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  48. <li><a cunt_code="+1268" href="" title="Antigua and Barbuda, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -869px"></span>Antigua and Barbuda</a></li>
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  52. <li><a cunt_code="+247" href="" title="Ascension Island, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -55px"></span>Ascension Island</a></li>
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  71. <li><a cunt_code="+673" href="" title="Brunei, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1683px"></span>Brunei</a></li>
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  73. <li><a cunt_code="+226" href="" title="Burkina Faso, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -726px"></span>Burkina Faso</a></li>
  74. <li><a cunt_code="+257" href="" title="Burundi, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1892px"></span>Burundi</a></li>
  75. <li><a cunt_code="+855" href="" title="Cambodia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -242px"></span>Cambodia</a></li>
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  81. <li><a cunt_code="+235" href="" title="Chad, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -814px"></span>Chad</a></li>
  82. <li><a cunt_code="+56" href="" title="Chile, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1342px"></span>Chile</a></li>
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  86. <li><a cunt_code="+242" href="" title="Congo, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1793px"></span>Congo</a></li>
  87. <li><a cunt_code="+243" href="" title="Congo Dem Rep, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1518px"></span>Congo Dem Rep</a></li>
  88. <li><a cunt_code="+682" href="" title="Cook Islands, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2267px"></span>Cook Islands</a></li>
  89. <li><a cunt_code="+506" href="" title="Costa Rica, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2090px"></span>Costa Rica</a></li>
  90. <li><a cunt_code="+225" href="" title="Cote d'Ivoire, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1661px"></span>Cote d'Ivoire</a></li>
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  92. <li><a cunt_code="+53" href="" title="Cuba, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -748px"></span>Cuba</a></li>
  93. <li><a cunt_code="+599" href="" title="Curaçao, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2729px"></span>Curaçao</a></li>
  94. <li><a cunt_code="+357" href="" title="Cyprus, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -561px"></span>Cyprus</a></li>
  95. <li><a cunt_code="+420" href="" title="Czech Republic, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2256px"></span>Czech Republic</a></li>
  96. <li><a cunt_code="+45" href="" title="Denmark, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1386px"></span>Denmark</a></li>
  97. <li><a cunt_code="+246" href="" title="Diego Garcia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -55px"></span>Diego Garcia</a></li>
  98. <li><a cunt_code="+253" href="" title="Djibouti, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2101px"></span>Djibouti</a></li>
  99. <li><a cunt_code="+1767" href="" title="Dominica, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2432px"></span>Dominica</a></li>
  100. <li><a cunt_code="+1809" href="" title="Dominican Republic, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1529px"></span>Dominican Republic</a></li>
  101. <li><a cunt_code="+593" href="" title="Ecuador, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1188px"></span>Ecuador</a></li>
  102. <li><a cunt_code="+20" href="" title="Egypt, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2201px"></span>Egypt</a></li>
  103. <li><a cunt_code="+503" href="" title="El Salvador, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1639px"></span>El Salvador</a></li>
  104. <li><a cunt_code="+240" href="" title="Equatorial Guinea, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1507px"></span>Equatorial Guinea</a></li>
  105. <li><a cunt_code="+291" href="" title="Eritrea, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -715px"></span>Eritrea</a></li>
  106. <li><a cunt_code="+372" href="" title="Estonia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2410px"></span>Estonia</a></li>
  107. <li><a cunt_code="+251" href="" title="Ethiopia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2443px"></span>Ethiopia</a></li>
  108. <li><a cunt_code="+500" href="" title="Falkland Islands, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2762px"></span>Falkland Islands</a></li>
  109. <li><a cunt_code="+298" href="" title="Faroe Islands, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1111px"></span>Faroe Islands</a></li>
  110. <li><a cunt_code="+679" href="" title="Fiji, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1859px"></span>Fiji</a></li>
  111. <li><a cunt_code="+358" href="" title="Finland, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1903px"></span>Finland</a></li>
  112. <li><a cunt_code="+33" href="" title="France, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1012px"></span>France</a></li>
  113. <li><a cunt_code="+594" href="" title="French Guiana, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2234px"></span>French Guiana</a></li>
  114. <li><a cunt_code="+689" href="" title="French Polynesia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1705px"></span>French Polynesia</a></li>
  115. <li><a cunt_code="+241" href="" title="Gabon, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -880px"></span>Gabon</a></li>
  116. <li><a cunt_code="+220" href="" title="Gambia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -627px"></span>Gambia</a></li>
  117. <li><a cunt_code="+995" href="" title="Georgia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -858px"></span>Georgia</a></li>
  118. <li><a cunt_code="+49" href="" title="Germany, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2509px"></span>Germany</a></li>
  119. <li><a cunt_code="+233" href="" title="Ghana, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2112px"></span>Ghana</a></li>
  120. <li><a cunt_code="+350" href="" title="Gibraltar, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -275px"></span>Gibraltar</a></li>
  121. <li><a cunt_code="+30" href="" title="Greece, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -165px"></span>Greece</a></li>
  122. <li><a cunt_code="+299" href="" title="Greenland, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1760px"></span>Greenland</a></li>
  123. <li><a cunt_code="+1473" href="" title="Grenada, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2399px"></span>Grenada</a></li>
  124. <li><a cunt_code="+590" href="" title="Guadeloupe, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -407px"></span>Guadeloupe</a></li>
  125. <li><a cunt_code="+1671" href="" title="Guam, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2366px"></span>Guam</a></li>
  126. <li><a cunt_code="+502" href="" title="Guatemala, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -935px"></span>Guatemala</a></li>
  127. <li><a cunt_code="+224" href="" title="Guinea, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2575px"></span>Guinea</a></li>
  128. <li><a cunt_code="+245" href="" title="Guinea Bissau, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1925px"></span>Guinea Bissau</a></li>
  129. <li><a cunt_code="+592" href="" title="Guyana, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -803px"></span>Guyana</a></li>
  130. <li><a cunt_code="+509" href="" title="Haiti, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -319px"></span>Haiti</a></li>
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  139. <li><a cunt_code="+353" href="" title="Ireland, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1969px"></span>Ireland</a></li>
  140. <li><a cunt_code="+972" href="" title="Israel, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -341px"></span>Israel</a></li>
  141. <li><a cunt_code="+39" href="" title="Italy, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -143px"></span>Italy</a></li>
  142. <li><a cunt_code="+1876" href="" title="Jamaica, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1727px"></span>Jamaica</a></li>
  143. <li><a cunt_code="+81" href="" title="Japan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -429px"></span>Japan</a></li>
  144. <li><a cunt_code="+962" href="" title="Jordan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1463px"></span>Jordan</a></li>
  145. <li><a cunt_code="+7" href="" title="Kazakhstan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1210px"></span>Kazakhstan</a></li>
  146. <li><a cunt_code="+254" href="" title="Kenya, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2630px"></span>Kenya</a></li>
  147. <li><a cunt_code="+686" href="" title="Kiribati, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -374px"></span>Kiribati</a></li>
  148. <li><a cunt_code="+850" href="" title="North Korea, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1804px"></span>Korea, North</a></li>
  149. <li><a cunt_code="+82" href="" title="South Korea, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2245px"></span>Korea, South</a></li>
  150. <li><a cunt_code="+965" href="" title="Kuwait, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2487px"></span>Kuwait</a></li>
  151. <li><a cunt_code="+996" href="" title="Kyrgyzstan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1617px"></span>Kyrgyzstan</a></li>
  152. <li><a cunt_code="+856" href="" title="Laos, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -451px"></span>Laos</a></li>
  153. <li><a cunt_code="+371" href="" title="Latvia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1936px"></span>Latvia</a></li>
  154. <li><a cunt_code="+961" href="" title="Lebanon, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1254px"></span>Lebanon</a></li>
  155. <li><a cunt_code="+266" href="" title="Lesotho, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2190px"></span>Lesotho</a></li>
  156. <li><a cunt_code="+231" href="" title="Liberia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2068px"></span>Liberia</a></li>
  157. <li><a cunt_code="+218" href="" title="Libya, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -132px"></span>Libya</a></li>
  158. <li><a cunt_code="+423" href="" title="Liechtenstein, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -979px"></span>Liechtenstein</a></li>
  159. <li><a cunt_code="+370" href="" title="Lithuania, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1122px"></span>Lithuania</a></li>
  160. <li><a cunt_code="+352" href="" title="Luxembourg, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1474px"></span>Luxembourg</a></li>
  161. <li><a cunt_code="+853" href="" title="Macao, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2597px"></span>Macao</a></li>
  162. <li><a cunt_code="+389" href="" title="Macedonia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1353px"></span>Macedonia</a></li>
  163. <li><a cunt_code="+261" href="" title="Madagascar, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1287px"></span>Madagascar</a></li>
  164. <li><a cunt_code="+265" href="" title="Malawi, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2145px"></span>Malawi</a></li>
  165. <li><a cunt_code="+60" href="" title="Malaysia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1870px"></span>Malaysia</a></li>
  166. <li><a cunt_code="+960" href="" title="Maldives, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -616px"></span>Maldives</a></li>
  167. <li><a cunt_code="+223" href="" title="Mali, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2520px"></span>Mali</a></li>
  168. <li><a cunt_code="+356" href="" title="Malta, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1551px"></span>Malta</a></li>
  169. <li><a cunt_code="+692" href="" title="Marshall Islands, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1144px"></span>Marshall Islands</a></li>
  170. <li><a cunt_code="+596" href="" title="Martinique, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -198px"></span>Martinique</a></li>
  171. <li><a cunt_code="+222" href="" title="Mauritania, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -253px"></span>Mauritania</a></li>
  172. <li><a cunt_code="+230" href="" title="Mauritius, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2179px"></span>Mauritius</a></li>
  173. <li><a cunt_code="+52" href="" title="Mexico, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2024px"></span>Mexico</a></li>
  174. <li><a cunt_code="+691" href="" title="Micronesia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1738px"></span>Micronesia</a></li>
  175. <li><a cunt_code="+373" href="" title="Moldova, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2685px"></span>Moldova</a></li>
  176. <li><a cunt_code="+377" href="" title="Monaco, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -913px"></span>Monaco</a></li>
  177. <li><a cunt_code="+976" href="" title="Mongolia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2553px"></span>Mongolia</a></li>
  178. <li><a cunt_code="+382" href="" title="Montenegro, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2167px"></span>Montenegro</a></li>
  179. <li><a cunt_code="+1664" href="" title="Montserrat, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -583px"></span>Montserrat</a></li>
  180. <li><a cunt_code="+212" href="" title="Morocco, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2333px"></span>Morocco</a></li>
  181. <li><a cunt_code="+258" href="" title="Mozambique, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -638px"></span>Mozambique</a></li>
  182. <li><a cunt_code="+95" href="" title="Myanmar, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -11px"></span>Myanmar</a></li>
  183. <li><a cunt_code="+264" href="" title="Namibia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1881px"></span>Namibia</a></li>
  184. <li><a cunt_code="+674" href="" title="Nauru, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1749px"></span>Nauru</a></li>
  185. <li><a cunt_code="+977" href="" title="Nepal, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -110px"></span>Nepal</a></li>
  186. <li><a cunt_code="+31" href="" title="Netherlands, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1441px"></span>Netherlands</a></li>
  187. <li><a cunt_code="+687" href="" title="New Caledonia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1276px"></span>New Caledonia</a></li>
  188. <li><a cunt_code="+64" href="" title="New Zealand, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1540px"></span>New Zealand</a></li>
  189. <li><a cunt_code="+505" href="" title="Nicaragua, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -154px"></span>Nicaragua</a></li>
  190. <li><a cunt_code="+227" href="" title="Niger, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -550px"></span>Niger</a></li>
