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<title>thunderbird!! &lt;3</title>
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<description>jamie!! - Dreamwidth Studios</description>
<lastBuildDate>Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:07:39 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<generator>LiveJournal / Dreamwidth Studios</generator>
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<pubDate>Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:07:39 GMT</pubDate>
<title>good day :]</title>
<description>i had a good day today :) nothing special happened or anything but today wasn&rsquo;t bad and i gotta remember more of these kinds of days so i don&rsquo;t get all freakyweird and negativity bias and whatever WNWNWNJWKW anyways!!! i spent today downtown!! &lt;- love love lovessss the city + &nbsp;the downtown area :))) i went to this vintage store and it was SOCUTE OMG!!! they even had a section separated by decades n stuff and the 70s stuff was sooooo cute waaaaaaaaaa &lt;- thought of holland the whole time WNWNNWNW but yeah!!! i also almost got a tattoo but the lady said it would fade really fast (bc I wanted it on my hand) so i dint get it boooooo &lt;/3 ((SOON THO!!! when I get more disposable moneys &gt;:)) then i went over to the freakygoth district and got me a new ring and a texas chainsaw patch!! got me a lil colt poster too TEEHEEEEE i cant WAITTT to put it up YIPPEE YAHOOOO!!!!!!! &lt;33333 thennn i got boba and a jerk chicken sandwich which is like,,, literally what heaven is to me WNNWNWN while i was at the boba shop there was this lady and she asked if my drink was good and i told her hell yeah it was!!! and she asked what was in it and i told her it was just mangoes and ice which is why it&rsquo;s so good :) and she was like !!! oh cool!!! and told me about how back where she came from, mangoes are a huuuuuge thing there and i told her same here and she was so excited and we talked about mango season in our respective countries and idk!!! it was really really nice!!! like i feel super alone gross freakyweird but like!! the world is soso big and there are good people out there and things are okay!!! it was super fun to meet someone who also enjoys mangoes as much as i do &lt;3 (even tho IM the number one mango liker in the whole wide world ever ever ever btw 😋)<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 23 Jun 2024 02:41:31 GMT</pubDate>
<description>when jodie got her perfect shot near the end of the movie and she gets all excited like &quot;omg it was fantastic!!&quot; tears. actual tears.<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 23 Jun 2024 02:33:37 GMT</pubDate>
<description>the fall guy is just one really big gmc ad omg<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:53:44 GMT</pubDate>
<description>ithink im a bit too baked WKWHJKW im freakin out tweakin HHHHHHHHHHHHH :////// annyways colt. like. hmm. i wanna say things abt him. but. i think the subject and way i wish to convey said things would accrue immeasurable amounts of dukkha and i would damn my soul to an eternal hell that no amounts of repentance would get me out. like. just. a ppunishment worse than hell is what i would be facing. if i were to spill the beans. but. yeah. hes hot. thats all. :thumbsup:<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:49:21 GMT</pubDate>
<description>like???? AYWAYS ilike jodie a lot idk idk idkkkkk WKHWJWHKWH shes just so silly so sweet i like her i love that she stood her ground with gail n told her ass that the movie was HERS and goddamn it she was gonna direct it WHEEEEEK &lt;333333 shes so cool idk how to word it wkwhwkjw like i feel like sucha girloser but at the same time thatd be cute yknow:?? like girloser x girlboss or whatever WJHWJK idkkkkkk i just like her and id like to karaoke with her and watch movies for inspo with her and HGHGHGHGGHHHGGHG<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:45:20 GMT</pubDate>
<title>the fallling man,,.,.,.,</title>
