional " fruit. This is done as soon as the fruits are shaped, you'll have to carefully examine all the apples and remove each fruit. Choose the most inaccurate, incorrect form for this, usually this fruit is central. Besides, all the bad shapes, the sick, the flaws, too, need to be removed immediately, they'll still be underdevelopment, and they're unlikely to be out. The remaining fruit will be freer, more food will be delivered, and the harvest will gloat and the tree will save strength. In addition, the incidence of disease and pest damage is significantly reduced in the timely removal of affected links. That's how good this procedure is! Adults of low-weathered apples are also used to develop bonds. Experienced horticultures draw attention to two small but very important nuances: Before the fruits are reached, it is necessary to shake the branch in which the work will be carried out, which is incapable, but which has not fallen to the end, they themselves are destined. There is an important observation: a manual decline in the number of fruits will only trigger the accumulation of the others if at least 35-40 leaf for each remaining link. Secret 5: Chemical degradation, if a large adult apple is very strong, and you see that so many fruits it is " not energized " , apples are at risk of growing small and irresistible, and manually normalizing is not possible, so it's time for the chemical rectification of the harvest! Wait for the third to fourth day of colouring and spray the apple with a special formulation prepared for one of the following prescriptions: 100-300 g calcinated soda to dissolve 10 litres of water (13 per cent solution) 50-150 g chlorine to dissolve 10 litres of water (0, 5-1, 5 per cent solution) What happens? The fruits are about to double to three times smaller, but they'll be bigger, and more delicious, the yield will be higher than your apple for this year Nature. Secret 6: The right Strait is a critical condition for a good harvest. The gardeners have a saying: " Strait is important not more often, but the benefit of the producer. " A lot of inexperienced gardeners are trying to polish apples for a little bit, but often. But it's not good enough for this pole. There are only four but very good ponds for the summer, and within a certain time frame of vegetation:</p>]]></content:encoded>
  91. <category><![CDATA[Diy Garden Tools]]></category>
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  94. <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:47:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Kindergarten Equipment</title>
  98. <description>In the construction hypermarket, the OBI has everything for family recreation on a happy or landing site, including children &#039; s mountains and swings, housewives and sandbags, petty kits in buckets, air and plastic pools. It ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/inventar_sadoviy_detskiy_instrument_sadoviy_po.jpg" alt="Инвентарь садовый (детский). инструмент садовый по договорной цене" align="left" /><p>In the construction hypermarket, the OBI has everything for family recreation on a happy or landing site, including children ' s mountains and swings, housewives and sandbags, petty kits in buckets, air and plastic pools. It won't be boring! On the online catalogue, you'll find practically ready kindergarten playgrounds. All you have to do is bring and place the purchases on the spot. We recommend buying child playgrounds to give, so it's interesting and useful to spend time with the family, take small guests or save time for ourselves. While the kids are busy with games, you can drink smoothly in the schelong or pour your favorite roses. ● All products are made of high-quality materials. A good plastic doesn't smell anything, it doesn't cause allergic reactions, leaves no trace on the clothes and the baby handles. • Low weight makes it easy for articles to be transported in the car trunk in a car. No tools or skills are required for on-site installation. My dad's not the only one who can handle a pot or a sander. · Plastic leaves no pine and scratches, heated in hot weather, and remains warm at reduced temperature. Plastic sanders in a few minutes stop in a small pool. Just add some water, and let the baby spit as much as you want. Great possibilities for fantasy and creativity. The items for a child camp can be combined into a single group or distributed in different corners of the day. Children's mountains and swings, housewives and sandbears you can buy in OBI's hypermarkets are accompanied by instructions, guarantee plates and quality certificates. Also offer tools, garden tools, garden furniture, mangala, grili and barbecue. The best rest is the time spent in fresh air in the family. To buy little baby pots and swings, housewives and sandbags at OBI's hypermarket, use the online leash on our website. Prices in the catalogue do not differ from the value of the goods in the mall. The order is available in the nearest hypermarket in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg (Spb), Volgograd, Kazan, Lower Novgorod, Saratov, Catherineburg, Omsk, Krasnodar, Ryazan, Surgut, Bryansk.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Garden Tools]]></category>
  101. <link></link>
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  103. <pubDate>Mon, 29 Jul 2024 21:36:00 +0000</pubDate>
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