  191. <li><a cunt_code="+234" href="" title="Nigeria, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2476px"></span>Nigeria</a></li>
  192. <li><a cunt_code="+683" href="" title="Niue, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2079px"></span>Niue</a></li>
  193. <li><a cunt_code="+6723" href="" title="Norfolk Island, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -209px"></span>Norfolk Island</a></li>
  194. <li><a cunt_code="+1" href="" title="Northern Mariana Islands, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -704px"></span>Northern Mariana Islands</a></li>
  195. <li><a cunt_code="+47" href="" title="Norway, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -836px"></span>Norway</a></li>
  196. <li><a cunt_code="+968" href="" title="Oman, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2454px"></span>Oman</a></li>
  197. <li><a cunt_code="+92" href="" title="Pakistan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2035px"></span>Pakistan</a></li>
  198. <li><a cunt_code="+680" href="" title="Palau, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -231px"></span>Palau</a></li>
  199. <li><a cunt_code="+970" href="" title="Palestinian Territories, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1199px"></span>Palestinian Territories</a></li>
  200. <li><a cunt_code="+507" href="" title="Panama, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -847px"></span>Panama</a></li>
  201. <li><a cunt_code="+63" href="" title="Papua New Guinea, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1485px"></span>Papua New Guinea</a></li>
  202. <li><a cunt_code="+595" href="" title="Paraguay, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2344px"></span>Paraguay</a></li>
  203. <li><a cunt_code="+51" href="" title="Peru, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -946px"></span>Peru</a></li>
  204. <li><a cunt_code="+63" href="" title="Philippines, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1815px"></span>Philippines</a></li>
  205. <li><a cunt_code="+48" href="" title="Poland, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1177px"></span>Poland</a></li>
  206. <li><a cunt_code="+351" href="" title="Portugal, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -517px"></span>Portugal</a></li>
  207. <li><a cunt_code="+1787" href="" title="Puerto Rico, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -473px"></span>Puerto Rico</a></li>
  208. <li><a cunt_code="+974" href="" title="Qatar, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -462px"></span>Qatar</a></li>
  209. <li><a cunt_code="+262" href="" title="Reunion, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -264px"></span>Reunion</a></li>
  210. <li><a cunt_code="+40" href="" title="Romania, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -671px"></span>Romania</a></li>
  211. <li><a cunt_code="+7" href="" title="Russia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -660px"></span>Russia</a></li>
  212. <li><a cunt_code="+250" href="" title="Rwanda, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2674px"></span>Rwanda</a></li>
  213. <li><a cunt_code="+599" href="" title="Saba, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2719px"></span>Saba</a></li>
  214. <li><a cunt_code="+590" href="" title="Saint Barthélemy, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1012px"></span>Saint Barthélemy</a></li>
  215. <li><a cunt_code="+290" href="" title="Saint Helena, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -495px"></span>Saint Helena</a></li>
  216. <li><a cunt_code="+1869" href="" title="Saint Kitts and Nevis, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -99px"></span>Saint Kitts and Nevis</a></li>
  217. <li><a cunt_code="+1758" href="" title="Saint Lucia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1397px"></span>Saint Lucia</a></li>
  218. <li><a cunt_code="+590" href="" title="Saint Martin, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -55px"></span>Saint Martin</a></li>
  219. <li><a cunt_code="+508" href="" title="Saint Pierre and Miquelon, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1078px"></span>Saint Pierre and Miquelon</a></li>
  220. <li><a cunt_code="+1784" href="" title="Saint Vincent Grenadines, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2619px"></span>Saint Vincent Grenadines</a></li>
  221. <li><a cunt_code="+685" href="" title="Samoa, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2300px"></span>Samoa</a></li>
  222. <li><a cunt_code="+378" href="" title="San Marino, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2123px"></span>San Marino</a></li>
  223. <li><a cunt_code="+239" href="" title="Sao Tome and Principe, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2388px"></span>Sao Tome and Principe</a></li>
  224. <li><a cunt_code="+966" href="" title="Saudi Arabia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -33px"></span>Saudi Arabia</a></li>
  225. <li><a cunt_code="+221" href="" title="Senegal, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2134px"></span>Senegal</a></li>
  226. <li><a cunt_code="+381" href="" title="Serbia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2465px"></span>Serbia</a></li>
  227. <li><a cunt_code="+248" href="" title="Seychelles, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1045px"></span>Seychelles</a></li>
  228. <li><a cunt_code="+232" href="" title="Sierra Leone, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -737px"></span>Sierra Leone</a></li>
  229. <li><a cunt_code="+65" href="" title="Singapore, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -22px"></span>Singapore</a></li>
  230. <li><a cunt_code="+1721" href="" title="Sint Maarten, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2773px"></span>Sint Maarten</a></li>
  231. <li><a cunt_code="+421" href="" title="Slovakia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2212px"></span>Slovakia</a></li>
  232. <li><a cunt_code="+386" href="" title="Slovenia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1221px"></span>Slovenia</a></li>
  233. <li><a cunt_code="+677" href="" title="Solomon Islands, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1067px"></span>Solomon Islands</a></li>
  234. <li><a cunt_code="+252" href="" title="Somalia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1364px"></span>Somalia</a></li>
  235. <li><a cunt_code="+27" href="" title="South Africa, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2355px"></span>South Africa</a></li>
  236. <li><a cunt_code="+211" href="" title="South Sudan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2741px"></span>South Sudan</a></li>
  237. <li><a cunt_code="+34" href="" title="Spain, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1155px"></span>Spain</a></li>
  238. <li><a cunt_code="+94" href="" title="Sri Lanka, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2641px"></span>Sri Lanka</a></li>
  239. <li><a cunt_code="+249" href="" title="Sudan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -352px"></span>Sudan</a></li>
  240. <li><a cunt_code="+597" href="" title="Suriname, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2663px"></span>Suriname</a></li>
  241. <li><a cunt_code="+268" href="" title="Swaziland, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2278px"></span>Swaziland</a></li>
  242. <li><a cunt_code="+46" href="" title="Sweden, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -385px"></span>Sweden</a></li>
  243. <li><a cunt_code="+41" href="" title="Switzerland, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1320px"></span>Switzerland</a></li>
  244. <li><a cunt_code="+963" href="" title="Syria, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1826px"></span>Syria</a></li>
  245. <li><a cunt_code="+886" href="" title="Taiwan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -506px"></span>Taiwan</a></li>
  246. <li><a cunt_code="+992" href="" title="Tajikistan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -187px"></span>Tajikistan</a></li>
  247. <li><a cunt_code="+255" href="" title="Tanzania, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2289px"></span>Tanzania</a></li>
  248. <li><a cunt_code="+66" href="" title="Thailand, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -957px"></span>Thailand</a></li>
  249. <li><a cunt_code="+670" href="" title="Timor-Leste, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2784px"></span>Timor-Leste</a></li>
  250. <li><a cunt_code="+228" href="" title="Togo, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -605px"></span>Togo</a></li>
  251. <li><a cunt_code="+690" href="" title="Tokelau, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2751px"></span>Tokelau</a></li>
  252. <li><a cunt_code="+676" href="" title="Tonga, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1089px"></span>Tonga</a></li>
  253. <li><a cunt_code="+1868" href="" title="Trinidad and Tobago, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -440px"></span>Trinidad and Tobago</a></li>
  254. <li><a cunt_code="+216" href="" title="Tunisia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -539px"></span>Tunisia</a></li>
  255. <li><a cunt_code="+90" href="" title="Turkey, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1606px"></span>Turkey</a></li>
  256. <li><a cunt_code="+993" href="" title="Turkmenistan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2542px"></span>Turkmenistan</a></li>
  257. <li><a cunt_code="+1649" href="" title="Turks and Caicos, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1309px"></span>Turks and Caicos</a></li>
  258. <li><a cunt_code="+688" href="" title="Tuvalu, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -286px"></span>Tuvalu</a></li>
  259. <li><a cunt_code="+256" href="" title="Uganda, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1166px"></span>Uganda</a></li>
  260. <li><a cunt_code="+380" href="" title="Ukraine, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2002px"></span>Ukraine</a></li>
  261. <li><a cunt_code="+971" href="" title="United Arab Emirates, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2223px"></span>United Arab Emirates</a></li>
  262. <li><a cunt_code="+44" href="" title="United Kingdom, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -55px"></span>United Kingdom</a></li>
  263. <li><a cunt_code="+1" href="" title="United States, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -44px"></span>United States</a></li><li><a cunt_code="+598" href="" title="Uruguay, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2608px"></span>Uruguay</a></li>
  264. <li><a cunt_code="+998" href="" title="Uzbekistan, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1001px"></span>Uzbekistan</a></li>
  265. <li><a cunt_code="+678" href="" title="Vanuatu, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1265px"></span>Vanuatu</a></li>
  266. <li><a cunt_code="+379" href="" title="Vatican City, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2322px"></span>Vatican City</a></li>
  267. <li><a cunt_code="+58" href="" title="Venezuela, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1056px"></span>Venezuela</a></li>
  268. <li><a cunt_code="+84" href="" title="Vietnam, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -968px"></span>Vietnam</a></li>
  269. <li><a cunt_code="+1284" href="" title="Virgin Islands, British, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1408px"></span>Virgin Islands, British</a></li>
  270. <li><a cunt_code="+1340" href="" title="Virgin Islands, US, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1782px"></span>Virgin Islands, US</a></li>
  271. <li><a cunt_code="+681" href="" title="weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1012px"></span>Wallis and Futuna</a></li>
  272. <li><a cunt_code="+967" href="" title="Yemen, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1672px"></span>Yemen</a></li>
  273. <li><a cunt_code="+260" href="" title="Zambia, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -1595px"></span>Zambia</a></li>
  274. <li><a cunt_code="+263" href="" title="Zimbabwe, weather"><span style="background-position:0px -2046px"></span>Zimbabwe</a></li>
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  315. <label for="taba4" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'speedtest')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Other Apps</label>
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  317. <section id="weathermap" class="tab-panel">
  318. <div class="tab"><br>
  319. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'tab1')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->United Kingdom 14 Day Weather MAP (Ventusky)</button>
  320. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'windy')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->United Kingdom 10 Day Weather MAP (Windy)</button>
  321. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'maptiler')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->United Kingdom 5 Day Weather MAP (Maptiler)</button>
  322. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'tutiempo')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Simple Weather MAP</button>
  323. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'tab4')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->* Satellite: Clouds and Sun in United Kingdom</button>
  324. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'tab5')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->* Satellite: Clouds and Rain in United Kingdom</button>
  325. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'tab6')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->* Sunshine Hours in United Kingdom</button>
  326. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'cloudsAndPrecipitation')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->* Clouds and Precipitation in United Kingdom</button>
  327. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'imweatherradar')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Nowcast Radar</button>
  328. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'imweathersatellite')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Nowcast Satellite</button>
  329. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'imweathersatradar')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Nowcast Satellite & Radar</button>
  330. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'weatherandradarall')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Clouds /Rain /Lightning Now</button>
  331. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'weatherandradartemp')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Temp Now</button>
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  333. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'windyapp')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Windy.App (click on map)</button>