<description>ohhhhhh my god. ohgh my god. idekwhat to say. KWJHWKJWK i like this movie so much its making me feel sad&gt;&gt;&gt;??? KWKJW AUGHHHHH idk what 2 do. i love the movie i love colt i love jodie i love dan i love jean claude i love this movei soso much ogh my god.... its making me sad... like idont wanna talk about the movie with anyone or anything because i feel stupid for likinh it. like i look like such an idiot whyyyyyy am i sad over some pretend fuckin guy!!!!!! hes not real!!!!!! why do i ike him so much!! what a loser!! look at me- wishing i was loved n stuff BOOOOOOOOO thats so cringe wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sad bc i want him to love me??? GET A LIFEEEE OMG OMG OMG KWHWKHWKJW i like him soooo fucking much its stupud. like actualy whattttt!!!!! hes so pretty &lt;/333333333333 ive wanted this forever WHYYY AM I SAD OMG GIRL GO GET HELP WJDKLWHDKW<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 10 Jun 2024 22:06:36 GMT</pubDate>
<description>went 2 tha dentistz today ughhh,,,.,,,.,,, they drilled up my teeth yo that shit hurt like a MUFUCKAAAAAAAA :explodez: but uhhhhh yeah!! went thrifting after and got this shirt that i thinnk?? is about actual piping and welling or something LMAO WKJHWKJW but uhmmmm it says &quot;i heart metal pipes&quot; or sumn and on the back it jusr says &quot;METALHEAD&quot; which is,,,,,, &hearts; TEEHEE!!! &lt;- hoping it gets me some metal pipe *cough cough*<br /><br />also modded another one of my 3dses!! just one more to go yayyyyy :D<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 15:54:21 GMT</pubDate>
<description>had a good day yesterday!!! went back 2 the music store and got to talk to my favourite employee teehee ^w^ also got to try a banjo and an acoustic bass. VERYYYYYYY interesting instruments. peculiar objects. i also tried out my new bass pedal and its really really cool!!!! i love it to bits &lt;33333 anddd i the first song i learned / got to try it on was crush the industry &lt;- one of my fave dethklok songs JSKSGKS butttt yeah!! things are okay :thumbs up:<br /><br />OH OH ALSOOOOOO i had a fucken dream last night that i was missed?? i was on a field trip to my old school (but not my old school irl- Dream Me's old school) and it was some prestigious ass fancy school with a veryyyy obvious class divide (there were the Mods- modern education students- and the Meds- medium somethings?? basically mods = rich kids and meds were poor lmao) WHKWJHWK but anywyas i like snuck away from my group and just hopped in a class and sat down. and in that class there happened to be a girl i used to know?? and while the teacher was talking all the kids at my table were passing shit around and eventually it got to me and it was like a bunch of my old notebooks and shit with like. notes in em asking abt my whereabouts and like. nice lil messages. idk. it was weird being known and remembered and <em>missed</em> lmao :skull:<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2024 23:59:36 GMT</pubDate>
<title>thunderbird!! &lt;3</title>
<description>itz been 2 years since my first journal entry oh man oh man,,,,, i gotta start writing again WKJWKJWGSKJS tbh i wanna forget the last 2 years even happened so im jst gonna pretend they DIDNT. <br /><br />annnnnyways!!! ive been on a losing streak for the last lil while and things have just been eugh but i had a really good day today!!!!! i went to the dentists with my siblings and theres a little claw machine in the lobby so we all got stuffies and then after that we went to check out a music store i really wanted to visit!!<br /><br />i went in to go buy a pedal and im suuuuuper indecisive so i asked all the employees and stuff and they were super helpful and fun and they all took a vote and the pedal i lowkey wanted won like 3:1 yippeeeee &lt;333 annnyways i told them i was also looking for an amp (in the future) and the guy took me to let me try some out and i got to play a thunderbird!!!!! a thunderbird!!! the same bass my darling baby angel sweetiepie shmoopiekins honeybunch babycakes plays!!!!!!! the william murderbass!!!!!!!!!! &lt;333333 it sounded like liquid honey omgggggggggg *explodes dies blows up* i miss it sobad UGHHHHHHHH<br /><br />but yeah!!!! good times!!! the second im able to- thunderbird believeeeee you will be MINE<br /><br /><img src="" alt="william murderface playing bass" width="246" height="133" /><br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sat, 27 Aug 2022 04:54:57 GMT</pubDate>
