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  8. <title>RSS Data Storage</title>
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  10. <description>Data Storage</description>
  11. <lastBuildDate>Mon, 15 May 2023 09:16:31 +0000</lastBuildDate>
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  15. <item>
  16. <title>Data Storage Structure</title>
  17. <description>As a result of the development of the chapter &#039; s materials, students should know - classification of models and methods of storage and retrieval of data; basic design and operation of banks and databases; their assignment and ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/bezopasniy_sposob_obmena_i_hraneniya_dannih.png" alt="Безопасный способ обмена и хранения данных с использованием" align="left" /><p>As a result of the development of the chapter ' s materials, students should know - classification of models and methods of storage and retrieval of data; basic design and operation of banks and databases; their assignment and functions; - the basis for building and operating information systems; and knowledge bases; work with information systems in database management; work with information in global computer networks and corporate data collection Data storage models and techniques exist both in the economy and in other areas, objects that need to be stored and all relate to each other in a variety of ways. For the data storage area to be considered as a base. ♪ ♪.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  19. <category><![CDATA[Data Storage Structures]]></category>
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  22. <pubDate>Mon, 15 May 2023 09:16:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>Remarks For Temporary Storage Of Scanwords</title>
  26. <description>The basic layout of computer parts and the connection between them are called architecture. The computer architecture describes the composition of its component, the principles of its interaction, and their functions and ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/preparat_vivodyashiy_toksini_iz_organizma_krossvordi.jpg" alt="Препарат, выводящий токсины из организма | Кроссворды, Сканворды" align="left" /><p>The basic layout of computer parts and the connection between them are called architecture. The computer architecture describes the composition of its component, the principles of its interaction, and their functions and characteristics. Virtually all universal computers reflect the classic neuman architecture presented in the scheme. This scheme is very common for both microwaves and miniwaways and general-purpose computers. Rhys. 1 Personal computer architecture, see the devices more detailed. The main part of the system fee, a microprocessor (MP) or CPU (Central Processing Unit), manages the work of all PK units and a programme describing the algorithm of the task to be addressed. MP has a complex structure in the form of electronic logical frameworks. The component can be distinguished by: A. ALU is an arithmetic and logical device designed to perform arithmetic and logical transactions of data and memory addresses; B. Registers or microprocessory memory - super-operative memory working at the speed of the processor - ALU works with them; B. UO - control device - managing all IP knots by designing and transferring to other parts of the IP control impulses from the quartz tactical generator, which begins to vibrate at constant frequency (100 MHz, 200-400 MHz) when the PK is activated. These fluctuation and the speed of the entire system fee; G. The interruption system is a special registry describing the status of the IP, allowing the interruption of the work of the IP at any time for the immediate processing of a given request, or in turn setting it up; after processing the request, the PPM ensures the recovery of the interrupted process; D. The common tyre control device is an interface system. A mathematical co-processor who serves to expand the recruitment of MPs may be added to enhance the capacity of PCs and enhance the functionality of the microprocessor. For example, the IBM-to-joint PK co-processor empowers the IP for floating calculations; the co-processor in local networks (LAN-processor) expands the IP functions in local networks. Processor characteristics: quick action (productivity, tactical frequency) - number of transactions per second.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Data Storage Types]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Thu, 11 May 2023 07:12:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>Databases Are For Storage And Processing</title>
  35. <description>The enterprise &#039; s use of centralized data storage and processing systems tends to result in an increased level of performance information. In addition to the technical difficulties associated with the maintenance of additional ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/dannie_bazi_dannih.jpg" alt="Данные, базы данных" align="left" /><p>The enterprise ' s use of centralized data storage and processing systems tends to result in an increased level of performance information. In addition to the technical difficulties associated with the maintenance of additional server equipment, the cost of information as a resource is also increasing. It is also important to see the issue of security, the complexity of which increases as the volume of the data warehouse increases. The use of a database storage system as a separate element of the computing complex allows for faster access to and preservation of information...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Data Processing Methods]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Mon, 01 May 2023 07:08:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Employee</title>