  334. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'aerismap')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->XWeather MAP</button>
  335. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'tempweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Temperature (Weatherlayers)</button>
  336. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'apparenttempweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Apparent Temperature (Weatherlayers)</button>
  337. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'cloudcoverweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Cloud Cover (Weatherlayers)</button>
  338. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'radarweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Radar (Weatherlayers)</button>
  339. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'precipitationweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Precipitation 3h (Weatherlayers)</button>
  340. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'windweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Wind (Weatherlayers)</button>
  341. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'gustweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Wind Gust (Weatherlayers)</button>
  342. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'capeweatherlayers')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->CAPE (Weatherlayers)</button>
  343. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'openweathermap')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Openweather MAP</button>
  344. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'weathernationtvmap')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Weather Nation MAP</button>
  345. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'weather4sport')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Weather4Sport MAP</button>
  346. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'worldweatheronline')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->World Weather MAP</button>
  347. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'goweathermap')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->GO Weather MAP</button>
  348. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'liveweatherradar')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Live Weather Radar</button>
  349. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'mapweather')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Weather on Click</button>
  350. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'blitzortung')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Live Lightning Map</button>
  351. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'windyradar')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Lightning and rain radar LIVE</button>
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  353. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'rainviewer')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Rain + Satellite</button>
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  359. <button><a href="" target="_blank" title="weather"><span style="color:#F7F7F7;">45 Day Weather App (Accuweather) &#8599;</span></a></button>
  360. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'aeris')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->10 Day XWeather App</button>
  361. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'google')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->8 Day Google Weather App (</button>
  362. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'solsken')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->10 Day Solsken Weather App (</button>
  363. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'topopenapp')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->7 Day Weather App (Open-Meteo)</button>
  364. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'weathertrends360')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->14 Day Weather Trends App</button>
  365. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'openweather')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->8 Day OpenWeather App</button>
  366. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'foreca')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->7 Day Foreca Weather App</button>
  367. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'forecaold')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->10 Day Foreca Old Ver. Weather App</button>
  368. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'scriptax')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->16 Day Open-Meteo App</button>
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  372. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'euronewsweather')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->10 Day Euronews Weather App</button>
  373. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'ocula')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->8 Day Ocula App</button>
  374. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'meteogram')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Meteogram</button>
  375. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'dogpile')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->7 Day Dogpile Weather App</button>
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  377. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'imweatherapp')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->I'm Weather App</button>
  378. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'iweather')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->14 Day iWeather App</button>
  379. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'visualcrossing')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->15 Day Visualcrossing Weather App</button>
  380. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'weatherappmeteo')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->14 Day Tomorrow App</button>
  381. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'ineszenkri')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->14 Day WeatherAPI App</button>
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  383. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'igetwind')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->iGetwind Weather App</button>
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  385. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'skyweather')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->SkyWeather App</button>
  386. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'dubaiweather')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Simple Weather App</button>
  387. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'aqiweather')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Real-time + Forecast App</button>
  388. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'totoro')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Weather + Time</button>
  389. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'merrysky')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Merry Sky App</button>
  390. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'weathertown')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf-> App</button>
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  395. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'clearoutside')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Clear Outside?</button>
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  401. <button title="weather" class="tablinks" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; clickHandle(event, 'synoptic')" data-cf-modified-8fab4bbded2f8ee6e12dbcaf->Current Weather</button>
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  588. <br><br><span style="font-family:Arial; font-size:14pt; color: #918f8f;"> 10 day forecast weather for your area, including current weather conditions, temperature, precipitation, wind speed, wind gust, air pressure, thunderstorms, humidity, waves, snow cover, weather radar for every country and place, perfect for making plans for the weekend or any time and any place. Weather satellite images and forecasts for all over the world on beautiful animated maps including doppler radar, current temperatures, wind chill, heat index, and more from Windy, Ventusky, NOAA or Meteoblue. On our website we present current pictures and animations from satellites such as cloudiness, precipitation, storms, lightning, earthquakes for every part of the world. Weather today is your meteo source for the latest forecast, radar, alerts, hurricane news and video forecast hour by hour, weather today, Ventusky weather, Windy weather, NOAA weather, 7 day weather and 10 day forecast. Discover a new way of weather forecast now. Hourly Local Weather Forecast, weather conditions, precipitation, dew point, humidity, wind from Weather today, Ventusky, Windy, NOAA, Meteoblue. Weather Forecast, Pogoda, Prognoza pogody, Meteo, Wetter, Clima. For accurate and reliable world weather forecasts, forecasts up to 14 days as well as radar, satellites and historic data. The daily assessments also provide a very detailed two week weather outlook for each production region in the world.
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  590. </footer><marquee style="font-size:18pt;" behavior="scroll" direction="left" bgcolor="#020202" scrollamount="16" height="35">Weather in:
  591. Wood Green
  592. Wingerworth
  593. Willington
  594. West Wellow
  595. Waverton
  596. Uppingham
  597. Twyford
  598. Trowbridge
  599. Totteridge
  600. Theydon Bois
  601. Sunbury-on-Thames
  602. Stockton-on-Tees
  603. Stamford
  604. Snodland
  605. Silsden
  606. Shipley
  607. Sherborne St John
  608. Sherborne
  609. Settle
  610. Selby
  611. Seaton
  612. Scarcroft
  613. Saltford
  614. Saltash
  615. Ruddington
  616. Ringstead
  617. Ramsbottom
  618. Rainham
  619. Preston
  620. Prees
  621. Potton
  622. Portlethen
  623. Peebles
  624. Ochiltree
  625. Northwood
  626. North Sunderland
  627. Millisle
  628. Mere
  629. Mattishall
  630. Manton
  631. Mangotsfield
  632. Maltby
  633. Maghull
  634. Lyminge
  635. Llanwnda
  636. Llanveynoe
  637. Llanrothal
  638. Llancillo
  639. Linlithgow
  640. Lingen
  641. Leicester
  642. Lakenheath
  643. Laceby
  644. Kinsham
  645. Kingswinford
  646. Kimpton
  647. Keadby
  648. Ingoldmells
  649. Inchture
  650. Ilchester
  651. Hinton Charterhouse
  652. Hightown
  653. Highley
  654. Henley-on-Thames
  655. Healey
  656. Hamsterley
  657. Hadleigh
  658. Goudhurst
  659. Goldcliff
  660. Gateshead
  661. Forest Hill
  662. Falkirk
  663. Evenwood
  664. Eltham
  665. Ellingham
  666. Easingwold
  667. Eaglesham
  668. Dumbarton
  669. Drighlington
  670. Diggle
  671. Didcot
  672. Darlington
  673. Crossmaglen
  674. Cromer
  675. Crieff
  676. Cookstown
  677. Congleton
  678. Compton
  679. Colyton
  680. Colchester
  681. Coggeshall
  682. Coates
  683. Chirk
  684. Cardington
  685. Burry Port
  686. Burniston
  687. Brentford
  688. Bray
  689. Brandon
  690. Bramley
  691. Bovingdon
  692. Blockley
  693. Blackwood
  694. Bitton
  695. Bishopstone
  696. Birtley
  697. Beverley
  698. Baschurch
  699. Barry
  700. Bardon Mill
  701. Bagillt
  702. Aughnacloy
  703. Aslockton
  704. Alderholt
  705. Aldeburgh
  706. Aberkenfig
  707. Rock
  708. King's Cross
  709. Tolworth
  710. Hulme
  711. Heavitree
  712. Silver End
  713. Byram
  714. Newcastle
  715. Summerhouse
  716. Charlton
  717. Hoveton
  718. Bowburn
  719. Hyde Heath
  720. Coven
  721. Stoneyburn
  722. Sinfin
  723. Winford
  724. Wilmcote
  725. Willerby
  726. West Malling
  727. Weedon Bec
  728. Watton
  729. Wallsend
  730. Ushaw Moor
  731. Upwell
  732. Todmorden
  733. Symington
  734. Sudbury
  735. Stillington
  736. Staplehurst
  737. Stansted Mountfitchet
  738. Standon
  739. Stainton
  740. Spittal
  741. South Witham
  742. Shipston on Stour
  743. Shipdham
  744. Salisbury
  745. Saline
  746. Saint Boswells
  747. Ruskington
  748. Royton
  749. Rothes
  750. Romsley
  751. Rhosneigr
  752. Reigate
  753. Redcar
  754. Presteigne
  755. Prestatyn
  756. Pickering
  757. Petton
  758. Patrington
  759. Paignton
  760. Oxford
  761. Orleton
  762. Old Leake
  763. North Thoresby
  764. North Shields
  765. North Petherton
  766. North Berwick
  767. Newtownstewart
  768. Newtonmore
  769. New Cross
  770. Netherton
  771. Muirhead
  772. Morpeth
  773. Mollington
  774. Market Lavington
  775. Marchwood
  776. Lockerbie
  777. Lochmaben
  778. Lidlington
  779. Ledsham
  780. Leatherhead
  781. Kingstone
  782. Kineton
  783. Kennoway
  784. Kenilworth
  785. Jarrow
  786. Jacobstow
  787. Isleworth
  788. Huntley
  789. Hounslow
  790. Hill
  791. Henley in Arden
  792. Hatfield Peverel
  793. Haslemere
  794. Hartlebury
  795. Halesowen
  796. Gullane
  797. Guilsfield
  798. Great Gransden
  799. Great Ayton
  800. Glenboig
  801. Girvan
  802. Friockheim
  803. Four Crosses
  804. Fishbourne
  805. Finedon
  806. Eyemouth
  807. Esher
  808. Erith
  809. Elstree
  810. Dyserth
  811. Dorchester
  812. Doncaster
  813. Distington
  814. Dale
  815. Cupar
  816. Creswell
  817. Coylton
  818. Cottingham
  819. Corston
  820. Collington
  821. Clapham
  822. Chipping Campden
  823. Carterton
  824. Campbeltown
  825. Callington
  826. Burwell
  827. Burton Latimer
  828. Burnham-on-Sea
  829. Bunbury
  830. Broadstone
  831. Brading
  832. Box
  833. Boreham
  834. Bo’ness
  835. Blackpool
  836. Berkswell
  837. Bempton
  838. Beauly
  839. Banwell
  840. Banham
  841. Balloch
  842. Bakewell
  843. Aylsham
  844. Alrewas
  845. Aldford
  846. Airmyn
  847. Crosby
  848. Lynemouth
  849. Grovesend
  850. Craigavon
  851. Bar Hill
  852. Moodiesburn
  853. Smithton
  854. Brixton
  855. Billington
  856. Knaphill
  857. Southchurch Village
  858. High Barnet
  859. Burgh Heath
  860. Bellsbank
  861. Wood Street Village
  862. Wolvercote
  863. Shortlands
  864. Blackridge
  865. Canonbury
  866. Six Bells
  867. Yatton
  868. Yeovil
  869. Yarm
  870. Wroxall
  871. Worlaby
  872. Wollaston
  873. Withington
  874. Windlesham
  875. Wimbledon
  876. Wickford
  877. Wick
  878. Whitton
  879. Whitchurch
  880. Whaley Bridge
  881. Westerham
  882. Wavendon
  883. Walton-on-the-Naze
  884. Valley
  885. Ulverston
  886. Tytherington
  887. Tynemouth
  888. Totnes
  889. Thurston
  890. Thrapston
  891. Thorngumbald
  892. Taibach
  893. Swansea
  894. Sutton Coldfield
  895. Sunderland
  896. Stromness
  897. Strensall
  898. Strathaven
  899. Stoke Ferry
  900. Stepney
  901. Staines
  902. Spitalfields
  903. Southend-on-Sea
  904. Soham
  905. Skipsea
  906. Silkstone
  907. Shrewsbury
  908. Shap
  909. Sevenoaks
  910. Saxilby
  911. Sawston
  912. Sandy
  913. Saltcoats
  914. Ryde
  915. Rushall
  916. Roxton
  917. Roehampton
  918. Ratho
  919. Ramsgate
  920. Probus
  921. Pontycymer