<title>*head in hands*</title>
<description>okay it’s con day and i can’t sleep bc of excitement so im here to ramble until i get tired. soooooo today (technically yesterday) we went bowling!! it was super fun and i dressed up in normal Me Fashion (read: looked like a total methhead) WJWNNENW but uhm anyways it was great and i loveeeeee being a total lameazoid whenever something good happens to me. i’ll score a spare and start moonwalking, talking about how they should name a league after me bc im just That Good ™ WNWNSNNS but ANYANYWAYS um. the uh. the employee was super cute and they said they loved my outfit and they were just super giggly and cute and not to be dramatic but like. WOW like damn bitch so this is what love feels like WJJSJSKSNDNDN HHHHHHHHHHH i don’t want to be weird or anything im just stating that i found someone attractive which is completely normal for human beings to experience (read: im so fucking Gay it hurts WNSNNSNS) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know i should be comfortable with myself or whatever but DAMN i want a girlfriend &lt;//3 WNWNSNNSN OKEY SHUTTING UP NOW<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Tue, 09 Aug 2022 01:15:55 GMT</pubDate>
<description>anyways on a lighter note, 2 nsync songs came on the radio today!! made the 90s teenage girl in me vv happey :]<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Tue, 09 Aug 2022 01:14:19 GMT</pubDate>
<title>[UNLOCKED] new mental illness!!</title>
<description>so. just finished reading lolita <br /><br /><br /><img src="" alt="terrified guy meme" width="500px/"><br /><br />never gonna be normal again :]]]]]]]]]<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:13:30 GMT</pubDate>
<description>ANYWAYS finished all my artfight revenges so i dont have to beat myself up over that anymore!! i can finally work on personal drawings WITHOUT a nauseating sense of guilt and anxiety!!!! woohoo!!!!!!<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:11:29 GMT</pubDate>
<title>*t-shirt that says I &#9829; PATRICIDE*</title>
<description>okay as a prologue- i got to meet nick castle at a con a lil while back and while i was talking to him, my dad was on the sidelines pointing and laughing his ass off at me. it's been months and he STILL makes fun of me. cut to today when my dad asked me why i keep wanting to go to cons when "we can just visit your movie guys in the retirement home". y'all ever seen the chucky tv series? yeah im about to go Junior Mode on this mf WJKWJKWGWKJWGKWGKW<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Aug 2022 04:06:33 GMT</pubDate>
<title>nvm killing myself</title>
<description>its a minute into august and im near abt to puke bc of anxiety. brain is RIDDLED with holes i cannot sleep my hands r shaking HHHHGGGGHGHGHGHGH t minus abt a month before i start school again (REAL people irl school. im dreading it im absolutely TERRIFIED) and i have a shit ton of shit i gotta do and im putting this imaginary time-pressure on myself and no matter how hard i try to shake it, it just wont. go. away!!!!!!!!!! WKJHWKJWH whatever!! im gonna lay face down in the dirt and let the earth consume me. at least itll fell better than the anxiety WGWKJWGWKJGWJKGD<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Tue, 26 Jul 2022 21:00:07 GMT</pubDate>
<title>okay so maybe god is real</title>
<description>ANYWAYS shower fiasco aside, my dad says its a pretty sure bet that we can go the con in august!! :DDDDD i dont wanna jinx it or anything but i literally cannot function without something to look forward to- like i deadass save candy bars and shit as my reasons for living (i cant die bc i havent eaten em yet :] ) and so this is HUUUUUUUGE for someone who uses kitkats as coping mechanisms WKJWHKJWHWWHLKWHW i've been perishing with anxiety for the last lil while but im vv excited!!! ALSO ALSO guess who just obtained a denim jacket!!!!!! WJKGWKJWGDKDWG a <b><i> black </i></b> one no less!! vv happy abt it (i have wanted one forEVER and a minute) annnnnnd im that much closer to finishing my tatum cosplay!! me n my sibling r planning to be tatum n stu for halloween (bc theyre our fave characters frm scream) and im superduper hyped for that :D<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 25 Jul 2022 05:07:03 GMT</pubDate>