  44. <description>The personal data of the employees include not only information generated during the work process, but also any other information concerning the personal life of both the staff member and his family. As for the personal data of ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/zashita_personalnih_dannih_rabotnika_otvetstvennost_za.jpg" alt="Защита персональных данных работника. Ответственность за" align="left" /><p>The personal data of the employees include not only information generated during the work process, but also any other information concerning the personal life of both the staff member and his family. As for the personal data of the worker, the law clearly defines the concept of personal data. Regulation and control in this area is important to both the employer and the firm ' s employee. Personal data in accordance with article 3 of Federal Act No. 152 on personal data are information that is relevant to a citizen ' s particular or determined on the basis of such information, including his name, name and, if any, his or her father ' s name; year, month, date and place of birth; address of registration; family, social and property status; education and specialty; income and other information...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  46. <category><![CDATA[Data Storage Types]]></category>
  47. <link></link>
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  49. <pubDate>Mon, 01 May 2023 07:08:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>Personal Data Storage</title>
  53. <description>provisions for the storage and protection of personal data of users 1 are deactivated. The terms and definitions of the Site are the sum of software and hardware for computers that provide for the publication of common purpose ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/oformit_polozhenie_o_zashite_personalnih_dannih.jpg" alt="оформить Положение о защите персональных данных сотрудников" align="left" /><p>provisions for the storage and protection of personal data of users 1 are deactivated. The terms and definitions of the Site are the sum of software and hardware for computers that provide for the publication of common purpose information and data by means of technical means used to link computers on the Internet. The Agreement refers to Site, on the Internet, at: The user is the user of the Internet and, in particular, Saita, who has his home page (profil/account). Federal Law (FZ) - Federal Act No...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[Storage Of Personal Data]]></category>
  56. <link></link>
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  58. <pubDate>Mon, 01 May 2023 07:08:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Data Storage Forms</title>
  62. <description>The only storage unit in the file may be: an article, a card, a sheet of paper, affixed or removed, a cover, a note, a magazine, a record of the EMS. Depending on the type of card, the shape of the card is changed. It could be a ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/o_proekte_otkritaya_pochva.gif" alt="О проекте Открытая почва" align="left" /><p>The only storage unit in the file may be: an article, a card, a sheet of paper, affixed or removed, a cover, a note, a magazine, a record of the EMS. Depending on the type of card, the shape of the card is changed. It could be a card box, paper files and articles, notes, computer databases. One of the main requirements for the card is the easy reading of the text. This natural requirement is not always met if the printing machine is not used. When CARTOC CARTOC POLICY is completed, it's very important to use the FUEL MASHINE...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Data Storage Types]]></category>
  65. <link></link>
  66. <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  67. <pubDate>Mon, 01 May 2023 07:08:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>Programme And Data Management Response</title>
  71. <description>Beginning &quot; Lecturer  &quot; [Director][Tesses][Tempire System] TEST 1. Computer is an electronic computing device for the processing of chips; a device for the storage of any type of information; a multifunctional electronic device ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/chitat_besplatno_knigu_komputer_dlya_vracha.jpg" alt="Читать бесплатно книгу Компьютер для врача, Виталий Герасевич (4-я" align="left" /><p>Beginning " Lecturer  " [Director][Tesses][Tempire System] TEST 1. Computer is an electronic computing device for the processing of chips; a device for the storage of any type of information; a multifunctional electronic device for handling information; analog signals. 2. The production of the computer (operational speed) depends on: the size of the monitor screen; the tactical frequency of the processor; the power voltage; the speed of clavicle application; the volume of information processed. 