  922. Pittenweem
  923. Penicuik
  924. Pant
  925. Ormskirk
  926. Oldbury
  927. Nuneaton
  928. Norton Canes
  929. North Somercotes
  930. North Collingham
  931. Ninfield
  932. Newry
  933. Nafferton
  934. Moy
  935. Mauchline
  936. Marr
  937. March
  938. Lytchett Matravers
  939. Luton
  940. Lowestoft
  941. Longridge
  942. Longhope
  943. Longdendale
  944. Linton
  945. Limavady
  946. Leyton
  947. Leiston
  948. Leigh
  949. Larne
  950. Langley Park
  951. Knowle
  952. Kirkcaldy
  953. Kington
  954. Kingsteignton
  955. Kinghorn
  956. Kessingland
  957. Ivybridge
  958. Husbands Bosworth
  959. Hoylake
  960. Horrabridge
  961. Holt
  962. Hoddesdon
  963. Hingham
  964. Haverigg
  965. Harley
  966. Haddenham
  967. Guildford
  968. Grosmont
  969. Great Hanwood
  970. Garswood
  971. Galgate
  972. Fulford
  973. Flitwick
  974. Fishburn
  975. Fenstanton
  976. Embleton
  977. Elgin
  978. Egremont
  979. Edgware
  980. Eccles
  981. East Bergholt
  982. Dulverton
  983. Dewsbury
  984. Cwm
  985. Cullybackey
  986. Croft
  987. Cringleford
  988. Coltishall
  989. Codsall
  990. Clifford
  991. Cleckheaton
  992. Chryston
  993. Chatteris
  994. Charlton Marshall
  995. Chacewater
  996. Carnaby
  997. Burton upon Stather
  998. Burton on the Wolds
  999. Brynamman
  1000. Broughton
  1001. Brighton
  1002. Braunston
  1003. Boreham
  1004. Bluntisham
  1005. Birdwell
  1006. Berkeley
  1007. Bawtry
  1008. Barton on Sea
  1009. Barnstaple
  1010. Banks
  1011. Auchterarder
  1012. Atherstone
  1013. Ashton Keynes
  1014. Ashtead
  1015. Anstey
  1016. Amlwch
  1017. Glandwr
  1018. West End of London
  1019. Barnsbury
  1020. St. Georges
  1021. Lytham St Annes
  1022. Milton of Campsie
  1023. Chelmsley Wood
  1024. Mendip
  1025. Burpham
  1026. Lightwater
  1027. North Baddesley
  1028. Stockton Heath
  1029. Cambourne
  1030. Holywell Green
  1031. Fallin
  1032. Westhill
  1033. Emerson Park
  1034. Oakley
  1035. Worcester Park
  1036. Woodford
  1037. Wombourne
  1038. Winslow
  1039. Winsford
  1040. Whitton
  1041. West Walton
  1042. Weston Underwood
  1043. West Mersea
  1044. Wellington
  1045. Welford
  1046. Wateringbury
  1047. Walkden
  1048. Uckfield
  1049. Truro
  1050. Torpoint
  1051. Ticehurst
  1052. Thurlby
  1053. Thatcham
  1054. Swavesey
  1055. Sudbury
  1056. Stretton
  1057. Stone
  1058. Stone
  1059. Stilton
  1060. South Wingfield
  1061. Southwater
  1062. Southorpe
  1063. Skelmorlie
  1064. Siston
  1065. Silverdale
  1066. Sible Hedingham
  1067. Shinfield
  1068. Sherburn in Elmet
  1069. Shalfleet
  1070. Shaftesbury
  1071. Seaham
  1072. Scotter
  1073. Sawtry
  1074. Sandown
  1075. Saffron Walden
  1076. Royston
  1077. Rothesay
  1078. Rochester
  1079. Richmond
  1080. Quorndon
  1081. Portglenone
  1082. Portaferry
  1083. Portadown
  1084. Pillaton
  1085. Oldham
  1086. Oakley
  1087. Oakham
  1088. Neyland
  1089. Newport
  1090. Newport
  1091. New Pitsligo
  1092. Newhaven
  1093. Newcastle under Lyme
  1094. Newark on Trent
  1095. Muirkirk
  1096. Morley
  1097. Millington
  1098. Marple
  1099. Lympstone
  1100. Lydd
  1101. Lydbrook
  1102. Longhoughton
  1103. Letham
  1104. Launceston
  1105. Lark Hill
  1106. Kings Worthy
  1107. Kimberley
  1108. Kilsby
  1109. Kemnay
  1110. Inverbervie
  1111. Ince-in-Makerfield
  1112. Howden
  1113. Hotham
  1114. Horncastle
  1115. Hopton
  1116. Hollym
  1117. Henfield
  1118. Haynes
  1119. Hathern
  1120. Hartwell
  1121. Harlow
  1122. Halkyn
  1123. Hadleigh
  1124. Grundisburgh
  1125. Grimsby
  1126. Great Ness
  1127. Gravenhurst
  1128. Grassington
  1129. Gosfield
  1130. Gobowen
  1131. Glenariff
  1132. Freshwater
  1133. Fordingbridge
  1134. Flookburgh
  1135. Findon
  1136. Farnham Royal
  1137. Eynsford
  1138. Eston
  1139. Ellon
  1140. Edith Weston
  1141. Easton on the Hill
  1142. East Markham
  1143. Draperstown
  1144. Douglas
  1145. Daresbury
  1146. Crowborough
  1147. Crossgates
  1148. Cranwell
  1149. Cramlington
  1150. Crail
  1151. Cornholme
  1152. Cople
  1153. Conwy
  1154. Claydon
  1155. Clarborough
  1156. Churchdown
  1157. Chippenham
  1158. Brockley
  1159. Broadwater
  1160. Bridge of Earn
  1161. Bradford-on-Avon
  1162. Bothwell
  1163. Bishopstone
  1164. Birchington-on-Sea
  1165. Biddestone
  1166. Bexhill-on-Sea
  1167. Betws-y-Coed
  1168. Betws
  1169. Berrington
  1170. Belvedere
  1171. Belbroughton
  1172. Bebington
  1173. Bathford
  1174. Ballygowan
  1175. Backworth
  1176. Ardglass
  1177. Ansty
  1178. Alveley
  1179. Allhallows
  1180. Acton
  1181. Abbots Bromley
  1182. Clydach Vale
  1183. Rogiet
  1184. Neston
  1185. Oakmere
  1186. Kings Hill
  1187. Grange Hill
  1188. Elm Park
  1189. Tooting
  1190. Surbiton
  1191. Harold Wood
  1192. Heaton Chapel
  1193. Appleton Thorn
  1194. Y Felinheli
  1195. St Mary's Bay
  1196. Easington Colliery
  1197. Shotts
  1198. Earlsfield
  1199. Eastriggs
  1200. Peacehaven
  1201. Chopwell
  1202. Anna Valley
  1203. Bridge Sollers
  1204. Compton
  1205. New Stevenston
  1206. Shieldhill
  1207. Yazor
  1208. Warlingham
  1209. Milngavie
  1210. Mayfield
  1211. Maidstone
  1212. Lynton
  1213. Longton
  1214. Longniddry
  1215. Llanfaethlu
  1216. Llandegla
  1217. Llanbadoc
  1218. Liverpool
  1219. Little Lever
  1220. Linton
  1221. Lingfield
  1222. Leven
  1223. Ledsham
  1224. Laurencekirk
  1225. Kirknewton
  1226. Kirkliston
  1227. Kirkcudbright
  1228. Kilsyth
  1229. Killyleagh
  1230. Kilbarchan
  1231. Keyingham
  1232. Ketton
  1233. Kedington
  1234. Ingrave
  1235. Howwood
  1236. Hove
  1237. Horton
  1238. Hope
  1239. Hengoed
  1240. Hemingbrough
  1241. Heddon on the Wall
  1242. Hazel Grove
  1243. Hathersage
  1244. Hampton
  1245. Haddenham
  1246. Grimston
  1247. Greetham
  1248. Great Horkesley
  1249. Great Bentley
  1250. Gourock
  1251. Gnosall
  1252. Gillingham
  1253. Friern Barnet
  1254. Fowey
  1255. Fishtoft
  1256. Feltwell
  1257. Faringdon
  1258. Eythorne
  1259. Evanton
  1260. Etton
  1261. Epsom
  1262. Elwick
  1263. Elswick
  1264. Eglinton
  1265. Earlston
  1266. Durnford
  1267. Dunstable
  1268. Dunloy
  1269. Deganwy
  1270. Culmore
  1271. Fair Oak
  1272. Crosskeys
  1273. Cricklade
  1274. Crickhowell
  1275. Cray
  1276. Costessey
  1277. Corfe Castle
  1278. Corby
  1279. Chilworth
  1280. Child Okeford
  1281. Chesham
  1282. Chalfont Saint Peter
  1283. Cawood
  1284. Cardross
  1285. Cardington
  1286. Caerwent
  1287. Byfield
  1288. Burnopfield
  1289. Burley
  1290. Burham
  1291. Buckhurst Hill
  1292. Bridlington
  1293. Brewood
  1294. Brantingham
  1295. Bradford
  1296. Bourton
  1297. Boroughbridge
  1298. Bolton le Sands
  1299. Bodelwyddan
  1300. Bishton
  1301. Bishopton
  1302. Bishopthorpe
  1303. Bishopston
  1304. Bisham
  1305. Biggin Hill
  1306. Bere Regis
  1307. Batley
  1308. Badsey
  1309. Ascot
  1310. Amesbury
  1311. Amersham
  1312. Allington
  1313. Allanton
  1314. Alford
  1315. Alexandria
  1316. Pensilva
  1317. Kewstoke
  1318. Marston
  1319. Sharlston
  1320. Broadfield
  1321. St. Buryan
  1322. Hornchurch
  1323. Ewell
  1324. Charvil
  1325. Darras Hall
  1326. Guilden Sutton
  1327. Golders Green
  1328. Shirley
  1329. Hope Valley
  1330. Stoke-sub-Hamdon
  1331. Four Lanes
  1332. Dalgety Bay
  1333. Moreton Jeffries
  1334. Carronshore
  1335. Linwood
  1336. Crofton Park
  1337. Glenmavis
  1338. Denton Holme
  1339. Seven Sisters
  1340. Yaxley
  1341. Yatton
  1342. Woldingham
  1343. Willaston
  1344. Willaston
  1345. Wilburton
  1346. Wentworth
  1347. Wells
  1348. Waltham Abbey
  1349. Upton
  1350. Tyldesley
  1351. Treherbert
  1352. Tickhill
  1353. Thornton
  1354. Thornbury
  1355. Tanfield
  1356. Sudbrooke
  1357. Stowmarket
  1358. Stokesley
  1359. Stirling
  1360. Steventon
  1361. Stagsden
  1362. Southgate
  1363. Southery
  1364. Skinningrove
  1365. Sandwich
  1366. Saint Neots
  1367. St Helens
  1368. Royal Tunbridge Wells
  1369. Romford
  1370. Risca
  1371. Richmond
  1372. Rhu
  1373. Preesall
  1374. Pirbright
  1375. Penzance
  1376. Pentyrch
  1377. Penryn
  1378. Pangbourne
  1379. Overton
  1380. Oban
  1381. Normanton
  1382. Newent
  1383. Mountsorrel
  1384. Milverton
  1385. Mildenhall
  1386. Markinch
  1387. Maidenhead
  1388. Wombwell
  1389. Wivelsfield Green
  1390. Winterbourne
  1391. Winston
  1392. Winchester
  1393. Wales
  1394. Ullapool
  1395. Tregarth
  1396. Tonyrefail
  1397. Tobermory
  1398. Thorpe le Soken
  1399. Thorpe
  1400. Tetbury
  1401. Sutton in Ashfield
  1402. Sutton Bridge
  1403. Sutton
  1404. Sutton
  1405. Stretford
  1406. Strathblane
  1407. Southill
  1408. Slamannan
  1409. Shirebrook
  1410. Sherston
  1411. Sheriff Hutton
  1412. Shepley
  1413. Seven Sisters
  1414. Scotby
  1415. Sapcote
  1416. Sandbach
  1417. Sale
  1418. Rufford
  1419. Romsley
  1420. Ringmer
  1421. Redlynch
  1422. Ranskill
  1423. Radlett
  1424. Portstewart
  1425. Portsoy
  1426. Pool
  1427. Penkridge
  1428. Penistone
  1429. Penally
  1430. Paull
  1431. Pateley Bridge
  1432. Odiham
  1433. Nottingham
  1434. Northiam
  1435. Newtownards
  1436. Scone
  1437. Newport
  1438. Newburn
  1439. Moulton Chapel
  1440. Moss
  1441. Morecambe
  1442. Monifieth
  1443. Mochdre
  1444. Minehead
  1445. Milford Haven
  1446. Manea
  1447. Malton
  1448. Loudwater
  1449. Leyland
  1450. Leyburn
  1451. Lavendon
  1452. Kingswood
  1453. Johnstone
  1454. Isleham
  1455. Ilminster
  1456. Humbleton
  1457. Hopeman
  1458. Holmpton
  1459. Hockliffe
  1460. Hinton
  1461. Hindhead
  1462. High Blantyre
  1463. Heswall
  1464. Hebden Bridge
  1465. Hayes
  1466. Harwich
  1467. Hartburn
  1468. Hambleton
  1469. Govilon
  1470. Godmanchester
  1471. Finchley
  1472. Farnborough
  1473. Fakenham
  1474. Epping
  1475. Elsenham
  1476. Edenfield
  1477. Donaghadee
  1478. Derwen
  1479. Denton
  1480. Denny
  1481. Dalserf
  1482. Crossford
  1483. Crook
  1484. Cranleigh
  1485. Copplestone
  1486. Cockermouth
  1487. Clitheroe
  1488. Cleveleys
  1489. Church
  1490. Chudleigh
  1491. Chirnside
  1492. Chepstow
  1493. Carron
  1494. Caernarfon
  1495. Burgh le Marsh
  1496. Brotton
  1497. Bridge of Allan
  1498. Bredon
  1499. Bradfield
  1500. Boughton
  1501. Blackwell
  1502. Blackrod
  1503. Bishops Waltham
  1504. Bidford-on-Avon
  1505. Bicknacre
  1506. Bewdley
  1507. Barton upon Humber
  1508. Barnburgh
  1509. Barlborough
  1510. Bamburgh
  1511. Avening
  1512. Aveley
  1513. Aspley Guise
  1514. Anstruther
  1515. Ambrosden
  1516. Cefn Cribwr
  1517. Merthyr Mawr
  1518. Chapmanslade
  1519. Wideopen
  1520. Hazlerigg
  1521. Walton
  1522. Winchelsea Beach
  1523. Virginia Water
  1524. Barbican
  1525. Portland
  1526. Canford Heath
  1527. Bartley Green
  1528. Elmstead Market
  1529. Deiniolen
  1530. Bulphan
  1531. St. Ann's
  1532. Woodsetts
  1533. Westwood
  1534. Westoning
  1535. Turriff
  1536. Troon
  1537. Woburn Sands
  1538. Winwick
  1539. Wigston Magna
  1540. Whiston
  1541. Wheaton Aston
  1542. Weymouth
  1543. West Linton
  1544. West Kirby
  1545. West Ham
  1546. Wellingborough
  1547. Wednesbury
  1548. Wattisham
  1549. Washington
  1550. Walworth
  1551. Wadworth
  1552. Ulceby
  1553. Tiptree
  1554. Tetney
  1555. Tenbury Wells
  1556. Tain
  1557. Tadworth
  1558. Street
  1559. Stranraer
  1560. Stonehaven
  1561. Stewarton
  1562. Steppingley
  1563. Stafford
  1564. South Ockendon
  1565. South Collingham
  1566. Somerton
  1567. Shrivenham
  1568. Shawbury
  1569. Send
  1570. Scunthorpe
  1571. Scarborough
  1572. Rustington
  1573. Rostrevor
  1574. Redhill
  1575. Puckeridge
  1576. Poulton-le-Fylde
  1577. Portslade
  1578. Plean
  1579. Pinxton
  1580. Penybont
  1581. Penarth
  1582. Par
  1583. Padiham
  1584. Nunthorpe
  1585. North Leigh
  1586. Newbiggin-by-the-Sea
  1587. Narberth
  1588. Mostyn
  1589. Morden
  1590. Moffat
  1591. Milborne St Andrew
  1592. Middle Winterslow
  1593. Middlesbrough
  1594. Melrose
  1595. Market Rasen
  1596. Market Deeping
  1597. Lydiard Tregoze
  1598. Llangwm
  1599. Llanfechain
  1600. Little Dunmow
  1601. Little Clacton
  1602. Ledbury
  1603. Lea
  1604. Larkhall
  1605. Larbert
  1606. Langford
  1607. Knaresborough
  1608. Kirby Muxloe
  1609. Kilmington
  1610. Ince
  1611. Huntspill
  1612. Humberston
  1613. Histon
  1614. Herstmonceux
  1615. Henllan
  1616. Haslingfield
  1617. Great Sankey
  1618. Great Dunmow
  1619. Gotham
  1620. Glenrothes
  1621. Girton
  1622. Frizington
  1623. Forfar
  1624. Findochty
  1625. Felling
  1626. Farnworth
  1627. Fareham
  1628. Eye
  1629. Eton
  1630. Enderby
  1631. Ely
  1632. Doddington
  1633. Devizes
  1634. Desford
  1635. Desborough
  1636. Deepcut
  1637. Cwm
  1638. Cults
  1639. Croston
  1640. Coundon
  1641. Compton Dando
  1642. Colerne
  1643. Coedpoeth
  1644. Cobham
  1645. Clydebank
  1646. Church Stretton
  1647. Churchill
  1648. Chipping Sodbury
  1649. Chipping Norton
  1650. Charlton Kings
  1651. Caythorpe
  1652. Cawthorne
  1653. Carnmoney
  1654. Carmarthen
  1655. Cambridge
  1656. Burton
  1657. Broxburn
  1658. Brighouse
  1659. Boynton
  1660. Bonnyrigg
  1661. Bollington
  1662. Bloxwich
  1663. Blagdon
  1664. Blackwall
  1665. Billinge
  1666. Bickley
  1667. Beckenham
  1668. Old Basing
  1669. Upper Basildon
  1670. Barrow upon Humber
  1671. Barlaston
  1672. Balmullo
  1673. Bacup
  1674. Ashford
  1675. Pontlliw
  1676. Croeserw
  1677. Pont Rhyd-y-cyff
  1678. Pucklechurch
  1679. Boyton
  1680. Caol
  1681. Hedge End
  1682. Chadwell Heath
  1683. Earl Shilton
  1684. Hoole
  1685. Walton
  1686. Prenton
  1687. Crawley Down
  1688. Eton Wick
  1689. Cross Hills
  1690. Pevensey Bay
  1691. Thornton-Cleveleys
  1692. Tidbury Green
  1693. Ravenshead
  1694. Ratby
  1695. Salsburgh
  1696. Dennyloanhead
  1697. York
  1698. Winkleigh
  1699. Wing
  1700. Wigmore
  1701. Wickham Market
  1702. Whittington
  1703. West Horsley
  1704. West Haddon
  1705. Wemyss Bay
  1706. Welwyn
  1707. Waltham
  1708. Thwing
  1709. Thetford
  1710. Stratford-upon-Avon
  1711. Stocksfield
  1712. Stewkley
  1713. Steeple Bumpstead
  1714. Stalham
  1715. Spilsby
  1716. South Shields
  1717. St. Helens
  1718. Sabden
  1719. Royston
  1720. Roos
  1721. Romaldkirk
  1722. Pwllheli
  1723. Putney
  1724. Porthleven
  1725. Pontypridd
  1726. Pencoed
  1727. Pen-clawdd
  1728. Paulton
  1729. Painswick
  1730. Oughtibridge
  1731. Oakington
  1732. North Tawton
  1733. North Queensferry
  1734. North Cave
  1735. Northampton
  1736. Normandy
  1737. Newburgh
  1738. Nailsea
  1739. Mundford
  1740. Mountain Ash
  1741. Motherwell
  1742. Minsterley
  1743. Middlewich
  1744. Messingham
  1745. Meltham
  1746. Martock
  1747. Marston
  1748. Manorbier
  1749. Malmesbury
  1750. Lymm
  1751. Lymington
  1752. Lowdham
  1753. Lossiemouth
  1754. Long Whatton
  1755. Llanfynydd
  1756. Llandeilo
  1757. Liss
  1758. Lartington
  1759. Lacock
  1760. Kirkwall