<title>i am the stupidest bitch alive</title>
<description>&gt; walked into the bathroom with the intent of taking a shower <br><br />&gt; run the shower <br><br />&gt; realize i forgot my towel <br><br />&gt; walk out of the bathroom <br><br />&gt; begin searching for my towel until i realise im not at home and the towels are kept in the washroom <br><br />&gt; walk back into bathroom <br><br />&gt; walk back out of bathroom because i forgot my clothes <br><br />&gt; shower is beginning to overflow because the plug is in <br><br />&gt; i am clueless <br><br />&gt; walk into bathroom and begin to undress <br><br />&gt; remembers theres no soap <br><br />&gt; walk out of bathroom half naked in search of soap <br><br />&gt; my family is in the living room, understandibly surprised <br><br />&gt; finally walk back into bathroom with hands full of stuff <br><br />&gt; is surprised by the floor <br><br />&gt; thats literally it. <br><br />&gt; the floor was flooring and it scared the shit out of me <br><br />&gt; drops everything everywhere <br><br />&gt; family hears my yelp, and is now convinced im crazy or on drugs <br><br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 24 Jul 2022 04:38:17 GMT</pubDate>
<title>back to being stupid!!</title>
<description>random thought but did they purposely only give each character in scream like, 1 outfit or??? like literally. billy is a given- the classic white tshirt, but everyone else?? cmon now. like tatum. excepting the jersey/red pants outfit, she wears 2 yellow turtleneck tshirts with warm patterned miniskirts (the spiral one and the plaid one). with stu, he's always wearing a white undershirt, with a light tan shirt over top (he wears a light sweatshirt twice, and the exception is when he wears the tan button up, WITH the white shirt underneath). randy always has some godawful green shit on (not a typo) WHWKGKJFEGKFEG and i KNOWWWWWW characters need to have a recognizable color palette I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW costuming tells us about characters and they need to be distinct i know I KNOW I KNOWWWW but i'm just saying. the movie takes place over multiple days. you're telling me these people are cartoon characters and every day they just open up their closets that are full of the Exact Same Clothing Garment like batman or some shit????? come ON now. WJHWLHSLKSHSL<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Thu, 21 Jul 2022 04:08:12 GMT</pubDate>
<title>ive never been more afraid in my life</title>
<description>i have TERRIBLE musophobia. so imagine how i felt when i went to the bathroom and saw a motherfucking mouse scurry past my feet. WJWKSKKSKSKDK I. CANT BREATHEEEE no horror movie has EVER scared me this much I’m so fucking paranoid im gonna fucking kms i want to DIE<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Wed, 20 Jul 2022 22:03:11 GMT</pubDate>
<title>stupid shit :]</title>
<description>i am a backstreet girl through and through and a 4*TOWNie for life but DAMN *nsync got some BANGERSSSSSSS WKDWGDKHWKDGWKDGWK hashtag going through my teenage girl phaseee &#9829; WJWKJGWKJW but fr fr this shit SLAPS id absolutely love to be in a cheesy boyband it seems so fun!! shitty flashy outfits, singing and dancing like a loser and getting PAID for it?? sign me tf UP WKJHSKWJGDKJWGD anyanywas two conventions are coming up and robert englund is gonna be at one and bill moseley is gonna be at the other and i REALLY REALLY SUPER DUPER ULTRA MEGA really wanna go to both but i dont even know if i can go to any at all which would be a total cowabummer but even if i DID go to one i wanna dress up for it but i have no idea who id wanna go as hhhhhhhh anyways thats all. time to go back to choreographing cheesy dance routines to boyband songs BYEEEEEEEEEEE <img src="" alt="knuckles the echidna running" /><br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 27 Jun 2022 05:18:10 GMT</pubDate>
<title>gay day babeyyyy!!!</title>