3. The tactical frequency of the processor is: the number of binary operations carried out by the processor per unit of time; the number of tactics performed by the processor per unit of time; the number of possible applications by the processor to operational memory per unit of time; the rate of exchange of information between the processor and the input/outcommission device; and the rate of exchange of information between the processor and the MANPA. 4. The "weather" manifold is a device: information input; modulation and demodulation; information reading; to connect the printer to the computer. 5. The permanent memorial device serves: storage of the user ' s programme during work; recording of particularly valuable applications; storage of ongoing programmes; storage of initial computer uploading programmes and testing of its nodes; continuous storage of particularly valuable documents. 6. For long-term storage of information, it is: operational memory; processor; magnetic disk; disk drive. 7. The storage of information on external media differs from the storage of information in operational memory: that information can be stored on external media after the power of the computer is disconnected; the level of storage of information; the possibility of protecting information; and the means of accessing stored information. 8. The application is stored in videotapes; in the processor; in operational memory; in the ELV.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Storage Devices]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Sat, 29 Apr 2023 05:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>Serial Data Storage Systems</title>
  80. <description>Increase the capacity of powerEdge data storage systems by means of the hull of the data storage system with the highest density, Dell Storage M1280, which has a capacity exceeding the capacity of previous generations* by 40 per ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/proekt_firmi_asubp_kupit_po_nizkoy.jpg" alt="Проект фирмы АСУБП купить по низкой цене в интернет-магазине ДАР" align="left" /><p>Increase the capacity of powerEdge data storage systems by means of the hull of the data storage system with the highest density, Dell Storage M1280, which has a capacity exceeding the capacity of previous generations* by 40 per cent. Decision MD1280 is operated by JBOD (normal disc group). A simple and convenient increase in the capacity of the PowerEdge data storage system, which is characterized by an excellent price for the hygabyte of the Dell solution. Use the possibility of scaling up MD1280 to 168 discs using two hulls and use disks with different speeds to form a solution that fully meets the highest productivity requirements.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Systems]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Wed, 19 Apr 2023 04:43:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>Alignment Of Personal Data Storage</title>
  89. <description>Inside_brn Pichet: PS: A complaint has already been submitted to the CB. Not there... Article 8. Rights of the subject of credit history 1. The subject of credit history has the right to obtain in the Central Credit Story the ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/soglasie_na_obrabotku_personalnih_dannih_skachat.jpg" alt="Согласие на обработку персональных данных: скачать образец бланка" align="left" /><p>Inside_brn Pichet: PS: A complaint has already been submitted to the CB. Not there... Article 8. Rights of the subject of credit history 1. The subject of credit history has the right to obtain in the Central Credit Story the information on which credit history bureau is stored. 2. The subject of credit history is entitled to every credit bureau with a credit history that holds a credit history, free of charge once a year, and any number of times for a fee without reasons to obtain a credit report on its credit history, including with the information accumulated under this Federal Act on the sources of credit history and the users of credit history that have been issued credit reports...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  91. <category><![CDATA[Storage Of Personal Data]]></category>
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  94. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 08:23:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Data Storage System Ibm Storwize V3700</title>
  98. <description>Last month, a new generation of Storwize v5000 Gen2 from IBM became known. Now the model series of systems includes three main models, this is v5010, v5020, v5030. Each of the models differs in hardware and in the presence or ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/sistema_hraneniya_dannih_ibm_storwize_v3700.jpg" alt="Система хранения данных IBM Storwize V3700" align="left" /><p>Last month, a new generation of Storwize v5000 Gen2 from IBM became known. Now the model series of systems includes three main models, this is v5010, v5020, v5030. Each of the models differs in hardware and in the presence or absence of certain functions. However, all models now support the installation of FC 16Gb daughter cards, and it is also possible to equip any of the SAS 12G host-port models (in V5000 there is no such possibility). IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for Storwize V50x0 V7.6.1 is immediately worth saying...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Systems]]></category>
  101. <link></link>
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  103. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 08:23:00 +0000</pubDate>
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