  1761. Kingussie
  1762. Kilmarnock
  1763. Irlam
  1764. Hutton Magna
  1765. Huish
  1766. Hugh Town
  1767. Hoyland Nether
  1768. Houghton Conquest
  1769. Horsforth
  1770. Hornsea
  1771. Hoo
  1772. Holyhead
  1773. Hockley
  1774. High Ongar
  1775. High Etherley
  1776. High Coniscliffe
  1777. Heston
  1778. Hereford
  1779. Hemsby
  1780. Helensburgh
  1781. Hayton
  1782. Hartley
  1783. Harrogate
  1784. Harbury
  1785. Handcross
  1786. Halesworth
  1787. Hale
  1788. Haddington
  1789. Godalming
  1790. Fraserburgh
  1791. Fortuneswell
  1792. Folkestone
  1793. Fleetwood
  1794. Farnborough
  1795. Exmouth
  1796. East Boldon
  1797. Dunoon
  1798. Dudley
  1799. Droylsden
  1800. Downpatrick
  1801. Dickleburgh
  1802. Dalston
  1803. Cwmafan
  1804. Crymych
  1805. Croydon
  1806. Crewkerne
  1807. Crawley
  1808. Coxhoe
  1809. Cove
  1810. Clayton West
  1811. Chatham
  1812. Chasetown
  1813. Chalford
  1814. Castleside
  1815. Capel Saint Mary
  1816. Camrose
  1817. Burley
  1818. Builth Wells
  1819. Brora
  1820. Bromsgrove
  1821. Bromham
  1822. Brixton
  1823. Brampton
  1824. Borehamwood
  1825. Bletchingley
  1826. Black Notley
  1827. Bishopstrow
  1828. Bishopsteignton
  1829. Birdham
  1830. Bildeston
  1831. Bembridge
  1832. Beckingham
  1833. Barkisland
  1834. Bangor
  1835. Banff
  1836. Audley
  1837. Ashurst
  1838. Arnside
  1839. Arnold
  1840. Armthorpe
  1841. Appleby
  1842. Alveston
  1843. Alloa
  1844. Alconbury
  1845. Airdrie
  1846. Ogmore Vale
  1847. Blackmoorfoot
  1848. Polzeath
  1849. Bayswater
  1850. Chorlton cum Hardy
  1851. Coatham Mundeville
  1852. Calcot
  1853. Catcliffe
  1854. Cowplain
  1855. Aylesham
  1856. Isle of South Uist
  1857. Osterley
  1858. Town Row
  1859. Wormley
  1860. Culloden
  1861. Great Haywood
  1862. Mortlake
  1863. Ratho Station
  1864. Torrance
  1865. King's Clipstone
  1866. Tunstall
  1867. Bradwell
  1868. Furzedown
  1869. Yealmpton
  1870. Worksop
  1871. Wincanton
  1872. White Waltham
  1873. Whitburn
  1874. Weybridge
  1875. City of Westminster
  1876. West End
  1877. Ventnor
  1878. Thornley
  1879. Swadlincote
  1880. Stithians
  1881. Stevenage
  1882. Spixworth
  1883. Southam
  1884. Sleights
  1885. Sissinghurst
  1886. Silverstone
  1887. Silloth
  1888. Shurdington
  1889. Shanklin
  1890. Salcombe
  1891. Saint Columb Major
  1892. Rutherglen
  1893. Rugby
  1894. Rossington
  1895. Rochdale
  1896. Ripponden
  1897. Repton
  1898. Plymouth
  1899. Pilsley
  1900. Papworth Everard
  1901. Oxshott
  1902. Orsett
  1903. Orgreave
  1904. Old Windsor
  1905. North Elmsall
  1906. Niton
  1907. Newport-on-Tay
  1908. Newarthill
  1909. Nairn
  1910. Moneymore
  1911. Milnthorpe
  1912. Marske-by-the-Sea
  1913. Market Harborough
  1914. Marden
  1915. Mansfield
  1916. Madeley
  1917. Macduff
  1918. Long Crendon
  1919. Long Ashton
  1920. Locharbriggs
  1921. Llantrisant
  1922. Llansawel
  1923. Llanfairfechan
  1924. Llandybie
  1925. Llanddowror
  1926. Little Amwell
  1927. Lichfield
  1928. Lesmahagow
  1929. Lenham
  1930. Ladybank
  1931. Kirkham
  1932. Kirk Ella
  1933. Kintore
  1934. Kilham
  1935. Kilgetty
  1936. Kempston
  1937. Ingleby Greenhow
  1938. Ibstock
  1939. Huntingdon
  1940. Hungerford
  1941. Horwich
  1942. Horsted Keynes
  1943. Highbury
  1944. Heysham
  1945. Haverhill
  1946. Hastings
  1947. Hardingstone
  1948. Gunnislake
  1949. Guiseley
  1950. Gretna
  1951. Great Paxton
  1952. Great Eccleston
  1953. Grantham
  1954. Giffnock
  1955. Garvagh
  1956. Garforth
  1957. Fulwood
  1958. Featherstone
  1959. Farndon
  1960. Eyton
  1961. Exning
  1962. Endon
  1963. Emneth
  1964. Easton
  1965. Duntocher
  1966. Dungannon
  1967. Dunchurch
  1968. Downton
  1969. Dovercourt
  1970. Dover
  1971. Doddington
  1972. Derby
  1973. Delabole
  1974. Deanshanger
  1975. Darwen
  1976. Dalmellington
  1977. Cwmbran
  1978. Curry Rivel
  1979. Currie
  1980. Cumnock
  1981. Cosham
  1982. Conon Bridge
  1983. Cleator Moor
  1984. Cemaes Bay
  1985. Catterick
  1986. Catford
  1987. Castlemartin
  1988. Castle Donington
  1989. Camelford
  1990. Cambuslang
  1991. Caldercruix
  1992. Burton Constable
  1993. Burneside
  1994. Brynmawr
  1995. Bromley
  1996. Bradfield
  1997. Bottisham
  1998. Borough Green
  1999. Bolton upon Dearne
  2000. Bolsover
  2001. Billingshurst
  2002. Bideford
  2003. Bexley
  2004. Barton under Needwood
  2005. Barnard Castle
  2006. Barkham
  2007. Ballycastle
  2008. Bacton
  2009. Axminster
  2010. Ashwell
  2011. Ashley
  2012. Arlesey
  2013. Alfreton
  2014. Aldbourne
  2015. Flexbury
  2016. Tonypandy
  2017. Blaengwynfi
  2018. Eastington
  2019. Peasedown Saint John
  2020. Camden Town
  2021. Lamesley
  2022. Copthorne
  2023. East Ayton
  2024. Maidenbower
  2025. Kingston upon Thames
  2026. Burnage
  2027. Essington
  2028. Chalton
  2029. Blackheath
  2030. Westergate
  2031. Pontyclun
  2032. Sonning Common
  2033. Great Corby
  2034. Rusthall
  2035. Thamesmead
  2036. Winchburgh
  2037. Tullibody
  2038. Corby Glen
  2039. Yoxall
  2040. Wrexham
  2041. Withington
  2042. Wing
  2043. Wimborne Minster
  2044. Willesden
  2045. Wigginton
  2046. Whittlesey
  2047. Whitehaven
  2048. Westonzoyland
  2049. Waterlooville
  2050. Wadhurst
  2051. Twickenham
  2052. Totternhoe
  2053. Totland
  2054. Tonbridge
  2055. Titchfield
  2056. Tarleton
  2057. Tangmere
  2058. Sutton Courtenay
  2059. Stornoway
  2060. Stony Stratford
  2061. Stapleford
  2062. Shepperton
  2063. Sawbridgeworth
  2064. Rowlstone
  2065. Rosyth
  2066. Ripley
  2067. Ringwood
  2068. Reading
  2069. Rawcliffe
  2070. Portishead
  2071. Ponders End
  2072. Pollington
  2073. Plumpton Green
  2074. Pittington
  2075. Pilning
  2076. Pevensey
  2077. Peterlee
  2078. Oxenhope
  2079. Overton
  2080. Oadby
  2081. North Hill
  2082. Newton Poppleford
  2083. Narborough
  2084. Mulbarton
  2085. Mossley
  2086. Middlestown
  2087. Methil
  2088. Markfield
  2089. Magheralin
  2090. Longwick
  2091. Long Melford
  2092. Long Lawford
  2093. Llysfaen
  2094. Llantwit Major
  2095. Llanfair Caereinion
  2096. Little Weighton
  2097. Linthwaite
  2098. Leigh-on-Sea
  2099. Lechlade
  2100. Layer de la Haye
  2101. Langport
  2102. Kirkbymoorside
  2103. Kimbolton
  2104. Kelvedon
  2105. Keele
  2106. Irvinestown
  2107. Horam
  2108. High Legh
  2109. Hawarden
  2110. Haughley
  2111. Hartlepool
  2112. Haltwhistle
  2113. Haigh
  2114. Great Gonerby
  2115. Grantown on Spey
  2116. Godstone
  2117. Glasgow
  2118. Germoe
  2119. Garelochhead
  2120. Fulham
  2121. Freuchie
  2122. Fowlmere
  2123. Ford
  2124. Ford
  2125. Fleet
  2126. Ferryhill
  2127. Felixstowe
  2128. Enfield Town
  2129. Empingham
  2130. Ellerker
  2131. Eattington
  2132. East Wittering
  2133. Eastry
  2134. East Hanney
  2135. Eastchurch
  2136. East Bridgford
  2137. Earby
  2138. Durrington
  2139. Dunipace
  2140. Dundry
  2141. Doveridge
  2142. Dagenham
  2143. Cudworth
  2144. Croft
  2145. Credenhill
  2146. Craven Arms
  2147. Connor
  2148. Compton
  2149. Colnbrook
  2150. Collingham
  2151. Clipsham
  2152. Clare
  2153. Chulmleigh
  2154. Chorleywood
  2155. Chester
  2156. Chatburn
  2157. Chartham
  2158. Charlbury
  2159. Charfield
  2160. Castle Douglas
  2161. Capel
  2162. Bugthorpe
  2163. Bramley
  2164. Bracknell
  2165. Bourne End
  2166. Boddam
  2167. Blisworth
  2168. Bishops Stortford
  2169. Bilsthorpe
  2170. Bicton
  2171. Betley
  2172. Bedworth
  2173. Bedlington
  2174. Barmouth
  2175. Ballingry
  2176. Badsworth
  2177. Bacton
  2178. Atherton
  2179. Ash Vale
  2180. Arne
  2181. Armitage
  2182. Annalong
  2183. Annahilt
  2184. Ancaster
  2185. Abertillery
  2186. Aberfeldy
  2187. Abercarn
  2188. Abercanaid
  2189. East Cowes
  2190. Camberwell
  2191. Langstone
  2192. Furnace Green
  2193. Belsize Park
  2194. Heywood
  2195. Wimbledon Park
  2196. Brixton Hill
  2197. Benwell
  2198. Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant
  2199. Appleby-in-Westmorland
  2200. Water Eaton
  2201. Perranarworthal
  2202. Maryburgh
  2203. Stroud Green
  2204. Yelverton
  2205. Yarmouth
  2206. Writtle
  2207. Wouldham
  2208. Wilstead
  2209. Wickwar
  2210. Whitby
  2211. Wembury
  2212. Welshpool
  2213. Watchet
  2214. Warton
  2215. Warden
  2216. Wanstead
  2217. Wall
  2218. Turnastone
  2219. Sway
  2220. Studley
  2221. Startforth
  2222. Stainforth
  2223. South Molton
  2224. Shenley
  2225. Scholes
  2226. Salfords
  2227. Saint Peters
  2228. Saint Asaph
  2229. Rudgwick
  2230. Rowde
  2231. Rochford
  2232. Rainhill
  2233. Rainham
  2234. Rainford
  2235. Pulborough
  2236. Prescot
  2237. Pelsall
  2238. Overton
  2239. Northop
  2240. Nash
  2241. Murton
  2242. Monk Fryston
  2243. Mirfield
  2244. Meikle Earnock
  2245. Marshfield
  2246. Market Drayton
  2247. Margate
  2248. Manby
  2249. Lydham
  2250. Llangefni
  2251. Little Houghton
  2252. Little Eaton
  2253. Littleborough
  2254. Laxton
  2255. Lathbury
  2256. Kiveton Park
  2257. Kislingbury
  2258. Kircubbin
  2259. Kingskettle
  2260. Killearn
  2261. Irvine
  2262. Inverkeithing
  2263. Hunmanby
  2264. Holmfirth
  2265. High Halden
  2266. Hexham
  2267. Herne Bay
  2268. Heighington
  2269. Hamilton
  2270. Halstead
  2271. Hackney
  2272. Great Wyrley
  2273. Great Wakering
  2274. Great Houghton
  2275. Glyn-neath
  2276. Gloucester
  2277. Garsington
  2278. Galashiels
  2279. Gaerwen
  2280. Freystrop
  2281. Duxford
  2282. Dunlop
  2283. Dorridge
  2284. Dornoch
  2285. Dobwalls
  2286. Denbigh
  2287. Darvel
  2288. Cullen
  2289. Coupar Angus
  2290. Cosby
  2291. Comberton
  2292. Combe Martin
  2293. Colwyn Bay
  2294. Clacton-on-Sea
  2295. Chinley
  2296. Chickerell
  2297. Cheddington
  2298. Cheam
  2299. Canewdon
  2300. Caerphilly
  2301. Bushmills
  2302. Burton Pidsea
  2303. Brigstock
  2304. Brechin
  2305. Bratton
  2306. Brandon
  2307. Brampton
  2308. Brackley
  2309. Blyth
  2310. Bloxham
  2311. Bleadon
  2312. Blandford Forum
  2313. Blackburn
  2314. Bingley
  2315. Biddulph
  2316. Biddenham
  2317. Biddenden
  2318. Beccles
  2319. Beaconsfield
  2320. Barnsley
  2321. Ballywalter
  2322. Ballynahinch
  2323. Balham
  2324. Avebury
  2325. Auckley
  2326. Askam in Furness
  2327. Appledore
  2328. Alness
  2329. Abram
  2330. Aberaeron
  2331. Trimsaran
  2332. Cameley
  2333. Hale
  2334. Blackley
  2335. Radcliffe
  2336. Adlington
  2337. Penparcau
  2338. Stewartby
  2339. Grimethorpe
  2340. Glapwell
  2341. Maple Cross
  2342. Benbecula
  2343. Harringay
  2344. Hampton Wick
  2345. Talysarn
  2346. Calderbank
  2347. Greenhill
  2348. West Ilsley
  2349. New Basford
  2350. Rastrick
  2351. Yeadon
  2352. Yate
  2353. Wickham Bishops
  2354. Whittlesford
  2355. West Molesey
  2356. Washington
  2357. Waddesdon
  2358. Verwood
  2359. Torphins
  2360. Tong
  2361. Three Legged Cross
  2362. Tarvin
  2363. Sutton
  2364. Staindrop
  2365. Spratton
  2366. Snaresbrook
  2367. Sidcup
  2368. Sellack
  2369. Seaview
  2370. Ryhall
  2371. Ringway
  2372. Rickinghall
  2373. Rhymney
  2374. Rhosllannerchrugog
  2375. Redruth
  2376. Port Glasgow
  2377. Port Erroll
  2378. Pontypool
  2379. Podington
  2380. Pattingham
  2381. Northwich
  2382. Newmarket
  2383. Netley
  2384. Needingworth
  2385. Mylor Bridge
  2386. Moulsoe
  2387. Morriston
  2388. Monmouth
  2389. Mitchel Troy
  2390. Mistley
  2391. Mayland
  2392. Mathry
  2393. Martham
  2394. Mansfield Woodhouse
  2395. Machen
  2396. Long Eaton
  2397. Llangollen
  2398. Llandudno
  2399. Llanddeusant
  2400. Llanboidy
  2401. Lisburn
  2402. Leven
  2403. Kilrea
  2404. Kilmacolm
  2405. Kelso
  2406. Kearsley
  2407. Ironbridge
  2408. Inverkip
  2409. Ilford
  2410. Horsley
  2411. Hook Norton
  2412. Holmwood
  2413. Holmes Chapel
  2414. Hindley
  2415. Hetton-Le-Hole
  2416. Hebron
  2417. Healing
  2418. Haywards Heath
  2419. Haxey
  2420. Harwell
  2421. Hamble-le-Rice
  2422. Great Malvern
  2423. Great Glen
  2424. Great Bedwyn
  2425. Glenfield
  2426. Gildersome
  2427. Frimley
  2428. Four Marks
  2429. Foulridge
  2430. Finningley
  2431. Fenwick
  2432. Erlestoke
  2433. Ellesmere
  2434. Edington
  2435. East Horsley
  2436. Earls Colne
  2437. Dinton
  2438. Denholme
  2439. Deighton
  2440. Cowfold
  2441. Colwich
  2442. Caerleon
  2443. Bury
  2444. Burwash
  2445. Burntwood
  2446. Brooke
  2447. Bromfield
  2448. Bristol
  2449. Brinklow
  2450. Brimscombe
  2451. Brent
  2452. Bowdon
  2453. Blyton
  2454. Bletchley
  2455. Blaenau-Ffestiniog
  2456. Billingham
  2457. Beadnell
  2458. Bardney
  2459. Banchory
  2460. Balintore
  2461. Balcombe
  2462. Ashwell
  2463. Ambleside
  2464. Adlington
  2465. Aberlady
  2466. Crofty
  2467. Stockton
  2468. Camblesforth
  2469. Featherstone
  2470. Carden
  2471. Grappenhall
  2472. Mottram St. Andrew
  2473. New Marske
  2474. Letchworth Garden City
  2475. Hayling Island
  2476. Blantyre
  2477. Castle Vale
  2478. Wrotham
  2479. Wootton
  2480. Woolston
  2481. Woodley
  2482. Woodford
  2483. Wivenhoe
  2484. Witley
  2485. Williton
  2486. Westhoughton
  2487. Weaverham
  2488. Wargrave
  2489. Warfield
  2490. Wantage
  2491. Wacton
  2492. Treharris
  2493. Tredegar
  2494. Tranent
  2495. Tisbury
  2496. Thorney
  2497. Theale
  2498. Thaxted
  2499. Teddington
  2500. Stockport
  2501. Stanbridge
  2502. Stalbridge
  2503. Tidworth
  2504. Southminster
  2505. South Littleton
  2506. South Brent
  2507. Simpson
  2508. Shotwick
  2509. Seghill
  2510. Seend
  2511. Scawby
  2512. Saint Dennis
  2513. Runcorn
  2514. Pyrford
  2515. Pudsey
  2516. Prestonpans
  2517. Polmont
  2518. Pinchbeck
  2519. Pelton
  2520. Overtown
  2521. Over
  2522. Oswestry
  2523. Ormesby St Margaret
  2524. Northorpe
  2525. Norbury
  2526. New Romney
  2527. Needham Market
  2528. Mitcheldean
  2529. Minety
  2530. Milltimber
  2531. Millbrook
  2532. Mid Calder
  2533. Marchwiel
  2534. Madeley
  2535. Macmerry
  2536. Lyneham
  2537. Ludlow
  2538. Longtown
  2539. Loftus
  2540. Loddon
  2541. Llanrhian
  2542. Livingston
  2543. Littleport
  2544. Lanchester
  2545. Lampeter
  2546. Knottingley
  2547. Knighton
  2548. Kippen
  2549. Kingston upon Hull
  2550. Kingsley
  2551. Kimbolton
  2552. Kenley
  2553. Kelsall
  2554. Huyton
  2555. Hurst
  2556. Honiton
  2557. Hessle
  2558. Heath and Reach
  2559. Hayle
  2560. Haydon Bridge
  2561. Hatherleigh
  2562. Hampton in Arden
  2563. Gurnard
  2564. Groombridge
  2565. Gosport
  2566. Goring-by-Sea
  2567. Goring
  2568. Gilfach Goch
  2569. Gelligaer
  2570. Gayhurst
  2571. Fairlight
  2572. Ewyas Harold
  2573. Etwall
  2574. Errol
  2575. Elstead
  2576. Ellerton
  2577. Edinburgh
  2578. Edenbridge
  2579. Eccleston
  2580. Eastrington
  2581. East Chevington
  2582. Eastbourne
  2583. Donnington
  2584. Debenham
  2585. Dearham
  2586. Datchet
  2587. Darlaston
  2588. Dalry
  2589. Crumlin
  2590. Crigglestone
  2591. Countesthorpe
  2592. Colne