<description><img src="" alt="[a yellow smiley face emoji under a rainbow]" width="10%" />just went to my first pride parade n it was fucking aMAZING. it was everything i'd hoped it'd be and more!! i've lived in Shitville, NowhereTown for the past forever and its a pretty close-minded god-fearing cishet white neighbourhood where everyone holds "traditional values" (read: is bigoted in some way shape or form lol) so this was SUCH a breath of fresh air. not to be all cheesy and dramatic but for the first time in forever i genuinely felt happy being me :) i dress pretty eccentrically everyday, and that gets a lot of disdainful looks and comments where i live, but today i got complimented a whole bunch!! like i dint even dress up! i just LOOK like this!! KWGDGFKJFKJF it was so cool!!!!! i was still an anxious wreck bc there were a whole lot of people and noise, but being surrounded by people who are so unapologetically themselves is one of the best feelings of all time everrrrr. even my dad (who's PAINFULLY cishet and doesn't quite "get" being queer) said that gay people's enthusiasm is mad infectious and was enjoying himself. i genuinely cannot wait for the next one im so!!!!! im gonna be even GAYER and SLUTTIER and its gonna be AWESOME!!!! <br /><img src="" alt="[a yellow smiley face emoji under a rainbow]" width="10%" /><br /><img src="" alt="[me!! a black person with blue hair, wearing a rainbow shirt and necklace, smiling]" width="50%" /><br /><img src="" alt="[a picture taken from above of a pride parade]" width="50%" /><br /><img src="" alt="[me!! a black person with curly blue hair wearing a black bra and body harness under a rainbow print shirt, light blue shorts and fishnets]" width="50%" /><br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Wed, 15 Jun 2022 23:46:47 GMT</pubDate>
<description>went out today!! had a terrible anxiety attack &#9829; HJWDGWJGWF we were out at the same time that school let out so the place was crawling with high schoolers and a group of boys walked past and made fun of me :(((( but on the bright side i used my already-anxious state to talk to someone (bc like. i couldnt get any more anxious WKJJKGDKJ) so that was cool!!<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 13 Jun 2022 08:26:41 GMT</pubDate>
<description>just a day recap (not Today bc its 4am but yknow. whatever tf happened on before midnight). accidentally fell into scooby doo brainrot WHDFHJFLHFK like!!! i've always been a scooby girl at heart, i've fucking adored this franchise since birth- scoob is love scoob is life etc etc. ANYWAYS!!!!!! mr norville shaggy rogers is doin some things to my poor fragile weak heart and i cannot bear it!!! WJHDKJDJKDDK i remember as a kid thinking it was funny whenever he fell in love but now its like.... :/// WHDKJHKFJFH i just!!!!! love and care about him so much its embarrassing!! i watched the live action scooby doo's again (shut up M.L has nothing to do with any of that) and like!! he is so profoundly sad PLEASE i would treat him so good i'd give him the fucking world on a silver platter id do anything for him im down so bad!!! WJDGKFGFDKJF &#10084; &#10084; &#10084; &#10084; <br> we also watched a bunch of sesame street and shoutout to all the muppets (specifically elmo, big bird, and grover) for being my ultimate comfort characters and best friends ever ever ever :)))))<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 13 Jun 2022 08:19:09 GMT</pubDate>
<description>just made my first semi-Not-Garbage mobile responsive webpage!!! was it easier than i thought? yes. will i ever do it again? FUCKKKKKK NO. WJHDLDLDHLD<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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<pubDate>Sat, 11 Jun 2022 03:36:25 GMT</pubDate>
<description>okay so i just watched Serial Killing 4 Dummys and. WHWKJFHKFHW !!!!!!!!!! &#10083; &#10083; &#10083; &#10083; &#10083; the ULTIMATEEEEEEE me n billy movie like!!!!!! weird horror movie freak punk boy so desperately wants to be a serial killer x weird horror movie freak goth girl who wants to die &#9825; WJKFHKJFKJFGKFE but no fr this movie is so stupid and shitty and one of my new ult faves ever and the whole time i was watching it i was just like. damn. rip to billy loomis bc you woulda LOVED this shit WHDKJGFKGFKFGK<br /><br /><img src="" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments</description>
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