  2593. Clophill
  2594. Clevedon
  2595. Church Fenton
  2596. Choppington
  2597. Cannock
  2598. Calverton
  2599. Caldicot
  2600. Butterwick
  2601. Burrington
  2602. Burgess Hill
  2603. Burford
  2604. Bungay
  2605. Broad Blunsdon
  2606. Briton Ferry
  2607. Brightlingsea
  2608. Bradley
  2609. Bow Brickhill
  2610. Botley
  2611. Bognor Regis
  2612. Blaenavon
  2613. Bilston
  2614. Billingborough
  2615. Belper
  2616. Bedwas
  2617. Barrow in Furness
  2618. Banbury
  2619. Astley
  2620. Armagh
  2621. Alton
  2622. Abergele
  2623. Severn Beach
  2624. Tankerton
  2625. South Chailey
  2626. Bidford-on-avon
  2627. Mottingham
  2628. Bay Horse
  2629. Greenhill
  2630. Kensal Green
  2631. Bilsdale
  2632. Isle of Cumbrae
  2633. Aston-on-Trent
  2634. Houghton
  2635. Head of Muir
  2636. Lenzie
  2637. Mayfield
  2638. Ballypatrick
  2639. Walsall
  2640. Tycroes
  2641. Tow Law
  2642. Tingewick
  2643. Tillicoultry
  2644. Tilbury
  2645. Thornaby-on-Tees
  2646. Sturminster Newton
  2647. Streetly
  2648. Stratford
  2649. Stotfold
  2650. Stonehouse
  2651. Stepps
  2652. Stanwick
  2653. Spennymoor
  2654. Southwell
  2655. Shotley Gate
  2656. Shillington
  2657. Shepherdswell
  2658. Scole
  2659. Saughall
  2660. Sampford Peverell
  2661. Ryton on Dunsmore
  2662. Rushden
  2663. Ruabon
  2664. Rotherham
  2665. Rosneath
  2666. Rishton
  2667. Rhayader
  2668. Rayleigh
  2669. Rake
  2670. Priston
  2671. Poole
  2672. Ponthir
  2673. Polperro
  2674. Pitlochry
  2675. Pimperne
  2676. Peterhead
  2677. Perth
  2678. Perranwell
  2679. Penllyn
  2680. Paisley
  2681. Northolt
  2682. Lancing
  2683. Northallerton
  2684. Newton Stewart
  2685. Newton Mearns
  2686. Newport
  2687. New Ferry
  2688. Nether Poppleton
  2689. Nelson
  2690. Nailsworth
  2691. Musselburgh
  2692. Midsomer Norton
  2693. Meopham
  2694. Menston
  2695. Maulden
  2696. Maiden Newton
  2697. Magherafelt
  2698. Lower Brailes
  2699. Low Ackworth
  2700. Llanllwchaiarn
  2701. Llanharan
  2702. Llangeler
  2703. Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
  2704. Llanfair
  2705. Llanerchymedd
  2706. Little Hulton
  2707. Lesbury
  2708. Leighton Buzzard
  2709. Lavenham
  2710. Langtoft
  2711. Kidwelly
  2712. Kew
  2713. Ipswich
  2714. Ipplepen
  2715. Holytown
  2716. Hillsborough
  2717. Hendon
  2718. Headcorn
  2719. Haverfordwest
  2720. Harston
  2721. Harrow on the Hill
  2722. Hankerton
  2723. Greenhithe
  2724. Great Bookham
  2725. Great Barton
  2726. Grays
  2727. Gorebridge
  2728. Glazebury
  2729. Glastonbury
  2730. Fylde
  2731. Exeter
  2732. Evesbatch
  2733. East Peckham
  2734. Dunkeswell
  2735. Dinmore
  2736. Deddington
  2737. Dawlish
  2738. Daventry
  2739. Dalton in Furness
  2740. Croxton
  2741. Crofton
  2742. Criccieth
  2743. Cresswell
  2744. Cooling
  2745. Comrie
  2746. Colinton
  2747. Coddington
  2748. Coatbridge
  2749. Coalville
  2750. Cleobury Mortimer
  2751. Claydon
  2752. Chorley
  2753. Chilton Foliat
  2754. Chelsea
  2755. Charmouth
  2756. Chapeltown
  2757. Chapel Saint Leonards
  2758. Castor
  2759. Castlederg
  2760. Canterbury
  2761. Buxton
  2762. Burton upon Trent
  2763. Broomfleet
  2764. Brixworth
  2765. Brixham
  2766. Bourne
  2767. Bootle
  2768. Bexleyheath
  2769. Berkhamsted
  2770. Battle
  2771. Basingstoke
  2772. Barrow upon Soar
  2773. Barnack
  2774. Barmby on the Marsh
  2775. Balsham
  2776. Aviemore
  2777. Atwick
  2778. Antrim
  2779. Ancroft
  2780. Alyth
  2781. Alcester
  2782. Aberystwyth
  2783. Aberporth
  2784. Abercynon
  2785. Abbots Langley
  2786. Abbotskerswell
  2787. Shiremoor
  2788. New Inn
  2789. Easton-in-Gordano
  2790. Hellaby
  2791. Danby
  2792. Langley Green
  2793. Fallowfield
  2794. Ferndown
  2795. Leytonstone
  2796. Kelloe
  2797. Abbey Wood
  2798. Romney Marsh
  2799. Tintagel
  2800. Dyffryn Ardudwy
  2801. Belmont
  2802. East Rainton
  2803. Capel le Ferne
  2804. Hockley Heath
  2805. Cockington
  2806. Ladywell
  2807. Bargeddie
  2808. Kingswells
  2809. Whitecraig
  2810. Worton
  2811. Worthing
  2812. Wirksworth
  2813. Watton
  2814. Warwick
  2815. Llandysul
  2816. Youlgreave
  2817. Yapton
  2818. Wroughton
  2819. Woodcote
  2820. Wittering
  2821. Wisbech
  2822. Wigan
  2823. Whitford
  2824. Whitchurch
  2825. Weeting
  2826. Waterbeach
  2827. Waringstown
  2828. Waltham Cross
  2829. Wadebridge
  2830. Upper Langwith
  2831. Thornton Dale
  2832. Templeton
  2833. Storrington
  2834. Stamford Bridge
  2835. Southsea
  2836. Southport
  2837. Sanderstead
  2838. Rothbury
  2839. Resolven
  2840. Redditch
  2841. Redbourn
  2842. Raglan
  2843. Radstock
  2844. Puddletown
  2845. Preston
  2846. Polesworth
  2847. Pinner
  2848. Pembroke
  2849. Palmers Green
  2850. Paddock Wood
  2851. Olveston
  2852. Norton
  2853. Newtonhill
  2854. Newton Aycliffe
  2855. New Quay
  2856. Newbury
  2857. Mold
  2858. Moira
  2859. Minster Lovell
  2860. Midhurst
  2861. Meldreth
  2862. Manston
  2863. Luncarty
  2864. Lower Halstow
  2865. Longfield
  2866. Londonderry County Borough
  2867. Llangan
  2868. Limekilns
  2869. Lewes
  2870. Letterston
  2871. Leek Wootton
  2872. Kirby Underdale
  2873. Kingston Bagpuize
  2874. Kettering
  2875. Insch
  2876. Hutton
  2877. Hook
  2878. Hirwaun
  2879. Hermitage
  2880. Henstridge
  2881. Hay
  2882. Harthill
  2883. Hartford
  2884. Great Harwood
  2885. Great Chesterford
  2886. Goole
  2887. Garstang
  2888. Frome
  2889. Feltham
  2890. Farnborough
  2891. Fairlie
  2892. Evercreech
  2893. East Dulwich
  2894. Earls Barton
  2895. Dyce
  2896. Dunfermline
  2897. Diss
  2898. Dinnington
  2899. Deri
  2900. Deal
  2901. Cullompton
  2902. Cuffley
  2903. Cross Hands
  2904. Corris
  2905. Coleraine
  2906. Coleford
  2907. Clayton le Moors
  2908. Cinderford
  2909. Cholsey
  2910. Chiswick
  2911. Chiddingfold
  2912. Chale
  2913. Carrickfergus
  2914. Carnwath
  2915. Cairnryan
  2916. Burton
  2917. Bubwith
  2918. Brundall
  2919. Brough
  2920. Brockenhurst
  2921. Brignall
  2922. Brierley Hill
  2923. Bow Street
  2924. Bosham
  2925. Bodenham
  2926. Bishop Middleham
  2927. Bishopbriggs
  2928. Binfield
  2929. Beeford
  2930. Barnet
  2931. Banstead
  2932. Astwood
  2933. Aston Clinton
  2934. Ashington
  2935. Ashburton
  2936. Ardrossan
  2937. Ardersier
  2938. Arbroath
  2939. Annfield Plain
  2940. Alvechurch
  2941. Alva
  2942. Aldridge
  2943. Aberdare
  2944. Pennard
  2945. Bishop Sutton
  2946. Meltham Mills
  2947. Lambeth
  2948. Churt
  2949. Hollingworth
  2950. Haughton Green
  2951. Roslin
  2952. Gartcosh
  2953. Peckham
  2954. Waterloo
  2955. Catterick Garrison
  2956. Frimley Green
  2957. Five Oak Green
  2958. Swarthmoor
  2959. West Kingsdown
  2960. Portswood
  2961. Westquarter
  2962. Northumberland Park
  2963. Wotton-under-Edge
  2964. Woolpit
  2965. Wokingham
  2966. Windsor
  2967. Windermere
  2968. Winchcombe
  2969. Willingham
  2970. Willingham
  2971. Whalley
  2972. Wetherby
  2973. West Thurrock
  2974. Werrington
  2975. Wem
  2976. Welwyn Garden City
  2977. Wednesfield
  2978. Warton
  2979. Wallington
  2980. Walford
  2981. Wakefield
  2982. Uttoxeter
  2983. Trimdon Grange
  2984. Tottington
  2985. Torquay
  2986. Tolleshunt Knights
  2987. Tollesbury
  2988. Teynham
  2989. Taunton
  2990. Swanscombe
  2991. Sutton on Trent
  2992. Sutton
  2993. Stonesfield
  2994. Stone
  2995. Stoke Goldington
  2996. Stainburn
  2997. Sproatley
  2998. South Hayling
  2999. South Elmsall
  3000. Slaley
  3001. Sion Mills
  3002. Sherburn
  3003. Shepherds Bush
  3004. Shenfield
  3005. Shefford
  3006. Sharpness
  3007. Shafton
  3008. Scalloway
  3009. Saxmundham
  3010. Saint Leonards-on-Sea
  3011. Rye
  3012. Ripley
  3013. Ridlington
  3014. Rhyl
  3015. Rathfriland
  3016. Queniborough
  3017. Purley
  3018. Portscatho
  3019. Porthmadog
  3020. Poplar
  3021. Pewsey
  3022. Pengam
  3023. Parkstone
  3024. Oxted
  3025. Norton
  3026. North Wootton
  3027. North Walsham
  3028. North Bradley
  3029. Nefyn
  3030. Necton
  3031. Moira
  3032. Mitcham
  3033. Mere
  3034. Marshfield
  3035. Marnhull
  3036. Marlborough
  3037. Markyate
  3038. Maentwrog
  3039. Lugwardine
  3040. Ludgershall
  3041. London
  3042. Llwynypia
  3043. Lledrod
  3044. Llansteffan
  3045. Llansantffraid Glan Conwy
  3046. Llanidloes
  3047. Llanfyllin
  3048. Lingwood
  3049. Lincoln
  3050. Leslie
  3051. Leconfield
  3052. Kensworth
  3053. Keelby
  3054. Ingleton
  3055. Inchinnan
  3056. Hurworth
  3057. Hunstanton
  3058. Horsham
  3059. Hockwold cum Wilton
  3060. Heathfield
  3061. Haworth
  3062. Hawkhurst
  3063. Haslingden
  3064. Hartshill
  3065. Hanworth
  3066. Hanslope
  3067. Grindale
  3068. Greenisland
  3069. Gorseinon
  3070. Glossop
  3071. Fochabers
  3072. Falfield
  3073. Fairford
  3074. Evington
  3075. Euxton
  3076. Elmswell
  3077. Ellesmere Port Town
  3078. Egham
  3079. Eckington
  3080. Eccleston
  3081. East Tilbury
  3082. East Linton
  3083. Dunnington
  3084. Dorstone
  3085. Crowthorne
  3086. Creech Saint Michael
  3087. Cowie
  3088. Clackmannan
  3089. Cirencester
  3090. Cheshunt
  3091. Chelford
  3092. Cheddleton
  3093. Cheadle
  3094. Chapel en le Frith
  3095. Castlewellan
  3096. Carlisle
  3097. Campsall
  3098. Caddington
  3099. Buxted
  3100. Bury St Edmunds
  3101. Burrington
  3102. Burntisland
  3103. Burbage
  3104. Budleigh Salterton
  3105. Bramhope
  3106. Bourton on the Water
  3107. Borrowash
  3108. Bishops Cleeve
  3109. Biggleswade
  3110. Belton
  3111. Beaminster
  3112. Bathgate
  3113. Barrowford
  3114. Barningham
  3115. Barnes
  3116. Bargoed
  3117. Bampton
  3118. Baldock
  3119. Askern
  3120. Ardingly
  3121. Ahoghill
  3122. Adderbury
  3123. Aberdeen
  3124. Scleddau
  3125. Beddau
  3126. Shadwell
  3127. Tintern
  3128. Little Chalfont
  3129. Chadwell St Mary
  3130. Culverstone Green
  3131. Bethnal Green
  3132. Muswell Hill
  3133. Great Marton
  3134. Rossendale
  3135. Isle of Arran
  3136. Mayford
  3137. Balloch
  3138. Mossblown
  3139. Waterfoot
  3140. Laurieston
  3141. Maddiston
  3142. Polbeth
  3143. Thornliebank
  3144. West Rainton
  3145. Wellington
  3146. Walton-on-Thames
  3147. Walsden
  3148. Upton Scudamore
  3149. Upper Norwood
  3150. Trelech
  3151. Tregoney
  3152. Timperley
  3153. Thornhaugh
  3154. Thorner
  3155. Tewkesbury
  3156. Tenterden
  3157. Tansley
  3158. Sunk Island
  3159. Streatley
  3160. Stoke Poges
  3161. Stokenchurch
  3162. Stoke Golding
  3163. Springside
  3164. South Hill
  3165. South Harting
  3166. South Cerney
  3167. South Cave
  3168. Snettisham
  3169. Skipton
  3170. Shotton
  3171. Sheerness
  3172. Seaton Delaval
  3173. Sandhurst
  3174. Rowhedge
  3175. Rothwell
  3176. Rossett
  3177. Rickmansworth
  3178. Radley
  3179. Pontesbury
  3180. Pitmedden
  3181. Peover Superior
  3182. Penrhyndeudraeth
  3183. Pencaitland
  3184. Partridge Green
  3185. Ottery St Mary
  3186. Ottershaw
  3187. Odell
  3188. Newton-le-Willows
  3189. Newport Pagnell
  3190. Newmacher
  3191. Nettleham
  3192. Much Birch
  3193. Morcott
  3194. Millbrook
  3195. Magor
  3196. Lyndhurst
  3197. Lyme Regis
  3198. Lydney
  3199. Lower Kingswood
  3200. Loughton
  3201. Long Stratton
  3202. Long Bennington
  3203. Liphook
  3204. Lee-on-the-Solent
  3205. Leek
  3206. Ledston
  3207. Kippax
  3208. Kinvere
  3209. Kinross
  3210. Kilkeel
  3211. Kidbrooke
  3212. Kenton
  3213. Kenley
  3214. Hurley
  3215. Horsford
  3216. Holbeach
  3217. Hindon
  3218. Highbridge
  3219. High Bentham
  3220. Helsby
  3221. Hayes
  3222. Haydock
  3223. Harthill
  3224. Hannington
  3225. Hammersmith
  3226. Hallow
  3227. Grimston
  3228. Great Horwood
  3229. Gosforth
  3230. Golborne
  3231. Glemsford
  3232. Gilwern
  3233. Gedling
  3234. Geddington
  3235. Formby
  3236. Findern
  3237. Fernhill Heath
  3238. Farnborough
  3239. Essendine
  3240. Elvington
  3241. Elton
  3242. Eaton Socon
  3243. East Kilbride
  3244. Earlswood
  3245. Dunvant
  3246. Dunholme
  3247. Dinnington
  3248. Denby Dale
  3249. Dedham
  3250. Darton
  3251. Darrington
  3252. Cowpen
  3253. Cowdenbeath
  3254. Coventry
  3255. Coulsdon
  3256. Claypole
  3257. Christchurch
  3258. Chapelhall
  3259. Cardiff
  3260. Callow
  3261. Burnham-on-Crouch
  3262. Buckhaven
  3263. Bridport
  3264. Bransgore
  3265. Blindley Heath
  3266. Blewbury
  3267. Blean
  3268. Blackburn
  3269. Birkenhead
  3270. Biggar
  3271. Beeston
  3272. Axbridge
  3273. Audlem
  3274. Attleborough
  3275. Attleborough
  3276. Armadale
  3277. Aldbrough
  3278. Addingham
  3279. Ambleston
  3280. Woolavington
  3281. Barham
  3282. Clarkston
  3283. Hinchley Wood
  3284. Cheetham Hill
  3285. Eversley
  3286. Bracebridge Heath
  3287. Stanley
  3288. Pentre
  3289. Rosewell
  3290. Bishopsworth
  3291. Walton
  3292. Twechar
  3293. Wootton
  3294. Woodhall Spa
  3295. Woking
  3296. Wingrave
  3297. Whiteparish
  3298. Whimple
  3299. Wetwang
  3300. Weston Turville
  3301. Wells-next-the-Sea
  3302. Watton at Stone
  3303. Wath upon Dearne
  3304. Warrington
  3305. Warnham
  3306. Ystrad Mynach
  3307. Worcester
  3308. Wootton
  3309. Witney
  3310. Winnersh
  3311. Wigton
  3312. Whitley Bay
  3313. Whitefield
  3314. Weston
  3315. West Kilbride
  3316. Wenvoe
  3317. Wellesbourne Mountford
  3318. Wellesbourne
  3319. Wedmore
  3320. Wallingford
  3321. Treeton
  3322. Tilehurst
  3323. Templepatrick
  3324. Swinton
  3325. Stourbridge
  3326. Stoke
  3327. Stocksbridge
  3328. Stanley
  3329. Solihull
  3330. Slinfold
  3331. Sileby
  3332. Shilbottle
  3333. Shalbourne
  3334. Scorton
  3335. Saint Stephen
  3336. Rugeley
  3337. Rothley
  3338. Rotherhithe
  3339. Roche
  3340. Redbourne
  3341. Porlock
  3342. Pitstone
  3343. Peterborough
  3344. Pertenhall
  3345. Penygroes
  3346. Patna
  3347. Over
  3348. Oundle
  3349. Ormiston
  3350. North Elmham
  3351. Newborough
  3352. Newbold Verdon
  3353. Narborough
  3354. Mytchett
  3355. Moulton
  3356. Milston
  3357. Millom
  3358. Middle Rasen
  3359. Merrow
  3360. Melbourne
  3361. Mappleton
  3362. Malpas
  3363. Maerdy
  3364. Lundin Links
  3365. Lowick
  3366. Longtown
  3367. Llangathen
  3368. Llanbedr
  3369. Liskeard
  3370. Latchingdon and Snoreham
  3371. Lambourn
  3372. Knutsford
  3373. Kilwinning
  3374. Irchester
  3375. Invergordon
  3376. Ilkley
  3377. Huntington
  3378. Houston
  3379. Houghton-Le-Spring
  3380. Horning
  3381. Hope under Dinmore
  3382. Holt
  3383. Holbrook
  3384. High Wycombe
  3385. High Halstow
  3386. Hethersett
  3387. Helmsley
  3388. Hedon
  3389. Harthill
  3390. Harpenden
  3391. Gunness
  3392. Grove
  3393. Griston
  3394. Grindon
  3395. Greyabbey
  3396. Great Yeldham
  3397. Great Bardfield
  3398. Glinton
  3399. Freckleton
  3400. Fortrose
  3401. Fenwick
  3402. Farndon
  3403. Falmouth
  3404. Eaton
  3405. Earley
  3406. Dunswell
  3407. Dartmouth
  3408. Dalrymple
  3409. Dalkeith
  3410. Dalbeattie
  3411. Crowland
  3412. Crosshouse
  3413. Crediton
  3414. Colmworth
  3415. Cold Norton
  3416. Clydach
  3417. Chudleigh Knighton
  3418. Chipstead
  3419. Chigwell
  3420. Chester-le-Street
  3421. Cheltenham
  3422. Chelmsford
  3423. Chalgrove
  3424. Castledawson
  3425. Carryduff
  3426. Carnoustie
  3427. Cardenden
  3428. Cantley
  3429. Buckfastleigh
  3430. Brymbo
  3431. Broughshane
  3432. Branston
  3433. Bovington Camp
  3434. Botesdale
  3435. Blackburn
  3436. Belford
  3437. Beighton
  3438. Bedford
  3439. Bayston Hill
  3440. Bath
  3441. Basford
  3442. Barston
  3443. Barrowby
  3444. Bardsey
  3445. Banbridge
  3446. Ballymoney
  3447. Bagshot
  3448. Auchinleck
  3449. Aston
  3450. Althorne
  3451. Hadston
  3452. Looe
  3453. Telford
  3454. Erskine
  3455. Canary Wharf
  3456. Babworth
  3457. Canvey Island
  3458. Asfordby
  3459. Cradley Heath
  3460. Isle of North Uist
  3461. Lower Broadheath
  3462. Mount Hawke
  3463. Ashgill
  3464. East Whitburn
  3465. Viewpark
  3466. Tottenham Hale
  3467. St. Helier
  3468. Wooler
  3469. Wold Newton
  3470. Whittington
  3471. Whittingham
  3472. Whickham
  3473. West Drayton
  3474. West Clandon
  3475. Wembley
  3476. Welling
  3477. Watford
  3478. Warrenpoint
  3479. Tiverton
  3480. Tiverton
  3481. Tideswell
  3482. Thurlton
  3483. Thornton Heath
  3484. Thame
  3485. Tarbolton
  3486. Tadley
  3487. Sywell
  3488. Swanmore
  3489. Sturry
  3490. Stretham
  3491. Strathpeffer
  3492. Stourport-on-Severn
  3493. Stoke upon Tern
  3494. Stockton
  3495. Stanford-le-Hope
  3496. Southwold
  3497. South Norwood
  3498. South Luffenham
  3499. South Hetton
  3500. Silverton
  3501. Sidmouth
  3502. Siddington
  3503. Shirland
  3504. Shepshed
  3505. Sheffield
  3506. Sennen
  3507. Sandbank
  3508. Rottingdean
  3509. Rode Heath
  3510. Riseley
  3511. Rhondda
  3512. Rendlesham
  3513. Redwick
  3514. Rawmarsh
  3515. Rackheath
  3516. Portsmouth
  3517. Portree
  3518. Port Bannatyne
  3519. Ponteland
  3520. Pirton
  3521. Pegswood
  3522. Otford
  3523. Omagh
  3524. Norton
  3525. North Luffenham
  3526. North Ferriby
  3527. Northam
  3528. Newport
  3529. New Cumnock
  3530. Nevern
  3531. Milton Bryan
  3532. Mevagissey
  3533. Marldon
  3534. Mainstone
  3535. Maghera
  3536. Maesteg
  3537. Low Etherley
  3538. Louth
  3539. Llanrug
  3540. Llangybi
  3541. Llandovery
  3542. Little Barford
  3543. Lifton
  3544. Lhanbryde
  3545. Lerwick
  3546. Langham
  3547. Lancaster
  3548. Kirknewton
  3549. Kingswood
  3550. Kilcreggan
  3551. Kibworth Harcourt
  3552. Keswick
  3553. Keith
  3554. Jedburgh
  3555. Ivinghoe
  3556. Hurstpierpoint
  3557. Huntly
  3558. Houghton on the Hill
  3559. Horsmonden
  3560. Hook
  3561. Highgate
  3562. Heage
  3563. Fyfield
  3564. Fitzwilliam
  3565. Fazeley
  3566. Elstow
  3567. Ebbw Vale
  3568. Eastoft
  3569. East Dean
  3570. East Calder
  3571. Dunkeld
  3572. Droitwich
  3573. Doune
  3574. Dolgellau
  3575. Crowle
  3576. Crondall
  3577. Cowbridge
  3578. Corbridge
  3579. Comber
  3580. Codicote
  3581. Clifton
  3582. Charminster
  3583. Caton
  3584. Castle Hedingham
  3585. Cardigan
  3586. Calne
  3587. Burgh by Sands
  3588. Buckingham
  3589. Buckie
  3590. Bryneglwys
  3591. Bruton
  3592. Broxbourne
  3593. Brighstone
  3594. Braunton
  3595. Bramham
  3596. Bow
  3597. Bovey Tracey
  3598. Boston
  3599. Bickley
  3600. Bassingbourn
  3601. Ballymena
  3602. Astwick
  3603. Ashbourne
  3604. Arundel
  3605. Alnwick
  3606. Abernethy
  3607. Aberford
  3608. Aber
  3609. Price Town
  3610. Crouch End
  3611. Kilburn
  3612. Nether Heyford
  3613. Little Hallingbury
  3614. Barnwood
  3615. Isle of Lewis
  3616. Flimwell
  3617. Stakeford
  3618. Addiebrownhill
  3619. Banknock
  3620. Holbeck
  3621. Gipsy Hill
  3622. Llanharry
  3623. Llangynidr
  3624. Llanarth
  3625. Leuchars
  3626. Lennoxtown
  3627. Leeds
  3628. Kinnersley
  3629. Kings Sutton
  3630. Kings Langley
  3631. Kingsland
  3632. Kensington
  3633. Kendal
  3634. Kelty
  3635. Keighley
  3636. Irthlingborough
  3637. Horndon on the Hill
  3638. Holwick
  3639. Hillside
  3640. Higham Ferrers
  3641. Hartley Wintney
  3642. Halsham
  3643. Great Torrington
  3644. Driffield
  3645. Great Barford
  3646. Gosberton
  3647. Gillingham
  3648. Galston
  3649. Flimby
  3650. Fishguard
  3651. Fernhurst
  3652. Exhall
  3653. Enniskillen
  3654. Easington
  3655. Earls Court
  3656. Drybrook
  3657. Draycott
  3658. Dormansland
  3659. Ditchingham
  3660. Disley
  3661. Datchworth
  3662. Cropwell Bishop
  3663. Corsley
  3664. Coalburn
  3665. Chesterfield
  3666. Chelsfield
  3667. Castlereagh
  3668. Burwell
  3669. Bulkington
  3670. Bugbrooke
  3671. Bryn
  3672. Broughton Astley
  3673. Brockhampton
  3674. Briston
  3675. Brecon
  3676. Bramford
  3677. Bow
  3678. Bonnybridge
  3679. Bolton
  3680. Bierton
  3681. Berwick-Upon-Tweed
  3682. Barton-le-Clay
  3683. Balmedie
  3684. Aylesbury
  3685. Auchtermuchty
  3686. Ashington
  3687. Almondsbury
  3688. Airth
  3689. Accrington
  3690. Aboyne
  3691. Aberdour
  3692. Tumble
  3693. Brynna
  3694. Thorpe Hamlet
  3695. Bradley Cross
  3696. Collier Row
  3697. Winscombe
  3698. St Mary's
  3699. Holloway
  3700. Ballintoy Harbour
  3701. Abridge
  3702. Canning Town
  3703. West Horndon
  3704. Wrea Green
  3705. Woolley
  3706. Woodford Green
  3707. Woodbridge
  3708. Wiveliscombe
  3709. Wingate
  3710. Whyteleafe
  3711. Whaplode
  3712. West Coker
  3713. Ware
  3714. Wallasey
  3715. Upper Poppleton
  3716. Ufford
  3717. Tring
  3718. Trewen
  3719. Trefnant
  3720. Thurso
  3721. Thruxton
  3722. Thorne
  3723. Thornbury
  3724. Tempsford
  3725. Tayport
  3726. Tattenhall
  3727. Swanley
  3728. Sutton upon Derwent
  3729. Steeton
  3730. Stainborough
  3731. Spofforth
  3732. Southall
  3733. Smethwick
  3734. Shipham
  3735. Shildon
  3736. Shifnal
  3737. Sherington
  3738. Sedbergh
  3739. Seahouses
  3740. Saltburn-by-the-Sea
  3741. Saint Osyth
  3742. Saint Clears
  3743. Ryton
  3744. Ryhill
  3745. Ruthin
  3746. Renton
  3747. Randalstown
  3748. Ramsey
  3749. Puriton
  3750. Poundstock
  3751. Poringland
  3752. Pontarddulais
  3753. Pencoyd
  3754. Pembury
  3755. Overstrand
  3756. Ossett
  3757. Olney
  3758. Oakengates
  3759. Nutfield
  3760. Notton
  3761. North Wraxall
  3762. Newtownabbey
  3763. Newquay
  3764. Newport
  3765. New Malden
  3766. Newbridge
  3767. Mundesley
  3768. Mullion
  3769. Mintlaw
  3770. Minchinhampton
  3771. Milton Keynes
  3772. Mickleton
  3773. Melbourne
  3774. Masham
  3775. Marston
  3776. Market Warsop
  3777. Long Sutton
  3778. Long Ditton
  3779. Long Clawson
  3780. City of London
  3781. Lockington
  3782. Lochgilphead
  3783. Loanhead
  3784. Llanvaches
  3785. Llangwm
  3786. Wrawby
  3787. Wool
  3788. Woodchurch
  3789. Wolverhampton
  3790. Wold Newton
  3791. Woburn
  3792. Wilmslow
  3793. Wilden
  3794. Wilberfoss
  3795. Whitland
  3796. Whitechapel
  3797. West Hallam
  3798. West Bergholt
  3799. Wendover
  3800. Welton
  3801. Washingborough
  3802. Warsop
  3803. Walkington
  3804. Wainfleet All Saints
  3805. Undy
  3806. Topsham
  3807. Timsbury
  3808. Terrington Saint John
  3809. Tarporley
  3810. Swallowfield
  3811. Sutterton
  3812. Stratfield Mortimer
  3813. Stradbroke
  3814. Stondon
  3815. Stoke Gifford
  3816. Stoke Gabriel
  3817. Stickney
  3818. Steeple Claydon
  3819. Standlake
  3820. Stalybridge
  3821. Southwick
  3822. Shenley Church End
  3823. Sharnbrook
  3824. Sandwick
  3825. Rowley Regis
  3826. Rowlands Gill
  3827. Rhuddlan
  3828. Reepham
  3829. Queensferry
  3830. Prestwick
  3831. Preston
  3832. Poynton
  3833. Potsgrove
  3834. Outwell
  3835. Oakley
  3836. Norbury
  3837. Newtownhamilton
  3838. Newmilns
  3839. New Mills
  3840. Newick
  3841. New Buildings
  3842. Navenby
  3843. Muir of Ord
  3844. Mildenhall
  3845. Milborne Port
  3846. Middleton
  3847. Methven
  3848. Meriden
  3849. Measham
  3850. Maybole
  3851. Lympne
  3852. Lower Bullingham
  3853. Llanrwst
  3854. Llanelli
  3855. Linton upon Ouse
  3856. Leigh
  3857. Largs
  3858. Landewednack
  3859. Kirkby Lonsdale
  3860. Kilbirnie
  3861. Kennington
  3862. Jeffreyston
  3863. Ixworth
  3864. Inverness
  3865. Invergowrie
  3866. Innerleithen
  3867. Inkberrow
  3868. Holton le Clay
  3869. Holtby
  3870. Henlow
  3871. Helpston
  3872. Haswell
  3873. Hale
  3874. Goosnargh
  3875. Glanamman
  3876. Gamlingay
  3877. Gainsborough
  3878. Gainford
  3879. Fulbourn
  3880. Fochriw
  3881. Fleet
  3882. Farnsfield
  3883. Eynsham
  3884. Emsworth
  3885. Embsay
  3886. Elton
  3887. Elderslie
  3888. Edmonton
  3889. Dundee
  3890. Dunblane
  3891. Drumnadrochit
  3892. Dodworth
  3893. Denton
  3894. Denham
  3895. Dartford
  3896. Crick
  3897. Cottesmore
  3898. Coldstream
  3899. Cleethorpes
  3900. Chobham
  3901. Chinnor
  3902. Chingford
  3903. Chilcompton
  3904. Chicklade
  3905. Chew Magna
  3906. Chessington
  3907. Catrine
  3908. Carnforth
  3909. Caistor
  3910. Bursledon
  3911. Bottesford
  3912. Bodmin
  3913. Bodedern
  3914. Birmingham
  3915. Bellingham
  3916. Bedale
  3917. Battlesden
  3918. Basildon
  3919. Barnoldswick
  3920. Bannockburn
  3921. Ballinamallard
  3922. Ashill
  3923. Alderbury
  3924. Acle
  3925. Abernant
  3926. Aberfan
  3927. Aberchirder
  3928. Hundleton
  3929. Abertridwr
  3930. Cheadle Heath
  3931. Bewbush
  3932. Westhill
  3933. Colden Common
  3934. Blacon
  3935. Ingleton
  3936. Isle of Bute
  3937. Isles of Scilly
  3938. Dickens Heath
  3939. Stratton
  3940. Fleckney
  3941. Croy
  3942. Hallglen
  3943. Reddingmuirhead
  3944. Burngreave
  3945. Chaddleworth
  3946. Barkingside
  3947. Rowledge
  3948. Yetminster
  3949. Yalding
  3950. Wragby
  3951. Royal Wootton Bassett
  3952. Woodborough
  3953. Wolsingham
  3954. Witham
  3955. Winterton
  3956. Winterbourne Stoke
  3957. Wingfield
  3958. Willington
  3959. Wickham
  3960. Whitburn
  3961. Wetheral
  3962. West Cornforth
  3963. Walberton
  3964. Towcester
  3965. Sutton Benger
  3966. Strood
  3967. Stone
  3968. Staveley
  3969. Starcross
  3970. Stanmore
  3971. South Petherton
  3972. Snaith
  3973. Sibsey
  3974. Shoreham-by-Sea
  3975. Shillingstone
  3976. Seaford
  3977. St Leonards
  3978. Saint Agnes
  3979. Ruislip
  3980. Riccall
  3981. Rhoose
  3982. Rayne
  3983. Ravenstone
  3984. Rainworth
  3985. Radyr
  3986. Queensferry
  3987. Port Talbot
  3988. Peterculter
  3989. Penrith
  3990. Penmaenmawr
  3991. Pencader
  3992. Pannal
  3993. Orpington
  3994. Newington
  3995. Much Hadham
  3996. Moelfre
  3997. Metheringham
  3998. Meppershall
  3999. Melbourn
  4000. Market Overton
  4001. Market Bosworth
  4002. Marcham
  4003. Lydiard Millicent
  4004. Lutterworth
  4005. Luckington
  4006. Loughborough
  4007. Long Itchington
  4008. Llanwern
  4009. Llangynog
  4010. Llangoed
  4011. Lingdale
  4012. Leysdown-on-Sea
  4013. Leominster
  4014. Lanark
  4015. Kirton
  4016. Kirkconnel
  4017. Kingsbury
  4018. Kinglassie
  4019. Kemsing
  4020. Immingham
  4021. Hythe
  4022. Hucknall
  4023. Hornsey
  4024. Holywell
  4025. Highworth
  4026. High Valleyfield
  4027. Herbrandston
  4028. Hemyock
  4029. Hawick
  4030. Harpole
  4031. Harlington
  4032. Grangemouth
  4033. Grain
  4034. Gorleston-on-Sea
  4035. Golspie
  4036. Glenavy
  4037. Frodsham
  4038. Freshford
  4039. Fremington
  4040. Forth
  4041. Fordham
  4042. Exminster
  4043. Eversholt
  4044. Epworth
  4045. Emley
  4046. Elton
  4047. Dursley
  4048. Durham
  4049. Dufftown
  4050. Donisthorpe
  4051. Donington
  4052. Cuxton
  4053. Cuckfield
  4054. Crossgar
  4055. Cove
  4056. Corse
  4057. Coppull
  4058. Congresbury
  4059. Cockfield
  4060. Clutton
  4061. Honeybourne
  4062. Chilworth
  4063. Charlton
  4064. Charing
  4065. Chagford
  4066. Castlethorpe
  4067. Carshalton
  4068. Carluke
  4069. Carlton
  4070. Caister-on-Sea
  4071. Burghead
  4072. Broughton
  4073. Boxted
  4074. Borth
  4075. Bickenhill
  4076. Beaumaris
  4077. Baston
  4078. Barlestone
  4079. Bankfoot
  4080. Bangor
  4081. Balfron
  4082. Ardrishaig
  4083. Alston
  4084. Albrighton
  4085. Addlestone
  4086. Charlestown of Aberlour
  4087. Abbotts Ann
  4088. Llangynog
  4089. Fontwell
  4090. Soho
  4091. Westcliff-on-Sea
  4092. Gossops Green
  4093. Amersham on the Hill
  4094. Cranham
  4095. Chafford Hundred
  4096. South Croydon
  4097. Chapel Allerton
  4098. Ash
  4099. Donnington
  4100. Bilston
  4101. Hameldon Hill
  4102. Fetcham
  4103. Danderhall
  4104. Old Woking
  4105. Brightons
  4106. Seafield
  4107. Vale of Leven
  4108. Saint Andrews Quay
  4109. Cwmtillery
  4110. Wiston
  4111. Wimblington
  4112. Willand
  4113. Wick
  4114. Whitehead
  4115. West Bromwich
  4116. Wendron
  4117. Wellow
  4118. Watlington
  4119. Warminster
  4120. Wandsworth
  4121. Walthamstow
  4122. Waddington
  4123. Upton upon Severn
  4124. Upchurch
  4125. Tuxford
  4126. Trimdon
  4127. Totton
  4128. Tickencote
  4129. Tibshelf
  4130. Thornhill
  4131. Templecombe
  4132. Swindon
  4133. Sunningdale
  4134. Streatham
  4135. Stoke Prior
  4136. Staveley
  4137. Stanwell
  4138. Slough
  4139. Skidby
  4140. Sittingbourne
  4141. Silsoe
  4142. Shrewton
  4143. Sheringham
  4144. Salford
  4145. St. Day
  4146. Ryhope
  4147. Roydon
  4148. Ross on Wye
  4149. Rosehearty
  4150. Rochester
  4151. Ripon
  4152. Rimswell
  4153. Reedham
  4154. Raunds
  4155. Queensbury
  4156. Prestwich
  4157. Pott Shrigley
  4158. Potterspury
  4159. Petworth
  4160. Perranporth
  4161. Owston Ferry
  4162. Northleach
  4163. Northborough
  4164. New Tredegar
  4165. Newtown
  4166. Newmains
  4167. Newchurch
  4168. Newcastle Emlyn
  4169. Motcombe
  4170. Moreton in Marsh
  4171. Modbury
  4172. Methley
  4173. Merthyr Tydfil
  4174. Melton Mowbray
  4175. Meldon
  4176. Manningtree
  4177. Luddenden Foot
  4178. Low Bradley
  4179. Longstanton
  4180. Lofthouse
  4181. Llanddarog
  4182. Lisnaskea
  4183. Leasingham
  4184. Lauder
  4185. Knowsley
  4186. Kirton in Lindsey
  4187. Kirk Sandall
  4188. Kirkleatham
  4189. Kirkby in Ashfield
  4190. Kingswood
  4191. Kingsbridge
  4192. Johnston
  4193. Iver
  4194. Holsworthy
  4195. Hertford
  4196. Hemel Hempstead
  4197. Hayfield
  4198. Harefield
  4199. Halton
  4200. Halton
  4201. Hadlow
  4202. Hadley
  4203. Greenock
  4204. Greenford
  4205. Greenfield
  4206. Great Waldingfield
  4207. Goodwick
  4208. Full Sutton
  4209. Frampton on Severn
  4210. Foulsham
  4211. Flamborough
  4212. Fintona
  4213. Filey
  4214. Ferndale
  4215. Felton
  4216. Faversham
  4217. Evesham
  4218. Elland
  4219. Edworth
  4220. Eastleigh
  4221. Duns
  4222. Dundrum
  4223. Dunbar
  4224. Dreghorn
  4225. Downton
  4226. Downside
  4227. Delph
  4228. Cumbernauld
  4229. Crewe
  4230. Cranfield
  4231. Cowes
  4232. Cottingham
  4233. Conisbrough
  4234. Coningsby
  4235. Cold Ash
  4236. Cliffe
  4237. Clenchwarton
  4238. Chichester
  4239. Chertsey
  4240. Cawston
  4241. Castleford
  4242. Castle Cary
  4243. Carfin
  4244. Carcroft
  4245. Calverton
  4246. Cadnam
  4247. Buxton
  4248. Bushey
  4249. Burton Joyce
  4250. Broadway
  4251. Bredbury
  4252. Boxgrove
  4253. Bournemouth
  4254. Boston Spa
  4255. The Boldons
  4256. Blaydon-on-Tyne
  4257. Blairgowrie
  4258. Bingham
  4259. Bassingham
  4260. Barnham
  4261. Barnetby le Wold
  4262. Barmston
  4263. Ballykelly
  4264. Bainton
  4265. Bagworth
  4266. Awsworth
  4267. Astwood Bank
  4268. Askham Richard
  4269. Ashton in Makerfield
  4270. Appley Bridge
  4271. Alnmouth
  4272. Abingdon
  4273. Cwmbach
  4274. Whitley
  4275. East Keswick
  4276. Clerkenwell
  4277. Chalk Farm
  4278. Battersea
  4279. Hainault
  4280. Failsworth
  4281. Husborne Crawley
  4282. Lower Earley
  4283. Bedlinog
  4284. Menstrie
  4285. Isle of Islay
  4286. Norbiton
  4287. Highams Park
  4288. Windygates
  4289. Logan
  4290. Gronant
  4291. Keyworth
  4292. Greasby
  4293. Brockley
  4294. Coaltown of Balgonie
  4295. Hale Barns
  4296. Yarnton
  4297. Wylam
  4298. Woolwich
  4299. Wolston
  4300. Witheridge
  4301. Wingham
  4302. Wilsford
  4303. Wickham
  4304. Wick
  4305. Whitehills
  4306. Wheatley
  4307. Weston-super-Mare
  4308. Westcott
  4309. Weobley
  4310. Welford
  4311. Warkworth
  4312. Wansford
  4313. Upton
  4314. Ulley
  4315. Treuddyn
  4316. Trafford Park
  4317. Townhill
  4318. Tarbert
  4319. Tandragee
  4320. Swillington
  4321. Swaffham
  4322. Sturminster Marshall
  4323. Streatley
  4324. Strabane
  4325. Stoney Stanton
  4326. Stoke-on-Trent
  4327. Stock
  4328. Stevington
  4329. South Milford
  4330. South Bank
  4331. Shipton under Wychwood
  4332. Saint Davids
  4333. Saint Bees
  4334. St Albans
  4335. Ruyton-XI-Towns
  4336. Robertsbridge
  4337. Pyle
  4338. Princetown
  4339. Princes Risborough
  4340. Porthcawl
  4341. Portavogie
  4342. Pocklington
  4343. Plympton
  4344. Peakirk
  4345. Padstow
  4346. Otterburn
  4347. Newton Ferrers
  4348. New Milton
  4349. Nettleton
  4350. Neston
  4351. Neilston
  4352. Neath
  4353. Nantwich
  4354. Montrose
  4355. Milford
  4356. Mickleton
  4357. Melksham
  4358. Matlock
  4359. Marks Tey
  4360. Manton
  4361. Manchester
  4362. Maesycwmmer
  4363. Derry
  4364. Lochgelly
  4365. Llanwinio
  4366. Llangybi
  4367. Llangain
  4368. Llanbradach
  4369. Limpley Stoke
  4370. Law
  4371. Llangwm
  4372. Langholm
  4373. Landore
  4374. Kingsclere
  4375. Kenn
  4376. Jordanstown
  4377. Iwade
  4378. Inverurie
  4379. Huddersfield
  4380. Horton Kirby
  4381. Hibaldstow
  4382. Heslington
  4383. Hellifield
  4384. Heckmondwike
  4385. Hatton
  4386. Harvington
  4387. Harrietsham
  4388. Harleston
  4389. Hailsham
  4390. Hagley
  4391. Guisborough
  4392. Gresford
  4393. Goxhill
  4394. Goostrey
  4395. Glusburn
  4396. Gedney Hill
  4397. Forres
  4398. Finchampstead
  4399. Ffestiniog
  4400. Felbridge
  4401. Exton
  4402. Edgworth
  4403. Duloe
  4404. Dukinfield
  4405. Ducklington
  4406. Dorking
  4407. Doagh
  4408. Dinas Powys
  4409. Darfield
  4410. Culcheth
  4411. Cranford
  4412. Cowbit
  4413. Cotgrave
  4414. Cold Ashton
  4415. Clayton
  4416. Chislehurst
  4417. Cheddar
  4418. Cheadle Hulme
  4419. Carnlough
  4420. Caergwrle
  4421. Burtonwood
  4422. Burstwick
  4423. Burscough
  4424. Broughton
  4425. Bridgwater
  4426. Bridge of Weir
  4427. Brent Knoll
  4428. Brenchley
  4429. Bream
  4430. Brayton
  4431. Braintree
  4432. Bishopton
  4433. Beith
  4434. Barnt Green
  4435. Ayr
  4436. Aylesford
  4437. Ashton-under-Lyne
  4438. Ashford
  4439. Ash
  4440. Annan
  4441. Alresford
  4442. Almondbank
  4443. Benllech
  4444. Overcombe
  4445. Tywyn
  4446. Yateley
  4447. Didsbury
  4448. Longsight
  4449. Chorlton
  4450. Larkfield
  4451. Kempston Hardwick
  4452. Denmead
  4453. Tweedbank
  4454. Tal-y-bont
  4455. East Sheen
  4456. Redding
  4457. Grayshott
  4458. Stamford Hill
  4459. Hardwick Village
  4460. Ystradgynlais
  4461. Ystalyfera
  4462. Wymeswold
  4463. Wye
  4464. Wrington
  4465. Workington
  4466. Withernsea
  4467. Witchford
  4468. Willenhall
  4469. Wheathampstead
  4470. Westgate on Sea
  4471. Westbury
  4472. West Bridgford
  4473. Wareham
  4474. Warboys
  4475. Urmston
  4476. Upminster
  4477. Ulrome
  4478. Tregaron
  4479. Thirsk
  4480. Terrington St Clement
  4481. Talgarth
  4482. Swanage
  4483. Sundridge
  4484. Stevenston
  4485. Stallingborough
  4486. Sleaford
  4487. Skelton
  4488. Skelton
  4489. Skelmersdale
  4490. Skellingthorpe
  4491. Selkirk
  4492. Seascale
  4493. Saundersfoot
  4494. Saint Monans
  4495. Rothienorman
  4496. Rode
  4497. Roade
  4498. Remenham
  4499. Reepham
  4500. Rawtenstall
  4501. Ramsbury
  4502. Purfleet-on-Thames
  4503. Prudhoe
  4504. Prestbury
  4505. Potterne
  4506. Portknockie
  4507. Pontyberem
  4508. Pickworth
  4509. Okehampton
  4510. Oakley
  4511. Newton Abbot
  4512. Nelson
  4513. Mouldsworth
  4514. Mochdre
  4515. Mickle Trafford
  4516. Merstham
  4517. Lund
  4518. Longforgan
  4519. Londesborough
  4520. Lochwinnoch
  4521. Llanilar
  4522. Liversedge
  4523. Littlebourne
  4524. Limehouse
  4525. Leeswood
  4526. Lamlash
  4527. Kirkintilloch
  4528. Kidlington
  4529. Kidderminster
  4530. Hyde
  4531. Horbury
  4532. Hitchin
  4533. Hinckley
  4534. Hemingford Grey
  4535. Heighington
  4536. Heckington
  4537. Hebburn
  4538. Heanor
  4539. Hatfield Heath
  4540. Harrow
  4541. Halifax
  4542. Greenhead
  4543. Goodmayes
  4544. Friston
  4545. Frinton-on-Sea
  4546. Flore
  4547. Flint
  4548. Ferrybridge
  4549. Ewhurst
  4550. Everton
  4551. Emberton
  4552. Eggleston
  4553. Edwinstowe
  4554. Eccleshall
  4555. East Leake
  4556. East Ham
  4557. East Grinstead
  4558. Dungiven
  4559. Dromore
  4560. Downham Market
  4561. Cromford
  4562. Cowley
  4563. Cottenham
  4564. Cookley
  4565. Cookham
  4566. Collingbourne Kingston
  4567. Coalisland
  4568. Clive
  4569. Cleland
  4570. Cherry Burton
  4571. Chard
  4572. Chalfont St Giles
  4573. Caterham
  4574. Carmunnock
  4575. Burley in Wharfedale
  4576. Bugle
  4577. Brompton
  4578. Broadstairs
  4579. Brierfield
  4580. Bradwell
  4581. Bradninch
  4582. Boyton
  4583. Bowes
  4584. Bonhill
  4585. Blidworth
  4586. Bishop Auckland
  4587. Belfast
  4588. Barrhead
  4589. Barking
  4590. Ashby-de-la-Zouch
  4591. Andover
  4592. Ampthill
  4593. Ammanford
  4594. Altrincham
  4595. Acocks Green
  4596. Abbey Dore
  4597. Steynton
  4598. Clifford
  4599. Barlby
  4600. Becontree
  4601. Winterbourne
  4602. Bordon
  4603. Woodbury
  4604. Whiston
  4605. Eaglescliffe
  4606. Ruardean
  4607. Iver Heath
  4608. North Duffield
  4609. High Peak
  4610. Merriott
  4611. Hinton
  4612. Greenham
  4613. Sheerwater
  4614. St Just
  4615. Ailsworth
  4616. Drongan
  4617. Cruden Bay
  4618. Wortley
  4619. Witton Gilbert
  4620. Wilton
  4621. Whitworth
  4622. West Calder
  4623. West Byfleet
  4624. Wardle
  4625. Walkern
  4626. Uddingston
  4627. Treorchy
  4628. Toddington
  4629. Thorp Arch
  4630. Thornton
  4631. Tavistock
  4632. Takeley
  4633. Sunninghill
  4634. Stow on the Wold
  4635. South Nutfield
  4636. South Benfleet
  4637. Southampton
  4638. Skegness
  4639. Scalby
  4640. St Ives
  4641. Saint Cyrus
  4642. Renfrew
  4643. Radcliffe on Trent
  4644. Pulloxhill
  4645. Publow
  4646. Plumstead
  4647. Pitsea
  4648. Pershore
  4649. Ottringham
  4650. Old Kilpatrick
  4651. North Newbald
  4652. Newbridge
  4653. Mobberley
  4654. Milnrow
  4655. Millport
  4656. Milford on Sea
  4657. Mexborough
  4658. Melling
  4659. Market Weighton
  4660. Macclesfield
  4661. Mablethorpe
  4662. Lostwithiel
  4663. Longnor
  4664. Locking
  4665. Llansadwrn
  4666. Llanfachraeth
  4667. Llanarth
  4668. Littlehampton
  4669. Langho
  4670. Lamberhurst
  4671. Kirkburton
  4672. King's Lynn
  4673. Kingskerswell
  4674. Kilmaurs
  4675. Kidsgrove
  4676. Keady
  4677. Islington
  4678. Ilkeston
  4679. Hythe
  4680. Humber
  4681. Houghton Regis
  4682. Horley
  4683. Haxby
  4684. Hawthorn
  4685. Havant
  4686. Hassocks
  4687. Harrold
  4688. Halling
  4689. Halkirk
  4690. Hackleton
  4691. Great Missenden
  4692. Gravesend
  4693. Fort William
  4694. Forest Row
  4695. Falkland
  4696. Eyton upon the Weald Moors
  4697. Edgmond
  4698. Eccleston
  4699. East Dereham
  4700. Dymchurch
  4701. Dundonald
  4702. Dronfield
  4703. Dove Holes
  4704. Cushendall
  4705. Cuddington
  4706. Cranbrook
  4707. Corsham
  4708. Compton Martin
  4709. Coity
  4710. Codford
  4711. Chetwynd
  4712. Catterall
  4713. Carrington
  4714. Callander
  4715. Busby
  4716. Burringham
  4717. Bridge
  4718. Brandesburton
  4719. Bower Chalke
  4720. Bottesford
  4721. Bishops Lydeard
  4722. Bircotes
  4723. Billinghay
  4724. Bethesda
  4725. Bentley
  4726. Benson
  4727. Bellaghy
  4728. Bearsden
  4729. Alford
  4730. Camber
  4731. Bowthorpe
  4732. Eight Ash Green
  4733. Peaslake
  4734. Chiseldon
  4735. Isle Of Mull
  4736. Seer Green
  4737. Deeside
  4738. Cheswick Green
  4739. Ynysybwl
  4740. Allanton
  4741. Faifley
  4742. Maxwellheugh
  4743. Washwood Heath
  4744. Basford
  4745. Wootton
  4746. Woodstock
  4747. Wilsden
  4748. Widnes
  4749. Whitwell
  4750. Whitstable
  4751. Water Orton
  4752. Waddington
  4753. Uxbridge
  4754. Tottenham
  4755. Tipton
  4756. Tickton
  4757. Thames Ditton
  4758. Tadcaster
  4759. Syston
  4760. Swineshead
  4761. Stroud
  4762. Stonehouse
  4763. Steyning
  4764. Speldhurst
  4765. Sonning
  4766. Somersham
  4767. Shirley
  4768. Shevington
  4769. Shenstone
  4770. Shadoxhurst
  4771. Selsey
  4772. Sedgefield
  4773. Sandford
  4774. St Austell
  4775. Saint Andrews
  4776. Rothley
  4777. Rotherfield Peppard
  4778. Rokeby
  4779. Rillington
  4780. Queenborough
  4781. Potters Bar
  4782. Portrush
  4783. Porth
  4784. Pontyates
  4785. Pontefract
  4786. Pembroke Dock
  4787. Parbold
  4788. Newton Longville
  4789. Newcastle upon Tyne
  4790. New Alresford
  4791. Nether Stowey
  4792. Muggleswick
  4793. Much Wenlock
  4794. Mossend
  4795. Moreton
  4796. Morchard Bishop
  4797. Menai Bridge
  4798. Marstow
  4799. Marholm
  4800. Maldon
  4801. Longhorsley
  4802. Long Buckby
  4803. Llantwit Fardre
  4804. Llandrindod Wells
  4805. Llandrillo
  4806. Llanberis
  4807. Little Bookham
  4808. Litherland
  4809. Landrake
  4810. Knebworth
  4811. Kirriemuir
  4812. Kirkby Stephen
  4813. Kirkby
  4814. Kington
  4815. Kingston Seymour
  4816. Kincardine
  4817. Kilpin
  4818. Killamarsh
  4819. Keresley
  4820. Kempsey
  4821. Kelvedon Hatch
  4822. Horton
  4823. Holt
  4824. Hilton
  4825. Hillingdon
  4826. Highclere
  4827. Harlesden
  4828. Hapton
  4829. Great Yarmouth
  4830. Godshill
  4831. Glyncorrwg
  4832. Gargrave
  4833. Framlingham
  4834. Flockton
  4835. Fimber
  4836. Fauldhouse
  4837. Eaton Bray
  4838. East Wemyss
  4839. Easington
  4840. Ealing
  4841. Dundonald
  4842. Dumfries
  4843. Duffield
  4844. Dollar
  4845. Ditchling
  4846. Crynant
  4847. Cogenhoe
  4848. Cockenzie
  4849. Chipping Ongar
  4850. Chicksands
  4851. Chicheley
  4852. Castlerock
  4853. Camborne
  4854. Camberley
  4855. Cairneyhill
  4856. Butcombe
  4857. Burnley
  4858. Bulford
  4859. Bude
  4860. Bucknell
  4861. Buckley
  4862. Buckden
  4863. Broughton
  4864. Bromyard
  4865. Brentwood
  4866. Bremhill
  4867. Bramley
  4868. Bramhall
  4869. Boosbeck
  4870. Bishopstoke
  4871. Bicester
  4872. Bellshill
  4873. Baslow
  4874. Ballyclare
  4875. Ballater
  4876. Balerno
  4877. Bala
  4878. Baildon
  4879. Atworth
  4880. Appleton
  4881. Amble
  4882. Alsager
  4883. Aldershot
  4884. Alderley Edge
  4885. Acton
  4886. Abergavenny
  4887. Three Crosses
  4888. Hook
  4889. Blackwood
  4890. Kesgrave
  4891. Kennington
  4892. Wychbold
  4893. Shadwell
  4894. Ditton Hill
  4895. Crumpsall
  4896. Greenfield
  4897. Barra
  4898. Fairlands
  4899. Stenhousemuir
  4900. Monkhams
  4901. North Anston
  4902. Wroxall
  4903. Wishaw
  4904. Whitchurch
  4905. Wheldrake
  4906. Westbury
  4907. Warrington
  4908. West Wickham
  4909. Wanborough
  4910. Usk
  4911. Uny Lelant
  4912. Uffculme
  4913. Tyberton
  4914. Trawsfynydd
  4915. Todwick
  4916. Tinwell
  4917. Thornton
  4918. Tenby
  4919. Teignmouth
  4920. Tamworth
  4921. Swineshead
  4922. Sutton Bonington
  4923. Upper Stoke
  4924. Stannington
  4925. Stanhope
  4926. Stanford in the Vale
  4927. Spalding
  4928. Sowerby Bridge
  4929. Southowram
  4930. Skelton
  4931. Sherburn Hill
  4932. Shepton Mallet
  4933. Shelley
  4934. Shaw
  4935. Sanquhar
  4936. Saintfield
  4937. Sacriston
  4938. Romsey
  4939. Ridgmont
  4940. Ravenstone
  4941. Purton
  4942. Plymstock
  4943. Petersfield
  4944. Partington
  4945. Otley
  4946. Orwell
  4947. Oldmeldrum
  4948. Ocle Pychard
  4949. Norwich
  4950. Newtown St Boswells
  4951. Newburgh
  4952. Newbiggin
  4953. Netheravon
  4954. Mytholmroyd
  4955. Moretonhampstead
  4956. Misterton
  4957. Milnathort
  4958. Maryport
  4959. Marston Moretaine
  4960. Marsden
  4961. Marlow
  4962. Marazion
  4963. Machynlleth
  4964. Little Paxton
  4965. Royal Leamington Spa
  4966. Kintbury
  4967. Kinloss
  4968. Kilburn
  4969. Keynsham
  4970. Kegworth
  4971. Ingatestone
  4972. Ince Blundell
  4973. Ilfracombe
  4974. Hunwick
  4975. Hook
  4976. Holywood
  4977. Holborn
  4978. Hemsworth
  4979. Helston
  4980. Helland
  4981. Heacham
  4982. Hawkinge
  4983. Hatfield
  4984. Hatfield
  4985. Harlech
  4986. Great Leighs
  4987. Greatham
  4988. Great Coates
  4989. Great Amwell
  4990. Gilford
  4991. Gilberdyke
  4992. Fivemiletown
  4993. Farnham
  4994. Enfield Lock
  4995. Eastwood
  4996. Retford
  4997. East Molesey
  4998. East Harptree
  4999. East Harling
  5000. Earith
  5001. Dingwall
  5002. Dersingham
  5003. Darenth
  5004. Danbury
  5005. Cullingworth
  5006. Crumlin
  5007. Cricklewood
  5008. Corsenside
  5009. Copmanthorpe
  5010. Consett
  5011. Colsterworth
  5012. Clowne
  5013. Camerton
  5014. Bures Saint Mary
  5015. Buntingford
  5016. Brownhills
  5017. Broseley
  5018. Brooke
  5019. Bromborough
  5020. Brinscall
  5021. Brill
  5022. Brigg
  5023. Bridgnorth
  5024. Bridgend
  5025. Bozeat
  5026. Blunham
  5027. Blaby
  5028. Bishop's Castle
  5029. Billericay
  5030. Bere Alston
  5031. Aston
  5032. Aspatria
  5033. Adwick le Street
  5034. Acomb
  5035. Acklington
  5036. Southgate
  5037. Muirhead
  5038. Gerrards Cross
  5039. Clayton-le-Woods
  5040. Belmont
  5041. Curdworth
  5042. Hadley Wood
  5043. Crystal Palace
  5044. Bodle Street
  5045. Grange-over-Sands
  5046. Balsall Common
  5047. Murton
  5048. Ovington
  5049. Nanpean
  5050. Penyffordd
  5051. Lee
  5052. Stanton Drew
  5053. Monkton Farleigh
  5054. Manor Park
  5055. Milton of Leys
  5056. Plains
  5057. Netherlee
  5058. Archway
  5059. Old Harlow
  5060. Perry Vale
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda